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1. The question paper contains three sections.
2. Section A has 25 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
4. Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.
This section consists of 25 multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 20
questions. In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, Only first 20 will
be considered for evaluation.
1 Which of the following crystals does not exhibit Frenkel defect?
a) ZnS b) AgCl c) KCl d) AgBr
2 A non-ideal solution was prepared by mixing 30mL of chloroform and 50 mL of acetone.
The volume of the mixture of solution will be
(a ) Less than 80Ml (b) Greater than 80 mL
(c) Equal to 80 mL (d) can’t be defined
3 The correct order of boiling point of the alcohols is
(a) 3-methylbuan-2-ol > 2-methylbutan-2-ol > pentan-1-ol
(b) Pentan-1-ol > 3-methylbutan-2-ol > 2-methylbutan-2-ol
(c) 2-methylbutan-2-ol > 3-methylbutan-2-ol > pentan-1-ol
(d) 2-methylbutan-2-ol > pental-1-ol > 3-methylbutan-2-ol
4 CCl4 molecules are held in the crystal lattice by
(a) dipole dipole interactions (b) London dispersion forces
(c) columbic forces (c) dipole –induced dipole interactions
5 Which of the following has the greatest tendency for catenation?
(a) oxygen (b) sulphur (c) selenium (d) telluroum
6 Which of the following aryl halides is the most reactive towards nucleophilic
7 The correct order of packing efficiency in different types of unit cells is
(a) fcc < bcc > simple cubic (b) fcc < bcc < simple cubic
(c) fcc > bcc > simple cubic (d) fcc < simple cubic > bcc
8 Identify the correct order of acidic strength for H-X
(a) HCl>HBr>HI (b) HCl>HI>HBr
(c) HI>HCl>HBr (d) HI>HBr>HCl
9 Which among the following combinations is a maximum boiling azeotrope.
(a) H2O + CH3OH (b) CCl4+CHCl3
(c) (CH3)2CO + C2H5OH (d) H2O +HNO3
10 In the preparation of compounds of Xe, Bartlett had taken O2 +Pt F6 – as a base
compound. This is because
(a) both O2 and Xe have same size
(b) both O2 and Xe have same electron gain enthalpy
(c) both O2 and Xe have almost same ionisation enthalpy.
(d) Both Xe and O2 are gases.
11 The glucose solution to be injected into the bloodstream and the blood itself
should have the same;
(a) Mass % (b) Molality (c) Osmotic pressure (d) Viscosity
12 On oxidation with a mild oxidizing agent like Br2/H2O, the glucose is oxidized to,
(a) saccharic acid (b) glutamic acid (c) gluconic acid (d) valeric acid
13 A nucleoside consists of
(a) base and sugar (b) base and phosphate
(c) sugar and phosphate (d) base, sugar and phosphate
14 The brown gas formed when HNO3 is reduced by metal is
(a) N2O (b) NO3 (c) NO2 (d) NO
15 Out of the following which one undergoes SN1 mechanism faster?
(a)CH2=CH—CH2Cl (b) CH3CH2CH2Cl
(c) (CH3)2CHCl (d) (CH3)3CCl
16 Structure of a mixed oxide is cubic closed pack. The cubic unit cell of mixed oxide is
composed of oxide ions. One fourth of tetrahedral voids are occupied by divalent metal
A and the octahedral voids are occupied by a monovalent metal B. The formula of the
oxide is
a) ABO2 b) A2BO2 c) A2B3O4 d) AB2O2
17 The value for Henry’s law constant is:
(a) larger for gases with higher solubility
(b) larger for gases with lower solubility
(c) constant for all gases
(d) not related to solubility of gases.
18 Phenol when treated with excess of bromine water gives a white precipitate of
(a) 2, 4, 6-tribromophenol (b) o-bromophenol
(c) p-bromophenol (d) bromobenzene
19 Which of the following is not isotropic in nature;
(a) Rubber (b) Glass (c) Diamond (d) PVC
20 The temperature at which at which two allotropes of sulphur are stable is called
(a) Boyle’s temperature (b)Critical temperature
(c) Transition temperature (d) Standard temperature
21 In which of the following halides Csp2 –X bond is present?
(a) Allyl halide (b) Aryl halide
(c) Benzyl halide (d) Alkyl halide
22 Nitrogen is liberated by the thermal decomposition of:
(a) Ba(N3)2 (b) NaN3
(c) (NH 4 )2 Cr2 O7 (d) All the above
23 Which of the following alkyl halides will undergoes SN1 reaction most readily?
(a) (CH3)3C—F (b) (CH3)3C —Cl
(c) (CH3)3C —Br (d) (CH3)3C —I
24 In SN2 reactions with the sequence of bond breaking and bond formation is as follows
(a) bond breaking is followed by formation
(b) bond formation is followed by breaking
(c) bond breaking and formation are simultaneously
(d) bond breaking and formation take place randomly
25 Dehydration of ethanol to ethoxy ethane is catalyzed by
(a) Conc. H2SO4 at 413 K (b) Hot NaOH
(c) Hot HBr (d) Hot HNO3
This section consists of 24 Multiple Choice Questions with overall choice to attempt any 20
questions. In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 20 will
be considered for evaluation.
26 The IUPAC name of

(a) Pent-2-yn-4-ol (b) Pent-3-yne-2-ol
(c) Pent-3-yn-4-ol (d) Pent-3-yn-2-ol
27 The given structure (I) and (II) represent configuration of the simplest sugar
glyceraldehyde. Which of the following statements is not correct for the structures?

(a) (I) represent D-form while (II) represents L-form of glyceraldehyde

(b) The sugars having same configuration as D- glyceraldehyde are designated as
(c) Natural glucose and fructose are D-forms
(d) ‘D’ is dextrorotatory while ‘L’ is levorotatory enantiomer
28 A colourless gas (A) with characterstic odour having pyramidal shape, on catalytic
oxidation by atmospheric oxygen to form a colourless neutral gas (B) which combined
with oxygen to give brown acidic gas (C).copper reacts with dilute HNO 3 to form gas (B).
gas A and C are
(a) A=NO, C=N2O (b) A=NH3 , C=NO
(c) A=NO, C=NO2 (d) A=NH3, C=NO2
29 Which of the order for the oxo acids is correct?
(a)HClO4>HClO3> HClO2>HClO (b) HClO > HClO2 >HCLO3> HClO4
(c) HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2 < HClO (d)HClO3>HClO2>HClO>HClO4
30 Which of the following compounds is aromatic alcohol?

(a) A, B, C, D (b) A, D (c) B, C (d) A

31 Which of the following options are not in accordance with the property mentioned
against them ?
(a) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2 (oxidising power )
(b) MF > MCl > MBr > MI (Ionic character of metal halide.)
(c) Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2 ( Bond dissociation enthalpy)
(d) F > Cl > Br >I (Electron gain enthalpy)
32 An unknown alcohol is treated with “ Lucas Regent “ to determine whether the alcohol
is primary, secondary or tertiary. which alcohol reacts fastest and by what mechanism?
(a) tertiary alcohol by SN1
(b) secondary alcohol by SN1
(c) tertiary alcohol by SN2
(d) Secondary alcohol by SN2
33 Column I Column II
1 a.

2 b
3 c

4 d

5 e

(c) 1-b,2-d,3-e,4-c,5-a
34 'C' and 'O' of phenol are having which hybridization respectively?
(a) sp3 , sp2
(b) sp2 , sp3
(c) sp, sp2
(d) sp2 , sp
35 The edge lengths of the unit cells in terms of the radius of spheres constituting fcc, bcc
and simple cubic unit cell are respectively
(a)2√2r, 4𝑟/√3 , 2r
(b) 4𝑟 /√3, 2√2r,2r
(c) 2r, 4𝑟 /√3 2√2r

(d)4r,2r, 2√2r

36 α and β-D-glucose are related as

(a) Enantiomers
(b) Diastereomers
(c) Anomers
(d) polymers
37 Gold (atomic radius = 0.144 nm) crystallises in a face-centred unit cell. What is the
length of a side of the cell?
(a) 0.407 nm
(b) 0.332 nm
(c) 0.288 nm
(d) 0.204 nm
38 Each polypeptide in a protein has amino acids linked with each other in a specific
sequence. This sequence of amino acids is said to be ____________.
(a) primary structure of proteins
(b) secondary structure of proteins
(c) tertiary structure of proteins
(d) quaternary structure of proteins
39 Which of the following statements is wrong?
(a)Single N–N bond is weaker than the single P–P bond.
(b)NH3 can act as a ligand in the formation of coordination
compound with transition elements.
(c)NO2 is paramagnetic in nature.

(d) Covalency of nitrogen in N2O5 is five

1.See Saw Shape a. XeO3
2.Pyramidal b. CCl4
3.Tetrahedral c. XeF2
4.Linear d. ClF3
5.Bent T shape e. SF4

(a) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-e

(b) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b, 5-e
(c) 1-e,2-a,3-b,4-c,5-d
(d) 1-e,2-b,3-a,4-c,5-d
41 Which of the following has the highest dipole moment?
(a)CH3Cl (b)CH2Cl2 (c) CHCl3 (d)CCl4
42 What are the products formed when Cl2 reacts with COLD And dilute NaOH?
(a) NaCl & NaOCl (b) NaCl & HOCl
(c) NaCl & NaClO3 (d)H2O and HCl
43 Which of the following can be involved in Pπ-dπ bonding
(a) Carbon (b)Nitrogen (c)Phosphorous (d)Boron
44 Which of the following reagents can be used to oxidise
primary alcohols to aldehydes?
(a)KMnO4 in basic medium. (b)KMnO4 in acidic medium.

(c)Pyridinium chlorochromate. (d)Heat in the presence of Cu at

Assertion and Reasoning type questions – Q – 45 to Q – 49
[A] – Assertion & reason both statements are correct and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.
[B] – Assertion & reason both are the correct statements but reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion.
[C] – Assertion is correct statement and assertion is incorrect statement.
[D] – Assertion is incorrect statement and reason is correct statement
45 Assertion (A): Haloalkanes react with AgCN to form alkyl cyanides as main product while
KCN forms isocyanides as the chief product.
Reason (R): KCN is predominantly ionic, AgCN is mainly covalent in nature
46 Assertion (A): In DNA, the complementary bases are Adenine & Guanine and Thymine
& Cytosine
Reason (R): DNA is a double helical structure, In which bases are associated with
hydrogen bond.
47 Assertion (A): Noble gases have large positive value of electron gain enthalpy
Reason (R): Noble gases have high tendency to accept electron.
48 Assertion (A):Glass belong to the category of ionic solid.
Reason (R): Glass is a super cooled liquid.

49 Assertion (A): o - nitrophenol is less soluble in water than the m and p isomers.
Reason (R): o - nitrophenol has intra molecular hydrogen bonding so it’s hydrogen is
less available for hydrogen bonding with water molecules.
This section consists of 6 multiple choice questions with an overall choice to attempt any 5.
In case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 5 will be
considered for evaluation
What is the mole fraction of glucose (C6H12O6) in 10 % w/w glucose solution in water
(a) 0.01 (b) 0.02 (c) 0.04 (d) 0.08
51 What will be the relation between osmotic pressure at 273 K if 12 g urea (p1) , 12 g
glucose (p2) and 12 g sucrose (p3) are dissolved in the same amount of water?
(a) p1 < p2 < p3 (b)p3 < p2 < p1
(c)p3 < p1 <p2 (d) p2 < p3 < p1
52 Identify the product of following reaction (CH3)3C-O-C2H5 + HI
(a) (CH3)3C-I and C2H5OH (b) (CH3)3C-OH and C2H5I
(c) (CH3)3CH and C2H5I (d) (CH3)3C-I and C2H6
Dissolution of solids in water can be exothermic or endothermic process but gases
dissolve in water always with the evolution of heat. Dissolution of the substance in
water can be either because ion dipole interaction or by hydrogen bond formation.
Boiling point or freezing point of liquid solution would be affected by the dissolved solids
in the liquid phase. A soluble solid in solution has the effect of raising its boiling point
and depressing its freezing point. The addition of non- volatile substances to a solvent
decreases the vapor pressure and the added solute particles affect the formation of
pure solvent crystals.
53 The Sign of G and S for the dissolution of gas in liquid
(a) ΔG = Negative at high temperature ΔS = Negative
(b) ΔG = Negative at low temperature ΔS = Positive
(c) ΔG = Positive at high temperature ΔS = Negative
(d) ΔG = Positive at low temperature ΔS = Positive
54 When a non- volatile solid is added to pure water it will
(a) Boil above 100 ° and freeze above 0 ° 
(b) Boil below 100 °  and freeze above 0 ° 
(c) Boil above 100 ° and freeze below 0 ° 
(d) Boil below 100 °  and freeze below 0 ° 
55 Low concentration of oxygen in the blood and tissues of people living at high altitude is
due to;
(a) low temperature
(b) low atmospheric pressure
(c) high atmospheric pressure
(d) both low temperature and high atmospheric pressure

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