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My plans for this weekend are the same as always.

I will clean the house and I will listen to music. Usually, I spend three
hours cleaning. Then I will cook and my children will wash the dishes. In
the afternoon we usually go to the mall.

On sundays I'm going to walk. Every sunday. I spend about two hours
On sundays I spend a lot of time on the internet looking instagram,
facebook, looking for news in google, talking to my family in Colombia...I
usually have a lot of free time on sundays.

I also work on sundays and I finish tired. I don't free time on sundays.

Ana Lucia.

Use of the present continuous tense or the to be going to form to indicate

plans or intentions:

I am going to clean
I am going to listen
I am going to cook
My children are going to wash
Sundays – Days are capitalized in English
Proper names like Instagram, Facebook and Google are also capitalized.

Hello Ana,
I hope you’re fine.
Where is the second part to this activity in the forum? Remember that you
should have replied to one of your partners.

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