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Lesson 2: Properties of Exponents


Example: 125 = 53 means that 53 is the exponential form of the number 125.
53 means 3 factors of 5 or 5 x 5 x 5


1. Exponential Form: The exponent of a power indicates how many times the base
multiplies itself.

2. Multiplying Powers: If you are multiplying powers with the same base, keep the
base and add the exponents.

3. Dividing Powers: When dividing powers with the same base, keep the base and
subtract the exponents.

(Rule Nos. 1, 2 & 3)

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1. (32 )(32 ) = 32+2 = 34 = 81
2. (52 )(54 ) = 52+4 = 56 = 15,625
3. (𝑎5 )(𝑎2 ) = 𝑎5+2 = 𝑎7
4. (2𝑠 2 )(4𝑠 7) = 2(4)(𝑠 2+7 ) = 8𝑠 9
5. (−3)2 (−3)3 = (−32+3 ) = (−3)5 = −243
6. (𝑠 2 𝑡 4 )(𝑠 7𝑡 3 ) = 𝑠 2+7𝑡 4+3 = 𝑠 9 𝑡 7
𝑠 12
7. = 𝑠 12−4 = 𝑠 8
8. = 39−5 = 34 = 81
𝑠 12 𝑡 8
9. = 𝑠 12−4 𝑡 8−4 = 𝑠 8 𝑡 4
𝑠 4 𝑡4
36𝑎5 𝑏8 36
10. = 𝑎5−4 𝑏8−5 = 9𝑎𝑏3
4𝑎4 𝑏5 4

4. Power of a Power: If you are raising a power to an exponent, you multiply the

5. Product Law of Exponents: If the product of the bases is powered by the same
exoonent, then the result is a multiplication of individual factors of the product, each
powered by the given exponent.

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6. Quotient Law of Exponents: If the quotient of the bases is powered by the same
exponent, then the result is both numerator and denominator, each powered by the
given exponent.

(Rule Nos. 4, 5 & 6)

1. (32 )5 = 310
2. (𝑎3 )4 = 𝑎12
3. (2𝑎2 )3 = 23 𝑎2(3) = 8𝑎6
4. (22 𝑎5 𝑏 3 )2 = 22(2) 𝑎5(2) 𝑏 3(2) = 24 𝑎10 𝑏 6 = 16𝑎10 𝑏 6
5. (−3𝑎2 )2 = (−3)2 𝑎2(2) = 9𝑎4
6. (𝑠2 𝑡 4 )3 = 𝑠2(3) 𝑡 4(3) = 𝑠6 𝑡 12
𝑠 𝑠5
7. ( )5 =
𝑡 𝑡5
8. ( 5 )2 = (34 )2 = 38
𝑠𝑡 8 2 𝑠𝑡 4 2 𝑠2 𝑡8
9. ( ) =( ) =
𝑟𝑡 4 𝑟 𝑟2
36𝑎5 𝑏8 2
10. ( ) = (9𝑎𝑏 3 )2 = 92 𝑎2 𝑏 3(2) = 81𝑎2 𝑏 6
4𝑎4 𝑏5

7. Negative Law of Exponents: If the base is powered by the negative exponent, then
the base becomes reciprocal with the positive exponents.

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8. Zero Law of Exponents: Any base powered by zero exponent equals one.

(Rule Nos. 7 & 8)

1. (2𝑎2 𝑏)0 = 1 any no. raise to zero is equal to 1
2. 𝑦 2 (𝑦 −4 ) = 𝑦 −2 =
3. (𝑎5 )−1 =

4. 𝑠 −2 (4𝑠 7 ) = 4𝑠5
5. (3𝑥 −2 𝑦 3 )−4 = 3−4 𝑥 8 𝑦 −12 =
81𝑦 12

6. (𝑠2 𝑡 4 )0 = 1
22 4 𝑥
7. ( )−1 = ( )−1 =
𝑥 𝑥 4
39 1
8. ( 5 )−2 = (34 )−2 = 3−8 =
3 38

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𝑠 2 𝑡 2 −2
9. ( ) = (𝑠−2 𝑡 −2 )−2 = 𝑠4 𝑡 4
𝑠4 𝑡4
36𝑎5 −2 𝑏10
10. ( ) = 9−2 𝑎−2 𝑏10 =
4𝑎4 𝑏5 81𝑎2


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