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Raissa Farah Fadhilla


Kimia CD Material 2017

Responsi 3

1. The radius of a calcium ion is 94 pm and of an oxide ion is 146 pm. Predict the crystal structure
of calcium oxide.
r +¿
Ratio = −¿ ¿
r ¿
94 pm
146 pm
= 0,6438 → masuk ke ratio limit oktahedral (0,414 – 0,732)

⸫ Prediksi struktur kristal CaO: oktahedral.

2. The unit cell of silver iodide (AgI) has 4 iodine atoms in it. How many silver atoms must be there
in the unit cell?
AgI → Ag+ + I-

Ratio = 1:1
└ Bila ada 4 atom I, maka jumlah atom Ag = 4.

3. The co-ordination number of the barium ions, Ba 2+, in barium chloride (BaF 2) is 8. What must be
the co-ordination number of the fluoride ions?
Bil. koordinasi ion Ba = 8
└ Ba2+ dikelilingi 8 F- → muatan F- = 8 x (-1) = -8

Untuk mengimbangi muatan -8, maka dibutuhkan Ba2+ sebanyak = =4
└ maka, bil. koordinasi ion F = 4

4. A solid between A and B has the following arrangement of atoms

 Atoms A are arranged in ccp array
 Atoms B occupy all the octahedral voids and half the tetrahedral voids.
What is the formula of the compound?
Jumlah atom A = N.
Jumlah rongga oktahedral = N.
Jumlah rongga tetrahedral = 2N.

Akan ada satu atom B di ruang kosong octahedral → N
Akan ada satu atom B dalam kekosongan tetrahedral → x 2N = N
└ Total atom B = N + N = 2N

⸫ Formula senyawa: AB2

5. In corundum, oxide ions are arranged in hcp array and the aluminium ions occupy two-thirds of
octahedral voids. What is the formula of corundum?
Ion Al mengisi rongga oktahedral.
Ratio oktahedral = N : N = 1:1

Jumlah rongga oktahedral = N

2 2N
└ maka, ion Al = xN=
3 3
Ion O = n

Ratio Al3+ : O2– = : N = 2:3

⸫ Formula senyawa: Al2O3

6. Calculate the ratio of the alkali metal bromides on the basis of the data given below and predict
the form of the crystal structure in each case. Ionic radii (in pm) are given below
Li+ = 74 K+ = 138 Cs+ = 170
Na+ = 102 Rb+ = 148 Br― = 195
The ratio of cation to that of anion i.e. r+/r– gives the clue for crystal structure.
r Br― = 195 pm
Ratio limit tetrahedral = 0,225 – 0,414
oktahedral = 0,414 – 0,732
kubik = 0,732 – 1,000

 Li+ = 74 pm
r +¿ 74 pm
−¿ ¿ =
r ¿ 195 pm
= 0,3795 → Struktur kristal: tetrahedral

 Na+ = 102 pm
r +¿ 102 pm
−¿ ¿ =
r ¿ 195 pm
= 0,5231 → Struktur kristal: oktahedral

 K+ = 138 pm
r +¿ 138 pm
−¿ ¿ =
r ¿ 195 pm
= 0,7077 → Struktur kristal: kubik
 Rb+ = 148 pm
r +¿ 148 pm
−¿ ¿ =
r ¿ 195 pm
= 0,759 → Struktur kristal: kubik

 Cs+ = 170 pm
r +¿ 170 pm
−¿ ¿ =
r ¿ 195 pm
= 0,8718 → Struktur kristal: kubik

7. In the close packed cation in a rock-salt type solid have a radius of 75 pm, what would be the
maximum and minimum sizes of the anions filling the voids?
Untuk closed packed cation, rasio limit = 0,414 – 0,732
r+ = 75 pm

 r‒ maksimum
r +¿
¿ = 0,732
r−¿ ¿
75 pm
r‒ =
= 102,459 pm

 r‒ minimum
r +¿
¿ = 0,414
r−¿ ¿
75 pm
r‒ =
0 , 414
= 181,159 pm

8. NH4Cl crystallizes in a caesium chloride structure, with a unit cell distance of 387 pm. Calculate:
(a) the distance between the oppositely charged ions in the lattice

Untuk BCC lattice: d =

√3 . a
a = 387 pm

r+ + r― =
√3 . a
√ 3 . 387 pm
= 335,1518 pm

(b) the radius of the NH4+ ion if the radius of the Cl- ion is 181 pm.
r― = 181 pm

r+ = r – r ―
= 335,1518 pm – 181 pm
= 154,1518 pm

9. The density of CaO is 3.35 gm/cm 3. The oxide crystallises in one of the cubic systems with an
edge length of 4.80 Å. How many Ca++ ions and O–2 ions belong to each unit cell, and which type
of cubic system is present?
a = 4,8 Å = 4,8 x 10-8 cm
Mr CaO = 56,0774 g/mol
ρ CaO = 3,35 g/cm3
NA = 6,022 x 1023 mol-1

ρ . N A . a3
3,35 3 . 6,022 x 1023 mol−1 .(4,8 x 10−8 cm)3
= 3,9785 unit cells
= 4 unit cells CaO
└ ada 4 ion Ca2+ dan 4 ion O2― tiap unit cell.

Karena ada 4 unit cells, maka sistem kubiknya: FCC.

10. A metal crystallizes into two cubic system-face centred cubic (fcc) and body centred cubic (bcc)
whose unit cell lengths are 3.5 and 3.0 Å respectively. Calculate the ratio of densities of fcc and
n . Mr
ρ= g/cm3
N A . a3

a = 3,5 Å = 3,5 x 10-8 cm

n . Mr
ρFCC =
N A . a3
4. M
= mol
N A mol .(3,5 x 10−8 cm)3

= g/cm3
(3,5 x 10−8)3 N A

a = 3 Å = 3 x 10-8 cm
n . Mr
ρBCC =
N A . a3
= mol
N A mol .(3 x 10−8 cm)3

= g/cm3
(3 x 10−8)3 N A

4M g
(3,5 x 10 ) N A cm3
−8 3
ρBCC 2M g
(3 x 10 ) N A cm3
−8 3

4 .(3 x 10−8)3
2.(3,5 x 10−8 )3
= 1,2595

11. Answer the question below.

a) Zinc sulfide is an important industrial source of zinc and is also used as a white pigment in
paint. Zinc sulfide crystallizes with zinc ions occupying one-half of the tetrahedral holes in a
closest-packed array of sulfide ions. What is the formula of zinc sulfide?
Ion Zn mengisi ½ rongga tetrahedral.
Ratio tetrahedral = 2N : N = 2:1

Jumlah rongga tetrahedral = 2N

└ maka, ion Zn = x 2N = N

Ratio Zn2+ : S2― = N : N = 1:1

└ Formula senyawanya: ZnS
b) Sapphire is aluminum oxide. Aluminum oxide crystallizes with aluminum ions in two-thirds
of the octahedral holes in a closest-packed array of oxide ions. What is the formula of
aluminum oxide?
Ion Al mengisi ⅔ rongga oktahedral.
Ratio oktahedral = N : N = 1:1

Jumlah rongga octahedral = N

2 2N
└ maka, ion Al = xN=
3 3
ion O = N

Ratio Al3+ : O2– = : N = 2:3
└ Formula senyawanya: Al2O3

12. Answer the question below.

a) The edge length of the unit cell of LiCl (NaCl-like structure, FCC) is 0.514 nm or 5.14 Å.
Assuming that the lithium ion is small enough so that the chloride ions are in contact,
calculate the ionic radius for the chloride ion.
FCC → n = 4
a = 5,14 Å

d2 = a2 + a2
d2 = 2a2
d = a√ 2

d = 4r
4r = a√ 2
5,14 Å . √2
= 1,8173 Å

b) The edge length of the unit cell of KCl (NaCl-like structure, FCC) is 6.28 Å. Assuming anion-
cation contact along the cell edge, calculate the radius of the potassium ion. The radius of the
chloride ion is 1.82 Å.
a = 6,28 Å
r Cl– = 1,82 Å

Edge length of NaCl-like structure (a) = 2(r++r―)

a ―
r K+ = –r
6,28 Å
= – 1,82 Å
= 1,32 Å

13. Gold crystallizes in a face-centered cubic unit cell. The second-order reflection (n = 2) of X-rays
for the planes that make up the tops and bottoms of the unit cells is at θ = 22.20°. The
wavelength of the X-rays is 1.54 Å. What is the density of metallic gold?
θ = 22,2°
λ = 1,54 Å

nλ = 2d.sinθ
2 . 1,54 Å = 2d . sin(22,2°)
d = 4,0758 Å

Jika dua bidang membuat bagian atas dan bawah unit cell, maka jarak antarplanar sama dengan
panjang tepi unit cell.
= 4,0758 Å = 4,0758 x 10-8 cm

n . Ar
N A . a3
FCC → n = 4
ArAu = 196,9666 g/mol
NA = 6,022 x 1023 mol-1

4 .196,9666
ρ= mol
6,022 x 10 mol .(4,0758 x 10−8 cm)3
23 −1

= 19,3229 g/cm3

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