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NS-1 Sub-Spec 20 – Rev 01


20.1 Limited Traceability

Traceability of the component shall be maintained until an intermediate stage of manufacture is reached.
This stage shall not be any earlier than at receiving inspection at the works where the final
manufacturing/assembly operations occur.

The status of the component must be traceable at any stage up to and including the selected intermediate
stage of manufacture.

The traceability system employed shall be documented and be made available to the Purchaser on request.

If printed, not controlled unless stamped by Fearnley Procter Group

NS-1 Sub-Spec 20 – Rev 01


20.2 Heat Traceability

The part shall remain directly traceable to its heat from raw material through all manufacturing stages to the
finished part.

The finished part shall have the heat number permanently affixed by means of low stress hard die stamping
or equivalent means of permanent marking.

In order to facilitate computerised material control, the manufacturer may substitute the heat or cast number
by a unique coding system, provided that the system allows for cross reference to original material test
certification through no more than one intermediate document. This cross-reference document shall be
included in the documentation package.

The traceability system employed shall be documented and made available to the purchaser on request.

If printed, not controlled unless stamped by Fearnley Procter Group

NS-1 Sub-Spec 20 – Rev 01


20.3 Serialization

20.3.1 General

The serialisation system employed shall be documented and made available to the purchaser on request.

20.3.2 Serialization of components

The manufacturer shall apply a serialization system that meets the following minimum requirements.

• Unique serial no. identification of components to provide direct and positive traceability to their
manufacturing and testing documentation.
• The serial number shall be affixed to each component before the first reportable examination by a
permanent means of marking (e.g. low stress dye stamping, etching).
• The serial number shall be maintained on the component throughout all subsequent stages of
manufacturing, testing and assembly.
• When a specific serial number is allocated to a batch of identical components, the system shall
provide for unique identification of any single component that in any way deviates from the
acceptance specification of the batch, but has been accepted by either concession, rework or repair.
The unique identification shall ensure that the history of deviant components remains uniquely

20.3.3 Serialization of assemblies

Where serialization of an assembly is required, the following shall apply:

1. The serial number shall be unique.

2. Irrespective of the serial number appearing on a nameplate or tag, it shall also be low stress hard die
stamped on the main body of the assembly.
3. The location of the serial number shall be identical on similar assemblies.
4. Letters and numerals shall be 6 mm minimum height space permitting.
5. The manufacturer shall ensure that serial numbers are preserved during surface treatments.

20.3.4 Traceability safeguard

The manufacturer shall ensure that duplication of serial numbers does not occur in the manufacturer's own
company and parent/sister companies within a period of 5 years.

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NS-1 Sub-Spec 20 – Rev 01


20.4 Heat/Heat treatment lot traceability

Materials and parts shall be directly traceable to their heat and heat treatment lot, by having the heat number
and heat treatment lot identification affixed to each individual piece by low stress hard die stamping or
equivalent means of permanent marking.

The above marking shall be retained on the part throughout the manufacturing process and on the finished

In order to facilitate computerised material control the manufacturer may substitute the identification numbers
of the heat/heat treatment lot by a unique coding system provided that the system allows for cross reference
to original material test certification through no more than one intermediate document. This cross reference
document shall be included in the documentation package.

The traceability system employed shall be documented and made available to the purchaser on request.

Note: The above requirements do not imply that material testing shall be carried out on a heat/heat
treatment lot basis. The scope of material testing is defined in the section supplementary requirements of the
relevant NS-1 Specification.

If printed, not controlled unless stamped by Fearnley Procter Group

NS-1 Sub-Spec 20 – Rev 01


20.5 RFID Tagging

20.5.1 Service Conditions and RFID Life

For general drilling service, The RFID shall have a guaranteed working life of 1,000 hours at temperatures of
–20°C and +180°C for 99.7% reliability (i.e. 1 RFID in 300 can be expected to fail), excluding incidental
damage or wear in pressures ranging from atmospheric to 10,000 psi and shall be compatible with
oil- synthetic- and water-based drilling fluids commonly encountered. The end-user should, where possible,
specify the fluids to be encountered when specifying the requirement for tags.

For ambient temperature service, -5°C to 30°C, the guaranteed life shall be 40,000 hours for 99.7%
reliability, excluding incidental damage or wear.

20.5.2 RFID Location & Attachment

The RFID shall be attached in a manner, which minimises the risk of damage, fluid ingress or wear in use
and ensures that the RFID remains securely in place during drilling, handling and storage. The attachment
technique shall be consistent with retaining the RFID throughout its working life in the operating environment.

Location of the RFID tag should be as per the individual NS-1 Specification.

If printed, not controlled unless stamped by Fearnley Procter Group

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