Compare and Contrast Stories

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Raymond Earl V.




The Brilliant Green Rock, THE ONE MAIN YOLK,

The Big Blue planets and the THE SLOWER YOLK AND
other beautiful planets that
the brilliant green rock saw.
On the great hill there lived “the yolks”. The yolks
have lived their entire lives climbing the hill hoping
to reach the top, there were fast and slow yolks
but there was one yolk who was slow and thought
The Brilliant green rock is a rock that moves that he was the worst climber, he was climbing the
around space, she was a very special rock and hill in his entire life as well, A lot of yolks always
rock unlike any other rock that came before her, passed him and he would always struggle climbing.
she notice that all the other rocks are travelling Until one day he found a yolk who was climbing
around space and so she decided to do the same. slower than him, he felt bad for the slower yolk
She travelled around space and saw so many and so he helped him, that led him y to realize that
good planets, she talked with the planets and she many other yolks are more slower than him and
kept finding and finding more until she find the that motivated him to keep climbing until he starts
big blue planet and finds out that she can get passing more yolks and he starts getting faster and
brighter once she stays around the big blue more confident Then he got so high up now and
planet and so she flies around the big blue planet that made him so happy then after he just climbed
and turns into a shooting star, she then now the highest he’s been at, he continues to climb
decides to stay with the big blue planet forever until his next highest record, We do not know if
so that she become brighter and bigger. he’s reached the top yet.
This story teaches about perspective and
This story is a tale about self- perseverance, but it also teach to never give
esteem and self-discovery. up with what you’re doing but to also help
others along the way.

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