The Benefits of Using Yoga

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The benefits of using Yoga!

Yoga is an age-old practice, originating in India as a spiritual and physical

discipline. Yoga poses or 'asanas, breathing exercises or 'pranayama. It’s
developed to help people achieve holistic well-being; Yoga was intended to
promote self-awareness, healing, and calmness.

Yin yoga:

Yin yoga is a form of yoga poses that are part of the Chinese martial arts. It was
influenced by those practices from an early stage, as well as Buddhist meditation
and directly observed reality via Taoism, among other things. This way, Yin Yoga
aims to influence both body and mind.

Yoga Nidra:

Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the

"going-to-sleep" stage induced by a guided meditation. It has now spread
throughout the world and is being used by the US Army to assist soldiers and help
them to recover from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Kundalini Yoga:

Kundalini Yoga is defined in Vedantic culture as energy that lies dormant at the
base of the spine until it is activated and channeled upward by the process of
spiritual perfection. Kundalini is believed to be power associated with the divine

Yoga Flow sequence encourages the body to release via yang means. Like yin
poses, yang poses encourage the body to surrender and sink into itself—so you
get yin-style acceptance of thought and energy patterns while also empowering
yourself to change them. This practice will help you get in touch with your inner
Yoga is a great form of exercise, and can help to relieve and manage stress and is
also effective in the management and reduction of pain including sports injuries
and work-related pain.

Yoga to increase your health:

Yoga can help in many ways to improve people's health, both physically and
mentally. A study conducted at the University of California, San Francisco found
that even a few months of yoga practice reduced risk factors for heart disease and
type 2 diabetes. For example, after 12 weeks of yoga practice, the participants
had lower triglyceride levels (fatty acids in the blood).

Happiness & productivity:

When you practice yoga, you can also improve your happiness and your
productivity through exercise even if you have limited physical ability, Yoga can
have a great effect when done properly.

Yoga stimulates you to reach a happier mental state. When a person is happier,
they feel better about themselves and tend to be healthier.

Stress relief: Stress wreaks havoc on the human body, it can cause illness, high
blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. Yoga has been proven to help relieve
stress by releasing serotonin into the body which helps people relax.

Increased focus:

Yoga can help people focus on the present. It is a common problem that many
people keep thinking about what has happened in the past or worrying about the
future. This leads to a lack of concentration and decreased productivity.

Regularly practicing yoga contributes to becoming more aware of yourself,

improving your health, and making you feel better about yourself.

Stronger immune system:

It has been found that yoga helps improve your immune system thanks to the
release of 'feel-good hormones called endorphins. Endorphins help relieve pain
and stress, promoting health. The stronger your immune system is, the better you
will be able to fight off any health problems or illnesses.

Yoga helps improve mood:

Just as the release of endorphins creates a sense of wellbeing throughout the
body, so too does regular yoga create a positive change in how you feel about
yourself, increasing your overall health and wellbeing.

Yoga helps reduce stress:

Daily stresses such as work, family issues, or health concerns can contribute to
health problems if not managed properly; however, yoga is effective at helping
people deal with these common health concerns by reducing stress levels.
Practicing yoga allows you to become more aware of your health and enables you
to take the necessary steps to improve it.

If you suffer from health problems such as stress, depression, sleep issues or
weight gain, yoga is effective at helping improve these health concerns naturally
instead of using medication.

Become more flexible:

Yoga isn't just for relaxation; it is also a great way to become more flexible. Not
only does this allow you to complete daily tasks with greater ease, but it can also
help prevent health issues such as joint pain and arthritis through the process of
strengthening joints and muscles.

If you would like more information or would like to enquire about our yoga
services, please contact us

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