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I am Worthy, You Are Worthy, We Are Worthy!

It is not the tip of your battle. It isn’t the top of the ROAD that you simply are taking. I
know it’s tough/hard right now but if you just stick with it, you will be OKAY.

How are you right now? I need you to grasp that, regardless of where you're right
now, regardless of how deep you’ve fallen, regardless of how bad things happened
in your life, you're BLESSED, you're DESERVING, you're WORTHY.

Listen to my story for a moment…

Among my friends, I am famous for being the loud one- the one who usually cracks a
joke in the middle of some serious situations. Among the class, I am known for being
the confident one- the one who typically raises her hand during class recitations.
Among me and my siblings, I am noted as the subtle one- I don't usually show any
emotions or reactions, I was that neutral Daughter. But then... among those things
that people had known me for, there's this one thing that they don't know about me- I
was emotionally and mentally unstable.

When I was young, I was always told to not be transparent with other people,
especially with my feelings and emotions for others who might use them against me.
I was told to make myself look tough all the time. And the younger me, being as pure
as the driven snow, willingly obliged. I never thought that that simple decision of
mine when I was younger would somehow ruin me years later.
All of my agonies, I kept those to myself. And then one day, I was suddenly got fed
up with all the hidden emotions that I had. It exploded like a ticking bomb. And once
again, I suffered... alone.
But thanks God, I realize that this difficult time you're/I am experiencing will pass,
which if you're determined to use the PAIN as your STRENGTH to strengthen your
character, and you may see the larger MEANING of SACRIFICES and PAIN until it'll
prove your life around in POSITIVE way and for those that are experiencing similar
difficulties with you.
Even the famous Superheroes that we know have weaknesses. Superman has
Kryptonite, Wonderwoman has Darkseid, Wolverine has Magnets. See? They are
not without flaws as well. And so what more for us, humans, right People, let us all
remember that sometimes, It's okay to be not Okay!
According to research, the world is currently experiencing a mental health crisis. It is
estimated half of the population are experiencing depression at some point in their
lives right now.
Wherever we go, we can overhear people talking about this certain stigma. How do
we feel? We'll be in a state of melancholy, right? We suddenly feel the urge to stop
this kind of happening. But, more importantly, how do we put a stop to it? How do we
stop this stigma?

Rather than following the crowd; just think about yourself. I can be different. I will be
the change of this trend. I will be a positive influence on my peers and others. The
important thing is we learn why sometimes we are very down and that we have to
overcome it. Do you believe it or not? You’re the one who is creating your negative
emotions, we are able to also make sure that we turn our lives around and be the
agent of change, be a positive influence to others.

Why do we get depressed? It's always turning out with our own THOUGHTS… The
THOUGHTS that we keep on thinking… The THOUGHTS and BELIEFS that we
carry on believing.
Again, it's always coming up with our own THOUGHTS… The THOUGHTS that we
keep on thinking… The THOUGHTS and BELIEFS that we continue believing. The
consistent thoughts and beliefs that we hold are that we are fine for everything. The
beliefs that we believe that no-one above from this. I'll be most melancholy if I think
I'm obese, awful, ugly, and undeserving of love. If my thought is ‘’TO BE HAPPY’’-I
must be in an ideal world, to air the highest of the category, to be recognized by
school all the time, to graduate and have a good job and salary. ‘’I can develop
depression if I don’t attain those goals’’. the main point here is anyone gets
depressed because there is/are something that happened in our life that we didn’t
materialize. We must accept the truth that there are some things that are beyond our
control or that we cannot control.
Working on yourself is the only way out of this situation. Do it by yourself! It is ONLY
YOU! It’s the ONLY US.
Isn’t happiness valuable than money? Or any materials things?
Yes, you believed, I believed that happiness is more valuable than money or any
material thing in this world.
Would you agree? HAPPINESS can’t buy your foods, can’t answer your modules,
can’t pay your tuition, or can’t pay the bills?
Remember that happiness can pay for your groceries, answer your modules, pay
your tuition, or pay your bills when you discover that you will be more ENERGIZED,
FOCUSED, and take POSITIVE ACTIONS in your life.
I’ve seen so many people: artists, famous singers, businessmen/businesswomen,
and prominent people in the Philippines and to the entire world that are successful in
their careers and we thought that they ‘’HAVE IT ALL’’ but committed suicide. You
are jealous? Envy? Because they have it all, but those people think that they are not
We must value ourselves, you must value yourself, I must value myself. "EVERY
SINGLE DAY," set aside time to work on yourself. Engage yourself in activities that
will boost your positive attitudes and be a positive influence on your peers,
classmates, family, and countrymen, and the entire world.
Of course, this does not mean that life will become perfect overnight. The same life
challenges will emerge, but you will be far better able to deal with them if your mind
is strong and at ease. "WHY AM I GOING THROUGH THIS?" you can't ask yourself.
HOW COME THIS HAPPENED TO ME? Instead, you'll say something along the
Then you'll realize there's HOPE. This HOPE is going to be your STRENGTH. You
will be an INSPIRATION and COURAGE to them because of your strength.
You could choose to ignore the PAIN and focus on how you'll work out instead. How
will you deal with it positively if it happens again?

BE POSITIVE. As positive as Nick Vujicic, he was born with an absence of arms and
legs. He struggled mentally, emotionally, and physically. He was being bullied and
attempted suicide when he was ten but then Nick realized that living with disabilities
is not a hindrance in finding the meaning of life.
Take steps to secure your safety – whatever discomfort you're feeling, don't worry,
you'll be fine.
You are entitled to enjoy life's pleasures, and you owe it to the rest of the world to be
a constructive influence on others.

Above all PRAY and ask for guidance on Him.

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