Indigenous Music in Nigeria Its Role Towards National Development

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FUNAI Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

2015, Vol. 1, No. 2, 102 - 109

Indigenous Music in Nigeria: Its Role Towards National
Folorunso Jayeola
Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo

Indigenous music is a way of life that carries the attributes and value of the culture
it identifies. Increasingly, focus is shifting from the traditional music in
developing the nation or preserving the cultural heritage of the Nation. Attention is
then being given to borrowed culture in the name of civilization. The issue of
enculturation in Nigeria has turned to be the order of the day, whereby Nigerians
in other to be updated (modernize), drop what belongs to us and embraced
Western borrowed culture. Recently, Nigerian government is working and
encouraging all Nigerians to support her in achieving the vision 20:2020 aimed
towards National Development. This paper aims to support this initiative by
discussing the value of African music and its roles towards national development.

Keywords: African Music, National Development, culture

African music is one of the cultural indices
that make Africans Africa. It is a cultural In Nigeria, indigenous music had its origin
identity that has to do with singing, playing and identity before the pre-colonial and
of instruments, dancing and use of various Islamic era. (Omojola, 2002). Since then, it
artifacts. Music, over the ages, “has proved has been consistently practice and nurtured
to be one of the indispensable arts cultivated to sustain the values of the society it
by man for growth, nurture and transfer of identifies. In the same vein, Isaac. (2009)
his institution and value to future writes “the society places a high premium
generations” (Vidal 2002:2). According to on music and by extension musician”. This
Bikeway (2009), the growth and is born out of the fact that they are seen as
development of any nation depend to a large the tool for the preservation of their culture.
extent on the ability of its citizens to harness Hence, loss of indigenous music of a society
it’s naturally imbued resources as well as will be disastrous to culture identity and
putting into good use other man-made future wellbeing of the society, which may
features, skills, and talents. Indigenous lead to cultural extinction of the society. It is
music in Africa and Nigeria in particular is a on this note that we can see how important
complete institution, which is based on the indigenous music is towards National
societal phenomenon of the people it development in Nigeria. A nation that has
represents. Its concept is based on societal lost her indigenous music practice has surely
fact and values through musical arts. lost hope of building a viable future because
in the aspect of moral upbringing of a child,
Correspondence concerning this article indigenous music plays a prominent role. A
should be sent to Folorunso Jayeola, Federal child can also be exposed to many other
University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo. Email: positive acts in the society through music,

which automatically prepares such a child to Emenyeonu (1994: 135) disclosed that,
be an instrument for national development “what African countries need most in their
march towards progress and development in
The key problems this paper aims to a nation is one thing “good leadership”. This
address is as follows: Lack of interest in is a good observation because African
traditional music; Lack of adequate cultural nations have witnessed series of rise and fall
studies in Nigeria institutions; Difficulty in in government, even economies that once
learning how to play traditional musical were booming and viable are collapsing with
instruments; Little or no traditional musical reckless abandon, while famine and hunger
instrument technology in Nigeria have reduced most countries to mere
institutions. It is imperative to address these beggars due to political instability. Political
issues because it will enlighten and expose development in this dimension requires
Nigerians to the values and contributions of drastic and radical transformation for
indigenous music towards the development responsible and effective leadership. It is
of a Nation. It will also create awareness for only when there is good leadership that
the need to include cultural and creative arts other factors that promote national
in schools’ curriculum. development will be effectively utilized and
LITERATURE REVIEW implemented such as ” Indigenous music in
National development in a short form Nigeria: its role towards National
means Nation Building which is a Development”. It is at this juncture, that we
compound word from two different words – can say that we are developing a nation and
separately – Nation; The Longman’s not focusing on a particular channel and
Dictionary (2005: 1093) in its perspective, leaving the others unattended to. Therefore,
considered it in relation to its people and its National development should not be seen as
social or economic structure ….a large one facet problem, it is all embracing; and it
group of people of the same race and is only when other factors left behind are put
language”. Likewise, development, which in in place that a nation can realize her
another word can also said to be building, developmental goals/ objectives as it is in
from the same source (p.192) means, “the Nigeria…The Vision 20:2020.
process or business of building /developing INDIGENOUS MUSIC
something”. Precisely National development The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s
as the case may be has no definite definition. Dictionary defines “Indigenous” as naturally
Nevertheless, the coinage of the two words existing in a place or country rather than
National and Development could possibly arriving from another place. Indigenous
mean, building a Nation/ race to attain music is a term for the traditional music of
greater heights. As has been remarked the indigenous people of the world, that is,
earlier, the growth of any country is the music of an “Original” ethnic group that
multidimensional. It extends to both human inhabits any geographical region. [The term
and environmental developments. depends upon the political role an ethnic
Expressing it further, it also involves group plays rather than upon its strictly
societal reformation, freedom from political musical characteristics.] Traditional Music
colonialism, or what may be called political can claim to be the expression or art that is
emancipation. In the examination of the most accessible to human beings in any
pattern of political leadership in Africa, situation in their lives- crises or calm, work

and worship, play or war, recreation or worship deities called ‘ogu’. This group is
reflection. Music is implicated in life, and followed by the Ibibio/Annang/ Efik people
people go all out to use music to of the coastal/ South South Nigeria and the
communicate, to move, to express emotions Ijaws of the Niger Delta. The rest of
and ideas, and to mobilize people or rally Nigeria’s ethnic groups (sometimes called
their solidarity. The national music of any minority) are found all over the country but
people is a rallying point, a marshalling especially in the Middle Belt and the North.
point for expression of solidarity (Okafor, Most Hausas are Muslim and the Igbos are
2005). predominantly Christians. The
In many occasion, indigenous music Efik/Ibibio/Annang people are also mainly
is used interchangeably with traditional Christians. The Yorubas have a balance of
music because the two words carries the members that are adherent to both Islam and
same philosophies, ideas and expression. Christianity. Indigenous religious practices
Next to the local language, traditional music remain important in all of Nigerian’s groups
is the most widely used medium of and these beliefs are often blended with
expression for all manners of occasion and Christian belief.
at all times and period of life. African music
runs through the brain of an average African The music of Nigerians includes many
man like the blood does. The pulsation kinds of folk and popular music, some of
disposition of an Africa man to music is as which are known worldwide. Traditional
great as the man feels when blood runs musicians use a number of diverse
through his veins. Traditional music has so instruments, such as the Gongo drums.
much influence in the life of an African man THE VISION 20:2020
and everything we do; even in our In the analysis of the federal government
traditional occupations like, farming, blue print, Akpan (2009) stated that the
weaving, blacksmith, carpentry, dyeing, vision 20:20202 has seven objectives: To
hunting, etc. Africans craftily form make Nigerian one of the 20 largest
danceable rhythmical patterns with the tools, economies in the word; To make Nigeria an
and often complement the beats evolving international finance centre; To evaluate
through deliberate manipulation of the tools, Nigeria’s potentials using development; To
with indigenous tune. make Nigeria to be Africa’s financial hub
NIGERIA NATION: The Nigeria culture is where most of the international financial
shaped by Nigerians multiple ethnic groups. transactions in Africa would be connected
The country has over 500 languages and with Nigeria; To help other African Nations
over 250 dialects and ethnic groups. The move out of financial doldrums; To move
three largest ethnic groups are the Hausa- Nigeria out of third world country state to an
Fulani who are predominantly in the North, industrialized status. Generate 60, 000
the Igbo who are predominantly in the megawatts (mw) of electricity in the year
Southeast and the Yoruba who are 2020
predominantly in the Southwest. Other Similarly, MDG’S GOALS are to: Eradicate
ethnic groups are the Edos whom extreme poverty and hunger; Achieve
predominantly in the region between Yoruba universal primary education; Promote
land and Igbo land. 80% of Edo people tend gender equality and empower women;
to be Christians while the remaining 20% Reduce child mortality; Improve maternal

health; Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and Americans and Brazilians, in

other diseases; Ensure environmental particular were reminiscences of
sustainability and Develop a global legacies of the Africans in the
partnership for development. Diaspora
g. To retain cultural identity as black
VALUES OF INDIGENOUS MUSIC: people/ that are naturally endowed
Dejo (2003) states that the study of with very rich musical tradition.
indigenous music would on a wider view
allow for cultural alignment and continuity CHALLENGES OF NATIONAL
in individual. Pedagogically speaking, an DEVELOPMENT
individual is what he is (African, European, There is a great difficulty in
and Arab etc.) by virtue of his or her maintaining or achieving developmental
background (Culture). Americans were balance in Nigeria. This is because of so
more famous with this principle. They many factors, which need to be properly
reflect this phenomenon in all facet of their harnessed before they yield good result.
life and educational philosophy. Suffice it to They include various schemes and projects
say that the study of African music will put that can help to better the lot of the people
students in proper orientation and such as:
perspective to the overall culture of their
land. Since it is an emblem, courier, and Social Services: If a citizen of a nation
carrier of their cultural practices. grows, certainly it means the Nation itself is
growing. Therefore, it becomes obvious that
Based on the foregoing, it could be any nation, which bears the growth of her
summarized that the need to study our citizens at heart, her utmost target, would
indigenous music is paramount. These include fair distribution of social services
include: and amenities. No nation’s development is
complete if the welfare of the inhabitants are
a. To cultivate and understand music of neglected. Consequently, Abenga (1993:54)
our land and thereby propagate it in notes that:
its unadulterated (original) form.
b. For other cultures of the world to The problem of rural development is
know and appreciate the beauty of therefore not only limited to Agriculture
our music; in all its ramifications. and the development of infrastructure. It
c. To develop our music to the standard includes the development of other
of the music of other civilized/ aspects of the rural community such as
developed societies. improvement in health and nutrition,
d. For other music to accommodate and trade, arts and crafts that are necessary
utilize modern preservation devices for enhancing development; and the
(print and electronics/ technologies provision of basic amenities like water
e.g. recording). and electricity and small scale
e. The future generations of our society industries. (p.54)
to continue with the good legacies of
their oral inheritance. Music is one of the basic social services that
f. The world to accept the reality that need adequate consideration. No nation’s
most musical traditions (songs social life is worth living without music. It
instruments, costume etc.) of the sensitizes, criticizes, mould character,

entertains, communicates, and heals, just to portrays the nation’s identity. Any nation
mention but a few. On the other hand, music that respects her culture normally, preserves,
is an ardent social mobilizer. It awakens the promotes and keeps it alive through social
society on the goings on of event in the activities. This view automatically
country. Okafor (1989:19) states that, underscores the importance of music as a
“Social mobilization programme has several culture promoter. Music performed by every
directions, - political direction, social society carries the social cultural nuances
direction, and economic direction”. Music, and messages of the society. It is always
especially traditional music has an answer to said that development is a function of
whichever direction the mobilization takes. culture because people cannot be developed
Suffice it to say that music is one of the outside their experiences and cultural ethos.
essential services needed if the nation were Through cultural exhibitions which music is
to grow/develop. However, in Nigeria, little part of, the nation achieves economic and
or no attention has been given to Nigeria’s social growth. This encourages tourism,
indigenous music. Even at the various inter-ethnic relationship and provides
academic institution level, emphasis is avenue for foreign exchange. Any nation
always given to western world cultural that turns her back or looks down on the
music and that of indigenous Africa indigenous music and dances of her people
(Nigeria) music is often left un-emphasized is jeopardizing her economy. In other words,
it applies that destruction of culture means
Culture: Culture is another factor for the retardation and threat to the nation’s growth.
wheel of development of any nation. A
society is distinguished from another as a Education: Education is regarded as the key
result of culture. Culture constitutes the to nation building. It ranked second out of
totality of customs, rituals, norms, and the eight Millennium Development (MDG)
values that regulate the people’s pattern of Goals which aim is to “achieve universal
life. The Nigeria (1998:5) Cultural Policy primary education” with the specific target
for Nigeria defines culture as: that ensuring that “by 2015, children
everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be
The totality of the way of life evolved by able to complete a full course of primary
a people in their attempts to meet the schooling”.(p.12)
challenges of living in their environment,
which gives order and meaning to their As it stands today in Nigeria,
social, political, economic, aesthetic and education is not receiving the expected
religious norms and modes of attention, most especially in the areas of
organization thus distinguishing a performing and creative arts which music is
people from their neighbors. among. For the proper implementation of
the Education Policy no aspect of its
The above definition is supported by Okafor objectives should be neglected. Music is the
and Emeka (2004:154) as they define culture life wire of the nation’s social life and
as, all the knowledge, belief, customs, therefore should be well accommodated in
values and skills available in a society and the nation’s education policy. Emenyonu
by which the society can be compared to or (1994: 104-105) unequivocally states that:
differentiated from others. It could also be “Education indeed is the biggest industry in
added that culture can only be felt through Nigeria today, but it is also the most
societal expression of it and that is what

underfunded and the most under nourished TRADITIONAL MUSIC AND

industry….everyone knows what is good for NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT
education….but those who matter and who Neither in the sphere of economics,
have the capacity to bring about the nor in the sphere of politics, Nigerian
rehabilitative process, either lack the will or intellectuals never denied culture as a very
zeal or the commitment to do so”. important heritage of Africa. According to
Ologe (1987), the need to integrate cultural
It is no more news that every Government in activities and values in all sphere of life has
power forecasts “free education for all” been very loudly pronounced in the post-
programme, but the news is that of independence development of Nigeria.
ridiculous implementation of the General ideas on Nigerian development
programme. Using music as an example, were linked to the authentic cultural values.
teaching aids such a musical instrument However, the clash between modernization
(both local and western), keyboard, (westernization) on one side and the
computer, music software, electronic traditional cultural values on the other side
gadgets for recording and production are all could not have been avoided. The traditional
lacking in schools most especially in cultures have been more or less left to the
primary and secondary schools. So, for the local initiatives. In the context of rather
system to yield fruit there must be adequate radical development changes, they have
supply of adequate facilities and generated different types of pop-cultures:
involvement of experts in various technical pop-music based on the strong authentic
areas who would undertake the training of tradition; pop-literature (market literature)
the learners, and offer industrial attachment produced for barely literate audience and
training. It looks so absurd if, for lack of expressing the general popular concern;
funding or inadequate facilities, the schools, performing arts and group inheriting the
more especially the tertiary institutions go status of traditional performances.
on producing graduates who cannot meet up
with the developmental challenges. For Cultural Music and New
instance, a graduate who majored in music Technologist have very much influenced
without any idea of instrument either such developments by enabling fast
western or traditional musical instrument is communication and creation of interval
as good as a graduate who cannot practically (music, literature, etc.) Markets. The most
offer anything to the society in the sciences important issue of cultural development is
as well as in the sciences. Therefore, re- certainly the issue of creation of either
emphasizing that education is the biggest national Nigerian, or affirmation of ethnic
industry a country can be boastful of cultural identity. This is also an important
demands that constructive planning and political issue, as the Nigerian federation
adequate implementation of policies should tried to put together the achievements of the
be strongly and gallantly adhered to, if its modern democratic West European State
usefulness in nation building is to be and the local cultural traditions.
Development of education,
establishment of growth of cultural
institutions and cultural industries all reflect
the constant processes of change in Nigerian

life and Nigerian culture. It is impossible to that Nigeria could be fast grown if there is
quantify these processes, but it is evident critical intervention in traditional cultural
even now that the cultural growth is identity (Music). Nigerian Children are
reflected in the new type of Nigerian culture leaders of tomorrow and presently the nation
and identity. is focusing on being one of the leading
economies in the whole world by the year
On the political sphere, many 2020, This means if achieved, Nigeria has
politicians / political parties have found it really developed, but fortunately the
expedient to use traditional music as the children that will grow and uphold, maintain
medium for carrying their slogan and this proposed vision are left unattended to.
through the medium of traditional music,
communicate to entire nation. The lyric Recommendations:
carries the particular message of the
common Nigeria, and as well, the politicians 1. Federal Government should aim
by which the electorate would know what towards improvement on cultural
their candidate would offer before casting heritage of Nigeria as part of Nigeria’s
their vote. Murray (1963) described this Vision 20: 2020
generation as a generation of the most 2. Cultural week should be part of
ignorant of their local tradition and history. academic calendar in our various
Therefore, indigenous music has said to be institutions of learning.
the only avenue to reach everyone both in 3. Performing Arts and Visual Arts
rural and urban areas. should be merged in our tertiary
institution in other to improve
CONCLUSION knowledge of students in both units.
National development requires effort 4. Nigerian language should not be
from various angles. Talking about National discouraged in teaching indigenous
development in Nigeria, the Federal music especially in our primary and
government needs to be aware that it is not secondary level of education.
only through developing economies that
development could come to Nigeria, and

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