Statement of Purpose

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Statement Of Purpose

My father, who owns a construction company in Hyderabad, has been serving our community for past 15 years.
I have always been an admirer of my father’s abilities and imagination in the field of engineering and science. I
have often visited construction sites just to see how things work. Thus, I got passion to learn more about
engineering and to create best designs. I was so impressed with my father’s planning, designing and team
work in various aspects of construction that I involved myself helping father at very young age even though I
had very minimal knowledge of construction. I have always been a keen observer of bridges, railroads and
buildings. To me, there was something dignified about each one of these projects, that it was just an idea in
someone’s mind. I found this extremely remarkable and I therefore went ahead and chose to become a civil
engineer so that I could contribute in building the nation.

In my school days, where I constantly maintained a good academic profile, I was taken over by the beauty of
mathematics and physics, which strengthened my childhood dream of becoming a Civil Engineer. When I
eventually managed to get in to the prestigious Engineering college i.e., Muffakham Jah College Of
Engineering And Technology, affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad. As a student in the Department
of Civil Engineering, my dream came true. I decided to make the best of the opportunities offered.

My Under Graduate education in Civil Engineering helped me to turn in to a real profession in this present-day
Technological World. I come to know well the benefits of the Academic World and utilized it to the full extent for
my academic growth and goals accomplishment. My current Undergraduate status in civil engineering is
definitely not enough for me to be a best profession in this field and I am interested in pursuing furthering
through catching with MS in Civil Engineering in your University.

Civil engineering department staff in my college gave strong support to my feeling saying that “We being the
civil engineering students can make the world and we can move the world.” In my undergraduate project, I took
Design and Analysis of a Multistoreyed Building as my project. This project has served to sharpen my
inclination to engage in active research in design and analysis of various fundamentals of construction and has
also exposed me to various civil softwares like Auto Cad, Primevera and Staad Pro.

During my school and undergraduate education, I have been a keen participant in extracurricular activities.
Getting elected as the school pupil leader helped in hone my organizational and interpersonal skills.During my
Undergraduate education, I have been involved in the annual technical fest as the lead member of the
designing team and use to organizes various technical events.I was also a member of “INDIAN CONCRETE
INSTITUTE”, Student chapter of my college where I use to develop corporate relations and trains volunteers
and juniors for various tasks to achive development of student chapter.Overall,Throughout my academics I
learnt many skill and abilities such as time management ,decision making and problem solving etc. By involving
myself into innumerous extracurricular activities

I strongly believe that not only academic knowledge, but also soft skills are also very important in one’s life. In
my first year at MJCET, I was able to get selected in the core team of the highly reputed Entrepreneurship Cell
of the college and eventually I became the part of The National Runner- Up team at the National E-Week
2013.I was also honored with the opportunity to be the co-organizer of the Civil – Expo 2014, a national level
technical exhibition. Acknowledging my skills and hard work, I was appointed as the Chief Coordinator of the
“Project SUES”, which consisted of producing a true scale model of our entire education society campus
spread over acres of hilly terrain. This was one of the most responsible positions for me until this point in my
life. Being the Chief coordinator for the team, I was responsible for getting all the required data, plan the work
and guide a team of 13 complete freshmen towards the successful completion of the project. Through my
negotiations, I was able to get 90% sponsorship for the project. The experience gained during this project was
immense. It also made me realize of my managerial capabilities and also honed my team-working skills.It also
helped me to develop a persistent attitude when the going gets tough. I was bestowed with the highly
responsible position of the General Secretary of the Institution of Engineers (IEI) India, Students’ chapter of
the college. The position is highly demanding and is causing me to learn a lot.

In this world where engineers are proliferating at an extremely high pace, I felt that I had to achieve something
different to stand in a good position in the competitive world pursuing this strongly inbuilt motive. During my
study at Bachelor’s level and subsequent job, I have nurtured a growing interest in design and analysis of
various aspects of a multi storyed building due to its immense real life applications and wide scope of research.
It is my interest to excel in these fields. I want to expose myself to the outer limits of specialized knowledge of
this fields. This enthusiasm and zeal took me to another level through my internship programme. I decided to
join a leading local construction company named Studio Architect as a Construction Management. This
internship programme gave me a very specific direction to move forward to in a very adventurous field of
Construction Management. I was exposed to the ground realities of Construction Management and the
construction industry. However, my thirst for the acquisition of knowledge and to become the Picasso of the art
of building technology made me restless and I decided to quench my thirst by completing the Masters degree
programme at your prestigious institution.

Being the ‘CLASS REPRESENTATIVE’ and having led a team and successfully completing the project,
eventually turned out to be a confidence booster. It taught me that the basis of good work is self-reliance and
very importantly, time management. This quality I believe is what a researcher should posses and I realized
that I posses these by the end of that project. I learned to accept both criticism and praise with a positive frame
of mind. This was a distinctively gratifying experience for me, which I feel would stand in good stead in the
future, especially in lieu of a good team leader.

It was the field of “Construction Management”, which particularly captured my interest. The desire to delve
deeper into this subject persuaded me to take courses in Legal Issues in Construction Management, while
offering both depth and breadth across this field, these courses put into perspective the importance and
relevance of Construction Management and the application of its fundamentals to problems related to
Construction Management.

Since the study of Construction Management is still far behind the World's leading position, It is necessary to
learn the latest knowledge and technologies from the developed country so as to promote the research level.
My desire to make my own contribution to this field evokes me to go after more advanced knowledge. USA,
which has long played leading role in the research of Construction Management and Administration, is just the
best choice to further my education. Now, I could sense my strong aspiration for the study of Construction
Management while your esteemed University is just prestigious in Academic community for the profound
theoretical deposits and competent research teams. Meanwhile, the new conceptions and research modes in
Engineering Management also arouse my pursuit of an advanced education. For all these reasons, I sincerely
hope I could be bestowed with a valuable opportunity to study in your renowned university under the assistance
of your cultivation; I am convinced that I will definitely find my own stage in Construction Management.

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