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What is Training Evaluation?

The systematic process of reviewing training programs to guarantee that they are properly and
efficiently transformed is known as training assessment. Assessments indicate training deficiencies
and even chances for program improvement.

Trainers and human resource professionals can examine if training programs are achieving the
desired objectives and whether training materials and resources are available by gathering feedback.
if the product utilized is suitable or fits industry and corporate criteria.[ CITATION saf21 \l 1033 ]


Concerning advantages Training evaluations give detailed feedback on the worth of training
programs and their efficacy in meeting company objectives. It assists management in better
understanding and identifying skill shortages, as well as analyzing the desired objectives of training


There are four fundamental phases in evaluation training, which include::

1. Choosing the appropriate model

2. Determine indicators of training effectiveness
3. Choosing the right method and collecting data
4. Analyze Data

1. Choosing the appropriate model

Kirkpatrick's four-level model, which has four stages, is one of the most prevalent methods of
training assessment: Reaction, Learning, Behavior, Results.

2. Determine indicators of training effectiveness

To assess the efficacy of training programs, the person providing the training must first define
"effectiveness" indicators. The index factors are as follows:

 New skills and knowledge

 Learning experience
 Employee happiness
 Cultural impact
 Efficiency impact
 Financial impact
3. Choosing the right method and collecting data

Data collecting methodologies are referred to as training evaluation methods. Following the
determination of the objective, strategy, and measurement of training efficacy, the next stage is to
pick the right method or instrument for collecting the essential information relevant to the training

4. Analyze Data

The final step is to analyze the collected data and record the results of the training evaluations
performed. Training evaluation records will be an important component of future improvements in
an organization's approach to training programmes.

following by a table of rating systems on the criteria to provide quality answers.

Training Evaluation Form

name: Duong Tan Hao

Date conducted: 8/11/21

Title and location of training: Thaco

Name of the trainer/s:

Guidelines: choos Strongly Affirmative Disagree Strongly Not

e your level of Affirmative Disagree applicable
satisfaction with the to this
below statements occasion

1.Were the goals of

the training event
2.The training was
well organized

3. The content was

organized and easy to

4.Was the training

program engaging?

5. Was the instructor

well-informed in the
subject matter?

6. Was the training

exercise too long?

7. Was the coach

supportive in terms
of content

8. Was Thaco
relevant and helpful?

9. Was the location

suitable for the

10.overall, i found
the training useful
and informative

( More questions on back ->)

11. Do you enjoy working experience at thaco?

-Of course yes, the working environment and colleagues are comfortable and friendly, moreover, the
working system is diverse, you can easily learn and determine your own orientation. Finally, the
instructor is very dedicated and attentive to questions about the study topic.

12. What did you like most about this training? 

-Working spirit and receptive to ideas is what I like the most here, this helps me adapt faster and
create self-development force.

13. What aspects of the training could be improved?

-To be honest, it's the culture of communication, followed by the flexibility in work and the ability to
deal with emotions.

14. How do you hope to change your practice as a result of this training?

- I hope to change the way I look at other professions during my studies, so that I realize that my
knowledge is still not enough and need to continue to identify more broadly.

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