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Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations

and Their Applications

Volume 23

Haim Brezis
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, N.J.

Editorial Board
Antonio Ambrosetti, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
A. Bahrl, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Luis Cafarelli, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
L. C. Evans, University of California, Berkeley
Mariano Giaquinta, University of Florence
David Kinderlehrer, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh
S. Klainerman, Princeton University
Robert Kohn, New York University
P. L. Lions, University of Paris IX
Jean Mawhin, Universite Catholique de Louvain
Louis Nirenberg, New York University
Lambertus Peletier, University of Leiden
Paul Rabinowitz, University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Toland, University of Bath
Yuanlong Xin

Geometry of Harmonic Maps

Boston - Basel- Berlin
Yuanlong Xin
Institute of Mathematics
Fudan University
Shanghai 200433 China

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Xin, Y.L., 1943-

Geometry of harmonic mapslYuanlong Xin.
p. cm. -- (Progress in nonlinear differential equations and
their applications; v. 23)
Includes bibliographical references (p. -- ) and index.
ISBN 0-8176-3820-2 (alk. paper). -- ISBN 3-7643-3820-2 (alk.
I. Harmonic maps. I. Title II. Series
QA614.73.X56 1996 96-3267
514'.74--dc20 CIP

ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-8644-8 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4612-4084-6

001: 10.107/978-1-4612-4084-6

Printed on acid-free paper

© 1996 Birkhauser Boston Birkhiiuser ~®
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1996

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Preface ix

Chapter I. Introduction 1
1.1 Vector Bundles 1
1.1.1 Vector Bundles 1
1.1.2 Connections 5
1.2 Harmonic Maps 9
1.2.1 Energy 10
1.2.2 Tension Field 11
1.2.3 The First Variational Formula 13
1.2.4 Examples of Harmonic Maps 15
1.3 A Bochner Type Formula 17
1.3.1 Hodge-Laplace Operator and Weitzenb6ck
Formula 17
1.3.2 A Bochner Type Formula and Its Applications 22
1.4 Basic Properties of Harmonic Maps 28
1.4.1 Maximum Principle 28
1.4.2 Unique Continuation Theorems 32
1.4.3 Second Variational Formula and Stable
Harmonic Maps 33
Chapter II. Conservation Law 39
2.1 Stress-Energy Tensor and Conservation Law 39
2.2 Monotonicity Formula 43
2.3 Applications of Conservation Law to Liouville
type Theorems 46
2.4 FUrther Generalizations 49
Chapter III. Harmonic Maps and Gauss Maps 61
3.1 Generalized Gauss Maps 61
3.2 Cone-like Harmonic Maps 64
3.3 Generalized Maximum Principle 70
3.4 Estimates of Image Diameter and its
Applications 76

3.5 Gauss Image of a Space-Like Hypersurface in
Minkowski Space 79
3.6 Gauss Image of a Space-Like Submanifold in
Pseudo-Euclidean Space 86
3.6.1 Geometry of ~IV(2) 87
3.6.2 Gauss Map 89
3.6.3 Gauss Image of a Space-like Surface in lR~ 91
Chapter IV. Harmonic Maps and Holomorphic 97
4.1 Partial Energies 97
4.2 Harmonicity of Holomorphic Maps 99
4.3 Holomorphicity of Harmonic Maps 102
Chapter V. Existence, Nonexistence and Regularity
5.1 Direct Method of the Calculus of Variations 121
5.2 Regularity Theorems 124
5.3 Nonexistence and Existence 127
5.4. Regularity Results of Harmonic Maps into
Positively Curved Manifolds 132
Chapter VI. Equivariant Harmonic Maps 147
6.1 Riemannian Submersions and Equivariant
Harmonic Maps 147
6.2 Reduction Theorems 152
6.3 Equivariant Variational Formulas 156
6.4 On Harmonic Representatives of IIm(8m) 162
6.4.1 ODE of Smith's Construction 163
6.4.2 The Solvability of ODE (6.31) and (6.33) 166
6.4.3 Application of Smith's Construction 179
6.4.4 Another Construction of Equivariant Maps 181
6.4.5 The Solvability of ODE (6.63) and (6.65) 186
6.4.6 On Harmonic Representatives of Homotopy
Group of the Higher Dimensional Sphere 191
6.5 Harmonic Maps via Isoparametric Maps 193
6.6 Harmonic Maps of Projective Spaces 202
6.6.1 Harmonic Maps from QJP>n - 1 into 8 m1 205
6.6.2 Harmonic Maps from QJP>n - 1 into QJP>m-l 206

6.7 Equivariant Boundary Value Problems 209
6.7.1 The Reduced PDE 209
6.7.2 The Solvability of PDE 212
6.7.3 Construction of Equivariant Maps into CP2 216
6.7.4 Heat Flow 217
6.7.5 Global Existence and Sub convergence 223
References 227
Index 239


Harmonic maps are solutions to a natural geometrical variational prob-

lem. This notion grew out of essential notions in differential geometry, such
as geodesics, minimal surfaces and harmonic functions. Harmonic maps are
also closely related to holomorphic maps in several complex variables, to
the theory of stochastic processes, to nonlinear field theory in theoretical
physics, and to the theory of liquid crystals in materials science. During
the past thirty years this subject has been developed extensively.
The monograph is by no means intended to give a complete description
of the theory of harmonic maps. For example, the book excludes a large
part of the theory of harmonic maps from 2-dimensional domains, where
the methods are quite different from those discussed here.
The first chapter consists of introductory material. Several equivalent
definitions of harmonic maps are described, and interesting examples are
presented. Various important properties and formulas are derived. Among
them are Bochner-type formula for the energy density and the second varia-
tional formula. This chapter serves not only as a basis for the later chapters,
but also as a brief introduction to the theory.
Chapter 2 is devoted to the conservation law of harmonic maps. Em-
phasis is placed on applications of conservation law to the mono tonicity
formula and Liouville-type theorems.
There is a close link between the theory of harmonic maps and the
theory of submanifolds. Chapter 3 presents various uniqueness results
for submanifolds with parallel mean curvature, through the properties of
their Gauss maps which are harmonic. It is shown that the harmonic map
method is effective in dealing with such problems on submanifolds.
It was A. Lichnerowicz who first studied harmonic maps in the frame-
work of complex geometry. During the past decades the subject has become
an important aspect of harmonic maps. In Chapter 4 we only give some
basic notions, some formulas, and applications of harmonic maps to the
Frankel conjecture and strong rigidity. Readers are referred to the survey
[J- Y3] for recent developments in this direction.
There are several methods of obtaining existence results for harmonic
maps. One of them is the direct method of the calculus of variations, and
this is discussed in Chapter 5. The key point is the regularity of weakly
harmonic maps. The partial regularity theorems, due to Schoen-Uhlenbeck
and Giaquinta-Giusti, has been described briefly. Emphasis is placed on
finding geometric conditions which satisfy the above partial regularity theo-
rems. In this way, the Eells-Sampson existence theorem can be generalized,

and the dimensions of the singular sets of a minimizing weakly harmonic
maps into certain positively curved manifolds can be estimated
Chapter 6 is a systematic study of the method of equivariant harmonic
maps. A rather general framework for the method is given. The reduced
harmonicity equations can be a single ODE, a system of ODE's, or a scalar
PDE. By solving several concrete problems, it is shown that this method is
useful for finding non-minimal critical points of the geometric variational
We use freely and without explanation well known facts from Riemann-
ian geometry. Readers are referred to standard text books for these basic
results. This book is primarily a translation of the original Chinese version.
Some material was added and refined during the translation, partially due
to suggestions of the referee, to whom I would like to express my sincere
The present text is based on lectures given by the author at the Institute
of Mathematics, FUdan University; the Institute of Mathematics, Academia
Sinica; the Nationwide Summer School for Graduate Students held at Uni-
versity of Sceinces and Technologies of China and the Nankai Institute of
Mathematics. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the hospitality of
these institutions. I also express my deep appreciation to my colleagues
and students who, through suggestions and corrections, contributed to the
improvement of this book. Special thanks are due to Professors Su Buchin,
Gu Chaohao and Hu Hesheng for their encouragement during the prepra-
tion of this book. Professor Gu read through the manuscript of the Chinese
version of this book and gave many valuable comments and suggestions.
In conclusion I acknowledge the grants from the National Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of China, and the Science Foundation of Educational Com-
mittee of China which partially supported my work, including this book.

Y. L. Xin
FUdan University
August, 1995



Several equivalent definitions of harmonic maps, their relevant geo-

metric backgrounds, and also the main properties and basic formulas will
be shown in this chapter. The contents of the present chapter lay the
foundation for the later chapters and the further research for the theory
of harmonic maps. For the sake of fixing the terminologies and notations,
we begin with introducing vector bundles.


One of the basic notions in global differential geometry is that of vec-

tor bundles. Both the theory of harmonic maps and many other geometric
problems have been put into this framework. The elementary materials
of vector bundles will be shown in the section.

1.1.1 Vector bundles.

Vector bundles are usually defined via the principal bundles. We
shall define them directly.
DEFINITION 1.1.1 Let ~ and M be differentiable manifolds, and 7r : ~ - t
M a differentiable surjective map. E( ~,M, 7r) is called a vector bundle if
it satisfies the following conditions:
(1) For any p E M, 7r- 1 (p) possesses a vector space structure
(which is denoted by Fp(E) or Fp sometimes). Its dimension
is always assumed to be constant.
(2) Local triviality. Namely, for any p EM there exists a neigh-
borhood U of p in M, an integer n 2: 0 and a diffeomorphism

such that for any q E U the map y J---7 h( q, y) is a linear

isomorphism between the vector space ]Rn and the vector
space 7r- 1 (q).

e, M and rr are called the total manifold, the base manifold and
the projection map, respectively. rr-l(p) is a fiber over the point p, and
(U, h) is a coordinate chart of Here U can be the whole base manifold
M. In this situation E is called a trivial vector bundle.
DEFINITION 1.1.2 Let s : M --t be a differentiable map from the base
manifold M of a vector bundle E into the total manifold e.
It is called a
cross-section if it satisfies

rr 0 s = id (the identity map).

The set of cross-sections of the vector bundle is denoted by r(E).

Let JRn denote an n-dimensional real vector space. The product
M x JRn is a trivial vector bundle, where M is any differentiable manifold.
For any element (p, x) E M x JRn the projection is defined by rr(p, x) = p.
For any t l , t2 E JR, the following expression

determines the structure of a vector space for rr-l(p). When n = 1, any

cross-section of M x JR is a smooth function on M.
We know that T M = UpEM TpM is a differentiable manifold, where
TpM denotes the tangent space of M at the point p E M. For any (p, v) E
T M the projection map rr is defined by rr(p, v) = p. The vector space
structure for rr-l(p) is determined by

Next, let us show the local triviality.

For any p E M there exists a neighborhood p E U C M and a
coordinate map <jy(U) = {(Xl'··· ,X n )} C JRn (n is the dimension of M).
Let a~' Ip be the tangent vector of the i-th coordinate curve. Define
h : U x JRn --t rr-I(U) by

h(p, v) = v'. {)xi

{) Ip'

where v = (vI, ... ,vn). Here and in the sequel we use summation con-
ventions, namely summing up repeated indices over the range of indices.
. a
On the other hand, for any e = e' ax' Ip, we have

This means that h is a diffeomorphism.

Consequently, T M is a vector bundle over M, which is called the
tangent bundle. Any cross-section of the tangent bundle is a smooth
vector field on the manifold M.
Let 7r : ~ -+ N be a vector bundle and M another differentiable
manifold. Let I : M -+ N be a smooth map. Let us construct an
induced vector bundle El = 1-1 E over M.
(a) The total manifold 6 consists of the elements (p, e) E M x ~
I(p) = 7r(e).

(b) The projection map 7rl : 6 -+ M is defined by 7rl (p, e) = p. If we

define j(p, e) = e, then the following diagram is commutative

(c) Vector space structure for 7r~l(p).

Choose two points (p, el) and (p, e2) on the same fiber. Since 7r( el) =
I(p) = 7r(e2), that is el and e2 are in the same fiber of the vector bundle
~, we can do a linear operation for el and e2. Hence, we can define a
linear operation for the elements of a fiber of 6 as follows:

Fp(f-l E) is linearly isomorphic to Ff(p)(E). In fact, from 7r(tlel +t2e2) =

I (p)
it follows that

+ t 2(p, e2))
j(tl (p, el)
= j(p, tIel + t2e2)
= tIel + t 2 e 2

= tti(p, el) + td(p, e2)'

Therefore, j is a linear map between Fp(f-l E) and Ff(p)(E). Obviously,

it is a surjective map. For any e E ~ suppose that its inverse images are
(p, e) and (q, e) under the map Since we consider 7r~l(p), it is necessary
that p = q, which means j is injective. Consequently, we have verified
the claim of the linear isomorphism of Fp(f-l E) and Ff(p)(E).

(d) The local triviality.

For any p E M and J(p) E N let (U,h) be a coordinate chart of
E near J(p). Denote U1 = J- 1(U). Suppose that U1 is a coordinate
neighborhood of pin M. Define hI : U1 X IR n - t 71'11(U) by

h1(p,v) = (p,h(f(p),v)) EM x 71'-l(U) C M x e.

J(p) = 71' 0 h(f(p),v)),
h1(p,v) E 71'11(Ud c 6.
hI is a diffeomorphism. In fact, it has an inverse differentiable map.
Choose e1 E 71'1 1(Ud· Then, e1 = (p, e) E M x e
with J(p) = 71'(e). If

h-1(e) = (f(p),v),

where v E IR n , then define


hI 0 hl1(ed = h1(p,v)
= (p,h(f(p),v))
= (p, h 0 h -1 (e))
= (p, e) = e1,

hl1 0 hI (p, v) = hl1 (p, h(f(p), v))

= (p,v).
Therefore, hI : U1 X IR n - t 71'11(Ud is a diffeomorphism and (U1,h1) is
a local coordinate neighborhood of 6. Thus, we have defined an induced
vector bundle 71'1 : 6 - t M, which is denoted by J- 1 E.
In particular, from any differentiable map J : M - t N we obtain a
vector bundle J- 1 T N which is important for investigating the properties
of the map f.
EXAMPLE 4 Let J : M - t N be an isometric immersion of Riemannian
manifolds. For any p E M consider the set of elements (p, v), where v is
any tangent vector of N at p normal to TpM. It forms the normal bundle
N M. It is not difficult to show that N M is a vector bundle over M, and
it is left to the readers for the verification.

It is known that various new vector spaces can be constructed from

the known vector spaces. For example, given vector spaces V and W, we
have the vector space Hom(V, W) consisting of all linear transformations
from V into W; their tensor product V ® W; the totality of the symmetric
bilinear maps from V x V into W; the dual space of V denoted by V* =
Hom(V, lR); and the exterior k-product of V denoted by AkV and so
on. Correspondingly, for vector bundles E 1 , · · · ,E k over the same base
manifold M, at any point p from the fiber spaces Fp(Ed,··· ,Fp(Ek)
we can obtain a new vector space by the above construction, which is
denoted by

E= U Fp

and the projection 7l" : E --+ M by 7l"(Fp) = p. Then there exists a topo-
logical structure and a differentiable structure on E such that E is a
total manifold and forms a vector bundle. The concrete verification can
be found in the standard books (say, [MIl or [S]).
, Many notions in differential geometry can be viewed as cross-sections
of an appropriate vector bundle. As mentioned before, any smooth vec-
tor field on a manifold M is a cross-section of the tangent bundle T M.
The differential I-forms are cross-sections of the dual bundle TM* of the
tangent bundle T M. Any exterior differential k-forms are cross-sections
of the vector bundle AkT M*. More generally, we can consider differen-
tial forms with values in a vector bundle which are also cross-sections.
For instance, let f : M --+ N be an isometric immersion. Its second
fundamental form can be viewed as a cross-section of the vector bundle
Hom(TM 0 TM,TN).

1.1.2 Connections.
To discuss the geometrical properties of vector bundles let us intro-
duce the notion of connections.
Let M be a Riemannian manifold, and 7l" : E --+ M a vector bundle.
Let f(E) denote the infinite-dimensional vector space consisting of all
cross-sections of E.
DEFINITION 1.1.3 A connection on the vector bundle E is a map V :
f(TM) x f(E) --+ r(E) satisfying the following properties (for X E
f(TM) and </> E f(E), V x </> denotes the image of (X,</» under the map
(1) For any f E f(M x lR)

VfX</> = fVx</>;

(2) For any Y E reT M)

(3) For any "p E reEl

Vx(¢ +"p) = vx¢ + VX"pj

(4) For any f E reM x R)

v X f¢ = X(f)¢ + fV x¢.

REMARK 1 At any point p, V x¢lp is dependent only on the vector

Xp and ¢I-n where the curve 'Y C M is tangent to Xp at p, namely if
X E reT M) and Xp = Xp then V x¢l p = V x¢lpj and if ¢ E reEl and
¢11' = ¢11" then V x¢lp = V x¢lp"
Thus, we can define the curvature corresponding to the connection.
For any X, Y E r(TM) and ¢ E reEl


It may be viewed as a map from r(A2TM) x r(E) into reEl. It is easily

seen that it is f( M x IR) linear with respect to X, Y and ¢, respectively.

REMARK 2 Note that there are different sign conventions for the curva-
ture. Our convention here coincides with the classical curvature tensor.
Let E1 -; M and E2 -; M be vector bundles over the same base
manifold M. The various connections on the corresponding induced vector
bundles may be defined naturally from the known connections VEi on the
vector bundles E i , i = 1, 2.
(i) The connection for the direct sum


(ii) The connection for the tensor product


where X E r(TM), ¢1 E reEd and ¢2 E r(E2)j

(iii) The connection for the dual bundle

Let X E r(TM), c/J E r(Ed and"p* E r(E~). Then

C'V'X"p*)c/J dgl X("p*(c/J)) - "p*(\7~1c/J); (1.1.4)

(iv) The connection for the bundle of linear maps

Let A E r(Hom(E 1 ,E2 )), c/Jl E r(El) and X E r(TM). Then

(\7XA)c/Jl dg'\7~2(Ac/Jd - A(\7~lc/Jd. (1.1.5)

From the above examples it can be seen that the various induced
connections are something like "derivatives" and commute with the con-
traction of tensor.
Now let us discuss Riemannian vector bundles. Starting from the
vector bundle E ----t M, we can obtain the symmetric 2-tensor product of
the dual bundle 8 2 E*. Any cross-section a E r( 8 2 E*) defines a metric
for the vector bundle E, if it is positive definite at any point in M. For
any vector bundle with a connection \7 and a metric a, if a is parallel with
respect to the induced connection, namely \7 xa = 0 for any X E r(T M),
then (E, \7, a) forms a Riemannian vector bundle. Let c/J, "p E r( E) and
X E r(TM). Denote a(c/J,,,p) = (c/J,,,p). Then

(\7 x a)(c/J,,,p) = X (c/J,,,p) - (\7 x c/J,,,p) - (c/J, \7x"p).

Therefore, \7 xa = 0 is equivalent to


Given Riemannian vector bundles, various metrics on the correspond-

ing induced vector bundles may be defined naturally. Those metrics to-
gether with the corresponding induced connections on the induced vector
bundles just make new Riemannian vector bundles.
The tangent bundle is the essential vector bundle over a manifold M.
According to the fundamental theorem in Riemannian geometry, there ex-
ists a unique Levi-Civita connection. Besides the Riemannian connection
it satisfies the torsion free condition. The curvature of the Levi-Civita
connection on the tangent bundle T M is the usual Riemannian curvature.

For example, we can define a metric on the bundle Hom(E1 , E 2 ). Let

A,S E r(Hom(E 1 ,E2 )); then

(1.1. 7)

where m E M and {~i} is an orthonormal basis in 7rE~(m). Obviously,

the above definition is independent of the choice of the bases. It is easy

to verify that the metric (1.1.7) and the connection (1.1.5) satisfy the
condition (1.1.6) for Riemannian vector bundles.
To close this section we would like to describe an important diffe-
rential operator, namely the trace-Laplacian operator, by the terminology
of the cross-section of vector bundles.
Let X E r(TM) and 'lj; E r(E). Define

which is a cross-section of the bundle Hom(T M, E). Using the induced

connection on Hom(TM,E), for X, Y E r(TM) define Vx,Y'lj; E r(E)
v x,Y'lj; d;,l(V x(V'lj; ))(Y)
= V~((V'lj;)Y) - V'lj;(VxY) (1.1.8)
= V~V~'lj; - vf;,xy'lj;.

It is obvious that (X(p), Y(p)) I---> VX'y'lj;(p) is a bilinear map on TpM

with values in Ep. Taking the trace gives V2'lj;(p), which defines a new
cross-section on E. The operator V 2 is called the trace-Laplacian opera-
PROPOSITION If the base manifold M is compact and oriented, then
V 2 is a semi-negative and self-adjoint differential operator with respect
to the global inner product on r(E).
PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field {ei} near a point p E M
with Ve,ejlp = O. For ¢, 'lj; E r(E) at p

(V 2 'lj;,¢) = (V~V~'lj;,¢)
= ei (V~'lj;,¢) - (V~¢, V~'lj;) (1.1.9)
= ei (V~'lj;,¢) - (V¢, V'lj;) .

v = (V~'lj;,¢) ei,

which is a vector field globally defined on M, furthermore,


Substituting (1.1.9) into (1.1.10), and then integrating yields


where *1 denotes the volume element. We shall use this notation later as
well. By using Green's theorem, (1.1.11) becomes




We thus prove that the trace-Laplacian operator is semi-negative and

self-adjoint. It can be verified that yr2 is an elliptic differential operator.
REMARK On the trivial vector bundle M x JR., we can define a natural
connection as follows. Let X E r(TM), if> E f(M x JR.). Then


By the above construction we have the trace-Laplace operator on M x JR.,

which is the ordinary Laplace operator for the smooth functions on M.
Choose local coordinates (xi) on M. The metric tensor on these coor-
dinates can be expressed as gij = (8~' , 8~J ) • Its inverse matrix is (gi j ).
Under the Levi-Civita connection, we have yr 8~' 8~J = ffj 8~k' where ffj
are Christoffel's symbols. From (1.1.8) and (1.1.15) we obtain the local
expression for trace-Laplacian operator, acting on smooth functions on
M, as follows:

This coincides with the local expression of the ordinary Laplacian oper-
ator acting on smooth functions. We will use the symbol dM to denote
the Laplace operator on M.


There are several equivalent definitions for harmonic maps. We will

show their geometrical backgrounds and the relationships between them.

1.2.1 Energy.

Let M and N be Riemannian manifolds of dimension m and n, re-

spectively. (.,.) M and (.,.) N denote, respectively, the Riemannian metrics
on M and N. Sometimes, we omit the subscripts M and N, if there is no
confusion from the context. The corresponding Levi-Civita connections
are denoted by V' and V', respectively.
Let i : M ---+ N be a smooth map which induces a map between
their tangent bundles i* : TM ---+ TN, and the induced vector bundle
E = i-ITN over M.
We also have the following connection V on the bundle i-IT N, in-
herited from the Levi-Civita connection V' in TN. For any X E r(T M)
and s E r(j-ITN), let s = 0 i, where Ca. are smooth functions
locally defined on M, {ca.} (0: = 1,··· ,n) is a local orthonormal frame
field in N. Define


In fact the s is a vector field of N along f. There is an induced metric

on i-ITN. It is easily verified that the induced connection V and the
metric satisfy the condition of the Riemannian vector bundle.
Let 9 and h be the metric tensors of M and N, respectively. By
using i there is a pull-back 2-tensor 1* h, which is symmetric and semi-
positive. It is called the first fundamental form of the map i which can
be viewed as a cross-section of the vector bundle T M* 8 T M*. For any
X, Y E r(TM)


Taking the trace of 1* h with respect to the metric 9 of M gives the energy
density of the given map i


where {eJ (i = 1,·.· ,m) is a local orthonormal frame field in M. The

integral of the energy density over M yields the energy of the map i :


It may be infinite. When M is compact, the energy has to be finite.

Take the local coordinates (xi) and (ya.) of M and N at corresponding

points under the map I whose tangent vectors of the coordinate curves
are a~. and a;n'respectively. Then

where gij and ha!3 are the components of the metric tensors in the local
coordinates on M and N, respectively. Hence, the expression of the
energy in local coordinates is given by

E(J) - -
2 M
ij8r 81!3
9 -8. -8. ha!3
x' xl
* 1. (1.2.5)

Let </> be a diffeomorphism on M satisfying </>*g = )...2g, where 9

is the metric on M and )... is a smooth function. </> is called a conformal
diffeomorphism (when)... is constant </> is called homothetic). From (1.2.5)
it is easily seen that

which means the energy is a conformal invariant when the dimension of

the domain manifold M is equal to 2.
REMARK If the energy density of a given map I is zero everywhere,
then I has to be a constant map, namely the image I(M) under the map
I is only one point.(Certainly, we only consider the connected manifold.)

1.2.2 Tension field.

We first introduce the second fundamental form for a given map I.
Let X, Y E r(T M), and dl be the differential I-form with values in
the induced vector bundle I-ITN defined by

which is a cross-section ofthe vector bundle T M* &)j-IT N. We then have

"V xdl E r(T* M Q9 I-IT N), where "V denotes the induced connection
on the vector bundle T* M Q9 I-IT N. In the sequel we use the same
notation "V to denote different connections on different bundles in the
case when there is no confusion and its meanings can be understood
from the contexts.

The second fundamental form is defined by


From the definition above it is not difficult to see that Bx y is linear with
respect to X and Y, namely for any smooth function >. on M

B),xy = Bx)'y = >'Bxy.

In local coordinates (xi) and (yO<) near the corresponding points under
.a . a
the map f, denote X = X' ax' , y = y' aya • Then


where rfj and r:.a are Christoffel's symbols in M and N, respectively.

From the symmetry in the subscripts of Christofell's symbols it follows
that B-.JL..-.JL.. is symmetric in i and j. So Bxy is symmetric in X and Y,
8x 1 ax'
B(f) E r(Hom(TM 8 TM,f-1TN)).

DEFINITION 1.2.1 For a smooth map f :M -+ N, if B(f) == 0, then f is

called a totally geodesic map.
An interpretation of a totally geodesic map is that it maps every
geodesic in the domain manifold M into a geodesic in N in proportion
to arc lengths. To show this let us consider a geodesic, : (-f, f) -+ M
with the arc length parameter. Its image curve under the map f is
f 0, :
(-f, f) -+ N. Noting

we have verified our claim. Taking the trace of the second fundamental
form Bxy gives the tension field


It is a cross-section of the bundle f-IT N.

DEFINITION 1.2.2 A smooth map f :M -t N satisfying r(f) == 0 is
called a harmonic map.
Let us derive the local expression for the tension field. Let a~. and
a~a be tangent vectors of local coordinate curves at the corresponding
points under the map f. From (1.2.7) we have


where D..M denotes the Laplace operator on M. We thus obtain the har-
monicity equations in local coordinates

1'''1 ox i orr
0 fl'
ox _o.
j - (1.2.10)

This is a system of quasi-linear elliptic partial differential equations of

second order. The existence of harmonic maps is the global existence of
solutions of the above equations on the whole manifold M.

1.2.3 The first variational formula.

The relationship between the tension field and the energy is described
by the so-called first variational formula. Let v E r(f-I TN) which may
be viewed as a vector field in N along f. We then have a I-parameter
family of maps ft satisfying fo = f, 1;
!t=o = v. ft may be considered as
a map from M x (-E, E) into N. Choose a local orthonormal frame field
{ed on M with \7eiej!p = o. Obviously, \7/t;t = \7/tei = \7ei;t = o.
We consider the energy variation for maps ft.

(1.2.11 )

Define global vector fields W t on M, whose local expressions are

Their divergences are

divWt = \''le i « ~t ,fhej > ej),ei )

= \ Veidft( !), ft*e i ) + \ ~t ,(Veidft)ei )

= \ (Veidft) %t' fhei) + \ ~; ,rUt)) (1.2.12)

= ((V Itdfdei' ft*e i ) + \ ~t, rUt))

= (V Itft*ei,ft*e + \ ~; ,rUt)).

If the supporting set of v is compact, so is that of W t for each t. By using

Green's theorem,
1M div W * 1 = o.

Integrating both sides of (1.2.12) and substituting into (1.2.11) yield


Thus, we have the first variational formula


The first variational formula shows that harmonic maps are critical points
of the energy functional and rU) = 0 is the Euler-Lagrange equation of
the energy functional.
REMARK If 8M -::f. 0 and VlaM -::f. 0, then


where iw, (*1) denotes the inner product of the volume form *1 and the
vector Wt . If we choose el,· .. ,em-l E T( 8M), em is normal to 8M. Let

{WI'· •. ,w m } be the corresponding coframe field. We then have *1 =

WI 1\ ... 1\ Wm and

i Wt (*1) = \ ~: ,ft*ej ) (-l)j- I wI 1\ ... 1\ Wj 1\ ... 1\ Wm

=\ ~t ,ft*e m ) * laM + (terms in wm)j


1.2.4 Examples of harmonic maps.

Harmonic maps are the solutions of a natural variational problem.

From the following examples it can be seen that they are closely related
to many important subjects in mathematics.
EXAMPLE 1 If the target manifold is the space of real numbers, i.e. N =
JR., the equation (1.2.10) reduces to i:l. M f = 0, namely, f is a harmonic
function on M.
EXAMPLE 2 If the domain manifold is an interval, i.e. M = [0,1], the
equations become

which are the equations of geodesics in N.

EXAMPLE 3 Let f : M ----+ M be an isometric immersion. The map f is
harmonic if and only if f is a minimal immersion.
Let X, Y E r(TM). Since the Levi-Civita connection in M is inher-
ited from M,

where ( )T denotes the projection of vector fields along f into f*(TM).

The second fundamental form of the map f

Bxy(f) = (V'xdf)(Y)
= V'f.xf*Y - f*(V'x Y )
= V' f.xf*Y - (V' f.xf*Yf
= (V' f.X f*y)N

is just the second fundamental form of M as a submanifold in M. There-

fore, the mean curvature vector of M in M is

H = -r(l),

which means that vanishing of the mean curvature vector coincides with
vanishing of the tension field in this case.
EXAMPLE 4 Let G 1 and G 2 be Lie groups endowed with bi-invariant
Riemannian metrics, and f : G 1 -+ G 2 a Lie homomorphism. Then, f is
a harmonic map.
In fact, it suffices to show that its tension field is equal to zero at
the identity element. Let el E G 1 and e2 E G 2 be identity elements.
Choose the normal coordinates at el and at e2, respectively. Therefore,
we can use the coordinates of corresponding Lie algebra Ql to represent
all points near el, as well as that of Lie algebra Q2 for points near e2.
Consequently, f* : Ql -+ Q2 is a linear transformation which keeps Lie
brackets invariant. This means that in normal coordinates the map f is
represented by linear functions. Noting the Christoffel's symbols vanish
at the origin of normal coordinates from (1.2.9) we have r(l)lel = O.
EXAMPLE 5 Suppose that M -+ jRm+n is an immersed submanifold in
the Euclidean space. We can define the generalized Gauss map as follows.
For any p E M parallel translation of the tangent space TpM to the origin
in the ambient Euclidean space yields an m-subspace of jRm+n which is a
point i(P) of the Grassmannian manifold Gm,n' The map i : M -+ Gm,n
is called the generalized Gauss map. E. Ruh and J. Vilms proved that i
is a harmonic map if and only if M has parallel mean curvature in jRm+n
[R-V]. We shall return to this topic and study applications of harmonic
maps in the geometry of submanifolds in Chapter 3.
EXAMPLE 6 If M and N are Kahler manifolds and f : M -+ N is a
holomorphic map, then f has to be a harmonic map.
Therefore, there are important applications of harmonic maps in com-
plex differential geometry. We shall discuss them in detail in Chapter 4.
EXAMPLE 7 In homotopy theory there is a basic, so-called Hopf map
h: S3 -+ S2. This is also a harmonic map.
Let S3 = {(Zl,Z2) E C 2j IZll2 + IZ212 = I}. For any (Zl,Z2) E S3


It is not difficult to verify that each component of h( Zl, Z2) is a quadratic

homogeneous harmonic function in ((:2 = jR4. Later, from Proposition

1.4.5 of this chapter we shall know that h is a harmonic map from S3

into S2. Let us show its geometric meaning.
Suppose that 71" : S3 - t 1ClP'1 is a usual Hopf fibration. For any
(z~,z~) E S3 if there is a constant>. E C, 1>'1 = 1, such that (ZI,Z2) =
>'(z~,z~) , then (ZI,Z2) is equivalent to (z~,z~). 1ClP'1 is just the quotient
space of S3 with respect to the equivalent relation. Define hI : 1ClP'1 - t
C U {oo} as follows:

if Z2 of. 0,
if Z2 = 0

for [(ZI, Z2)] E 1ClP'1, where [(., .)] denotes the equivalence class of (., .).
By stereographic projection P : C U {oo} - t S2 we obtain a point in S2.
Note that for any Z E C U {oo}.

2Rez 2Imz
( (1.2.18)
P(z)= IzI 2 +1' IzI2 + l'
From (1.2.16),(1.2.17) and (1.2.18) we see that h = Po hI 071".


Many theorems in differential geometry have been proved by the

Bochner technique. The purpose of the present section is to derive a
Bochner-type formula for harmonic maps and to show its i=ediate ap-
plications. Readers who are interested in the technique are referred to
the monograph written by H. Wu [W].

1.3.1 Hodge-Laplace operator and Weitzenbock formula.

Let 71" : E - t M be a Riemannian vector bundle over a Riemannian
manifold M. Consider the vector bundle APT* M 0 E. Every cross-section
w E r(APT* M 0 E) is called an exterior differential p-form with values
in E.
An induced metric from that of M and E is defined as follows. For
any w, () E r(APT* M 0 E)

(w,())d~l L (w(ei 1 ' · · · ,eip),()(ei 1 , · · · ,eip)), (1.3.1)

i 1 <.·-<i p

where {ei} is a local orthonormal frame field in M.


We also have an induced connection in APT* M ® E. Let w = w' ® s E

r(APT* M ® E) with w' E r(APT* M), s E r(E). For any X E T M
\7 xW = (\7 xw') ® s + w' ® \7 xs. (1.3.2)
(\7XW)(XI"" ,Xp)
= (\7XW')(XI,··· ,Xp)®s+w'(XI,'" ,Xp)®\7xs
= \7x(w'(XI ,··· ,Xp)) ® s - Lw'(XI ,··· , \7xXj,'" ,Xp) ® s

+ \7 x(w'(X I ,··· , Xp) ® s) - \7 x(w'(X I ,··· , Xp)) ® S

=\7x(w(X I ,··· ,Xp))- LW(XI,··· ,\7x Xj,·.· ,Xp),

where Xl,'" ,Xp E r(TM). It is easy to verify that APT*M ® E is
a Riemannian vector bundle with respect to the metric (1.3.1) and the
connection (1.3.2).
We are going to define exterior differential operator d : r(APT* M ®
E) --t r(AP+IT* M ® E). For any w E r(APT* M ® E) and X o ,'" , Xp E

It is well known that there is a property of = 0 for usual exterior differ-
ential forms. But, there is no such property in general for the differential
forms with values in a vector bundle. From (1.3.4) we have
d 2 w(Xo,'" , X p+l )
~ k+l
= L,....(-1) (R(XZ,Xk)W)(XO"" ,Xz,··· 'Xk"" ,Xp+d·

We also define the co-differential operator 8 : r( APT* M ® E) --+
r(AP-IT* M ® E) as follows.
where {eJ is a local orthonormal frame field.
For two exterior differential p-forms wand () their global inner prod-
uct is defined by
(w, ()) d~l 1M (w, ()) * 1.
PROPOSITION 1.3.1 Let M be a compact (without boundary if there is
no specification) Riemannian manifold, and 7!" : E --t M a Riemannian
vector bundle. Then the operators d and 8 defined by (1.3.4) and (1.3.5)
are adjoint with respect to the above global inner product.

PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field near an arbitrary point

q E M with \7 ei ej Iq = O. Let wand f) be exterior differential (p - 1 )-form
and p-form with values in E, respectively. From (1.3.4) and (1.3.5) we
have at q

(dw, f)) = (_I)k+l \\7eikw(eil"" ,eik"" ,eip),f)(eip'" ,eip);

= (-I)k+l\7ei k (w(eip'" ,eik'''' ,eip),f)(eip'" ,eip))
- (_I)k-i-l \w(ei ll '" ,ei k ,'" ,eip),\7ei k f)( eill'" ,eip);
= (-I)k+l\7ei k (W(eill'" ,ei k ,'" ,eip),f)(eill'" ,eip))

- \ w(ei 1 , ' " , eik"" , eip), (\7 eik f))(eikl ei 1 ,'" , ei k ,'" , eip);
= (-I)k+l\7ei k (W(eill'" ,eik'''' ,eip),f)(eill'" ,eip))
+ (w, bf)) .

\ ~1 , ". ,1,k
O=lw(e- e- , ". ' e-)
l p ' f)(e-'1,1 , ". e-
'l,p ))Wl/\"'/\W-'l,k /\"·/\W m,

where {wJ is the dual frame field of {eJ. Obviously, 0 is a globally

defined (m - I)-form on M. Furthermore,

Substituting (1.3.7) into (1.3.6) and then integrating over M gives

(dw,f)) = 1M (dw,f)) * 1 = 1M dO + (w,M) = (w,bf)).

We are now in a position to define the Hodge-Laplace operator to be


which maps every p-form with values in E into a p-form with values in

PROPOSITION 1.3.2 When M is compact, Ll IS a self-adjoint senu-

positive elliptic operator.
PROOF. From Proposition 1.3.1 we have

(Llw, 0) = 1M ((dh + hd)w, 0) * 1

= 1M (hw, hO) * 1 + 1M (dw, dO) * 1
= (hw, hO) + (dw, dO),
where wand 0 are two p-forms with values in E. Therefore,

(Llw, 0) = (w, LlO),

namely, Ll is self-adjoint. On the other hand,

(Llw, w) = (dw, dw) + (hw, hw) 2: 0,

and the equality holds if and only if dw == 0 and hw == 0, which means that
Ll is a semi-positive operator. We know that the trace-Laplace operator
is elliptic, from which and the following Weitzenbock formula follows the
ellipticity of the Hodge-Laplace operator.

For any p-form w with values in E if Llw == 0, then w is called a

harmonic form. When M is compact we have shown that w is a harmonic
form if and only if w is a closed and co-closed form, namely, dw == 0 and
hw == o. Let f : M ----+ N be a smooth map, which induces the I-form
df E r(T* M ® f-1TN). Its energy density may be expressed by

where 1·1 denotes the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of the linear map f. : TpM ----+
Tf(p)N. From (1.3.4) we have

d(df)(Xl,X2) = (V' x1 df)(X2) - (V' x2 df)(Xl)

= B X1X2 (f) - BX2 X , (f) = O.

This means that the symmetry of the second fundamental form of

the map f is equivalent to the closedness of the induced 1-form df. And
(1.3.5) shows that

5(df) = -('Ve,df)(ei) = -r(f).

Therefore, f is harmonic if and only if df is a co-closed form.

PROPOSITION 1.3.3 Wben M is compact, f is barmonic if and only if

df is a barmonic l-form witb values in f-ITN.

Let us now derive the important Weitzenbock formula.

PROPOSITION 1.3.4 Let w be a p-form witb values in a vector bundle.


wbere 'V 2 denotes tbe trace-Laplace operator introduced in tbe last sec-
tion and for any Xl, ... , Xp E r(T M)

PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field {e;} near q E M with

'Ve,ejlq =o. Then for Xl,··· ,Xp E r(TM) at point q


On the other hand,

~dw(XI'· .. , Xp)
= -(Ve,dw)(ei,XI'··· ,Xp)
= -Ve,dw(ei,XI ,··· ,Xp)
+ Ldw(ei,XI,··· ,Ve,Xj,··· ,Xp)

= -Ve,(Ve,W)(XI,··· ,Xp)
- (-1) k Ve,(V xkw)(ei,XI,··· ,Xk'···
+ L(Ve,w)(XI ,··· ,Ve,Xj,··· ,Xp)

+ "L..,,(-1) k (Vxkw)(ei,X I ,··· ,Xk,···

' ,Ve,Xj, ... ,Xp)
+ (-l)j(V,-,vei x·w)(e·
J ""
Xl , ... 'J'
X· ... ' P
+ "L..,,( -1) k (Vxkw)(ei,··· , Ve,Xj ,·.· ,Xk,···
' ,Xp)
= -(Ve,Ve,W)(XI'··· ,Xp)
k '
-(-1) (Ve,Vxkw)(ei,XI,··· ,Xk,··· ,Xp)
+ (-1)j(VV e ,Xj w)(ei,X1 ,··· ,Xj, ... ,Xp).
From (1.3.10) and (1.3.11) we obtain

Llw(X1 ,··· ,Xp) = _(V2W)(Xl'··· ,Xp)

k '
+ (-1) (VXk Ve,w - Ve,Vxkw + V[e"Xk]w)(ei,XI ,··· ,Xk,··· ,Xp)
= (_V2w + S)(XI'··· ,Xp).

1.3.2 A Bochner-type formula and its applications.

By using the Weitzenbock formula we derive an important Bochner-
type formula for the energy density of a harmonic map and give some
applications of the formula. We will see that it usually plays an important
role in many problems.
For a given smooth map f : M --+ N taking w = df E r(T* M (is)
f-ITN), from (1.3.9) we have
S(X) = -(R(ei,X)w)ei

PROPOSITION 1.3.5 Let f : M -t N be a harmonic map. Then the

following formula is satisfied

t::.e(f) = I B(f) 12 - (RN (f*ei, f*ej )f*ei, f*ej I

+ U*RicMei,f*eil'
PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field {ed near p with Y' ei ej Ip =
O. From the Weitzenbock formula (1.3.9) it is immediate that

t::.e(f) = t::."2 (df, df)
= (Y' 2df, dfl + I B(f) 12 (1.3.14)
= - (t::.( df), df) + I B(f) 12
- (RN (f*ei, f*ej )f*ei, f*ej 1+ U*Ric M ei,!*eil .
Noting f being harmonic, we see that t::.(df) = 0, and (1.3.13) follows
from (1.3.14).
In what follows some applications of the formula (1.3.13) will be
THEOREM 1.3.6 ([E-S]) Let M be a compact manifold with nonnega-
tive Ricci curvature, N a manifold with nonpositive sectional curvature
and f : M - t N a harmonic map. Then f is a totally geodesic map.
(1) If the RicCi curvature ofthe domain manifold M is positive some-
where, then f is a constant map.
(2) If the sectional curvature of the target manifold N is negative,
then f is either a constant map or f(M) is a closed geodesic in N.
PROOF. Integrating both sides of the equality (1.3.13) over M gives

1M [( _RN (f*ei, f*ej )f*ei, f*ej I + U*RicMei, f*eil] * 1

= - 1M I B(f) 12 * 1 :s: O.

According to the assumption of the theorem, the integrand of the left-

hand side is nonnegative. This forces the integrals in (1.3.15) to be equal
to zero and IB(f)1 == 0, namely f is a totally geodesic map. We also have


(1) If the Ricci curvature of M is positive at x E M. Choose a local
frame field {ei} such that eilx coincide with the principal Ricci directions
at x. So we have

At x

Noting (1.3.16),

Therefore at x

On the other hand, from (1.3.13) and the assumptions it follows that
b..e(J) ~ O.
By using Hopf's maximum principle we know that e(J) is constant, so
e(J) == 0 and f is a constant map.
(2) Note
(RN(J*ei,f*ej)f*ei,f*ej) == 0, (1.3.17)
where there is no summation over the indices i and j. If there exists a
point x such that at least two vectors among f*ei are linearly independent
at x, which are assumed to be f*el and f*e2, then when the sectional
curvature of N is negative,

(R N (J*el,f*e2)f*el,f*e2) < 0
which contradicts (1.3.17). Hence, the rank of f is one at most. If the
rank of f is zero at one point, then from the above discussion e(J) is
constant and the rank is zero everywhere. Otherwise, the rank of f is
equal to one everywhere and f(M) is a closed geodesic in N.

When the sectional curvature of the target manifold might be posi-

tive, a similar result can also be obtained.
THEOREM 1.3.7 ([SE1]) Suppose that a and b are two positive con-
stants such that RicM ~ a, Riem N :::; b, where RicM denotes the Ricci
curvature of a compact manifold M and Riem N denotes the sectional
curvature of a manifold N. Let f : M ----+ N be a harmonic map with
max (rank f) :::; p, p ~ 2. If the energy density satisfies e(J) :::; 2c/~1)b'
then f is either a constant map or a totally geodesic map. In particular,
when e(J) :::; 2ab' f is a constant map.

PROOF. From (1.3.13) we have

iJ.e(f) = I B(f) 12 - (I f*ei 121 f*ej 12

- U*ei, f*ej) U*ei, f*ej) )Riem N (f*ei, f*ej) + Rij U*ei,f*ej) .
Choose a local normal orthonormal frame field {ei} such that the first
fundamental form is diagonalized at a point x, namely, U*ei, f*ej) I", =
>"i5ij. Suppose that the rank of f is q at x, q <:::: p, and >"1 ::::: >"2 ::::: ... :::::
>..q > O. Then at x (1.3.18) is reduced to

iJ.e(f) ::::: I B(f) 12 - b ( 4( e(f))2 - L >..n + 2a e(f). (1.3.19)


Using the Schwarz inequality, we see that (1.3.19) becomes

iJ.e(f) ::::: IB(f) 12 + 2 e(f) [ a _ 2(p ; 1 )b e(f) ] , (1.3.20)

which means that under the assumption of the theorem

iJ.e(f) ::::: O.

Therefore, e(f) is a subharmonic function on the compact manifold M.

By the maximum principle, e(f) is constant and from (1.3.20) it follows
B(f) == 0

If e(f) =f=- 0, then f is a totally geodesic map and e(f) == 2(;:!:I)b' Particu-
larly, if e(f) <:::: 2ab which implies e(f) < 2d:!:l)b' then the above discussion
shows that e(f) is zero identically.
If the domain manifold M is complete and noncompact the corre-
sponding result can also be obtained provided the energy is finite.
THEOREM 1.3.8 ([S- Y1]) Let M be a complete noncompact manifold
with nonnegative Ricci curvature, and N a manifold with nonpositive
sectional curvature. 1£ f : M ---+ N is a harmonic map with finite energy,
then f is a constant map.

PROOF. Because of the assumption of the theorem, (1.3.13) becomes

!le(f) 2: IB(f) 12. (1.3.21)

From the Schwarz inequality it is not difficult to verify that


Choose any c > O. From (1.3.21) and (1.3.22) it follows that

.f 1 1
fly e(f) + c = -4( e(f) + c )-21 Ve(f) I + 2( e(f) + c )-2 !le(f)
3 1

1 2 1 2
2: -2( e(f) + c )-2 e(f)1 B(f) I + 2( e(f) + c )-21 B(f) I
3 1

= ~(e(f) + c)-! I B(f) 12 ( 1 - e(;\fl c) 2: O.

Let "1 be an arbitrary function on M with compact support. We have
from (1.3.23)

0::::; 1M "12ve(f)+c!lve (f)+cd

= -21M "1Ve(f) + c (V"1' vve(f) + c) *1 (1.3.24)

- 1M "121 Vve(f) + c 12 * 1.
Let Xo be a point in M. BR and B2R denote geodesic balls centered at
Xo with radii Rand 2R, respectively. Choose a cut-off function "1 defined
"1{x) = {
moreover 0 ::::; "1 : : ; 1, IV"11 : : ; 'ii, where d is a positive constant. Thus,
(1.3.24) becomes

0::::; -2 f "1Ve(f) + c (V"1' Vve(f) + c) * 1


- f "1 2 IVv e(f)+cI 2 d


::::;2( f "1 2 IVv e (f)+cI 2 d)!( f (e(f)+c)IV"11 2 *1)!

iB2R\BR iB2n \BR

- f "121 Vve(f) + c 12 * 1 - f 1Vve(f) + c 12 * 1.

iB2R\BR iBn

This expression can be viewed as a quadratic inequality in terms of



Set Bk = BR \ {x E BRi e(f)( x) = o}. Then (1.3.25) is reduced to

{ [V(e(f)+c)[2 *1< tP2 { (e(f)+c)*1.

lBk 4(e(f)+c) - R lB2R

Letting c --. 0 gives

Letting R --. 00 and noting the assumption of the energy being finite we
( [Ve(f) [2 *1 < 0
lM\{e(f)=o} 4 e(f) -,
which means e(f) is constant. If e(f) ¢. 0, then the volume of M is finite.
On the other hand, the volume of a complete and noncompact manifold
with nonnegative Ricci curvature is infinite [01] [Y1]. This leads to a
contradiction. Therefore, f must be constant.
Similarly, Theorem 1.3.7 can also be generalized to the case of com-
plete and noncompact domain manifold. We omit writing the generaliza-
tion here.


1.4.1 Maximum principle.

The maximum principle here can be viewed as a certain generaliza-
tion of that for harmonic functions.
Let us consider the composition formula first. Let M, N and N be
lliemannian manifolds, f : M -+ Nand! : N -+ N smooth maps. For
the composite map! ° f : M -+ N we have the following composition
formula. For any X, Y E r(T M)

Bxy(f of) = (Vxd(f ° f))(Y)

= V 1.f.X!*f*Y - !*f*(VxY)
=Vf.Xd!(f*y)-d!(f*VxY) (1.4.1)
= (V f.Xd!)(f*Y) + df(V f.X f*Y) - d!(f* V XY)
= B f •X f.y(f) + df(Bxy(f)).
Taking its trace gives the expression of the tension field for the composi-
tion map! ° f :


From (1.4.1) and (1.4.2) the following property follows i=ediately.

PROPOSITION 1.4.1 If both f and! are totally geodesic maps, then
! ° f is also a totally geodesic map. If f is harmonic and ! is a totally
geodesic map, then! ° f is harmonic.
REMARK From (1.4.2) it is easily seen that the composition map of
two harmonic maps is not necessarily harmonic. In fact, a geodesic on
any minimal surface in IR3 may not be a straight line.
When N = IR, ! is a function on N. Its second fundamental form,
namely its Hessian, can also be defined and denoted by Hess(f)(X, Y),
where X, Y E r(TN). If for any X E r(TN), Hess(f)(X,X) ~
o(resp. > 0), then! is called a convex function on N (resp. strongly
convex function). If f)"N! ~ 0, ! is called a subharmonic function on
N. Let us see the geometric meaning for a convex function. Choose
M = (-c,c) in (1.4.2) and f = "( : (-c,c) -+ N to be a geodesic with
the arc length parametrization on N. Then

d2 (fo"() --
ds 2 = B-yl "I' (f) + df( r( "())
= Hess(f)("(', "('),

where " denotes the tangent vector of the geodesic ,. Consequently, 1

is a convex function on N if and only if its restriction to any geodesic on
N is a convex function with respect to one variable.
With the help of convex functions, the following characterizations of
harmonic maps and totally geodesic maps are obtained.
PROPOSITION 1.4.2 Let f : M --+ N be a smooth map. It is a totally
geodesic map if and only if the pull-back function 10 f of any convex
function 1 in a neighborhood of f(M) under the map f is convex in the
corresponding neighborhood. It is harmonic if and only if the pull-back
function 10 f of any convex function 1 in a neighborhood of f(M) under
the map f is a subharmonic function.
PROOF. From the composition formula (1.4.1) we see that if f is totally
geodesic and 1 is convex then 10 f has to be convex. Conversely, if
f is not totally geodesic, we have a point Xo E M and v E TxoM sat-
isfying Bvv(f) =I- O. Denote w = Bvv(f)lxo E Tf(xo)N. Choose normal
coordinates (yO!) near f(xo). Define a function in the normal coordinates

where ba will be determined later. It is a convex function near f(x o ) and

Hess(f)lf(xo) = I, where I is the unit matrix. Set w = w a a~n. Then by
taking ba such that baw a < -ldf(v)J2. Obviously,

Thus, the composition formula gives

Bvv(f 0 1)lxo = Hess(f)(f*v,f*v)lf(xo) + d!(w)lf(xo)

= Idf(vW + baw a < O.

This contradicts the assumption of 10 f being convex near Xo.

Now we prove the second part of the proposition.
If 1 is a convex function and f is a harmonic map, then (1.4.2) shows

namely, the composition of a harmonic map with a convex function is

a subharmonic function. On the other hand, if f is not harmonic, then
there exists a point Xo E M satisfying r(f)( xo) = w =I- o. As above, we
may choose a convex function near f(xo) such that

dl(w) < -2e(f)(xo), Hess(f)If(xo) = I.


Then from the composition formula we have

f::.(f 01)1"'0 = r(f 01)1"'0 = 2e(f)(xo) + d/(r(f))I",o

= 2e(f)(xo) + d/(w) < o.
This means that J 0 I is not a subharmonic function near Xo in contra-
diction with the assumption.

Thus, we have the maximum principle as follows.

THEOREM 1.4.3 ([G]) Let I: M -+ N be a harmonic map with I(M) C
V c N (8M may not be empty). Suppose J : V -+ m
is a convex
function. If 0 I attains the maximum at an interior point, then 0 I is J
COROLLARY 1.4.4 Let M be a compact manifold without boundary,
I: M -+ N a harmonic map with I(M) eVe N. Assume that there is
a strongly convex function J on V. Then I is a constant map.
PROOF. If I is not constant, then there exists X E T"'oM satisfying I*X -=1=
O. Let J be a strongly convex function. Hence, Hess(f) (f*X, I*X) > O.
From Theorem 1.4.3 we know that J 0 is constant. Using the formula
(1.4.2) leads to a contradiction.

Another important application of the composition formula is in the

case when N is a submanifold of N. Let I : M -+ N be a smooth map
and i : N -+ N an isometric immersion. The second fundamental form
of i as a map coincides with that of i as a submanifold inclusion. Set
F = i 0 f. From (1.4.2) it is immediate that I is harmonic if and only
if reF) lies in the normal space of N in N. In particular, if N = sn,
then I : M -+ sn
is harmonic if and only if f::.M F is parallel to F at each
point. Here, F denotes a map from Minto jRn+l which consists of (n+l)
components, and f::.M F denotes a vector consisting of the Laplacian of
each component of F. We have the following useful result.
PROPOSITION 1.4.5 Let I : jRm+l -+ sn
C jRnH be a map defined by
the harmonic homogeneous polynomials of degree k. Then, its restriction
to the unit sphere sm ,
lis", : -+ sm sn,
is a harmonic map.
PROOF. According to the above discussion it suffices to show that each
component is an eigenfunction with respect to the same eigenvalue. In
general, for any homogeneous function ¢ of degree k

from which the conclusion follows immediately. As for the above formula,
it can be verified by using the properties of homogeneous functions. We
leave it to readers as an easy exercise.
Let us discuss the maximum principle again. To this end we need
the following result.
LEMMA 1.4.6 Let N' be a hypersurface in N. Suppose that the second
fundamental form B of N' in N is definite at a point Yo E N'. Then there
exists a strongly convex function 1 : V -+ IR in a neighborhood V C N
of Yo such that 1-1(0) = N' n V and 1 < 0 on the concave side.
REMARK The second fundamental form is called definite at the point
Yo if for any X, Y E TYoN' there exists). > 0 such that B(X,X) =
)'B(Y, Y). The side oriented by the direction of B(X, X) is called the
concave side.
PROOF. There exist the geodesic parallel coordinates with director hy-
persurface N' in a neighborhood V of Yo in N, namely, local coordinates
(U1,' .. ,un) in V such that N' n V is defined by Un = OJ the coordinate
curve along Un is a geodesic with arc length Iunl starting from the hyper-
surface N'. In the concave side of N' the coordinate Un is negative. Obvi-
ously, there are the induced coordinates (U1' ... ,U n -1) in N' n V. Choose
the standard embedding of N' n V in N defined by i: (U1,'" ,un-d -+
(U1' ... ,Un-1, 0). Define a function Un : (U1,'" ,un) -+ Un. Obviously,
Un 0 i = O. By using formula (1.4.1) we have

for any nonzero X E TYoN'. Since the derivative of Un at the direction

B(X,X) is negative, dun(B(X,X)) < O. Thus, Hess(un)(i.X,i.X) > 0
B B -
and Hess( Un )( BUn' BuJ = O. Define a function f = (Un + 1)2 - 1 on V.
Then for any Y E Tyo N

Therefore, for nonzero X E TYoN'

Hess(/)(X,X)lyo = 2Hess(u n )(X,X) >0

-(8 8)
Hess(f) 8u n ' 8u n = 2.

This means that 1 is strongly convex near Yo. Obviously, 1 satisfies other
conditions of the lemma.

THEOREM 1.4.7 ([SAl]) Suppose that 1 : M ---t N is a nonconstant

harmonic map, and N' is a hypersurface in N with the definite second
fundamental form B at a point Yo = I(xo) EN'. Then there is no
neighborhood U C M ofxo such that I(U) lies in the concave side of N'.
PROOF. In a neighborhood V of Yo choose the strongly convex function
1 as defined in Lemma 1.4.6. If there exists a neighborhood Xo E U,
such that I(U) lies in the concave side of N' n V, then for any x E
U, 1(1(x)) ::; 0 = 10
I(xo), which shows Xo is a maximum point of 101
in U. By Theorem 1.4.3,101 is constant in U. Substituting it into (1.4.2)
again gives
o = t:.(/o f) = Hess(/)(I*ei, I*ed·
Since is a strongly convex function, 1 has to be a constant
map in V
(hence in M by Theorem 1.4.4 below) which contradicts the assumption
of the theorem.

1.4.2 Unique continuation theorems.

Harmonic maps as solutions of a system of elliptic equations possess
a unique continuation property which may be derived from the general
unique continuation theorem due to N. Aronszajn.
THEOREM 1.4.8 ([AR]) Let A be a linear elliptic differential operator
of second order defined on a domain D in ]Rn, and u = (u 1 , .•• ,u r ) are
functions on D satisfying the differential inequalities

IA ual ::; const.{l:

I~~ 1+ l:fj Iufj I}·
Ifu = 0 on any open subset of D, then u == 0 on D.
THEOREM 1.4.9 Let M be a connected manifold, and II, h : M ---t N
two harmonic maps. If they coincide in an open subset, then they are
identical in M. In particular, any harmonic map which is constant in an
open subset has to be constant.
PROOF. Let U be a local coordinate neighborhood with coordinates (xi).
Choose U sufficiently small such that Il(U) and 12(U) lie in a same local
coordinate neighborhood V of N, where the coordinates are ya. Denote
ya(JI(x)) and ya(h(x)) by ya(x) and va(x), respectively. Let us apply
Theorem 1.4.8 to u a = ya - va. From the harmonicity equation (1.2.10)
we have

t:.Mu a = t:.Mya - t:.Mv a

_ =<> fj "/ ij _,a fj "/ ij
--rfj,,/YiYjg +rfj,,/vivjg .

-,a _Q
Here, r Ih denotes r f31'( v). The right-hand side of the above expression
can be rewritten as

The derivatives yj and vj are bounded in U (U may be retracted if it

-1 a
is necessary). The term r f31' - r f31' can be estimated by the mean value

theorem. Thus, it is not difficult to obtain

I~Munl ::; const.{2: lu~1 + 2: luf3 l}

i,f3 f3

U. If un vanish in an open subset of U, then u == 0 on whole U by

Theorem 1.4.8. The conclusion follows from the connected assumption.

Theorem 1.4.9 may be generalized to the case of p-forms. We have

the following result.
THEOREM 1.4.10 ([A-K-SJ) Let M be a connected manifold and ()" E
r(APT* M). Suppose for any compact subset K c M there exists a con-
stant CK such that

If ()" vanishes on an open subset of M, then ()" == 0 on M.

Similarly, applying Theorem 1.4.10 to a p-form with values in a vector
bundle gives the unique continuation theorem. For any harmonic map
f : M ---; N we have the induced I-form df with values in f-1TN.
Consequently, the unique continuation property of harmonic maps is a
special case of that for p-forms with values in a vector bundle.
Theorem 1.4.9 also tells us that if the rank of a harmonic map is zero
in an open subset then the rank is zero everywhere. A natural question
arises: If the rank of a harmonic map is less than r in an open subset,
does this imply that the rank is less than r everywhere? J .H. Sampson
showed if r = I the answer is positive [Sal]. Recently, it was proved to
be negative in general by a counterexample [J-K].

1.4.3 Second variational formula and stable harmonic maps.

To study harmonic maps as critical points of the energy functional, it

is natural to consider their stability. We first derive the second variational

Let M be a compact manifold without boundary, and f : M ---+ N

a harmonic map. For any v E rU-1T N), there exists a family of maps
ft, -c < t < c, satisfying

it may be viewed as a map from (-c,c) x Minto N. From (1.2.13)

we have

= -
J[M / v, V
~a. rUt)) It=O * 1. (1.4.3)

Choose an orthonormal frame field {ed with Ve;eilp = 0 near p E M.

Then V ~ BBt = V ~ei = Ve BBt = O. We have at the point p

8~ 8t I

rUt) = V ~(Veodft)ei
at I

= (V ~ Veodft)ei
a. •

= (Ve,V J.dft)ei + (R(ei' !)dft)ei

= Ve, (V J.dft)ei + RN U*ei, v)f*ei
8 N
= Ve,(Ve,dft) 8t +R U*ei,v)f*ei
= V 2v + RNU*ei,v)f*ei.
Substituting (1.4.4) into (1.4.3) we obtain the second variational formula
for harmonic maps:


This formula is due to R. T. Smith and E. Mazet [Sm1] [Ma]. From the
second variational formula we define the index form for harmonic maps
I(v,w) d~l1M (_V2v - RNU*ei,v)f*ei,w) * 1
= 1M (JJV'W) * 1,


Noting the properties of the trace-Laplacian operator and the curva-

ture tensor, we know that I(v, w) is a bilinear form defined on r(f-lTN),
and J j is a strongly elliptic differential operator of second order on
As in other geometric variational problems, we may define index (f)
for a harmonic map to be the maximal dimension of the subspace X of
r(f-IT N) on which the index form is negative definite on X. When M
is compact, index(f) < 00 by the theory of elliptic operators. We can
also define the nullity of a harmonic map by null(f) = dim ker J f, which
is also finite when M is compact. Any v E ker J j is called a Jacobi field
for the harmonic map. In geometrical variational problems the second
variational formula is quite important. Many theorems in differential
geometry were derived from the formula together with certain variational
techniques. Formula (1.4.5) is also important for harmonic maps.
We now define the stability for harmonic maps. Let f : M -4 N be a
harmonic map. If for any vector field v along f, namely v E r(f-IT N),
the index form satisfies I( v, v) ?: 0, then f is called a stable harmonic
map. Equivalently, the harmonic map with zero index is a stable har-
mOTIlC map.
It is easily seen from (1.4.6) that if the target manifold N has non-
positive sectional curvature, then any harmonic map into N is stable.
This shows the difference between the stabilities of harmonic maps and
lninimal submanifolds. As shown before, when f : M -4 N is an iso-
metric immersion, f is harmonic if and only if f is a lninimal i=ersion.
Suppose N is the Euclidean space. Then f as a harmonic map is always
stable. On the other hand, the catenoid in lR 3 is a complete lninimal sur-
face which is not a stable lninimal surface. Conversely, for the cylinder
S3 x lR the standard embedding f : S3 -4 S3 X lR is a stable lninimal
imbedding. But as a harmonic map it is unstable.
If M = N, the simplest map is the identity map which is obviously
harmonic. But it lnight be unstable. R. T. Slnith showed that the identity
map in sn (n ?: 3) is unstable and index(isn) = n + 1 (see [Sm1]). In
general, we have the following result.
THEOREM 1.4.11 ([Xl]) When n > 2, any stable harmonic map f from
sn into any Riemannian manifold must be a constant map.
PROOF. Embed sn into lR + canonically and consider
n 1

vEe = {grad h; h = Flsn, F is linear in lRn +1 }.


For any x E sn and 0: E jRn+l we have h(x) = (o:,x) and

where {eJ is a local orthonormal frame field of sn. It is easily seen that
v is the projection of a parallel vector field in jRn+l into the sphere.
Furthermore, it satisfies

\7 x v = -hX, (1.4.8)
\7 2 v = -v, (1.4.9)

where \7 is the Levi-Civita connection on sn

with respect to the standard
metric of the sphere. In fact, choose a local orthonormal frame field {ei}
with \7 ei ejlx = O. Then at point x

\7xv = \7x((o:,ei) ei)

= (o:,\7 x ei)ei
= (o:,(\7x ei,x)x)ei
= -(o:,(ei,\7xx)x)ei
= -(o:,x)(ei,X)ei

where \7 denotes the covariant derivative in jRn+l, and

\7 2 v = \7e.(-he i)
= -ei(h)ei
= -grad h = -v.

N ow we substitute f* v E r(f-l TN) into the second variational formula

(1.4.6) and obtain


which is a quadratic form on jRn+l. By the stability assumption it is

nonnegative. We need further calculation. First of all,

-\72f*v = -\7ei \7 ei (df)v

= -\7 ei (\7 ei df)v - \7 ei df(\7 ei v)
= -(\7 ei \7 ei df)v - 2(\7 ei df)(\7 ei v) - df(\7 ei \7ei V ).

Noting (1.4.8) and (1.4.9), we have


By (1.3.12) and the harmonicity for f

-('\l2dJ)v = RN(J*ei,f*v)f*ei - f*llicv

= RN(J*ei,f*v)f*ei - (n -l)f*v,


Substituting (1.4.12) and (1.4.13) into (1.4.11) gives


From (1.4.10) and (1.4.14) it follows that

I(J*v,f*v) = r (2 -
Jsn n) (f*v,f*v) d.


traceI(J*v,f*v) = r (2-n) trace (f*v,f*v) *1

= 2(2 - n)E(J) :::: 0,

which forces E(J) = 0, namely f is a constant map.

U sing the similar technique we have
THEOREM 1.4.12 ([LEI]) Let M be a compact manifold. When n > 2,
any stable harmonic map f :M -> sn
must be constant.
PROOF. Choosing vector field v along f and substituting into (1.4.6) gives

Noting (1.4.8), (1.4.9) and the expression of the curvature tensor of sn

we have

(R sn (J*ei,v)f*ei,v ) = 2e(J)lvl 2 - (f*ei,v) (f*ei,v)



I(v,v) = 1M ((\7v, \7v) + U*ei,V) U*ei,V) - 2 e(J)lvI2) * 1

= f [2((a,x)2 - L (a,cA)2) e(J) + U*ei,v) U*ei,v)] * 1,
1M A

where CA is a local normal orthonormal frame field in sn. It is not difficult

to verify

trace (a, x)2 = 1,

trace L(a,cA)2 =n,
trace U*ei,v) U*ei,v) = 2e(f);
trace I(v,v) = 2 (2 - n) 1M e(f) * 1::::; o.
This means that f is constant.

Theorem 1.4.11 and Theorem 1.4.12 may be viewed as positivity of

the indices for such nonconstant harmonic maps. If one carefully inspects
the proof of Theorem 1.4.11, one obtains a more precise conclusion.
THEOREM 1.4.13 ([E-L2]) Let n > 2 and f be a harmonic map from
sn into any Riemannian manifold with maximal rank k. If k ::::: 1, then
index(f) ::::: k + 1.
In Theorem 1.4.11 and Theorem 1.4.12 the sphere can be substituted
by certain submanifolds in the Euclidean space or sphere, or h-pinching
manifolds. Please consult the concrete results in [X2] [Pal] [Pa2] [Pa3]
[Le2] [How] [Ok]. It is worth pointing out that such a manifold may not be
homeomorphic to the sphere. Among the compact irreducible symmetric
spaces they are necessarily the following manifolds (see [0 h] [H -W]):
(1) Simply connected simple Lie groups
(An)n>l; B2 = C2 ; (C n)n>3;
(2) SU(2;;)/Sp(n) (n::::: 3); -
(3) The sphere sn (n ::::: 3);
(4) The quaternionic Grassmannian manifolds
Sp(p + q)/Sp(p) X Sp(q) (p::::: q::::: 1);
(5) E6/ F4;
(6) The Cayley plane F4/ Spin(9).
The relevant results will be discussed later in Chapter 5, §5.4.4.


By E. Noether's famous theorem, if an integral in the calculus of vari-

ations has continuous one-parameter groups of symmetries, then a con-
servation law, or a first integral of the Euler-Lagrange equation for the
integral, must be associated to each of such symmetries. A concrete
stress-energy tensor for smooth maps has been found by P. Baird and
J. Eells, who also explained its applications in the theory of harmonic
maps [B-E]. This chapter is devoted to the relevant topics.



Let f : (M,g) - t (N, h) be a smooth map. As is known, e(l) and f*h

denote the energy density and the first fundamental form, respectively.
Its stress-energy tensor is defined by

Sf = e(f)g - f*h, (2.1)

which is a symmetric 2-tensor. A direct calculation shows the following

THEOREM 2.1 ([B-E])

mv Sf = - (7(1), df) , (2.2)

where 7 is the tension field of the map f : (M,g) -t (N, h).

PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field near an arbitrary point

P E M. For any X E TpM

(divSf)(X) = (V'e;Sf)(ei,X)
= V'e;Sf(ei,X) - Sf(V'e;ei,X) - Sf(ei, V'e;X)
= V'e; (~U*ej,!*ej) (ei,X) - U*ei, f*X))
- e(f) (ei' V'e;X) + U*ei, f* V'e;X)
= (V'xf*ej,f*ei) + e(f) (ei' V'e;X)
- (V' eJ*ei, f*X) - (/*ei, V' eJ*X)
- e(f) (ei' V' ei X) + (/*ei, f* V' e;X)
= ((V' Xdf)ei, f*ei) - ((V' e;df)ei, f*X)
- (f*ei,(V'e;df)X)
= - (T(f), f*X) .
DEFINITION 2.2 Given a smooth map f : (M,g) ----t (N, h), if div Sf == 0
then we say that f satisfies the conservation law.
COROLLARY 2.3 Any harmonic map satisfies the conservation law.
On the other hand, a map satisfying the conservation law may not
be a harmonic map. In fact, there exist other maps which also satisfy the
conservation law.
DEFINITION 2.4 For a smooth map f : (M,g) ----t (N,h) if V'xf*h = 0,
where X E f(T M), then f is called a relatively affine map.
When f*h = g, f is called an isometric immersion. If there exists
a function >.2 such that f* h = >.2 g, then f is called a weakly conformal
map. In the case of >. being nonzero constant, f is called a homothetic
map. Certainly, the relatively affine map is a natural generalization of
the isometric immersion. This notion was introduced in [I-Y].
It is not hard to see that f is a relatively affine map if and only if for
arbitrary X,Y,Z E f(TM)
(Bxy(f), f*Z) == O. (2.3)
In fact,
(V'xf*h)(Y,Z) = V'xf*h(Y,Z) - f*h(V'xY,Z)
- j*h(Y, V'xZ)
= V' x U*Y,f*Z) - (/* V' x Y, f*Z)
- (/*Y,f*V'x Z )
= ((V' xdf)Y, f*Z) + U*Y, (V' xdf)Z)
= (Bxy(f),f*Z) + (Bxz(f),f*Y).

Therefore, (2.3) is a sufficient condition for the given map f. Conversely,

if f is a relatively affine map, from the above formula we have

Thus, (2.3) follows immediately from the above equality and the sym-
metry in X and Y of the second fundamental form Bxy(f). Hence, any
relatively affine map is also a generalization of the totally geodesic map
and satisfies the conservation law.
A relatively affine map may not be a harmonic map. There are such
examples. Consider a nonminimal Clifford hypersurface in sn+l

where A > 0, p + q = n. Its Gauss map is a relatively affine map. In

fact, any compact hypersurface in sn+1 with relatively affine Gauss map
has to be a Clifford hypersurface. The readers are referred to [X-C] for
The stress-energy tensor also satisfies the following properties. We
leave their verification to the readers.

2.5 Suppose f : (M,g) --; (N, h) is a nonconstant map.

°if and only if dim M
Then Sf == = 2 and f is weakly conformal.
PROPOSITION 2.6 If dim M = m > 2 and f : (M,g) --; (N, h) is a
weakly conformal map, then f is homothetic if and only if it satisfies the
conservation law.
In order to investigate harmonic maps via stress-energy tensor, let us
derive its basic formulas.
Let X E r(TM) be any vector field. We have

div(e(f)X) = (,'Veie(f)) (X, ei) + e(f) (VeiX, ei)

= Vxe(f) + e(f) (VX,g) ,

where {ei} is a local orthonormal frame field near a point p E M with

Veiejlp = 0, and

Y' xe(f) = 2" Y' X (f*ei, f*ei)
= (Y' X f*ei, f*ei)
= ((Y' Xdf)ei, f*ei)
= ((Y'eidf)X,f*ei)
= (Y' eJ*X, f*ei) - (f* Y' eiX, f*ei)
= Y' e, (f*X, f*ei) - (f*X, (Y' eidf)ei)
- (Y'eiX, ej) (f*ei, f*ej)
= div((f*X,f*ei) ei) - (f*X,T(f))

we have
div(e(f)X) = div((f*X,f*ei) ed
- U*X,T(f)) + (Sf, Y'X).
If suppX (supporting set of X) is compact, integrating both sides of (2.4),
then using Green's theorem and Theorem 2.1 we obtain

Now, we take a compact domain D <:;;; M with its smooth hypersurface

aD. Choose a local orthonormal frame field of M along aD, such that
el,'" ,em-l E r(TaD) and em is a normal vector field n of aD. By
Green's theorem

f(divX)*l= f (X,n)*1.
lD laD
Integrating (2.4) over D gives

f e(f) (X, n) * 1 = f (f*X, f*n) * 1

laD laD
+ L(divSf)(X)d+ L(Sf,Y'X) *1, (2.6)

(2.5) and (2.6) are important formulas and we will use them to prove
several results.


Certain monotonicity inequalities for energy-minimizing maps are an

important ingredient on the regularity theory of harmonic maps given by
K. Uhlenbeck and R. Schoen [S-Ul], M. Giaqunta and E. Guisti [G-G].
A similar inequality for Yang-Mills field was derived in [Prj. A monoto-
nicity inequality for harmonic p-forms with values in a vector bundle was
obtained in [K-Wo]. Here we derive it by using the stress-energy tensor.
Let M be an m-dimensional Riemannian manifold, and Brr( x) its
geodesic ball with radius (j and centered at x. Suppose that the distance
from a point Xo E M to its cut locus and the boundary of M is at least
THEOREM 2.7 Assume that f : M ---t N is a harmonic map. Then for
any x E B!(xo) and 0 < (j :::; p :::; ~

where C is a constant depending on m and A is a constant depending

only on the bounds of the sectional curvature in Bl (xo).
PROOF. Let r be the distance function in B!(x) from x, and tr the unit
radial vector field. Let
x = ~(r)r ar'
where ~(r) will be chosen later. Let us derive (2.7) by using (2.5).
Choose a local orthonormal frame field {e a , :r}( a = 1" .. ,m - 1).
V'.!!...X=((r+O a
ar ar ,

where HessC) stands for the Hessian operator.

If the sectional curvature in Bl(XO) lies in [a,b], then, by using Hes-
sian comparison theorem,

y'crcot(y'cr), e> 0,
vfcfrF (vfcfr) = { 1, e= 0,
Fcreoth (Fcr) , e < 0,
We have therefore

divX = \ V' fT X, !) + (V'e X , ea)


~ er + e+ e(m -l)MrF (Mr) ,
(f*h, V'X) = (f*e a ,!*e(3) (V'e X , e(3)

+ \I*!, 1* :r) \ V' /rX, !)

= erHess(r)(e e(3) (f*e ,!*e(3)
a , a

:s er(f*e I*e vTaTF (vTaTr)
a, a) (2.10)

= erldf1 vTaTF (vTaTr) + er \I*! ,I*!)

+ e(1 - rvTaTF (vTafr)) \ I*!, f* :r) .

Substitution (2.9) and (2.10) into (2.5) yields

o~ 1M [er e(f) - (2 - m)e e(f)

+ (m -1)e (MrF (Mr) - 1) e(f)
+ 2e (1- vTafrF (vTafr)) e(f) - (r I I*! 12
- e(1 - vTafrF (vTafr)) I *! I n * 1.

Noting (2.8), we have

- 1M fr e(J) * 1 + (2 - m) 1M ~ e(J) * 1 + (m + I)A 1M ~r e(J) * 1

2 - lM fr lf*!1 d+ lM~(~rF(~) -1) If*:rI

2 2
Choose a smooth function

I, for r E [0,1],
¢(r)= 0, for rE[I+<'oo)
'-, ,
and ¢' ::; 0, where c: > ° is a sufficiently small number. For r E [0', p] set


~Tr = ¢ C~) r ::; ¢ (S) r(1 + c:) = ~T(1 + c: )r.
Substituting the above formulas into (2.11) gives

r:r 1M ~Te(J) * 1 + (2 - m) 1M ~Te(J) * 1

+ erA 1M ~Te(J) * 1 2 0,

where e = (1 + c:)(m + 1), which means

REMARK From the monotonicity inequality Liouville-type theorems can
be proved. If certain geometric conditions insure A to be zero and the
validity of the monotonicity inequality when the radius goes to infinity,
then a corresponding Liouville-type theorem follows. This will be the
subject of the next section.



Physicists first proved that any harmonic map with finite energy from
Euclidean space ]Rn (n 2:: 3) into the sphere has to be constant [G-R-S].
J. Eells and 1. Lemaire pointed out that the theorem would be valid for
any target manifold. Afterward, H. C. J. Sealey proved that the domain
manifolds may be ]Rn and JH[n (n 2:: 3) [SI]. We have the following more
general result.
THEOREM 2.8 ([X8]) Let M be a Cartan-Hadamard manifold whose
sectional curvature varies in a small range (the precise range will be seen
in the proof below), and 1 a harmonic map from M into any Riemannian
manifold N with moderate divergent energy (the meaning will be shown
in the proof). If the dimension m of the domain manifold is greater than
2, then 1 has to be constant.
PROOF. Let D = BR(XO) be a geodesic ball of radius R and centered at
Xo. Its boundary is the geodesic sphere SR(XO). Obviously, the square
of the distance function from Xo in B R( xo) is smooth. Let denote :r
the unit radial vector field which is also the unit normal vector field n to
aBR(XO). Choose X = r in formula (2.6). We have

f e(f) (X,n) * 1- f U*X,I*n) * 1

JaBn(xo) JaBn(xo)

= f Re(f) d - f R/ I*~'I*~) (2.12)

J 8B n (xo) J 8B n (xo) \ ar ar
:::; R f e(f) d.
J8Bn (xo)

On the other hand,

8r r
V'e,X = rV'e, ar
= r Hess(r)( es , et)et,
divX = 1 + r Hess(r)(e s , es ),

where {eel) :r} is a local orthonormal frame field on BR(xo). Thus,

U*ea., l*ef3) (V'e a X , ef3)

= r Hess(r)(e.,et) U*e.,!*et) + \I*! ,I*!),


(Sf' VX) = e(J)div X - (f*e a , l*ef3) (Ve a X , ef3)

= e(J)(l + r Hess(r)(e., e.)) -I/*! 12 (2.13)

- rHess(r)(e.,et} (f*e.,I*et).

We consider cases when the sectional curvature K of the domain manifold

satisfies one of the following conditions:

(1) - a 2 .s K .s _b 2 < 0, a, b are positive constant;

(2) - - -
1 + r2
K -
< 0, A is another constant.

Case 1. By using the Hessian comparison theorem, (2.13) becomes

(S" VX) 2': e(J)[l + (m -l)(br)coth(br)]

-1 /*:r 12 - (ar)coth(ar) (f*e.,I*e.)

where ~ > 0, provided 7110;-1 b - a 2': O.
Case 2. If K 2': - Itr 2 ' then, by the Hessian comparison theorem
(see [G-W]),

-(g - dr ® dr)
.s Hess(r) .s -(g
- dr ® dr)'

1 1 1
~ = 2 + 2(1 + 4A)2.

From (2.13) it follows that

(Sf, 'VX) '2 me(f) -I/*! 12 - f3 (f*e.,I*e.)

= (; - 1) 1/ * :r 12 + (; - (3) (f*e.,I*e.)
'2 b e(f),
where b > provided A :S (1 - c)2 - ~.
In either case, from (2.6), (2.12), (2.14) and (2.15) we have

R ( e(f) d '2 ( b e(f) * 1.

i 8Bn(zo) i Bn(zo)
If the energy density e(f) dose not vanish identically, there exists Ro > 0,
such that when R> R o,

( e(f) d '2 e,
i Bn(zo)
where e is a positive constant. Thus

( e(f) * 1 '2 be. (2.16)

i8B n (zo) R
We now assume that the energy of the given map 1 diverges moderately
in the sense that there exists a positive function 'I/J( r) satisfying
rOO dr
iRo r'I/J(r) = 00,

for Ro > 0, such that

lim ( e(f)(x) *1<00.

R---+oo i Bn(zo) 'I/J( r( x))
Then (2.16) implies

lim { e(f)(x) *1= roo dR ( e(f)*l

R---+ooiBn(zo) 'I/J(r(x)) io 'I/J(R) i8B n (zo)
roo dR
'2 be io R'I/J( R)
roo dR
'2 be iRo Rb(R) = 00,

which contradicts the moderate divergence of the energy. Therefore, 1

has to be a constant map.

REMARK 1 The domain manifold M is a Cart an-Hadamard manifold

in the above theorem. From the proof we see that if M possesses a pole
in the sense of [G-W] and the radial curvature varies in a small range,
then the theorem remains true.
REMARK 2 The theorem holds not only for harmonic maps. In fact, if
f satisfies the conservation law or even its stress-energy tensor satisfies
more general condition, the result still holds.
REMARK 3 The moderately divergent energy assumption was introduced
in [H] instead of the finite energy assumption in [Se2].
REMARK 4 The sectional curvature of complex hyperbolic space CIHI m
varies in [-4,-1]. From the proof ofthe previous theorem we see that there
is a corresponding conclusion for m 2: 3. But by a direct computation in
[Se2] the conclusion is also true for CIHI2.


As is well known, the theory of harmonic maps is a nonlinear general-

ization of harmonic I-forms, whereas the Yang-Mills theory is a nonlinear
generalization of harmonic 2-forms. It might be of interest to study har-
monic p-forms with values in a vector bundle.
Let IT : E --+ M be a Riemannian vector bundle over a Riemannian
manifold, and w a p-form with values in E, which may be viewed as a
cross-section of the vector bundle APT M (9 E. Similarly, we can introduce
its stress-energy tensor.
For any p-form w its symmetric square is defined by

w 0 w(X, Y) = (ixw, iyw) , (2.17)

where X, Y E f(T M), and ixw denotes the inner product of p-form w
and vector field X. This is a (p - I)-form and is defined by

ixw(X I ,'" ,Xp-d d~r w(X,X I ,··· ,Xp- l ),

where Xl,'" ,Xp- l E f(T M). Therefore, the stress-energy tensor is

defined by
1 2
Sw = "2lwl g-w0w, (2.18)
where 9 is the metric tensor in M. Sw can be viewed as a I-form with
values in T* M. We now derive its basic formulas.
Suppose that X is a vector field on M, and {ei} is a local orthonormal
frame field near x E M with 'V ei ej Ix = o.


\ grad~ (w,w),x) = (ixdw + dixw,w)

L \w(ei1 , ' " ,Veii X "" ,eip),w(ei 1 , ' " ,eip))'
i1 < ··-<ip,j

PROOF. At point x E M

= ((Vxw),w)
+ L \(-l)j(VeiiW)(X,eill··· ,Eii ,"· ,eip),w(eill··· ,eip))

= (ixdw,w)
L \(-l)jVeiiW(X,eill··· ,Eii ,·'· ,eip),w(eill··· ,eip))

+ L (-l)j \W(VeiiX,eii'··· ,Eij,··· ,eip),w(ei 1 , · · · ,eip))

i1 < ··-<ip ,j

= (ixdw + dixw,w)
L \w(ei1 , · · · ,VeiiX"., ,eip),w(eill··· ,eip)).
i1 < ···<ip,j


LEMMA 2.10

L \w(ei1 , · · · ,VeiiX" .. ,eip),w(eill··· '~ip)) = (w0 w ,VX),

i1 <.. ·<ip,j

where V X can be viewed as a l-form with values in T* M and is defined

by VX(ei)(ej) = (VeiX,ej).

PROOF. At x,

LHS= L \W(V"ei;X,ei,,'" ,Ci;,'" ,eip),W(ei;,ei,,··· ,Ci;,'" ,eip))

i, <···<ip,j

L (W(V"eiX,ej,,'" ,ejp_J,W(ei,ej" ... ,ejp_J)

j, <···<jp-1

= (. L. (W(ek,ej,,'" ,ejp_1),W(ei,ejp'" ,ejp_J )) (V"eiX,ek)


= (iekW,ieiW) (V"eiX,ek) = RHS.



(divSw)(X) = (hw,ixw) + (ixdw,w). (2.20)

PROOF. From Lemma 2.9 and Lemma 2.10 it follows that

LHS = (V"eiSw)(ei,X)
= V"eiSw(ei,X) - Sw(ei' V"eiX)

= V"ei (~lwI2 (ei'X) - (ieiw,ixw))

- "2lwl2 (ei' V"eiX) + (ieiW,iveiXw)
= ~V"X (w,w) - (V"e.(ieiW),ixw)
- (ieiW, V"ei(ixw)) + (ieiW,iVeiXw)
= (ixdw + dixw,w) - (w 0 w, V" X) + (hw, ixw)
L (w(ei,ejp'" ,ejp_1),(V"eiw)(X,ej,,'" ,ejp_J) ,

(2.21 )

(w0 w ,VX)+
j1 <···<jp-1

L (W(Ve,X,ejp ... ,ejp_J,W(ei,ejp ... ,ejp_J)

L (Ve,W(X,ej1'··· ,ejp_J,w(ei,ej1'··· ,ejp_J)
L (Ve'jw(X,e i p ··· ,Eij,··· ,eip),W(eij,eip··· ,Eij,··· ,eip))

L (_l)j-l (Ve'jw(X,eip ... ,Eij,··· ,eip),W(eip··· ,eip))

i1<···<i p
L (_l)j-l (Ve'jixw(eip··· ,Eij,··· ,eip),W(eip··· ,eip))
i1 <···<ip

= (dixw,w).
Substitution of the above expression into (2.21) gives (2.20).


fM(diVSw)(X) * 1 + fM (Sw, VX) * 1 = 0, (2.22)

where X is a vector field in M with compact support.

PROOF. Noting divX = (VX,g), Lemma 2.9 and Lemma 2.10, we have

div (~lwI2 X) = (ixdw + dixw,w) + (Sw, V X).

Integrating the above expression and using Proposition 2.11, we obtain

Now, we take a compact domain D <;;:; M such that its boundary aD

is a smooth hypersurface in M with the unit normal vector field n. Thus,
we obtain the following formula

r ~lwl2 (X,n) * 1 = lDr(divSw)(X) * 1 + lDr (Sw, VX) * 1

laD 2 (2.23)

For a p-form w with values in a vector bundle E define the Hodge-

Laplace operator by
~ = dh +hd.

An E-valued p-form w is said to be harmonic if it IS III the kernel of

the operator~. If w is closed and co-closed, it is necessary to be har-
monic. If w satisfies divSw == 0, it is said that w satisfies a conservation
law. Proposition 2.11 shows that a closed and co-closed form satisfies the
conservation law.
We can also obtain a monotonicity formula for harmonic p-forms as
follows by the similar method of Theorem 2.7.
THEOREM 2.13 ([X7]) Let E ---+ M be a Riemannian vector bundle over
M, and B(7( x) a geodesic ball in the Riemannian manifold M. Suppose
that the distance from a point Xo to its cut locus and 8M is at least 1,
and an E-valued p-form w satisfies

where X is a vector field in M with compact support and), is a constant.

Then the following inequality is valid

for any x E B t (xo) and 0 < (Y ::::: p ::::: where C is a constant depending
on m and p, A is a constant depending on the bounds of the sectional
curvature in B 1 (xo).
Similarly, we can use the formula (2.23) to prove the vanishing the-
orem for L2 p-forms.
THEOREM 2.14 ([X12]) Let M be a complete simply connected Rie-
mannian manifold whose sectional curvature varies in a small range, and
E ---+ M a Riemannian vector bundle. Let w be an L2 p-form with values
in E satisfying the conservation law. If m > 2p, then w == o.
We return to study the case of harmonic maps again.
The condition of sectional curvature in Theorem 2.8 might not be
necessary. It was conjectured by J. H. Sampson that it is also the case for
any complete simply connected manifolds of negative sectional curvature
[Sal]. We can prove such a Liouville-type theorem for harmonic maps
from any higher-dimensional bounded symmetric domains.
Bounded symmetric domains were introduced by E. Cartan [Cal]
[Ca2] and were systematically studied by Hua, Look and Siegel [Hual]

[Hua2] [Lo] and [Silo By the work done by Y. C. Wong [Wo] a bounded
symmetric domain can be viewed as a pseudo-Grassmannian manifold of
all the space-like subspaces of dimension m in pseudo-Euclidean space
lR~+n of index n.
Let c~+m be an (n + m )-dimensional complex vector space. For
any u = (x,y) = (Xl'··· ,XnjXn+I,··· ,X n + m ) E c~+m, define a pseudo-
Euclidean inner product

Let A be an n-subspace. If the induced inner product on A is positive

definite, A is called a space-like n-subspace. The set of all n-dimensional
space-like subspaces form a pseudo-Grassmannian manifold G~ m(C).
Take m time-like unit vectors, which are linear independent'. Denote
them by the (n + m) X m matrix (~~). Then, the corresponding n-
dimensional space-like subspace can be expressed by
If det V_ = 0, then there exists a time-like vector (x,O), which is im-
possible. Hence, any n-dimensional space-like subspace can be expressed
y = xV+V.::-1 = xZ,
where Z is an (n X m) complex matrix. For the same n-dimensional space-
like subspace, its equation is changed to xV+U - yV_U = 0, when the
basis of the whole space is changed, where U is an (m X m) non-singular
matrix. Thus, Z is independent of the choice of bases. Since (x, xZ) is a
space-like vector for any x, Z satisfies
I(n) - ZZT > o. (2.25)
Thus, ~h(n,m), bounded symmetric domains of the first type, can be
identified with G~ m(C). The Bergman metric corresponds to the canoni-
cal metric in G~ m(C). The second and third types of bounded symmetric
domains ~II(n); ~III(n) are totally geodesic submanifolds of G~ m(C).
The fourth type of bounded symmetric domains ~IV( n) are ide~tified
with G; 2 (see [Hua3] and [Wo]). Therefore, by the moving frame method
we can c~mpute the curvature tensors and estimate the bounds of the sec-
tional curvatures and of the Ricci curvatures. From [Wo] we know that
Type Dim. Sec. Curvature Ric. Curvature
~h(n,m)(min(m,n) ?: 2) 2mn -4:::; K:::; 0 -2(n + m)
~II(n)(n ?: 2) n(n + 1) -4:::; K:::; 0 -2(n + 1)
~III(n)(n ?: 4) n(n - 1) -2:::; K:::; 0 -2(n - 1)
~IV(n ?: 2) 2n -2:::; K:::; 0 -n

We first prove a Laplacian comparison theorem which is different

from the classical one. The theorem is given in [Di]. Here, we generalize
it via a more geometrical consideration.
THEOREM 2.15 Let M and M be m-dimensional complete Riemannian
manifolds, where M is a simply connected one without focal points. Let
rand r be the distance functions from Xo E M and Xo EM, respectively.
Suppose for any x E M,x E M,r(x) = r(x) i- 0
.88 1-._88
Rzc(x)(-8 '-8 )::; - - 1 Rzc(x)(8_' 8 J
r r m- r r
where Ric and Ric denote the Ricci curvatures of M and M, respectively.
Then at any differentiable point x of i
1 -
flr> - - f l i .
- m-1
In particular, when
Ric::; _b 2 ,
where b is a positive constant, then

flr 2 b coth(br). (2.26)

PROOF. Let X and Y be tangent vector fields to a geodesic sphere

8B r ( xo) of radius r and centered at Xo. By parallel translating along the
radial geodesics we obtain two vector fields along the radial geodesics.
V ~Hess(r)(X, Y)
= /
V ~ Vx88
ar T
=- \ R(:r ,X) !, Y) + \ v (Ir ,Xl ! 'Y)
=-\R(:r'X) !,Y)-\Vy:r,Vx!),
which gives

d (flr)
dr .(8
= -Rzc 8r'8
8r) - IHess(r)1 2 . (2.27)

Since M is complete and simply connected without focal points, the

square of the distance function from any point is a smooth convex func-
tion (see Proposition 5.8 later). Noting

Hess(r) (8 8) =
8r' 8r 2,

Hess(r2)(X, Y) = 2r Hess(r )(X, Y),

all eigenvalues of Hess( r) are nonnegative, we then have

(2.27) becomes

(8 8) - (
;::: -Rzc
. -, -
8r 8r
~r )2 . (2.28)

Similarly, in !VI
d -_
~. (8 8)
= -Rzc 8r' 8r

By the Schwarz inequality

IHess(r)12 ;::: _1_ (iir)2


Then, (2.29) becomes

d -
dr -
~ -
< -Ric (88r' -8r8) - - - (_)2 .
m - 1
~r (2.30)

From (2.28), (2.30) and the conditions of the theorem it follows that

(2.31 )

1 -
1 -
Then, (2.31) can be expressed by

a;:+PH;::: O. (2.32)

In a neighborhood of normal coordinates (Xl"" ,X m ) near the Xo,


~r = - -
+ O(r),
and similarly,
- m-1
~i = -_- + O(T).


This means that H ?: 0 when r E (0, E 1for sufficiently small E > o.

On the other hand, from (2.32) it follows that

(~~ + PH) exp (iT P( s) dS) ?: 0,

~ ( H exp (iT P( s) dS)) ?: 0,

H(r)exp iT P(s)ds?: H(E) ?: o.

We complete the proof of the theorem.

By using Theorem 2.15 we can prove Liouville-type theorems of har-

monic maps.
THEOREM 2.16 Let M be an m-dimensional Gartan-Hadamard man-
ifold with the sectional curvature K satisfying _a 2 :S K :S 0 and the
Ricci curvature bounded from above by _b 2 • Let f be a harmonic map
from M into any Riemannian manifold with moderate divergent energy.
If b ?: 2a, then f is constant.
PROOF. Let D = BR(XO) C M be a geodesic ball of radius R and centered
at Xo whose boundary is the geodesic sphere SR(XO). The square of the
distance function r2 from Xo in M
is a smooth function. Set =r X 1T ,
where 1Tdenotes the unit radial vector. Obviously, the unit normal
vector to SR(XO) is 1T. We have


On the other hand,

aT r

where {ei} = {e., :r} is an orthonormal frame field on BR(XO). There-

U*ei, f*ej) (VeiX, ej)

= \ f*!, f* :r) + r Hess(r)( e., et) U*e., f*et) ,

(Sf, VX) = e(f)div X - U*ei, f*ej) (VeiX, ej)

= e(f)(1 + rl:!..r) -If* :r 12 - r Hess(r)(e., et) U*e., f*et) .

By the Hessian comparison theorem and (2.26)

(Sf,VX) ~ (~(br)coth(br)-~) k*:rI 2

+(~+ ~(br)coth(br) - (ar)coth(ar)) U*e.,f*e.).

Let JI(x) = xcothx. We have
H(O) = lim x cothx = 1,

H '() (sinh x)(cosh x) - x

x = >0
sinh 2 x -

and H'(x) = 0 only when x = O. Differentiating again gives

H "()
x =
2 sinh x -

and H"(x) = 0 only when x = O. Both H(x) and H'(x) are nondecreasing
functions. Let
1 1
K(r) = "2 + "2H(br) - H(ar).

Obviously, K(O) =0 and

K'(r) = ~bH'(br) - aH'(ar).

Hence, in the case of b 2: 2a we obtain K'(r) 2: 0, and the equality occurs

if and only if r = O. Therefore,

K(r) > 0
when r > O. The above argument shows that

and when e(f) is not identically zero there always exists a neighborhood
U c M, such that e(f) is positive in U. It turns out that (Sf' V'X) is
positive in U and there exists Ro > 0, such that when R > Ro


where C is a positive constant. From (2.33), (2.34) and (2.6) it follows


1 1
This means
7J;( r( x))
*1 >
7J;(R) SR(XO)
e(f) *1
rOC! CdR
2: J, R7J;(R) = 00,

where to is a positive constant. This contradicts the assumption of the

moderate divergence of energy. Therefore, e(f) == 0 and f is constant.

Noting the concrete data of bounded symmetric domains gives the

next result immediately.
THEOREM 2.17 ([X17]) Let

{ ~l(n, m), when n + m 2: 8,

~II(n), when n 2: 7,
~Ill(n), when n 2: 5,
~IV(n), when n 2: 8.
Then, any harmonic map from M into any Riemannian manifold with
moderate divergent energy has to be constant.

REMARK 1 In fact, we can prove more general results than that of

Theorem 2.16 and Theorem 2.17 on vanishing theorems of I-forms with
values in vector bundles which satisfy the conservation law. As for general
p-forms (p ::::: 2), the proof fails.
REMARK 2 The range of the sectional curvature of complex hyperbolic
space CIHI m lies between -4 and -1. Its Ricci curvature is -2(m+l). By
Theorem 2.16 the conclusion holds true for m ::::: 7. The results are weaker
than that of Theorem 2.8. Hyperbolic space satisfies the condition of the
theorem but Euclidean space does not. The advantage of the theorem
here is for the case when the sectional curvature is bounded above by
zero and bounded from below by a negative constant.
REMARK 3 For lower-dimensional cases it needs more precise compu-
tation of the Laplacian of the distance function in order to draw the
REMARK 3 As for the two exceptional bounded symmetric domains the
lower bounds of the sectional curvatures and the Ricci curvatures can be
computed by using some results in [Bor]. Thus the result in Theorem
2.17 holds true for those cases [Liu].


The classical Gauss map is important in the minimal surface theory

of 3-dimensional Euclidean space. For general submanifolds in Euclidean
space we can define a generalized Gauss map. In many cases properties
of submanifolds are characterized by their Gauss maps and closely link
with the theory of harmonic maps. We now present some results in this


Let M --+ lR m +p be an m-dimensional oriented submanifold in

Euclidean space. For any point x E M, by the parallel translation in
ambient Euclidean space, the tangent space TxM is moved to the origin
of lR m +p to obtain an m-subspace in lR. m +p , namely, a point of the Grass-
mannian manifold I( x) E Gm,p. Thus, we define a generalized Gauss map
I: M --+ Gm,p. E. Ruh and J. Vilms discovered the relation between the
property of the submanifold and the harmonicity of its Gauss map [R-V].
We follow the moving frame method in [Ch-G] to prove the theorem.
Let M and N be Riemannian manifolds of dimensions m and n, re-
spectively. Let {Wl, ... , wm } and {w~, ... , w~} be their local orthonormal
coframe fields corresponding to orthonormal frame fields {el'··· , em}
and {er,··· , e~}, respectively. Their Riemannian metrics can be ex-
pressed by

i,j,··· = 1,··· ,mj A,B, ... = 1,··· ,no

The structure equations of M are the following:

Wij + Wji = 0,

where Wij and D. ij are the connection forms and the curvature forms for
M, respectively. There are similar notations for N with superscript *.
For a smooth map f : M --t N,

(3.1 )

The covariant derivative of aAi is given by

Obviously, aAij = aAji. In this terminology, f is harmonic if and only if

aAjj == 0.

Its energy density is e(f) = LA,i a~i·
Let f : M --t jRm+p be an isometric immersion. Choose an orthonor-
mal frame field {eI'· .. , e m +p }, such that e~s are tangent vectors. Let
{WI'··· ,W m +P} be its dual frame field. Then the structure equations of
jRm+p along M are as follows.

Wa = 0,

(i,j,···=I, ... ,m; Ct,f3, ... =m+l,···,m+p).

The mean curvature vector of the isometric immersion f is defined by

If H == 0, then f is called a minimal immersion. The covariant derivatives

of h aij is defined by

It is easily seen that haijk = h aikj , then haijk is symmetric in i,j, k. If


then M is defined to be a submanifold with parallel mean curvature.


Let 0 be the origin of IRm+p. SO( m +p) can be viewed as a manifold

consisting of all the orthonormal frames {OJ el,' .. , e m +p } and
SO(m + p)/ SO(m) x SO(p) can be viewed as a Grassmannian manifold
consisting of all the m-subspaces in IRm+p. Let P = {(x; el,'" , em); x E
M, ei E T",M} be the principal bundle of orthonormal tangent frames
over M, and Q = {(x; em+l,'" , em+p)j x E M, e a E N",M} be the prin-
cipal bundle of orthonormal normal frames over M. Then 7r : P(JJQ -+ M
is the projection with fiber SO(m) x SO(p)j i : P (JJ Q '----+ SO(m + p) is
the natural inclusion.
We define the Gauss map, : M -+ Gm,p by

,(x) = T",M E Gm,p

via parallel translation in IRm+p for all x E M. Thus, the following

commutative diagram holds:

P (JJ Q -------''------+> SO ( m + p)
7r) )K
-----'-------'>-) Gm,p'

A,B,··· = 1"" ,m+pj i,j,··· = 1"" ,mj

a,f3,···=m+1,··· ,m+p.
Then BAB satisfies the Maurer-Cartan equations

dB AB = BAC 1\ BCB .

dS~ = LB~i (3.3)

defines the canonical Riemannian metric on Gm,p, which is invariant

under the action of SO(m + p). With respect to the canonical metric
(3.3) the Levi-Civita connection is given by



U sing the above diagram we have

Then the energy density of the Gauss map I : M -+ Gm,p is given by

eb) = "21 'L...J

" h aij
• (3.6)

The harmonicity condition now becomes h aijj = o. From (3.2) We com-

plete the proof of the following theorem.
THEOREM 3.1 ([R- V]) Let M be a submanifold in IRm+p. Then the
mean curvature vector of M is parallel if and only if its Gauss map is a
harmonic map.


Let M -+ sm+p '----t IR m +p+l be an m-dimensional submanifold in

the sphere. For any x E M, by the parallel translation in IRm+p+l, the
normal space NxM of M in sm+p is moved to the origin of IRm+p+l.
We then obtain a p-subspace in IRm+p+l. Thus, the so-called normal
Gauss map I : M -+ G p,m+l has been defined. There is a natural
isometry "I between G p,m+l and Gm+I,P which maps any p-subspace into
its orthogonal complementary (m + I)-subspace. The map "1* = "10,
maps any point x E M into an (m + 1 )-subspace consisting of TxM and
the position vector of x.
On the other hand, to study properties of the submanifold M in the
sphere we may investigate the cone C M generated by M. C M is the image
under the map from M x [0,00) into IR m +p+l defined by (x,i) -+ ix,
where x E M, t E [0,00). CM has a singularity t = o. To avoid the
singularity we consider the truncated cone CM", which is the image of
M x [c, 00 ) under the same map, where c is any positive number.
J. Simons showed that M is a minimal m-submanifold if and only if
CM" is an (m + I)-dimensional minimal cone. In fact, we have:
PROPOSITION 3.2 CM" has parallel mean curvature in IRm+p+I if and
only if M is a minimal submanifold in sm+p.

PROOF. For a fixed point x E M, choose a local orthonormal frame field

{eJ with 'V e; ej Ix = O. Let {e a } be unit normal vector fields of M near
x. Then by parallel translating along rays issuing from the origin 0, we
obtain local vector fields Ei and Ea. Obviously, Ei = ~e;, Ea = ~ea,

T denote the unit tangent vector along the rays, T =

'VrT = o. Thus, {E;,Ea,T} forms a local orthonormal frame field in
where r is the distance of the corresponding point from the origin. Let

jRm+p+l and {E;, T} is a frame field in CMe .

Let H denote the mean curvature of C Me in jRm+p+l. It is a cross-
section of the normal bundle N C Me and has a local expression

- 1 N
H = - - ('VEE;
m+1 •
+ 'VrT) , (3.7)

where ( . )N denotes the projection of a vector to NCMe .

Let us compute 'V E;Ei along the ray passing through the point x.
X 1
'VgT = 'V E I
· - = -Ei'

where X denotes the position vector of the point. Then


dr ('VE;Ej,Ed = ('Vr'VE;Ej,Ed
= ('V E; 'V rEj, Ek ) + ( 'V[r,E;l~j, Ek ) (3.8)
= -;: ('VE;Ej,Ek).

Similarly, we also have


Integrating (3.8) and (3.9) gives



where A ijk and B ija are constants along the ray. They can be determined
by the conditions at T = 1 as follows.

A ijk = 0, (3.12)

where haij are the coefficients of the second fundamental form of M in

sm+p. Therefore,

Substituting it into (3.7) we have


If M is a minimal submanifold in sm+ p, then h aii = 0, from (3.13)

we have H = 0; on the other hand, if H is parallel in the normal bundle
of CMo noting (3.13) we obtain

This means that h aii = 0, and M is a minimal submanifold in sm+p


We now define cone-like maps.

M. Giaquinta and E. Guisti and also R. Schoen and K. Uhlenbeck
introduced the tangential map in their proof of partial regularity theorem
for energy minimizing map (see Chapter 5 later). The cone-like map is a
natural generalization of the tangential map. For the standard embedding
sm+p '----+ lRm +p + 1 define a map from lRm +p + 1 \ {O} to sm+p by

where x is any vector in lR m +p + 1 \ {O}. Therefore, for any map II from a

submanifold M in sm+p into any Riemannian manifold N, we introduce
a map f from CMg into N defined by f = II 0 'ljJ, which is called the
cone-like map. On any generating line of CMg , f has the same image.
Conversely, from any cone-like map f we obtain an induced map II = f oi
from Minto N, where i : M --t eMg is the inclusion map. Easily, we
have that

PROPOSITION 3.3 II is a harmonic map (totally geodesic map) if and

only if I is a harmonic map (totally geodesic map).
The proof follows from a direct computation and is omitted here.
We now give an important example of cone-like maps.
Let M ---; sm+p '-...+ IRm+p+l be a submanifold in the sphere. It
defines a truncated cone CMc . For any x E M, choose an orthonormal
frame field {Ei' E a , T} near x as in the proof of Proposition 3.2. For
the submanifold C Mc in IRm+ p+l, as usual, we can define the Gauss map
which is determined by the tangent space of CMc. The tangent space of
CMc is made up of {Ei,T}. Since Ei = ~ei' the tangent spaces of CMc

,e :
along any generator are the same one. This means that the Gauss map
CMc ---; G m +1 ,p is a cone-like map.
On the other hand, for the sub manifold M in sm+p we already define
the normal Gauss map, : M ---; G p,m+l, and
where 'T} : G p,m+l ---; G m+1,p is an isometry. Obviously,
= 'T} 0 , : M ---; G m+1,p,

'e='*O'l/J. (3.14)

From Proposition 3.3 and the composition property of harmonic maps,

we have the following relationship:

,e is harmonic -¢::::::} ,* is harmonic -¢::::::} , is harmonic,

and from Theorem 3.1 and Proposition 3.2, we also have

M --+ sm+ p is a minimal immersion -¢::::::}

CMc ---; IR m+p+l is an immersion with parallel mean curvature -¢::::::}

,e is harmonic.
We thus prove the following theorem by a different approach from
that in [Oh] and [lsI].
THEOREM 3.4 ([OH] [lSI]) M is a minimal submanifold in the sphere if
and only if its normal Gauss map, : M ---; G p,m+l is a harmonic map.
To explore the relationship between minimal submanifolds in the
sphere and its Gauss map we consider the case of compact hypersur-
faces. First of all, M is an unstable minimal hypersurface and so is its
Gauss map. But the CMc' as a hypersurface in IRm+2, may be stable.

[Sc2]. Similarly, we can assume that ,e

R. Schoen obtained a topological obstruction for such a hypersurface
is a stable cone-like harmonic
map and obtain the same topological obstruction.

THEOREM 3.5 ([X10]) Let M -> sm+1 be a compact minimal hypersur-

face. If the corresponding cone-like harmonic map IC : C Me -> sm+1 of
its normal Gauss map is stable, then there exists a metric with positive
scalar curvature in M.
PROOF. Choose a conformal vector field in sm+! along Ic(CMe). Take
its product with any function u having compact support as a variational
vector field and compute its second variation. Since all the conformal
vector fields in sm+1 form an (m+2)-dimensional vector space IR m+ 2 , we
thus obtain a quadratic form in IRm+2. Taking its trace gives a stability
inequality [X8] (see §5.4 later)

which can be written as

1 ( Mx(O,oo)
m - 1
m +
2 cPu
-2 -mT-
ud ::::0. (3.15 )

Consider the strongly elliptic operator in M

and the ordinary differential operator in ( 0, 00 )

Let the first eigenvalue of L1 be AI, the first eigenvalue of L2 be 81 .

The stability condition reduces to the following expression [Sim]


We know that 81 = (m~1)2 by a direct computation. Therefore,



Let the squared norm of the second fundamental form of Min sm+l be
IBI2. We have
By a method similar to that used to obtain (3.6) we can also derive the
above formula for submanifolds in the sphere. From the Gauss equation
for hypersurfaces it follows that

IBI2 =m(m-1)-s, (3.19)

where s is the scalar curvature of M. Substituting (3.18) and (3.19) into

(3.17) yields


Then, for 0 < 0: :s: 1


Takl· ng 0: = (m+1)(m-2)
l·n (3 . 21) gl·ves

This means that the first eigenvalue of L = ~ - 4(:-::?1) s is positive. By a

result in [K- W] M is conformally equivalent to a manifold with positive
scalar curvature.
REMARK According to works of Gromov-Lawson and Schoen-Yau,
there is a topological obstruction for the metric with positive scalar cur-
vature. It turns out that there is a topological obstruction for our min-
imal hypersurfaces. For example, M can not be homeomorphic to an
m-dimensional torus.


As is well known, any continuous function on a compact manifold

must attain its maximum and minimum, namely, there exist Xl, X2 E M
such that f(xI) = maxf(x) and f(X2) = min f(x). This property is very
useful to prove theorems in differential geometry. H. Omori generalized it
to the complete noncompact case [Om]. Later, S. T. Yau generalized the
Omori's theorem by a more simple proof [Y]. Since then it has been called
Omori-Yau maximum principle. Let M be a complete manifold with
Ricci curvature bounded from below. Let u be a C 2 -function bounded
from above. Then, for any c > 0, there exists a sequence of points
{xd E M, such that
lim U(Xk) = sup u,

and when k is sufficiently large

In order to study submanifolds with parallel mean curvature in Eu-

clidean space, we need to generalize the Omori-Yau maximum principle.
In general, the curvature assumption can not be removed. For exam-
ple, in ~2 the metric is defined by ds 2 = dr2 + G 2(r)d£J2. For any radial
function u( r ),
.6. - If ulG 1 _ 1 (G 1)1
u-u + G - G u .

u(r) = Jo
r ds
Jo G(t) dt,
which satisfies .6.u == 1 and

supu(r) = Jo
roo G(:)
d r
Jo G(t)dt.
1+ 2+<
If we take G(r) = r °e r (when r :::: 1), the above integral converges.
The function u( r) is bounded from above, but does not satisfy the max-
imum principle. The Gauss curvature of the surface (~2, ds 2 ) is like
_r2+2o near infinity. This means that the curvature diverges to infinity
too fast to satisfy the maximum principle. But we can prove the following

THEOREM 3.6 ([CH-X]) Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold with

Ricci curvature satisfying Ric ~ -C(l + r 2 log2(r + 2)), where r is the
distance function from a fixed point Xo in M, and C is a positive constant.
Let u be a C 2 -function bounded from above on M. Then for any c > 0,
there exists a sequence of points {xd E M, such that

lim U(Xk) = sup u,


and when k is sufficiently large

~U(Xk) < c.
We first prove the following lemma.
LEMMA 3.7 Let M be a complete m-dimensional Riemannian manifold
with Ricci curvature satsfying Riel", ~ -CP(r), where C > is a con-
stant, r is the distance from a fixed point Xo to x, and F ~ 1 is a
nondecreasing function. If x does not lie on the cut locus of Xo, then

~r(x) :::; _m_-_1 + J,..,.-(m---1:--)C=P=(-r(,--x7-:-)). (3.22)


PROOF. Let , : [0, r 1 -+ M be a minimal geodesic connecting Xo and

x, ,(0) = Xo, ,(r) = x. Choose an orthonormal basis {ei} (i =
1" .. ,m) at x such that el = ..y( r). By parallel translation along, we ob-
tain an orthonormal frame field {ei (t)} along the geodesic ,. Since there
is no conjugate point on " there exist unique Jacobi fields Jell such that

Ja(O) = 0 and Ja(r) = e a (a = 2"" ,Tn).

We then have

~r(x) = eiei(r) - (Veiei)(r)


= f
(J a, V J a ..y) I: (3.23)

Let f(t) be a piecewise smooth function on [O,r], f(O) = 0, f(r) = 1.

Then, {f(t)eo:(t)} is a piecewise smooth vector field along" f(O)eo:(O) =
0, f(r)eo:(r) = Jo:. According to the well-known index inequality


The Euler-Lagrange equation of the right-hand side of the above inequa-

lity is
f" - GIF f = 0, (3.25)

where Gl = (m~l)' The existence of the boundary value problem

{ f" - GIF f = 0, (3.26)

f(O) = 0, f(r) = 1,

can be shown by several approaches. We use the comparison technique

for ordinary differential equations to explain the existence. Consider the
following initial value problem

f{' - GIF h = 0,
{ (3.27)
fl (0) = 0, f{(O) = 1.

Obviously, there is a unique solution fl to (3.27). It is easily seen that

h (t) 2:
0. Assume that hI is the solution to

h~ - Glhl(t) = 0,
hl(O) = 0, h~(O) = 1.


0= it (h(h~ - Glhr) - hl(f~' - GlFfr))dT

= it(hh~ - hd~')dT + it Gl(F(T) -l)hdl dT

2: (hh~ - hd~)I:
= h(t)h~(t) - hl(t)f~(t),

we have

For every to E (0, t ),


h(t) 2: h1(t) = vh sinh( y'(J;t). (3.28)

This shows f1 (r) =f. 0 and

f(t) = h(t)
is the solution to (3.26). Hence,

l r
((m - 1)(1')2 + CF(t)f2)dt

= (m -1) l r
((1')2 + f!,,)dt = (m -1)j'(r).
Substituting it into (3.24) gives

~r(x) :::; (m -1)j'(r). (3.29)

Let us now estimate j'(r). From (3.28) we know

f '(O) < ..;c;

- sinh(..;c;r) .

On the other hand, suppose h2(t) is the solution to

{ h~(t) - C1F~r)h2(t) = 0,
h2 (0) = 0, h2 (0) = 1.
By using the similar method as before we have

from which it follows that

(3.31 )

(3.30) and (3.31) show that



(I'(t))2 - (1'(0))2 = it d~ (1'(r)) 2 dr

= itC I F(f2)'dr:::: C I F(t)f2(t).


Therefore, (3.22) follows from (3.29), (3.32) and (3.33).

REMARK When F == 1, it is easily seen that f = ::::i~:~. Then (3.29)
~r(x) :::: (m -1)VG\ coth( VG\r).
This is the usual Laplacian comparison theorem.
Now, we return to the proof of Theorem 3.6 which is the same as in
Yau's original proof.
PROOF. For any k > 0 define a function on M

( ) _ u(x)-u(xo)+l (3.34)
9 x - 11k·
[In(r2 + 2) ]
It is easily seen that 9 must attain its supremum at the point Xk EM. By
the well-known technique of support function we assume that, without
loss of generality, Xk does not lie on the cut locus of Xo and 9 is smooth
near x k. We have

which reads

namely, when k -+ 00,


This proves the second inequality of the theorem. We also have the first
one. Otherwise, there would exist h> 0, a subsequence of {xd (which is
also denoted by {x d) and x E M, such that


If k ---... 00, r(xk) ---... 00. From (3.36) it follows that when r(xk) > r(x),

( ) _ u(x)-u(xo)+1 u(xk)-u(xo)+1
9 x - 11 k > 11 k '
[In(r2(x) + 2)] [In(r 2(x k) + 2)]

which contradicts the definition of Xk.

If, for some subsequence of k, {xd converges to a point x, then from
(3.36) we have
U(x) 2: u(x) + h,
which gives

when k is large enough. This is also a contradiction. Thus, we prove the

first equality of the theorem.
We also have ~g(Xk) :::; O. By a direct computation we obtain

~U _ 4r (V"u, V"r)
k(r (xk) + 2) In(r 2(xk) + 2)
2(U(Xk) - u(xo) + 1)(r~r + lV"rI2)
k(r 2 (xk) + 2) In(r 2(xk) + 2)
4(U(Xk) - u(xo) + 1)r21V"rI2
+ 2 2
k(r (xk) + 2) In(r 2(xk) + 2)
4(1 + i-)(u(x k) - u(xo) + 1)r21V"rI2
+ 2 :::; O.
k(r2(xk) + 2) In(r2(xk) + 2)
By using (3.35), we can then simplify the above inequality and obtain
the following

Noting (3.22), (3.37) becomes

which proves the third inequality of the theorem.

REMARK From the example at the beginning of this section we see that
Theorem 3.6 is almost optimal. For further study readers are referred to



In 1965 S. S. Chern proved that a hypersurface z = f( Xl, ••• ,x m ) of

constant mean curvature in JRm+! defined for all values of Xl,· •• ,X m is
necessarily a minimal hypersurface [Chern]. For m = 2,··· ,7, such a hy-
persurface must be a hyperplane by the famous Bernstein-type theorems
in the minimal surface theory. Then he proposed the problem of studying
the noncompact complete hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature. In
particular, he wanted to know whether a generalization of Ossermann's
theorem remains true, that is whether the plane and the circular cylinder
are the only complete surfaces of constant mean curvature in JR3, whose
image under the Gauss map omits an open subset on the sphere. Up to
1982, D. Hoffman, R. Osserman and R. Schoen solved the problem by
the following theorems.
THEOREM 3.8 ([H-O-S]) For a complete surface with constant mean
curvature in IR3 , if its Gauss image lies in an open hemisphere, then it is
a plane; if its Gauss image lies in a closed hemisphere, then it is a plane
or a right circular cylinder.
THEOREM 3.9 ([H-O-S]) Let M be a complete surface with nonzero
parallel mean curvature in JR4. The target manifold of its Gauss map is
G 2 ,2 = S2 X s2. /1 and /2 denote the compositions of the Gauss map and
the projections of G 2 ,2 into its first factor and second factor, respectively.
Then neither /1 nor /2 lies in an open hemisphere. If one of them lies
in a closed hemisphere, then M has to be a right circular cylinder or a
product of two circles.

A natural question is that for a complete submanifold M with parallel

mean curvature in IR m+p , if the image under the Gauss map lies in a
geodesic convex neighborhood of Gm,p, which condition will force M to
be a minimal submanifold or even a linear subspace?
On the other hand, there is the so-called Calabi-Chern problem on
the extrinsic boundedness of minimal submanifolds in IRn. For n = 3 this
problem remains open.
In fact, the above two problems are closely linked to each other.
They reduce to an estimate of image diameter. By using the generalized
maximum principle we obtain results as follows.
THEOREM 3.10 ([X13] [CH-X]) Let M be a complete m-manifold with
Ricci curvature bounded from below by -C(1 +r 2 Iog2(r +2)), where r is
the distance function from a fixed point Xo and C is a positive constant.
Let N be a manifold with sectional curvature bounded from above by K,
and BR(yo) a convex geodesic ball of radius R and centered at Yo in N
(when K > 0, R < 2~)' If f : M ----) N is a smooth map with bounded
tension field r satisfying Irl ::::; mro (ro is a constant) and f(M) C BR(yo),

(1 ) R ~
fT7 tan
-1 (2VKinfe(f))
, when K > OJ
yK mro

(2) R ~ 2infe(f), w en
h K = OJ (3.39)

(3) R ~
!T7tanh- 1 (2V-Kinf e(f)) , when K < O.
y-K mro
PROOF. In the case K > 0 we consider a smooth bounded function
h = 1- cos VKp
in BR(yo), where p is the distance function from the point Yo in N. By
using the Hessian comparison theorem [G-W] we have

Hess h ~ K(cos VKp)g,

where 9 is the metric tensor on N. We then consider a smooth bounded
function u = h 0 f on M. By using Theorem 3.6, for any c > 0, there
exists a point x E M such that ~u(x) < c. On the other hand, from
(3.41) and the composition formula (1.64) it follows that
~u = ~(h 0 f) = Hess(h)(f*ei, f*ed + dh( r(f))
~ 2K(cos VKp)e(f) + JK(sin VKp) (gradp, r(f))
~ VK( cos JK R)(2VK inf e(f) - mro tan VK R).

Thus the right-hand side of the above inequality cannot be positive. This
gives the estimate (3.38).
In the case K = 0 we consider a smooth bounded function u = p2 0 f
in M. Then the similar argument gives the estimate (3.39). As for the
case K < 0 it suffices to consider a smooth bounded function u = h 0 f
in M, where h = 1 + coshy'-Kp.

COROLLARY 3.11 In addition to Theorem 3.10, suppose the sectional

curvature of N is bounded from below and above by Kl and K 2 , respec"
tively, and f is an isometric immersion. Then (3.38), (3.39) and (3.40)
remain true, even if the assumption on Ricci curvature is replaced by the
similar one on scalar curvature.
This is a generalization of a theorem in [J-Xa]. (3.39) shows the
nonexistence of bounded minimal surfaces in ]R3 with an additional cur-
vature assumption.
THEOREM 3.12 ([X13] [CH-X]) Let M be a complete noncompact
submanifold in ]Rn with parallel mean curvature and scalar curvature
bounded from below by -0(1 + r 2 log2(r + 2)). If the image under
the Gauss map , : M --> Gm,n-m lies in a convex geodesic ball
BR(yo) C Gm,n-rr" R < 2:IK(K = 1 if Gm,n-m is the sphere, oth-
erwise K=2), then M has to be a minimal submanifold.
PROOF. According to Theorem 3.1 the Gauss map, : M --> Gm,n-m is
harmonic. The above formula (3.38) tells us inf e(,) = O. Let S be the
squared norm of the second fundamental form of M in ]Rn. Thus, we have

inf S = 2inf e(!) = o.

On the other hand,

const. = IHI2 :'S ~S.


Therefore, H == o.
REMARK Comparing Theorem 3.8, Theorem 3.12 and Chern's theorem
cited at the beginning of this section, we see that the results in Theorem
3.8 and Theorem 3.12 are valid under the assumption on Ricci curvature
going to -00 not too fast. Is the condition essential or technical? This
problem deserves further investigation.



Let ~;n+1 be an (m+ I)-dimensional Minkowski space, namely ~m+1

endowed with the Lorentzian metric ds 2 = -( dxo)2+(dxd2+ . . +(dx m )2.
E. Calabi first studied the Bernstein problem for space-like extremal hy-
persurfaces in Minkowski space and proved that such hypersurfaces have
to be linear hyperplanes when m ::; 4 [C2]. Furthermore, S. Y. Cheng and
S. T. Yau proved that the conclusion remains true for all m in sharp con-
trast to Euclidean space [C-Y]. Afterwards, S. Nishikawa [N] and T. Ishi-
hara [ls2] generalized the Bernstein-type theorem due to Cheng-Yau.
For time-like extremal surfaces and extremal surfaces of mixed type,
the situation becomes more complicated. The readers are referred to
[Gu1] [Gu2] [Gu3] and [Mi] for this direction.
For complete space-like hypersurfaces with nonzero constant mean
curvature, A. E. Treibergs, J. Hano and K. Nomizu gave many examples
[Tr] [H-N]. Corresponding to Hoffman-Osserman-Schoen's theorem in
~3 and ~4 (Theorem 3.8 and Theorem 3.9 in this chapter), what is the
situation here, how does one characterize such space-like hypersurfaces
by the properties of their Gauss maps?
Let M be an oriented space-like hyper surface in a Minkowski space
~;n+1, and v the time-like unit normal vector field to M in ~;n+1. For
any point p E M, Iv(p)12 = -1. By parallel translation to the origin in
~;n+1 we can regard v(p) as a point in n-dimensional hyperbolic space
lHlm( -1) which is canonically embedded in ~;n+1. In such a way we have
the Gauss map , : M ---+ lHlm( -1). B. Palmer proved the following result.

THEOREM 3.13 ([PAl]) For H -I- 0 there exists a number T(m, H) > 0
with the following property: Let M ---+ ~;n+1 be a space-like hypersurface
with constant mean curvature H. If v( M) is contained in a geodesic ball
of radius T1 < T( m, H) in lHlm( -1) then M is not complete.
We observe that in the case when M has constant mean curvature,
the Gauss map I is a harmonic map into the hyperbolic space [lsI]. Then
the Liouville-type theorem of harmonic maps is applicable provided one
can show M has nonnegative Ricci curvature [Cheng]. This can be done
by using the maximum principle as described above.
In view of the proof of Cheng-Yau's theorem we can estimate the
squared norm of the second fundamental form of M in ~;n+1 in terms of
the mean curvature and the diameter of the Gauss image. We obtain a
more general result by a totally different approach.

THEOREM 3.14 ([XlI]) Suppose M is a complete space-like hypersurface

with constant mean curvature in Minkowski space lR;,,+1. If the image
under the Gauss map "( : M --t lHIm( -1) is bounded, then M has to be a
linear subspace.
REMARK Theorem 3.14 corresponds to Theorem 3.8 in the case of
ambient Euclidean space. This is much stronger than Theorem 3.13.
In order to prove Theorem 3.14 we need some basic formulas on the
Lorentzian manifold.
Let N be an (n+ 1 )-dimensional Lorentzian manifold with Lorentzian
metric 9 of signature (-,+" .. ,+). Let {eO,el,'" ,en} be a local
Lorentzian orthonormal frame field in N. Let {WO, WI, ••• ,w n } be its dual
frame field, so that
9- = -W o
2+" 2

We agree the following range of indices:

1 ~ i,j,'" ~ m,

o ~ a,p,'" ~ m.

The Lorentzian connection forms WafJ of N are uniquely determined by

the equations
dw o = WOi 1\ Wi,
dw i = -wiO 1\ Wo + Wij 1\ Wj, (3.42)
wafJ + wfJa = O.
The covariant derivatives are defined by the following equations

DeO = wOiei,
Dei = Wijej - wiOeO.

The curvature forms 11afJ of N are given by

ITOi = dWOi - WOk 1\ Wki,

11ij = dw ij + Win 1\ WOj - Wik 1\ Wkj,
- 1-
11afJ = -2RafJ-y6W-y 1\ W6,

where R afJ -y6 are the components of the curvature tensor R of N.

Let M be a space-like hypersurface in a Lorentzian manifold N. We
choose a local Lorentzian orthonormal frame field {el' ... ,en} in N such

that, restricted to M, the vectors el,'" ,en are tangent to M. When we

restrict their dual frame to M, then

Wo = 0

and the induced Riemannian metric 9 of M is written as

the induced structure equations of Mare

+ Wji = 0,

dWij = Wik 1\ Wkj - WiO 1\ WOj + nij,

Oij = dw ij - Wik 1\ Wkj = -2RijklWk 1\ Wz,

where Oij and R ijkl denote the curvature forms and the components of
the curvature tensor of M, respectively. By Cartan's lemma, we have

where h ij are the components of the second fundamental form of M in

N. We then obtain the Gauss equation

The Ricci tensor is

where H = -fnhii is the mean curvature of Min N. If N has Ricci curva-

ture bounded from below by CN, then M has Ricci curvature bounded
from below as follows:

1 2H2
Ri CM 2: C N - 4"m . (3.43)

Let h ijk denote the covariant derivative of hij, so that


We then have the Codazzi equation


Similarly, we define the covariant derivative of h ijk and by exterior dif-

ferentiating (3.44) obtain the Ricci formula


From (3.45) and (3.46) it follows that the Laplacian of hij satisfies


ROijkl WI = dRoijk + ROljk Wli + ROilk Wlj + R Oijl Wlk·

Let S = L i j hrj be the squared length of the second fundamental form
of M in N. Then

2,!:l.S = "~ h 2ijk + mhijHij + S 2 - mHhijhjkhki

+ hijhkmRmijk + hijhimRmkjk
+ hijROijkk + hijROkikj.
If M has constant mean curvature in Minkowski space N then

1 "2
2,!:l.S 2': ~ h ijk +S2 - mIHIS2.

Now we begin to estimate S in terms of the mean curvature and the

diameter of the Gauss image.
Let r, i be the respective distance functions on M and lHI m relative
to fixed points :Vo E M, Xo E lHIm. Let Ea and Ea be closed geodesic balls
of radius a around:vo and xo, respectively. Define the maximum modulus
of the Gauss map "( : M ---+ lHI m on Ea by

For a fixed positive number a, choose b 2': cosh(JLh, a)). Define j: Ea ---+
R by
(a 2 _ r2 )2 S
j= (b-ho"(p'
where S is the squared length of the second fundamental form of M in
h = cosh r.

Since IloBa == 0, 1 achieves an absolute maximum in the interior

of B a, say 1 :::; I(z), for some z inside Ba. By using the technique of
support function we may assume that 1 is C 2 near z. We may also assume
S(z) #- O. Then from
VI(z) = 0,
!:l.1(z) :::; 0
we obtain the following at the point z:

2Vr2 VS 2V(h01')
- + -S + b - h 01' = 0, (3.48)
a 2 -r 2
-21Vr212 2!:l.r2 !:l.S IV Sl2
(a - r 2)2 - a2 - r2 .+ S - ~
+ 2!:l.(h ° 1') + 21V(h ° 1'W < O.
b-h01' (b-h01'F-
The Schwarz inequality implies that

Ivsl < " 2
S - 4 L-t h ijk ·

The above inequality and (3.47) give



Substituting (3.50) into (3.49) gives

-!:l.r2 21Vr212 21V(h ° 1')IIVr 21

a 2 - r2 (a2 _ r2)2 (b - h ° 1')(a 2 - r2)
(3.51 )
+ !:l.(h01') +st(st -mIHI):::; O.
It is easily seen that


Hess i = coth i(g - di Q9 di),
we have
Hess h = (cosh i)g,
where 9 is the metric tensor of JH[m. It follows that

/}'(h 0,) = Hess(h)(r*ei,,*ed + (Vh, Vei,*ei)

= (cosh i)S + (Vh,hijiej) (3.53)
= (cosh i)S.

The last equality follows from the Codazzi equation (3.45) and the as-
sumption of constant mean curvature.
Since the Ricci curvature of M is bounded from below by _m 2 H2 /4,
we can use the Laplacian comparison theorem and obtain

/}.r2 :::; 2 + 2(m -1)cr(coth cr) :::; 2m + 2(m -1)cr, (3.54)

where c = T IHI. Substituting (3.52),(3.53) and (3.54) into (3.51) we have

( -:--co_sh----::-i-,- + 1) S _ ( 4(sinh i)r + mlHI) VB

b - cosh i (b - cosh i)(a 2 - r2)
- ( 2(m + (m -1)cr) + 8r2)
< o.
a 2 -r2 (a 2 -r2)2-

It is easily seen that ifax 2 - bx - c :::; 0 with a, b, c all positive, then

where k is an absolute constant. In what follows k may be different in

different inequalities. Thus we obtain that, at the point z,

4(sinh r)r
( (b-cosh r)(a2-r2) + m IHI) 2
cosh r _ + 1)
( b-cosh r

+ 2(m + (m - 1)cr)(a 2 - r2) + 8r 2 )

( b-cosh r _ + 1)(a2 _ r 2)2


( 4(sinh I-')a
b-cosh I-'
f (z) < k (
- (t + 1) (b - cosh J.L)2
2(ma 2 + (m - 1)ca 3 ) + 8a 2 )
+ (i- + l)(b - cosh J.L)2 .

Choosing b =2 cosh J.L we have

fez) < k ( (4(sinh J.L)a + m( cosh J.L)a 2IHI)2

- (1 + 2 cosh J.L)2(cosh J.L)2

(m + 4)a 2 + (m - 1)ca3 )

+ (1 + 2 cosh J.L) (cosh J.L)

and for any x E Ea

S(x) = (b-coshr)2f(x) < (b-coshr)2f(z) < (2coshJ.L)2f(z)

(a 2 - r 2)2 - (a 2 - r 2)2 - (a 2 - r2)2
< k ( (4(sinh J.L)a + m( cosh J.L )a IHI)2
- (1 + 2 cosh J.L)2(a 2 - r 2)2
(m + 4)(cosh J.L)a 2 + (m -l)(cosh J.L)ca 3 )
+ (1+2coshJ.L)(a 2 - r 2 )2 ,
where c = TIHI. This is our desired estimate.
Now we are in a position to prove Theorem 3.14.
If the image under the Gauss map is bounded, then the maximum
modulus J.L( I, a) is bounded. We also have the bounded smooth function
h = cosh r( ,( x )) on the complete manifold M of Ricci curvature bounded
from below by - ~ H2. By the maximum principle, for any c > 0 and
Po E M there exists a point P such that

h(p) 2: h(po), lV'hlp < c and ~hlp < c.

By (3.53)
~h = (cosh r)S,
which means
inf S = o.
On the other hand,

and H is constant. This forces H == O. From (3.56) it follows that

S k [ 16(sinh2 J1-)a 2 (m + 4)(cosh J1-)a 2 ]

(x):::; (1+2coshJ1-)2(a -r )2+(1+2coshJ1-)(a2 -r 2 )2.
2 2
Hence we may fix x and let a tend to infinity in (3.57). Then we obtain
S(x) = 0 for all x EM. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.14.



Let ~:+n be an (m+n)-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space of index

n, namely the vector space ~m+n endowed with the metric

Let M be a space-like oriented m-submanifold. Similarly, we define the

generalized Gauss map 'Y : M ----t G~ n. A discussion similar to that in
§2.4 shows that G~,n is a specific Cartan-Hadamard manifold formed by
replacing complex numbers with real numbers in the bounded symmetric
domain of first type G:'m(C). As a generalization of Theorem 3.14 there
is a result as follows.
THEOREM 3.15 ([AI]) Let M be an m-dimensional complete space-like
submanifold with parallel mean curvature. If the image under the Gauss
map lies in a compact subset ofG~.n' then M has to be a linear subspace.
PROOF. By the Gauss equation for submanifold M we know that the
Ricci curvature of M is bounded from below by -i-m2IHI2, where H is
the mean curvature vector of M in ~:+n. By using a result in [lsI] the
Gauss map 'Y : M ----t G~,n is harmonic. From the estimate (3.39),

inf e("() = O.
Then by the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 3.12 we also
have H == o. Therefore, M has nonnegative Ricci curvature. By using
the Liouville-type theorem for harmonic maps in [Cheng] we conclude 'Y
to be constant, namely M is a linear subspace in ~:+n.

Let us consider the corresponding result of Theorem 3.9 in the

pseudo-Euclidean space. For a space-like surface in ~~ the target mani-
fold of the Gauss map is G~ 2, namely the bounded sy=etric domain
of fourth type RJV(2). '

3.6.1. Geometry of lRw(2).

In what follows we agree the following range of indices:
a, b,· .. = 1" .. ,4;
i,j,···=1,2; s,t,···=3,4.
Let V = A2 (lR.~) be the linear space consisting of all exterior 2-
vectors. We define an inner product induced from lR.~ as follows. For
generators u 1\ v and u ' 1\ v' of V

(u 1\ v,u' 1\ v') = (u,v / ) (u',v) - (u,u / ) (v, v'). (3.58)

Hence, V is a 6-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space with index 2. It can

be decomposed into two Minkowski 3-spaces, V+ with signature (-, +, +)
and V_ with signature (-,+,+). Let {ei,e s } be an orthonormal basis in
lR.~ with space-like vectors ei and time-like vectors es. Then


form orthonormal bases of V+ and V_.

For any p2 E G~ ,2' let u and v be vectors spanning p2. Then ul\v E V
determines p2 up to a positive constant factor. Thus, p2 is corresponding
to a decomposable 2-vector in V. Supposing

u 1\ v = LPabea 1\ eb,

where Pab = UaVb - VaUb are Pliicker-Grassmannian coordinates. Since

u 1\ v 1\ u 1\ v = 0,

there is an equation

P12P34 - P13P24 + P14P23 = 0, (3.60)

which is the decomposability condition for 2-vector u 1\ v. If lu 1\ vi = -1,

2 2 2 2 2 2 1 (3.61)
-P12 + P13 + P14 + P23 + P24 - P34 = - .


(3.60) and (3.61) become

-Xl+X2 +X3 -YI +Y2 +Y3 = -2'
Since G~ 2 consists of space-like planes in ~i, under the above correspon-
dence, it~ image in V lies in a connected component with Xl > 0 and
YI > 0, namely, in JH[2 x JH[2, where JH[2 is the hyperbolic plane with con-
stant curvature - 2. Conversely, for any point (Xl, X2, X3; YI, Y2, Y3)( Xl >
oand YI > 0) in JH[2 x JH[2, by the above correspondence, we have a 2-vector
XI(el /\ e2 + e3 /\ e4) + x2(el /\ e3 + e2 /\ e4) + x3(el /\ e4 - e2 /\ e3)
+ YI(el /\ e2 - e3 /\ e4) + Y2(el /\ e3 - e2 /\ e4)
+ Y3(el /\ e4 + e2 /\ e3),
which is decomposable and can be expressed by

( el - Y3 -X3 e3 _ X2 -Y2 e4 ) /\((XI+YI)e2+(X2+Y2)e3+(X3+Y3)e4)'

Xl +YI Xl +YI
Consider a plane p2 spanned by

v = (Xl + yde2 + (X2 + Y2)e3 + (X3 + Y3)e4'
By a direct computation (u,u) + (v,v) > 0, we can assume that, without
loss of generality, u is a space-like vector. Since the length of u /\ v is
negative, v is also a space-like vector. Therefore, p2 is a space-like plane.
Consequently, G~,2 is diffeomorphic to JH[2 x JH[2.
Let {ei' es } be a local Lorentzian orthonormal frame field in ~~. Let
{Wi,W .• } be its dual frame field, so that the metric 9 = LiW; - LsW;,
The Lorentzian connection forms Wab of ~~ are uniquely determined by
the equations
dw i = Wij /\ Wj - Wis /\ ws ,
dw s= Wsj /\ Wj - Wst /\ Wt,
dWab = CeWae /\ Web,

Wab + Wba = 0

where Ci = 1, c. = -1. The canonical metric on G~,2 is given by ds~ =

"us,'"-(W.i)2 . It can be written as dsi + ds~, where



It is easily seen that dsi is the induced metric of the first factor of
G~ ,2 = IHI 2 X IHI 2 • From (3.62) it follows that the Levi-Civita connection
of dsi is -(W12 + W34) and the corresponding Gaussian curvature is -2.
Similarly, ds~ is the induced metric of the second factor of G~ 2' There-
fore, Rw(2) is isometric to IHI 2 x IHI 2 • In fact, it is well known 'that G~ 2
is equivalent to IHI 2 x IHI 2 as homogeneous spaces (see [He]). '
3.6.2 Gauss map.
Let f : M ---+ lRi be a space-like surface. Choose a local Lorentzian
frame field {ei' e.} along M with dual frame field {Wi, w.}, such that ei
are tangent vectors to M. The induced Riemannian metric of M is given
by 9 = I:i wI
and the induced structure equations of Mare

Wij + Wji = 0,
dWij = Wik 1\ Wkj - Wi. 1\ Wsj,
n-'J--- , 1\ Wk J- -- --R-
dw-'J- - WOk 2 'J-klWk 1\ WI .

By Cartan's le=a we have

where h. ij are components of the second fundamental form of Min lRi.

The mean curvature vector of Min lRi is defined by

We also have the Gauss equation


and the Ricci curvature


There is an induced connection on the normal bundle N M in ~~. We


dw st = -Wsr 1\ Wrt + Slst,

Slst = -"2Rstij Wi 1\ Wj,

Rstij = -(hskihtkj - hSkjhtki). (3.67)

The covariant derivative of h sij is given by

It is easily seen that h sijk = hsikj, so h sijk is symmetric in i, j, k. If


then M is called a space-like surface with parallel mean curvature.

With respect to the canonical metric ds?; of G~,2 the Levi-Civita
connection is given by


Similar to (3.5), we have


From (3.68) and (3.70) it follows that the Gauss map, is harmonic (resp.
totally geodesic) iff M has parallel mean curvature (resp. parallel second
fundamental form).
Let 11'1 : G~ 2 ---+ JHl2 be the projection of G~ 2 into its first factor,
and 11'2 be the pr~jection into the second factor. D~fine ,i = 1I'i 0,. From
(3.63) and (3.69) we have

,;(W13 + W24) = (h311 + h 421 )W1 + (h312 + h422)W2,

,;(W23 - W14) = (h411 - h 321 )W1 + (h412 - h m )W2'


= T ( h 311 + h 421 ), a12
= T ( h 312 + h 422 ),
= T(h411 - h 321 ), a22
= T ( h 412 - h 322 ),


a121 = T ( h3121 + h 4221 ),
y'2 y'2
a211 = T( h4111 - h 3211 ), a212 = T( h4112 - h 3212 ),

a222 = T ( h 4122 - h3222)·

The harmonicity condition for 11 becomes

H14 - H 23 = 0, (3.73)

where His are the components of DH. Similarly, the harmonicity condi-
tion for 12 is
H14 + H23 = o.
A direct computation shows that those conditions are independent of the
choice of the frames. Now, we arrive at the following result:
PROPOSITION 3.16 If M is a space-like surface in lR~ with parallel mean
curvature, then both 11 and 12 are harmonic.

3.6.3 Gauss image of a space-like surface in lR~.

THEOREM 3.17 ([X16]) Let M be a complete Riemannian manifold with
Ricci curvature bounded from below by -c(l + r 2 log2(r + 2)), where r
is the distance function from a fixed point Xo E M. Let IHIk be a k-
dimensional totally geodesic submanifold of the hyperbolic space IHI n ,
where k = 0"" ,n - 1 (in the case of k = 0, it is viewed as a fixed
point Yo E IHIn). Let BR(lHIk) C IHI n be a tubular neighborhood of radius
R around IHIk. Suppose f : M -+ BR(lHIk) is a harmonic map with the
energy density e(J). Then inf e(J) = 0 or f(M) C IHIk. In particular, let
f : M -+ ~IV(2) be a harmonic map. Let II = 71"1 0 f and h = 71"2 0 f·
Suppose J;(M) C BR(lHIk)(k = 0,1). Then inf e(J;) = 0 or J;(M) C IHIk.
PROOF. In the case when k = 0 let r be the distance function in IHI n from
the fixed point Yo E IHIn. It is well known that

Hess(r) = coth r(9 - dr 0 dr),

where 9 is the metric tensor in IHIn. We have

Hess( cosh r) = (cosh r)9.


It follows from the formula (1.4.2) that

L1( cosh i 0 I) = Hess( cosh i)(f.ei, !.ed + d( cosh i)( T(f))

= coshi (f.ei,!.ei)
= 2( cosh i)e(f). (3.74)

Since !(M) c BR(yo), coshi o! is bounded from above by coshR. Ac-

cording to Theorem 3.6, for any c > 0 there exist points Xh such that
L1(coshi 0 I)(Xh) < c, which means infe(f) = O.
In the case when k > 0 let i be the distance function from IHlk. Then
i o! is a smooth function on M and it is bounded from above by R. By
using Theorem 3.6 there exist points Xh satisfying the conclusion of the
theorem. Let {eJ be a local orthonormal frame field (i = 1"" ,m). By
using the composition formula,

L1(i 0 I) = Hess(i)(f.ei, !.ed + di(T(f))

= Hess(i)(f.ei, !.ei). (3.75)

If {ia} is a subset of {i} with the complementary subset {is}, such that
!.ei a parallel to vi and !.ei, E r(TNr ), where N r is the isoparametric
hypersurface in the distance i from IHlk. The principal curvatures of N r
are - tanh i and - coth i (in the case of n = 2 there is only one principal
curvature - tanh i). From (3.75) it follows that


When h goes to infinity, i 0 ! approaches to its supreme and I vi 0 !I

converges to zero. Hence

(f.ei a , !.eiJ = (f.ei a , Vi) (f.ei a , Vi)

::; (V(i 0 I), eiJ (V(i 0 I), ed
::; Iv(i 01)1 2 < c. (3.77)

Substituting (3.77) into (3.76) yields

L1(i 0 1)( Xh) 2': [sup( tanh i) - c](2e(f) - c) (3.78)

for sufficiently large h. It is easily seen that if inf e(f) = c > 0 then R
has to be zero. We complete the proof.
THEOREM 3.18 ([X16]) Let M be a complete space-like surface in lRi
with the parallel nonzero mean curvature. Then images under the maps
/1 and /2 are not bounded; if the image under the map /1 (or /2) lies
in a tubular neighborhood of IHll in 1Hl 2 , then M is a hyperbolic cylinder
IHll x IR in some lRi C lRi,
or a product of two hyperbolic lines IHll x IHll.

PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field {ei' es}, such that ei are
tangent to M, e3 is the unit mean curvature vector IZI' Since e3 is parallel
in the normal bundle,
W34 = 0,
h 3ij and h 4ij can be diagonalized simultaneously. Choose ei, such that
ei(p) are in principal directions at p E M. Then at p,

au = T h 311'
a21 = Th411'

e(-Yd =1 2 2 2 2 ) 1()
4(h311 + h322 + h411 + h422 ="2 e I .

From (3.66) it follows that the llicci curvature of M is bounded from

below by -IHI2. If 11 (M) is bounded in JHI2, by Proposition 3.16 and
Theorem 3.17, we have inf e(-Yl) = 0 and then inf e(-y) = O. Let S be the
squared norm of the second fundamental form of M in ~i. Thus, inf S =
O. This contradicts the assumption that IHI2 is a nonzero constant.
Hence, li(M) can not be bounded.
If 11(M) C BR(W), since inf e(-Yd i- 0, 11(M) C 1HI1 by using
Theorem 3.17. Therefore, rank 11 < 2, and det(aij) = 0, namely, the
Gauss curvature of M is zero.
Choose a local coordinate system around the point p, such that the
metric can be locally written as ds 2 = dui + du~, and a~.1• p are in two
principal directions at p. Take the local orthonormal frame field ei = a~i
near p. Then, we have W12 = O.
Z = Ul +iU2,

Hs = ~(hSll - h s22 ) - ihs12 ·

Noting that M has the parallel mean curvature, we have

Hs are analytic functions. It should be pointed out that if z changes to

eiO z, H s are changed to e ~ 2iO H s. We consider two cases separately as
(1) If H4 == 0, then h411 = h422 = OJ furthermore,

Hence, M is a space-like surface with constant mean curvature in Ri C R~,

whose Gauss image lies in !HI!. One of its principal curvatures has to
be zero and another one is 21HI. In this local frame field of Ri , the
connection forms, restricted to M, are reduced to

o -2IHIW!)
o 0 . (3.80)
o 0

In Ri, for e > 0 define

!HI ! (-e) = {2
x - y 2= - e1 2 ' y> 0 } .

Choose e to be its unit tangent vector field, and n its unit normal vector
field. Then n = eX, where X = (x,y) is the position vector. Obviously,

dX = we,

(dn, e) = e (dX, e) = ew,

the connection forms of Ri, restricted to M, are given by

( 0 -ew). (3.81)
ew 0

From (3.80) and (3.81), the Frobenius theorem and the standard argu-
ment tell us that M is an open submanifold of the hyperbolic cylinder
!HI! x R, up to a rigid motion of the ambient space. By completeness M
is congruent to !HI! x R.
(2) If H4 -=I- 0, let

H3 H3H4
H4 IH412·
Since the normal bundle is fiat,

namely ~: is real, it is also a meromorphic function, it should be a

globally defined constant k. We then have

H3 = kH4,
IH312 + IH412 = IHI2 + K = IHI2,
where the Gauss curvature K is zero. It turns out that

IH 12 = _1_IHI2
4 1 + k2
is constant. Noting that H4 is an analytic function, it has to be a con-
stant. Hence,


= ( 0 -clHl
0) ' (3.82)

where c = v'1~k2. Since h311 + h322 = 21HI,

h3i ]. = ((1 + koc)IHI 0 ).

(1 - kc)IHI

Under the map /1,

(a,].. ) -_ v'2 ((kC + l)IHI -CIHI)

2 clHI (kc -l)IHI .

Since det(aij) = 0, there exists a constant (}, such that

(kC+1)IHI) . ( clHI )
cos(} ( -clHI +sm(} (kc-1)IHI =0.

Choose a new frame field in the normal bundle by rotating a constant

angle (} :

e3 )
e4 -
(cos (}
- sin (}
sin (})
cos (}
3 )


and furthermore,

D(el!\ e4) = -h311Wle3!\+ h422W2el!\ e2 = 0,

D(e2!\ e3) = -h422W2e4!\ e3 + h311Wle2!\ el = O.

This means that el and e4 span a fixed plane, and e2 and e3 span a fixed
plane as well. In an adequate frame field the connection forms in JR.;,
restricted to M, are given by

-~lWl )
o . (3.84)
Therefore, M is congruent to JH[1 X JH[1 and the proof is completed.

REMARK Theorem 3.18 is the corresponding result of Theorem 3.9 in

the pseudo-Euclidean space.


An important topic in the theory of harmonic maps is its complex

geometry aspects. We first show that holomorphic maps are specific
harmonic maps, and then prove the holomorphicity theorems of certain
harmonic maps.


Let M and N be almost complex manifolds with their almost complex

structures J and J', respectively. Then the complexifying tangent space
T Me can be decomposed into a direct sum of the eigenspaces of J


Let f :M -7 N be a smooth map. We define

8f : T MO,l -7 T N1,o,

af: TM1,o -7 TNo,l,

8f: TMo,l -7 TNo,l

dfl TM l,O = af + af,
dfl TM O,l = af + 81.
It is easily seen that af = af, af = af.

For X E TM, X' = X - iJX E TMl,O, X" = X + iJX E TMo,l,

8f(X') = f*X - if*JXITN1,o

= ~(f*X - if*JX - iJ'f*X - J'f*JX),

- 1
8f(X') = 2(f*X - if*JX + iJ'f*X + J'f*JX).
Let f : M --t N be a smooth map. If f*J == J'f*, then f is called a
holomorphic map; if f*J == -J' f*, then f is called an anti-holomorphic
Therefore, we see that f is a holomorphic map iff 81 == 0, and f is
an anti-holomorphic map iff 8f == O.
Now, suppose M and N are almost Hermitian manifolds. Choosing a
local Hermitian frame field {ej, J ej}, we have the corresponding holomor-
phic orthonormal frame field Cj = f (ej -iJ ej) and the anti-holomorphic
frame field €j = f(ej + iJej)' Thus, we have
18fl 2 = (8f(cj),8f(€j))

= (~(f*Cj -iJ'f*cj),~(f*€j +iJ'f*€j))

= ~(f*ej - ifJej - iJ' f*ej - J' f*Jej,
f*ej +if*Jej +iJ'f*ej - J'fJej)

=1 ) ,
"4((f*ej,f*ej + (f*Jej,f*Jej) + 2 (fJej,J f*ej)).

Therefore, we have
We call 18fl 2 = e'(f) and 1811 2 = e"(f) partial energy densities. If Mis

E'(f) = 1M e'(f) * 1, E"(f) = 1M e"(f) * 1,

E(f) = E'(f) + E"(f). (4.2)
Both E'(f) and E"(f) are called partial energies. Obviously, f is a
holomorphic map iff E"(f) == 0 and f is an anti-holomorphic map iff
E'(f) == O.


PROPOSITION 4.1 Let f : M ----; N be a holomorphic (anti-holomorphic)

map between Kahler manifolds. Then f is a harmonic map.
PROOF. Let B(f) be the second fundamental form of the map f, which
is a symmetric quadratic form on TM with values in f-1TN.

Bx,Jy(f) = \l x f*JY - f* \l xJY

= ±\lxJ'f*Y - f*J\lx Y
= ±\It.xJ'f*Y - fJ\lx Y
= ±(J'\lt.xf*Y - J'f*\lx Y )
= ±J'Bx,y(f).
Since Bx,y(f) is symmetric in X and Y, BJx,y(f) = ±J'Bx,y(f).
Choose a local Hermitian frame field {e j , J ej }. Then

T(f) = BJe'J' Je'1 + Be'

1'3 e' = -Be·J'1
e + Be'
1" e' = 0,
which means f is harmonic.
In fact, we can show that a holomorphic map is an energy-minimizing
map in its homotopy class.
Let w M and w N be respective Kahler forms of the Kahler manifolds
M and N. Consider

where {ej, Jej} is a local Hermitian frame field. Since

w(e;,ej) = (Jei,ej) = 0,
w(Je;, Jej) = - (e;,Jej) = 0,
w(e;,Jej) = (Je;,Jej) = D;j,

(J*WN,WM) = j*wN(e;,ej)wM(e;,ej)
+ j*w N(ei' J ej )w M(ei, J ej)
+ j*w N (Je;, Jej )w M(J ei, Jej}
= wN(f*e;,f*Jej)D;j
= (J'f*e;,f*Je;).

Substituting it into (4.3) gives


A. Lichnerowicz [L] proved that K(f) is homotopy invariant. Let ft :

M X [0,1]-- N be a family of one-parameter maps. Then -!tft*wN is an
exact form, i.e., there exists Bt , such that

In fact, for a closed p-form w on N let v = ft. :t. Then for Xl, ... , Xp E
TM satisfying \7 ej Xilx = 0, we have

= -dw(v,ft*Xl ,··· ,ftoXk,··· ,ftoXp) + (\7v W)(fto X l'··· ,ftoXp)
+ W(ftoXl,··· , \7 f .. X k v,··· , ft.Xp)
+~ L.".(-l) k+l w(V,ft.Xl'··· ,[ft.Xk,ftoXzj,··· ,ftoXk,···
= (\7v W)(fto X l'··· ,ftoXp)+W(ftoXl,··· ,\7vftoX k,··· ,ft*Xp)
= \7v W(ft. X l'··· ,ftoXp)
= \7vftW(Xl'··· ,Xp)
= (\7ltft*w) (Xl,··· ,Xp).

We then obtain


where ()t = ft*i (ft> tt) w N . It follows that

d d f (• N
dt K (Jt) = dt } M it w , w

= 1M (:/twN,w M ) d

= 1M (dOt,w M ) * 1

= 1M (Ot,Sw M ) * 1

= 1M (()t, - * d * w M ) * 1

= - 1M (Ot, *d(wMt- l ) * 1 = O. (4.6)

In the above derivation we assume M being compact.

THEOREM 4.2 ([L]) Let M and N be Kiihler manifolds. If M is com-
pact, then any holomorphic (anti-holomorphic) map i : M --+ N is a
harmonic map with the minimum energy in its homotopy class.
PROOF. It suffices to consider the holomorphic case.
Let i be a holomorphic map. Then E"(J) = O. Let it : M x [0,1] --+
N, and io = f. Then
E(J) = E'(Jo) + EI/(Jo) = E'(Jo) - EI/(Jo)
= K(Jo) = K(Jt) ::::: E(Jt).
COROLLARY 4.3 Let M and N be as above, io : M --+ N a holomorphic
map, and h : M --+ N an anti-holomorphic map. Then io and h can
not be homotopic unless they are constant maps.
In fact, if io is homotopic to iI, then
E(Jo) = E'(Jo) + EI/(Jo) = E'(Jo) - EI/(Jo) = K(Jo)
= K(Jd = E'(Jd - EI/(Jd = -E'(JI) - EI/(Jd = -E(h)·
This forces E(Jo) = E(h) = O.
From (4.6) we also have

d '() 1 d ( )
dt E it = dtd E I/()
it ="2 dt E it .
Therefore, every critical point of the energy functional coincides with that
of the partial energies.
Theorem 4.2 shows that the index of every holomorphic map is zero.
The following theorem involves its nullity.

THEOREM 4.4 ([ls3]) Let f : M ~ N be a holomorphic map between

Kahler manifolds. Then s E r(J-1TN) is a Jacobi field if and only if s
is a holomorphic cross-section.
We omit its proof and the readers are referred to the mentioned


It is an important problem to study the conditions under which a

harmonic map is actually a holomorphic map.
Let us recall the various curvatures in a complex manifold.
1. Holomorphic sectional curvature. Let X be a unit vector at a point
in M. Then J X is a unit vector orthogonal to X. They span a holomor-
phic plane. Its sectional curvature is called the holomorphic sectional
curvature. Denote it by

HR(X) = (R(X, JX)X, JX) = - (R(~,l)~,l),

where ~ = 1(X - iJX) E TM1,o. Conversely, X = 1(~ + l), which is

denoted by X = real ~.
2. Holomorphic bisectional curvature. Let X, Y be two unit vectors
at a point in M. Then the holomorphic bisectional curvature is defined
BHR(X, Y) = (R(X, J X)Y, JY) = - (R(~,l)17,ij) ,

where ~ = V; (X - iJ X), 17 = V; (Y - iJY) are holomorphic vectors at

the point. From the Bianchi identity and the properties of the complex
structure J (isometry and parallel), it follows that

BHR(X, Y) = - (R(X, Y)JY, JX) - (R(X,JY)JX, Y)

= (R(X, Y)X, Y) + (R(X, JY)X,JY) ,

which is a sum of two sectional curvature.
There was an important T. Frankel conjecture (1961): Any com-
pact Kahler manifold with positive holomorphic bisectional curvature is
holomorphically equivalent to the complex projective space ClP'n. It was
verified by S. Mori by using algebraic geometry methods. A while later
the conjecture was re-proved by Y. T. Siu and S. T. Yau. The key point
of their proof is the following holomorphicity theorem of the stable har-
mornc maps.

THEOREM 4.5 ([5- V]) Let N be a Kiihler manifold with positive holo-
morphic bisectional curvature. Then any stable harmonic map f : S2 -+
N is a holomorphic (or anti-holomorphic) map.
PROOF. Choose v E 0 = {gradhj h = FJs2, F is a linear function in Il~n.
Then, we have
V'xv = -hX,
V' 2 v = -v.

Take J'f*v E rU-1TN), where J and J' are the complex structures in
S2 and N, respectively. We compute

-V' 2J'f*v = -V'j.e,V'j.e;l'f*v

= -J' ((V' 2dJ)v + 2(V'e, dJ)(V'e, v) + f*(V'2 v )).
Since f is harmonic, fl.( dJ) = 0, from the Weitzenbock formula (1.3.9) we

-(V' 2dJ)v = RNU*ei,f*v)f*ei - f*Ric(v)

= RNU*ei,f*v)f*ei - f*v,

Substituting them into (4.7) yields

substituting it into the second variational formula (1.4.5), then, and set-
ting el = e and e2 = J e, we have

I(J'f*v,J'f*v) = is2 [(J'RNU*e,f*v)f*e,J'f*v)

+ (J'RNU*Je,f*v)f*Je,J'f*v)
- (RN U*e, J' f* v )f*e, J' f* v)
- (RNU*Je,J'f*v)f*Je,J'f*v)] * 1.

traceI = is2 [2KU*e,f*Je) - 2KU*e,J'fJe)

- KU*e,J'f*e) - KU*Je,J'fJe)] * 1, (4.8)

where X,Y E TN, and denote K(X,Y) = (RN(X,y)X,y). On the

other hand, a direct computation shows

(RN(f*Je - J'f*e,J'f*Je + f*e)(f*Je + J'f*e),(J'f*Je - f*e))

= K(f*Je, J' fJe) - 2 (RN(f*Je, J' f*J e)J' f*e, f*e)
- 4K(f*e,fJe) + K(f*e,J'f*e). (4.9)

From the Bianchi identity

Substituting it into (4.9) we have

(RN(fJe - J'f*e,J'fJe + f*e)(f*Je + J'f*e),(J'fJe - f*e))

= -2K(f*e, fJe) + 2K(f*e,J' f*Je)
+ K(f*Je, J' f*Je) + K(f*e, J' f*e). (4.10)

From (4.8) and (4.10) we obtain the stability condition

If f is neither holomorphic nor anti-holomorphic, then

e'(f) = 18fl 2 and e"(f) = 1811 2

only have finite zeros. Denote the zero set by U. Therefore, at any point
in S2 \ U, f*Je - J'f*e and f*Je + J'f*e do not vanish. Hence, by the
condition of positive holomorphic bisectional curvature

x = (fJe - J' f*e)/lf*Je - J' f*el,
Y = (f*Je + J' f*e))/lf*Je + J' f*eI-
This contradicts (4.11).

If the domain manifolds are general Riemann surfaces, the situation

becomes more complicated. We have the following primary results. Let
E ---t M be a Hermitian vector bundle over a Kahler manifold, w E
AP,q(E) an E-valued (p, q)-form. We define the differential operators

a : AP,q (E) ---t AP+l,q (E), a*: AP,q (E) ---t AP-l,q (E)
a : AP,q (E) ---t AP,q+l (E), a*: AP,q (E) ---t AP,q-l (E)
a = Wj 1\ V e a* = - i ( E: j ) V t
j , j ,

a = Wj 1\ Vtj, a* = -i(tj)Vej'
where {E:j} is a local holomorphic orthonormal frame field, {Wj} are its
dual frame field. By a direct computation we obtain

aaf = aaf = aaf = aaf = 0,

aaf + aaf = aaf + aaf = 0,
a*af = a'af = A~' - id 7(f),

a*af = a*af = _ AJ'4 - id 7(f)

From the above formulas we obtain another proof of Proposition 4.1.
For an E-valued (p, q)-form we can define the complex Laplacian
operator D.c (~C) : AP,q ---t AP,q as follows:

f}. C = aa* + a* a, Ii. C = aa* + a* a.

If W E ker(f}.C), then W is called a a-harmonic form; similarly, we can
define the a-harmonic from. It is easily seen that when f is a harmonic
map, af is a a-harmonic form as well as af is a a-harmonic form. Fur-
thermore, we have the following Weitzenbock formula

li.C w = -Vei Vtiw + S'(w),

where W E Ap,q(E), and

k -
= (-1) (R(€i,Yk)W)(X 1 , · · · ,Xp;€i,Y 1 , · · · ,Yk,··· ,Yq),

where Xl,··· ,Xp E r(TMI,O), Y1 ,··· ,Yq E r(TMO,l). We then can

compute the Laplacian of the partial energy densities. Let f be a har-
monic map beteen two Kiihler manifolds. Then,
2~e' = L IV'e;8f12 + L IV'e;8f12 - 2 (R(f*ti,f*€j)f;€i,f;'tj)
i i

~~e" = L IV'e;8f12 + L IV'e;8f12 - 2 (R(f*ti,f*€j)f;'€i,f;tj)

i i

+ (R(f*ti,f*€i)f~'€j,f~tj) - U;Rictj,f;'€j),
where Ric€j = R(ti,€d€j, and f~€i,f~'€i denote the (1,0) component
and the (0,1) component of f*€i, respectively.
Suppose that M is a Riemann surface with the Gauss curvature K,
and N is the complex projective space with constant holomorphic sec-
tional curvature 1 of the Fubini-Study metric. The curvature tensor of
N can be expressed by

(R(X',X")Y',Y") = -~((X"X") (Y',Y")

+ (X', Y") (X", Y')),
where X', Y' are (1,0) vectors, and X", Y" are (0,1) vectors. Thus, we

~~e' = IV'e8fl2 + ~e'(e" - 2e' + 2K) + ~I U;€,f~'€) 12, ( 4.12)

~~e" = IV'e8fl2 + ~e"(e' - 2e" + 2K) + ~I U~€,f;'€) 12. ( 4.13)

THEOREM 4.6 ([X5]) Let M be a complete Riemann surface with Gauss
curvature K bounded from below by -c(1 + r 2 ln 2 (r + 2)), where r is
the distance function from a fixed point Xo E M and c is a constant.
Let ClP'n be the complex projective space with Fubini-Study metric, and
f : M ----; ClP'n a harmonic map. If
e" < K 1 ,-
+ -e 8
- 2 '
then f is a holomorphic map. If

e, 1 "
< K + -e - 8
- 2 '
then f is an anti-holomorphic map, where 8 is a positive constant.

PROOF. For a C 2 -function u on M let g( u) be a C 2 -function of u satisfying

g' < 0 and gil :::: O. Such a function does exist, say g( u) = v'uI+c' where
C is a positive constant. Then,

.6.g(u) = g"lgradul 2 + g'.6.u

= - 2 Igrad g( u
W+ g' .6.u. (4.14)

Now we apply the generalized minimum(maximum) principle for the

function v'el~+C (see Theorem 3.6), namely given any c; > 0, there exists
a point x E M, such that at x,

e" +C
.6. (ve"1)
> -c;

1 . f 1
----==== < In + c;.
ve" +C Ve" +C
Substituting them into (4.14) gives

-c; < .6. ( 1 )

ve" +C
2 1 ( 4.15)
= 12Ve" + C igrad k
A "
i 3 ~e
e" +C 2(e" + C).
< 12Ve" + CC;2 - 3.6.e".
2(e" + C).
From (4.13) we have

> ~e"(e' - 2e" + 2K).
- 2

Substitute it into (4.15) and then simplify the inequality

e" {j
..,.-:-:-----=:-:--:: < 12c;2 + c; (
inf 1 )
+ c; . ( 4.16)
(e"+Cp ve"+C
When c; --t 0
1 . f 1
----==== --t In ,
Ve" + C ve" +C
therefore, e" --t sup e", and (4.16) gives sup e" :::; 0, namely e" == 0 and
f is a holomorphic map. Similarly, by using (4.12) we know that when
e' :::; K + tell -8, f is anti-holomorphic.

By using an integral estimate we obtain the following result.

THEOREM 4.7 ([X5]) Let M be a complete Riemann surface with Gauss
curvature K, ClP'n the complex projective space, and f : M -+ ClP'n a
harmonic map. If
(1) e" < K + ~e' (or e' < K + ~e"),
(2) there exists Po E M such that

e"*1=o(R 2 )(or r
e'*1=o(R 2 )),

where BR denotes the geodesic ball of radius R and centered at Po. Then
fis a holomorphic (or anti-holomorphic) map.
PROOF. We have
Vee"V ge" :s: e"IV g8112 ( 4.17)
by the Schwarz inequality. Noting (4.13), for any C > 0 we have

2 + C >- O.
Let", be a function with compact support on M. By Green's theorem,

o :s: 1M ",2ve" + C/).Ve" + C * 1

= -21M TJ-Ve" + C"Ve,TJ"Ve,-Ve" + C * 1 (4.18)

- 1M TJ 2IV-Ve" + CI 2* 1.
Let BRand B2R be geodesic balls centered at Po of radii Rand 2R,
respectively. Choose TJ to be

I, if p E BR,
TJ(p) = { 0, if p EM \ B 2R ,

and IV",I :s: -'ii, where d is a constant. Thus, (4.18) becomes

o :s: 2 r
",2IV-ve" + CI2 d

x r
(e" + C)IV",12 * 1

- iB2R\BR
r ",2IV-ve"+CI 2*1- iBR
r IV-ve"+CI 2*1.


Similar to the proof of Theorem 1.3.8, we conclude e" = const. Then

substituting it into (4.13) and noting the assumption of the theorem we
obtain e" == o. A similar argument can prove that f is anti-holomorphic
under the another condition.
Another application of harmonic maps is to prove strong rigidity
theorems. In 1960, Calabi-Vesentini [C-V] proved that the compact quo-
tients of irreducible bounded symmetric domains have infinitesimal rigid-
ity. Later in 1970, Mostow [M] discovered the strong rigidity. He showed
that the fundamental group of a compact local symmetric space with
nonpositive sectional curvature determines the manifold. S. T. Yau con-
jectured that such strong rigidity would hold true for compact Kahler
manifolds with negative sectional curvature of complex dimension> 2.
Siu proved strong rigidity under the assumption of strongly negative sec-
tional curvature [Siu]. Afterwards, there was a series of works on the
issue. Readers are referred to the expository papers [J -Yl], [J -Y2] and
the monograph [Mok] for more details. In Siu's work the key point is the
following holomorphicity theorem of harmonic maps.
We first introduce the notion of strongly negative curvature.
U sing the curvature tensor we define a Hermitian form
Q: (TM~'O 0 TM~,l) 0 (TM~'O 0 TM~,l) -t C
at each p EM as follows: for any A, B, G, D E TM~'o

Q(A 0 B,G 0 D) = - (RM(A,G)D,B).

The holomorphic bisectional curvature can also be expressed by the Her-
mitian form Q. For any A, B E TM;'o, the holomorphic bisectional
curvature spanned by real A and real B is
Q(A 0 B) = Q(A 0 B,A 0 B) = - (RM(A,A)B,B).
If for A 0 B - G 0 D =f. 0,
Q(A 0 B - G 0 D) = (RM(A,B)A,B)
+ (RM (D, G)D, G) + (RM (A, B)D, G) (4.19)
+ (RM(B,A)G,D) < 0(::; 0),

then we say that M has strongly negative (semi-negative) curvature. The

strongly negative curvature implies negative sectional curvature, and the
strongly semi-negative curvature implies non-positive sectional curvature.
In fact, for X, Y E TpM let ~ = X + iJ X, ", = Y + iJY be (0,1) vectors
generated by X and Y. Then,

(RM(X,y)X,y) = 116 (2(RM({,,,,)~,ij)

+ (R M ({,,,,){,,,,) + (RM(~,ij)~,ij)). (4.20)

Therefore, (4.20) implies a special case of (4.19) when

A = ~ = D, B =", = c.
Let Ci, [j be as above, and Wi the dual frame field to Ci. For a map
I: M -> N between Kahler manifolds, consider a (1, I)-form

w- - ) W- j
(I"*Ci, I'*Cj /\ w.
i ( 4.21)

We have
i'l - -k
UW-W /\"
vek ((I", -.) W- j /\ Wi)
*c" I'*cJ

88w = w l /\ V'OI (Wk /\ V'ek((f~'ci,/~[j)wj /\wi)).

We can choose Cj normal at a point p E M. Then

nn -_ W 1/\ W
UUW -k" "
V E, V Ek
'* ci, 1'-)
*c j W
-j /\ W i)
-" "-ek (I"*c". I'*cJ
- VE,V - .) W I /\ W- k /\ W- j /\ Wi
" , I'*cJ-.) W I /\ W- k / \Ve,VlkW
+ (I*c" " " - j /\ W i

" , I'*cJ
+ (I*c" -,) W I /\ W- k /\,W,- j / \Ve,VlkW
"" i

((V' e, V' lk I~' ci, I~[j) + (V' lk I~' Ci, V' eJ~[j) (4.22)
+ (V'eJ~'Ci' V'lk/~[j)
+ (f~'Ci'V'E'V'lk/~[j))wl/\wk /\w j /\w i

-) W I /\ W,
" I'*c.
+ (I*ci, - k / \ Ve,VlkW
" " - . /\ W i

+ (f~'c.,/~[j)wl/\wk /\w j /\ V'e,V'ek Ws .


V'el V'i'kWS(€j) = V'el ((V'i'kWS)(€j)) - (V'i'kWS) (V'el€j)
= -wS(V'€!V'i'k€j),
Substituting (4.23) and (4.24) into (4.22) we obtain

08 w = ((V' el V' i'k f~' Ci, f~€j) + (V' i'k f~' ci, V' eJ~€j) + (V' eJ~' ci, V' i'k f~€j)

+ U~' Ci, V' el V' i'J;€j) - U;' Ci, f;V' el V'i'Jj)

- U~'(V'elV'i'kci),f~€j))wZI\Wk I\w j I\w i . (4.25)

Note that
V'i'kf;€j = (V'i'k 8 f)€j
is symmetric in k, j and w Z1\ w k 1\ w j 1\ wi is anti-symmetric in k, j. The
third term in (4.25) vanishes, and

U;'ci' V'elV'i'kf;€j) - U;'ci,f;V'clV'i'Jj)

= U~'ci' V'el(V'i'k8f)€j + V'eI8f(V'i'k€j) - 8f(V'cl V'i'Jj))
= U~'ci' V'Cl(V'i'k8f)Cj).
It is also symmetric in k, j, and therefore, the fourth and fifth terms
vanish as well. We notice that
(V' el V' i'k f~' Ci, f;€j) - U;' (V' €I V'i'k ci), f~€j)
= (V'el(V'i'kO!)ci + V'elOf(V'i'kCd - Of(V'elV'i'kCi),f~€j)
= ((R(cZ,€k)O!)ci + (V'i'k V'el0f)ci,f;€j)
= (RNU*cz,f*€k)f~'ci - f~'RM(cZ'€k)ci + V'i'k(V'CI0f)ci,f;€j).
Then (4.25) reduces to

08w = ((RN(f*cz,f*€k)f;'ci,f~€j)
- U;'RM(cZ,€k)ci,f~€j)
( 4.26)
+ (V'i'k(V'cI°f)ci,f;€j)
+( "t"7 f" "t"7 f'-)) W ZI\-kl\-jl\
Vi'k*Ci,Vel*Cj W W w.

Since M is a Kahler manifold, RM(ci,cZ)tk = OJ hence RM(cz,tk)ci is

symmetric in I, i. The third term of the right-hand side in (4.26) is also
symmetric in I, i. Those terms vanish. By the same reason, the first term
of the right-hand side of (4.26) becomes (RN (f~cz, f~' tk)f~' Ci, f~tj) . We
are led to obtain the Bochner-type formula as follows:

( 4.27)
+ (R N(f'*cz, f"-)f"
*Ck *Ci, f'-))
*Cj W Z/\-k/\-j/\
W W w.

It is worth while pointing out that (4.27) is valid without the harmonicity

PROPOSITION 4.8 Let M and N be compact Kahler manifolds of complex

dimension m and n, respectively, and f : M ---> N a harmonic map. H the
sectional curvature of N is strongly semi-negative, then for 1 ::; i, j ::; m,

- (RN(f~'ci,f~cj)f~'tj,f~ti) + (RN(f~'ci,f~cj)f~'ti,f~tj)
- (RN(f~'cj,f~ci)f~'ti,f~tj) + (RN(f~'cj,f~ci)f~'tj,f~ti) = O.

PROOF. Let n = .J=I'~::::j w j /\ wj be the Kahler form of M. Then


On the other hand, by the harmonicity condition

( '<"7
f" . '<"7
ek *c"v el *cJ W
f'-.) Z/\-k/\-j/\

+ ( V ei f"* Ci,
'<"7 '<"7
*Cj W
j /\ - i /\ - j /\
i /\ on-2

_ 2)'
-- (_l)n-l( n v ok f"
. ('<"7_ . '<"7V ok f'*C,
* C,' -.) * 1, (4.29)

where *1 = (-Rtw1 /\ii} /\ ... /\ wn /\ wn is the volume form of M and

(R N(f'*e/, f"-
* ek )f" -) w / /\ w
* e8, f'*et -k /\ w
- t /\
8/\ H

= (yCl)n-2 (n _ 2)!( (RNU~ei' f~'ti)f:'ei,f:ti) wi /\ wi /\ wi /\ wi

+ (RN(f'*"*J
c' f"t·)f"e· f' t·) wi /\ wi /\ wi /\ wi
+ (R N(f'*ej, f"-
*ej )f"
*ei, f'-)
*ei wj /\ w
- j /\ w
- i /\ wi

+ (R N(f'*ej, f"- *ei, f'-)

*ei )f" *ej wj /\ -i /\ w wi)
w - j /\

~ 1 1 ~.~. ...-,...-, n n
X L...J w /\ w /\ ... /\ w· /\ W· /\ ... /\ W J /\ WJ /\ ••• /\ w /\ w

- - l)n-l( n -2)'(-(R
-( . N (f'*e.,·f"-·)f" ·f'-,)
*e, *eJl *eJ

+ (RNU~ei,f:'tj)f~'ej,j~ti)
- (RNU~ej,j~'tj)f:'ei,f~ti)

+ (RNU~ej,j:'ti)f~'ei'f:tj)) * 1

= (-It- 1 (n - 2)! ((R N U:' ej, f~ei)f~' ti,j~tj)

- (RNU~'ej,f~ei)f*tj,j~ti)
+ (RN U~' ei, f~ej )f~'tj, f~ti)
- (RNU~'ei,f~ej)f~'ti,j~tj)) * 1
= (_l)n-l(n - 2)! ((R N U:' ej, f~ei)f~tj, f~' ti)

+ (RNU~'ej,f:ei)f;'tj,f;ti)
+ (RNU;ej,f;'ei)f;'tj,f;ti)
+ (RNU~ej'f;'ei)f;tj,f;'ti)) * 1.
By using (4.27), (4.28), (4.29) and (4.30), Stokes' formula and the as-
sumption of the strongly semi-negative curvature of the target manifold
we obtain the conclusion immediately.

LEMMA 4.9 Let f : M --t N be a harmonic map between Kiihler man-

ifolds. Let U be a nonempty open subset. If f is holomorphic (anti-

holomorphic) in U, then f is holomorphic (anti-holomorphic) in all of

This is another kind of unique continuation property of harmonic
maps. Here we omit the proof which is similar to Theorem 1.4.9 in
Chapter 1. The readers are referred to the reference [Siu] for details.
THEOREM 4.10 ([SIU]) Let M and N be compact Kahler manifolds and
N have strongly negative curvature. Let f : M ----t N be a harmonic map
with real rank at least 3 at some points of M. Then f is a holomorphic
(or anti-holomorphic) map.
PROOF. There exists a nonempty connected open subset U E M, such
that the rank of f at each point in U is at least 3. According to
Lemma 4.9 it suffices to prove that in U

either of == 0, or 8f == o. ( 4.31)

For that, we only need to show

either of = 0, or 8f = 0 ( 4.32)

at each point in U. Since df is nonzero at each point in U, (4.32) implies

that the join of two disjoint closed sets U U { of = o} and U U {8f} = 0
is a connected set U. Therefore, (4.32) implies (4.31).
Let p E U, q = f(p). By the assumption of the strongly negative
curvature of the target manifold and Proposition 4.8, we have


where {C:i} is an orthonormal basis of TpMI,o. Obviously, for any vectors

X, Y E TpMI,o

where f;O(X) (resp. f;'O(X)) are the components of f;(X) (resp. f;'(X))
with respect to an orthonormal basis of TqNI,o (resp. an orthonormal
basis of TqNO,I). If both of and 8f are not zero at the point p E U
simultaneously, then there is an X o E TpMI,o such that

and f~'(Xo) -I O.
Indeed, let Xl, X2 E TpMI,o satisfying f;(X I ) -I 0 and f;'(X 2 ) -I o.
If both f;(X I + X 2 ) -I 0 and f;'(X I + X 2 ) -I 0, then we may simply

let Xo = Xl + X 2 • However, one of them, say, f;(X I + X 2 ) = 0, then

f;(X 2 ) = -f;(Xd i- O. Now, letting Xo be X 2 would do.
Choosing Y = Xo in (4.34) gives

f;"(X) f;,f3(X)
f~"(Xo) n,f3(X 0)

for any 0:, f3 with f;"(Xo) i- 0 and f;,f3(X o) i- 0, i.e., there is a complex
number C such that
f;(X) = C f;(X 0),
f;'(X) = C f;'(X o)
for each X E TpMI,O. This means that the real rank of the map f at p is
at most 2, contradicting p E U.

By using Theorem 4.10 Y. T. Siu proved the strong rigidity theorem:

THEOREM 4.11 ([SIU]) Let M and N be the same as above. If the
complex dimension of N is greater than or equal to 2, then any homo-
topy equivalence between M and N is a biholomorphic map (or anti-
biholomorphic map).
PROOF. Since N has nonpositive sectional curvature, by the Eells-
Sampson existence result [E-S] we can obtain a harmonic homotopy
equivalence f : M ---7 N. It induces an isomorphism of homology groups
f* : H*(M,7I..) ---7 H*(N,7I..). In particular, f has mapping degree one. If
df is singular everywhere, then by the Sard's theorem f( M) is of mea-
sure zero in N, which is impossible by the above induced isomorphism.
Hence, there is a nonempty open subset U of M where df is nonsingular.
According to Theorem 4.10 f is holomorphic (or anti-holomorphic).
For each q E N, f-l(q) is compact subvariety of M which (since M
is Kahlerian) represents a nonzero homology class in H*(M, 71..). Since f*
maps j-l(q) into zero-dimensional homology class {q}, f-l(q) is a finite
number of points. Thus, f is a local one-to-one map. By a well-known
result in complex analysis, any holomorphic map of same dimension is a
one-to-one map if and only if df is nowhere singular. Hence, its Jacobian
does not change sign. Noting the mapping degree is one, f-l(q) has only
one point and f is a diffeomorphism.

The condition of the strong negativity of the target manifolds is not

necessary. The method can be applied to the compact quotients of the
bounded symmetric domains [Siu] [Zh].

To prove Theorem 4.10 Siu discovered the Bochner-type formula

(4.27). Later, J. H. Sampson found another formula which is more ver-
satile than Siu's. We now describe it.
Let M be a Kahler manifold, and N a Riemannian manifold. Let
f : M ---+ N be a harmonic map. Consider the (2,0)-part of the first
fundamental form () = rk<2,O) which can be viewed as a T* MI,o valued
(1, O)-form in M. For any X E T MI,o

div() (X) = (V"j()) (€j,X)

= V"j()(€j,X) - ()(€j, VejX)
= V ej U*€j,f*X) - U*ej,f*VejX)
= (V"J*€j,f*X) + U*€j, V"J*X) - U*ej,!*V'jX) ,
where {€j} is a local (1,0)-frame field normal at a point in M. Noting
the harmonicity condition we obtain

The divergence of ()' is a scalar

div()' = (Vei()')(€i) = (Vei U*€j, Vejdf)) (€i)

= V ei U*€j, (Vejdf) ei)
= (VeJ*ej, (Vejdf) €i) + U*€j, (VeiVejdf) ei)
= (Beioj , Bejo,) + U*€j, (V"j Veidf) €i)
+ U*€j,(R([j,[i) dj) €i)
= (BeiOj,B'jo,) - (RNU*[i,f*[j)f*€i,f*€j)
+ U*RM([i,[j)€i,f*€j)
= (Beioj,Bejo.) - (RNU*[i,f*[j)f*€i,f*€j).
The last equality holds because of the Kahler condition of the domain
The curvature of N is called Hermitian semi-negative if

for arbitrary complex vector X, Y. Sampson thus concluded the following

result [Sa3]:
THEOREM 4.12 If f is a harmonic map of a compact Kahler manifold
into a Riemannian manifold of Hermitian semi-negative curvature, then
f is pluriharmonic, i.e., B Oiej == 0 for all i, j and also the curvature term
in (4.35) vanishes identically.

REMARK The pluriharmonic maps are special harmonic maps which

share many properties of harmonic maps from 2-dimensional domains. A
smooth harmonic map f from a Kahler manifold M into a Riemannian
manifold N is pluriharmonic if and only if for any holomorphic curve
(7' : - t M, the composition f 0 (7' is always harmonic (see [O-V])

Theorem 4.12 can be used to prove the following metric rigidity the-
orem. We omit the proof here. Please consult [Y-Z] for details.
THEOREM 4.13 ([Y-Z]) If a compact Kiihler manifold Mn (n :::: 2) ad-
mits a negative ~-pinched Riemannian metric ds 2 , then (M,ds 2 ) is iso-
metric to a compact quotient Jan If, equipped with the standard metric.
Here Jan ~ en is the unit ball.
In their recent work Jost-Yau and Mok-Siu-Yeung [J-Y3] [M-S-Y]
show that the theory of harmonic maps is also applicable to the super-
rigidity theorem of Margulis' [Mg]. The method is to show that har-
monic maps from compact locally symmetric spaces of noncompact type
and rank:::: 2 into Riemannian manifolds with nonpositive curvature op-
erator are totally geodesic. The main technical tool is the Matsushima
type formula for harmonic maps. Although the topic is beyond complex
geometry we are going to introduce this interesting formula [J-Y3].
Let M be a compact Einstein manifold, and f : M - t N a harmonic
map into another Riemannian manifold N. We compute

Vx [(Vydf)Z] = Vx (Vyf*Z - f*VyZ)

= VxVyf*Z - Vxf*VyZ
= V x V y f*Z - (V xdf) V y Z - f* V x V y Z,

(V x Vydf) (Z) = V x [(Vydf) Z] - (Vydf) V x Z

= V xV y f*Z - (V xdf) VyZ
- f* V x Vy Z - (Vydf) V x Z.
It follows that

([V x, V y] df) Z d~r (V x V ydf) (Z) - (Vy V xdf) (Z)

= -RNU*X,f*Y)f*Z + f*R(X, Y)Z.
From (4.36),

(([Ve;, Ve,J df) ek, ([Ved Veil df) ek)

= (RN U*ei,!*ej )f*ek, RN U*ei, f*ej )f*ek)
+ U*R( ei, ej )ek' f*R( ei, ej )ek)
- 2 (RN U*ei, f*ej )f*ek, f*R( ei, ej )ek) ,

where {ei} is a local orthonormal frame field normal at a point p E M.

We also have at p

(( [Ve" V ej] df) ek, ([V e" V ej] df) ek)

= - (RNU*ei,f*ej)f*ek, ([Vei' V ej ] df) ek)
+ U*R(ei,ej)ek, ([Vei' V ej ] df) ek)
( 4.38)
= (RN U*ei, f*ej )f*ek, RN U*ei, f*ej )f*ek)
- (RN U*ei, f*e j )J*ek, f*R( ei, ej )ek)
+ 2 U*R( ei, ej )ek' (V ei V ej df)ek) .
By using Stokes' theorem and the assumption of the domain manifold
being a compact Einstein manifold, we have

1M U*R(ei,ej)ek,(VeiVejdf)ek) * 1
= 1M U*R(ei,ej)ek, V ei [(Vejdf) ek]) * 1

= - 1M (VeJ*R(ei,ej)ek, (Vejdf) ek) * 1

= - 1M (R( ei, )ek' el) (Bil' B jk ) * 1.


(4.38) becomes

1M (([Ve" V ej ] df) ek, ([Vei> V ej ] df) ek) * 1

= 1M (RNU*ei,f*ej)f*ek,RNU*ei,f*ej)J*ek) * 1

- 1M (RNU*ei,f*ej)f*ek,f*R(ei,ej)ek) * 1
- 2 1M (R(ei,ej)ek,el) (Bil,B jk ) * 1. (4.39)

Combining (4.37) and (4.39) gives

2 1M (R( ei, ej )ek, el) (Bil. B jk ) * 1

= 1M (RNU*ei,f*ej)J*ek,f*R(ei,ej)ek) * 1 (4.40)

- 1M U*R(ei,ej)ek,f*R(ei,ej)ek) * 1.

From (1.3.13) and (4.40) we obtain an analogue of Matsushima's formula

for harmonic maps:

.x 1M IBU)1 * 1 + 21M (R(ei,ej)ek,el) (Bi/,B jk ) * 1


=.x 1M (RNU*ei,f*ej)f*ei,f*ej) * 1-.x 1M (f*Ricei,f*ei) * 1

+ 1M (RNU*ei,f*ej)f*ek,f*R(ei,ej)ek) * 1

- 1M (f*R(ei,ej)ek,f*R(ei,ej)ek) * 1,
(4.41 )
where .x is any real number.


The fundamental existence theorem on harmonic maps was obtained

by J. Eells and J. H. Sampson who employed the heat flow method in
[E-S]. The theorem can be proved by several methods, such as the per-
turbation method due to K. Uhlenbeck [U]. In this chapter we discuss
existence for harmonic maps by the direct method of the calculus of vari-
ations. The key point of the method is regularity. Partial regularity of the
minimizing maps has been obtained by R. Schoen-K. Uhlenbeck [S-U1]
and M. Giaquinta-E. Giusti [G-G]. Later, R. Hardt and F. Lin proved
partial regularity for p-harmonic maps [H-L].



Let M and N be compact Riemannian manifolds. By using Nash's

embedding theorem, N can be isometrically embedded into higher-
dimensional Euclidean space ]Rk. Let Li(M,]Rk) be a Sobolev space con-
sisting of maps from Minto ]Rk. For each f E Li(M,]Rk), its weak deriv-
ative is square integrable with the following Hilbert norm


Define a space of maps from Minto N

Li(M,N) = {f E Li(M,]Rk) and f(x) E Nfor almost all x EM},

which is the relevant space for the direct method of the calculus of vari-
ations. Obviously, for any map f E Li(M, N) the energy can be defined,
and it coincides with one defined in Chapter 2 when f is smooth.
PROPOSITION 5.1 The energy functional E is lower semi-continuous
with respect to the weak convergence on Li(M,]Rk).

PROOF. Suppose that {Ii} weakly converges to f in Li(M,~k). Accord-

ing to the theory of Hilbert space, {fi} is bounded and strongly converges
to f in L2(M,~k), because Li(M,~k) can be compactly embedded into
L2(M,~k). Therefore, {dfJ weakly converges to df in L2(M,~k). Fur-
thermore, we have

E(fd - E(f) =~
r Idfi - dfl2 * 1 + 1Mr ((dfi - df), df) *1

: : : 1M ((dfi - df),df) * 1
which means
lim (E(fi) - E(f)) ::::: o.


PROPOSITION 5.2 Li(M,N) is weakly closed.

PROOF. Take fi E Li(M,N) such that {fi} weakly converges to f in
Li(M, N). Then {fi} strongly converges to fin L2. We then can always
choose a subsequence, still denoted by {fJ, which converges to f almost
everywhere. Since N is closed in ~k, f takes values in N for almost every
point in M. Thus, f E Li(M, N).

PROPOSITION 5.3 Let S C Li(M,N) on which the energy is bounded.

Then S is sequentially compact.
PROOF. From Poincare's inequality we know that S is a bounded subset
in Li( M, N) C Li( M, ~k). By using Eberlein's theorem there exists a
seqence fi E S which weakly converges to f. From Proposition 5.2 we
know f E Li(M, N).

According to the above propositions we can obtain an energy mini-

mizing map by the direct method of the calculus of variations. Let F C
Li(M, N) be an appropriate class ofthe maps which form a weakly closed
subset of Li(M, N), usually defined by the topological conditions or the
boundary conditions. Choose a minimizing sequence {fi}. By Proposi-
tion 5.3 there exists a subsequence, still denoted by {fJ, that weakly con-
verges to f. By Proposition 5.1, E(f) ::; limi->cx>E(fi) = infJ'EFE(f').
Therefore, we obtain a minimizing map f E Fe Li(M, N).
The above map is not continuous in general. We thus need the notion
of weakly harmonic maps. Let f : M ---+ N be a smooth map, i : N ---+ ~k

the isometric immersion whose second fundamental form is B. Denote

F = i 0 f = (jI, ... ,fk). From the composition formula (1.4.2) it follows
that the harmonicity condition becomes


where {e s } is a local frame field in M. The harmonicity equations (5.2)

are superior to (1.2.10) because the former has the weak form in Li sense.

DEFINITION 5.4 For f E Li(M, N), if it satisfies the weak form of (5.2),


where 'if; E C~(M,lRk), then f is called weakly harmonic. In particular,

the energy minimizing maps are weakly harmonic.

REMARK When the target manifold N is the sphere sn, the second
fundamental form B(X, Y) = - (X, Y) F, where X, Yare vectors at any
point in N, (5.3) becomes

1M [(V'F, V''if;) -IV'FI2 (F,'if;)] * 1 = o. (5.4)

By using the direct method of the calculus of variations we obtain

the energy minimizing map in the space Li(M, N). In general, an Li
map may not be continuous. Thus, we should investigate the continuity
of the weakly harmonic maps, or at least the continuity of energy mini-
mizing weakly harmonic maps. But, a weakly harmonic map may have
singularities. The simplest example is the extension map from a unit ball
into its boundary, the sphere, along the rays from the origin. Let x E lBn
be a point in the unit ball, Ixl denote the Euclidean distance from the
origin to x. Define f(x) = ~. Then f E Li(lB n , sn-l) and f is an energy
minimizing map (see [C-G]) in

Obviously, f is smooth except at the origin which is an isolated singular-



The key point for proving existence of harmonic maps by the direct
method of the calculus of variations is regularity, which consists of two
parts. The first part is partial regularity, namely to prove the Holder
continuity outside the singular set which is relatively small, then by the
main regularity theorem with which one can claim smoothness outside
the singular set.
Partial regularity is local with respect to the domain manifold M,
whereas it is global with respect to the target manifold. This can be seen
from the example in the last section where any small neighborhood of
the isolated singularity maps to the whole target manifold N. Once we
establish partial regularity, we take local coordinates near a regular point
Xo E M and corresponding local coordinates near f(xo). Thus, the map
f can be expressed as a vector-valued function (11, ... ,fn) defined on
a domain n c ~m. They satisfy nonlinear elliptic equations in the weak

This is a system of elliptic equations in divergence form, quadratic in

the first derivatives, and with diagonal principal part. By the regularity
theory of nonlinear system of elliptic equations, the main point is to show
the Holder continuity of the first derivatives. Thus, the nonlinear term
in the equations can be viewed as the Holder continuous functions and
the higher regularity follows from the theory of linear system of elliptic
equations. The readers are referred to [Hi] or [Sch] for details.
Let us now discuss partial regularity.
Let f E Li(M, N) be an energy minimizing weakly harmonic map.
For any x E M, if there exists a neighborhood U of x in M, such that f
is Holder continuous in U, hence smooth in U, then x is called a regular
point. The totality of the regular points is the regular set R which is an
open set. Let S = M \ R. Then, S is the singular set which is a closed
set. For measuring the set we introduce the notion of the Hausdorff
Let S be a subset in a metric space, C g a family of countable covering
sets with radius less than c. Define

'l1 g (S) . L a(p) (diamO)P

= mf
-- ,

where a(p) is the volume of a p-dimensional ball in RP. From (5.5) we

see that W,,(S) is a monotone decreasing function in c. Its limitation is
called the p-dimensional Hausdorff measure of S, denoted by 1-f.P( S), when
c ~ O.
In general, for any p 2': 0, we can always define 1-f.P( S). It is easily seen
that if 1-f.P(S) = 00, then 1-f.P' (S) = 00 when p' < Pi and if 1-f.P(S) = 0,
then 1-f.P' (S) = 0 when p' > p. Therefore, we can define the Hausdorff
dimension for each set S, namely, there exists a number d( S), such that

0, when p> d(S),

1iP(S) = {
00, when p < d(S).
One considers the dimension of the singular set of the mapi on the
other hand, one blows up the map at each singular point to obtain a
special map, called the tangential map which is defined as follows:
DEFINITION 5.5 Let Rj be a j-dimensional Euclidean space, N a Rie-
maniann manifold. If I : Rj \ {O} --+ N is a harmonic map which maps
each ray from the origin to a point, then I is called a tangential map.
Furthermore, if the restriction of I on the unit ball llli j C Rj is an en-
ergy minimizing map among Li (llli j , N), then I is called a minimizing
tangential map.
Schoen-Uhlenbeck proved the following partial regularity in [S-Ul]
THEOREM 5.6 Let M and N be compact Riemannian manifolds, and
I :M --+ N an energy minimizing map in Li(M, N). Then I is smooth
outside the singular set S and dimS:::; m-3, where m is the dimension of
the domain manifold M. When m = 3, S is a discrete set. Furthermore,
if there exists I 2': 3 such that for each j, 3 :::; j :::; 1, any minimizing
tangential map from Rj \ {O} into N is constant, then dim S :::; m - I - I i
if I = m - 1, then S is discrete.
THEOREM 5.7 Suppose that M is a compact manifold with C 2 ,0l
boundary, N is compact, and I : M ~ N is an energy minimizing map
in Li(M,N). Suppose v E C 2 ,0l(8M,N) and IlaM = v. Then the singu-
lar set consists of the interior points of M only; in particular, I is C 2 ,0l
smooth in a neighborhood of 8M.
The main idea of their proof is the scaling technique. For the given
map I, at each point p E M construct an energy minimizing tangential
map 10. If 10 is constant, then p is a regular point of Ii otherwise, p is a
singular point.
Choose a system of normal coordinates (xi) near p. For any>. >
0, define f>..(x) = I(>'x), and gt(x) = gij(>'X), where gij is the local

expression of the metric tensor on the normal coordinates. When A is

sufficiently small is close to the flat metric.
For the energy minimizing map the following monotonicity formula
is valid:

where C is a positive constant depending on m. A is also a positive con-

stant depending on the metric tensor on M, and B~ denotes the geodesic
ball of radius a and centered at p. Therefore, for A > 0

where E~(f) denotes the energy of the map I on B~. Hence, there is
a subsequence of {f>.} that weakly converges to 10, which is the energy
minimizing tangential map. In fact, Schoen-Uhlenbeck proved the strong
compactness theorem. For any A > 0, 0 < r < 1, the set

Xr,~ = { liB". j I E Li(B~, N)

is an energy minimizing map, and E~(f) ::::: r }
is strongly compact. Therefore, f>. converges strongly to the energy min-
imizing tangential map 10, and pointwise converges to 10 almost every-
LEMMA (C.B.MoRREY) Let ¢> E Li(Bl' N). If there exist positive
constants C, a (0 < a < 1), such that for any x E Bp (0 < p <
i),EB".(x)(¢»::::: Ca m - H2o (0 < a < i)'
then ¢> E CO(Bp,N).
Applying the above growth lemma, Schoen-Uhlenbeck proved an im-
portant regularity estimate: There exists co(m,N) > 0, such that for any
energy minimizing map I : Bl --t N, if E1(f) ::::: co, then I is smooth in
B, .
By using the regularity estimate one obtains 1{n-2(S) = 0, and for
pES, the energy minimizing map 10, as constructed above, can not be
constant. For p E M, if such a map 10 is constant, then I is smooth near
Then, applying the density theorem on the Hausdorff measure and
dimension reduction technique due to H. Federer, they proved dim S :::::
m - 3 and refined the estimate of the dimension of the singular set from
the nonexistence of the nontrivial energy minimizing tangential maps.

The proof of Theorem 5.7 concerning the boundary regularity also

relies on the following fact:
Let 10 E Li (lffi+, N), where lffi+ is the upper half ball in ]Rm. Denote
r = lffi m - 1 x {a}. Let 10 be an energy minimizing map on lffi+ U r which
is constant on each ray issuing from the origin. If lolr is constant, then
10 has to be a constant map.
U sing this property, similar to the proof of the interior regularity, one
obtains the boundary regularity.
Readers are referred to papers [S-U1] and [S-U2] for the concrete
proofs of Theorem 5.6 and Theorem 5.7.
REMARK Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary,
N a compact Riemannian manifold with sectional curvature bounded
from above by K. Let BR(xo) C N, R :::; 2~' be a normal geodesic
ball. Hildebrandt-Kaul-Widman proved that (see [H-K-W]) any weakly
harmonic map 1 in LHM,N) with I(M\8M) C BR(XO) has to be smooth
in the interior. They also proved the boundary regularity. Now we show
the regularity in the particular case of 1 being an energy minimizing map
by using Theorem 5.6 and Theorem 5.7.
Since BR(xo) is a convex geodesic neighborhood, r2, the square of
the distance function from Xo, is a smooth convex function on BR(XO)'
Let cp: Sj-1 ----; BR(XO) be a harmonic map for j ~ 3. By using Corollory
1.4.4, cp has to be constant. Therefore, any tangential map cp' : ]Rj \ {a} ----;
BR(XO) is constant and the smoothness of 1 follows from Theorem 5.6
and Theorem 5.7.


We now study the existence of harmonic maps into certain Riemann-

ian manifolds which are more general than that of nonpositive sectional
curvature. Let, : [0, b] ----; N be a nonconstant geodesic on N. If there
exists a nonzero Jacobi field Y along ,(t) satisfying
V' ')" Y(O) = 0, Y(td =0 (t1:::; b),
then ,(td is called a focal point of p = ,(0).
It is easily seen that the Riemannian manifolds without focal points
form a wider class than those with nonpositive sectional curvature. Oth-
erwise, there is a Jacobi field with the above property such that

! (V' ')" Y, Y) = (V' ')" V' ')" Y, Y)

+ IIV'')" YI1 2
=- (R(,',Yh',Y) + 11V'')''YI1 2 ~ O.

Thus, (\7"(, Y, Y) is increasing in the parameter t along the geodesic 'Y,

and furthermore,

for t E [0, tl]. Therefore, we have

which is impossible. As a consequence, the pointwise nonpositivity of the

sectional curvature implies a void of focal points. On the other hand, a
manifold without focal points does not have any conjugate point. R. Gul-
liver showed the existence of the manifolds of both signs of the sectional
curvature without focal points. He also showed that there exist manifolds
with the focal point and without the conjugate point (see [Gul]).
First of all, we prove the following important property.
PROPOSITION 5.8 Suppose N is a complete simply connected Riemann-
ian manifold without focal points. Let d( q, x) be the distance function
from a fixed point q E N. Then d 2 (q,x) is a smooth convex function in
PROOF. Since there is no conjugate point on N, we can use the Cartan-
Hadamard theorem to conclude that f(x) = d 2 (q,x) = jexp- I xj2 is a
smooth function on N. Suppose x i- q, v E T"N. It suffices to show
\72f(v,v) > 0 for vi- O.
Draw a geodesic ~ on N emanating from x and tangent to v at x,
denoted by ~ : [0,.::] ----* N. Connect q and ~(u) by a minimal geodesic
'Yu : [O,r] ----* N, where r = d(q,x),and'Y = 'Yo is parametrized by the
arc length. Since there is only one geodesic between two points in N, 'Yu
forms a one-parameter family of geodesics with transversal vector field
U, satisfying

U(O) = ! 'Yult=u=o = 0,

U(r) = !It=r,u=o = :u~(u)lu=o =v.

Substituting them into the second variational formula for geodesics, we

LI/(O) =
{IU1f - (R(-y, UL)-y, UL )} dt. (5.6)

There exist n - 1 linear independent J aco bi fields J i (i = 1,··· ,n - 1)

along 'Yo perpendicular to 'Yo and satisfying ji( r) = O. The assumption of

a void of focal points implies that J i are independent at each point of 10.
U~(t) = fi(t)Ji(t),
where f;(0) = O. Substituting it into (5.6) gives

L"(O) = iT {jdj (Ji' Jj) + fdj (ji' jj) + jdj (Ji' jj)
+ fd j ( ji,Jj ) - (R( '1, fJi)7, fjJ j ) }dt (5.7)

dg. A + B + C + D - E.

Noting the Jacobi equation and the conditions f;(0) = 0 and ji(r) = 0,

B = iT f;Ji ( ji, jj) dt



with equality if and only if jJi = o. This contradicts the independence

of J i at each point of 10. Hence,

L"(O) > o.

\12f(v,v) = ~~ flu=o - (\1i.~)f

= d 2 f(~(u)) Iu=o

= 2r d 2L(U)1
du u=o
+ 2 (!£L(U))21

where L(u) denotes the arc length of lu. Thus, we complete the proof of
\1 2 f( V, v) > 0, namely, \1 2 f is positively definite on N \ {q}. Obviously,
\1 2 f is positively definite at TqN without the assumption of the metric.

THEOREM 5.9 ([X4]) Let M be a compact manifold with finite funda-

mental group 1l"l(M), N a complete manifold without focal points. Then
any harmonic map from Minto N is constant.

PROOF. Let M be a universal covering of M with the projection map

7rM, and 7rN : N --t N be universal covering. By the assumption M is
compact with the finite fundamental group, so M is also compact. Both
7rM and 7rN are local isometry. It is easily seen that N has no focal points
as well.
Let I : M --t N be a harmonic map. Then II = I 0 7rM : M --t N
is obviously a harmonic map. Since M is simply connected, we have a
lifting map h : M --t N satisfying 11 = 7rN 0 12, namely, we have the
following diagram (see [Hu]):

It is easily seen that h is also a harmonic map and for each x E M,

e(h)(x) = e(f)(7rM(X)).
Let p = d 2 ( q, x) be the square of the distance function from a point
q. By using Proposition 5.8 it is a smooth function. Consider the function
PO/2 on M. By Corollary. 1.4.4, 12 is constant, so is the f.

THEOREM 5.10 ([X4]) Let N be a closed surface without conjugate

points. Then any harmonic map I : 52 --t N is constant.
PROOF. K. Burns in [Bu] proved that on a simply connected complete
surface without conjugate points there exists a convex function. Similar
to the proof of Theorem 5.9 we obtain the present theorem.

THEOREM 5.11 ([X4]) Let M and N be compact manifolds and

assume there is no focal point in N. Then there exists a harmonic map
in any homotopy class of the maps from Minto N which attains the
minimum energy of this class.
PROOF. As is well known, the universal covering of N is ]Rn, namely, N
is so-called K(7r,l) manifold. Hence, the homotopy class of the map
one-to-one corresponds the conjugate class of the homomorphisms from
7rl(M) into 7rl(N) (see, for example, the book [Sp]). The meaning of
the action of the Li(M, N) map on the fundamental group 7rl (M) is

given by [S-Y]. Let, be an embedded closed curve on M, which is a

generat'or of 71'l(M). Choose a tubular neighborhood T of, in M, such
that'll: Sl X D m- 1 --+ T is a local diffeomorphism, where Dm-1 is an
(m - 1 )-dimensional cell. Then, for almost all S E Dm-1, f is continuous
on ,S(t) = q,(t,s). Choose So E Dm-1, such that f is continuous on ,so.
Define the image of each generator under the induced map f# by

which can be extended as

by the group homomorphism. In [5-Y] and [Bul] it is proved that f #

is well defined and is independent of the choice of So up to a conjugate
Let ¢ : M --+ N be a smooth map. Define a class of maps

F¢ = {f E Li(M,N); f# = r- 1 ¢#r, ris a curve from fO to ¢(.)}.

Consider a minimizing sequence {fi} in F¢. There is a subsequence, still

denoted by UJ, which weakly converges to f in Li(M, N), and strongly
converges to fin L2, and so pointwise converges to f almost everywhere.
By the lower semi-continuity of the energy functional, we have

E(J) = inf E(J').


Let ,1, ... ,,1 be the generators of the fundamental group 71'1 (M) at
certain point, its tubular neighborhood be T 1 ,'" ,Tz, viewed as Sl X
Dm-1. Since the energy on {fJ is uniformly bounded, we can use the
Fubini theorem and the Fatou theorem to conclude that for almost all
s E Dm-1, there is a constant K s , such that

is valid for infinite many i. Then, by using Sobolev's compact embedding

theorem, we know that there is a subsequence, still denoted by {fJ,
that uniformly converges to f on ,J, where j = 1" .. ,l. Thus, we show
f E F¢. On the other hand, according to Theorem 5.9, any harmonic map
from sj (j 2 2) into N is constant, namely, the tangential map from
IRj+l \ {O} into N is constant. By Theorem 5.6, the energy minimizing
map f in F¢ is smooth.

Similarly, we have
THEOREM 5.12 ([X4]) Let M be a compact 3-manifold, N a surface
without conjugate points. Then there exists a harmonic map in any
homotopy class of the maps from Minto N which attains the minimum
energy of this class.
THEOREM 5.13 ([X3]) Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold
with boundary, N a compact Riemannian manifold without focal points.
Then given a smooth map v : 8M ---+ N, there exists a harmonic map
1:M N such that 11aM = v.
REMARK 1 Theorem 5.11 is a generalization of the fundamental exis-
tence theorem due to Eells-Sampson.
REMARK 2 Let M be a compact manifold with boundary, N a compact
manifold with sectional curvature bounded from above by a positive con-
stant K,. Given a map v: 8M ---+ N such that v(8M) c BR(YO), R < 2ft'
which does not meet the cut locus of Yo. Hildebrandt-Kaul-Widman
proved the existence of the boundary value problem for harmonic maps.
Considering the remark of the last section we can use a similar method
to prove their theorem



When the target manifold is not of the topological type of K(7r, 1),
the existence problem becomes more complicated. But we can still use
Theorem 5.6 to analyze the singular sets of certain minimizing maps. In
[S-U3] Schoen-Uhlenbeck discussed the situation when the target mani-
fold is the sphere. The key point is to treat the stability inequality. In the
case of the sphere, the variational cross-section is conformal vector fields
along the image of the map. Similar technique can be used for certain
submanifolds in the Euclidean space, compact irreducible homogeneous
spaces and 8-pinched manifolds [X8] [Xg] [XID]. More generally, we can
analyze the singular sets of p-harmonic maps into those manifolds [X-Y].
We first prove the following result.
2, if I<.'.:A S 1,
.d(A,K,)= 5, if I<.'.:A = 5,
[min(I + ,..'.:A' 6)], other cases,
where [t] denotes the greatest integer in t.

THEOREM 5.14 Let M and N be compact manifolds with dimen-

sions m and n respectively. Suppose that the sectional curvature of N is
bounded from above by a positive constant K,. If there exists a constant
A depending only on the geometry of N, such that for any energy mini-
mizing tangential map cp : ]RI \ {O} --t N, 3 ::; 1 ::; d( A, K,), the following
inequality is satisfied:


where u is a smooth function with compact support in ]RI \ {O}. Then

any energy minimizing map f E Li(M,N) is smooth when m::; d(A,K,),
the singular set S of f is discrete when m = d(A, K,) + 1; in general the
Hausdorff dimension of the singular set is at most m - d(A, K,) - l.
PROOF. According to Theorem 5.6, it suffices to show that any energy
minimizing tangential map cp : ]RI \ {O} --t N is constant when 3 ::; 1 ::;
d( A, K,). Any tangential map cp induces a harmonic map cp' : SI-1 --t N.
By a direct computation, (5.7) reduces to

1 51-1 x(o,oo)
-~u - A Idcpl u- r aaru
2 2 2
-2 -
au) r 1- 3u* 12: 0,
where ~ denotes the Laplace operator on SI-3. Let us consider a strongly
elliptic operator on SI-1

and an ordinary differential operator on (0,00)

The respective eigenvalues of L1 and L2 are

111 ::; 112 ::; . . . ::; l1i ::; . . . --t 00,

81 ::; 82 ::; ... ::; 8i ::; ... --t 00.

By using a method of J. Simons in [SimJ, the condition (5.8) reduces to


A direct computation gives


Now let us estimate /-£1. Using the Bochner-type formula (1.3.13) and
noting the curvature conditions of SI-l and N, we have

~6.ld4>12 ~ l\7d4>12 + (l- 2)ld4>1 2- : =~ Kld(W· (5.11)

From the Schwarz inequality the Kato inequality follows:

l\7d(W ~ 1\7ld4>112.
Thus, (5.11) becomes

Id4>I6.ld4>1 ~ ~6.ld4>12 -1\7d4>12

~ (l- 2)ld4>1 2- : =~ Kld4>14.

4>e6.4>e ~ (l- 2)1#1 2- K~l ~ 12) Id4>1 4,
-4>e6.4>e - K~l ~12) 4>; Id4>1 2 ~ -(l - 2) Id4>12. (5.13)
If 1 ~ d( A, K), namely,
K(l- 2) A
1-1 < ,
and 4> is not a constant map, then (5.13) means that
<. f fS'-' (-6.4>e - A Id4>124>e) 4>e * 1
/-£1 - m J)"2
S'-l 'Pe *

. fSl-1 ( -6.4>e - Kt12 ) 4>£ Id4>1 2 ) 4>e * 1 (5.14)

< mf
f S '-' 4>e * 1

~ 2 -l.
From (5.9), (5.10) and (5.14) we immediately obtain 1 > 6, which con-
tradicts the assumption of 1 ~ d(A, K). Therefore, 4> has to be a constant

REMARK By using the generalized Kato inequality (see [Okl]) Theorem

5.14 can be improved.
Now we discuss several cases of positively curved manifolds where
the stability inequality (5.7) does occur and A can be explicitly given.

5.4.1. Let N be a compact submanifold in IRn+k and B(·,·) its sec-

ond fundamental form in N. Let ¢ : L -+ N be a stable harmonic map.

where u is a smooth function with compact support on L, a is a constant

vector in IRn+k , {ci}, i = 1"" ,n, is a local orthonormal frame field on
N. Then

V' ea V = V' eJ (a, ci) cd = V' eJ ua T )

= (e"u)a T + u (aN, B(¢*e",cd) Ci,
where {e,,} (0: = 1"" ,l) is a local orthonormal frame field on L, aT
denotes the tangential component of the constant vector a on L. Thus
we have
lV'vl2 - (RN(¢*e",v)¢*e",v)

~ ~ (l,aUI'laTI' h ' ~ (B( 4>"a, ',), aN)' )

+ 2 (e"u)u (B(¢*e", ci), aN) (aT, ci)
_u 2 (RN(¢*e",aT)¢*e",a T ).
Substituting it into the second variational formula (1.4.5) and taking the
trace, we obtain

According to the Gauss equation the above inequality reduces to

i (nlV'u I2 + u 2 (2 ~ IB(¢*e", cdl 2

- (B(¢*e",¢*e,,),B(ci,cd))) * 1 ~ O. (5.15)

Now, we choose a local orthonormal frame field {c s} (s n +

1"" ,n + k) on the normal bundle of N in IRn+k j then

Let S be the squared length of the second fundamental form B, i.e.,

L.(hij)2, H be the mean curvature vector field, i.e., H = ~hiics. For

those x EN with H(x) of. 0, denote SH = L.i,j,s (hijcs, IZI)2. Now we

state a lemma which was given in [W].
LEMMA 5.15 Let (aij) be a symmetric n x n matrix, a = tr(aij) , b =
L.i,j arj· Then for any i the following inequality is valid:

-n- (b - -an )
b+ l(n-4)alvn-1
n-1 2 3n-4 2.
2 "L...Jaki
2 - aaii:::; 2 -- - --2-a
n n n

Let us continue to derive the stability inequality. Supposing ¢*e a of. °

and setting cn = It::1 we can choose Cn+l = IZI· By using Lemma 5.. 15
for each symmetric matrix (hij) , (s = n + 1, ... ,n + k) we obtain


:::; Id¢12 (2(n;: 1) S + I(n _ 4) Hl V n : 1 (SH - n1H12) - (3n _ 4)IHI 2) ,

where we have used L.i ht; = 0, >. = n + 2, ... ,n + k and I L.i h~+ll =
niHI. The above inequality is also valid for those points where ¢*e a = 0
and H = o. Combining (5.15) and (5.16) we get the stability inequality



A= ~min((3n _ 4)IH12 _ 2(n -1) S

n n

- I(n - 4)H1Vn: 1 (SH - nIHI2)).

If A > 0, we can use Theorem 5.14 to those submanifolds in IRn+k to

conclude the dimension of the singular set of the energy minimizing map
f E Li(M, N). In particular, when N is the sphere sn, A = 2~n. This
is the stability inequality in [S-U3]. In fact, there are many examples of
the submanifolds with A > 0.

5.4.2. Let N be a compact irreducible homogeneous space G / H,

which is an Einstein space with constant scalar curvature s. Let ¢ : L -4
G / H be a stable harmonic map. Suppose that F is an eigenfunction of
the Laplacian on N with respect to eigenvalue A, namely f).F + AF = o.
Choose a cross-section v = uVF in the vector bundle ¢-ITN, where u
is a smooth function with compact support. Then,

Ve,v = ei(u)(VeaF)ca +u (¢*ei,cfj) (Ve,B Ve"F)ca,

where {ei} is a local frame field on L, {Ca} is a local orthonormal frame
field and normal at the corresponding point on N. We have

IVe,vl 2 = IVul 2 (Ve"F)(Ve"F)

+ u 2 (¢*ei,cfj) (¢*ei,c'Y) (Ve,B VeaF) (Ve~ VeaF)
+ 2u (ei(u)) (¢*ei,cfj) (Ve"F) (Ve,B VeaF).
Substituting it into the second variational formula (1.4.5) gives

1{I Vu I2 (VeaF)(Ve"F)

+ u 2 (¢*ei, cfj) (¢*ei, c'Y) (Ve,B V Ea F) (V e~ Ve" F)

+ 2u(ei(u)) (¢*ei,cfj) (VeaF)(Ve,B VeaF)
- u 2 (RN(¢*ei, ca)¢*Ci,cfj) (VeaF) (Ve,BF)} * 1 ~ O.
Let E)., be the eigenspace of the Laplace operator with respect to
the eigenvalue A, which is a finite-dimensional vector space and forms a
Euclidean space with respect to L2 norm. Therefore, the left-hand side
of (5.18) is a quadratic form on E).,.
Let {F I , ... ,Fk} be an orthonormal basis on E).,. There is a natural
action of the isometry group G on E).,: for any 9 E G and F E F)." g* F =
Fog. Since the Laplace operator commutes with the isometry, E)., is
invariant under the G action and the L2 inner product keeps invariant
under the G action. This means that g* F I , ... ,g* Fk is also a basis of E)."
namely, there exists an orthogonal matrix Oab, such that g* Fa = OabFb.
Hence, we have a G-invariant quadratic form on To (G / H) :

where X,Y E To(G/H). Consider a transformation A To(G/H)-4

To ( G / H) defined by

It is easily seen that A is a symmetric map, and each eigenspace of A with

respect to the metric on To (G / H) is invariant under the G action. From
the irreducibility of H we know that A = 0 . id, where 0 is a positive
constant. Hence,
(V'wFa)(V'cOoFa) = nO, (5.19)
(V'cOoFa)(V'c,B V'cOoFa) = o. (5.20)
Similarly, we have

(V' xV' cOoFa)(V'YV'cOoFa) = 0 (X, Y). (5.21)

From (5.19) and (5.20), we have

o = -~(V'c,B
V'c,B V'cOo Fa)(V'cOo Fa)

= -~ (V'~Fa + RicV'F a, ca)(V'cOo Fa )

n (5.22)
= -~ (->. +~) (V'cOoFa)(V'cOo Fa )
= 0(>' - -),
where we use the fact that the irreducible homogeneous space is the
Einstein space with the constant scalar curvature s. Taking trace in (5.18)
and substituting (5.19), (5,20), (5.21) and (5.22) into it, we have

1M (IV'U I2 - ~2 (2 s - n >')ld(W U2 ) * 1 2: O. (5.23)

Comparing (5.7) and (5.23), for the compact irreducible homogeneous

space N we define
if I<n 2
I<n' -(2s-n>.) -
if I<n - 5.
I<n' -(2s-n>.) - ,

other cases.

From Theorem 5.14 we have the following result.

THEOREM 5.16 ([X9]) Let M be a compact m-manifold, N be a com-
pact irreduci ble homogeneous n-space G / H, and f E Li (M, N) an energy
minimizing map. Ifm::; d(n), then f is smooth. Ifm = d(n) + 1, f has
at most an isolated singular set and in general the Hausdorff dimension
of the singular set is at most m - d( n) - 1.
REMARK When N is the sphere sn, we take>. to be the first eigenvalue.
Then>. = nand s = n( n-1). (5.23) is also a generalization ofthe stability
inequality when the target manifold is the sphere (see [S-U3]).

5.4.3. We now study the regularity of energy minimizing maps into

b-pinched manifolds. Let N be a complete simply connected manifold
with the sectional curvature K, satisfying b < K, :S 1, where b is a positive
constant. In order to obtain the diffeomorphic sphere theorem, E. Ruh
introduced the following structure. Consider a Riemannian vector bundle
E = TN EB c:( N) over N, where TN is the tangent bundle of Nand c( N)
is a trivial line bundle with fiber metric. Define a Riemannian connection
'V" in E by
'V';kY = 'VxY - (X, Y) e,
'V';ke = X,
where X, Y E r(TN), 'V is the Levi-Civita connection on Nand e is
the unit cross-section in c(N). It is easy to see that the curvature of 'V"
is small provided b is close to one. Furthermore, by using 'V", a flat
connection 'V' on N can be constructed. In their subsequent papers
[G-K-R1] [G-K-R2] the difference between connections 'V' and 'V" has
been estimated. By multiplication with HI+ b) we have normalized b-
pinched metric on N with sectional curvature in the interval 26 1+6
( 1+6' 2]
II'V' - 'Villi :S ~k3(b), (5.25)


II'V' - 'Villi d~rmax{I'V'xY - 'V';kYI; X E r(TN),

IXI = 1, Y E r(E), WI = I},



k3(b) = k2(b) { 1 + [1 _ 214 7r 2(k 1 (b)?] "2

Let ¢ be a stable harmonic map from L into N. In order to have the

stability inequality we choose

in (5.7), where u is a function with compact support on Land

V E 0 = {V E r(E); 'V 'x V = 0 for any X E r(TN)},


and VT denotes the projection of V into TN. Choose a local orthonormal

frame field {eJ on L. Then,


Substituting it into the second variational formula (1.4.5) yields

1[I Vu I2 (VT, VT) + 2uV ei u (VT, V ei VT)

+ u 2 ((V ei V T , V ei VT) - (RN (¢>*ei, VT)¢>*ei, VT))] * 1 ~ O. (5.27)

For any x E L, choose an orthonormal frame field in TN at ¢>(x), and

the unit vector e in c(N) at ¢>( x). By parallel translation with respect to
the connection V' on E, we have an orthonormal basis {ea, e} on 0. It
is easily seen that

trace (VT, VT) x = L (Cal ca ) = n. (5.28)


we have

=L (e~, VeJ~)x = ~Vei (e a , ea ) = O.

From (5.24) we have

Vei V T = V'J.ei VT + (V, ¢>*ei) e

= V'J.ei(V - (V,e) e) + (V,¢>*ei) e (5.30)
= (V'J.eiV)T - (V,e)¢>*ei.

From (5.26) it follows that

(V'e; V T , V'e; VT) x :::; (1 + c) (V':;.eY, V':;.eY) + (1 + ~) (V, e) (V, e) Id(W

= (1 + c) 1 (V':;.e; - V'¢.e;)V 12

+(1 +~) (V, e) (V,e) Id4>1 2

:::; [~(1 + c)ki(c5) (V, V) + (1 +~) (V, e) (V, e)] Id4>12.


/ T
trace\V'e;V,V'eY T) x:::; [(n+1)(1+C)
4 2
1] Id4>l, 2

where c is a constant chosen later. From the bounds of normalized sec-

tional curvature on N we have

/ N T
trace \R (4)*ei, V )4>*ei, V
T) x 215
~ 1 + c5(n -l)ld4>1 2 . (5.32)

Taking the trace of (5.27) and substituting (5.28), (5.29), (5.31) and
(5.32) into it gives

1{nlV'uI2 + [(n + 1~(1 + c) ki(c5) + 1 + ~

- 1 ~ c5(n -1)] Id4>1 2 u2 } * 1 ~ O.

By choosing c = k3(O)~ we obtain the stability inequality



n+1 U
k(n, 15) = --ki(c5) + vn+lk3(c5) + 1- -,(n -1). (5.35)
4 l+u
REMARK When 15 ~ 1, then k(n, 15) ~ 2 - n. Therefore, (5.34) is also a
generalization of the stability inequality when the target manifold is the

We obtain the following theorem. Set

h 2n
W en 2n+(1+o)k(n,o) - 1·,
h 2n =5;
W en 2n+(1+o)k(n,o)

other cases.

THEOREM 5.17 ([X12]) Let M be a compact m-dimensional Riemann-

ian manifold, N a complete simply connected h-pinched manifold with
the normalized sectional curvature in (l~O' l~O] , f E Lie M, N) an en-
ergy minimizing map. Ifm::; den), then f is smooth. Ifm = den) + 1,
then the singular set of f is isolated at most. In general, the Hausdorff
dimension of the singular set is at most m - d( n) - 1.

5.4.4. The stablity inequalities (5.17), (5.23) and (5.24) also give
us nonexistence theorems of stable harmonic maps from complete non-
compact manifolds into those manifolds. We only show the situation
of irreducible homogeneous spaces. As for the other two cases we have
similar results and the readers are referred to [X8] and [X10] for details.
A Riemannian manifold is called strongly parabolic if it admits no
nonconstant negative subharmonic function. As is known, ]R2 is strongly
parabolic while ]Rn (n :::: 3) is not. In fact, there is the following cri-
terion. A complete noncompact Riemannian manifold has moderate vol-
ume growth if there is F E F such that limsuPr---+oo r 2 t(r) vol Br(xo) < 00
for some Xo EM, where

F = {F :(0,00) --t (0,00); Fis increasing on (0,00)

foo dr }
and il rF(r) = +00

and Br( xo) is a geodesic ball of radius r and centered at Xo E M. L. Karp

proved that if M has moderate volume growth then it is strongly parabolic
THEOREM 5.18 Let M be a complete noncompact m-dimensional
Riemannian manifold with moderate volume growth, and G / H an n-
dimensional compact irreducible homogeneous space with first nonzero
eigenvalue oX < 2:.
Then any stable harmonic map IjJ : M --t G / H has to
be constant.
PROOF. If M is a compact manifold without boundary, set u == 1. It
follows that IjJ is a constant map, which is the result of [H-W] and [Oh].
When G / H is a compact irreducible symmetric space with condition

). < 28,
we know that it is one of the spaces that are listed in Section 4
of Chapter 1.
If M is a noncompact complete manifold, we consider the strongly
elliptic operator on D c M

where D is a compact set in M. Let t£ be the first eigenvalue of L with

the Dirichlet boundary condition on D. From (5.23) we have

. JD- uLu *l
t£=mf JDU 2 * 1
. JD (-U!:"U - ~(2s - n).)ld(W) *1
= mf JDU * 1
2 ::::: o.

By using a theorem in [FC-S], we know that the equation Lu = 0 has a

positive solution u on M, namely,

which means that -u is a negative subharmonic function on M. By the

assumption of moderate divergence on the volume of M, u has to be
constant. Thus, Id4>1 == 0, and 4> is a constant map.

Now, we make the LP estimate for the energy density of harmonic

maps. This enables us to improve the above result.
THEOREM 5.19 Let M be a complete m-rumensional manifold with
Ricci curvature bounded from below by a non positive constant - A, and
G / H an n-dimensional compact irreducible homogeneous space with the
sectional curvature bounded from above by a positive constant", and the
first nonzero eigenvalue). < ~. Let 4> : M ----+ G / H be a stable harmonic
map with rank 4> :S r :S n2"'~(2"'8->'). Then for any nonnegative function
u with compact support


where C is a constant depending on n, m, sand), only.


PROOF. Choosing u = Id4>lv in (5.23) (where v is a function on M with

compact support), we have

~(2s - n>.) f Id4>1 4 v2* 1

n 1M
:::; 1M [v 21V'ld4>W + Id4>1 2 1V'v I2 + 2vld4>1 (V'v, V'ld4>I)] * 1. (5.37)

By the assumption on the curvature conditions for both domain and

target manifolds and the rank of the map f we can reduce the Bochner-
type formula (1.3.13) and obtain

~~ld4>12 :2 lV'd4>1 2 - Ald4>12 _ r ~ IJ1;ld4>1 4 ;


By the computation on [S-U3],

lV'd4>1 2 - 1V'ld4>11 2 :2 _I_IV' Id4>W.

Substituting it into the previous expression gives

Id4>I~ld4>1 :2 -1-1V'ld4>W - Ald4>12 _ r -1 kld4>1 4 • (5.38)

2mn r
Multiplying both side of (5.38) by v 2 and integrating yields

_1_ f v21V'ld4>W * 1
:::; - 1M v21V'ld4>W * 1 + 1M Ald4>1 2 v2* 1
+ f r - IJ1;ld4>1 4 v2* 1 _ 2 f vld4>1 (V'ld4>l, V'v) * 1.
1M r 1M
Adding both sides of (5.37) and (5.39) gives

_1_ f v21V'ld4>W * 1
:::; 1M [ld4>1 2 1V'v I2 + Ald4>1 2 v2 ] * 1
+ [r~IJ1;_ :2(2s-n>.)] 1M Id4>1 4 v2 *1
:::; 1M [ld4>1 2 1V' v I2 + Ald4>1 2v2 ] * 1.

By using the Cauchy inequality, for any c; > 0,

therefore, (5.37) becomes

~(2s - nA) f Id</>14 v 2* 1

n 1M
S (1 + c;) 1M v21Y'ld</>W * 1 + (1 + C;-1) 1M Id</>121Y'vI 2* 1. (5.41)

Substituting (5.40) into (5.41) and replacing v by u 2 we have

where C1 is a constant depending on nand m only. By using the Cauchy

inequality again, for any c; > 0,

Id</>1 2u21Y'uI 2 S ~u4Id</>14 + TIY'u l\

Ald</>12 S ~ Id</>1 4 + ~C;-1 A2.

Substituting them into (5.42) gives (5.36) immediately.
COROLLARY 5.20 Let M be a complete manifold with nonnegative
Ricci curvature and
vol (BR(XO))
R4 --+ °
when R --+ 00. Let G / Hand </> : M --+ G / H be as the above. Then </>
is a constant map. When M is a 4-dimensional Euclidean space ~4, </> :
~4 --+ G / H is a constant map.
PROOF. Now, (5.36) becomes


Choose the cut-off function

1, when x E BE.(xo)j
u(x) = { 2

0, when x E M \ BR(XO)j

and l\lul :S ~. Then, from (5.43) we have

when R -7 00. Therefore, ¢ is a constant map.

In the case of M = R 4 , choose

I, when x E BR(O);
u(x)= {
In lzl
InR '
when R :S Ixl :S R2;
0, when x E R4 \ BR2(0).

Then, (5.43) becomes

Setting R -7 00 gives Id¢1 == O.



Harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds satisfy a system of

quasi-linear partial differential equations. In order to have existence re-
sults one would solve PDE's on certain manifolds. In the case when the
sectional curvature of the target manifold is nonpositive or the image of
the map is contained in a geodesic convex neighborhood, such a problem
has been solved in [E-S], [H-K-W] and [S-UI] by PDE method. But, for
maps into positively curved manifolds, especially for harmonic maps be-
tween spheres, the PDE method is not successful. By heat flow method
the solution blows up at finite time (cf. [C-G], [D2], [C-D]). In this case
any harmonic map is unstable (see [Xl], [LeI]) and the direct method is
not applicable. If the manifolds possess an additional geometric structure
and the maps between them are equivariant, one can find special solutions
to the harmonicity equations. This method has been successfully utilized
in [Sm2], [P-R]' [DI], [E-RI] [Ur], [XI3], [XI4] and [XI5]. Recently, in
their monograph [E-R2] Eells-Ratto emphasize the ODE method to the
elliptic variational problems. The present chapter is also devoted to the
equivariant harmonic maps. Besides single ODE, the reduction equations
can also be a system of ODE's or a single PDE with fewer independent
variables than the original harmonicity equations. Such examples show
that the equivariant method is a potential method to find nonminimal
critical points in geometric variational problems.



In the theory of minimal submanifolds, W. Y. Hsiang and H. B. Law-

son reduce the minimal submanifold equations by the so-called cohomo-
geneity method. Afterwards, R. S. Palais and C. L. Terng noted that to
reduce the equations there is a more general framework. Now we consider
equivariant maps with respect to Riemannian submersions.
Let 7r : E --* M be a Riemannian submersion. For any p E M, the
fiber F = 7r- 1 (p) is a proper submanifold of E. Denote its tangent space

and normal space at x E F by TxF and NxF, respectively. All tangent

spaces of the fiber manifold form a vertical distribution V = ker( d7r) in E
and all normal spaces form a horizontal distribution H in E. Obviously,
H is the orthogonal complement of V.
A vector field X in E is called a horizontal vector field if for any
x E E, X(x) E H(x). A vector field X in E is called a project able one if
there exists a vector field X in M such that 7r*X(x) = X(7r(x)) for any
x E E. A horizontal and project able vector field is called a basic vector
field. For any vector field X in M there always exists a unique basic
vector field X in E which is called the horizontal lift of X.
Let us consider Riemannian submersions 7rl : E -; M, 7r2 : E -; M
and a smooth map f : El -; E 2 • If it maps each fiber submanifold Fl
of El into a corresponding fiber submanifold F2 of E 2, then f is called
an equivariant map with respect to 7rl and 7r2' Precisely, if Xl and x~
are in a same fiber, then their images are in a same fiber as well, namely
7rl(xd = 7rl(xD implies 7r2(f(xd) = 7r2(f(xD)·
An equivariant map f induces a map f between base manifolds as
follows. For any PI E Ml choose any Xl E 7r11(Pl) and define P2 =
7r2(f(Xl)) dgl f(pd. Since f is equivariant, f is well defined. There is the
following commutative diagram

For any smooth map f : El -; E 2 , if f* maps any horizontal vector

field in El into a horizontal vector field in E 2 , then f is called a horizontal
EXAMPLE 1 Let r : M -; R be a smooth function in a Riemannian
manifold. If there are a smooth function a and a continuous function b,
such that
Idrl 2 = a 0 r, tl.r = b 0 r,
then r is called an isoparametric function. If df i- 0, namely grad r i- 0,
the function r : M -; r(M) c R can be viewed as a submersion. Every
fiber submanifold is an isoparametric hypersurface Me = r~l(c). The
vector field grad r is its horizontal distribution. If grad r is a unit vector
field, f is called an isoparametric function with unit speed. In this case
r is just a Riemannian submersion. Therefore, an equivariant map with
respect to isoparametric functions of unit speed is a special case of the
above defined equivariant maps. For the theory of the isoparametric
functions, readers are referred to Chapter 3 of the book [C-R].

EXAMPLE 2 The isoparametric functions can be generalized to isopara-

metric maps. By [Wa] the isoparametric maps are defined as follows.
A nonconstant map f from Riemannian manifold Minto IR n is called
isoparametric, if for all i, j = 1, ... ,n,

(dfi,d/j) = aij(II,··· ,fn), (6.1)

!1/i = bi(h,··· ,fn), (6.2)

where aij are smooth real functions on f{M) and bi are continuous func-
tions on f{M).
It it easily seen that the rank of f is constant on fibers. Let T =
max{rank I). Fibers with maximum rank T are called regular. They
form an open subset MO eM, which is called the regular part of M. T
is called the rank of f. M \ MO is the union of singular fibers of f. It is
closed and of measure zero.
PROPOSITION 6.1 ([WAD Suppose f : M --t IRn is an isoparametric
map of rank T. Then NO = f(MO) is a submanifold of dimension T in IRn.
There is a unique Riemannian metric ds} on NO such that flMo : MO --t
NO is a Riemannian submersion. Furthermore, the mean curvature vector
field H of regular fibers is a basic vector field on MO.
PROOF. Note that for any y E NO, x E f-l{y) the horizontal subspace Hx
of TxMo is spanned by {grad fi}. From (6.1) it follows that rank{aij) =
T. Without loss of generality, we assume that grad II,··· ,grad fr are

linearly independent at any point near x. Choose local coordinates (XC»

near x and (yS){s,t = 1, ... ,T) near y. A local expression of gradfs is

where gc>{3 is the inverse metric tensor on MO. Its squared length is
ass. Let (a st ) be the inverse matrix of (ast). If flMo is a Riemannian
submersion the squared length of

have to be ass. Hence,

/ a a) =
\ ays 'ayt
a .

Such locally defined inner products clearly patch together to give a metric
ds} on NO.

Let e. be local orthonormal vector fields on NO. Their horizontal

lifts are es which are basic vector fields on MO. Let {e a } be a local
orthonormal frame field on a fiber submanifold F of MO. From (6.1) it
follows that grad It are basic vector fields and

where Cst is constant on any fiber. Hence the mean curvature vector field
H of the fiber submanifold F in MO (up to a constant factor) is

H = -(VeaeS,ea)es
= -Cst (Veagrad ft,e a ) es
= -Cst (VeAgrad ft,eA) es + Cst (Vergrad ft,e r ) es
= -Cst(llft)e s + Cst (Vergrad ft, e r ) es·

We see that, by (6.2), the coefficients Cst(llft) are constant on any fiber.
By the properties of Riemannian submersion HV er grad ft are basic vec-
tor fields. It follows that the coefficients (Ve r grad ft, e r ) are constants
on any fiber. Hence H is a basic vector field on MO .

We will give concrete isoparametric maps by which some equivariant

harmonic maps will be constructed later.
EXAMPLE 3 Let M1 and M2 be Riemannian manifolds, G 1 and G 2
compact Lie groups which act isometrically on M1 and M 2, respectively.
Let 4> : G 1 ---; G 2 be a homomorphism, and f : M1 ---; M2 a smooth
map. Smith defined the following equivariant map in [Sm2]. If for any
91 E G 1,P1 E M 1,

then f is called an equivariant map with respect to the homomorphism

For each P1 E M 1, let Gp1 be an isotropy subgroup of G 1 at P1, and
G(pd an orbit of P1 under the action of G 1. It is a homogeneous space
G 1(P1) ~ GdG p1 • Two orbits G 1(pd and G 1(pi) are of the same orbit
type if G p1 and Gpi are conjugate in G 1 • There always exists a principal
orbit type (H) whose orbits form an open dense subset. It is also a
manifold Mt = {P1 E M 1, G p1 E (H)} (see [M-S-Y]). Obviously, there is
a natural projection 71"1 : Mt ---; M{ / G 1. In M{ / G 1, such a Riemannian
metric can be defined so that 71"1 is a Riemannian submersion. Its fiber
submanifolds are orbits of Mt under the action G 1 • Similarly, we have
M; and 71"2. If f : M1 ---; M2 is an equivariant map with respect to the

homomorphism ¢ : G1 --t G2 which maps the principal orbit type into

the principal orbit type, then 1 is an equivariant map with respect to the
Riemannian submersions 71"1 and 71"2.
In particular, consider an equivariant function 1 : E --t IR with re-
spect to the Riemannian submersion 71" : E --t M. Let f be its induced
function on the base manifold M.
Let {ed be a local orthonormal frame field on M, and {ei} its ho-
rizontal lift. Let {e a } be the vertical orthonormal frame field. Then
{ei' ea} is a local orthonormal frame field in E. Obviously, 1*e a = 0 and
1*ei = f*7I"*ei = f*ei. Thus, we have


On the other hand,

eiei(1) = eiei(f) 071",

(V'eaea)T (1) = 0,

(V'eaea)N (1) = H(1),

where H is the mean curvature vector (up to a constant) of the fiber
submanifold. It is a horizontal vector field. Noting

we have
1::.1 = (I::. 1) 0 71" - H(1), (6.4)
where I::. denotes the Laplacian operator on the base manifold M. If the
mean curvature vector field H of the fiber manifolds of E is a basic vector
field, then there exists H E T M, such that 71"* H = Hand (6.4) reduces
1::.1 = (I::. 1) 071" - H(f) 071".

As a conclusion we have the following:

PROPOSITION 6.2 Let 71" : E --t M be a Riemannian submersion with
minimal fiber submanifolds. Then 1 is an equivariant, isoparametric
function in E if and only if its induced function fin M is an isoparametric
function. In particular, 1 is an equivariant isoparametric function in
5 2n + 1 (or 5 4n +3) under the 51 (or 53) action if and only if f is an
isoparametric function in ClP'n (or QlP'n ).

We will use Proposition 6.2 to construct harmonic maps between

projective spaces


Some reduction theorems for equivariant harmonic maps with respect

to Riemannian submersions will be given in this section. They summarize
and generalize previous reduction theorems in special cases.
THEOREM 6.3 ([X13]) Let 71"1 : El -+ Ml and 71"2 : E2 -+ M2 be Rie-
mannian submersions, HI the mean curvature vector of the submanifold
Fl in E l , and B2 the second fundamental form of the fiber submanifold
F2 in E 2. Let f : El -+ E2 be a horizontal equivariant map, f its induced
map from Ml into M2 with tension field T(/). f1- denotes the restriction
of f on the fibers Fl' Then f is a harmonic map if and only if f1- 1S
harmonic and the following equation is satisfied


where {et} (t = ml + 1, ... ,nl) is a local orthonormal frame field of

fibers Fl and T*(/) denotes the horizontal lifts of T(/).
REMARK The left-hand side of (6.5) is a horizontal vector field in E 2 •
If it is a basic vector field, then (6.5) is really a reduction equation.
The second fundamental form B2 of F2 in E2 is a cross-section of
the vector bundle 8 2T F2 ® N F 2. Thus, we have cross-section f* B2 E
r(8 2 TFl ® NF2 ) defined by

for any U, V E TFI . Then

In particular, if it is a basic vector field in E2 and HI is a basic vector

field in E l , then reduction occurs.
PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field {ei} in MI. Its horizontal
lift in El is {ei}' Suppose {et} is a local orthonormal frame field of fiber
submanifolds in E l . Thus {ei' et} form a local orthonormal frame field
in E l •
Note f*ei are basic vector fields in E 2. Their projection onto M2 are
f*ei' Suppose V2 is a vertical vector field in E z . Then for each i


Note that
[v2,I.ei] = V v2 / . ei - V j• ei V2 (6.7)
is a vertical vector field. Hence, (6.6) and (6.7) give


which means that V j.e.!.ei is a horizontal vector field for each i. By the
same reason Ve·ei is a horizontal vector field. Ve·ei and Vj~* e~./--:'ei are
I 1 t

the projections of V ei ei and V j. e'!. ei, respectively, since 71"1 and 71"2 are
Riemannian submersions. Therefore,

r'(f) = \lj.e.!.ei - I. \lei ei,
which is a horizontal lift of r(/) in E 2 •
Now we are in "a position to compute the tension field of the map I.
r(f) = (\leidf)ei + (\le,df)et
= \lj.eJ.ei - I. \lei ei + (\lj.e.!.et)H + (\lj.c.!.et)V
- 1.(\le,et)H - 1.(\lc,ed V
= r'(/) + B 2 (, - I.H I + r(J~).
I is harmonic if and only if the horizontal part and the vertical part of
its tension field vanish. Hence the Theorem follows.

COROLLARY ([BA]) Let T : M -+ lR and R : N -+ lR be isoparametric

functions of unit speed in M and N, respectively, I : M -+ N an equi~
variant map witb respect to isoparametric functions. Tben I is barmonic
if and only if
(1) Eacb restriction on level bypersurfaces Ir = 11M. : Mr -+
Na(r) is barmonic;
(2) a, as a function of T, satisfies tbe following condition


wbere Hess(R} stands for tbe Hessian of tbe function R.

REMARK By the definition of isoparametric function, ~T depends only
on T. If Hess(R)(,} is only dependent on T and a, then equation
(6.11) becomes an ordinary differential equation.

PROOF. Denote v = grad r, v = grad R. We then have f.v AV. By


A = a',
f.H I = f. (Vet et)H
= - (Vet grad r, et) f.v
= -(~ r)a'v,

B 2 (, = (V !, v) V

= -Hess(R)(, f*et)v,

7*(f-) -- aI/v ,

the conclusion follows from Theorem 6.3 immediately.


Let G l and G 2 be compact Lie groups. They are endowed with bi-
invariant Riemannian metrics. Suppose HI C G l and H2 C G 2 are closed
subgroups. We have the homogeneous spaces GIl HI and Gd H2 which
inherit natural Riemannian metrics from G l and G 2 such that 11"1 : G I ----+
GIl HI and 11"2 : G 2 ----+ Gd H2 are Riemannian submersions with totally
geodesic fibers. Suppose </J: G I ----+ G 2 is a homomorphism with </J(Hl ) C
H 2 • Thus, </J is an equivariant harmonic map from G I into G 2 with respect
to biinvariant metrics. There is the induced map ¢ : GIl HI ----+ Gd H 2 •
A necessary and sufficient condition for the harmonicity of the map ~ has
been given in [Gue]. Here we will give a useful sufficient condition for the
harmonicity of ¢. First, we prove the following result:
THEOREM 6.4 ([X13]) Let 11"1 : El ----+ Ml and 11"2 : E2 ----+ M2 be Rie-
mannian submersions witb totally geodesic fibers and integrable borizon-
tal distribution in E 2. Suppose f : EI ----+ E2 is an equivariant barmonic
map. Tben it induces a barmonic map f : Ml ----+ M 2 •
PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field {ei} on Ml whose lift
into EI is {ei}. Suppose {et} is a local orthonormal frame field of the
fibers of Fl. Then {ei' ed is a local orthonormal frame field in E I .
Note that V ei ei are basic vector fields whose projections are Ve,ei.

The tension field of the map f is the following:

r(f) = VU.e;)H(f*ei)H + VU.e;Jv (f*ei) v

+ VU.e;)H(f*ei)V + \lU.e;)v(f*ei)H
+ (\If.e.!*ed H + (\If.e.!*ed v
- (f* \lei ei)H - (f* \lei e;) v
- f.(\le,et)H - f*(\le,et)V. (6.12)

Obviously, (f.e;)H is a basic vector field. By the same reasoning

as in Theorem 6.3, \lU.e;)H(f.ei)H are basic vectors with projections
\l J.eJ.ei, as well as (f. \lei ei)H with projections f. \lei ei. Since the
fibers are totally geodesic sub manifolds we have

VU.e;)v(f.e;) v = ( VU.e;Jv(f*ei) V)v ,

VU.e;JH(f.e;)v + VU.e;)v(i*ei)H
= 2 (VU.c;)v(i.e;) H)H + [(i.ei) H ,(i.e;) vl v ,
(V f.e.!*ed H = 0,
(Ve,ed H = O.

Thus (6.12) becomes


If f is harmonic, then the horizontal part of its tension field has to be

zero. From (6.13) it follows

r • (f)
- + 2 (\lU.e;)v(f.e;) H)H = O.
For any basic vector field Z in E 2 , by the standard formula for Levi-Civita
connection in terms of its Riemannian metric and brackets,

Thus, we complete the proof of the theorem.


COROLLARY Let G I and G 2 be compact Lie groups with closed sub-

groups HI C G I and H2 C G 2. Let rjJ : G I ---t G 2 be a homomorphism
with rjJ(HI) C H 2 • Then the induced map between homogeneous spaces
Gd HI and Gd H2 is harmonic provided the horizontal distribution for
Riemannian fibration 7r2 : G 2 ---t G 2/ H2 is integrable.
Combining Theorem 6.3 and the above corollary, we obtain a con-
dition for harmonicity of the horizontal equivariant map described in
Example 3 of this section.
EXAMPLE 4 In the following commutative diagram

we assume, in addition to equivariance, that 1 is an isometric immersion

with the same dimension as that of both the fibers H in EI and F2
in E 2 • Thus the restriction 11. of 1 on FI is a local isometry which is
harmonic. Certainly, 1 is horizontal. In this case B 2(f*et, l*et} = H2 is
the mean curvature vector of the fiber submanifold F2 in E2 which can
be viewed as the mean curvature vector of FI in E2 when EI is immersed
isometrically into E 2 • And I*H I expresses the mean curvature of FI
in E I . Let P denote the projection of the tangent space T E2 onto the
normal space N EI of EI in E 2 • Therefore, the expression (6.5) becomes

r*(1) + P(H2 ) = 0, (6.14)

which is the case considered in [P-T].


Now the equivariant variational formulas will be derived in this sec-

THEOREM 6.5 ([X13]) Let 1 : EI ---t E2 be an equivariant map with
respect to Riemannian submersions. If its tension field r(f) is a basic
vector field in E 2 , then 1 is harmonic if and only if it is a critical point
with respect to all equivariant variations.

PROOF. It suffices to prove its sufficiency. Choose variational maps whose

corresponding variational vector field is (h 0 f)r(J)

ft(p) = eXPf(p)(t h(J(p))r(J)),

where h is any equivariant function on E2 with compact support. It is
easy to see that the horizontal lift at P2 of any geodesic issuing at ;fi2 and
tangent to U2 E TP2M2 in base manifold M2 coincides with the geodesic
from P2 and tangent to U2 with 7r20U2 = U2. Hence,

7r2 0 ft(p) = eXP7r2of(p)(7r2*(t h(J(p))r(J)).

Denoting 7r20(r(J)) = 7(J), we have

7r2 0 ft(p) = exp!( 7r l(p))(t h 0 f(7rl(p))7(J)(7rl(p))),

which means that ft is the equivariant variation of the given map f. By
using the first variational formula,

~ E(Jt)lt=o = - r (hofr(J),r(J)) *1
= - rho flr(JW * 1,
which together with the assumption gives r(J) == 0, namely f is harmonic.

In order to have an equivariant first variational formula we need the

following properties. Let v be a vector field in M2 along f(MI) and v
its horizontal lift. Then for t sufficiently small, ft(p) = eXPf(p) tv is an
equivariant variation of the given map f. We will see that they are also
horizontal maps. In fact, for any u E Hl(p)

where c(s) eEl, c(O) = p and c'(O) = u. It is a Jacobi field along

horizontal geodesic ft(p).
In local canonical coordinates around the corresponding points for a
submersion, we examine the horizontal part and the vertical part of the
Jacobi equation respectively and conclude that the horizontal lift of the
Jacobi field in base manifold is a solution of the Jacobi equation in total
space with horizontal initial conditions. In our consideration,

J= ds it(c(s))I.=o,

and both ,', J(O) = i* u are horizontal vectors. Therefore,

is a horizontal vector field since the formula V' X Y = (V' X y)H + HX, Ylv
holds for X, Y horizontal (see [ON]). In summary, we have:
PROPOSITION 6.6 For any equivariant horizontal map i : El -> E2 with
respect to Riemannian submersions, there exist equivariant horizontal
variations with basic variational vector fields.
Then the first equivariant variational formula follows:
THEOREM 6.7 Let 7["1 : El -> Ml be a Riemannian submersion with
basic mean curvature vector field HI of the compact fiber submanifolds
Fl in El and 7["2 : E2 -> M2 be a Riemannian submersion with second
fundamental form B2 of the fiber submanifolds F2 in E 2. Let i : El -> E2
be a horizontal equivariant map. If trace(J* B 2 ) is a basic vector field in
E 1 , then for any equivariant horizontal variation it : El -> E2 with basic
and compact support variational vector field w = %t It=o'

where v is a function on Ml defined by the volume of the fiber submani-

folds Fl in El and w is the projection of w on M 2 •
PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field {Ei} with ve;Ejlp = 0,
whose horizontal lift in El is {ei} and a local orthonormal frame field
{e.} of fiber submanifolds Fl in E 1 • Thus {ei,e s } is a local orthonormal
frame field in E 1 . We have

Iditl 2 = + (ft*e
(ft*ei, ihei) Sl it*e.)
= (!t*Ei,ft*ei) + (ft*e Sl it,e.).
By the properties of the Riemannian submersion,


where v is the volume function of the fiber submanifolds Fl in E 1 .

For the first term of the right-hand side of (6.16),

( 6.17)

By using Green's theorem, the integral of the first term of the above
expression vanishes. This yields


For the second term of the right-hand side of (6.16),


which is dependent only on the base manifold MI. Substituting (6.18)

and (6.19) into (6.16) gives (6.15).

Now, let us compute the second equivariant variational formula.


From (6.17) we have



= V'".v


= V'e,v (V'e,dft) :t
= V'e,vV'e,dft (!)
2-a -a
= v V' It* at + V' gradv It* at '

(6.20) becomes

From (6.19) we have

Noting that wand Y' wW are basic vector fields, we have

Y'f,Y'e, \ft>:t,

= Y'e, Y' f, \ft> :t , It=o

= Y'c (/Y'I
.1 \ hat
~ft>88t ,ft. e.) (6.23)

+ \ ft. :t' Y'/.. f,ft>e s ) ) It=o

= Y' c, ((Y' ww, f.e.) + (w, Y' I.e, w))
= Y'c,((Y'ww,f. e.) + 2Y'/.e, (w,w) = 0,



Substituting (6.23), (6.24) into (6.22) gives

-2Y' ~
Y' ~
= - (Y' ww, B(f.e., f.e.)) - (Y'7.e, Y'7.e, w, w) (6.25)
+ (B(f.e., ca), w) (B(f.e., ca), w)
- (R E 2(f*e.,w)f. es,w).

From (6.21) and (6.25) we obtain the equivariant second variational for-
mula as follows.


:22t E(ft) It=o = - 1Ml

f \vV W + vR
2 M 2(J*Ci,W)f*Ci + VgradvW,W; * 1

-h, [(V7. e, V7.e,w,w; + (R E 2(f*e s,w)f*e.,w;

- (B(f*es,C:a),w) (B(f*e.,c:a),w)] * 1.
( 6.26)
By using the above formula one can define a notion of equivariant
stability which seems to be interesting from the following consideration.
As is known, there are no stable harmonic maps from sn
or into sn
n > 2 by using the gradiant vector fields of the eigenfunctions correspond-
ing to the first nonzero eigenvalue of the Laplace operator in the second
variational formula (see [Xl] and [LeI]). But they are never equivariant
functions with respect to any Riemannian submersions. This argument
does not work for the equivariant stability. An unstable harmonic map
might be a stable equivariant harmonic map. Therefore one can find new
harmonic maps by using the direct method of the calculus of variations
in certain equivariant framework.


In 1975 R. T. Smith, by joining two harmonic polynomial maps,

reduced the harmonicity equations to an ordinary differential equation.
With the help of a physical interpretation for the reduction equation he
was able to give a sufficient condition of the ODE and to obtain a large
class of the harmonic representatives of homotopy groups on the sphere
(see [Sm2]). Ten years later, A. Ratto analyzed Smith's equation and
gave another sufficient condition in his thesis [Ra]. Afterwards, in his
joint work, the sufficient and necessary condition was obtained (see [P-
R]). This result has also been obtained by W. Y. Ding who utilized the di-
rect method of the calculus of variations (see [D1]). Smith's construction
gave the existence of the harmonic representatives of IIm(sm), m ::; 7,
whereas the complete solvability of the ODE shows the limitation of his
construction. To find the existence of the situation m 2: 8 is important.
J. Eells and S. T. Yau raised the question (see problem 1.16 in the sec-
ond part in [E-L2] and problem 112 in [Y2]). The author constructed
a new equivariant map and gave a positive answer for the existence of

harmonic representatives of odd class of homotopy groups in a higher

odd-dimensional sphere (see [XIS]).
Smith's construction may also be interpreted as equivariant harmonic
maps with respect to isoparametric functions. This section will derive
Smith's ODE in the framework introduced in the previous section of
Chapter 6. Then we shall present the method due to Ding to solve the
ODE and the applications of Smith's construction to the harmonic repre-
sentatives of IIm( sm). At last we shall investigate the higher-dimensional

6.4.1 ODE of Smith's construction.

We can introduce the following generalized polar coordinates in the
sphere sm~l. Let Z E sm~l, which can be expresed as

z= (X sin s, Y cos s),

where X E Sp~l, Y E Sq~l, P + q = m, s E [0, ~l is a function
in sm-1. Obviously, when s ¥- 0, ~, Idsl 2 = 1. Let us compute the
principal curvatures corresponding to the principal directions. For each
Z E sm~l, there exists s, such that Z E M<,. Draw a geodesic I issuing
from Z and perpendicular to Ms. It intersects Sp-1 and Sq-1 at Zl and
Z2, respectively. Choosing a local orthonormal frame field {e;} near Zl,
parallel translating it along I to the point Z, we obtain {si; s } . Similarly,
we have {c~; s} , where {en} is a local orthonormal frame field in Sq~l
near Z2. Then, {888 , --P-, -""--} is a local othonormal frame field in sm~l
SIn s cos 8
near Z, where ;s is a unit normal vector to the level hypersurface Ms.
By a direct computation,
8 ei
V ---"--L- = cots-.-,
sin., as SIn s
8 ea
V~- = -tans--.
COt;.'I as cos s

~s = div (!)
-8 +\ 8 ea )
i )
\ V~
e' -
8s ' sin s
CO" 8s ' cos s

= (p-I)cots - (q -I)tans.

It follows that s is an isoparametric function of unit speed on sm-l. Its

level hypersurface Ms has principal curvatures - cot s with multiplicity
p - 1 and tan s with multiplicity q - 1. It has the mean curvature vector

a (6.27)
H = [( q - 1) tan s - (p - 1) cot s1as .

Let !I : sp-l ----+ sa-l be a harmonic map with constant energy

density ~l, defined by a homogeneous harmonic polynomial of degree k,
Al = k(k + p - 2); h : Sq-l ----+ Sf3- l be a harmonic map with constant
energy density ~, defined by a homogeneous harmonic polynomial of
degree I, A2 = l(l + q - 2). R. T. Smith defined the map

i: sm-l \ (Sp-l U Sq-l) ----+ sn-l \ (sa-l u Sf3- l )

i(X sins, Y coss) = (!I(X) sinr(s),h(Y) cosr(s)). (6.28)
Obviously, it is an equivariant map with respect to isoparametric func-
tions sand r on sm-l and sn-l, respectively. It is also a horizontal map.
Then, we can use Theorem 6.3 to reduce the harmonicity equations. First
of all,

i1-: Ms = SP-l(sins) x Sq-l(cosS) ---> Mr = Sa-l(sinr) X Sf3-l(cosr)

is harmonic, since il and h are harmonic. According to Theorem 6.3,

the harmonicity equations reduce to (6.5). Obviously,

- r II~
'(I) - ar. (6.29)

Denote the second fundamental form of the level hypersurface Mr

by B 2 • Note that {--!'-i-,~}
SIn s cos s
is a local orthonormal frame field in Ms.
Similar to the above computation, we have

ei ei )
B2 ( i,-.-,i,-.- + B2 ( ea eo: )
sln s sln s cos s cos s
1 1
= -.-2-B2
sln s
(i,ei, i,ei) + --2-B2
cos s
(i,e a , i,e a )

1 a 1 a
sln s
(i,ei,i*ei)sn-l cotr- ar
+ - - 2 - (i,ea,i*eo:)sn-l tanr-
cos s r a
- sin 2 r a cos 2 r a
. 2
sln s a
(i.ei, i.ei) S a - l cot r - + --2- (i,e a, i,ea)sfJ-1 tan r -
r cos s r a
( -A2- - -AI) . a
- Slnrcosr-.
cos 2 s sin 2 s ar

Substituting (6.27), (6.29) and (6.30) into (6.5) we obtain

r" + [(p - 1) cot s - (q - 1) tan s ]r' + (+ - -A-)

cos s SIn s
sin r cos r = 0,
71" 71"
0< S < 2' 0< r < 2.
This is the ODE obtained by Smith. Its physical interpretation is the
pendulum equation under variable gravity with variable damping.
The map f can be extended to whole sm-I. For convenience, we use
the same notation f : sm-l ----t sn-l, defined by

defined by (6.28), if Z E sm-l \ Sp-I U Sq-l,

f(Z) = { fr(Z), if Z E Sp-l, (6.32)
h(Z), if Z E Sq-l.

The above defined map is continuous, if r( s) satisfies the following bound-

ary conditions:
• 71"
limr(s) =0, hm r(s) = -. (6.33)
.~-+O 8-+~ 2

For any solution to the equation (6.31) satisfying (6.33), (6.32) defines
a continuous map f : sm-I ----t sn-I. Furthermore, f is harmonic on
Mo = sm-I \ Sp-l U Sq-I. By using the technique of cut-off functions
it is not hard to show that f is a weakly harmonic map from sm-I into
sn-l. Let i : sn-l '--+ ]Rn be the standard embbeding and F = i 0 f. The
harmonicity of f on Mo means that for each 7/Jo E C~(Mo,]Rn) we have
(see (5.4))


Let 7/J E c[('(srn-I \ Sq-I, ]Rn). Choose a cut-off function

when 0 S t S 1,
TJ = { 0,
1, when t ~ 2

and ITJ'I < c. Let TJk = TJ( ks), where s is the isoparametric function in
sm-l defined as before and k is a positive integer. Since

we have

where c' and L are independent of k.

Choosing "po = "lk"p, we know that

fs~-l {(V'F, V'"p) -1V'FI 2 (F,,,p)} * 1

= fs~-l {(V' F, V'"po) - IV' FI2 (F, "po)} *1

+ fsm-l (V' F, V'(l - "lk)"p) *1

- fs~-l IV' FI2 (F, (1 - "lk)"p) *1

tends to zero, when k goes to infinity. This means that f is weakly

harmonic in sm-l \ Sq-l. A similar argument shows that the weak har-
monicity can be extended over the focal variety Sq-l. Hence, f is weakly
harmonic in all of sm-l.
By using the mean regularity result for harmonic maps, we know that
f is smooth and f : sm-l - t sn-l is a harmonic map. Therefore, the
problem reduces to solving equation (6.31) with the boundary condition

6.4.2 The solvability of ODE (6.31) and (6.33).

Let us study the ODE problem

r" + [(p - 1) cot s - (q - 1) tan s]r' + (-4-- -+)

cos s SIn s
sin r cos r = 0,

• 71"
lim res) = 0, hm res) = -,
8--->0 8--t 2
where p, q 2: 2, AI, A2 > are parameters.
Smith in [Sm2] proved that the problem has a solution if
(1) (p _1)2 < 4AI and (q - 1)2 < 4A2,
(2) p = q and Al = A2.

A. Ratto continued to study the problem and showed that if )'1 =

P -1 ~ 5, the equation has a solution (see [Raj). In this section we prove
the following result.
THEOREM 6.9 ([D1] [P-RJ) Suppose AI(q - 2) 2 A2(P - 2). Then Eq.
(6.31) has a solution with the boundary condition (6.33) if and only if

(2) (q - 2)2 2 4A2 and
J(p - 2)2 + 4AI + J(q - 2)2 - 4A2 < p + q - 4.

We use the direct method to prove the theorem as in [D1]. Consider

the energy of the map defined by (6.32). It is easy to compute its energy

E(f) = c 1% (,2 + Al . r+ A2 r)
sin 2
sm s
cos 2
cos s

where c is a constant defined by the volumes of Sp-I and Sq-I, and

v = sin P - 1 cos q - I • Set

()-1% (,2 + Al . 2r+ A2 2 r)

J r -
stn s
cos s
V ds. ( 6.36)

Eq. (6.31) is the Euler-Lagrange equation of the functional (6.36). The

problem then reduces to finding critical points of the functional (6.36)
with the following conditions:
7r 7r
o ~ res) ~ 2' when 0< S < 2'
lim r(s) = 0, lim res) = ~.
.'l--+O .~--+f 2

Define a Hilbert space

When p > 2, q > 2, owing to the Sobolev inequality, we have


if a 2 sinP - 1 s cosq- 3 s ds :::; cJJaJJ2.

Therefore, J is well defined and smooth when p > 2 and q > 2. If we

allow J to go to infinity it still can be viewed as a functional on X when
p = q = 2.
LEMMA 6.10 On the convex subset

X 0-- {a E X· , o :::; a( s) :::; ~ for 0 < s < ~}

J(a) has a critical point r, namely there exists a solution r E Xo to Eq.

PROOF. For any a(s) E X, define

2' if a> f,
a*(s) = {
a(s), if 0:::; a :::; f,
0, if a < O.
\ • 2 \
G( s, a ) -_ Al sIn a A2cos 2 a
. 2
SIn s
+ cos 2 s
J(a) = if [a/ 2 + G(s,a)] v ds.

G (s, f) , if a(s) > f,
F(s,a) = { G(s,a), if 0:::; a :::;f,
G(s,O), if a < O.
J(a*) = r(a*) :::; rea). (6.37)
Choose a minimizing sequence {ai} E X with respect to the functional
J*. Because of (6.37), we can assume ai E X o, without loss of generality.
{ail is bounded and is weakly closed in X. There exists a subsequence,
also denoted by {ail, weakly converging to r E Xo. It is easily checked
that J* is weakly lower semi-continuous. Thus,

r(r) = inf rea).


By using the regularity result, r is smooth and is a solution to the Euler-

Lagrange equation of J*(r). Noting that J(o:) coincides with J*(o:) on
X o, r is also a solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation of J(o:), namely,
r is a solution to (6.31).

To analyze the boundary behavior of the solutions to Eq. (6.31),

make a change of variables tans = et and denote A(t) = r(arctane t ).
Eq. (6.31) can be rewritten as

LEMMA 6.11 If r E Xo is a nonconstant solution to Eq. (6.31), then

A(t) = r( arctan e t ) is a solution to Eq. (6.38) and for sufficiently large
It I we have A'(t) > 0 and
lim A(t) = 0, lim A(t) = ~,
t---+-oo t---+oo 2

namely, r satisfies (6.33):

• 7r
limr(s) = 0, bm r(s) = -.
,<J---+O 8---+f 2

PROOF. First we note that for any t E JR.,

o < A(t) < 2' (6.39)

otherwise, there exists t E JR. such that A(t) = 0, then, from the equation
(6.38) it follows that A'(t) #- O. Hence, A would take negative value near
t, contradicting r E Xo. Similarly, A does not reach ~. Denote
v= 2 ),---e-,-t_--c-(p-----,---_2-'-)e_-_2
et + e- t '

\ t \ -t
U= A2 e - Ale
et + e- t
The equation (6.38) can be written as

A" = V A' - U sin A cos A. ( 6.40)

(1) If q > 2, choose R sufficiently large such that U, V are positive

on (R, 00). If there exists to > R, such that A' (to) S 0, then, from

(6.40), A"(to) < O. We then know that when t > to > R, A'(t) < 0 and
AI/(t) < O. This contradicts (6.39). Therefore, A'(t) > 0 when t > R.
(2) If q = 2, choose R such that U is positive on (R,oo). If there
exist to, tl > R satisfying A'(to) = A'(tt) = 0, then, from (6.40) we have
A"(t o) < 0 and AI/(td < 0, namely, to and tl are maximum points of A.
Hence, there must be a minimum point t*, A'(t*) = 0, A"(t*) > O. But
this situation contradicts (6.40). Therefore, we can choose larger R such
that A' keeps its sign on (R, 00). Noting the continuity of the functional J
with respect to the parameter q and the conclusion of the previous case,
it is impossible that A'(t) < 0 for t E (R,oo). Thus, A'(t) > 0, when
t > R.
The monotone increasing of A(t), when t is sufficiently large, guar-
antees the existence of limt--->oo A(t). By (6.39) there exist points ti ---4 00,
such that
lim A'(t;) = lim A"(t i ) = O.
ti-OO ti- OO

Considering the equation (6.40) at those points we have the conclusion

limt--->oo A( t) = ~.
The similar argument shows A'(t) > 0 when t goes to -00 and
limt--->-oo A(t) = O.

It is easily seen that the only constant solutions to Eq. (6.31) are 0
and ~. We have the following result.

COROLLARY If r E Xo is a solution to Eq. (6.31) and J(r) <

min( J( 0), J( f)), then r is a solution to Eq. (6.31) with the boundary
condition (6.33).
Noting the symmetry in 0 and ~,we only study one of them. In fact,

J (7r)
- =
sm s
= )'1(q-2)1'i sinP - 1 s cosq- 3 s ds,
p- 2 0

J(O) = l 'i
.A v
cos s
= .A2
sinP - 1 s cosq- 3 s ds.

J (%) 2: J(O),
(6.41 )

We always can assume (6.41), otherwise, we can interchange the places

between Sp-l and Sq-l, as well as between sa-l and Sf3- 1 •

We then consider the stability of 0 as a critical point of J. The second

variational formula of J at 0 is

I(u,u) = io
f [,2
u + ().1
-.-2- -
sm s
- -).2)
cos s
U2] V ds. (6.42)

Let u = sina s cos~b s, where a, b are integers. Then, when a > 0,

b < q~2, U E X, and

( 6.43)
+ i f (a2 .cos2 2 s + 2ab + +). ) sin2a+p~1 s cosq~2b~1 s ds.
o SIn s sm s

When b goes to ~, the second term of the right-hand side in (6.43) is

bounded. In the case of ).2 > (q-..2)2, the integrand of the first term of
the right-hand side in (6.43) is negative, and when b goes to q~2 this
integral diverges. In summary, when ).2 > (q-..2)2, we can choose a > 0
and b < q~2, U = sin" s cos~b s, such that I( u, u) < o. This means that
when 4).2 > (q - 2)Z, 0 is an unstable critical point of J. Then, we study
the stability of the critical point 0 when 4).2 ~ (q - 2)2. Denote

2 2 sln s cos s

The second variational formula (6.42) can be written as

I(u,u) = if (- :s (u'v) + Q(s)uv) u ds.

Consider an ordinary differential operator

Lu= ~(u'v)-Quv on (O,~).


I(u,u) = if -uLuds.

Assume that

fLo = inf {I(U,U); u E X,
f u 2 vds = I}. (6.44)

Since 0 and fare sigularities of L, we consider the first eigenvalue problem

of L on [c, f - c1. Let


/-Le = inf {I(U,U)' U E He, u 2v ds = I} .

This is the first eigenvalue of L on He with Dirichlet boundary condition
and its corresponding eigenfunction U E > O. Obviously, He C He' when
c > c'. Therefore, /-LE is monotone decreasing in c, /-Le 2: /-Lo, and

lim /-LE 2: /-Lo.


On the other hand, for any U E X, Jot u 2 vds = 1, set Ue = rku, where rio
is a continuous function and

0, when SE[O,cl,[f-c,f]'
"1e = { 1, when s E [2c, f - 2c],
linear, other cases.

Then, U E E HE, and UE ----> U, I(u"u e ) ----> I(u,u) when t:: ----> O. Since

letting c ----> 0 we obtain


This proves that

If /-Lo is finite and is attained by a certain function Uo, then Uo is a so-

lution of the following Euler-Lagrange equation of the functional defined
by (6.44)
Luo + /-LUoV = 0,

:t (u~v) - Quov + fLuov = 0. ( 6.45)

Substituting u/L = sin a s cos- b s into (6.45) and comparing the coefficients
a =~ [J (p - 2)2 + 4'\ 1 - (p - 2)] ,

1 b= ~ [(q - 2) - J(q - 2)2 - 4,\2] , (6.46)

fL = (b - a)2 - (b - a)(p + q - 2),

and u/L is a solution to (6.45).
LEMMA 6.12
fL = fLo·

it follows that
(6.4 7)
On the other hand, for the first eigenvalue fLo of L on H€ with Dirichlet
boundary condition and its corresponding eigenfunction u€ > 0, we have



Since U€ > 0, u€(c) = u€ (f - c) = 0, we have

U~(c) 2: 0, u'€ 2 c) <

(~- -, °

which shows that the right-hand side of the above formula is nonnegative
and {to ::::: {t. Therefore,
{to ::::: {t. (6.48)
The lemma follows from (6.47) and (6.48).

The above discussion proves that when 4'x2 :S (q - 2)2, the stability
of critical point 0 is determined by the sign of {t, namely, when {t < 0
it is unstable and {t ::::: 0 it is stable. From (6.46) {t < 0 is equivalent to
b - a > 0, namely,

Thus, we have the following result.


(1) 4'x2 > (q - 2)2

(2) 4'x2 :S (q - 2)2 and J(p - 2)2 + 4'xl + J(q - 2)2 - 4'x2 < p + q - 4,

then, 0 is an unstable critical point, otherwise 0 is a stable critical point.

From Lemma 6.10, Lemma 6.11 and Proposition 6.13 the sufficient
part of Theorem 6.9 follows immediately. For the necessary part we need
asymptotic estimates due to Smith (see [Sm2]).
LEMMA 6.14 Let A(t) be a solution to Eq. (6.38) and the boundary
conditions. Then

(1) (l- O(e-t))sinA(t)cosA(t):S A'(t):S (l + O(e-t))cosA(t),

when t --+ 00;

(2) (k - O( et )) sin A(t) cos A(t) :S A' (t) :S (k + O( et )) sin A(t),

when t --+ -00.

PROOF. Let l+(t) be the solution to the equation

near l, where V is the same as that in (6.40), namely,


Fixing t, consider the solution to the equation

B'(s) = Z+(t)cosB(s), s;:O: t

under the initial condition B(t) = A(t). We have

secB(s) +tanB(s) = (secA(t) + tanA(t))exp(l+(s - t)).

When s -+ 00, B(s) is strictly monotone increasing to ~, and for s ;:0: t,

B"(s) = -Z+(t)sinB(s)B'(s)
= _(l+(t))2 sinB(s)cosB(s)
= V Z+ sin B (s ) cos B ( s) - A2 sin B (s ) cos B ( s )
< V B'(S) - A2 sin B(s) cos B(s).

If B'(t) < A'(t), noting the initial condition of B(s), we have

B"(t) < V A'(t) - A2 sin A(t) cos A(t)

< VA'et) - UsinA(t)cosA(t)
= A"(t),

hence, B' (s) < A' (s) for any s ;:0: t. This contradicts the fact that

lim A(s) = lim B(s) = - .
• ,s--+cx:;' 2

Therefore, we obtain

A'(t):S B'(t) = Z+(t)cosB(t) = (l + O(e-t))cosA(t).

This is the right inequality of the case (1) in the lemma. The other
inequalities follow similarly.

LEMMA 6.15 (BASIC A PRIORI ESTIMATE) Let r be a solution to

Eq. (6.31) with condition (6.33). Then J(r) < J(O).
PROOF. Eq. (6.31) can be expressed as

-d (vr ') =v (AI

-.-2- - -- A2) slnrcosr,
ds sm s cos 2 s

tan r -d (
vr' ) = v (.AI
-.-- - -.A2) . 2r.
- SIn
ds sm 2 s cos 2 s

From (6.36) it follows that

J(r) - J(O) = 1o~ [,2

r + (.AI -.-2- -
SIn s
.A2) SIn
. 2r] v ds

= Jor~ r' 2 v ds + Jr~ d

o tan r ds (vr')ds (6.49)

= 1~ (1-sec 2 r)r,2 ds +(tanr)vr'I:·

On the other hand, from the asymptotic estimates in Lemma 6.14 and
the relation between r( s) and A( t), we have the following inequalities:
when s --+ f,

(1 - O( cot s)) sin r cos r S r' S (l + O( cot s)) cos r

SIn s COS s SIn s COS s

and when s --+ 0,

(k - O(tans))sinrcosr , (k + O(tans))sinr
. S r S. .
SIn s COS s SIn s COS s

From those inequalities, we know that the second term of the right-hand
side in (6.49) vanishes. Therefore,

J(r)-J(O)= Jor!f (1-sec 2

r)r' ds<O.


In order to prove the necessary part of Theorem 6.9, by using the

'mountain pass lemma' we need the following lemma.
LEMMA 6.16 If p, q > 2, then J : Xo -+ lR satisfies the Palms-Smale
condition (abbreviated to PS condition): if (aik:::1 C Xo is a bounded
sequence for J and when i --+ 00, dJ(ai) --+ 0, then there exists a subse-
quence of (a i) that converges strongly in Xo.
PROOF. When p, q > 2, J is smooth. Since (J(ai)) is bounded and
ai E X o, (1IaiIDi>1 is also bounded. Then, there exists a subsequence,

still denoted by (ai), weakly converging to ao E Xo in Xo. According to

the Sobolev compact embedding theorem, when i, j -+ 00,


On the other hand, when i, j -+ 00,

dJ(ad(ai - aj)

iT [a~(a; - aj) + Q(ai - aj) sinai cosai] v ds -+ 0,


Interchanging the indices i and j gives a similar expression. Substracting

one from another we obtain

[dJ(ai) - dJ(aj)] (ai - aj)

= iT (a~ - aj)2 v ds (6.51 )

+ iT Q( ai - aj)(sin ai cos ai - sin aj cos aj)v ds -+ O.

Let us now estimate the second term of the right-hand side in (6.51).
Obviously, it is controlled by

io(T IQI(ai - 2
aj) vds.



IQI(ai - aj)2 vds

(i + ~~E + iT-E) IQI(ai - aj)2v ds

< ( i + ~~J IQll a ol 2vds + c(e:) iT-E(ai - a,i)2 vds,


where c( e:) is a constant depending on e:. Thus, we can choose e: to be suf-

ficiently small, such that the first and second term in the above inequality

are sufficiently small, then for the fixed e the third term is also arbitrarily
small when i, j are sufficiently large. Therefore, when i, j ----+ 00

Substituting it into (6.51) gives that

when i, j ----+ 00. Combining it with (6.50), we conclude that (O:i) con-
verges strongly in Xo.

THEOREM 6.17 ([A-RD Let Xo be a convex closed subset in Banach

space X, f E Cl(Xo,JR). Let 0 C Xo be a relative open set and Xo E
0, Xl ~ n. Let

r = b E C([O, 1J,Xo); 1'(0) = Xo, 1'(1) = xd,

Co = inf max f 01'(t).
-yEr tE[O,l]

(1) Cd~hnfxEan f(x) > max{f(xo),f(Xl)}'
(2) f satisfies (PS) conditions on X o,
then, Co :::: C is a critical value of f.
COROLLARY ([A-RD Let Xo be a convex closed subset in Banach space
X, f E Cl(Xo,JR). Let 0:1 and 0:2 be isolated local minimum points of f,
which satisfies (PS) conditions. Then, there has to be the third critical
point 0: satisfying
f(o:) > max{f(0:1),f(0:2)}'
PROPOSITION 6.18 Let J(f) :::: J(O). Then Eq. (6.31) has a solution
satisfying (6.33) if and only if 0 E Xo is an unstable critical point of J.
PROOF. The sufficiency follows from Lemma 6.10 and Lemma 6.11 im-
If p, q > 2, 0 E Xo is a strongly stable critical point, namely, J-£ > 0
in (6.46), Eq. (6.31) with (6.33) has no solution. Otherwise, assume 0: to
be a solution. From Lemma 6.15,

J(o:) < J(O).


It follows that J(r) = inf,BExo J(j3) < J(O). Applying the above corollary
to J defined on the convex closed set

we know that 0 and ,( s) are isolated local minimum points. Similar to the
proof of Lemma 6.16, J satisfies (PS) conditions on Yo and there exists
j3 E Yo satisfying J(j3) > J(O). Since j3 i- 0, i, j3 is a solution to (6.31)
and (6.33). By Lemma 6.15, J(j3) < J(O), a contradiction. Therefore,
when p, q > 2, 0 E Xo is a strongly stable critical point, there is no
solution to (6.31) and (6.33).
If either p or q is equal to 2, or J.L = 0, we can find nearby parameters
with p, q > 2, J.L > 0, such that there is no solution to (6.31) and
(6.33) for those nearby parameters. It follows that inLYExo J(r) 2 J(O),
so does it for the original parameters by the continuity. On the other
hand, if there is a solution to (6.31) and (6.33), by Lemma 6.15 we have
infl'E x O J(r) < J(O), a contradiction.

Combining Proposition 6.13 and Proposition 6.18 gives the proof of

Theorem 6.9.

6.4.3 Applications of Smith's construction.

Let fr : Sp-l -+ Sp-l, and fz : Sq-l -+ Sq-l. Their join 11 * fz
maps Sp+q-l into Sp+q-l. In fact, for any Z E Sp+q-l there exists X E
Sp-l, Y E Sq-l and s E [0, il such that

Z = (X sin s, Y cos s) ,

fr * h(Z) = (JI(X)sins,fz(Y)coss).
When 11 and 12 are smooth, it is not difficult to verify deg (11 * fz) =
* deg 12' Therefore, it is valid for continuous maps.
deg fr
When 11 and fz are harmonic homogeneous polynomial maps, Smith
I(Z) = (fr(X) sino:(s),h(Y) coso:(s)),
where 0: is a solution to (6.31) with the condition (6.33). Obviously, 1 is
homotopic to JI * h·
Suppose that JI (z) = zk, z E Sl C C, k is a nonnegative integer
and h = id, that is, apply Theorem 6.9 to the situation that p = 2, >'1 =
k 2 , >'2 = q-l. We obtain a solution to (6.31) and (6.33) when 2::; q ::; 6.

Then by (6.32) a harmonic map f : SqH ---t SqH is obtained whose

degree is k. On the other hand, any reflection in the sphere on a plane
passing through the center has mapping degree -1. The composition map
of f with the reflection has degree ±k. As for maps with any degree in
S2, it is already known (see [E-SJ). Consequently, we have the result as
THEOREM 6.19 ([SM2]) When m ~ 7 every class of homotopy group
IIm(sm) has a harmonic representative.
The starting point of Smith's construction is the homogeneous har-
monic polymonial maps II and fz between spheres. In general we can not
control the dimension of the target sphere. It increases with polymonial
degree very quickly. Applying the homotopy deformations of the suspen-
sions of map II with arbitrary degree on SI, one obtains the conclusion
of Theorem 6.19. For more geometric results, one needs more homoge-
neous harmonic polynomial maps sm-l ---t sm-l. A class of such maps is
obtained from the gradient vectors of the isoparametric functions in the
sphere. By the theory of the isoparametric functions, the number 9 of the
distinct principal curvatures of an isoparametric function in the sphere
can only be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and there are at most two multiplicities ml
and m2' Furthermore, when 9 is odd, ml = m2' The Cartan polynomials
corresponding to the isoparametric functions with the same multiplicity
are homogeneous harmonic polynomials. We take their gradients in order
to define our maps. In [E-L1] (Sec. 8) there is a list of interesting cases.
When 9 = 3, define homogeneous polynomial maps of degree 2 as follows.

hI : S4 ---t S4, deghl = 0,

h2 : S7 ---t S7,
h3 : S13 ---t S13, deghi = 2, i = 2, 3, 4,
h4 : S25 ---t S25.

When 9 = 4, define homogeneous polynomial maps of degree 3

h6 : S9 ---t S9.

When 9 = 6, define homogeneous polynomial maps of degree 5

h7 : S7 ---t S7, degh7 = 1,

hs : S13 ---t S13.

We do not know the mapping degree of h5' h6 and h s . Note that when
the dimension > 7, all of those maps are in odd-dimensional spheres.

U sing any two of those maps in Theorem 6.9 we can obtain harmonic
maps under appropriate conditions. In particular, replacing h = id by
h7 in Theorem 6.19 one concludes that every element of II9(5 9) has a
harmonic representative (d. [E-L4]).
For the homotopy group IIm(5 n ) when m > n the situation becomes
more complicated. Among them II3(5 2) = Z, which can be characterized
by Hopf invariant. As is well known, the Hopf fibration h : 53 --+ 52 is
the generator of II3(5 2) whose Hopf invariant H(h) is 1.
LEMMA 6.20 Let 7r : E --+ M be a Riemannian harmonic submersion.
Then f : M --+ N is harmonic if and only if f 0 7r : E --+ N is harmonic.
PROOF. Choose a local orthonormal frame field {ei' eo:}, such that ei are
basic vector fields and eo: are tangent to fibers. Then {7r*ei} is a local
orthonormal frame field in M, 7r*eo: = O. From the composition formula
T(f 0 7r)(x) = T(f)(7r(X)).

THEOREM 6.21 Any class with HopE invariant ±k2 in II3(5 2 ) has a
harmonic representative.
PROOF. Let !k : 52 --+ 52 be a harmonic map with mapping degree k.
Composing it with the Hopf map h : 53 --+ 52 gives !k 0 h. By Lemma
6.21, it is harmonic. From the properties of the Hopf invariant

REMARK For the definition of the Hopf invariant and its properties the
readers are referred to Husemoller's book (Fibre Bundles pp.196-202).

6.4.4 Another construction of equivariant maps.


(z,w) = LZkWk

be the standard Hermitian inner product on cm+1. The Euclidean metric

on C=+l = jR2=+2 is defined by (z,w) = Re(z,w). If we write cm+1 =
jR=+1 + ijRm+1, then

(z,w) = (x,u) + (y,v)


for z = x+iy, w = u+iv. Consider a function on C m +1 (we assume that

m;:::: 2)

for z = x + iy. Denote by G the restriction of F to the unit sphere s2m+l

in cm+l. We have

[dG[2 = 16G(1 - G), fj.G = 16 - G(16 + 8m). (6.52)

Thus, G is an isoparametric function of s2m+l. When m = 2 it was given

by E. Cartan, and in full generality it is due to K. Nomizu. From (6.52),
we see that the focal submanifolds occur with G = 0 and G = 1. Setting
G = 1 gives

I fz~1 =

It is easily seen that z E G~l(l) lies in the set

( 6.53)

where sm is the unit sphere in the real space IRm+ 1 . For x E sm, we have

Hence, the normal space

NxMo = {iy; y E sm, (x,y) = O}.

The normal geodesic to Mo through x in the direction iy is


At the point eiOx in M o , one shows easily that

NMo = { elY; (x, y) = O}.

Hence, the normal geodesic to Mo through the point eiOx in the direction
eiOiy is

Let Vm + 2 ,2 denote the Stiefel manifold consisting of all orthonormal pairs

of vectors (x, y) in jRm+l. It follows that the tube of radius t over the focal
submanifold Mo is given by

M t = {eiO(x cost + iy sint); (x,y) E Vm +1,2}' (6.54)


In fact, the map ft : Sl X Vm +1,2 --t M t given by

ft(B,(x,y)) = eiO(x cost+iy sint)

IS an immersion which is a double covering of the tube M t , smce

ft(B,(x,y))= ft(B + 7l",(-x,-y)). Substituting (6.54) into the defining
formula F shows that for Z E M t

G(z) = (cos 2 t - sin 2 t)2 = cos 2 2t.

From (6.52) it follows that t is an isoparametric function of the unit

speed. We also see that the other focal submanifold occurs when t = ~.
Since adjacent focal points on a normal geodesic are at a distance ~
apart, we know from Miinzner's general result that M t has 4 distinct
principal curvatures. For our applications we need the following direct
Let {e1'· .. , em +1} be an orthonormal basis in jRm+l such that ei =
(0,··· ,0,1,0,··· ,0) with the 1 in the i-th place. Choose p E M t to be

p = (e1 cos Bcos t - e2 sin Bsin t, e1 sin Bcos t + e2 cos Bsin t).
The normal vector field of M t is

8t = ( -x cos Bsin t - y sin Bcos t, -x sin Bsin t + y cos Bcos t)
for (x,y) E V,n+l,2. Let

O'.i = (ei cos B, ei sin B),

{3i = (-ei sin B, ei cos B), (i=3,··.,m+1),
, = (e1 sin Bsin t + e2 cos Bcos t, -el cos Bsin t + e2 sin Bcos t),
8B = (-e1 sinBcost - e2 cosBsint,el cosBcost - e2 sinBsint).

Thus, we have a frame {ai, {3i, " ;0' ft} for S2m+1 at p E M t. It can be
checked by a direct computation that

8 .
V Q. 8t =- tan t( ei cos B, ei sm B),

V f3. %t = cot t( -ei sin B, ei cos B),

V -'!... -8
a. t
= (e1 sin Bsin t - e2 cos Bcos t, -e1 cos Bsin t - e2 sin Bcos t),
V -y 8t = (e1 sin Bcos t - e2 cos Bsin t, -e1 cos Bcos t - e2 sin Bsin t).

It follows that we have the second fundamental form in this frame

m-l 2m-2
tant 0 0 0 0 0

m-l 0 tan t 0 0 0 0
0 0 - cot t 0 0 0
2m-2 0 0 0 - cot t 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 cos 2t
0 0 0 0 cos 2t 0

17 = V2 - ~ sin 2t (, + %0) ,
T = V2 + ~ sin 2t (, - %0) .
Hence {ai, {3i, 17, T, :t} form an orthonormal frame of s2m+1 at p
and ai, (3i, 17, T are in principal directions of M t in S2m+1 correspond-
ing to principal curvatures tan t, - cot t of multiplicity m - 1 and
tan( t + f), - cot( t + f) of multiplicity 1. Although the computation
above was carried out at a special point, the conclusion is valid at any
point of M t because of its homogeneity.
Let us define a map from S2m+1 into itself.
For any z E s2m+1 we have z E M t for t E [0, fl. Since Sl X Vm +1,2
is a double covering of M t there exist 0 E Sl and (x,y) E Vm + 1,2 such
z = eill(x cost +iy sint).
We define a map f : S2m+1 --+ S2m+1 by

f(z) = eikll(x cos r(t) + iy sin r(t)), (6.56)

where k > 0 is odd, r(t) E (0, f) for t E (0, f) and

limr(t) = 0, lim r(t) =~. (6.57)

t--O t--t 4

It is easily seen that f is well defined when k is odd. Obviously, f induces

a harmonic horizontal map f.L : M t --+ Mr(t) and f : (0, f) --+ (0, f) given

by r(t). Note that t : S2m+l \Mo UM~ -; lR is a Riemannian submersion.

We then can use Theorem 6.3 to derive the harmonicity equation.
From the above computations, the mean curvature of M t in S2m+l

H = (2tan2t - 2(m -1)cot2t) at'



- f.H = (2(m -1) cot2t - 2tan2t) r'!. (6.58)


Gi(u) = (cos () cos t(el cosu + ei sin u) - e2 sin () sin t,

sin () cos t( el cos u + ei sin u) + e2 cos () sin t)

be a curve on M t passing through p = Gi(O) with G;(O) = O:i cos t. Hence,

1 d cosr
f.O:i = -- f(Gi(u))1 = = - O : i ·
cos t du u 0 cos t

sIn r
f.!3i = -.-t

Consider a curve d(u) E M t passing through p = d(O) with d'(O) =/ as


d( u) = (cos () cos t( - e I cos u + e2 sin u) - sin () sin t( - e I sin u + e2 cos u),

sin() cost(el cosu + e2 sin u) + cos () sin t( -el sin u + e2 cosu)).

f., = du f(d(u))lu=o = /.


From (6.55) it follows that

B(f.CXi,i.CXi) =
cos 2 r
--2- B
m -1 .
(CXi, CXi) = --2-s1nrcosr-a '
cos t cos t r
B(J.(3i,i.(3i) = --.-2-sinrcosr-a '
sm t r

B(J.1J,f.''l) = 2 _ 2 sin2t B (i., + i. :O,i., + i. :0)
k cos 2r a (6.59)
(sin t - cos tF ar
kcos 2r a
- 2 cos 2( t + f) ar'
kcos2r a
B(J.T,i.T) = - 2sin2(t +~) ar·

*(i-) =
r ,,~
ar. (6.60)

Substituting (6.58), (6.59) and (6.60) into (6.5) gives the harmonicity

r" + [2(m -1)cot2t _ 2tan2t]r' + (m ~ 1 _ ~ ~ 1) sinrcosr

cos t sm t

+ [ 2t
cos t + 4"
71") - .2 k
sm (t + f)
4 4

It is the Euler-Lagrange equation of the functional

2r (m-1)sin 2 r
E= 1o~['2
r +
cos 2 t
+ 2
sin t
kcos 2(r+f) kSin 2(r+ f )]
+ + v dt, (6.62)
cos 2 (t + f) sin 2(t + f)
where v = sinm - l 2t cos 2t. In fact, for certain constants Cl and C2,
Cl E + C2 is just the energy functional of the defined map f.

6.4.5 The solvability of the ODE (6.63) and (6.65).

Let us consider the following ODE:

" (
r + 2 ml cot 2t - m2 tan2t r + )' (AI A2) SIn. r cos r
-2- - -.-2-
cos t sm t

+ ( cos 2(A3t + 4"71") - • 2

A4).sm(r + -) cos(r + -) = 0
sm (t + f)


( 6.63)

with the conditions

7r 7r
0< r(t) < 4' t E (0, 4)' (6.64)

limr(t) = 0, lim - ~ (6.65)

t--->O t--->i- - 4'

where ml, m2, AI, A2, A3 and A4 are positive parameters. Eq. (6.63) is
the Euler-Lagrange equation of the functional


where v = sin m1 2t cosm 2 2t.

Define a Hilbert space

When ml, m2 > 1 the functional J is well defined and smooth in X. In

the case ml = 1 (or m2 = 1) we still define J on X by allowing it to take
+=. Then we define a closed convex subset

X 0 = {r EX; 0 S r S ~ for 0 <t< ~}.

By using the similar technique as that of Lemma 6.10 we have
LEMMA 6.22 There exists a nonconstant solution ro E Xo of Eq. (6.63).
PROOF. For any rEX define

if r( t) > ~,

r*(t) = {
r(t), if 0 S r(t) :s: ~, ( 6.67)
0, ifr(t) < O.

Then r* E Xo. Denote



G(t,f), if r(t) > f,
F(t,r) = { G(t,r), if 0 ~ r ( t) ~ f,
G(t,O), ifr(t) < O.
It is easily seen that
J(r*) = J*(r*) ~ J*(r) (6.69)
which means that
inf{J(r), r E Xo} = inf{J*(r), rEX}.
Let {rJ be a minimizing sequence in X for J*. Noting (6.69), we
may assume ri E Xo. {rJ is weakly closed since it is bounded. There is
a subsequence weakly converging to a point ro E Xo. It can be verified
that J* is weakly lower semicontinuous on X. Therefore,
J*(ro) = inf J*(r),

namely, ro satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation of J*(r). This ro is also

a solution of Eq. (6.63), the Euler-Lagrange equation of J(r), since J(r)
and J*(r) coincide on Xo. Moreover, it is easily seen that there is no
constant solution to Eq. (6.63).

Let us consider the boundary behavior of a nonconstant solution to

(6.63). For this set tan2t = eS and denote r(t) = r (arct;ne') by A(s).
Then Eq. (6.63) becomes
d2 A dA
ds 2 + L(s)ds + P(s) sin 2A + Q(s) cos 2A = 0, (6.70)

L(s) = (ml -l)e- S - ~m2 -l)e S ,
(6.71 )
eS +e S

By a direct computation we know that pI (s) >0 and Q' (s) > O.

LEMMA 6.23 Assume >'1 :::; >'2 and >'4 :::; >'3' If r E Xo is a nonconstant
solution to Eq. (6.63), then A'(s) 2: O. Moreover,

lim A(s)
= 0 and lim A(s)
= ~,

namely, r'(t) 2: 0, limt->o r(t) = 0 and limt->'f = ~.

PROOF. Step 1 For any s E lR
0< A(s) < 4' (6.74)

Otherwise, if there is s E lR such that A( s) 0 then there are two

(1) In the case of A'(S) = 0, we have A"(s) < 0 by the assump-
tion >'3 2: >'4 and Eq. (6.70). This means that s is a local
maximum of A, which contradicts the assumption of r E Xo.
(2) In the case of A'(s) i- 0, A would take negative values and
r ¢:. Xo. This also leads to a contradiction.
Similarly, there is no s E lR such that A( s) = ~.
Step 2 If there exists a point So such that A' (so) < 0, then there
is a maximum interval (Sl' S2) ") So on which A' (s) < 0, where Sl and S2
are either finite or infinite. In this interval (6.70) can be rewritten as

A" L() = _ P( s ) sin 2A + Q( s) cos 2A

A' + s A' .


Ur (s)=2 ( y,+L(s) ) ,

v: (s ) _
r -
_ P( s) sin 2A + Q( s) cos 2A
2 A' .

Then Ur(s) = Vr(s) and Y(s) == 1 is a solution of the linear equation

yl(S) + Ur(s)Y(s) = Vr(s).

Noting the expression of its general solution, we have

Y(s) == 1 == J: Vr(y)exp (~: Ur(x) dx) dy + c

expf.. Ur(x)dx
- D(s)'

where s E (Sl, S2) and c E JR. There are three possibilities.

(1) If both Sl and S2 are finite, then A'(sd = A'(S2) = O. By a
direct computation

N(s) = -21 (p(y)sin2A + Q(y)cos2A)A'
x (1 + e- 2y )1-m ' (1 + e 2Y )1- m2 dy + c.

N(s) = D(s) > 0,

N(sd = D(sd = 0,

N(s2) = D(s2) = O.

Then N has an interior maximum and N'(S3) = 0 for S3 E (Sl,S2). On

the other hand, A'(s) < 0 for s E (Sl,S2) implies A"(sd ::; o. From
Eq. (6.70) it follows that

P( sd sin 2A( sd + Q( sd cos 2A( sd 2: O.

Noting that the left-hand side of the above inequality is monotone in-
creasing when A' < 0, we have

P(s)sin2A(s) + Q(s)cos2A(s) >0

for s E (Sl, S2). Substituting the above inequality into the expression of
N(s) gives N'(s) > 0 for s E (SI,S2). This contradicts N'(S3) = 0 for
S3 E (SI, S2).
(2) If Sl is finite and S2 = 00, then from (6.74) we know that
-e; < A' < 0 for some points going to infinity. It turns out that N goes
to zero on those points. This together with N(SI) = 0 and N(s) > 0
for s E (SI,OO) means that N has an interior maximum and N'(S3) =
o for S3 E (SI, 00). Then the same argument as the above leads to a
(3) If Sl = -00, then (6.74) means for any small e; > 0 and any
sufficiently negative So there is s < So with -e; < A'(s) < o. Then a
similar discussion to the case (2) shows that N has an interior maximum
and N' (S3) = 0 for S3 E (-00, S2), where S2 is either finite or 00. Then we
take Sl sufficiently negative such that A"(sd ::; 0 and L(sd > o. Hence,
the same reasoning shows that this case is also impossible.

Consequently, we prove that A'(s) ~ 0 for any s E JR. This is sufficient

for the existence of lims---+_ oo A( s) and lims---+oo A( s).
Step 3 If lims---+ oo A( s) #- f, then there is eo > 0 such that
cos2A(s) > eo for sufficiently large s. On the other hand, from (6.74)
it follows that for any small e > 0 and large So there is s > So such that
A'(s) < e and IA"(s)1 < e. Consider Eq. (6.70) at those points. Noting
P( s) ----; 0 and Q( s) ----; ~3 as s ----; 00, we have a contradiction. This forces
lim s---+ oo A(s) = f. Similarly, we have lim s---+_ oo A(s) = o.

Combining Lemma 6.22 and Lemma 6.23 gives the following:

THEOREM 6.24 Assume that .AI :::; .A2 and .A3 :::; .A4. Then there
exists a solution to the Eq. (6.63) with the conditions (6.64) and (6.65).
Furthermore, any solution to (6.63) is stable.
PROOF. It suffices to prove the stability of the solution. At any solution
r(t) to Eq. (6.63) the second variational formula is

= 1
i- [,2
u +u 2 ( -.-2----2-
sm t
.AI) cos2r
cos t

+ u 2 (.A3 - .A 4 )sm
. 2r
] v dt
2 (t + f) sin 2 (t + f)
where v sin m, 2tcosTn 2 2t. It is easily seen that I(u,u) > 0 for any
u E x.

COROLLARY 6.25 There always exists a solution to Eq. (6.61) with the
condition (6.57).

6.4.6 On harmonic representatives of homotopy groups of

the higher-dimensional sphere.
We have the equivariant map f : S2m+l ----; s2m+l defined by (6.56)
and (6.57), where r(t) is a solution to (6.61) with condition (6.57).
II 2m +1(S2m+l) is characterized by the deg(f). Let us compute it now.
LEMMA 6.26 Let f : s2m+l ----; S2m+l be the map defined by (6.56) and
(6.57). Then deg(f) = k.
PROOF. We have shown that r'(t) ~ O. Since the zeros of r'( t) are isolated,
the function r(t) is a strictly increasing function. Hence, for any z E
Mr(t) C S2m+l there exists a unique level hypersurface M t such that
f(Mt) = Mr(t). Choose z to be any regular value of f, take any x E

1- 1 (z).Then by the computation to derive Eq. (6.61) the signature of

the Jacobi determinant of I at x is sign(kr') = 1. Thus, deg(f) is equal
to the number of preimages in M t of z under the map I. Let us consider
the following commutative diagram
SI X Vm + 1 ,2 h
--=--=------» SI X Vm + 1 ,2

M t -------'----) Mr(t)
f I·,
where h is defined by
(O,(x,y)) f-------t (kO,(x,y)),
7rl is defined by
( 0, ( x, y)) f-------t ei 9 (x cos t + i y sin t)
and 7r2 is defined by
( 0, (x, y)) ei9 ( X cos r( t) + i y sin r (t) )
. f-------t

for any (x, y) E Vm+l,2. Recall that 7rl and 7r2 are local isometries and
double coverings. If z = eik 9 (xcosr(t) +iysinr(t)), then there are 2k
2l7r ( x,y) ) E S 1 X Vm + 1 ,2
( 0+ k'

( 0+ (2l +k 1)7r ,(-x,-y) ) ESXV
m + 1 ,2

for 1 = 0, 1, ... , k- 1 which are preimages of the map 7r2 11 I 0 7rl.

28 + 1 is odd, then
0 =
Since k =

t} 1=8, ... ,28 = {[2(8 ;8[17 117r
} 1'=0,. .. ,8

= { 282['71r}
+ 1'=0,. .. ,8


= { 7r+ --
28 + 1 1'=8+1,. .. ,28

Therefore, we have an equality of the sets

{ O+ (21+1}7r} = {O+7I"+~} (mod 271").

2s +1 1=0,. .. ,28 2s +1 1=0,. .. ,28

This means that 2k points in Sl X Vm +1 ,2 reduce to k points in M t under

the map 71"1. They are whole preimages of the given point z. Therefore,
deg(j) = k.

From Corollary 6.25 and Lemma 6.26, we know that for any odd
k > 0, there exists a map with mapping degree k. By its composition
with the reflection over a plane passing through the center of the sphere,
we obtain a map having degree -k. On the other hand, f is harmonic in
the regular part of the isoparametric function t. By using the technique
of cut-off functions, as was done in §6.4.I, the weak harmonicity of f can
be extended over the focal varieties Mo and M ~. Thus, f is smooth in
all of S2m+1 by the main regularity of harmonic maps. We complete the
proof of the following theorem.
THEOREM 6.27 ([XI5]) Any odd class of the homotopy groups in the
sphere II 2m + 1 (S2m+1) has a harmonic representative.


In the first section of this chapter we defined isoparametric maps

and their relation with Riemannian submersion. Now we give a concrete
isoparametric map and construct new harmonic maps between spheres.
For any W E sm-1, it can be expressed as

W = (X cos T1 cos T2, Y cos T1 sin T2, Z sin T1),

where X E sa-I, Y E Sf3- 1 , Z E sr-1 (a+'s+i = m) and 0 :::; T1, T2 :::; f.

It is easily seen that

2 1
IdT21 = -2- and
cos T1

By a direct computation,

~T1 = (i - 1) cot T1 - (a + ,S - 1) tan T1,


~r2 = ((3 - 1) cot r2 - (a - 1) tan r2.

Therefore, r = (rl' r2) : sm-l --t JR2 is an isoparametric map of rank 2.
The regular part MO of sm-l for the isoparametric map r is
sm-l \ (sa-l u Sf3- 1 U S'")'-l).
Its image N° under r is {(rl' r2) E JR2, 0 < rl, r2 < ~}. There exists the
unique metric ds; on N°
ds; = dri + cos 2 rl dr~ ,
such that 7r : MO --t NO is a lliemannian submersion with fiber subman-
M(rl,r2) = sa-l(cosrl cosr2) x Sf3-I(cosrl sinr2) x S'")'-l(sinrl).
Any point in sn-l can be expressed by
(X cos t, Y sin t) E sn-l,
where X ESp-I, Y E Sq-l(p + q = n) and t E [0, ~l is an isoparametric
function on sn-l. We have

and ~t = (q - 1) cot t - (p - 1) tan t.

Consider a map f : sn-l \ Sp-l U Sq-l --t sm-l defined by

f(X cos t, Y sin t) = (II (X) cos rl cos r2, 12 (Y) cos rl sin r2, h(Y) sin rl),
where II, 12 and h are harmonic maps between spheres with constant
energy densities ~l, ~2 and ~3; rl and r2 are functins of t. Certainly,

where k i = 0,1, ....

The map f is equivariant with respect to the isoparametric function
t in sn-l and the isoparametric map r in Sm.-I. It is also a horizontal
map. It induces a map 1(t) = (rl(t),r2(t)) : JR --t NO. Let us now use
Theorem 6.3 to derive the harmonicity equation of the map defined by
(6.76). By a direct computation we have
-a fa fa
f. at = r l arl + r 2 ar2 '
v a -
a = -tanrl-,
aT2 arl ar2
v a -
a = -tanrl-,
"ifT"l or 2 Or 2
v .JL -;;;--
a=.SIn rl cos rl -;;;--.
aT2 Ur2 UrI

Then we have the tension field

r(f) = (V}Ldf)-a
at t
= ( Tl1/ +T 2 SInTlcoSTI ) -a
,2. a
+ (" " )a
T2 -2TlT2tanTl - .
Let M (t) be the level hypersurface of the isoparametric function t on
sn-l. Its mean curvature vector HI is

HI =((p-l)tant-(q-l)cott)at'

- f* HI = (( q - 1) cot t - (p - 1) tan t) (T~ a~l + T; a~J . (6.78)

Let B2 be the second fundamental form of the fiber submanifolds

M (Tl' T2) and {Ei' Ea} = t~~ t' s~; t} an orthonormal frame field of
M(t), where ei E TSp-I, e a E TSq-l. By a direct computation

( . f ~ ~)- - >'1 sin Tl cos Tl cos 2 T2

Vf• ~
co, • * cos t'a
Tl - cos 2 t '

(V ~f*~, _l_~) = Al COSTI sinT2 COST2,

f. co,, cos t cos Tl aT2 cos 2 t
ea a A3 - A2 sin 2 T2 .
(V f. ~ f* -.-, -a ) =
- . 2 SIn Tl COS Tl,
,m' SIn t T l SIn t
ea 1 a A2 COSTI .
(Vf.~f*-·-'---a ) = - .2 SlnT2coST2·
,m' SIn t COS TI T2 SIn t
Then we obtain
B 2 (f.Ei, i.E;) + B 2 (f.Ea, i.Ea)
-- \/V f. ~ f • ~
e ~)~
cos t 'aTI aTI

+( V c f - ei
f. ~ * cos t ' cos Tl
-1- - -1- -
aT2 cos Tl

+ ( V f. .!OJLf* -sin -
t' aTl
a) a -


Substituting (6.77), (6.78) and (6.79) into (6.5) gives the following equa-

r~' + r~ 2 sin rl cos rl + [( q - 1) cot t - (p - 1) tan tlr~

>'1 cos2 r2 >'3 - >'2 sin 2 r2) .
+ ( 2 - . 2 sm rl cos rl = 0
cos t sm t
r~' - 2r~r~ tanrl + [(q -1) cot t - (p -1)tantlr~

+ >'1 - -'-2-
( --2- >'2) SIn
. r2 cos r2 = 0,
cos t sm t

0< t < 2'
If we suppose

(6.81 )

then the map f can be continuously extended over the focal varieties
Sp-l and Sq-l of the isoparametric function t on sn-l.
It is easy to verify that the energy functional of the map f is, up to
a constant factor,

E = l'
" ( ,2
rl +r2
,2 2
cos TI +
>'1 cos 2 Tl cos 2 r2
cos t

/\2 2 -2 _2
cos TI SIn T2 + /\3 SIn rl
t, ( 6.82)
SIn t

where v = cosp - l t sin q - I t.

Therefore, (6.80), (6.81) and (6.76) define a continuous map f :
sn-l --+ sm-l which is a harmonic map in sn-I \( Sp-I u Sq-I). By
the technique of cut-off function the weak harmonicity can be extended
over the focal varieties Sp-l and Sq-I. By the main regularity result, f
has to be a smooth harmonic map on all of sn-I.

x = {r = (rl(t),r2(t)): (O,~) --+ ]R2,

II r l12 = l\d +r~2 +r~ +T~2)vdt < <xl


It is a Hilbert space. When p, q > 2, the energy functional E(T) is well

defined and smooth in X. In the case p = 2 (or q = 2) we still define
E(T) on X by allowing it to take +00. Consider a closed convex subset

By using a similar technique to that of Lemma 6.10 and Lemma 6.22 we

LEMMA 6.28 There exists a solution TO E Xo of Eqs. (6.80).
Let us now consider the boundary behaviour of the solution. Set
tant = eS and denote Ti(t) = Ti(arctane S ) by Ai(S). Eqs. (6.80) become



where S E JR..
Let T = (Tl(t),T2(t)) E Xo be a solution to Eqs. (6.80), where neither
Tl(t) nor T2(t) is constant. Its corresponding solution to Eqs. (6.83) and
(6.84) is A(s) = (A 1 (s),A 2(s)). At first, note that for any s E IR.
0< Ai(S) < -. (6.85)
Otherwise, if Ai(S) = 0 for certain S E JR., then A;(s) -=I- 0 by Eqs. (6.83)
and (6.84). Thus, Ai would take negative value and T ~ Xo. Similarly,
Ai do not take the value ~.
From Eqs. (6.83) and (6.84) it follows that A;'(s) are bounded. Thus
A;( s) are uniformly continuous. Then, (6.85) implies lim A;( s) = 0
provided A;( s) do not change sign when s goes to infinity. A similar
conclusion holds true when s goes to -00.
In what follows we assume .A3 2 .A2'
If A~ (s) :::: 0 for a sufficiently large s, then from (6.83) it follows
A~(s) < O. Thus A~(s) < 0 for s > s. Otherwise, A~(s) remains positive
for all sufficiently large s. By (6.85) IA~(s)1 < c; when s goes to infinity.

It can be shown that A~ (s) < 0 for all sufficiently large s is impossible
by the following consideration. When s -+ 00, Eq. (6.83) can be rewritten

A" (Q-2)e-S-(p-2)eS]
P( s) = 2 [ _1 + ~-'-------'=----'------
A~ e + e-


Q(s) = 2 _(A~)2(es + e- S) - '\l es cos 2 A2 + e- S(,\3 -,\2 sin 2 A2)


P(s) = Q(s)
and Y( s) == 1 is a solution to the following linear equation

Y'(s) + P(s)Y(s) = Q(s).

Its general solution can be expressed by

Y(s) = J: Q(y)expU: P(x)dx)dy + c = N(s)

expU; P(x)dx) D(s)

for some s, c E JR. By a direct computation

N(s) = r [-(A;? _ '\leYcos2 A2 -e +

Js Y
('\3 -=-'\2 sin2 A2)e- Y ]
e Y

x (1 + e- 2Y ?-P(1 + e2y)2-q(sin2AI)A~dy. (6.87)

N(s) = D(s) > 0,

and N(s) is arbitrarily close to zero when s goes to infinity. Moreover, if

A~ < 0, then from (6.87) follows N'(s) > 0 for sufficiently large s. This
gives a contradiction. Therefore A~ (s) remains positive when s - t 00. By
using this result, a similar discussion of Eq. (6.84) leads to the conclusion
that A;(s) > 0 when s - t 00.
Let us now consider the behaviour of A( s) when s - t -00.
Noting that if A;( s) = 0 for a sufficiently negative s, then we have
A~(s) > 0 from Eq. (6.84). This fact implies that once A;(s) :::; 0 for a
sufficiently negative s, we have -€ < A;(s) < 0 for all s < s.
Hence we have the following possibilities:
1) If A~ (s) :::; 0 and -E: < A; (s) < 0 for a sufficiently negative sand
s < s, then from (6.83) it follows that A~(s) > O. So we have A~(s) < 0
for all s < s. A similar discussion as before shows that N (s) is also close
to zero when s goes to -00. But (6.87) tells us N'(s) < O. This is a
2) If 0 < A~(s) < € and -€ < A;(s) < 0 when s - t -00, Eq. (6.84)
can be rewritten as

A~ + (q - 2)e-" - (p - 2)e S

A; e" +C S

>'1es - .A2 e-·' .

= 2A~ tan Al - ( _ )A' smA2 cosA2·
e" + e" 2

Consider the linear equation

Y'(s) + P(s)Y(s) = Q(s), (6.88)

P=2(A~ +(Q-2)e- -(p-2)e S S

A~ e" + e- s


_ (' .Ale 8 - .A2 e- 8 • )

Q = 2 Al tan Al - (e s +e-s)A; smA2cosA2 .

Hence Y(s) == 1 is a solution to Eq. (6.88). Thus

Y(s) == 1 = N(s)



Then we have N(s) > 0 and fl'(s) < O. Since A~(s) must be close
to zero arbitrarily, D( s) and N( s) must have values arbitrarily close to
zero. This leads to a contradiction.
3) If for sufficiently negative s, A~(s) :::; 0 and 0 < A~(s) < E for
s < s. Then (6.83) gives A~(s) > 0 and -E < A~(s) < 0 when s < s.
Then (6.87) shows N'(s) < O. Note N(s) is also arbitrarily close to zero
when s --t -00. This is a contradiction.
Therefore, the only possibility is the case A~ (s) > 0 and A~ (s) > 0
when s --t -00.
Now, the existence of the limits of Ai(S) is obvious when s goes to
±oo. If lim A2(S) -I=- ~, then there is Eo > 0 such that cosA(s) > Eo

for sufficiently large s. On the other hand, from (6.85) it follows that for
any E > 0 and any So > 0 there is s > So such that A~(s) < E and -E <
A~'(s) < E. Considering Eq. (6.83) at those points gives a contradiction.
This forces lim Al (s) = ~. Similarly we have lim Ai( s) = o.
s --+ (X) S --+ - OCI

Summarizing the above discussion we obtain the following conclusion.

LEMMA 6.29 Assume A3 ;::: A2' IfT = (TI,T2) E Xo is a solution to Eqs.
(6.80), where neither OfTI and T2 is constant, then Ai(S) = Ti(arctan e S )
are solutions to Eqs. (6.83) and (6.84). For s --t ±oo we have A~( s) > 0
lim Ai(S)=O
and lim Ai(S)
= -2 (if i -I=- 2 then i = 1).

It is easily seen that the only constant solutions to Eqs. (6.80)

are (0,0),(0, ~), (~,O) and (~, ~). By a direct computation E(~,O) =
E(~,~) = E(~,T2) ;::: E(O,~) under the assumption A3 ;::: A2' If we
assume A2(P - 2) ;::: AI(q - 2), then we have E(O,~) ;::: E(O,O). Hence,
by Lemma 6.28 the instability of the critical points (0.0) implies the ex-
istence of a nonconstant solution to Eqs. (6.80).
Consider the second variation of the energy functional at the critical
point (0,0)

II(u,u) = 1~ [,2 + 2u I ul
-'-2- -
o sm t cos t

+ u ,22 + u 22 A2 -
( -.-2- AI)] vdt,
sm t cos t

where u = (U1, U2) EX. By using a similar argument as in §6.4.2, we

THEOREM 6.30 Assume A3 2: A2 and A2(P - 2) 2: A1(q - 2). If
(1) 4A1 > (p - 2)2
(2) 4A1 ~ (p - 2)2
and J(p - 2)2 - 4A1 + J(q -
2)2 + 4A2 < p + q - 4,
then Eqs. (6.80) have a non-constant solution.
Eqs. (6.80) may have a partial constant solution (0,r2),(r1,0) or
(1'1, f), where all of r1 ,r1 and r2 are not constant and satisfy the following

r~' + [( q - 1) cot t - (p - 1) tan t] r~

+ ( - -AI2 - - A3) sIn

. r1 cos r1 = 0,
cos t sm t

1'~' + [( q - 1) cot t - (p - 1) tan t] 1'~

- ( A3 . - 2 A2) Sln
. _ _
r1 cos r1 = 0, (6.90)
sm t

r~ + [( q - 1) cot t - (p - 1) tan t] r;
+ ( - -AI2 - - A2) SIn
. r2 cos r2 = 0. (6.91 )
cos t sm t

Notice E(r1,0) 2: E(0,r2) since A3 2: A2. By Theorem 6.9 there is

no nonconstant solution to Eq.(6.90). In general, inf E(r1,r2) ~
E(O, r2). If the inequality occurs, our construction does produce harmonic
maps different from the Smith construction. In summary, we obtain the
following result.
THEOREM 6.31 ([X14]) Assume A3 2: A2 and A2(P - 2) 2: A1(q - 2). If
(1) 4A1 > (p - 2)2
(2) 4A1 ~ (p - 2)2
and J(p - 2)2 - 4A1 + J(q - 2)2 + 4A2 < p + q - 4,
then the construction (6.76) supplies a harmonic map. Moreover, if (0, r2)
is unstable, where r2 is any non-constant solution to (6.91), then there is
a solution to Eqs. (6.80) with boundary condition (6.81) which gives a
new harmonic map from sn-1 into sm-1 .

REMARK 1 We give an example to show that Theorem 6.31 gives new

harmonic maps. Consider the case p = q = 5, Al = A2 = A3 = q - 1 = 4.
(6.91) has a solution T2 = t. The second variation of the energy functional
at (0,T2) is

+ U 22 + U 22 (
I A2 -
sm t
- -AI)
cos t
cos 2 T2 vdt.

Choosing Ul = sin t cos- 1 t, U2 = 0, we have

which means that the nonconstant solution to Eq. (6.91) is unstable.


A complex (quaternionic) projective space is closely related to a

sphere. For an isoparametric function in the sphere, if it is equivariant
with respect to the SI(S3) action, it induces an isoparametric function
in lClP'n-1 (((]lP'n-l) by Proposition 6.2. We thus can construct equivariant
harmonic maps of projective spaces. Urakawa in fUrl reduced the har-
monicity equations by a group action of cohomogeneity 1 and obtained
harmonic maps between complex projective spaces. We will also obtain
harmonic maps of projective spaces in the framework of previous sections.
We discuss the problem for quaternionic projective spaces in detail which
is certainly applicable for the complex case.
Let 11' : S4n-l ----t ((]lP'n-l be a usual Riemannian submersion with
totally geodesic fibers S3. Let X E S4 p-l, Y E S4q-l. In what follows
we always assume p + q = n and a + f3 = m. For any Z E S4n-l

Z = (X cos t, Y sin t), 0 ::; t ::; %'


where t is an isoparametric function on S4n-l which is equivariant with

respect to Riemannian submersion 7r. It induces an isoparametric func-
tion on QlP'n-l. We denote it by the same letter t. Its level hypersurfaces
M t = S4p-l(cost) X S4 q -l(sint)/S3

with focal varieties QlP'p-l and QlP'q-l.

Every geodesic emanating from any point A of each focal variety, say
A E QlP'P-l, and normal to QlP'p-l lies in a certain quaternionic projec-
tive line passing through A and normal to QlP'P-l. It follows that these
quaternionic projective lines are the integral manifolds of a distribution
{n = gradt,J1n,J2n,J3n}, where {J1,J2 ,J3} is the quaternionic Kahler
structure of QlP'n-l. We know that QlP'1 = S4( ~) of constant sectional
curvature 4, which is totally geodesic in QlP'n-l. The integral curves
of n = grad t are geodesics in QlP'I. SO QlP'1 has metric form in polar
dt 2 + (~ sin 2t)2\lf2,

where \lf2 is the metric form of S3. We have

a and
(i 1,2,3)
at Jin = -.--Vi

where Vi are vectors independent of t. Thus,

V Jinn = 2(cot 2t)Ji n,

which means that Jin are all in principal directions corresponding to

principal curvature -2 cot 2t.
Let us compute all principal curvatures of M t in QlP'n-l. We shall
agree with the following range of indices:

1 ::; 5, t, ... ::; 4n - 8; 1::; 5/, t/, ... ::; 4n - 5;

>',p"v = 1,··· ,4n - 5,4n - 3,4n - 2,4n -1;
i,j,k = 1,2,3.

For any p E M t , choose orthonormal frame field {e., e4n-7 =

J1e4n-4, e4n-6 = J2e4n-4, e4n-5 = J3e4n-4, e4n-4} of QlP'n-l along M t
such that e s , E TpMt, e4n-4 = -It
E NpMt . We have

J 1e4n-7 = -e4n-4, J 2e4n-7 = -e4n-5, J 3e4n-7 = e4n-6,

J 1e4n-6 = e4n-5, J 2e4n-6 = -e4n-4, J 3e4n-6 = -e4n-7,
J1e4n-5 = -e4n-6, J2e4n-5 = e4n-7, J 3e4n-5 = -e4n-4·

Then choose the following orthonormal frame field in S4n-l at p = 71"-1 (p)

7I"*e s l = -
e s ' ,7I"*e4n-4 = e4n-4

where e4n is the position vector of s4n-l in ((It ~ 1R4n, 1; are the quater-
nionic Kahler structures in Qn.
Let hs't' be the second fundamental form of M t in QlP'n-l, hAl' be
that of M = 7I"-l(Md = S4p-l(cost) x s4Q-l(sint) in S4n-l. By using
the properties of Riemannian submersion (cf. [ON]) we have

- -
hs't' = hs't' , h 4n - 7 4n-3 = -1,
-h4n-64n-2 = -1 , -h 4n - 5 4n-l = -1

and all others are zero, namely

hst hs4n-4-j
-1 0 0
h4n-4-it h4n-4-i4n-4-j 0 -1 0
hAl' = 0 0 -1
-1 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 0 0 0 0
0 0 -1 0 0 0

We then choose a suitable orthonormal frame field {e s , e4n-7 = J l e4n-4,

e4n-6 = J2e4n-4, e4n-5 = J3e4n-4, e4n-4} in QlP'n-l to diagonalize the
second fundamental form hs't' of M in QlP'n-l. Thus, we have



hAl' = J.Lb 0 0 -1 0 0 , (6.92)

0 ILb 0 0 -1 0
0 0 /lb 0 0 -1
-1 0 0 0 0 0
0 -1 0 0 0 0
0 0 -1 0 0 0

where J-Lb = -2 cot 2t = tan t - cot t, Assume that J-Li has multiplicity ai,
From (6.92) the principal equation of M t in S4n-l is
/1-b - x 0 0 -1 0 0
0 /1-b - x 0 0 -1 0
0 0 /1-b - X 0 0 -1
(J-Ll-xt''''(J-Lb-xtb-3 = 0,
-1 0 0 -x 0 0
0 -1 0 0 -x 0
0 0 -1 0 0 -x
(J-Ll - x)a 1 ••• (J-Lb - xt b- 3(x 2 - J-LbX _1)3 = O.
In our case M t has principal curvatures tan t of multiplicity 4p - 1 and
- cot t of multiplicity 4q - 1 by a direct computation. Noting
(x 2 - /1-bX - 1)3 = (x - tan t)3(x + cot t?,
the only possibility is the case when b = 3, al = 4p - 4, a2 = 4q - 4 and
a3 = 3. Summarizing the above argument, we have the following.
PROPOSITION 6.32 M t = S4p-l(cost) x S4 q-l(sint)/S3 in QlP'n-l has
principal curvatures tan t of multiplicity 4p -4, cot t of multiplicity 4q - 4,
and tan t - cot t of multiplicity 3.
REMARK 1 By a similar but simpler discussion one has principal cur-
vatures of M t = S2p-l(cost) x S2 q-l(sint)/SI in ClP'n-l. They are tant
of multiplicity 2p - 2, - cot t of multiplicity 2q - 2, and tan t - cot t.
REMARK 2 It is easily seen that {e,,} may be taken as follows. For any
Z E M t there are two points A E QlP'p-l and B E QlP'q-l on an integral
curve 1'( t) of grad t passing through Z and normal to M t . Choose local
orthonormal frame fields near A in ((J!lP'p-l and near B in ((J!lP'q-l, Then
parallel translate them to the M t along 1'( t).

6.6.1 HarIllonic Illaps froIll ((J!lP'n-l into sm-l.

Let it : ((J!lP'p-l - t Sa-I, 12 : ((J!lP'q-l - t SfJ- 1 be harmonic maps with
constant energy densities ;' and ;2,
respectively, Their compositions
with Riemannian submersion A
= it 07f : S4p-l - t Sa-I, i2 = 12 07f :
S4q-l - t sfJ- 1 are also harmonic by Theorem 6.3, It is easily seen that
e(jd = e(h) = ).,2' , e(j2) = e(12) = ;2.
Then by the method in §6.4 we
have a harmonic map i : S4n-l - t sm-l, where a + f3 = m.
As is well known, any harmonic map into the sphere with constant
energy density ;' is realized by eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator on
the domain manifold corresponding to the eigenvalue AI. We know that
the eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on QlP'p-l are 4kl (kl + p), kl =
0, 1, .... Therefore, we have

THEOREM 6.33 Suppose A1(2q -1) ~ A2(2p - 1). If

(1) (2p _1)2 < A1,
(2) (2p _1)2 :::: A1 and
J(2p -1)2 - A1 + J2q - 1)2 + A2 < 2n - 2,
then for A1 = 4k1(k1 + p) and A2 = 4k2(k2 + q), k1, k2 = 0, 1"" , the
map f: S4n-1 --t sm-1 determined by (6.31), (6.32) and (6.33) induces
a harmonic map I: QlP'n-1 --t sm-1.

6.6.2 Harmonic maps from QlP'n-1 into QlP'm-1.

Let h : QlP'p-1 --t QlP'a-1, h : QlP'Q-1 --t QlP',B-1, fa : S3 --t S3 be
harmonic maps with constant energy densities ~1, ~2 and ~3, respec-
tively. Let t be an isoparametric function in QlP'n-1 with focal varieties
QlP'p-1 and QlP'q-l. Let r be an isoparametric function in QlP'm-1 with
focal varieties QlP'a-1 and QlP',B-1. The functions t and r are described as
the above.
For any Z E QlP'n-1 \ (QlP'p-l U QlP'q-l) there is a unique level hy-
persurface M t = S4p-l (cos t) X S4q-l (sin t)j S3 such that Z E M t . A
geodesic ,(t) emanating from Z and normal to M t gives Zl = ,(0) E
QlP'p-1 and Z2 = ,(f) E QlP'q-l. Using the maps 11 and h we have
Z~ = h(ZI) E QlP'a-1 and Z~ = h(Z2) E QlP',B-1. Notice that there is
a geodesic (not unique) connecting Z~ and Z~ which is an integral curve
of grad r. This geodesic determines a unique quaternionic projective line
QlP'l ~ S4( t)
which perpendicularly intersects the level hypersurfaces

at S3( sin 2r). Similarly, Z determines a point Z3 in S3( ~ sin 2t) which
is the intersection of the level hypersurface M t and the quaternionic pro-
jective line passing through Zl and Z2 and normal to QlP'p-1 and QlP'Q-1.
Using the map fa we have Z~ = fa(Z3). Suppose r(t) : (a, f) --t [a, fl is
a smooth function and it will be determined later. We define a smooth
map I : QlP'n-1 \ (QlP'p-1 U QlP'q-1) --t QlP'm-1 given by

(Z~,Z~,ZLr(t)) when r i=- a, f,

I(Zl,Z2,Z3,t) = { (Z~,O,O,a) when r = a, (6.93)
(a,Z~,a,f) when r = f.
If r ( t) satisfies the following conditions

lim r(t) = 0 and lim r(t) = ~, (6.94)

t---+O t---+7r /2 2

then, the above defined map can be extended over the focal varieties. We
still denote the extended one by the same letter f:

defined by (6.93) when Z E «]lP'n-l \ (<<]IP'P-l U «]lP'q-l),

f(Z) = { fl(Z) when Z E «]lP'p-l,
h(Z) when Z E «]lP'q-l.
If f is harmonic in «]lP'n-l \ (<<]lP'p-l U«]lP'q-l), then we can show that f
is weakly harmonic in «]lP'n-l . By the main regularity result f is smooth.
Thus, we can use Theorem 6.3 to reduce the harmonicity equations in
«]lP'n-l \ (<<]lP'p-l U «]lP'q-l). At first we observe that the map induces a
smooth harmonic map f1- : M t --+ Mr.

PROPOSITION 6.34 The map f1- is harmonic.

PROOF. For any Z E M t , a geodesic ,( t) emanating from Z and normal

to M t gives an intersection A of «]lP'p-l and ,( t), and an intersection B
of «]lP'q-l and ,(t). Choose a local orthonormal frame field {ea}(a =
1,··· ,4p - 4) near A and {ea}(o: = 4p - 3,··· ,4n - 8) near B. Parallel
translation of {ea} and {en} to M t along ,(t) gives {Ea} and {E a }. It
is easily seen that

1 1
Ea = --e a , En = -.-e a ·
cos t sm t

Let E 4n -8+i = Jift(i = 1,2,3). Thus {E a ,Ea ,E4n -8+J forms a local
orthonormal frame field near M t . Since {%t' J i %t} is an integrable distri-
b utlOn Its.Integra bl e mam·f0 ld·IS ffl\lP'
· an d . '-I'.
1 = S4 ,t h en E 4n-8+i = e4n-8+i
1. ,
2" sm2t
where {e4n-8+i} is an orthonormal frame field in S3. Thus, the conclusion
follows from the fact that the tension field T(f 1-) is a linear combination
of tension fields T(fl), T(h) and T(f3) with function coefficients (in the
argument t).

Now, we use Theorem 6.3 to derive the equation. By Proposition

6.32 the mean curvature of the level hypersurface M t in «]lP'n-l is

H = (4p - 1) tan t - (4q - 1) cot t (6.96)



B'(J*Ea, f*Ea ) + B'(J*Ea , f*E a ) + B'(J*E4n- Hi , f*E4n- Hi )

tanr {)
= -at (f*e a, f*e a)Qw",-l -{)
cos r
cotr . {)
- -'-2- (f*e a , f*e a )Qwm - 1 -{)
sm t r
2 cot 2r {)
- 1 . 22t (f*e4n-Hi, f*e4n-Hi)QW",-1 -{)
i~n r
tanr cos 2 r {) (6.97)
= cos
2t (fh ea,fh e a)Qw a - 1 -{)
cotrsin2 r {)
- • 2t (h*e a , h*ea )QWfl - 1 -{)
SIn r
2 cot 2r sin 2 2r {)
- • 2 2 (f3*~4n-8+i, h*e4n-Hi) S3 -{)
sm t r
AI A2 ) . { ) , sin 2r cos 2r {)
= ( - - - - - Slnrcosr- - 21\3 -.
cos 2 t sin2 t {)r sin 2 2t {)r

Substituting (6.96) and (6.97) into (6.5) gives the following ODE

d2 r dr
dt2 +{(4q-1)cott-(4p-1)tant} dt

+ ( -AI-
- ->'2)
smrcosr - 2A3
sin 2r cos 2r
= 0 (6.98)
cos t sin t sin 2 2 t '

which is the same kind of equation as in the complex case. We have the
following result.
THEOREM 6.35 ([UR lAND [X13]) Suppose Al (2q-1) :::; A2(2p-1). The
equation (6.98) has a solution with boundary conditions (6.94) provided

(1) (2p - 1)2 < Al - A3 and 0 < A2 - A3 or

(2) (2p _1)2 ~ Al - A3,0 < Al - A3, 0 < A2 - A3 and
V(2p -1)2 - Al + A3 + V(2q - 1)2 + A2 + A3 < 2n - 2.

It is also a sufficient condition for the map f : QlP'n-l -t QlP'm-l defined

by (6.95) being harmonic.
REMARK 1 A simple example satisfies conditions of Theorem 6.35. Let
p = q = 2. Consider spherical harmonic polynomials of degree 3 on
QIP'I = S4, which gives a harmonic map from QIP'I into S29 of energy

density 9. The composition of this map and S29 -+ lRlP 29 -+ QIP'29 gives a
harmonic map II = h : QIP'I -+ QIP'29 of Al = A2 = 18. Let h : S3 -+ S3
be an isometry and A3 = 3. This case satisfies condition (1) of Theorem
6.35. The theorem provides a harmonic map f : QIP'3 -+ Q1P'62.
REMARK 2 A similar argument also gives a harmonic map from ClP'n-l
into ClP'm-l. In this case h : SI -+ SI and A3 = k 2 , k = 0, 1,· ...
The method here reveals the geometric meaning of the coefficients in the
equation (6.98), in contrast with the group representation aspect of the
equation in fUrl.


The boundary value problem is solvable when the boundary condi-

tions lie in a geodesic convex neighborhood (d. [Ha] [H-K-W]). Other-
wise, one can not expect the general existence result. When the manifolds
possess nice geometric structures the equivariant boundary value problem
for harmonic maps with large range of the boundary data has been given
more attention. In the recent papers (d. [C-D] [C-D-Y] [E-L4] [Grl] [Gr2]
[Gr3] [J-K] [XI4] and [Z]) they consider the equivariant boundary value
problem from disk D2 or ball lffi3 into the sphere. For the later case the
problem reduces to the analysis of a scalar partial differential equation in
two variables. This equation is degenerate on the boundary correspond-
ing to the axis of symmetry. By the variational method D. Zhang was
able to solve the problem [Z]. We also can study the equivariant boundary
value problem for harmonic maps from lffi3 into C1P'2. Here the boundary
conditions vastly exceed the geodesic convex neighborhood. We prove
the global existence of heat flow of such equivariant harmonic maps for
equivariant initial-boundary data. We also show sub convergence of the
solution. This supplies a regular harmonic extension of the given bound-
ary condition. In this section we explain two important methods for the
equivariant boundary value problems.

6.7.1 The reduced PDE.

Let lffim+k be a unit (m+ k )-dimensional open ball in ~m+k. Consider
the generalized cylindrical coordinates in lffim+k. For any Z E lffim+k there
exist X E sm-l and (r, ZI, . .• , Zk) E D such that


D = {(r,Zl, ... ,Zk) E JR.k+ 1 j r2 + t z i < 1, r >

The Euclidean metric in ]Bm+k is then given by

ds 2 = dr 2 + r 2dsi + 2:= dzi,


where ds~ is the standard metric in sm-1. It is easily seen that

By a direct computation

6.r = --,
6.z1 = o.
Hence i = (r, Zl, ... , Zk) : ]Bm+k --+ D is an isoparametric map of rank
k + 1 with fiber sub manifolds sm-1 (r). In D we define a usual flat
metric dr2 + 2: dz; such that i : ]Bm+k \ {r = O} --+ D is a Riemannian
We now consider the polar coordinates in sn. For any Z E sn there
exist X E sn-1 and 4> E [0,71"], such that

Z = (X sin 4>, cos 4».

It is well known that 4> is an isoparametric function of unit speed in sn.

Let us now define an equivariant map with Riemannian submersions.
For any Z E ]Bm+k \ {r = o}

f(Z) = !(rX,zl, ... ,Zk)

~f(!1 (X) sin 4>(r, Zl, . .. , Zk), cos 4>(r, Zl, . .. , Zk)),

where !1(X) is a harmonic map from sm-1 into sn-1 of constant energy
density ~. It is easily seen that! is also a horizontal map. By Theorem
6.3, f is harmonic if and only if 4> satisfies a reduction equation. Let us
deri ve it as follows.

Let HI be the mean curvature vector of the fiber submanifolds sm-l

in llf,m+k. Then by a computation we have

HI = - - - - ,
r 8r
m-18¢ 8
f*H 1 = - - - - - .
r 8r 8¢

Let B2 be the second fundamental form of the fiber submanifolds

Sn-l(sin¢) in sn.Choose a local orthonormal frame field {~ei} of the
fiber submanifolds in llf,m+k, where {ei} is a local orthonormal frame field
in sm-l. Then by a computation


The defined map f induces a map f between base manifolds. Then the
tension field

whose horizontal lift is

( 6.102)

From (6.100), (6.101) and (6.102), the reduction equation follows:

8 2¢ k 82 ¢ m - 1 8¢ .\.
+ -r- nur - -2
sm 2¢ = O.
£=1 '

In what follows we only consider the case of m = 2, n = 2 and k = 1.

The equation now reduces to

8 2¢ 82¢ 1 8¢ .\.
!l2 + !l2 + -r nur - -2 sm 2¢ = O. (6.103)
ur uz 2r

If lim ¢(r, z) = 0, then

f can be continuously extended to all of llf,3. If
the boundary data are also equivariant with respect to the isoparametric
map:;: and the isoparametric function ¢, then the boundary conditions
are also reduced to the boundary 8D. Furthermore, suppose that the
function 7/J = ¢laD satisfies the following conditions:
i) 7/J = 0 when r = OJ

ii) 1jJ is of order O(rvA) when r ----; 0; (6.104)

iii) max1jJ < rr.

Therefore, any solution to the equation (6.103) with the boundary con-
ditions (6.104) defines a continuous map f : 1IB 3 ----; 52 which is smooth on
1IB 3 \ {r = o}. We also can prove f is weakly harmonic on 1IB 3 • Thus, by
using the main regularity for harmonic maps, f is smooth on 1IB 3 •

6.7.2 The solvability of PDE.

It is not difficult to obtain the energy functional (up to a constant

factor) as follows:


which is defined in the Hilbert space

x = {f E Li(1IB 3 , 52);

f is equivariant with respect to the Riemannian submersions }.

We will solve the above equation by finding a smooth critical point of the
functional (6.105).
LEMMA 6.36 Any critical point </J of E is a local minimum in the sense
E(</J) ~ E(</J + 1])
provided 1] E C(f(D) and

d(8D, supp(1])) :2: C p(supp(1])),

where d(·, .) and p(.) denote the distance and the diameter, and C is a
PROOF. Suppose that </J E X is a critical point of E and 1] is a map
in C(f(D). Using integration by parts, equation (6.103) and Taylor's

theorem, we have


= Iv {r (1V'¢1 2 -IV'(¢ + ",)1 2) + ..\(sin 2 ¢ - :in2(¢ + ",))} drdz

= 1{
2 "\(sin2¢-sin2(¢+",)+,,,sin2¢)} d d
-r 1V'", 1 +
r z

< - 1
r 1V'",1 2drdz + 1 D

< - d(8D,supp(",)) Iv 1V'",1 2drdz

JD ..\",2drdz
+ d(8D,supp(",))
Noting that the first eigenvalue of the Laplace operator on a bounded
domain n c ]Rn is bounded from below by {p(n)} -2, we obtain the
required inequality, provided the condition on supp(",) is satisfied.

LEMMA 6.37 Suppose ¢1 and ¢2 are critical points of E and 0 S ¢1 S ¢2

on D. Let 1/;i be the boundary values of ¢i, i = 1,2. Suppose 1/; is a
function on 8D lying between 1/;1 and 1/;2, i.e., 1/;1 S 1/; S 1/;2, Then

is a critical value of E and is achieved by a critical point ¢, I.e. there

exists ¢ E X such that

~E(¢ + t",)lt=o = 0, for all", E C~(D). (6.106)

Moreover, ¢1 ::; ¢ S ¢2 on D and ¢IOD = 1/;.

PROOF. Consider a minimizing sequence {¢;} which has a weak limit ¢ in
Li sense. It is easy to see that E( ¢) = Cj in fact, ¢ is strong limit of {¢i}
in L2 sense. Therefore, ¢i converges to ¢ pointwise almost everywhere,
¢1 S ¢ ::; ¢2 and ¢IDD = 1/;. In order to show that ¢ is a critical point of
E, we need to prove that (6.106) holds for all ", E CO'. But it is enough
to show that (6.106) holds for those", E CO' satisfying

d(8D,supp(",)) ~ C p(supp(",)).

Let Tf be such a ego function and consider

¢t = ¢ + tTf, for all t E JR.

We define
St = {( r, z) ED; ¢ + tTf > ¢2},
M t = ((r,z) E D; ¢ + tTf < ¢d·
Since ¢1 :S ¢ :S ¢2, St and M t are subsets of supp( Tf) and they satisfy the
following conditions
d(8D,St) 2: p(St),
d(8D,Mt ) 2: e p(Md·

¢I = { ¢ + tTf on Mt,
¢1 on D \ Mt;

¢; = { ¢ + tTf on St,
¢2 onD\St.
By the definition of ¢, we know that E(¢) :S E(¢t). By using Lemma
6.36 we have

E(¢t) - E(¢ + tTf) = {E(¢d - E(¢in + {E(¢2) - E(¢~n :S o.

Combining these two inequalities, we get

E(¢) :S E(¢ + tTf)·

The lemma is proved.

LEMMA 6.38 There exists a critical point ¢2 of E on D with "p2 =

¢21aD 2:"p and"p2 = 0 when r = O.
PROOF. We consider the z-independent critical points of E which are the
solutions of the equation

d2 ¢ 1 d¢ ). sin 2¢
r dr 2r2
=0. ( 6.107)

We know that its general solutions are <pc(r) = 2tan- 1 ( cr V>:) and
7r - <pc(r) with c > o. It is easily seen that <Pc(O) = 0 and for any
fixed r > 0, <pc(r) = 2tan- 1 ( cr V>:) --+ 7r when c --+ 00.
Since the boundary condition (6.104)-(ii) holds, there are constant
K and 8 such that

'ljJ(r,z):SKrV>: when r:S8 and (r,z)EaD.

On the other hand, there is 81 > 0, such that

2crV>: "
<p > sin <pc
c -
= > K r v).. ,
1 + c2r2V>: -

when c > 1f and r :S 81 . For this c

and when r < 80 = min ( 8, 8d. Furthermore, we can choose c sufficiently

large such that on aD and when 80 :S r :S 1

Thus, we have shown that there exists Co such that <Pca laD 2: 'ljJ and <Pea
is the desired <P2.

We are now in a position to prove the following theorem.

THEOREM 6.39 ([Z]) Let 11 : 51 --+ 51 be a harmonic map of constant
energy density i,
"p : 8llf,3 -+ 52 a regular nonsurjedive equivariant map
whose restriction on aD is order of 0(1' V>:) when r --+ O. Then there exists
a regular equivariant harmonic extension I : llf,3 --+ 52 of the given map
PROOF. We take the zero function as our <Pl. By Lemma 6.38 we also have
<P2. According to Lemma 3.6 and Lemma 6.37 we obtain a local minimum
<p of E. By the standard elliptic regularity theorem <p is a regular solution
of Eq. (6.103) with the boundary condition <plaD = 'ljJ, which supplies a
regular equivariant harmonic map.

REMARK 1 In [X14] we investigated the more general case: the equi-

variant boundary value problem of harmonic maps from llli m + 1 into 5 n .
We also can solve it by the variational method.

6.7.3 Construction of equivariant maps into CP2.

Let ]R3 be the open unit 3-dimensional ball in IR3. For any Z E ]R3
there exist X E Sl and (r, z) E D, such that

Z = (rX,z),

D={(r,z)EIR2, r2+z2 < 1, r > o}.
On the other hand, on the target manifold Cp2, as described in the
last section, there is an isoparametric function </>. The level hypersurfaces
of </> are given by


with principal curvatures - cot </> of multiplicity 2 and -2 cot 2</>. It has
the focal point A and the focal variety Cpl and can be viewed as the
distance function from A.
Let h : Sl ---7 Cpl be a harmonic map with the constant energy
density~, 12: Sl ---7 Sl be a harmonic map with the constant energy
density >'2'. Now we define a map 1 : ]R3 ---7 ClP'2 as follows. For any
Z = (rX,z) E ]R3 \ {r = o} we join A and h(X) E ClP'l by the unique
complex projective line which intersects a level hypersurface Mrf>(r,z) at a
circle SIn sin 24». Then by using 12 we have a point I(Z) E Mq,(r,z) E
CP2, where the smooth function </>(r, z) on D will be determined later
by the harmonicity equation. It is easily seen that 1 is an equivariant
map with respect to Riemannian submersions in both domain and target
manifolds. It induces a harmonic map between fiber submanifolds. It is
also a horizontal map.
Thus, we can use Theorem 6.3 to derive the harmonicity equation.
Let B2 be the second fundamental form of the fiber submanifold Mrf> in
Cp2. Let {~e} be a unit vector field of Sl(~). By a direct computation

2 (I !r I!)
* e, * e
- _Al
sin</>cos</> _ A2 sin2</>cos2</>
r2 2r 2 '

Therefore, the reduced harmonicity equation follows


(r,z) ED, 0< </> < 2"'

If lim4>(r,z)
= 0, then f can be continuously extended to whole Iffi3.
Furthermore, f(Iffi3) does not lie in a complex projective line ClP'1 for
Al i=- 0, since any complex projective line starting from A intersects the
focal variety ClP'1 at only one point. If A2 i=- 0, then f(Iffi3) does not
lie in a real projective plane RlP'2. We are interested in the general case
when both Al and A2 do not vanish. Our construction is essentially a
generalization of that in [Z], as shown in previous subsections.
If the boundary data are also equivariant with respect to isoparame-
tric map i and the isoparametric function 4>, then the boundary condition
is also reduced to the boundary aD. Furthermore, suppose that the
function "p = 4>laD satisfies the following conditions:

1) "p=0 when r = 0;
2) max· l•
aD 'I' - 2
Any solution to the equation (6.109) with boundary conditions
(6.110) supplies us a continuous map f from Iffi3 into C]P'2, which is smooth
harmonic on Iffi3 \ {r = O}. One can prove that the map is weakly har-
monic on whole Iffi3 by a cut-off function technique. Thus, by the main
regularity theorem for harmonic maps, f is a smooth harmonic map.

6.7.4 Heat flow.

Let us consider the following evolution problem:

4>(., 0) = 4>0 (r, z), 0 ~ 4>0 ~ "2' (6.112)
4>(., t)laD = 4>olaD ="p, "p(0, z) = 0, (6.113)

where 4>0 is a regular function on D and is of order O(rV Ad A 2) as r -+ o.

We first prove the short time existence for (6.111) - (6.113). As de-
rived above, (6.111) is the reduction equation of the general harmonicity
equation from $3 into ClP'2. In $3 we choose axially symmetric coordi-
nates (r,O,z) and in ClP'2 we have geodesic polar coordinates (4),0'.,(3,7),
where ((3,7) are the coordinates in the focal variety ClP'1 of the isopara-
metric function 4>. We consider the initial-boundary value problem of the
evolution equations for harmonic maps f from $3 into ClP'2 as follows.
at = r(f), (6.114)
f(·,O) = fo(·), f(·,t)ls2 = fo(-)ls2. (6.115)

It is known that for the regular 10 there exists a unique regular soluton
1 : iff,3 x [O,T) -+ ClP'2 to the problem (6.114) and (6.115), where T E
(0,00 1 is the maximal existence time (see [Ha, p122]). In our case the
initial-boundary conditions are equivariant. Besides (6.112) and (6.113)
we also have the following conditions.
a(·,O) = k2 8, a(·,t)ls2 = k 2 8,
,8(·,0) = k1 8, ,8(-,t)IS2 = k 1 8, (6.116)
1'(,,0)=0, 1'(', t)IS2 = 0,
where Al = ki and A2 = k~.
If we can prove that the solution to the equations (6.114) with the
equivariant conditions (6.112), (6.113) and (6.116) is also equivariant,
then by uniqueness we will complete the proof of short time existence
for (6.111)-(6.113). To do this we consider the tension field in the above
coordinates. Notice that the concrete expression of the tension field in
each component does not involve a 8 variable explicitly, and neither do
the cofficients in equations (6.114). The solution to the equations (6.114)
is invariant under translation of the 8 variable. Due to the equivariant
initial-boundary conditions and uniqueness of the solution, a prIOrI we
can assume that the solution has the following form:
¢ = ¢(r, z, t),
a = k 2 8 + a(r, z, t),
,8 = k l 8 + i3(r, z, t),
l' = 'Y(r, z, t),
where ¢(r,z,O) = ¢o(r,z), a(r,z,O) = 0, i3(r,z,O) = 0, 'Y(r,z,O) = 0.
Let h ij be the metric tensor in the geodesic polar coordinates on the
target manifold ClP'2 as described above and
h ij = diag(1, sin 2 ¢ cos 2 ¢, sin 2 ¢, sin 2 ¢ sin 2 ,8 cos 2 ,8).
The equations (6.114) then become
1 8h 22 -2 -2 k~
¢t = I::..¢ - 2 8¢ (a r + a z + :;,2)
1 8h33 ( -2 -2 ki) 1 8h 44 -2 -2
- 2 8¢ ,8r +,8z + r2 - 2 8¢ (';'r +'YJ,
h 22 (at - I::..a) - 8;2 (¢rar + ¢za z ) = 0,

- - 8h33 - - 1 8h 44 -2 -2
h 33 (,8t - 1::..,8) - 8¢ (¢r,8r + ¢>z,8z) + 2 8,8 (';'r + 'Yz) = 0,
_ _ 8h 44 _ _ 8h 44 - _ --
h 44 (';'t - 1::..1') - 8¢ (¢r'Yr + ¢z'Yz) - 8,8 (,8r'Yr + ,8z'Yz) = 0.

v(r, z, 0) = 0, v(r,z,t)laD = 0 for 0 < t < T.

By the concrete expressions for the metric tensor h ij we know that the
coefficient of v is bounded from above on D x [O,s] for s E (O,T). By
using the maximum principle [F] we conclude v == 0, and then a == O.
Similarly, after proving f3 == 0 we also can prove "y == O. Hence, we have
LEMMA 6.40 The evolution problem (6.111)-(6.113) has a unique reg-
ular solution rjJ(r,z,t) on D x [O,T) for some T > O. Furthermore, if
rjJo 1:- 0,
o< rjJ(r,z,t) <"2 for (r,z,t) ED x (O,T). (6.119)

PROOF. It suffices to prove (6.119). We write equation (6.111) in the form

8rjJ 8 2rjJ 8 2rjJ 18rjJ
at = 8r2 + 8z 2 + ~ 8r +q(r,z,t)rjJ,
( ) _ _ ).1 sin 2rjJ + ).2 sin 2rjJ cos 2rjJ
q r, z, t - 2r2rjJ(r, z, t) ,
which is bounded from above on D x [O,s] for s E (O,T). Due to (6.112)
and (6.113) we can employ the maximum principle to obtain rjJ(r, z, t) > 0
unless it is identically O. Similarly, let 1] = f - rjJ. Then 1] satisfies
81] 8 2 1] 8 2 1] 1 81]
8t = 8r2 + 8z2 + ~ 8r + p(r,z,t)ry,
( ) _ ).1 sin 21] - ).2 sin 21] cos 21]
p r, z, t - 2 ( ) .
Since 1](0, z, t) = ~ > 0 we may choose small c: such that 1] > 0 on
DE x [0, s], where s E (0, T), and
DE = {(r,z) E Dj r < c:}.
It is easily seen that p( r, z, t) is bounded from above on {D \ DE} x [0, s].
Due to (6.112)-(6.113) we use the maximum principle again to conclude
1] > O.

To analyze the blow-up phenomena let us consider the z-independent

solutions of (6.109), which are solutions to the following ODE

-ddr2¢> + -1d¢>
r dr
- - -2r2 sm2¢> -
sm 2¢ cos 2¢> = 0, (6.120)

o< r <
1, o< ¢> < 2'
To solve equation (6.120) with the condition lim ¢>(r) = 0 we make
the change of variable r = eX, -00 < x :S O. Then (6.120) becomes


-00 < x < 0, o< ¢> < 2' lim ¢>( x) = O.

Multiplying (6.121) by ~: and integrating, we obtain

d¢ ) . 2 A2. 2
dx - Al sm ¢ - 4 sm 2¢> = c, (6.123)

where c is a constant. Due to the conditions (6.122) the constant c has

to be zero and (6.123) becomes

Noting (6.122), the minus sign of the right-hand side of the above equation
is impossible. Therefore, (6.123) reduces to


For any initial condition ¢>(xo) = T, -00 < Xo < 00, there is a unique
solution ¢(x) to (6.124), which can be extended to the whole line (-00,00)
since the right-hand side of (6.124) is bounded. Notice that the constant
solutions of (6.124) are ¢> = k7r, (k = 0,±1, .. · ,±oo). Let us consider
the solutions ¢> of (6.124) with initial condition 0 < T < 7r. By unique-
ness the solution curve on the (x, ¢) plane lies within two lines ¢> == 0
and ¢> == 7r. Thus lim ¢>(x) exists, which implies that there exists a se-
x--+- ex:>

quenceofpoints {xd -+ -00 such that ~:(Xk) -+ O. Considering equation

(6.124) on those points gives lim ¢(x) = O. Similarly, lim ¢>(x) = 7r.
x--+-oo x--+oo
In summarizing, we have

LEMMA For any 7 < 7r there exists a unique solution 4>r(x) of

(6.124) satisfying the boundary conditions 4>r(O) = 7 and lim 4>r(x) =

o. Furthermore,

where 71 < 72.

LEMMA 6.42 Let 4>(r) be a solution to (6.120) satisfying the boundary


lim4>(r)=O and 4>(ro)=2arctan(cr~):::;~2.


Then we have the estimates

2arctan( cr v' Al+ A2) :::; 4>(r) :::; 2arctan(cr~), (6.125)

where 0 < r :::; ro :::; 1 and c is a positive constant.


for -00 < x :::; In ro. It can be verified that 1/J = 2 arctan( c exp M x) is
a solution to the equation

For a solution 4>(x) to (6.124) with

4>(lnrO) = 2arctan(cr~) :::; ;

d4> 1\.
L 1 (4)) = dx - y A1 sm 4>

= -
~! VAl + A2 cos 2 4> sin 4> + VAl + A2 cos 2 4> sin 4> - VI; sin 4>
= VAl + A2 cos 2 4> sin 4> - VI; sin 4> 2: o.
Notice that

4>(ln ro) = 1/J(ln ro), lim 4>( x) = lim 1/J( x) = O.

x--+-oo 7:--+-00

If there exists a point x E (-00, In ro) such that (4) - 1/J)( x) > 0, then
there is a positive maximum point Xo E (-00, In ro) of 4> -1/J. We have

but the right-hand side of the above expression is negative. The con-
tradiction implies ¢ < "p on (-oo,lnroj. Reversing back to the original
variable gives
¢(r) s:; 2arctan(cr~).
d"p .
L 2 ("p) = -
- VAl + A2 sm"p.
Then any solution of (6.124) is a supersolution of L2 ("p) = O. By a similar
argument as above we will obtain another inequality of (6.125).

LEMMA 6.43 There exists a solution ¢ to equation (6.120) satisfying the

condition lim ¢(r) = 0 such that ¢ ~ ¢o on D, where ¢o is the given

initial-boundary data satisfying conditions (6.112) and (6.113).

PROOF. By condition (6.112) there are constants K and 8 such that

¢o(r,z) s:; K r v' Ad A2 when r s:; 8 and (r,z) E D.

On the other hand, there is 81 > 0, such that

2crv'Al +A2
¢ = 2arctan( cr VAd A2) > sin¢ = > KrV Ad A2
c - c 1 + c2r2v'Al+A2 - ,

when c > If and r s:; 81 . For this c,

¢c~¢o on Dn{r<80 },
where 80 = min( 8,8 1 ), Furthermore, we can choose c sufficiently large
such that on D n {80 s:; r s:; I}

¢c ~ 2arctan(c8tA1 + A2 ) ~ m~x(¢o).

We have shown that there exists Co such that ¢co ~ ¢o on D.

~ -
Choose ro such that coro 1 2 = 1. Denote by ¢ the solution to
(6.120) with the boundary conditions lim ¢(r) = 0 and ¢(ro) = ~. By
Lemma 6.42,

on D n {O s:; r s:; TO},

Notice that ¢ is monotone increasing and


We need the following comparison principle.

LEMMA 6.44 Let 4>(r, z, t) be a regular solution to (6.111)-(6.112) on
[0, T). Let ¢ be a regular solution to equation (6.111). Moreover, let 4>
and ¢ satisfy the initial-boundary relations:

¢( r, z, 0) ;::: 4>0 ( r, z) on D,
¢iaD;::: 4>oiaD, ¢(O,z,t) = 4>o(O,z) = 0.

Then ¢ > 4> on D x [0, T).

PROOF. Let TJ = 4> - ¢. By (6.126) TJ SOon D x {a} and on aD x [0, T).
By equation (6.111), TJ satisfies

TJt = TJrr + TJzz + TJrr + p(r,z,t)ry on D x [O,T), (6.127)


(r z t) = _ Al(sin2¢ - sin 24» _ A2(sin4¢ - sin 44»

p , , 2(4)-4>)r2 4(4)-4>)r2

1 11 0
cos2[s¢+(1-s)4>]ds- 21

Since 4>(0, z, t) = ¢(O, z, t) = 0, for each to E (0, T) there exists c > °

such that p < on DE x [O,t o]. Hence p(r,z,t) is bounded from above
on D x [0, to] . By using the maximum principle again we conclude that
TJ SOon [) x [0, T).

6.7.5 Global existence and subconvergence.

Now we are in a position to prove the theorem as follows.
THEOREM 6.45 ([XI7]) For any equivariant initial-boundary condition
with respect to the isoparametric map i and the isoparametric function 4>,
whose restriction to D is a regular function 4>0 (0 S 4>0 S ~, 4>(0, z) = 0)
on D and is of order O(rV Ad A2) as r --+ 0, there exists a unique global
solution to the evolution equation for the boundary value problem of har-
monic maps from lIf,3 into 1(:11"2. Furthermore, this solution subconverges
to an equivariant harmonic map as t --+ 00.
REMARK It is well known that for complex projective space with the
Fubini-Study metric, the sectional curvature lies between 1 and 4, the
radius of the geodesic convex ball is ~ and its diameter is f. The boundary
condition in our theorem overpasses the convex ball and can reach any
possible range.

PROOF. Let ¢(r,z,t) be the unique solution to (6.111)-(6.113) on

D x [0, T), where T is the maximum existence time. If T is finite, then ¢
must blow up at T, i.e., for some (r, z) E D

lim sup IV ¢( r, z, t) I = 00.


By Lemma 6.43 we have the regular solution 41 to (6.111), which is inde-

pendent of t and z. By Lemma 6.44, 41 > ¢ on D x [0, T). Therefore,
from (6.125) it follows that

¢(r,z,t) - ¢(O,z,t) < 41(r) - 41(0) ::; 2 arctan( crVX-;)

r r r

for sufficiently small r, and I¢rl is bounded at r = when t -+ T. °

Therefore, if blow-up first occurs on r = 0, then we have a sequence
(ri,zi,ti) -+ (O,z',T) for which I¢zl -+ 00. Then for all i sufficiently
large, we have
1¢z(ri,zi,ti)1 > l.
On the other hand, since ¢ is C 2 +a( D x {t}) for t < T , there exists {ai}
such that

We can choose ri < ai and obtain

which contradicts (6.128). Thus we conclude that there is no blow-up on

r °
= and there exists E: > 0, such that
sup IIV¢II= < 00. (6.129)
D, x[O,T)

The solution ¢ can also be viewed as a bounded solution to the linear

parabolic equation
¢t = ¢rr + ¢zz + -¢r + per, z, t) on D \ Do x [O,T),

__ >'1 sin2¢ + >'2 sin2¢cos 2¢
p (r, z, t ) - 2 .
It is easily seen that

Hence we can apply the estimates for linear parabolic equations to obtain

114>llc 2+ a ,1+a(D\D, x[O,T)) < C(c:), ( 6.130)

where C(c:) is a constant depending only on c: (see [L-S-V], pp351-355).

Inequalities (6.129) and (6.130) mean that there is no blow-up for the
solution and 4> is the global solution and

sup IIV'4>(" t)lloo < C.


It turns out that (6.130) holds for T = 00.

We now study the convergence of 4>( r, z, t) when t goes to infinity.

r r
By a direct computation the energy functional of the defined map f is

E( 4» = ~ L[(~~ + (~~ + Al ~~2 4> + A2 ~~: 24>1r dr dz.

We have

dE _ r
(A.. A..
dt - JD 'f'r'f'rt
A.. A..
+ 'f'z'f'zt +
Al sin 24> 4>t
2r2 +
A2 sin 24> cos 24> 4>t)
2r2 r
d d
r z

= 1[~ (4)r4>t r ) + d~ (4)z4>t r )] drdz

_j (A..
A.. ~A.. _ Al sin 24> _ A2 sin 24> cos 24»
+ 'f'zz + r 'f'r 2 2 2 2
A.. d d
'f't r r z.
D r r

U sing Stokes' theorem and the fact that 4>t laD = 0, we see that the first
term of the above expression vanishes. From (6.111) it follows that

= - JD(4)d rdrdz.

E(4)(r,z,O)) = E(4)o(r,z)) < 00,

there exists a sequence of points {td -t 00, such that

L 4>;(x,z,tk)rdrdz -t O.

Thus for any TJ E L2(D)

( 6.133)

This means that 4>t(r, z, tk) converges to zero weakly in L2(D) as tk ap-
proaches infinity. From the estimate (6.130) we may choose a subsequence
of {tk} (denoted by {tk} for simplicity), such that 4>(x, z, tk) converges to
4>00 = 4>(r,z,oo) strongly in CHe«D \D c ). Due to (6.133), 4>00 is a weak
solution to (6.109), and therefore a regular solution to (6.109). From the
previous discussion
o ::; 4>( r, z, t) ::; ¢( r )
for any t. It follows that 4>00 --+ 0 as r --+ O. Hence 4>00 is a regular
solution to (6.109)-(6.110) and by our previous discussion supplies an
equivariant harmonic map from Iffi3 into ClP'2.
REMARK 1 If the domain manifold is the unit disk Iffi2 we consider the
polar coordinates instead of the axially symmetric coordinates. By a
similar but simpler discussion we have a corresponding theorem. As for
target manifold being ClP'n (n > 2) we can also conclude a similar result.
REMARK 2 Lemma 6.43 is still valid for the more general initial-
boundary data 4>0 with 0 ::; 4>0 < 7r by the following considerations.
From the condition of 4>0 near r = 0 there are constants K and h such
4>o(r,z) ::; KrVA1+A2 when r::; hand (r, z) E D.
On the other hand, there is hI > 0, such that for r ::; hI
2arctan(crVA1+A2) > > KrVA1+A2
- 1 + c2 r2vA1 +A2 - ,
when c > .!f and chf A1+ A2 ::; 1. Define 4>T(r) by
4>T(r) = 4>T(lnr),
which is a solution of (6.120). We can use Lemma 6.42 to conclude that
4> TO ( r) ~ 4>0 on D n {r < ho },
where ho = min( h, hd. By Lemma 6.41 the above inequality holds for all
T ~ TO with the same ho.
We see that 4>T(r) converges to 7r when T --+ 7r for each r E (0,1].
Hence, there is TI ~ TO such that
4> T1 (ho ) ~ mJ!:x( 4>0)
which gives
on D n {ho < r < I}.

will serve as our upper barrier.



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almost complex manifold, 97 cut locus, 43

almost Hermitian manifold, 98 cut-off function, 26, 165
anti-biholomorphic map, 115 conformal diffeomorphism, 11
anti-holomorphic map, 98
asymptotic estimate, 176
diffeomorphism, 11, 115
differential p-form with values in
Banach space, 178 E,17
base manifold, 2 distance function, 43
basic vector field, 148 b-pinched manifold, 132
Bergman metric, 54
biholomorphic map, 115
blow-up, 220 energy, 10
Bochner technique, 17 energy density, 10
boundary regularity, 126 energy minimizing map, 99, 122
boundary value problem, 211 equivariant harmonic map, 147
bounded symmetric domain, 54 equivariant map, 147
Euler-Lagrange equation, 14, 167
exterior differential operator, 18

Cartan-Hadamard manifold, 46
Christoffel's symbols, 9 fiber, 2
Clifford hypersurface, 41 first fundamental form, 10
closed form, 20 first variational formula, 13
closed geodesic, 23 focal submanifold, 182
co-differential operator, 18 Frankel conjecture, 102
co-closed form, 20 Fubini-Study metric, 106
Codazzi equation, 81
comparison principle, 223
complex hyperbolic space, 49, 60 Gauss equation, 81
complex projective space, J06, generalized Gauss map, 16, 61
composition formula, 28 generalized maximum principle, 70
cone-like map, 66 geodesic, 12
connection, 5 geodesic ball, 26
conservation law, 39 geodesic convex neighborhood, 76
convex function, 28 Grassmannian manifold, 16, 61
coordinate chart, 2
cross-section, 2
curvature, 6 harmonic form, 20

harmonic p-form, 49
harmonic function, 15 index, 35
harmonic homogeneous polyno- index form, 34
mial,30 induced vector bundle, 3
harmonic map, 13 irreducible homogeneous space,
harmonic representative, 162, 179 132
harmonicity equation, 13 isometric immersion, 5
Hausdorff dimension, 125 isoparametric function, 149, 179,
Hausdorff measure, 125 182
heat flow, 217 isoparametric hypersurface, 149
Hermitian inner product, 181 isoparametric map, 149, 193
Hermitian seminegative curvature, isotropy subgroup, 150
Hermitian vector bundle, 105 Jacobi field, 35
Hessian comparison theorem, 43,
47,77 Kiihler form, 99
Hessian form, 28 Kiihler manifold, 16, 99
Hessian operator, 43 K(7r, 1) manifold, 132
Hilbert space, 167
Hilbert-Schmidt norm, 20 Laplace operator, 9
Hodge-Laplace operator, 17, 53 Laplacian comparison theorem, 55,
holomorphic bisectional curvature, 74
102 Levi-Civita connection, 7
holomorphic map, 16, 98 Lie group, 16, 150
holomorphic sectional curvature, Lie homomorphism, 16
102 Liouville-type theorem, 45, 53, 57
homogeneous space, 150 local triviality, 1
homology class, 115 Lorentzian manifold, 80
homothetic map, 11 lower semi-continuous, 121
homotopy equivalence, 115 LP estimate, 143
homotopy group, 179
homotopy invariant, 100 main regularity, 124
homotopy theory, 16 manifold without focal points, 127
Hopf fibration, 17 mapping degree, 115, 179
Hopfmap, 16 maximum principle, 30, 31
Hopf's invariant, 180 mean curvature vector, 16
Hopf's maximum principle, 24 minimal immersion, 15
horizontal distribution, 148 minimizing sequence, 122, 168
horizontal lift, 148 minimizing tangential map, 125
horizontal map, 148 Minkowski space, 79
horizontal vector field, 148 moderate divergent energy, 46
hyperbolic space, 79 moderate volume growth, 142
Holder continuity, 124 monotonicity inequality, 43

mountain pass lemma, 176 Smith's construction, 163

space-like hypersurface, 78
normal bundle, 4 space-like submanifold, 86
nullity, 35, 101 space-like subspace, 54
stable harmonic map, 35
Palais-Smale condition, 176 stress-energy tensor, 39
partial energy, 97 strong compactness theorem, 126
partial energy density, 98 strong rigidity, 99
partial regularity, 124 strongly convex function, 28
pendulum equation, 165 strongly negative curvature, 110
p-harmonic map, 121, 132 strongly parabolic manifold, 142
pluriharmonic map, 117 strongly semi-negative curvature,
Pliicker-Grassmannian coordi- 110
nates, 87 subharmonic function, 28
principal orbit type, 150 submanifold with parallel mean
projectable vector field, 148 curvature, 16, 62
projection map, 2 superrigidity, 117
pseudo-Euclidean space, 54 surface without conjugate points,
pseudo-Grassmannian manifold, 54 130

quaternionic projective space, 202 tangent bundle, 2

tangential map, 125
tension field, 11
reduction theorem, 152 total manifold, 2
regular fiber, 149 totally geodesic map, 12, 41
regular point, 124 totally geodesic submanifold, 54
regular set, 124 trace-Laplace operator, 8
regularity, 123 trivial vector bundle, 2
relatively affine map, 40 truncated cone, 64
Ricci curvature, 23
Riemannian submersion, 147
Riemannian vector bundle, 7 unique continuation theorem, 32

Sard's theorem, 115 vector bundle, 1

scaling technique, 125 vertical distribution, 148
second fundamental form, 12
second variational formula, 33
sectional curvature, 23 weak convergence, 121
self-adjoint operator, 8 weakly conformal map, 40
singular fiber, 149 weakly harmonic map, 123
singular set, 124 WeitzenbOck formula, 17
Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations
and Their Applications

Departement de Mathematiques
Universite P. et M. Curie
4, Place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications is a book series that
lies at the interface of pure and applied mathematics. Many differential equations are
motivated by problems arising in such diversified fields as Mechanics, Physics, Differential
Geometry, Engineering, Control Theory, Biology, and Economics. This series is open to
both the theoretical and applied aspects, hopefully stimulating a fruitful interaction between
the two sides. It will publish monographs, polished notes arising from lectures and seminars,
graduate level texts, and proceedings of focused and refereed conferences.

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or typesetters.

Proposals should be sent directly to the editor or to: Birkhiiuser Boston, 675 Massachusetts
Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139

PNLDEI Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations, Volume I

Essays in Honor of Ennio De Giorgi
F. Colombini, A. Marino, L Modica, and S. Spagnolo, editors
PNLDE2 Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations, Volume II
Essays in Honor of Ennio De Giorgi
F. Colombini, A. Marino, L Modica, and S. Spagnolo, editors
PNLDE3 Propagation and Interaction of Singularities in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems
Michael Beals
PNLDE4 Variational Methods
Henri Berestycki, lean-Michel Coron, and [var Eke/and, editors
PNLDE5 Composite Media and Homogenization Theory
Gianni Dal Maso and Gian Fausto Dell'Antonio, editors
PNLDE6 Infinite Dimensional Morse Theory and Multiple Solution Problems
Kung-ching Chang
PNLDE7 Nonlinear Differential Equations and their Equilibrium States, 3
N.G. Lloyd, W.M. Ni, LA. Peletier, l. Serrin, editors
PNLDE8 Introduction to r -Convergence
Gianni Dal Maso

PNLDE9 Differential Inclusions in Nonsmooth

Mechanical Problems: Shocks and Dry Frictions
Manuel D. P. Monteiro Marques

PNLDE 10 Periodic Solutions of Singular Lagrangian Systems

Antonio Ambrosetti and Vittorio Coti Zelati

PNLDE II Nonlinear Waves and Weak Turbulence

with Applications in Oceanography and
Condensed Matter Physics
N. Fitzmaurice. D. Gurarie. F. McCaugham.
and W. A. Woyczynski. editors

PNLDE 12 Semester on Dynamical Systems: Euler

International Math Institute. St. Petersburg. 1991
Kuksin. Lazutkin. and Poeschel. editors

PNLDE 13 Ginzburg-Landau Vortices

F. Bethuel. H. Brezis. and F. Helein

PNLDE 14 Variational Methods for Image Segmentation

Jean-Michel Morel and Sergio Solomini

PNLDE 15 Topological Nonlinear Analysis: Degree.

Singularity, and Variations
Michele Matzeu and Alfonso Vignoli. editors

PNLDE 16 Analytic Semi groups and Optimal Regularity

in Parabolic Problems
A. Lunardi

PNLDE 17 Blowup for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations

Serge Alinhac

PNLDE 18 The Heat Kernel Lefschetz Fixed Point Formula

for the Spin-c Dirac Operator
J. Duistermaat
PNLDE ·19 Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
I. Hoveijn

PNLDE 20 Topics in Geometry: Honoring the Memory

of Joseph D'Atri
Simon Gindikin, editor

PNLDE 21 Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical

Physics: The Danish-Swedish Analysis Seminar,
Lars Hormander and Anders Melin, editors

PNLDE 22 Partial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis

In Memory of Pierre Grisvard
J. Cea, D. Chenais, G. Geymonat, and J.-L. Lions, editors

PLNDLE 23 Geometry of Harmonic Maps

Yuanlong Xin

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