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Source Review

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Source Review

The rejection of the Covid-19 vaccine by various countries has been extensively

discussed by various literary personnel. This paper will review Peter Hotez's "Covid-19 meets

the anti-vaccine movement," microbes and infection. Hotez posted this extensive research work

on the Elsevier research hub, where the most verified, scholarly, and peer-reviewed journals are

posted for reference. This source is Hotez's original work and has not been peer-reviewed by

other scholars. The source presents the context of vaccine rejection and its implications on the

perpetrators. The source is also availed at the PubMed. The author is also engaged in vaccine

development for the Covid-19 virus. His main context is the mass rejection of the vaccines out

of ignorance and inadequate understanding of the viral effects on immunity. This source is rich

in content to support my research on the importance of mandatory vaccination to the public

amidst rejection from other countries and sections of society members. It is also a reliable source

of information because the author has sufficient knowledge of vaccine-related concepts.

However, the work is thin in size, meaning the contents may be rich but inadequate to most

readers. My main focus is extracting viable information from this source.

Source Evaluation

The credibility of this source is depicted in most instances between the writings. First, the

author states the significant benefits of mandatory vaccination by providing a case example of

the United States' current decline in the number and rate of infections. This is an example of

states that have mandated vaccination of citizens and have witnessed significant variations

between the periods before vaccination and periods after vaccination, thus making critical

conclusions that the vaccination is important in reducing infections, vulnerability, and death. To

mitigate the consequences of the virus, the author suggests that countries should impose

mandatory vaccination of individuals within countries to minimize first-time and re-infections

among the population. Countries with not authorized mandatory vaccination such as Tanzania

are trailing with a high number of daily infections and Covid-19 related deaths (Hotez, 2020).

These countries have contrary beliefs to what the medical experts and the world health

organization (WHO) provisions.

The author also presents useful information about controversial prodigies surrounding

immunization. Some people believe that immunization must always interfere with genotypic

formations. These individuals reject child immunization for fear of uncertainties in future life

provisions. Like other vaccines, Covid-19 is tested and verified by medical professionals and the

WHO to be authentic (Hotez, 2020). This article helps create public awareness concerning the

mythical conceptions of covid-19 vaccine by a section of countries and individuals who reject

vaccination, citing mythical bases. Usefulness and resourcefulness are depicted using graphical

representation to project the surge in coronavirus infection, comparing the virus to measles

prevalence and the mythical conception of measles.

The author also inscribes the prevalence of the covid-19 virus and vaccine rejection to a

health crisis targeting scientists across the global spectrum (Hotez, 2020). When countries reject

a vaccine, it could be claimed on scientific faults, which are rare because the vaccine is tested

before use. The author also presents a critical proposition to the public, appealing to citizens to

understand the importance of vaccination in preventing viral infections. He states that most viral

infections don't have cures; instead, they can just be subjected to containment measures to

minimize further implications.

The author asserts the commitment of scientists from across the world in sensitization of

covid-19 prevalence and truth about the virus. Consequently, there are groups also claiming the

non-existence of the virus. Besides, other billionaires also claim that developing the covid-19

virus can cause other implications on the targeted groups (Hotez, 2020). This is considered a

business mechanism for stopping producers so that these groups can come in with a different

virus. According to the author, other groups also believe that the virus originated from Wuhan,

China, a 5G transmission wave that affects only 5G users globally. From the author's

perspective, it is a conspiracy of false allegations revolving around the emergence of a deadly

virus that needs containment.

This article intensively articulates the idea of massive rejection of the coronavirus in most

countries, citing the relevance of mandatory vaccination in most countries. With comprehensive

information contained in this resource, the author asserts the usefulness and credibility of the

source. Besides intensive graphical analysis and presentation of data, the author depicts a

substantial presentation of analytical data. This source will help me arrive at my project

objectives of ascertaining the essence of mandatory vaccination rule imposed by the US and

other countries. Also, arriving at the detrimental impacts encountered by countries that have

rejected the coronavirus vaccine will be enhanced.



Hotez, P. J. (2020). COVID19 meets the anti-vaccine movement. Microbes and infection, 22(4),



When ascertaining the credibility and usefulness of my source, I asked myself the

authenticity of the author. In this question, I got an eligible answer that stated that the author is

also a participant in developing the vaccines. Besides, he is a researcher, thus ascertaining the

credibility and usefulness of this source.

This evaluation will keep me aware of the research goals and topic by articulating

relevant sources in acquiring sources. This will, in turn, impact my understanding of the concepts

and approaches to the project provisions.

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