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Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting Using Hough


Chapter · January 2017

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0983-7.ch046

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3 authors:

Manali Mukherjee Kamarujjaman Sk

Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology

Mausumi Maitra
Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology


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FPGA-Based Re-Configurable Architecture for Window Based Image Processing View project

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Advanced Methods
for Complex Network
Natarajan Meghanathan
Jackson State University, USA

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Names: Meghanathan, Natarajan, 1977- editor.
Title: Advanced methods for complex network analysis / Natarajan Meghanathan,
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Chapter 15
Application of Biomedical
Image Processing in
Blood Cell Counting using
Hough Transform
Manali Mukherjee
Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology, India

Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology, India

Mausumi Maitra
Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology, India

In the field of biomedicine, blood cells are complex in nature. Nowadays, microscopic images are used
in several laboratories for detecting cells or parasite by technician. The microscopic images of a blood
stream contain RBCs, WBCs and Platelets. Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and regularly
released into circulation. Blood counts are monitored with a laboratory test called a Complete Blood
Count (CBC). However, certain circumstances may cause to have fewer cells than is considered normal,
a condition which is called “low blood counts”.This can be accomplished with the administration of
blood cell growth factors. Common symptoms due to low red blood cells are:fatigue or tiredness, trouble
breathing, rapid heart rate, difficulty staying warm, pale skin etc. Common symptoms due to low white
blood cells are: infection, fever etc. It is important to monitor for low blood cell count because condi-
tions could increase the risk of unpleasant and sometimes life-threatening side effects.


In biomedicine field, blood cells with complex behavior are very important. Nowadays, microscopic
images are used in several laboratories for detecting cells or parasite by technician. The microscopic

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9964-9.ch015

Copyright © 2016, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

images of a blood stream contain Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs) and Platelets.
In medical field, the number of red blood cells is used as an indication factor for detecting the type of
diseases such as malaria, anemia, leukemia etc. Pathological examination of an infected cell by disease,
is only dependent on subjective assessment which usually leads to particular inter-observer variation in
gradation and results delay in diagnosis. The problems using manual counting of RBC under the mi-
croscope tend to give inaccurate result and errors (Mazalan, S.M., 2013), (Tangsuksant, W.,
2013). However, automatic cell count assessment still remains a challenging task as many of the cells are
clumped in an image where segmentation is the primary aspect as well. Hari, J.; Prasad,, 2014
worked on Separation and counting of blood cells using geometrical features and distance transformed
watershed. Because of cell’s complex nature, it is difficult to segment cells from its background and
count them automatically. Dwi Anoragaingrum, showed cell segmentation with median filter and
mathematical morphology operation. Keng Wu et al. worked on live cell image segmentation. Mark B.
Jeacocke and Brian C. Lovell proposed a Multi-resolution algorithm for Cytological image segmenta-
tion. Blood is unique among all tissues of the body because it exists as the only fluid tissue. According
to H Elaine & N. Marieb (2006), a blood cell can be any type of cell normally found in blood which
falls into four categories which are red blood cell, white blood cell, platelet and plasma. The differ-
ences between these groups lie on the texture, color, size, nucleus morphology and cytoplasm. In blood
cells, number of red cells is many more than white blood cells. For example an image may contain up
to 100 red blood cells and only 1 to 3 white blood cells. Platelets are small particles and are not clini-
cally important (Fatemeh Zamani, 2006). Blood cells form in the bone marrow, the soft material
in the center of maxium bones. WBCs (Leukocytes) are cells involved in defending the body against
infective organisms and unknown substances. Leukocytes or white blood cells containing granules are
called granulocytes (composed by neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil). Lymphocyte and monocyte Cells
are called agranulocytes i.e., without granules cells. These cells provide major defense against infections
in organisms and their specific concentrations can help specialists to discriminate the presence or the
absence of very important families of pathologies (Vincenzo Piuri, 2004).
Blood counting is synonym with the complete blood count or CBC which refers to combination
of Red Blood Cell (RBC), White Blood Cell (WBC), platelet, hemoglobin and hematocrit. They have
their own role in the body system and the counting result is important to determine the deficiency or
the capability of the body system. In short, any abnormal reading of CBC can give a sign of infection or
disease. For example, the presence of bacterial infection is diagnosed from increasing WBC count. On
the other hand, specific low vitamin may come from a decreased RBC and thrombocytopenia is refer-
ring to low platelet count. The result can influence physician to make the best response and monitor the
drug effectiveness from the blood count (Miswan, M. F., et al., 2011).
Complete blood count (CBC) consists of several counting of the main component in the blood cell.
Each of the components have a standard quantity range as a reference for a healthy women and man. Out
of the range values are considered to be abnormal and physician interprets the result for further action.
As the manual counting method is not very accurate, nowadays, computer based technology is used to
count the cells more accurately. Usually, there are four steps involved in counting the blood cells. These
are acquisition, pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and estimation. The first step involves
the acquisition of blood sample images. Pre-processing is done for image enhancement. The segmenta-
tion and feature extraction are done by using morphological techniques in order to distinguish the RBC,
WBC and Platelets blood cells from background and other cells. The segmentation and classification of


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

the RBCs are the most important stages. Due to the large RBC shape variations, a shape independent
framework for identification and segmentation is required (Deb, N. & Chakraborty, S., 2014).
Segmentation is an implementation of automated counting for blood cell which is manually done by
hematocytometer by using counting chamber. In the segmentation process, morphological technique is
mainly used because the mathematical morphology offers a powerful tool for segmenting images and
useful to describe the region shape, such as skeletons, textures and boundaries. The main idea of the
image segmentation is to form group of pixels in homogeneous regions and the usual approach to do this
is by ‘common feature’. Different methods and algorithms have been developed for image segmentation.
Image segmentation techniques are categorized into three classes: Clustering, edge detection, region
growing. Some popular clustering algorithms like k-means are often used in image segmentation. In
the present work, estimation of the number of blood cells is implemented by using Hough Transform
technique (Duda, R. O. and P. E. Hart, 1972).
The organization of the chapter is as follows: Section 2 discusses related work and motivation behind
the present work. It describes limitation of manual method of blood cell counting and it also describes
the need for automated blood cell counting from medical images using image pre-processing and seg-
mentation techniques. Section 3 describes the structural and functional properties of different blood cells
e.g. Red Blood Cell (RBC), White Blood Cell (WBC) and Platelets. This domain knowledge is very
important for analyzing the blood cell images for developing the algorithm to isolate the particular type
of blood cells from the rest of the image and to count them. It also describes some diseases where blood
cell counting is very important. Section 4 describes the historical importance as well as the detailed
methodology of Hough Transform, which is the key algorithm for the present study. Section 5 discusses
the detailed methodology of the proposed work. Section 6 discusses the method of segmentation of blood
cells using Hough Transform and section 7 discusses the method of counting of the cells per cumm which
is the most important data for the analysis of the related diseases. Section 8 describes the results of our
study. We have considered five different blood cell images for our study and a comparison of data has
been made between the manual counting method and our proposed method. Finally in section 9 we have
concluded that this chapter presents a methodology to achieve an automated detection and counting of
red blood cells in microscopic images using Hough Transform. Results show that the counting of red
blood cell in microscopic images offer remarkable accuracy. Citometers, based on laser, are available to
count blood cells but they are very costly and also they are not based on images and the blood samples
are destroyed during the analysis. Our proposed method is very cost-effective and can be implemented
easily in medical centers anywhere with a very low investment in infrastructure.


Content-based image indexing and retrieval is an important research area in computer science for the last
few decades. Many digital images are captured and stored everyday such as medical images, architec-
tural, advertising, design and fashion images, etc. As a result large image databases are created and used
in many applications. In this work, the medical images are the focus of our study. A large database of
medical images in digital format is generated every day by hospitals and medical institutions. Therefore,
it is becoming a challenging problem (Lehmann, 2000) to make use of this huge amount of
images effectively. In the field of biomedicine, because of cell’s complex nature, it still remains a chal-
lenging job to segment cells from their backgrounds and count them automatically (Dwi Anoragaingrum


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting, 1999; Keng Wu et al., 1995; Mark B. Jeacocke 1994; Choi H, 2001). Counting problem
arises in many real world applications which includes cell counting in microscopic images, monitoring
crowds in surveillance systems and performing wildlife census or counting the number of trees in an
aerial image of a forest (O., 2010; B. Leibe, 2008). The inspection of blood slides under
microscope provides important qualitative and quantitative information concerning the presence of
hematic pathologies. Experienced operators performed these operations from decades which includes
mainly two analyses. The first method is the qualitative study of the morphology of the cells and it gives
information of degenerative and tumoral pathologies. The second method is quantitative and it consists
of differential counting of the blood cells. Laser-based citometers, which are the examples of automated
cell counter systems, are available in the market, but they are not image based or morphological and the
blood samples are destroyed during the analysis (Abbott Diagnostics Website.
products/diagnostics.htm/; Beckman Coulter Website, Few
approaches of partial / full automated systems based on image processing systems are present in literature
and they are still at prototype stage. Vincenzo Piuri (2004) showed the classification and counting
of white blood cells in microscopic images for the assessment of a wide range of important hematic
pathologies. Testing in urine sediment is very important for the patients with abnormal urinary tract.
Constantly, the appearance of red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria, crystals and other microorgan-
isms in urine sediment’s patients is more important information for diagnosis (Tangsuksant 2013).
According to American Cancer Society (2009), the red blood cells in our body is divided into four
categories of ages, which are men, women, children and new born. Red blood is measured by the amount
of hemoglobin. We suffered short of breath and fatigue when the level of hemoglobin is too low due
to insufficient oxygen supply. The high count of red blood cells in our blood can be indication of an
undetected heart or lung problems. Therefore, count of red blood cell is very important in diagnosis of
many diseases. Malaria is one of the most serious parasitic infections of human. The accurate as well as
timely diagnosis of malaria infection is essential to control and cure the disease. Some image processing
algorithms are developed for automatic diagnosis of malaria using thin blood smears, but the percentage
of parasitaemia is often not very precise compared to manual count. One reason resulting in this error
is ignoring the cells at the borders of images. Various health hazards are caused by anemia. Anemia
decreases and also alters the shape of red blood cells (RBCs) present in blood. Different type of RBC
shapes account for different type of anemia. Automated blood cell analyzers can provide RBC, WBC
and platelet count and can detect anemia but anemia type identification, which requires classification of
RBCs, is carried out manually. The RBC classification provides invaluable information to pathologists
for diagnosis and treatment of different types of anemia. The manual visual inspection is tedious, time
consuming, repetitive and prone to human error. So automated classification of RBCs are an important
Vinutha H Reddy (2014) introduced an automatic RBC and WBC counting using computer vision.
The estimation of red blood cells involves several steps. These are image acquisition, preprocessing of
acquired image, segmentation, feature extraction, counting. The pre-processing step includes the conver-
sion of the original blood smear image into saturation image. Histogram thresholding and morphological
operations are used for segmentation. Feature extraction is done with the help of morphological opera-
tions to differentiate between RBCs, WBCs, Platelets and background. Last step is to measure number
of Red Blood Cell by using Hough Transform on the blood cell image.
Venkatalakshmi. B et al. (2013) presented a method for automatic red blood cell counting using Hough
transform. The algorithm for estimating the red blood cells consists of five major steps: input image ac-


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

quisition, pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and counting. In pre-processing step, original
blood smear is converted into HSV image. As bright components are clearly obtained in saturation image,
it is further used for analysis. Detection of the lower and upper threshold from histogram information is
the first step of segmentation. Based on this information the saturation image is then divided into two
binary images. Morphological area closing is applied to lower pixel value image and area closing as
well as morphological dilation is applied to higher pixel value image. Morphological XOR operation is
applied to two binary images and RBCs are extracted by applying Circular Hough Transform.
Siti Madihah Mazalan et al. (2013) also presented an approach for automatic RBC counting using cir-
cular Hough transform technique. It contains two major steps: finding out maximum and minimum radius
of RBC and Hough transform. For measurement of maximum and minimum radius, the steps are carried
out that include: cropping the image, RBG to gray conversion, morphological processing, thresholding,
noise removing and then measuring mean, standard deviation and tolerance. Finally, Circular Hough
Transform is applied to count RBCs in peripheral blood smear image with the help of known radius.
The purpose of our work in this area was also to focus on the problem of identification and counting
of red blood cells by microscopic images. We (M. Maitra 2012) introduced a method for automatic
segmentation and counting of red blood cells in microscopic image using Hough Transform. Preprocess-
ing techniques include edge detection, spatial smoothing filtering and adaptive histogram equalization.
Hough Transform is used for feature extraction to find out the red blood cells based on their sizes and
their shapes. This isolates the red blood cells from the rest of the image of the blood sample and finally
counting can be applied exclusively on them.


Red Blood Cell (RBC)

The major focus of clinical laboratory is to produce an accurate result for every test especially in the area
of RBC count. Red blood cells, also known as enthrocytes are the most important and numerous blood
cells in human body. Main function of RBCs is to carry oxygen and to deliver it to the cells in the body.
They are minute disc shaped. They do not contain nucleus but a protein called hemoglobin. Both outer
and inner layers of cell are made of protein that gives red color to blood. Actually hemoglobin does the
work of grabbing and carries oxygen. In blood test, the level of hemoglobin is tested usually and the
decrease in level may cause severe diseases including anemia, blood loss, leukemia and malnutrition. The
life span of RBC is of around 120 days. The production of red blood cells takes place in the bone marrow.
Typical red blood cell count (RBC) levels are: 2.6 to 4.8 million cells per micro liter for children, 4.2 to
5.4 million cells per micro liter for women and 4.5 to 6.2 million cells per micro liter of blood for men.
The main importance of the number of red blood cell is to detect as well as to follow the treatment of
many diseases like anemia, leukemia etc. Red blood cell count is responsible for important information
that helps diagnosis of many of the patient’s sickness. The conventional method of RBC counting under
microscope gives an unreliable and inaccurate result because it depends on the performance of clini-
cal laboratory technician. This method puts a lot of strain on the technician. Another method for RBC
counting uses the automatic hematology analyzer. As this machine is very costly, it is not possible for
all the hospital’s clinical laboratory to install such an expensive machine to count the blood cell in their
laboratory. Attempts are being made to solve this problem using medical image processing. There are six


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

major steps involved in the process of estimating the red blood cells. These are input image acquisition,
preprocessing, enhancement, segmentation, feature extraction and finally RBC counting.
The first step in the process is image acquisition. Before any video or image processing, an image
must be captured by a camera and converted into a manageable entity. This is the process known as im-
age acquisition. The image acquisition process consists of three steps; energy reflected from the object
of interest, an optical system which focuses the energy and finally a sensor which measures the amount
of energy. Usually it is microscopic image that can be obtained from online medical library or hospital
blood sample images. These images are in RGB color format.
Image pre-processing is a technique of adjusting images suitable for the next step of computational
process. It is done in such a way that image quality is improved for the success of the other processes.
Pre-processing techniques usually include contrast enhancing, noise removal, region isolation and use
of different color models. Original blood cell images are in color. Acquired images have low contrast
as all blood element colors are close to background color. Clustered white blood cells are also a factor
for noise inclusion.
After pre-processing, image enhancement is done. The principal goal of image enhancement is to
process a given image so that the result is more suitable than the original image for a particular applica-
tion. It sharpens image features such as edges, boundaries, or contrast to make a graphical presentation
more helpful for display and analysis. The enhancement doesn’t increase the inherent information, but it
increases the dynamic range of the chosen features so that they can be detected easily. The greatest dif-
ficulty in image enhancement is quantifying the criterion for enhancement and, therefore, a large number
of image enhancement techniques are empirical and require interactive procedures to obtain satisfactory
results. Image enhancement methods are based on either spatial or frequency domain techniques. These
techniques include image negation, histogram plotting, image subtraction and filtering.
The next stage deals with image segmentation. Segmentation partitions an input image into fore-
ground and background region. There are various approaches for segmentation e.g. segmentation by
using histogram and thresholding, Otsu adaptive thresholding and watershed transform, Hough transform
technique as well as segmentation by K Means clustering. The objective of segmentation is the extraction
of desired objects from the background. Segmentation is very complex and requires more processing
time in comparison with other methods. However it is important and more challenging step because the
feature extraction and counting depends on the correct segmentation of RBC.
Feature extraction includes morphological operations. It extracts features that contain quantitative
information of specified objects. Shape features are areas of cell and nucleus, cell perimeter, ratio of
nucleus to overall cell area, boundary of the nucleus and circularity factor. Texture features include
contrast, homogeneity and entropy derived from the gray-level co-occurrence matrix.

White Blood Cells

Another cellular component of the blood is White blood cells (WBCs). They are also called leukocyte
or white corpuscle which lacks hemoglobin, has a nucleus, is capable of motility, and protect the body
against infection and disease by ingesting foreign materials and cellular debris, by destroying infectious
agents and cancer cells, or by producing antibodies. A healthy adult human has between 4,500 and
11,000 white blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood. Different mode of fluctuations in white cell
number occurs during the day; lower values are obtained during rest and higher values are obtained
during exercise. An abnormal increase in white cell number is known as leukocytosis, whereas decrease


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

in number is known as leukopenia. White cell count may increase in response to intense physical exer-
tion, convulsions, acute emotional reactions, pain, pregnancy, labour, and certain disease states, such as
infections and intoxications. The count may decrease in response to certain types of infections or drugs
or in association with certain conditions, such as chronic anemia, malnutrition, or anaphylaxis. Like
all blood cells, white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow that developed from stem (precur-
sor) cells which mature into one of the five major types of white blood cells: Neutrophil, Eosinophil,
Basophile, Lymphocyte, Monocytes.
Neutrophils are the most abundant white blood cell, constituting 60-70% of the circulating leukocytes
(Bruce, 2002). They defend against bacterial or fungal infection.
Eosinophils compose about 2-4% of the WBC total. This count fluctuates throughout the day, sea-
sonally. It rises in response to allergies, parasitic infections, collagen diseases, and disease of the spleen
and central nervous system. They are rare in the blood, but numerous in the mucous membranes of the
respiratory, digestive, and lower urinary tracts. They primarily deal with parasitic infections.
Basophils are basically responsible for allergic and antigen response by releasing the chemical hista-
mine causing the dilation of blood vessels. Because they are the rarest of the white blood cells (less than
0.5% of the total count) and share physicochemical properties with other blood cells, they are difficult
to study (Falcone, 2000).They excrete two chemicals that help in the body’s defenses: histamine
and heparin. Histamine is responsible for widening blood vessels and maximizing the flow of blood to
injured tissue. It also makes blood vessels more permeable so neutrophils and clotting proteins can get
into connective tissue more easily.
Lymphocytes are much more common in the lymphatic system than in blood. Lymphocytes are di-
verse in nature and they have a deeply staining nucleus that may be eccentric in location, and a relatively
small amount of cytoplasm.
Monocytes share the “vacuum cleaner” (phagocytosis) function of neutrophils, but they have an ex-
tra role: they present pieces of pathogens to T cells so that the pathogens may be recognized again and
killed. This causes an antibody response to be mounted.


Platelets are the cells that circulate within our blood and bind together when they recognize damaged
blood vessels. Platelets have no cell nucleus: they are fragments of cytoplasm which are derived from the
mega karyocytes (Machlus KR, 2014) of the bone marrow and then enter the circulation. Platelets,
the smallest of our blood cells, are literally shaped like small plates in their non-active form. A blood
vessel will send out a signal when it becomes damaged. When platelets receive that signal, they’ll respond
by traveling to the area and transforming into their “active” formation. To make contact with the broken
blood vessel, platelets grow long tentacles and then resemble a spider or an octopus. A normal platelet
count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per micro liter of blood. Having more than 450,000
platelets is a condition called thrombocytosis; having less than 150,000 is known as thrombocytopenia.
Thrombocytosis has two types. One is Primary or essential thrombocytosis – Abnormal cells in the bone
marrow cause an increase in platelets, but the reason is unknown and another is Secondary thrombo-
cytosis – The same condition as primary thrombocytosis, but may be caused by an ongoing condition
or disease such as anemia, cancer, inflammation, or infection. When there are symptoms, they include
spontaneous blood clots in the arms and legs, which if untreated can lead to heart attack and stroke. In
severe cases, the patient might have to undergo a procedure called a platelet pheresis. This lowers the


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

platelet count by removing the blood, separating out the platelets, and returning the red blood cells back
to the body. When we don’t have enough platelets, it’s called thrombocytopenia. Symptoms include easy
bruising, and frequent bleeding from the gums, nose, or GI tract. Platelet count drops when something
is preventing our body from producing platelets.


The Hough transform was primarily developed to detect analytically defined shapes (e.g., line, circle,
ellipse etc.). In these cases, we have knowledge of the shape and want to find out its location and orien-
tation in the image. The method as it is universally used today was invented by Richard Duda and Peter
Hart in 1972, who called it a “generalized Hough transform” after the related 1962 patent of Paul Hough.
The transform was popularized in the computer vision community by Dana H. Ballard in 1981. The
Hough transform is a feature extraction technique used in image analysis, computer vision, and digital
image processing. In automated analysis of digital images, a sub problem often arises of detecting simple
shapes, such as straight lines, circles or ellipses. In many cases an edge detector can be used as a pre-
processing stage to obtain image points or image pixels that are on the desired curve in the image space.
Due to imperfections in either the image data or the edge detector, however, there may be missing points
or pixels on the desired curves as well as spatial deviations between the ideal line/circle/ellipse and the
noisy edge points as they are obtained from the edge detector. For these reasons, it is often non-trivial
to group the extracted edge features to an appropriate set of lines, circles or ellipses. The purpose of the
Hough transform is to address this problem by making it possible to perform groupings of edge points
into object candidates by performing an explicit voting procedure over a set of parameterized image
objects. This voting procedure is carried out in a parameter space, from which object candidates are
obtained as local maxima in a so-called accumulator space that is explicitly constructed by the algorithm
for computing the Hough transform.

Detection of Straight Line

Knowledge about the lines in an image is useful in many applications. The simplest case of Hough
transform is detecting straight lines. To manually extract the line information from an image can be
very tiring and time-consuming especially if there are many lines in the image. An automatic method is
preferable, but is not as trivial as edge detection since one has to determine which edge point belongs to
which line, if any. The Hough-transform makes this separation possible and, is a powerful global method
for detecting edges. It transforms between the Cartesian space and a parameter space in which a straight
line (or other boundary formulation) can be defined.
Let’s consider the case where we have straight lines in an image. We first note that for every point
(xi, yi)in that image, all the straight lines passing through that point satisfy the yi= mxi+ c (Equation 1)
for varying values of line slope and intercept (m,c) as shown in Figure 1.
Now if we reverse our variables and look instead at the values of (m,c) as a function of the image
point coordinates (xi,yi) then Equation 1 becomes:

c= yi− mxi (2)


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

Figure 1. Lines through a point in the Cartesian Figure 2. The (m,c) domain

Equation 2 describes a straight line on a graph of c against m as shown in Figure 2.

At this point, it is easy to see that each different line through the point (xi,yi) corresponds to one of
the points on the line in the (m,c) space.
Now, consider two pixels P1 and P2, which lie on the same line in the(x, y) space of an image. For
each pixel, we can represent all the possible lines through it by a single line in the (m,c) space. Thus a
line in the (x, y) space that passes through both pixels must lie on the intersection of the two lines in
the (m,c) space, which represent the two pixels. This means that all pixels which lie on the same line
in the (x, y) space are represented by lines which all pass through a single point in the (m,c) space, see
Figure 3 and Figure 4.
The advantage of the Hough transform is that the pixels lying on one line need not all be contigu-
ous. This can be very useful when trying to detect lines with short breaks in them due to noise, or when
objects are partially occluded. As for the disadvantages of the Hough transform, one is that it can give
misleading results when objects happen to be aligned by chance. This clearly shows another disadvantage

Figure 3. Points on the same line Figure 4. The mapping of P1 and P2 from Car-
tesian space to the (m,c) space


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

which is that the detected lines are infinite lines described by their (m,c) values, rather than finite lines
with defined end points.
To avoid the problem of infinite m values which occurs when vertical lines exist in the image, the
alternative formulation shown in Equation 3 can be used to describe a line shown in Figure 5.
This, however, means that a point in (x, y) space is now represented by a curve in (r, θ) space rather
than a straight line.

Detection of Circle

Hough transform can be used for detection of shapes of objects in an image other than the straight lines.
In case of circle detection, the method will have to be modified to use a three dimensional matrix H
(with the three parameters: the x and y coordinates of the centre and the radius). Nevertheless, due to
the increased complexity of the method for more complicated curves, it is practically of use only for
simple ones.
Here the parameter space can be defined by θ and R, where the values of θ have finite sizes, depending
on the resolution of θ. The distance to the line ρ will have a maximum size which is equal to two times
the diagonal length of the image [3]. The representation of circle is actually simpler in parameter space,
compared to the representation of a line, because the parameters of the circle can be directly transfer to
the parameter space.
In a two dimensional space a circle can be described by

(x-a)2 + (y-b)2 = r2

where (a,b) is the center of the circle, and r is the radius. If a 2D point (x,y) is fixed, then the parameters
can be found according to the above equation. The parameter space would be three dimensional, (a, b,
r). And all the parameters that satisfying (x, y) would lie on the surface of an inverted right-angled cone
whose apex is at (x, y, 0).
The parametric representation of the circle is

x = a + r cos (θ)

Figure 5. The representation of a line in the (x, y) space using (ri,θi)


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

y= b + r sin (θ)

When the angle sweeps through the full 3600 range the points (x, y) trace the parameter of a circle.
Thus the parameter space for a circle will belong to 3r whereas the line only belong to 2r.The pa-
rameter space used for circular Hough transform are shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7. As the number
of parameters to describe the shape of circular Hough transform increases, as well as the dimension of
the parameter space ‘r’ increases, so do the complexity of the Hough transform. Therefore, the Hough
transform in general is only considered for simple shapes with parameters belonging to 2r or at most 3r.
In order to simplify the parametric representation of the circle, the radius can be considered as a constant
or it may be limited to number of known radii.
The process of finding circles in an image using CHT is: First the edges in the image are found. For
this step any edge detection technique like Canny, Sobel or Morphological operations can be used as it
has nothing to do with Hough Transform.
At each edge point we draw a circle with center in the point with the pre-calculated radius. This circle
is drawn in the parameter space, such that the z axis is the radii while the x axis is the a-value and the y
axis is the b value. At the coordinates, which belong to the perimeter of the circle, we increase the value
in our accumulator matrix, which essentially has the same size as the parameter space. In this way, we
move around every edge point in the input image drawing circles with the desired radii and increasing
the values in the accumulator. The accumulator will now contain numbers corresponding to the number
of circles passing through the individual coordinates. Therefore, the highest numbers (selected in an
intelligent way, in relation to the radius) correspond to the center of the circles in the image.

Figure 6. The parameter space used for CHT

Figure 7. Circular HT from the x, y-space (left) to the parameter space (right), for a constant radius


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

Hough transform can be used to detect shapes in an image other than straight lines such as circles.
In that case, the only difference is that the method will have to be modified to use a three dimensional
matrix H (with the three parameters: the radius, the x and y coordinates of the centre). Nevertheless,
due to the higher complexity of the method for further complicated curves, it is practically of use only
for simple ones.


Numerous image processing algorithms and methods have been developed to segment Red Blood Cells
(RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC) and counting the same. Generally, blood cell segmentation and
counting methods include image acquisition, preprocessing to enhance the quality of the image and to
remove noisy information and further to segment and count the number of various blood cells present
in the image. The steps are as in Figure 8.


The purpose of preprocessing of the images is to improve the quality of the image being processed. In
the present work three preprocessing steps are used viz. grayscale conversion, histogram equalization
and filtering to remove the noise from the input images.
Grayscale Conversion - RGB is a true color image, specified as 3-D numeric array whereas grayscale
image, returned as a numeric array. Input image is read in RGB format. But for post processing, this
image has to be converted into grayscale format.

Figure 8. Heuristic representation of proposed work


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

Histogram Equalization - The global contrast of images are usually increased by using histogram
equalization, especially when the usable data of the image is represented by close contrast values. The
intensities can be better distributed on the histogram through this adjustment. This allows to convert
the areas of lower local contrast into gain a higher contrast. Histogram equalization accomplishes this
by effectively spreading out the most frequent intensity values. In this section, we have used histogram
equalization which enhances the contrast of the grayscale image.
Filtering - One of the important steps of preprocessing is noise filtering. Noise in input images may
be added at the time of capturing the microscopic blood images. This noise may be due to the dust par-
ticles present on the blood slide during the preparation of the slides. During the preparation of the blood
slidesThe blood slides While preparing the slides Here we have used adaptive median filtering method
which removes noises from the input images (see Figure 10).

Image Segmentation

In the field of computer vision, image segmentation is a process of partitioning a digital image into set of
pixels (i.e., multiple segments, also known as super pixels). The goal of segmentation is to represent the
image in a more meaningful way and/or to simplify the analysis. Image segmentation is typically used to
locate objects and boundaries such as lines, curves, etc. More precisely, in image segmentation process
every pixel in an image have been assigned a label where same label share similar visual characteristics.
The result of image segmentation is a multiple segments that collectively cover the entire image, or a
set of contours extracted from the image. In a region each of the pixels is similar with respect to some
characteristic or computed property, such as color, intensity, or texture.


The purpose of the present section is to describe a method to count the number of red blood cells in a
given blood sample. For this we have applied various pre-processing techniques like edge detection,
spatial smoothing filtering and adaptive histogram equalization for detection and extraction of the red
blood cells from the images. Feature extraction has been done by using Hough Transform method which
has been used to locate the red blood cells based on their sizes and their shapes. The advantages of the
Hough transform over other segmentation techniques makes it attractive for the present application.
Hough transform is very efficient to detect with short breaks in them due to noise, or when objects are
partially occluded. This step isolates the red blood cells from the rest of the image of the blood sample
so that further processes like counting can be applied exclusively on them.
Figure 11 shows the identification of RBCs by Hough Transform.


In the image field, after successful isolation of red blood cells we have applied a counter that has counted
the number of RBCs. In medical terms blood count means the number of blood cells (RBC or WBC
or Platelets) in a cubic millimeter of blood volume. Hence we have derived a formula to calculate the
number of red blood cells per cumm based on the number of cells in the area of the given image of the


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

Figure 10. Pre-processed gray level images


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

Figure 11. Images after Hough transform

blood sample. We have assumed that the thickness of the blood sample film is 0.1 mm as standard medi-
cal practice. This allows for an overlapping of maximum two layers in thickness which is the common
practice in the images provided in Figure 9. This formula requires an input for providing the magnifica-
tion factor which is the magnification level under the microscope at which the image has been taken.
Volume of the blood sample is actually calculated with proper magnification factor (X and Y direc-
tions). Now such samples are usually diluted with an anticoagulant liquid to separate the cells to decrease
overlapping. In such cases we have to multiply the count by the dilution factor. Considering these factors
the formula for RBC count becomes:
Actual RBC count per cumm = (RBC counted by Hough Transform / ((input image area/(magnifica-
tion * magnification)*film thickness))*dilution factor


We have taken five blood cell images for our study. Each of the images is pre-processed by the above
mentioned techniques. Finally the number of red blood cells were identified and counted in each of
these images using Hough Transform. The results of our study have been discussed in Table 1 along
with the different parameters used for each of the images. Table 2 shows the performance measurement
comparing with the manual method and its graphical representation in Figure 12 shows the comparison
performance very clearly.


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

Figure 9. Original blood cell


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting

Table 1. Calculation of RBC using the proposed method

Image Samples Magnification Radius Range (in Dilution Factor RBC Count by the Proposed
Pixel) Method per cumm (in Millions)
a 200*200 [2-14] 10 2.38
b 300*300 [5-18] 10 5.00
c 300*300 [5-14] 10 3.02
d 800*800 [5-25] 10 6.22
e 1000*1000 [5-18] 10 9.12

Table 2. Comparison of the result between the proposed method and the manual counting method

Image Samples Radius Range (in Pixel) Blood Counted Manually per Blood Counted Methodically
cumm (in Millions) per cumm (in Millions)
a [2-14] 2.80 2.38
b [5-18] 5.82 5.00
c [5-14] 3.12 3.02
d [5-25] 6.40 6.22
e [5-18] 9.30 9.12

It is observed that the results obtained by the proposed method offer a good conformity with the
manual counting method. In our method, we have ignored the cells that are not totally in the image field.
However, in a real blood test where manually blood count is done, the practice is to count the cells on
two adjacent edges of the image field and take each cell as one irrespective of how much of it is in the
image field. It is assumed that two opposite sides have same number of such cells. As this edge correction
has not been considered, by the proposed method in each of the samples the count values are slightly
less than the count values obtained manually. The software must be modified to count those RBCs to
obtain more accurate result.

Figure 12. Graphical representation of the results


Application of Biomedical Image Processing in Blood Cell Counting


In medical diagnosis blood cell count plays a very important role. Increment or decrement in the count
of blood cell causes many diseases to occur in the human body. There are different techniques of blood
cell counting which involves conventional as well as automatic techniques. The conventional method of
manual counting under microscope is time consuming and yields inaccurate results. The main problem
arises when massive amounts of blood samples are required to be processed by the hematologist or
Medical Laboratory Technicians. The time and skill required for the task limits the speed and accuracy
with which the blood sample can be processed.
This chapter presents a methodology to achieve an automated detection and counting of red blood
cells in microscopic images using Hough Transform. The advantage of the Hough transform over other
segmentation techniques makes it attractive for the present application. Hough transform can detect
the object in an image where the pixels lying on one line need not all be contiguous. This can be very
useful when trying to detect lines with short breaks in them due to noise, or when objects are partially
occluded. It is conceptually simple and can be easily implemented. It can handle missing and occluded
data very gracefully and can be adapted to many types of forms, not just lines. Moreover, it is relatively
unaffected by noise.
Results of the present study indicates that the counting of red blood cell in microscopic images offer
remarkable accuracy. It can also identify overlapping blood cells and count them separately. However, the
software must be modified to count the effective number of red blood cells which are partly in the image
fields to obtain more accurate result. Further studies will be focused on complete blood cell count i.e. a
total count of the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in the blood sample. This can
be easily done by modifying the present software to take into account their different shapes and sizes.
Although there are hardware solutions such as the Automated Hematology Counter, they are not
image based and destroy the blood samples during the analysis. Moreover, developing countries are not
capable of organizing such unaffordable expensive machines in every hospital laboratory in the country.
Proposed method is very cost-effective and can be easily implemented in medical facilities anywhere
with minimal investment in infrastructure.
Therefore, this article aims to provide a user-friendly software based technique allowing for quick user
interaction with a simple tool for the segmentation and identification of blood cells from a provided image.


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