Criminal Jurisprudence Reviewer 1

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Criminal Jurisprudence Reviewer 1

1. The SC ruled the illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in state

    criminal prosecutions in the famous case of
       A. Miranda vs Arizona
       B. Otit vs Jeff
       C. Mapp vs Ohio
       D. Milkey vs Wett  

2. It is defined as a remedy or process by which a child born out of

    lawful wedlock and are therefore considered illegitimate are by
    fiction   of law considered by subsequent valid marriage of the
       A. Adoption
       B. Legitimation
       C. Foster parenting
       D. Naturalization  

3. What is the Latin term for criminal intent?

       A. Mens Rea
       B. Magna Culpa
       C. Inflagrante Delicto
       D. Mala Vise   

4. What should be conducted in order to determine whether a case

    falls under the jurisdiction of the regional Trial Court?
       A. Inquest proceeding
       B. Preliminary conference
       C. Preliminary investigation
       D. Search and Seizure  

5. For offense falling under the jurisdiction of Municipal Trial Courts

    and Municipal Circuit trial courts, prosecution is instituted

       A. By filling a compliant with the Regional Trial Court
       B. By filing a complaint directly with the court
       C. By filling a complaint with the chief of Police in the
       D. By filling a complaint with the fiscal for preliminary

6. Intervention of the offended party in the criminal action is not

    allowed in the following instances EXCEPT:
       A. when he has not waived the civil action
       B. when he has file the civil action ahead of the criminal
       C. when he has expressly reserved the right to institute
            the civil action separately
       D. when he has waived the civil action  

7. The place of trial for a criminal action is cited

       A. territory
       B. action
       C. jurisdiction
       D. venue   

8. The primary purpose of bail is

       A. to protect the accused rights
       B. to keep the accused in jail until trial
       C. to punish the accused for the crime
       D. to release the accused   

9. The authority of the court to take cognizance of a case in the

    first instance is known as:
       A. original jurisdiction
       B. appellate jurisdiction
       C. general jurisdiction
       D. delegated jurisdiction  

10. "A" stabbed "B". "A" brought "B" to a hospital for medical
     treatment.Had it not been the timely medical attendance. "B"
     would have died.This is a case of
       A. a physical injury
       B. an attempted felony
       C. a consummated felony
       D. a frustrated felony  

11. A person undergoing criminal investigation enjoys his three

     constitutional rights such as
       A. the right to oppose whatever the accusation on him
       B. the right to plea guilty and not guilty
       C. the right to oppose whatever accusation or him based on his
           constitutional right
       D. the right to remain silent, the right to counsel, the right to be
           informed of the nature of the accusation   

12. Evidence is admissible when it is relevant to the issue and is

     not excluded by the rules on
       A. Real evidence
       B. Secondary evidence
       C. Admissibility of evidence
       D. Relevancy of evidence   
13. What is the sworn written statement charging a person with an
     offense, subscribed by the offended party, any peace officer or

     other  employee of the government or government institution in

     change of the enforcement or execution of the law violated?
       A. Deposition
       B. Complaint
       C. Police blotter
       D. Information  

14. Trial is allowed only after arraignment and the accused may waive
     his right to appear at the trial except when his presence is

     required for purposes of identification. This is the principle of trial

     in __.
       A. Substitution
       B. Absentia
       C. Re-assignment
       D. Ordeal  

15. A public officer or employee when NOT being authorized by

     judicial order, shall enter a dwelling against the will of the owner
     thereof is committing:
       A. Legal entry
       B. Violation of domicile
       C. Illegal entry
       D. Abatement    

16. Intoxication when considered under the law is considered

       A. Alternative Circumstance
       B. Maladaptive Behavior
       C. Delinquent act
       D. Anti social Behavior   

17. The adjudication by the court that the defendant is guilty or is

     not guilty of the offense charged and the imposition of the
     penalty provided  by law on the defendant who pleads or is found
     guilty thereof
       A. judgment
       B. false informant
       C. information
       D. admission   

18. Is that which is not excluded by the law as tending to prove

      a fact in issue
       A. material evidence
       B. relevant evidence
       C. direct evidence
       D. competent evidence   

19. Any private person who shall enter the dwelling of another
     against the will of the latter
       A. none of these
       B. trespassing to dwelling
       C. light threats
       D. usurpation   

20. Are those acts and omissions committed not only by means of
     deceit, but also by means of fault and are punishable by law.
       A. Justifying circumstances
       B. Felonies
       C. Exempting circumstances
       D. Attempted felony   

21. Is committed whenever the offender commences the commission

     of a crime directly by overt acts but does not perform all the acts
     of execution which should produce the felony as a consequence
     by reason of some cause or accident other than his own
     spontaneous desistance.
       A. Frustrated felony
       B. Attempted felony
       C. Consummated felony
       D. Felony   

22. Are those crimes committed against individuals, particularly

     against their chastity, but which do not produce danger or
     prejudice common to other members of society.
       A. Private crimes
       B. Public crimes
       C. Felony
       D. Infractions    

23. Are those crimes committed against the society which produce
      direct damage or prejudice common to all its members.
       A. Private crimes
       B. Public crimes
       C. Felony
       D. Infractions    

24. One of the characteristics of criminal law, where penal laws do

     not have retroactive effect, except in cases where they favor the
     accused charged with felony and who are not habitual criminals.
       A. Retrospective
       B. General
       C. Territorial
       D. All of the foregoing   

25. A theory underlying the system of our criminal law, of which

     Rafael Garafalo and Enrico Ferri, including Dr. Cesare Lombroso,
     were the greatest exponents, that crime is considered as
     essentially asocial and natural phenomenon.
       A. Juristic or classical theory
       B. Positivist or realistic theory
       C. Punitive theory
       D. Non- punitive theory   

26. It is the Latin term referring to "caught in the act" of performing a

       A. Nullum Crimen
       B. Dura lex sed lex
       C. Ignorancia lex excusat
       D. none of these  

27. Any act committed or omitted in violation of a public law

     forbidding or commanding it.
       A. legal act
       B. Crime
       C. Poena
       D. Punishment   

28. A rule of conduct, just, obligatory, enacted by legitimate

     authority  for the common observance and benefit.
       A. Regulation
       B. City Ordinance
       C. Law
       D. Lawful Act    

29. The Latin term POENA means:

       A. Penalty
       B. Pain
       C. Punishment
       D. Police   

Answers: Criminal Jurisprudence

1.    C
2.    B
3.    A
4.    C
5.    B
6.    B
7.    D
8.    D
9.    A
10.  D
11.  D
12.  D
13.  B
14.  B
15.  B
16.  A
17.  A
18.  B
19.  B
20.  B
21.  B
22.  A
23.  B
24.  A
25.  B
26.  D
27.  B
28.  C
29.  B

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