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Classification of Carbon and Low-Alloy


The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) defines carbon steel as follows:Steel is
considered to be carbon steel when no minimum content is specified or required for
chromium, cobalt, columbium [niobium], molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungsten,
vanadium or zirconium, or any other element to be added to obtain a desired alloying
effect; when the specified minimum for copper does not exceed 0.40 per cent; or when
the maximum content specified for any of the following elements does not exceed the
percentages noted: manganese 1.65, silicon 0.60, copper 0.60.
Steels can be classified by a variety of different systems depending on:

 The composition, such as carbon, low-alloy or stainless steel.

 The manufacturing methods, such as open hearth, basic oxygen process, or electric
furnace methods.
 The finishing method, such as hot rolling or cold rolling
 The product form, such as bar plate, sheet, strip, tubing or structural shape
 The deoxidation practice, such as killed, semi-killed, capped or rimmed steel
 The microstructure, such as ferritic, pearlitic and martensitic
 The required strength level, as specified in ASTM standards
 The heat treatment, such as annealing, quenching and tempering, and
thermomechanical processing
 Quality descriptors, such as forging quality and commercial quality.
Carbon Steels
The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) defines carbon steel as follows:
Steel is considered to be carbon steel when no minimum content is specified or required for
chromium, cobalt, columbium [niobium], molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungsten, vanadium or
zirconium, or any other element to be added to obtain a desired alloying effect; when the specified
minimum for copper does not exceed 0.40 per cent; or when the maximum content specified for any
of the following elements does not exceed the percentages noted: manganese 1.65, silicon 0.60,
copper 0.60.
Carbon steel can be classified, according to various deoxidation practices, as rimmed, capped,
semi-killed, or killed steel. Deoxidation practice and the steelmaking process will have an effect on
the properties of the steel. However, variations in carbon have the greatest effect on mechanical
properties, with increasing carbon content leading to increased hardness and strength. As such,
carbon steels are generally categorized according to their carbon content. Generally speaking,
carbon steels contain up to 2% total alloying elements and can be subdivided into low-carbon steels,
medium-carbon steels, high-carbon steels, and ultrahigh-carbon steels; each of these designations
is discussed below.
As a group, carbon steels are by far the most frequently used steels. More than 85% of the steel
produced and shipped in the United States is carbon steel.
Low-carbon steels contain up to 0.30% C. The largest category of this class of steel is flat-rolled
products (sheet or strip), usually in the cold-rolled and annealed condition. The carbon content for
these high-formability steels is very low, less than 0.10% C, with up to 0.4% Mn. Typical uses are in
automobile body panels, tin plate, and wire products.
For rolled steel structural plates and sections, the carbon content may be increased to approximately
0.30%, with higher manganese content up to 1.5%. These materials may be used for stampings,
forgings, seamless tubes, and boiler plate.
Medium-carbon steels are similar to low-carbon steels except that the carbon ranges from 0.30 to
0.60% and the manganese from 0.60 to 1.65%. Increasing the carbon content to approximately
0.5% with an accompanying increase in manganese allows medium carbon steels to be used in the
quenched and tempered condition. The uses of medium carbon-manganese steels include shafts,
axles, gears, crankshafts, couplings and forgings. Steels in the 0.40 to 0.60% C range are also used
for rails, railway wheels and rail axles.
High-carbon steels contain from 0.60 to 1.00% C with manganese contents ranging from 0.30 to
0.90%. High-carbon steels are used for spring materials and high-strength wires.
Ultrahigh-carbon steels are experimental alloys containing 1.25 to 2.0% C. These steels are
thermomechanically processed to produce microstructures that consist of ultrafine, equiaxed grains
of spherical, discontinuous proeutectoid carbide particles.

High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels

High-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels, or microalloyed steels, are designed to provide better
mechanical properties and/or greater resistance to atmospheric corrosion than conventional carbon
steels in the normal sense because they are designed to meet specific mechanical properties rather
than a chemical composition.
The HSLA steels have low carbon contents (0.05-0.25% C) in order to produce adequate formability
and weldability, and they have manganese contents up to 2.0%. Small quantities of chromium,
nickel, molybdenum, copper, nitrogen, vanadium, niobium, titanium and zirconium are used in
various combinations.
HSLA Classification:

 Weathering steels, designated to exhibit superior atmospheric corrosion resistance

 Control-rolled steels, hot rolled according to a predetermined rolling schedule, designed
to develop a highly deformed austenite structure that will transform to a very fine
equiaxed ferrite structure on cooling
 Pearlite-reduced steels, strengthened by very fine-grain ferrite and precipitation
hardening but with low carbon content and therefore little or no pearlite in the
 Microalloyed steels, with very small additions of such elements as niobium, vanadium,
and/or titanium for refinement of grain size and/or precipitation hardening
 Acicular ferrite steel, very low carbon steels with sufficient hardenability to transform on
cooling to a very fine high-strength acicular ferrite structure rather than the usual
polygonal ferrite structure
 Dual-phase steels, processed to a micro-structure of ferrite containing small uniformly
distributed regions of high-carbon martensite, resulting in a product with low yield
strength and a high rate of work hardening, thus providing a high-strength steel of
superior formability.
The various types of HSLA steels may also have small additions of calcium, rare earth elements, or
zirconium for sulfide inclusion shape control.

Low-alloy Steels
Low-alloy steels constitute a category of ferrous materials that exhibit mechanical properties superior
to plain carbon steels as the result of additions of alloying elements such as nickel, chromium, and
molybdenum. Total alloy content can range from 2.07% up to levels just below that of stainless
steels, which contain a minimum of 10% Cr.
For many low-alloy steels, the primary function of the alloying elements is to increase hardenability
in order to optimize mechanical properties and toughness after heat treatment. In some cases,
however, alloy additions are used to reduce environmental degradation under certain specified
service conditions.
As with steels in general, low-alloy steels can be classified according to:

 Chemical composition, such as nickel steels, nickel-chromium steels, molybdenum

steels, chromium-molybdenum steels
 Heat treatment, such as quenched and tempered, normalized and tempered, annealed.
Because of the wide variety of chemical compositions possible and the fact that some steels are
used in more than one heat-treated, condition, some overlap exists among the alloy steel
classifications. In this article, four major groups of alloy steels are addressed: (1) low-carbon
quenched and tempered (QT) steels, (2) medium-carbon ultrahigh-strength steels, (3) bearing
steels, and (4) heat-resistant chromium-molybdenum steels.
Low-carbon quenched and tempered steels combine high yield strength (from 350 to 1035 MPa)
and high tensile strength with good notch toughness, ductility, corrosion resistance, or weldability.
The various steels have different combinations of these characteristics based on their intended
applications. However, a few steels, such as HY-80 and HY-100, are covered by military
specifications. The steels listed are used primarily as plate. Some of these steels, as well as other,
similar steels, are produced as forgings or castings.
Medium-carbon ultrahigh-strength steels are structural steels with yield strengths that can
exceed 1380 MPa. Many of these steels are covered by SAE/AISI designations or are proprietary
compositions. Product forms include billet, bar, rod, forgings, sheet, tubing, and welding wire.
Bearing steels used for ball and roller bearing applications are comprised of low carbon (0.10 to
0.20% C) case-hardened steels and high carbon (-1.0% C) through-hardened steels. Many of these
steels are covered by SAE/AISI designations.
Chromium-molybdenum heat-resistant steels contain 0.5 to 9% Cr and 0.5 to 1.0% Mo. The
carbon content is usually below 0.2%. The chromium provides improved oxidation and corrosion
resistance, and the molybdenum increases strength at elevated temperatures. They are generally
supplied in the normalized and tempered, quenched and tempered or annealed condition.
Chromium-molybdenum steels are widely used in the oil and gas industries and in fossil fuel and
nuclear power plants.
Date Published: Nov-2001
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Materials: Carbon Steel

Features and applications of common carbon steel alloys
Low carbon steels generally contain less than 0.25% carbon and cannot be strengthened
by heat-treating (strengthening can only be accomplished through cold working). The
low carbon material is relatively soft and weak, but has outstanding ductility and
toughness. In addition, it is machineable, weld-able, and is relatively inexpensive to
Medium carbon steels have carbon concentrations between 0.25% and 0.60%. These
steels may be heat-treated by austenizing, quenching, and then tempering to improve
their mechanical properties. On a strength-to-cost basis, the heat-treated medium
carbon steels provide tremendous load carrying ability.
An iron-based mixture is considered to be an  alloy steel when manganese is greater
than 1.65%, silicon over 0.5%, copper above 0.6%, or other minimum quantities of
alloying elements such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, or tungsten are
present. An enormous variety of distinct properties can be created for the steel by
substituting these elements in the recipe to increase hardness, strength, or chemical
Click each tab to see corresponding information.
 Principal Design Features & Applications
 Chemical Properties
 Mechanical Properties

Low Carbon Steels – Principal Design Features & Applications

Alloy Designatio Principal Design Features Applications

1010 is a plain carbon steel

with a nominal 0.10% carbon
Used for applications
G10100 content. It is a relatively low
1010 such as cold headed
strength steel, but it may be
fasteners and bolts.
quenched and tempered for
increased strength.

1018 is among the most

Often employed in high
available grades in the world.
volume screw machine
Despite its unimpressive
parts applications, such
mechanical properties, the alloy
as shafts, spindles, pins,
1018 G10180 is easily formed, machined,
rods, sprocket
welded, and fabricated. Due to
assemblies, and an
its higher manganese content,
incredibly wide variety
it can, in thin sections, be
of component parts.
hardened to RC 42.

1020 is a commonly used plain

carbon steel. It has a nominal Used for simple
carbon content of 0.20% with structural applications
approximately 0.50% such as cold formed
1020 G10200
manganese. It has a good fasteners and bolts. It is
combination of strength and often used in the case
ductility and may be hardened hardened condition.
and carburized.

Used for moderate

1022 has a slightly higher
strength structural
carbon and manganese content
applications such as cold
plain carbon steel than 1020. It
1022 G10220 formed fasteners and
is used for its somewhat
bolts. It is often used in
greater strength while still
the case hardened
having good ductility.

Medium Carbon Steels – Principal Design Features & Applications

Alloy Designatio Principal Design Features Applications

1030 G10300 1030 is a higher carbon Generally used in the

(0.30%) manganese steel in quenched and tempered
the plain carbon steel alloy condition for strength.
family. It provides greater Applications include
strength than the lower machinery parts where
grades while still retaining strength and hardness are
reasonable ductility. requisite.

1040 has a higher (0.40%)

carbon content for greater
strength than the lower
Used for crankshafts,
G10400 carbon alloys. It is
1040 couplings, and cold
hardenable by heat
headed parts.
treatment, quench and
tempering to develop 150 to
250 ksi tensile strength.

1045 is a medium carbon

steel used when greater Used in gears, shafts,
1045 G10450 strength and hardness is axles, bolts, studs, and
desired than in the rolled machine parts.

1060 is one of the higher

carbon content (0.60%) Used for hand tools such
1060 G10600 steels. It is more difficult to as screwdrivers, pliers,
fabricate than the lower and similar items.
carbon grades.

Alloy Steel – Principal Design Features & Applications

Alloy Principal Design Features Applications

4130 is a low alloy steel

containing molybdenum and
chromium as strengthening
Used in structural
agents. The carbon content is
applications such as
G41300 nominally 0.30%, and with
4130 aircraft engine mounts
this relatively low carbon
and welded tubing
content, the alloy is excellent
from the fusion weldability
standpoint. The alloy can be
hardened by heat treatment.

4140 is one of the chromium,

molybdenum, manganese
G41400 alloy steels noted for Used in a tremendous
toughness, good torsional variety of applications.
strength, and good fatigue

4330 G43300 4330 is a heat treatable steel Used in applications

alloy containing chromium, that require a good
nickel, and molybdenum. combination of strength
Carbon content is in the and impact resistance,
0.30% range and, in the heat such as gears, aircraft
treated condition, the alloy has
landing gear axles, and
good toughness and fatigue
shafts for power
strength as well as overall

4340 is a heat treatable, low

alloy steel containing nickel,
chromium, and molybdenum. Typically used for
It is known for its toughness aircraft landing gear,
4340 G43400 and capability of developing power transmission
high strength in the heat gears and shafts, and
treated condition, while other structural parts.
retaining good fatigue

Is Carbon Steel Better than Mild

Or are they the same?

Is carbon steel better than mild steel? Trick question! Mild steel is a type of carbon
steel. The element carbon is present in all steel. Whenever this carbon is the main
alloying element, the alloy is considered a carbon steel. “Low-carbon” steel is another
name for mild steel. There are other carbons steels, of different carbon contents. Which
one is better depends on the application the steel will be used for.

Over 1.5 billion tons of steel are produced every year to make products as diverse as
sewing needles and structural beams for skyscrapers. Carbon steels are the most
commonly used steel alloys, making up approximately 85% of all production in the US.
The carbon content of the product is in the 0–2% range. This carbon affects the
microstructure of the steel, giving it legendary strength and toughness. These alloys
also contain small amounts of manganese, silicon, and copper. Mild steel is a
commercial term for low carbon steel, where the carbon content is in the 0.04–0.3%
Mild steel has exceptional ductility and are used for pipelines that transport oil, gas, or water.


Carbon steel can be categorized depending on the chemical composition and
characteristics of the product. Mild steel also falls under the low carbon steel category
as it is comprised of similar carbon content. Plain carbon steel is free from alloys and
can be placed in four categories:
Mild steel is highly formable, and suitable for
automobile body parts, plates, and wire products.

1. Low carbon steel or mild steel

Low carbon steel has 0.04–0.3% carbon content and is the most common grade of
carbon steel. Mild steel is also considered low carbon steel as it is defined as having a
low carbon content of 0.05–0.25%. Mild steel is ductile, highly formable, and can be
used for automobile body parts, plates, and wire products. At the higher end of the low
carbon content range, and with the addition of manganese of up to 1.5%, mechanical
properties are suitable for stampings, forgings, seamless tubes, and boiler plates.

Medium carbon steel can be heat treated and

quenched and used for applications such as shafts, axles, gears, rails, and railway wheels.

2. Medium carbon steel

Medium carbon steel has a carbon range of 0.31–0.6% and a manganese range of 0.6–
1.65%. This steel can be heat treated and quenched to further adjust the microstructure
and mechanical properties. Popular applications include shafts, axles, gears, rails, and
railway wheels.
The properties of high carbon steel make them
ideal for springs and high-strength wires.

3. High carbon steel

High carbon steel has a carbon range of 0.6–1% with a 0.3–0.9% manganese content.
Properties of high carbon steels make them suitable for use as springs and high-
strength wires. These products cannot be welded unless a detailed program of heat
treatment is included in the welding procedure. High carbon steel is used for edged
tools, high-strength wires, and springs.

Ultra-high carbon steels have a high hardness

level, and can be found in applications like knives, axles, or punches.

4. Ultra-high carbon steels

Ultra-high carbon steel has a carbon range of 1.25–2%, and are known as an
experimental alloy. Tempering can produce a steel with a great hardness level, which is
useful for applications like knives, axles, or punches.
Carbon steel and mild steel are manufactured in three stages:

1. Primary steelmaking
2. Secondary steelmaking
3. Casting

These are followed by various finishing techniques that have a direct effect on the final
product characteristics.

Steel is produced in a blast furnace, and then the molten steel is tapped from the furnace into
ladles or steel baths for further processing.
1. Primary steelmaking
Steel can either be made from 100% recycled material or from a combination of
recycled material and virgin steel. Virgin steel is produced in a blast furnace from iron
ore, coke (produced from coal), and lime. The raw materials are added to the top of the
furnace, which operates at 3000°F. As the iron ore melts and mixes with the burning
coke, carbon is released into the molten product. Impurities are absorbed by lime into a
slag on the surface, which can be skimmed from the liquid steel. The product at this
stage contains about 4% carbon and still has some impurities present. Molten virgin
steel is transferred to the basic oxygen furnace (BOF), which already contains recycled
scrap metal. Pure oxygen is blown through the liquid steel to oxidize the excess carbon,
forming a finished product with up to 1.5% carbon content.

Recycled scrap steel can be reprocessed without the addition of virgin steel in an

electric arc furnace. High-power electric arcs melt the metal at temperatures up to
3000°F. As the scrap steel melts, further batches of scrap can be added to the furnace
up to its capacity. Once a flat bath of molten steel is achieved, oxygen is blown through
in the same manner as the BOF. In both cases, molten steel is tapped from the furnace
into ladles or steel baths for further processing, while the surface slag containing
impurities is removed.

2. Secondary steelmaking
Market demands for higher-quality steel products and consistent properties have fueled
the development of secondary steelmaking processes.

Electric arc furnace

Steel composition is altered in an electric arc furnace by adding or removing individual
components or by manipulating the temperature.

 Stirring

Electromagnetic fields are used to induce turbulent currents in the ladle.

This method easily separates non-metallic inclusions, which float to the
surface, while ensuring a homogeneous mixture and composition of the

 Ladle furnace

The ladle acts as a secondary electrode furnace enabling precise

temperature control and the measured injection of alloy components.

 Ladle injection
Inert gas is injected into the bottom of the steel bath. As the gas heats up
and rises through the molten steel, a stirring effect is achieved.

 Degassing

Removes hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, while also reducing the sulphur
content of the product. Various techniques used to degas molten steel
including vacuums, inert gas injection, and temperature control.

 Composition adjustment (sealed argon bubbling with oxygen blowing –


Stirring is achieved by injecting argon gas into the sealed steel bath. A
snorkel arrangement prevents the slag from being disturbed while hydrogen
content is reduced and oxide inclusions are floated to the surface. Oxygen
is fed to the bath through a lance and aluminum is added through the
snorkel giving an increased level of temperature control and accurate final

Deoxidizing steel
A critical aspect of secondary steelmaking is the removal of oxygen. The presence of
oxygen in molten steel as it begins to solidify results in a reaction with carbon to release
carbon monoxide gas. Controlling deoxidation can be used to alter the characteristics of
the finished product and therefore the suitability of the steel to be used for different

 Rimming steels

Rimming steels are non-deoxidized or partially deoxidized steels. High

levels of carbon monoxide are produced during solidification resulting in
good surface quality but with the presence of many blow holes.

 Capped steels

Capped steels follow the same pattern as rimming initially, but after about a
minute, the mold is capped to suppress the formation of carbon monoxide.

 Semi-killed steels

Semi-killed steels have been partially deoxidized prior to pouring into the
mold and usually have carbon content in the range of 0.15–0.3%.

 Killed steels
Killed steels have been fully deoxidized such that there is no formation of
carbon monoxide at all during solidification. The finished product has a
homogeneous structure and no blowholes. Aluminum is added into the
ladle or mold as a primary deoxidizer to “kill” the formation of carbon
monoxide; however, there are applications where the addition of aluminum
to the finished product is undesirable. Alternatives to aluminum are
ferroalloys of manganese and silicon or calcium silicide.

3. Casting
Traditional casting methods involve the lifting of the ladle by crane so that molten steel
can be teemed into individual molds mounted on rail cars. Ingot molds are tapered
slightly to facilitate removal of the ingots after solidification. Ingots are transferred to
soaking pits where they are reheated for hot rolling.

Casting machines enable continuous casting of molten steel into shapes more suitable
for downstream processing. Ladles are lifted to an elevated platform where they
discharge the molten steel into a tundish, which feeds the casting machine. Molten steel
is fed from the tundish into a water-cooled mold with a movable bottom plate. As the
steel skin solidifies, the plate is slowly lowered allowing more molten steel to enter the
mold. Steel is formed into slabs, blooms, or billets in a continuous casting machine. The
solidified product is pulled by rollers before being straightened and cut at the end of the
machine. This process can continue for days or weeks without interruption.


After the manufacturing process of carbon steel is complete, it is finished using
rolling, heat treatment, surface treatment, or downstream secondary processing.
Steel is formed into slabs, blooms, or billets in a continuous casting machine.

Product rolling
Solid cast ingots must be rolled into more useful shapes and sizes like those produced
by continuous casting. Steel is compressed and pulled by rotating rolls. The rolls rotate
at a faster pace than the steel as it enters the machine, therefore thrusting the steel
forward and compressing it.
Carbon steel is hot rolled into steel strips.

Hot forming
Steel is heated above the recrystallization temperature to break up the as-cast
microstructure. This yields a more uniform grain size and even distribution of carbon
within the steel.
Cold forming increases the strength of carbon steel while improving the finish and allowing
tighter tolerances.

Cold forming
Cold forming is carried out below the recrystallization temperature. This process
increases the strength through strain hardening by up to 20%, while improving the finish
and allowing tighter tolerances. Steel emerges from the rolling process as semi-finished
products in the form of blooms, billets, or slabs, depending on the final dimensions. A
bloom is a very thick rectangular slab, a billet has a similar thickness but a narrower
width, and a slab is a thinner and wider product.

Semi-finished products are further processed to intermediate products in a rolling mill to

make them ready for manufacturing and final processing by downstream companies.




Structural applications


Guard rails
Hand rails
Custom railings

Rolled bars

Machine building 

Plates (thickness above 1/4 inch)

Heavy manufacturing
Industrial vessels

Sheets (thickness below 1/4 inch)

Car bodies
Household appliances
Office equipment
Beverage cans

Round/square rods

Construction frameworks

Once steel leaves the rolling mill, downstream companies use different secondary
processing techniques to prevent corrosion and improve the properties of the metal.
The predominant technique to do this is heat treatment.
Heat treating
The purpose of heat treating steel is to manipulate its mechanical properties by
changing the distribution of carbon in the product and the internal microstructure. When
manipulating the mechanical properties of steel, an increase in ductility results in a
reduction of hardness and strength and vice versa.

Steel is heated to a temperature approximately 130°F above the upper critical
temperature. The temperature is held until the entire product is uniformly heated, after
which it is air-cooled. This is the most common form of heat treatment and gives steel
high strength and hardness.

The temperature of steel is raised into the solid solution state for one hour before
cooling at a rate of 70°F per hour. A soft and ductile steel results with no internal

A similar process to normalizing, but cooling is accelerated by quenching the steel in
water, brine, or oil. The resulting product is very hard—up to four times harder than
normalized steel—but very brittle, making it susceptible to breaking and cracking. For
this reason, quenching to a predetermined temperature is normally followed by a
controlled cooling rate down to room temperature in a process called tempering or
stress relieving. By designing the temperature and cooling rate parameters during heat
treatment, the properties of steel can be precisely controlled.

Surface treating
Approximately one third of steel produced is treated with a surface coating to inhibit
corrosion, improve weldability, and paintability.

Hot dip galvanizing

Galvanizing is a process of applying a zinc surface coat to steel. The steel is heated
before entering a zinc bath, where liquid zinc layers the surface of the product. The
thickness of the coating is controlled with gas-knives. To prevent the zinc coating from
cracking, a small amount of aluminum is added to the zinc solution.
In hot dip galvanizing, steel is heated before entering a zinc bath where liquid zinc layers the
surface of the product.

Electrolytic galvanizing
Another process for applying a zinc coat to steel products is through electrolytic
galvanizing. Zinc is deposited onto the surface of the steel by controlling the current in
an electrolyte solution. This technique allows for better control of the coating thickness.
It can also be used to apply differential coatings with different thicknesses on either side
of a product, or zinc alloy coatings to optimize the desired characteristics.

Downstream secondary processing

Downstream companies further process their steel raw materials into finished products.
Different processing techniques are used such as machining, which involves uniformly
removing surface metal with machine tools. Joining steel is also common and uses
various welding techniques.

Sources for recycled steel include scrap from steel mills, secondary manufacturers, and steel
products at the end of their product life cycle.


Metal recycling is one of the success stories of sustainable living and minimizing the
impact of human activities on the environment. Steel is the most recycled material on
the planet, more than all other materials combined.

Sources for recycled steel include scrap from steel mills, secondary manufacturers, and
steel products at the end of their product life cycle. There is often not enough recycled
steel to meet the manufacturing demand so there is almost always a combination of
virgin and recycled steel in the production of finished products.

Recycling steel is also economical as it brings down the cost of finished products. For
this reason, the steel industry has been actively involved in promoting and establishing
recycling networks to make it easy for end of life products to be recycled.

For more information on steel, or to request a quote for a custom project, please contact

Related Articles:

 Steel Pipe: An Introduction

 Steel Grading
 A Complete Guide to Stainless Steel
 Carbon Steel vs. Stainless Steel

 Hot vs Cold Rolled Steel

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