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Develop a business plan for a e-commerce model and create a website presence, using that
allows you to create a simple website for a free trial period.

1. The site should feature at least:

- A home page
Home page checklist:
+ the one-liner
+ follow the Grunt test: what do you offer? How will it make my life better? And What do I
need to do to buy it?
- 3 product pages
Product Page Checklist:
+ High quality product images & videos (using list of Keywords, Bold the keywords)
+ Incredible Description (using list of Keywords, Bold the keywords in the description)
+ Clear CTA
+ Shipping & Returns info (Optional)
+ Stock levels (Optional)
+ Reviews (Optional)
- Blog with 3 articles
- A lead generator (PDF File)
- Extra credit will be given for additional complexity and creativity.
2. The business plan: when developing an e-commerce presence requires all the sections listed in
the provided file: E-commerce Project Report, but not limited to these sections. Extra credit will
be given for additional complexity and creativity.
3. Project Outcome: This is the group assignment that you will make a Powerpoint presentation
tentatively on May 12, 2021. Each group (5-6 students) will have 10-12 minutes for oral
presentation and 5 mins for Q&A. The softcopy of the presentation and required documents
must be submitted before 11 a.m., May 12 (applied for all groups).
- A Powerpoint file (presents all the key sections required in the provided file: E-commerce
Project Report)
+ Mission and Background
+ Team
+ Target Market
+ Positioning: all sections required
+ Marketing Strategy
+ Action Plan
- A working website link
- A lead generator (PDF file) - include 01 cover page (with attractive title) + 5-6 content
- A keyword list (Excel file)

IMPORTANT NOTE: All groups DO NOT have to submit the written report.

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