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Writing Assignment: Invention Advertisement

Background Information:
The Industrial Revolution changed the way goods were produced. New inventions created
easier, faster, and completely new ways to create products of all kinds. Key developments in
transportation and textiles provided key elements for an Industrial Revolution. The invention of
the steam engine and improved coal mining techniques provided the power and fuel.

Assignment Directions:
After reviewing the information in sections 1, 3, and 4 of Chapter 1, choose one of the
inventions listed below that was introduced during the Industrial Revolution or Transportation
Revolution between 1790 and 1860. Once you have chosen an invention, research it using the
information found in Chapter 1 and credible internet sources. After you have completed your
research, write a paragraph (between 5 and 8 sentences) for one of the inventions that might
have appeared in a magazine during that time in history. Include technical information about
the product, including how it operates, what it does, and how it will help businesses.

*Wikipedia is not a credible internet source.

Project Guidelines:

• Advertisement should be a minimum of one (1) paragraph in length

• Advertisement should include the following information:
o Invention name
o What does it do?
o How does it operate?
o How will it help businesses? Why should a business owner purchase this product?
• You should also include a picture or drawing of the invention

Inventions to choose from:

• Steamboat
• Water frame
• Steam-powered train
• Telegraph
• Sewing machine
• Steal plow and mechanical reaper
Grading Rubric: This assignment is worth 50 points.

Focus (20 pts) Creativity (10 pts) Support (10 pts) Mechanics (10 pts)
Student briefly Advertisement includes No fictional Spelling, grammar,
describes the an illustration of the statements and punctuation are
invention invention correct

Advertisement Advertisement includes a Cites resources Descriptions are

includes technical catchy heading that grabs written in complete
information about the attention of readers sentences
the product,
including how it Clear, fluid
operates, what it presentation
does, and how it will that feels “complete”
help businesses. after viewing

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