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Project: Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Background Information: Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln ran for the same Senate seat in
1858. The hot issue of the day was the expansion of slavery. Douglas supported the rights of
citizens in each territory to decide if they would enter the Union as a free state or a slave state.
Lincoln was opposed to slavery. The two men toured the state of Illinois, leaving crowds spellbound
by their numerous debates.

Assignment Directions: For this assignment, you are to research the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
Your task is to create either a video (like a commercial) OR a pamphlet that argues the position
about slavery by either Abraham Lincoln or Stephen Douglas. Your job is to convince your audience
by explaining WHY your side is stronger than the other, and give facts for both. Be compelling,
creative, and accurate in your representation. Think about what kind of language one would use to
PERSUADE someone to believe in your chosen argument.

Resources: In addition to Chapter 4, you can find additional research materials at:


*Wikipedia is not a credible internet source.

Project Guidelines: If you choose to complete a video, it should be between 3 and 5 minutes long.
If you choose to work on a pamphlet, it should include 4-columns, color, and pictures. All projects
should compel listeners or readers to vote for either Douglas or Lincoln and explain why their side
of the debate is stronger. All projects should compare and give accurate facts for both sides.

Grading Rubric: This assignment is worth 50 points.

Focus (20 pts) Self-Reflection (15 Support (10 pts) Mechanics (5pts)

Student addresses at Builds on facts with No fictional statements Spelling, grammar,

least two positions deeper insight and and punctuation
taken by Lincoln personal Cites resources are correct
and two positions perspective
taken by Douglas Descriptions are
written in complete
Student supports sentences
each argument with
facts from the text Clear, fluid
or various research presentation that
sites feels “complete”
after viewing

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