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The Peltetec ophiolitic belt (Ecuador): a window to the tectonic evolution of the
Triassic margin of western Gondwana
F. Villares , A. Garcia-Casco b I. F. Blanco-Quinterod, C. Montese, P. S. Reyesa and A. Cardona'

'Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología y Petróleos, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador; bDepartamento de
Mineralogía y Petrología, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España; 'Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, CSIC-Universidad de Granada,
Granada, España; 'Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y del Medio Ambiente, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Alicante, España;
'Departamento de Física y Geociencias, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia; 'Departamento de Procesos y Energía, Facultad de
Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia


New field and petrographic o bservations, whole-rock major- and trace-element geochemical data, Received 25 _lune 2020
Nd and Sr isotope systematics and U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages of the Peltetec metaophiolite and Accepted 26 September 2020
related rocks (Ecuador) allow the characterization of the igneous and sedimentary protoliths and KEYWORDS
the evaluation of the geodynamic evolution of the active western margin of Gondwana during the Peltetec ophiolite; Cordillera
Mesozoic. The Peltetec ophiolitic belt, exposed along the western margin of the Cordillera Real Real; back-arc; Northem
(Ecuador) and previously considered of Cretaceous age, comprises slices of metamorphosed Andes; mélange
(greenschist facies) and variably deformed peridotites, gabbros (locally cumulate), basaltic lavas
and dykes, hydrothermal breccias and sedimentary rocks. The geochemical characteristics of the
tholeíitic basaltic rocks indicate a Sr-Nd isotope depleted mantle source with variable imprint of
subduction zone-derived or continental crust-assimilated components, as indicated by enrichment
in Th, negative anomaly of Nb and relative depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE).
Geochemical diversity allows defining different groups of noncumulate igneous rocks with oceanic
island arc and NMORB-like back-arc affinities. U-Pb zircon ages from a metabasite yielded
228.1 ± 13 Ma, interpreted as the crystallization age of the magma. These data allow proposing
the generation of the Peltetec ophiolite in a back-arc setting as a consequence of late Triassic
extension of the western continental margin of Gondwana. Granites located at the western margin
of the Peltetec Unit with S-type affinity and equal Triassic age (U-Pb age of 228.2 ± 0.8 Ma)
document coeval anatexis of the continental crust as a consequence of heating associated with
the same extensional event that originated the ophiolite. Geologic correlation allows enlarging
such tectonic scenario to include ophiolitic units of similar age in Colombia.

Ophiolitic complexes are particularly important
The tectonic evolution of the Northern Andes is charac- because they mark sutures between colliding litho-
terized by a continuous long-term subduction system spheric blocks, thereby recording the geodynamic pro-
with alternated (trans)compressional a (trans)exten- cesses of formation and emplacement (onto continental
sional phases (e.g. Ramos 1999; Spikings et al. 2015; margins or volcanic arcs) of oceanic lithosphere. Since
Zapata et al. 2018; Cardona et al. 2020) and episodic Miyashiro (1973) found strong geochemical similarities
amalgamation of exotic and para-autochthonous ter- between the Troodos lavas and the volcanic rocks of the
ranes (Restrepo and Toussaint 1988; Litherland et al. lzu-Bonin arc south of Japan, suprasubduction zone
1994; Kerr et al. 1996; Villagómez and Spikings 2013; (SSZ) environments have been repeatedly identified as
Cochrane et al. 2014b; Spikings et al. 2015). However, common loci of ophiolite formation (Dilek and Fumes
the age of the protoliths of accreted rock bodies, their 2014 and references therein), implying the existence of
tectonic setting of formation and the age of tectonic magmatic accretion centres at back-, intra- and fore-arc
emplacement are still a matter of debate, including positions aboye subduction zones (Pearce 2003). In the
numerous ophiolitic connplexes that document recur- Northern Andes, variable tectonic settings have been
rent emplacement of oceanic lithosphere onto the proposed to explain the formation of ophiolites and
(Paleo)Pacific margin of Gondwana and South America. terranes of oceanic affinity. For example, the Triassic

CONTACT F. Villares O O Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología y Petróleos, Escuela Politécnica
Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
o Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here
2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

mafic units along the Northern Andes in Colombia and Cochrane et al. 2014a; Riel et al. 2014). In contrast,
Ecuador have been considered formed in back-arc some of the protoliths from the early-mid Cretaceous
basins, in fore-arc position or in mid-ocean-ridges high-pressure (HP) complexes are classified as basalts of
ennplaced by tectonic underplating (Figure 1(a); mid-ocean ridge and seamount affinities (Figure 1(a);
Aspden et al. 1995; Bosch et al. 2002; Gabriele 2002, Gabriele 2002; Bosch et al. 2002; John et al. 2010;
Correa-Martínez 2007; Restrepo 2008; Riel et al. 2013, Villagómez et al. 2011; Bustamante et al. 2012; Ruiz-

847W 761N 7910W 78'W

79W 78'40^N
Celca • 4s t..
(Fady Cmtacenus - Pabeecene)
Ceue444.8.-Co,emb5n-C,4,4t-een c)
- Cuebradagande Conplex
- (Crete.zus)
CO:oder, ard txrarec ccasnIc
▪ affiroty (Ude Triaeax and Earty
• CorMartal are
(.4nacw =arly rldarwnes)
Guarnde ssonverlary sequence

- Contirental Imement
— (Pala... • Tnass+c)
AnoteDe hassd P '
(Pabanzo. - Earh Gelaceous)
Chleha Tertane -
Nrvvrxrg,n7n,) 1.1.ARANDA L andetar.
C=1 tyly amas
• P-.14
P 45
150 300 iim RIOBAMBA 2-46
e PIMI-22
E-SO P-42
P-31 PIMI-14
Geological legend (b, c) P-3, s
Neogene - Ouaternary deposas csSti „
• P-33
Palaeogene depositS „Patin

Cordillera Occidental basement and sediments


P.rnanpiro pluton (Late Cretaceous) Cross-section Figure 2

Maguazo Unit (Jurassic - Cretaceous) Alao GUAM

Aiao-Paute Unrt (Jurassic - Liretaceous) Y
n,larrinte sedmentary SW111110? (Jtarassic)

Peltetec Una (Late Triassic)

NE Monte Olivo Una (Late IgaSSIC)

1.111 Tres icagunas Una (Late Tnassic)
-ti Chiguinda and Agoyan Units
ntttLdnd (Palaeozoc - Triassic)

Symbol Legend
I p . 33 Sample Regional Cross-section
location Feuit (Figure 2)
PF: Peltetec fault: SAF: San Antonio fault; BE : Baños fault
Modified from the Geological Map of the Republic of Ecuador
(EgJez et al., 2017)

Figure 1. (a) Schematic representation of tectonic complexes in the Northern Andes and location of the study area. Ophiolites and
terranes of oceanic affinity are represented in black, including the late Triassic amphibolitized Piedras metagabbro and high-pressure
(HP) Arenillas-Panupali Unit and the early Cretaceous HP Raspas complex (Amotape Massif, El Oro metamorphic complex,
Southwestern Ecuador), the Peltetec Unit (central Ecuador) and the early Cretaceous Arquía complex (Colombia); dashed line
represents the morphological boundary of the Cordilleras, WC: Western Cordillera, CC: Central Cordillera, CR: Cordillera Real, EC:
Eastern Cordillera. (b and c) Geological maps of the studied atea; (b) Ambuqui zone and (c) the zone between Patate — Z lila river with
the location of analysed samples (simplified after Egüez etal. 2017).

Jimenez et al. 2012; García-Ramírez et al. 2017). The autochthonous origin of these terranes is still matter of
Peltetec Ophiolitic Belt in the Cordillera Real of Ecuador debate, as well as their boundaries and nature of the
is in an apparent equivalent structural position of these contacts. Most recent studies, however, propose parau-
HP complexes and Triassic mafic complexes (Figure 1(a)). tochthonous blocks detached from the continental mar-
This belt is constituted by basaltic rocks with NMORB gin during extensional episodes as well as a single
and EMORB affinities (Litherland et al. 1994; Cochrane subduction system with westward arc migration (Pratt
et al. 2014b; Spikings et al. 2015) and, based on two etal. 2005; Cochrane etal. 2014b; Spikings et al. 2015).
plagioclase 40Ar/39Ar ages, it is interpreted as the result Much of the basement of the Cordillera Real is made
of early Cretaceous rifting that detached continental of Palaeozoic metasediments (Chiguinda Unit), late
slivers from the continental margin (Spikings etal. 2015). Triassic migmatites (Sabanilla Unit), late Triassic meta-
The aim of this study is the precise characterization of mafic dykes (Monte Olivo Unit), and late Triassic S-type
the petrological-geochemical nature, tectonic environ- granites (Tres Lagunas Unit) (Litherland etal. 1994; Noble
ment and age of formation of the Peltetec Ophiolitic et al. 1997; Chew et al. 2007; Cochrane et al. 2014a;
Belt, as well as to establish correlations with other units Spikings et al. 2015; Paul et al. 2018). These rocks can
in the Northern Andes in order to better understand the be considered equivalent to those exposed in some
tectonic evolution of the northwestern margin of segments of the Permian-Triassic Cajamarca Complex
Gondwana. We provide new field and petrological in the Central Cordillera of Colombia (Maya and
observations, elemental and isotopic (87Sr/86Sr and González 1995; Vinasco et al. 2006) and with the
143Nd/144N—ci) whole-rock data and U-Pb SHRIMP zircon Palaeozoic-late Triassic Tahuin Group and late Triassic
ages of the ophiolitic and related rocks that bear impor- units of oceanic affinity (Piedras and Arenillas-Panupali
tant implications for the tectonic evolution of the north- Units) of the El Oro Metamorphic Complex (Amotape
western margin of Gondwana. Our results revea I Massif) in southwestern Ecuador (Figure 1(a)) (e.g.
a complex geochemical-tectonic evolution that can be Feininger 1978; Litherland et al. 1994; Aspden et al.
traced back to Triassic times, rather than the Cretaceous, 1995; Gabriele 2002; Riel etal. 2013; Suhr etal. 2019).
requiring a revision of the tectonic arrangement of a part Jurassic to early Cretaceous arc-related rocks of the
of the Ecuadorian Cordillera Real. Misahualli and Alao arcs occur to the East and West of
Palaeozoic-Triassic units in the Cordillera Real
(Litherland et al. 1994; Chiaradia et al. 2009; Drobe
Geological setting
et al. 2013; Cochrane et al. 2014b; Figure 1(a)). The
Despite the complex strike-slip faulting, a significant part Alao arc (Maguazo, Alao—Paute and El Pan Units,
of the basement units of the Cordillera Real, the eastern- Litherland et al. 1994) has been correlated with the
most elevation of the Ecuadorian Andes, can be corre- Quebradagrande Complex in Colombia (Cochrane
lated to the North with complexes of the Central et al. 2014b; Spikings et al. 2015), that records volcan-
Cordillera of Colombia (Figure 1(a); e.g. Cochrane et al. ism from —150 Ma to 80 Ma (Villagómez et al. 2011;
2014a; Spikings etal. 2015). Both are formed by variably Cochrane etal. 2014b; Zapata etal. 2018). The Maguazo
metamorphosed and deformed continental and oceanic and El Pan Units include variably deformed and meta-
rock units intruded by plutons of varied geochemical morphosed volcano-sedimentary sequences with
affinity and of Palaeozoic and Meso- to Cenozoic ages, a suggested middle Jurassic-early Cretaceous age
and both record a long-lasting history of subduction and (Riding 1989), while the Alao—Paute Unit is formed by
amalgamation of blocks along the northwestern conti- tholeiitic to calc-alkaline andesitic—basaltic rocks with
nental margin of Gondwana and South America during variable metamorphic overprint reaching the greens-
pre- and post- mid Cretaceous times, respectively. The chist facies and minor occurrences of pelitic schists,
rock units are strongly shea red by right-lateral strike-slip graphitic schists, quartzites and marbles (Figure 1(c))
faults, separating major crustal blocks (commonly, ter- (Litherland et al. 1994; Cochrane et al. 2014b). The age
ranes) recognized in the northwestern Andes (Figure 1). of formation of these units is not well constrained;
In Ecuador, this fact allowed Aspden and Litherland hornblende K/Ar ages of 115 ± 12 Ma and
(1992) and Litherland et al. (1994) to group rock units 142 ± 36 Ma were interpreted by Litherland et al.
in informal major lithotectonic divisions that range from (1994) as the result of a Cretaceous tectono-thermal
late Palaeozoic to early Cretaceous age and have been overprint of Jurassic rocks, while U-Pb ages of rims of
variably affected by late Triassic and early Cretaceous detrital zircons from a quartzite of the Alao—Paute Unit
tectono-thermal and collision or accretion events yielded a maximum depositional age of 163.7 ± 1.6 Ma
(Litherland etal. 1994; Chew et al. 2007; Spikings et al. (Cochrane etal. 2014b). West of the Alao arc, Litherland
2015; Paul et al. 2018). The allochthonous vs. et al. (1994) described the Guamote metasedimentary

sequence (Figure 1) as a set of intercalated quartzites Thirty-two samples, including metagabbroic rocks (4
and slates with late Jurassic maximum depositional age samples), metadiabase dykes (4 samples), metabasaltic
(Cochrane etal. 2014b). They are equivalent to volcano- rocks (19 samples), metasedimentary rocks (2 samples)
sedimentary units related to the Alao arc (Pratt et al. and granites (3 samples) were selected for whole-rock
2005; Spikings etal. 2015). geochemical analyses (Figure 1(b,c); Supp. Table 1). The
Oceanic units are represented in the Cordillera Real by samples were prepared in the laboratory of the
the nominally Cretaceous Peltetec ophiolitic belt (Peltetec Department of Mineralogy and Petrology of the
Unit Litherland etal. 1994; Figure 1(b,c)) with MORB and University of Granada using a diamond disc cutter to
EMORB affinities (Litherland et al. 1994; Spikings et al. remove the weathered surfaces and secondary veins.
2015). This belt is bounded by the Guamote sequence to Fragments were crushed to powder using a tungsten
the West and the Alao-related rocks to the East. The carbide mill. All elemental and isotopic analyses were
ophiolitic rocks show greenschist facies metamorphic carried out in the IBERSIMS Laboratory and the Centre
overprint with the development of chlorite, epidote and for Scientific Instrumentation of the University of
albite, and relicts of altered clinopyroxene and (saussur- Granada (CIC-UGR, Spain).
itized) plagioclase. An early Cretaceous age of the basaltic Major element oxides were determined with
protoliths has been inferred based on plagioclase a Philips Magix Pro (Pw-2440) X-ray fluorescence
40Ar/39Ar data yielding 134.7 ± 0.9 and 134 ± 13 Ma (XRF) equipment after melting the sample in
(Spikings etal. 2015). However, the chemical composition a solution with tetra lithium borate. The characteristic
and extent of alteration of the dated plagioclase was not precision as determined from standards AN-G and BE-
reported. The Peltetec ophiolitic belt is best described as N, was better than ± 1,5 % (relative error) for an
a tectonic mélange (Litherland et al. 1994), with most of analyte concentration of 10 wtcY0 (see Supp. Data 1).
the deformation related to a penetrative shear zone that The iron content is expressed as FeO* total. The
affects both the matrix and the dismembered slices of the molar ratio Mg0/(Mg0+Fe0*) is abbreviated Mg#.
ophiolitic sequence. Oceanic rocks also occur in the Zirconium was determined in the same machine
Cretaceous Celica-Lancones basin of Southwestern using the same glass beads with a precision better
Ecuador, which are overlain by volcano-sedimentary than ± 0.2% for 5 ppm Zr. Loss on Ignition (L01) was
sequences (Jaillard etal. 1996; Winter etal. 2010) and in determined by weight difference before and after
the Raspas Complex (Figure 1(a)), the !atter including ignition of samples in a furnace. In the diagrams,
metaperidotites and metamafic rocks, including eclogites oxide concentrations are reported in an anhydrous
and blueschists of NMORB and seamount affinities, (volatile free) basis. Trace elements, except Zr, were
respectively (John etal. 2010), with peak HP metamorph- determined by an lnductively Coupled Plasma-Mass
ism at ca. 130 Ma (Gabriele 2002; John et al. 2010). Spectrometry (ICP-MS) after HNO3 + HF digestion of
Unrelated oceanic rocks of the Cretaceous Ecuadorian- 0.1000 g of sample powder in a Teflon- lined vessel at
Colombian-Caribbean plateau accreted against the con- 180°C and 200 psi for 30 mm , evaporation to dryness
tinental margin of South America during the late and subsequent dissolution in 100 ml of 4 vol.%
Cretaceous-Palaeocene in the Western Cordilleras of HNO3; the precision, as determined from standards
Ecuador and Colombia (e.g. Reynaud et al. 1999; Kerr PMS, WSE, UBN, BEN, BR and AGV run as unknowns,
etal. 2003; Vallejo et al. 2009). was better than ± 2% for analyte concentrations of 50
ppm and ± 5% for analyte concentrations of 5 ppm
(see Supp. Data 2).
Sampling and analytical methods Neodymium and strontium isotopic analyses were
measured for a total of 9 whole-rock aliquots, including
Fieldwork and sampling were carried out along several 2 metagabbros and 7 metabasalts, by Thermal lonization
W-E transects perpendicular to the trend of the Peltetec Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) with a Finnigan MAT 262
Unit from the Ambuquí sector in the North to the Zula spectrometer after digestion of 100 mg of powdered
River in the South (Figure 1(b,c)). The geological sections rock samples by HNO3 + HF in Teflon-lined vessels at
from north to south correspond to the sectors: Ambuqui, 200 psi, using ultra-clean reagents and chromatographic
Patate, Penipe, Quimiag, Chambo, Alao valley, Guarguallá separation with ion-exchange resins. Normalization
valley, Cebadas and Zula River. Sixty-four samples were values were 1"Nd/1"Nd = 0.7219 and
collected for petrographic inspection, of which 59 corre- 86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194. Blanks were 0.09 ng and 0.6 ng for
spond to the Peltetec Unit and 5 to the Tres Lagunas Unit. Nd and Sr respectively. The external precision (2a) esti-
In the petrographic description, the mineral a bbreviations mated by analysing 10 replicates of the standard WS-E
used are from Whitney and Evans (2010). (Govindaraju 1994) was better than ± 0.0015% for

Nd/144Nd and ± 0.003% for 87Sr/86Sr. 147Sm/1"Nd and Results
87Rb/86Sr were directly determined by ICP-MS following
Field relations
the method developed by Montero and Bea (1998), with
a precision better than ± 0.9% and ± 1.2 % (20) for The Peltetec Unit is largely covered by Neogene-
brry.1"Nd and 87Rb/86Sr respectively. The ENd(t) Quaternary volcanic deposits, being discontinuously
values were calculated using present-day values of exposed along a N-S to NNE-SSW trend through the
147sm/144Nd 0.1960 ± 4 and western margin of the Cordillera Real, from the
Nd/ 144- Nd = 0.512630 ± 11 for CHUR (Bouvier etal. Ambuquí sector in the North near the Colombian border
2008). to the Zula River in the South (Figure 1(a-c))). The best-
Zircon grains were separated using conventional exposed occurrences are around and to the South of the
density and magnetic techniques and handpicked Penipe locality (Figure 1(c)).
under binocular lens. Zircon grains were obtained The Unit is tectonically bounded by the Jurassic
only in one sample of metadiabase (P-23) and from Guamote sequence to the West and the Maguazo Unit
the Tres Lagunas granite located at the western mar- of the Alao arc to the East (Figures 1, 2 and 3(a);
gin of the Peltetec ophiolite (sample P-26). Once Litherland et al. 1994). However, we could not confirm
mounted and polished, zircon grains were studied by such configuration during our fieldwork. At the western
cathodoluminescence imaging and analysed for U-Pb boundary in the South of the Unit, we identified small
using a SHRIMP Ile/mc ion microprobe. The analytical slivers of variably deformed granitic rocks of the Tres
method follows that of Williams and Claesson (1987); Lagunas Unit and of graphitic phyllites and quartzites of
as described in The U/Pb ratios the Palaeozoic Chiguinda Unit. On the other hand, slivers
were calibrated using the TEMORA-1 reference zircon of black slates and quartzites of the Guamote sequence
(416.75 ± 0.24 Ma; Black et al. 2003) which was mea- were identified in the eastern limit (Figures 1(c) and 2)
sured every 4 unknowns. Point-to-point errors, calcu- together with the Maguazo Unit, which is very low-grade
lated on replicates of the TEMORA standard during the to not metamorphosed and preserves primary sedimen-
session were 0.32% for 206Pb/238U and 0.37% for tary structures with faint or no penetrative cleavage. The
Pb/206Pb. Isotopic ratios used for age determination rocks at the eastern fault-contact are intensely sheared
are concordant and were not corrected for common showing a high-angle cleavage dipping to the East,
lead. Errors are at one sigma level. Data processing while to the West of Peltetec the foliation is flatter.
was performed using ISOPLOTR software (Vermeesch Occasionally, undated discordant non-deformed andesi-
2018). For a single zircon age, with age around and tic dykes occur to the East of the unit (Figure 2). To the
greater than 1000 Ma, the 207Pb/206Pb ratio was con- South of the Guarguallá Valley, small outcrops of the
sidered more reliable for determining the apparent Peltetec Unit appear below Pliocene-Quaternary volca-
age because of the large amount of radiogenic Pb. In nic cover; however, the lineament of the belt and iso-
contrast, ages less than 1000 Ma have a more reliable lated outcrops are identified further South in the region
206 2 38
Pb/-- -U ratio. of the Zula River.

NW Sampled section SE

145 hes
Kmorne Kljuen

+64 Lie

209 Vo

O 300 rr
* U-Pb zircon age 237 No
Undated andesitic dike 359 /AS
o Metasedirrent Guamote metasedimentary sequence: Slate,
o phyllite and quartzite (Jurassic)
o .2 Metabasalt
Tres Lagunas Unit Biolite-muscovite granite
-S o CumuIate gabbro (Late Triassic) 183 Eta
1:1_ Chigunda Unit: Phyllite and quartzite
Serpentinite G1- G3: geochemical groups 1-3
(Palaeozoic) of mafic rocks

Figure 2. Schematic cross-section along the Guarguallá Valley showing the lithologies and field relationships of the Peltetec Unit, and
a suggested stratigraphic column based on Litherland etal. (1994), Noble etal. (1997), Chew etal. (2007), Cochrane etal. (2014a) and
Spikings etal. (2015) and the geochemical and geochronological data of the Peltetec and Tres Lagunas units (this study).

'Maguazo Unit

Foliated metabasalt'


Figure 3. Field relations of the Peltetec Unit. (a) Upright tectonic contact between the Maguazo Unit to the East and the Peltetec Unit
to the West. (b) Sheared brittle serpentinite. (c) Foliated metagabbro. (d) Greenschist. (e) Foliated metabasalts dipping to the East. (f)
Basaltic dyke crosscutting metabasalts. (g) Contact between metabasalt and rnetasedimentary rocks. (h) Contact between granite of
the Tres Lagunas Unit and phyllite of the Chiguinda Unit.

Rock types and mineral assemblages

affected by hydrothermal alteration and brecciated. In
A wide variety of rock types have been described in the addition, metamorphosed mafic dykes with relict pha-
Peltetec Unit (Fortey 1990; Litherland etal. 1994; Reyes neritíc to aphanitic texture crosscut the igneous litholo-
2006), including slivers of serpentinite and metasedi- gies. These dykes share the same deformation and
mentary rocks and a variety of metamorphosed and metamorphic characteristics as the country rock, provid-
slightly to intensely deformed mafic magmatic rocks ing evidence for sharing a common origin. Serpentinites
(gabbro, olivine gabbro and basalt) that are locally were identified locally in the centre and in the South of

the complex (Figures 2 and 3(b)). They are mainly com- clinozoisite-epidote, chlorite, actinolitic amphibole,
posed of serpentine group minerals, with minor chlorite, albite, titanite and locally muscovite (Figure 4(b,c)).
magnetite, chromian spinel and carbonates; intense Other varieties show local relict porphyritic texture
shearing defines foliation planes dipping towards the (pyroxene and altered plagioclase porphyroclasts)
East. and variably deformed and altered zones with abun-
The textural and mineralogical characteristics of these dant chlorite (Figure 4(d,e)). The foliation has
lithotypes are described below. a dominant NNE to NE direction with a predominant
dip to the east (Figure 3(e)). Crenulation cleavage is
locally present in fine-grained varieties (Figure 4(e)).
Deformed micro-veinlets of calcite and quartz cross-
Scattered outcrops of metagabbro are distributed cut the rocks. The porphyritic rocks show mylonitic
from Patate in the North to the Guarguallá Valley in fabric with rotated clinopyroxenes, locally broken and
the South (Figures 1(c) and 2). The thickness of each replaced by amphibole (Figure 4(f)). Small elongated
occurrence is difficult to estimate due to Quaternary amygdules are filled by chlorite and epidote. Non-
volcanic, soil and vegetation covers. The rocks are foliated rocks (Figure 4(d)) have the same primary
greenish-grey and intensely foliated although non- and secondary mineralogical associations as
foliated gabbros locally occur. Microscopically, this deformed varieties.
type of rock shows intense metamorphic transforma- Brecciated rocks (Figure 4(g)) contain fragments of
tion, with mm-sized elongated clots of chlorite corre- aphanitic and porphyritic basaltic rocks with scarce
sponding to pseudomorphs after former mafic microliths of plagioclase, pyroxene and opaque miner-
minerals and sericite/saussurite (altered plagioclase) als. They are slightly foliated with oriented fine-grained
surrounded by a fine light grey groundmass. Fine- chlorite and epidote. Fractures are filled with clinozoi-
grained anhedral opaque minerals are ubiquitous. site, chlorite, albite or quartz.
The foliated gabbros are sheared and fractured and
show a marked foliation with N-S to NNE-SSW trend-
Metabasic dykes
ing dipping to the East (Figure 3(c)). Non-foliated
gabbros occur in the Guarguallá and Alao valleys Dykes less than 2 metres in thickness crosscut the meta-
and south of Penipe; they show cumulate poikilitic basalts (Figure 3(f)). They show the same deformation
texture (plagioclase included in pyroxene) (Figure 4 and metamorphic features than the metabasaltic host
(a)). This variety is constituted by relict igneous clin- rocks, with a predominant relict micro-phaneritic and
opyroxene, plagioclase, opaque minerals and rare a- porphyritic texture and scarce relicts of clinopyroxene
vine (Figure 4(a)) overprinted by actinolitic and plagioclase overprinted by actinolitic amphibole,
amphibole, albite, chlorite, epidote, serpentine, ser - albite, epidote and chlorite (Figure 4(h)). Amphibole is
cite and calcite. Plagioclase is strongly altered but it fine-grained anhedral to subhedral, shows internal
locally shows fresh relicts, while olivine is systemati- deformation and is locally broken.
cally replaced by serpentine. Micro-fractures are filled
by chlorite or albite.
Metas ediments

These rocks crop out discontinuously ah along the

Peltetec Unit intercalated between metabasaltic rocks
This is the most abundant lithology of the Peltetec and as tectonic slivers (Figure 3(g)), being more abun-
Unit. Metabasalts are greenish-grey rocks with domi- dant close to the eastern boundary of the unit (Figure 2).
nant fine-grained fabric and variable extent meta- In all sectors, they show a penetrative foliation that is
morphic transformation. The best outcrops were locally crenulated. Mostly they are fine-grained greenish
identified between the Penipe sector and Guarguallá and purple phyllites with a silky appearance due to the
Valley (Figure 1(c)). The greatest thickness (2000 presence of abundant sericite, but minor intercalations
metres) can be observed in Quimiag, while towards (-5 metres thick) of dark grey to ochre phyllites appear
the north of Penipe the thickness decreases progres- in-between the metabasalts. Along the Zula River, a ca.
sively until the body disappears below Neogene- 100 m thick sliver of greenish to yellowish metagrey-
Quaternary volcanic cover (Figure 1(c)). Slices of wacke and quartz-breccia shows a poorly developed
greenschist show a well-developed foliation with foliation and preserved clastic textures. The rocks are
local crenulation cleavage (Figure 3(d)). The rocks composed of quartz, plagioclase and scarce pyroxene
are very fine- to fine-grained and composed of in a clay groundmass.

Figure 4. Optical microphotographs showing the mineralogy and textural details of studied rocks: (a) Metagabbro with phaneritic
cumulate texture; plagioclase, locally included in clinopyroxene, is altered, olivine shows pseudomorphic texture and fresh clinopyroxene
is the cumulus mineral. (b) Foliated metabasalt with relicts of pyroxene, altered groundmass and broken metarnorphic amphibole. (c)
Greenschist. (d) Massive microcrystalline basaltic rock with nnicroliths of plagioclase and pyroxene in a glassy altered groundmass. (e)
Deformed aphanitic basaltic rock with crenulation cleavage. (f) Basaltic porphyritic foliated rock; the groundmass is cryptocrystalline and
pyroxene phenocrysts are rotated and partially replaced by calcic amphibole forrning a pressure shadow tau. (g) Aitered breccia; note
fracturation of basaltic rock and strongly altered regions (lighter shade). (h) Basaltic dyke; fresh minerals are surrounded by an altered
plagioclase groundmass. Mineral abbreviations: 01-olivine, Cpx-clinopyroxene, PI-plagioclase, Px-pyroxene, Amp-amphibole, Ep-epidote,
Ttn-titanite, Czo-clinozoisite, Srp-serpentine, Chl-chlorite, Cal-cakite, Ab-albite (Whitney and Evans 2010).

Tres Lagunas Unit

the Guarguallá valley in the North to the Zula River in the
Discontinuous slivers of leucocratic granite were identi- South (Figures 1(c), 2 and 3(h)). These rocks generally
fied along the western margin of the Peltetec Unit from have a massive coarse-grained phaneritic igneous

texture, though they occasionally show mylonitic fabric. gains, Cu, Zn and Mo, that show losses and K, P and Sr,
They are composed of quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, that show variable gains/losses. These results are consis-
biotite, muscovite and traces of monazite, rutile, zircon tent with general views that consider Rb, Ba, Cs, U, K, Sr,
and a patite. P and Pb as mobile elements and Ti, Al, N/, Y, Zr, Nb, REE
(particularly HREE) and Th as immobile (e.g., Scott and
Hajash 1976; Staudigel and Hart 1983; Seyfried et al.
Geochemistry 1988; Hofmann and Wilson 2007; Dilek et al. 2008;
Pearce 2014; Fumes and Dilek 2017).
Evaluation of element mobility

Element mobility is a complex process affected by dif-

Whole-rock major and trace elements
ferent factors, such as the composition and stability of
the mineral phases in unaltered protoliths and in the A general basaltic composition of metamafic rocks is
alteration products, and the composition, temperature observed in the immobile element-based TAS proxy
and volume of fluid phases flowing through the rock diagram of Figure 5(a) (from Pearce 1996, after Floyd
volume. Metamorphism and alteration of the Peltetec and Winchester 1978), where the ratio Zr/Ti is used as
Unit, with hydration and formation of amphibole, clin- a differentiation index. The concentration of major ele-
ozoisite-epidote, chlorite, albite and calcite ± serpentine ments suggests a tholeiitic affinity (Irvine and Baragar
group minerals and sericite, prevents the use of fluid- 1971) (Figure 5(b); see below) for the basaltic rocks,
mobile elements for characterizing the primary igneous while the cumulate gabbros (samples P-25, P-29 and
and sedimentary composition of the rocks. The metaba- P-45; Supp. Table 1) trend towards higher MgO content,
salts have an Ishikawa alteration index (Al; lshikawa etal. and have high values for both Sc (42-65 ppm) and Ni
1976) of 22-40 and a chlorite-carbonate-pyrite index (121-263 ppm), pointing to cumulate clinopyroxene and
(CCPI; Large etal. 2001) of 66-91 (Supo. Table 1). Since olivine (cf. Pearce 1996).
Al vares from 20 to 60 in unaltered rocks and between In addition to cumulate gabbros, we have identi-
50 and 100 in hydrothermally altered rocks, and the CCPI fied three different geochemical groups of metaba-
ranges from 70 to 90 in unaltered basalts (Large et al. salts based on TiO2 and Cr (immobile element proxy
2001), we conclude that the analysed samples are fresh for MgO; Pearce 2014) contents (Figure 5(c)) and
to slightly altered. However, we have further analysed chondrite- and NMORB-normalized (Sun and
individual element mobility according to the isocon McDonough 1989) trace element patterns (Figure 6).
analysis (Gresens 1967; Grant 1986, 2005), which allows Group 1 includes one noncumulate gabbro sample
the quantitative evaluation of chemical gain and losses and two metabasalts from the Patate sector and
(in mass, volume or concentrations) in mass-transfer from the South of Penipe town. Group 2 includes
processes through a linear relationship of the concentra- three metadiabase and four metabasalts located in
tion of a component in the altered rock and that in the the Guarguallá and Alao valleys and in Quimiag
original (least altered) (Grant 1986). close to the eastern contact with Guamote-related
Because of their predominance in the Peltetec Unit rocks. Group 3 includes one metadiabase and 13
and their more important petrogenetic significance, we metabasalts from the Ambuquí, Penipe, Quimiag
have restricted the isocon analysis to metabasalts and Chambo sectors and the Alao valley close the
(Group 3, see below). The reference sample selected for eastern contact with Guamote-related rocks. The geo-
the isocon analysis is sample PIMI-43 (Supp. Table 1). For chemical data and the geographical coordinates are
this selection, the petrographic characteristics of the presented in Supp. Table 1 (see also Figure 1(b,c)).
samples and their Al and CCPI values (39 and 84, respec-
tively, in sample PIMI-43) were considered. The results of
the analysis (Supp. Table 2 and Supp. Figure 1) show that Geochemical groups
REE and HESE behave immobile, while the transition Cumulate gabbros
metals Cr, Ni and Co behave variably, perhaps because These rocks have a high Cr (700-1164 ppm) and low TiO2
of both element mobility and the natural variations of contents (0.39 to 0.44 wt.0/0; Figure 5(c), with Mg# ran-
the rocks. On the other hand, LILE and the transition ging between 0.69 and 0.78. Two samples show flat
metals Cu and Zn show stronger mobility. Specifically, chondrite-normalized REE patterns ((La/Yb)„ = 0.97-1.02,
the elements that show the strongest evidence for mobi- (La/Sm) = 0.93-0.96, (Sm/Yb) = 1.05-1.06; Figure 6(a))
lity and, hence, will not be considered in the geochem- while a third one shows depletion in LREE with respect
ical description and petrogenetic interpretation of the to MREE ((La/Sm),, = 0.47) and has a flat slope from MREE
rocks, are: Rb, Cs, Ba, Pb and Li, which generally show to HREE ((Sm/Yb)„ = 0.87). All samples show positive Eu

119 1 1 1 11111

.1 tephri-

.01 foidite

basic _ basan
1 1 11111 I 1 111[11 1 111111 I 1 1 11111
.01 .1 1 10 100
subalk. NbN ultra-alk.

500 1000 1500

Cr (PPM)

A Group 3 O Yánez et al., 2017 * NMORB

Group 2 o Spikings et al., 2015 * EMORB
y Group 1 Litherland et al., 1994
O Cumulate gabbro

Figure 5. Classification of studied rocks. (a) TAS proxy diagram (Floyd and Winchester 1978; Pearce 1996). (b) AFM diagram of lrvine
and Baragar (1971) showing the boundary between tholeiitic and calc-alkaline fields. (c) TiO2 (wt.%) vs Cr (ppm) diagram showing the
non-cumulate mafic groups 1, 2 and 3 defined in this study and cumulate gabbros. NMORB and EMORB compositions are from Gale
et al. (2013). Also plotted are published geochemical data of mafic rocks (blue symbols) of the Peltetec Unit (Litherland et al., 1994;
Spikings et al., 2015; Yánez et al., 2017).

Cumulate gabbro/chondrite Cumulate gabbro/NMORB

Contmental arc basalt
Continental am basalt
Oceanic arc basalt Oceanic arc basalt


Ce Pr Hd Srn So Gd Tb Oy Ho E Cm Yb Lo Th 50 1. Ce Pr Nd Zr Ern Ti Gd Co Sr T -o Yo

Group l/chondrite Group 1/NMORFs



La Ce Pr Nd Sm En Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lo 10 Nb lo Co Pr Nd Zr sre Ir 00 lb Dy Ho Y Er Iro Yb

c) Group 2/chondrite Group 2/NMORB



• 4"

In En Nd Sro E Grl Th Dy No Sr Ter Vb Lo Th Nb Cc Ce P Nd 7, 5,, t, Cd lb Dy Ho Y Fr Tm Vb

Figure 6. Chondrite-normalized REE and NMORB-normalized immobile multi-element diagrams (Sun and McDonough 1989). (a)
cumulate grabbros, (b) group 1, (c) group 2, and (d) group 3. The reference NMORB and EMORB are from Sun and McDonough (1989)
and the continental and oceanic arc basalts and boninite are from Kelemen etal. (2014).

anomalies (Eu/Eu * --,- 1.16-1.83) indicating plagioclase ((Th/La)Nmoes = 7.14-7.37), while Nb and Zr show slight
fractionation. lmmobile elements are depleted relative negative anomalies. The (Th/Nb)NmoRB relations range
to MORB (Figure 6(a)), except Th that is enriched between 9.22 and 11.67.

Group 1 mafic rocks (La/Sm)„ = 051-0.78 (Figure 6(d)). However, this group
This group is defined by the lowest TiO2 content (0.67 to has higher EREE (35-72) than group 2 (24-35) and does
0.82 wt.%; Figure 5(c)) of non-cumulate mafic rocks, not show local La enrichments (Figure 6(c,d)). Some sam-
together with low Cr content (18-34 ppm) and Mg# ples have positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 1.16-1.94). The
ranging between 0.54 and 0.56. Their chondrite- MREE are slightly enriched (10-40 sample/chondrite
normalized REE patterns show enrichment in LREE with values) and tend to develop flat patterns with respect to
respect to MREE and HREE ((La/Yb),, = 1.83-2.43, HREE ((Sm/Yb)n = 1.12-1.43). In the multi-element dia-
(La/Sm),, = 1.19-1.42, (Sm/Yb)n = 1.41-1.71), similar to gram normalized to NMORB, immobile elements have
EMORB and oceanic arc basalts (Figure 6(b)). One sample fiat patterns close to 1x, with positive anomalies in Th
has a positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 1.75) suggesting ((Th/La)NrooRB = 1.3-3.72) and negative anomalies in Nb
local plagioclase fractionation. In the multi-element dia- ((Nb/La)NmoRB = 0.51-0.93) and, to a much lesser extent,
gram normalized to NMORB (Figure 6(b)) the most Zr. The Nb/Yb ratio (mean 0.7) and the (Th/Nb)NmoRB ratio
incompatible immobile elements (Th, La, Ce) are (1.55-4.01; Figure 6(d)) are low.
enriched, Th shows a moderate to highly positive anom-
aly ((Th/La)NmoRa = 4.20-84.40) and some samples have IVIetasedimentary rocks
slightly negative Nb ((Nb/La)NmonB = 0.50-0.52) and Zr Major element contents are varied, but the samples show
anomalies. The Nb/Yb ratio is high (average 2.2). In gen- a similar composition in terms of REE. According to the
eral, the compatible elements are depleted relative to classification of terrigenous sandstones and shales using
NMORB. The degree of influence of subduction derived log(Na20/K20) vs log(Si02/A1203) (Figure 7(a); Herron
components or of continental crust assimilation is mod- 1988) the samples corresponds to litharenite and grey-
erate to high, as indicated by (Th/Nb)NmoRa = 8.12-53.91 wacke, while using the log(Fe203/K20) vs log(Si02/A1203)
(Figure 6(b); Pearce 2014). (Figure 7(b)), one sample plots in the litharenite field and
the other evidence enrichment in Fe203 and classifies as
Group 2 mafic rocks shale. REE show flat patterns around 1x normalized to
This group is defined by intermediate TiO2 (0.69-1.01 wt. Post Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS) (Figure 7(c),
%) and intermediate to high Cr (136-716 ppm) contents Taylor and McLennan 1985), but show a clear positive
(Figure 5(c)). The Mg# in metabasalts ranges between 0.45 Eu anomaly denoting the presence of detrital plagioclase.
and 0.64, while it is slightly higher in metadiabases (0.59-- The chondrite-normalized REE show enrichment in LREE
0.69). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns are similar relative to MREE and HREE ((La/Yb)n = 11.4-6-11.82,
to NMORB ((La/Yb),, = 0.28-1.16, (La/Sm)n = 0.31-1.09, (La/Sm)„ = 2.85-4.15, (Sm/Yb),, = 2.85-4.03)) that sug-
(Sm/Yb)n = 0.78-1.14) with occasional mild enrichment gests a continental source (Figure 7(d)).
in La (Figure 6(c)). Metabasalts show a positive Eu anom-
aly (Eu/Eu* = 1.4-2.60) that is absent in metadiabases,
indicating a more primitive nature of the latter. In the Tres Lagunas Unit
multi-element NMORB-normalized diagram (Figure 6(c)), Three granite samples show homogeneous geochemical
the samples show flat patterns except for Th that shows characteristics with high Si02 wt.% content (69.5-72.3),
positive anomalies ((Th/La)NmoRB = 2.19-15.59). It is notor- high Na20 + 1(20 wt.% (5.6-6.3) and peraluminous affi-
ious the negative anomaly of Nb ((Nb/La)Nmore = 0.49-- nity with Alumina Saturation lndex (ASI) of 1-1.5 (Supp.
1.00), the slightly negative anomaly of Zr and the low Nb/ Table 1). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns (Figure
Yb ratio (mean 0.55). The NMORB-normalized patterns 8(a)) show enrichment in LREE relative to MREE and HREE
(Figure 6(c)) show a slight depletion of incompatible ele- ((l-a/Yb)n = 10.8-25.6, (La/Sm),, = 3.3-5.3 and (Sm/Yb)n
ments. The (Th/Nb)NmoRB ratio is moderate to high 3.3-4.8)). Two samples show a negative Eu anomaly
(3.5-26.42). (Eu/Eu* = 0.50 and 0.59). LILE, HFSE and the REE show
patterns near-flat around 1x when normalized to Upper
Group 3 mafic rocks Continental Crust (UCC) (Figure 8(b,c); Taylor and
This group includes most of the metamafic samples and is McLennan 1985) with negative Ba, U, Nb and Sr anoma-
defined by the highest TiO2 contents (1.08-2.16 wt.%) and lies (Figure 8(b)).
intermediate Cr contents (128-373 ppm) (Figure 5(c)).
They correspond to evolved basaltic rocks, as indicated
U-Pb zircon geochronology
by Mg# ranging between 0.47-0.65. Metadiabases and
metabasalts show the same geochemical features. Like SHRIMP U-Pb analyses of zircons from Peltetec and Tres
group 2 rocks, chondrite-normalized REE patterns show Lagunas Units are presented in Figure 9 and Supp. Table
a NMORB like signature with (La/Yb)r, = 0.58-1.03 and 3. The discordant analyses (>5% discordance as defined in

a) b)
0.5 Fe-shale Fe-sand
o 0.0 á 1.5
Shale et.`‘ Sublitharenite Quartz
Li Arenite
o -50.0
-0.5 Arkose Subarkose

0.5 1.0 1.5 20 00 1.0 115 20
log(SiO21A1203) log(Si02/A1203)

La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu GO To Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Figure 7. Geochemical characteristics of metasediments. (a) Classification of terrigenous sandstones using log(Na20/K20) vs log(5102
/A1203) (Herron 1988). (b) Classification of terrigenous sandstones and shales using the log(Fe203/K20) vs log(Si02/A1203) (Herron
1988). (c) REE normalized to Post Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS) (Taylor and McLennan 1985). (d) La/Sm - Yb/Sm diagram (fields
from Plank and Langmuir 1998).

Supp. Table 3) were excluded for the weighted mean age Zircon grains of granite sample P-26 from the Tres
calculations. Lagunas Unit have euhedral to subhedral shapes and
Zircon crystals from metadiabase sample P-23 are bipyramidal terminations. Cathodoluminescence
small (transversal section of 150 pm length and 70 pm images show well defined oscillatory zoning and inher-
width), most of them euhedral to subhedral in shape. ited cores (Figure 9(b)). Eighteen measurements show
Cathodoluminescence images show oscillatory zoning in a wide range of U (212-1151 ppm) and Th (33-596)
most grains and some crystals have inherited cores concentration, with Th/U = 0.06-0.97 (Supp. Table 3).
(Figure 9(a)). Eight measurements on 8 zircons show All analyses are concordant (-2.7 to 3.3% discordance)
U content ranging from 248 to 1195 ppm and Th from and yield a 206pb/238u weighted mean age of
35 to 595 ppm, with Th/U in the range of 0.08-0.91. 228.2 ± 0.8 Ma (MSWD = 2.5), which is considered the
Seven concordant analyses (0.9 to 2.3% discordance) age of magmatic crystallization (Figure 9(b)). Thirteen
yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 228.1 ± 1.7 measurements from inherited cores and grains show
Ma (MSWD = 0.96) (Figure 9(a); Supp. Table 3), which is U content ranging from 98 to 1265 ppm and Th from 4
considered the age of nnagmatic crystallization. Five to 714 ppm, with Th/U in the range of 0.03-1.35. The
measurements from inherited grains and cores show analyses are concordant (-2.8 to 4.6% discordance) and
U content ranging from 143 to 587 ppm and Th from show different ages with one 20 7pb/206.s.
ro apparent age
122 to 574 ppm, with Th/U in the range of 0.57-1. The of 919 ± 57 Ma and one of 1030 ± 69 Ma, and varied
concordant analyses (0.6 to 4.6% discordance) show a 206pb/238U apparent ages with four ages ranging from
206pb/238.0 apparent age of 247.7 ± 5.3 Ma and 258 ± 3.0 511 Ma to 617 Ma, one age of 465 Ma and one of
Ma, and a 207Pb/2°6Pb apparent age of 1064 + 17 Ma. 475 Ma, one determination of 345 Ma and three ages
Two discordant analyses yield a 206pb/238U" apparent age that range from 241 Ma to 249 Ma. One discordant (6%
of 325 + 8 Ma and 207Pb/206Pb apparent age of discordance) analysis yield 206p10/238 apparent age of
1776 ± 7 Ma (6.5 and 6.6%, discordance, respectively). 580 Ma.

a) Figure 10. Cumulate gabbros have similar values of

Tres Lagunas - (87Sr/86Sr); (0.704827-0.704968) and (143Nd/1"Nd), (0.-
(previous studies 512341-0.512422) with low positive ENd(t) values
(+0.07-+1.65; Figure 10). Group 1 mafic rocks have
similar (143Nd/144Nd); = 0.512427 and ENdm = +1.75
than cumulate gabbros but slightly higher (87Sr/86Sr);
= 0.705211 (Figure 10(a)). Both types of mafic groups
show relatively low Sm/Nd ratio at low eNclw values
(Figure 10(b)), indicating a deviation to an enriched
source. Basaltic rocks of group 2 have higher values of
Nd/144Nd); (0.512676-0.512776) and ENd(t) (+6.61-
+8.56) than gabbros and group 1 mafic rocks, while
La Ce Pr Nd PrriSm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
basaltic rocks of group 3 have uniform (143Nd/144Nd)1
10 (0.512810-0.512874) and ENdm (+9.22-+10.48), indicat-
ing an origin from a depleted mantle reservoir. (87Sr/86
Sr); ratios of groups 2 and 3 are highly variable and
1 range from 0.706673 to 0.708466 and from 0.703773 to
0.706110, respectively. This spread in composition
o implies a decoupled behaviour of the Sr-Nd isotopic
system that is best explained by the effect of seawater
alteration, less evident in cumulate gabbros and group
1 (Figure 10(a); e.g. McCulloch etal. 1979; Menuge etal.
1989). In terms of Nd isotopic composition, the basaltic
groups 2 and 3 overlap with oceanic rocks of Triassic
.01 mafic complexes of the Northern Andes (Piedras,
CsRbBaTh U K NbLaCe Sr NdZrSmTi Y YbLu Aburrá, Chinchina, Monte Olivo complexes; Figure 10
10 .... 1 I 1 - (a,b)).


Age of the Peltetec Unit

Litherland et al. (1994) assigned a Jurassic-Early

Cretaceous age to the Peltetec ophiolite based in its
association with sedimentary slices of the Guamote
sequence and Maguazo Unit included in the Peltetec
shear zone. On the other hand, two plagioclase
40 . 39
0.1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 Ari Ar ages of ca. 134 Ma were interpreted as the
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Cretaceous age of the unit (Spikings et al. 2015).
However, our weighted mean 206Pb/238— U Triassic age
Figure 8. Composition of granitic rocks of the Tres Lagunas Unit
to the West of the Peltetec Unit. (a) REE normalized to chondrite of 228.1 ± 1.7 Ma from group 2 diabase sample P-23
(Sun and McDonough 1989). (b) Multi-elernent diagrarn normal- indicate a much older age of crystallization. We note
ized to upper continental crust (UCC; Taylor and McLennan that magmatic plagioclase is largely altered in the
1985) (c) REE normalized to UCC (Taylor and McLennan 1985). metabasic rocks of the unit, and that the unaltered
Also represented is the field of published data of this unit from plagioclase grains correspond to metamorphic albite.
other sectors (Cochrane etal. 2014a; Paul etal. 2018).
Hence, the 134 Ma 40Ar/39Ar plagioclase age needs to
be reinterpreted as the result of a Cretaceous thermal
event, likely the metamorphic imprint of the unit.
Nd-Sr isotope systematics
Similar age (ca. 130 Ma) was determined for the
Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope systematics of 9 mafic sam- peak HP metamorphism in the Raspas Complex at
ples, their initial isotopic composition corrected for southwestern Ecuador (Gabriele 2002; John et al.
a magmatic crystallization age of 228.1 Ma and the 2010), while thermochronological studies made in
ENdm values are presented in Supp. Table 4 and in Triassic granitoids and migmatites of the Cordillera

a)5 - Peltetec Unit Tres Lagunas Unit

weghted mean age = 228 1 ± 1.7 Ma weighted mean age = 2282 ± 0.8 Ma
MSMID = O 9fi 1500. MSWD = 2.5
n = 7/13 n=18/31


1000 •
0- o
A :rs


022 020 030

2 3 4 0.5 Lo 1
207 Pb/ 235 U 2"Pb/ z" U

752 5 228.2 ± 3.9

235.1 ± 6.2 580 -, 16 919257

111 7:41

226.9 ± 4.5 222.7 ± 3.8

222 1 ± 3 9 224.5 ± 4.1

227 1 .2 04
477 ± 4

Figure 9. Zircon U-Pb data and representative CL images from (a) metadiabase sample P-23 of the Peltetec Unit and (b) granite sample
P-26 of the Tres Lagunas Unit. The concordia plots include inheriteci grains and cores. Analytical spots and the corresponding
206p , ,238
D/ U ages are shown in the cathodoluminescence images; pre-Cambrian ages correspond to 297Pb/295Pb apparent ages. Data are
uncorrected for cornmon lead. MSWD: mean standard weighted deviation. n is the number of concordant spots considered in the
weighted mean age from the total analyses (see text for details).

Real show re-heating during Middle Jurassic to 11(c), the samples have a relatively hígh Cr content,
Cretaceous times associated with burial and increased while Y is variable with the lowest content in cumu-
heat flow during an extensional event (Paul et al. late gabbros and increasing from group 1 to 3 mafic
2018). This thermal event, which may not have to do rocks. Among the latter, group 1 shows the lowest
with the tectonic emplacement of the unit onto the values of Cr and Y (Figure 11(c)), compatible with arc
continental margin (see section 5.4 below), would basalts composition (Cr<34 and Y < 16), while basalts
have reset the 40Ar/39Ar plagioclase age reported in groups 2 and 3 are MORB-like (Cr>128 ppm and
the Peltetec Unit. Y > 19; Figure 11(c)). This MORB-like affinity agrees
with the low (La/Sm)n of groups 2 and 3 (Supp.
Table 1), which is lower than 1 in MORB (Arevalo
Geochemical affinities and tectonic setting of and McDonough 2010).
formation Thorium in the studied rocks is variably enriched
while niobium generally shows negative anomalies.
lmmobile elements and isotopic ratios provide valu- These characteristics yield high (Th/Nb)NmoRa ratios in
able information for interpreting the tectonic setting all mafic groups of the Peltetec Unit ((Th/Nb)NmoRB> 1),
and origin of the igneous protoliths. The mafic rocks decreasing from group 1 through group 2 to group 3
of the Peltetec Unit have a tholeiitic affinity, according (Supp. Table 1), which suggests magmas influenced by
to immobile elements La and Yb, with a few devia- subduction derived components or crustal assimilation
tions potentially due to differentiation and/or altera- (Pearce 2014, and references therein). The use of
tion (Figure 11(a); Ross and Bédard 2009). Most of the a normalizing factor such as Yb eliminates the variations
rocks have NMORB-EMORB signature, although some due to partial melting and fractional crystallization
samples deviate towards volcanic arc basalts (Figure (Pearce 1982). Following this statement, lavas from ocea-
11(b); Cabanis and Lécolle 1989). As shown in Figure nic settings plot along the MORB-01B array in the Th/Yb

I I I 1 Samples less influenced by a subduction zone compo-

1Seawater alteraban trend
nents or continental crust assimilation are represented in
+10 the Ti02/Yb vs. Nb/Yb diagram of Figure 11(e) (Pearce
2008). Rocks with low Ti02/Yb and Nb/Yb, like in the
+5 Peltetec Unit, point to a shallow nnelting environment of
ENd(t) a depleted to a moderately depleted source. On the other
hand, the samples that show a subduction-related affinity
(Figure 11(d)) were plotted in the V vs. Ti/1000 diagram
(Figure 11(f); Shervais 1982). Group 3 basalts (Ti!
V = 26-32) have the highest concentrations of Ti, plotting
-10 in the MORB/back-arc basalt (BAB) field. Instead, samples
0.700 0.705 0.710 O 715 of groups 1 (TiN = 18-23) and 2 (TiN = 19-23) plot in the
volcanic arc-ocean floor basalt transition, indicating
a greater influence of subduction zone derived compo-
A nents or continental crust contamination (Shervais 1982;
+10 - E Pearce 2014). These observations agree with a back-arc
origin for the rocks of the Peltetec Unit.
- Such inference for groups 2 and 3 is also supported
by REE (NMORB-like chondrite normalized patterns),
o immobile trace element (flat NMORB normalized pat-
terns) and isotope ratios (high aNcl() values) (Figures 6
-5 -o and 10). Both groups 2 and 3 show a clear ocean-floor
.c origin aboye a subducted slab, with a lower influence of
LREE enriched LREE depleted
10 I subduction derived components or continental crust
01 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 06 contamination for group 3 than for group 2. Besides,
group 2 mafic rocks show a variable behaviour in the
A Group 3 Chinchina Y-La-Nb and V vs. Ti diagrams with a tendency towards
Group 2 .2 Aburra ophiolite arc magmas (Figure 11(b,f)) that agree with the lower
• Group 1 Piedras
O. aNc1(,) values relative to group 3 basalts (Figure 10),
O Cumulate gabbro Monte Olivo
which we interpret as a result of an evolution in an
Figure 10. (a) ENci(t) vs. (87Sr/86Sr), and (b) Nc1(,) vs. Sm/Nd oceanic back-arc environment. Continental crust con-
diagrams of mafic rocks of the Peltetec Unit. The Ncl(,) values tamination is supported by inherited zircon cores in
were calculated at 228.1 Ma using present-day CHUR values of the dated sample of group 2 mafic rocks (cf. Bea et al.
"Sm/I"Nd = 0.1960 ± 4 and '43Nd/m4Nd = 0.512630 ± 11
(Bouvier et al. 2008). Data of the Triassic Chinchina, Piedras and 2020 and references therein), but a mantle derivation of
Monteolivo units taken from Cochrane et al. (2014a), and the recycled zircons cannot be excluded given the evidence
Aburra Ophiolite-related El Picacho gabbro and I riassic amphi- for old zircons in ophiolitic and oceanic volcanic arc
bolites from Correa-Martínez (2007) and Cochrane et al. (2014a), rocks (Rojas-Agramonte et al. 2016; Torró et al. 2018).
respectively. While, the geochemical characteristics of group 1 are
consistent with oceanic arc basalt affinity (marked
enrichment in the most incompatible elements, low tita-
versus Nb/Yb plot, while lavas derived from a mantle nium content, high Th/Yb, moderate (La/Sm),, and
modified by subduction-derived fluids and melts or (LaNb), and negative Nb anomaly and low ENdm values)
affected by assimilation of continental crust are dis- discarding an EMORB affinity of this group.
placed to higher Th/Yb ratios (Figure 11(d); Pearce The analysed metasedimentary rocks have REE com-
2008; Pearce 2014). Most samples from the Peltetec position like average shale (Taylor and McLennan 1985),
Unit are enriched in the Th/Yb ratio and displaced except for a high Eu positive anomaly (Figure 7(c)) that
aboye the MORB-01B array (Figure 11(d)), suggesting correlates with significant detrital plagioclase in the pro-
that subduction-derived components and/or assimila- tolith, in addition to guartz and pyroxene. High La/Sm
tion of continental crust played a role in the genesis of and low Yb/Sm ratios are typical of continental detritus
the oceanic crust, while the Nb/Yb ratio point to varia- (Figure 7(d); Plank and Langmuir 1998). These character-
bility in the enrichment in incompatible elements of the istics allow considering a nearby continental source of
mantel source. detritus deposited on top of the oceanic crust.

•Back aro basin

c 20

10 o
Tholeiite Alkaline
,j á .g 441Paz.) ,a elo Calc-alkali Cont. Intercontinenta
1 1 rifts
2 3 4 5 Nb/8
Yb (pprn) La/10




0.1 1 Nb/Yb 10

e) 10 1 1 1111111 I 1 1111111 i iiirr f)


Ole 01B 400
(deop reel11o9) •
mem: : 300

E-MORB 200

I 1 1 1 1/111 I 1 1 1 11111 I I 1 1 1111

o0 5 10 15
1 Nb/Yb 10
Ti (ppm)/1000
u A Group 3 O Yánez et al., 2017 Aburra ophiolite
15. Group 2 Piedras
Y Group 1
o Spikings el al., 2015
Monte Olivo
O Cumulate gabbro Litherland et al., 1994 TI Arenillas-Panupali

Figure 11. Magmatic series and tectonic discrimination diagrams for mafic rocks showing our data and previously published analyses
of the Peltetec Unit and iriassic tnafic complexes of the Northern Andes. (a) La vs Yb (Ross and Bédard 2009). (b) Y-La-Nb (Cabanis and
Lécolle 1989), showing a NMORB-like affinity of back-arc magmas. (c) Cr vs Y (Pearce 1982). (d) Nb/Yb vs. Th/Yb (Pearce 2014)
including the MORB-01B array and NMORB and EMORB of Sun and McDonough (1989). Geochemical data of forearc basalts (FAB),
transitional basalts and boninites from the lzu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc are from Reagan etal. (2010) and lshizuka etal. (2011). Field of
supra-subduction zone magmas from data compiled by Dilek and Fumes (2011). (e) T102/Yb vs Nb/Yb (Pearce 2008). (f) V vs Ti/1000
(Shervais 1982); BAB = back-arc basalt, FAB = forearc basalt, BON = boninite, OFB = ocean floor basalt. Data of Aburrá Ophiolite-
related El Picacho gabbro, Espadera-Chupadero amphibolites and Triassic amphibolites from Correa-Martínez (2007), Restrepo (2008)
and Cochrane etal. (2014a), respectively. Data of Arenillas-Panupali from Litherland etal. (1994) and Bosch etal. (2002), Monteolivo
from Cochrane etal. (2014a) and Piedras from Litherland etal. (1994) and Cochrane etal. (2014a). Given that published geochemical
data are not complete, the number of represented samples is different in each diagram.

On the other hand, the close spatial and age relation- of the magmas as the spreading centre locates further
ships of the granitic rocks identified in this study with away from the arc and subducted slab (e.g., Taylor and
the Peltetec Unit deserves further discussion. The Tres Martinez 2003). The geochemical characteristics of the
Lagunas Unit has been interpreted as the result of ana- Peltetec tholeiitic basaltic rocks indicate a DMM astheno-
texis of continental crustal material genetically unrelated spheric source for groups 3 and 2 basalts (Figure 6(d,c),
to the Peltetec oceanic unit (Aspden et al. 1992; respectively) and a more enriched mantle source for
Litherland etal. 1994; Spikings etal. 2015). An additional group 1 basalts (Figure 6(b)). These relations could be
argument for anatexis of continental crust-derived sedi- interpreted as a progressive shift from an arc setting
ments is the presence of inherited, old zircons in the (group 1) to a NMORB-like setting (groups 2 and 3).
dated sample. lts U-Pb zircon age (228.2 Ma), which is Similar shifting is observed in the distribution of HFSEs
equal to the metadiabase dated here (228.1 Ma), makes (e.g. Ti, Y, Yb), V and ENd ), which progressively increase
a geologic relation between the Tres Lagunas and the from group 1 through 2 to group 3 while (Th/Nb)NmoRB
Peltetec Units feasible. The studied granitic samples are progressively decreases (Figure 13). In the same way,
peraluminous (AS1 index > 1) and have a modified alkali- group 3 plots close to the mantle array (Th/Yb vs. Nb/Yb
lime index (MALI = Na20+K20-Ca0, wt%) ranging diagram, Figure 11(d)), while groups 2 and 1 plot aboye.
between 5.4 and 4.3 and a (Fe0"-)/(Fe0* + MgO) ratio < Similar behaviour is observed in the Cr vs. Y and V vs. Ti!
0.81 that, according to their S102 contents, correspond 1000 diagrams (Figure 11(c,f)), where group 3 plots in the
to calcic affinity and nnagnesian suite (Figure 12(a,b); MORB field while groups 2 and 1 vary from MORB to IAT/
Frost etal. 2001). These compositional ranges are con- VAB. This systematic behaviour allows us to suggest that
sistent with both I-type and S-type granitoids (Frost etal. group 1 basalts, ozoi a stronger signature of subduction
2001). But the CaO content is low for given total FeO zone- or continental crust derived- components, could
content, compatible with S-type granitoids (Figure 12(c); represent an initial stage of oceanic lithosphere develop-
after Chappell and White 2001). The trace elements and ment, while groups 2 and 3 would correspond to (dia-
REE normalized to the UCC show flat patterns around 1x, chronous) lower and upper lavas, respectively, of
excluding an oceanic origin. Hence, the dated samples a suprasubduction oceanic lithosphere (cf. Whattam and
indicate synchronous magmatism both in the continen- Stern 2011, for forearc settings).
tal margin of Gondwana and an adjacent oceanic back- The aboye proposal is in agreement with the evolution
arc basin, pointing to a common tectonic scenario. of a continental back-arc, where the first products would
Besides, our geochemical and geochronologic data have been contaminated by the extending continental
agree with the composition and age of the Tres crust, while juvenile lavas would have erupted once drift-
Lagunas Unit (Litherland et al. 1994; Cochrane et al. ing in the back-arc is established, and the influence of the
2014a; Paul et al. 2018), which western boundary was subduction zone and crustal assimilation decrease (Figure
mapped several kilometres east of the Peltetec Unit and 14). In this model, the formation of the back-arc basin
with the Alao arc-related rocks between both Peltetec started before 228 Ma (dated MORB-like sample of group
and Tres Lagunas Units (e.g., Litherland etal. 1994). This 2 basaltic rocks) ozoi the eruption of continental crust-
observation has important geodynamic consequences, contaminated group 1 basaltic rocks. Eruption of group 2
as discussed below. at 228 Ma followed, still with evidence of continental crust
contamination (less juvenile ENd, Th enrichment and Nb
depleted, inherited zircons of the dated sample, with ages
Pseudo-chemostratigraphic analysis of the Peltetec
ranging between 248 Ma to 1776 Ma), and continued with
basaltic rocks
group 3 basalts (most juvenile ENd signatures, only slight
While an extensive volcanic cover and strong tectonic dis- enrichment in Th and depleted in Nb). Similar conclusions
ruption hinder more comprehensive efforts to geometri- based in zircon Hf isotope geochemistry have been
cally characterize the ophiolitic sequence, the geochemical reported in Triassic amphibolites of Ecuador and
character of the rock groups allows petro-tectonic analysis. Colombia, where the oldest rocks (240-232 Ma) have
To this end, we offer a pseudo-chemostratigraphic analysis evidence of crustal contamination and the youngest
based on the various geochemical groups of basaltic rocks. (225 - 223 Ma) are more juvenile (Cochrane etal. 2014a;
As discussed aboye, the Peltetec ophiolite represents see also Riel etal. 2013; Suhr etal. 2019).
oceanic crust formation in a back-arc setting. Back-arc
basalts include arc-like and MORB-like end-members vari-
Regional correlations and tectonic implications
eties that result from variable mixtures of the end-
members sources and, upon development, the influence The Triassic age of the Peltetec Unit provided here over-
of upwelling asthenospheric mantle on the development turn previous discussions about the Jurassic - early

Oceanic Permian-Triassic igneous rocks along the NW


margin of Gondwana have been reported from


Venezuela to Peru associated with different tectonic

Na70+1(20-CaO (wt.%)

environments (e.g. Litherland et al. 1994; Restrepo


2008; Cardona et al. 2010; Villagómez et al. 2011;

Reitsma 2012; Van der Lelij 2013; Cochrane et al.

2014a). The Triassic mafic units of Piedras, Arenillas-

Panupali and Monte Olivo in Ecuador, and Aburrá

Ophiolite in Colombia have 40Ar/39Ar hornblende and

U-Pb zircon ages ranging between 216 to 239 Ma (Noble

et al. 1997; Gabriele 2002; Correa-Martínez 2007;

-2 Cochrane et al. 2014a; lbañez-Mejia et al. in press). In
50 60 70 80
the geochemical comparisons offered below, only the
Triassic Aburrá ophiolite-related El Picacho gabbro,
b) Espadera-Chupadero amphibolites (Correa-Martínez
2007; Restrepo 2008) and amphibolites reported by
Cochrane etal. (2014a) are considered, while the nomin-
'1 ally Triassic Santa Elena amphibolite is excluded given
0 the recent evidence provided for a Cretaceous age
y 0.7 (Correa-Martínez et al. 2020; lbañez-Mejia et al. in
press). The geochemical characteristics of these Triassic
Units indicate tholeiitic character and MORB-like
a.) (Arenillas-Panupali Unit), BAB (Piedras and Monte Olivo
11- 0.5
Units) and IAT to BAB (Aburrá Ophiolite) signatures
(Figure 11), with (1a/Yb)n ranging between 0.46 and 1.9
50 60 70 80 (Litherland etal. 1994; Bosch et al. 2002; Correa-Martínez
SiOp (wt.%)
2007; Restrepo 2008; Cochrane et al. 2014a) and cover-
7 ing the same geochemical groups of mafic rocks of the
6 Peltetec ophiolite. The Piedras Unit have variable
(Th/Nb)NmoRe ratio (0.43-19.4) (Litherland et al. 1994;
5 Cochrane etal. 2014a), while the Arenillas-Panupali and
Monte Olivo Units are more uniform with values ranging
between 0.56 and 2.12 (Litherland etal. 1994; Bosch etal.
O 2002) and between 0.98 and 2.46 (Cochrane et al.
0 O S>• ó 2014b), respectively. The Aburrá ophiolite has variable
0061 0 (Th/Nb)NmoRB (6-15.23; Cochrane etal. 2014a). The eNdw
o o values also show similar variation (Figure 10), with the
o 00 øO
Piedras and Monte Olivo Units having values of +9.79
5 6 and +5.03 respectively (Cochrane et al. 2014a), the
Aburrá Ophiolite ranging between +8.9 and +4.1
O This study Paul et al., 2018
(Correa-Martínez 2007; Cochrane et al. 2014b) and the
Cochrane et al., 2014a
Litherland et al., 1994 Chinchina stock +9.8 (Cochrane etal. 2014a).
All these data allow correlation of the suprasubduc-
Figure 12. Geochemical characteristics of granites from the Tres tion Peltetec ophiolite with other oceanic units of the
Lagunas Unit to the West of the Peltetec Unit. (a) and (b) Na20+K2 Northern Andes, pointing to generalized 'oceanization'
0-CaO vs 5102 and Fe0*/(FeCrl+Mg0) vs 5102 plots (wt.%); the
of the northwestern convergent continental margin of
range of composition (I-type, S-type, A-type) is from the Lachlan
Fold Belt (Frost etal. 2001). (c) CaO vs FeO (wt.%) showing I-type Gondwana during the Triassic (Figure 14).
and S-type granttoids (Chappell and White 2001). Also repre- Oceanic back-arc formation involves the complete
sented are published data of the Tres Lagunas Unit. rupture of continental lithosphere and the surface extru-
sion of volcanic products. Basaltic and gabbroic rocks
Cretaceous significance and correlations of the Peltetec have been described in other Triassic complexes of
ophiolite (Aspden and Litherland 1992; Litherland et al. Ecuador, including intrusions of dykes, sills and plutons
1994; Spikings etal. 2015). (Litherland etal. 1994; Aspden etal. 1995; Gabriele 2002).
20 ® F. VILLARES ET Al..

a) b)
Group 3 Group 3
Group 2 Group 2
Group 1 Group 1 V V
o 5 ENd(t)
10 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 30
c) d)
Group 3 d d 11...,.3U Group 3
Group 2 04, MI Group 2
Group 1 Group 1

o 110 20 30 40 o 2 3 4 5 6
Y (PP,r) Yb (ppm)
e) f)
Group 3 Group 3 11U
Group 2 Group 2
V V Group 1 7 7
Group 1

o 100 200 300 400 o 20 40 so 80

V (ppm)

Figure 13. Composition ranges of group 1 to 3 metamafic rocks in terms of (a) ENd(t), (b) TiO2 (wt.%), (c) Y (ppm), (d) Yb (ppm), (e)
V (ppm), and (f) (Th/Nb)nimoR5. Each geochemical group is separated in the y-axis into a single value for each group. The blue arrows
indicate potential time evolution.

Peltetec Unit---- Cordillera Real

228 Ma basement
Tres Lagunas Arc-like MORB-like lavas and dikes,
lavas gabbros, and sedirnents

Melt4 mantle

Melt percolation

° ° Fluid/melt enriched in Th

Slab roll-back
4 Slab derived components

Figure 14. Schematic geoclynamic model for the Peltetec Ophiolite. Shortly before 228 Ma, trench retreat and slab roll-back triggered
extension of the continental lithosphere in a supra-subduction setting, originating the Peltetec oceanic back-arc basin with MORB-like
affinity. Anatexis of stretched continental crust is indicated as a potential origin of the Tres Lagunas Unit to the East and West of the

These bodies are consistent with our interpretation of west of the Peltetec Unit and their similar age reinforce
generalized Triassic extension of continental crust, mag- this view.
matic accretion and a thermal anomaly that produced Spikings etal. (2015) have related all these geodynamic
anatexis in the stretching continental crust (Litherland processes to the fragmentation of Pangea. However, con-
etal. 1994; Reitsma 2012; Riel etal. 2013; Cochrane etal. tinental crust stretching and thinning was probably trig-
2014a; Spikings et al. 2015). Thus, the granitic rocks of gered by slab roll-back and trench retreat, ultimately
the Tres Lagunas Unit likely formed by contempora- triggering oceanic lithosphere expansion in the nascent
neous anatexis of the continental crust as a result of back-arc aboye a subduction system, shortly ensued by
this thermal event while the back-arc basin opened convergence, basin closure and ophiolite emplacement
(Figure 14). The position of this unit to the east and (lbañez-Mejia etal. in press). This scenario likely applies to

(most of) all occurrences of Triassic ophiolitic rocks in the metabasaltic rocks formed after partial melting of
Northern Andes, attesting for the large-scale nature of this a depleted mantle source and likely evolved from
event. lndeed, the synchronous back-arc opening and liquids more influenced by subduction zone compo-
crustal anatexis recorded by the basaltic crust of the nents or continental crust contamination (as evidenced
Peltetec Ophiolite and the Tres Lagunas Unit suggests by Th enrichment, Nb depletion and relatively low
that sea floor spreading in the back-arc did not form ENcl(t) values) to more depleted liquids (limited Th
a broad ocean basin by 228 Ma, lbañez-Mejia et al. (in enrichment and Nb depletion and relatively higher
press) have recently dated oceanic magmatism at ca. ENc1(,) va lues), documenting oceanization of the conti-
228 Ma in the Aburrá Ophiolite and have interpreted the nental back-arc. Granites of the Tres Lagunas Unit,
formation of metamorphic sole at ca. 221 Ma. To be closely associated with the Peltetec ophiolite and with
noted, metamorphic soles mark the time of geodynamic equal Triassic age (228 Ma) have geochemical charac-
inversion and convergence in the oceanic lithosphere that teristics and inherited zircons that indicate anatexis of
ultimately yield ophiolite obduction (see Wakabayashi continental crust material. Such synchronicity is likely
and Dilek 2003 and references therein and application related to heating of the continental crust triggered by
for the Aburrá Ophiolite in; Garcia-Casco et al. 2020; the extensional event that originated the back-arc
lbañez-Mejia etal. in press). Though this evolution cannot basin. The correlation of the age and geochemical
be confirmed in the Peltetec ophiolite due to the lack of characteristics of the Peltetec Unit with oceanic rocks
an associated metamorphic sale, it is chronologically con- of the Northern Andes allows confirming a generalized
sistent and it can be argued that Triassic extension in the back-arc formation event in the active continental mar-
Northern Andes was shortly ensued by compression. The gin of northwestern Gondwana during the late Triassic.
tectonomagmatic change of the margin from extension
to compression is also reported in the El Oro metamorphic
Disclosure statement
complex, related to the tectonic underplating of the ocea-
nic blueschists of the Arenillas-Panupalí Unit under the No potential conflict of interest was reponed by the authors.
gabbroic Piedras Unit rapidly cooling the complex as early
as 220 Ma (Riel et al. 2014). The basin closure and the
emplacement of the Peltetec and other oceanic units of
the Northern Andes could be associated with this late This work was funded in the frame of the project 'Proyecto
Triassic compression regimen, implying that the thermal Junior PIJ-16-04 (VIPS-EPN)' of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional
event that affected the Peltetec unit in the Cretaceous is and received support for analyses at CIC from the University of
not related to its emplacement onto the continental Granada.
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