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Please introduce yourself in 3 Minutes -1

I am (Grade) ---------, I am (age), and I am working in the Central Security Sector in (Town –
.City) which is dealing with Police Operations, Special Operations and Crowd Control

I have (how many Years) of experience as a Police Officer out of 4 years of Study at the
.Police Academy

I am a (Sector Commander - Training Officer – Administration Officer – Weapons and

Ammunitions Officer "Armory")

I am (Married with? Kids – Married without Kids – Single)

Can you brief me (tell me – talk) little bit about your experience and the type (kind) of -2
?Work you are (were) doing

Immediately after my graduation, I was assigned (deployed – nominated) to the Central

Security Forces in (Town – City). I started my carrier as a Platoon Commander dealing with
.Crowd Control Operations as well as Important Premises' Protection within the Country


I started my carrier in the Special Operations' Department as a Field Operational Officer

dealing with Criminals and Drugs Dealers arrest in joint Operations with other Police
.Departments within the Country


I started my carrier in the Special Operations' Department as a Heavy Support Battalion's

Officer working in Group with troops and Dealing with Antiterrorism Operations within the

The Central Security Forces are playing little bit the role of Federal Police as we are working
.in the entire country

:I am training Officer responsible for

Training officers about all expected security troubles they may encounter during their -

Training of crowd control techniques, as well as fire arms use -

Improving the training program and its capacity -

Incorporating lessons learned from previous situations -

Reviewing the training system according to the security situation

Evaluating the security situation -

Supervising and Instructed at the Police Shooting Range

:I am an Administration Officer responsible for

Treating all Administrative issues for Officers and troops on daily basis

Issuing salaries payment's roll on monthly basis

Maintaining records of presence and absence for officers and troops

Drafting different reports and memorandums

:I am a Weapons and Ammunitions "Armory" Officer responsible for

Daily maintenance of weapons

Supervising the shooting Range

Drafting certificates after every shooting range

Maintaining Ammunitions balance in my store as reserve

To check with the expiration dates of Ammunitions in Stock to exchange when needed

?Can you tell me about/ what are the UN Core values -3

:UN core Values are

A- Integrity

Positive Indicators
• Upholds the principles of the United Nations Charter.
• Demonstrates the values of the United Nations, including impartiality, fairness, honesty
and truthfulness, in daily activities and behaviors.
• Acts without consideration of personal gain.
• Resists undue political pressure in decision-making.
• Does not abuse power or authority.
• Stands by decisions that are in the Organization's interest even if they are unpopular.
• Takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behavior.

Negative Indicators
• Interprets principles and ethics flexibly without justification
• Seeks personal gain.
• Compromises too readily when under pressure.
• Favors certain issues, individuals or groups in a subjective
• Is not reliable.
• May be dishonest.
Sample Questions
Tell me about the last time that you were faced with a professional or ethical dilemma at
work (in the recent past).

 What was the specific situation?

 How did you feel?
 How did you resolve the dilemma?

When have you been asked to 'bend the rules' by a colleague or client?

 How did you manage the situation?

 What pressures were you under?
 What factors did you have to consider?
 What was the outcome?

Describe a time when you have had to choose between admitting a mistake and
maintaining credibility to a superior or client.

 What did you do?

 How did you decide what to do?
 How does your approach compare to colleagues (others) who have faced this
 What would you do differently next time?

Tell me about a time you have observed others working in an unprofessional or unethical

 What was unprofessional or unethical about their behavior?

 What did you specifically do about their behavior?
 What were the implications of taking action?
 How did you deal with the possible consequences?
 How likely are you to take action compared with your colleagues?

In most organizations there are rules, regulations and principles that have to be adhered
to and some that can be interpreted more flexibly. Give me an example of a time where
you have interpreted the rules with more flexibility.

 What was the specific situation?

 What made the situation ambiguous?
 What did you do well in handling the situation?
 What else could have you done?

Give me an example of when you have had to defend an organization's decision to others
who did not agree with the viewpoint.

 What was the specific situation?

 Why did you defend the decision?
 What did you say or do that was particularly effective?
 In hindsight, what would have you done differently?
B- Professionalism

Positive Indicators
• Shows pride in work and in achievements.
• Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter.
• Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and
achieving results.
• Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns.
• Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges.
• Remains calm in stressful situations.

Negative Indicators
• Is less motivated than others to achieve.
• Appears less knowledgeable to others about subject matter or field.
• Is complacent about achievements.
• Sets easy targets and personal objectives.
• Allows pressure to get to him/her.
• Tends to find it hard to bounce back after setbacks and difficult challenges.

Sample Questions
Give me an example of when it has been important for you to appear knowledgeable about
your area of specialty.

 Why was this so important?

 How did you go about establishing credibility?
 When has your approach been less successful?
 What would you do differently?
 To what extent are you considered to be competent in your field?
 How do you know this?

Give me an example of when you have experienced a setback.

 Describe what happened.

 How did you react to the problem?
 To what extent did others see how you were feeling?

How do you define success in your current role/previous work?

 Can you give me a specific example of when this has occurred?

 What specifically do you wish to achieve?
 How do you know when you have achieved success?

Give me an example of when you have set yourself an ambitious target

 What made it so ambitious?

 How did it compare with other targets you had ser yourself
 How well did you do?

Tell me about a time when you worked especially hard in your current role/work

 Which aspect of the situation motivated you to work hard?

 Which aspect of the situation de-motivated you?
 What feedback did you have on your performance?
 What kinds of professional concerns motivate you?

:C- Respect for Diversity

Positive Indicators
• Works effectively with people from all backgrounds.
• Treats all people with dignity and respect.
• Shows respect for, and understanding of, diverse points of view and demonstrates this
understanding in daily work and decision-making.
• Examines own biases and behaviors to avoid stereotypical responses.
• Does not discriminate against any individual or group.

Negative Indicators
• Is unable to relate to people from other backgrounds.
• Is insensitive to the needs of individuals with different perspectives.
• May offend people from different background.
• Is unable to view issues from the perspective of people with diverse viewpoints.

Sample Questions
What experience have you had with working with people from diverse backgrounds?

 Describe a specific situation where you have had to relate to others from a
different background from yours?
 How could you improve how you interact with people from different backgrounds?
 Based upon your experience, what advice would you give to someone having
difficulty working with people from different backgrounds?

Describe an occasion when you found it difficult to work with someone from a different

 What caused the problems?

 How did you respond?
 What was the outcome?
 What would you do differently next time?

Describe a situation that required you to consider a different perspective from your own
when exploring an issue.

 What did you learn from the experience?

 How do you think you could improve your ability to see issues from a different
 How do you rate your ability in relation to your peers?
 What do you see as being the key to effectively viewing issues from an alternative

Give me an example of a situation where you have pursued a course of action which had
to take into account the sensitivities of external (different) parties.

 What were the issues?

 What did you specifically do to handle these?
 What was the outcome?

What opportunity have you had to examine your own biases and behaviors when dealing
with people?

 What observations have you made?

 Describe an example of when you have attempted to avoid a stereotypical
 What did you do that was effective?
 What feedback did you get from the person/people?
 How could you be more effective in this area?

When you are liaising with colleagues or others from different cultures, what sorts of
issues do you need to take into account?

 When did this knowledge help you to get your job done more efficiently?
 When did you overlook something?
 How did you handle this?

?Why you want to join UN Mission and what are your Motivations -4

It is an honor to work under the UN flag representing my Country

I want to identify more cultures and people

I want to gain more experiences

I want to be a peacekeeper in another country

I want to help another Country to maintain peace and Security

I want to increase my Income

?What do you think/you know about Gender in UN -5

Why does the United Nations need a new entity on women’s rights and gender equality?

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women — or UN
Women — was established by the UN Member States so that the UN would be better able to
help Member States accelerate progress towards their goals on gender equality and the
empowerment of women.

The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together
resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of
four previously distinct parts of the UN system which focused exclusively on gender equality
and women’s empowerment:

 Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW)

 International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women


 Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI)

 United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

The main roles of UN Women are:

 To support inter-governmental bodies, such as the Commission on the Status of

Women, in their formulation of policies, global standards and norms

 To help Member States to implement these standards, standing ready to provide

suitable technical and financial support to those countries that request it and to
forge effective partnerships with civil society

 To enable member states to hold the UN system accountable for its own
commitments on gender equality, including regular monitoring of system-wide

What does UN Women do at the global, regional and country levels?

UN Women is the lead driver and lead voice advocating for gender equality and women’s
empowerment globally. It supports Member States to advance gender equality, in line with
national priorities and international norms and policies. It builds effective partnerships with
civil society and mobilizes support, both political and financial, for the achievement of
international goals for women. UN Women provides substantive support to UN bodies on all
aspects of gender equality issues.

It works with UN partners at the regional and country levels to ensure that demand for
technical expertise from national partners and regional organizations are met. It undertakes
global, regional and national advocacy efforts to ensure that under-recognized and under-
resourced issues receive the requisite attention. At the country level it provides technical
and financial support to national partners, helping them develop the ability to address their
priority challenges. UN Women also supports UN Country Teams to strengthen and
coordinate action on gender equality.

What is the budget for UN Women and how is it funded?

UN Women is funded largely by both voluntary contributions and the regular UN budget. At
least US$500 million annually has been recognized by Member States as the minimum
investment needed for UN Women.

What does the creation of UN Women mean for other offices and funds in the UN system
working on gender and women’s empowerment?

UN Women will enhance, not replace, efforts by other parts of the UN system (such as
UNICEF, UNDP, and UNFPA), which will continue to have a responsibility to work for gender
equality and women’s empowerment in their areas of expertise.

Who heads UN Women and where is it based?

Following an open, transparent and rigorous recruitment process, UN Secretary-General Ban

Ki-moon announced on 14 September 2010 the appointment Ms. Michelle Bachelet as the
Executive Director and Under-Secretary-General to head UN Women. The Under-Secretary-
General will be a member of all senior UN decision-making bodies and will report to the
Secretary-General. UN Women is headquartered in New York.

Which countries does UN Women support?

Gender inequality exists everywhere. UN Women works with all countries to support inter-
governmental efforts to develop global norms and policies. It promotes good practices and
fosters the sharing of experiences between countries, while providing programmatic and
operational support to developing countries. Technical support and advice to developed
countries can be requested and provided from policy expertise units that will support all

The creation of UN Women will contribute to an enhanced and coordinated UN response to

country-defined needs and priorities, to enable the UN system to work in a more effective,
collaborative and coherent way.

In which countries does UN Women have a presence?

Up to now, the UN has not had the capacity to meet all country demand for support and
expertise related to gender equality and women’s empowerment. UN Women is currently
present in 80 countries, where it responds to the greatest needs. Priority for enhanced
capacity will be given to country-level efforts and — over time — UN Women will scale up to
support every country that requests assistance. Achieving that goal, however, will depend
on the availability of human and financial resources.

How does UN Women work with UN Member States?

One of the main aims of creating UN Women is to strengthen the UN’s ability to provide
coherent, timely and demand-driven support to UN Member States, at their request, in their
efforts to realize equality for all women and girls. It will be up to each Member State to
decide what kind of support UN Women will provide in that country.

How is civil society involved with UN Women?

Years of advocacy by the global women’s movement have been instrumental in the creation
of UN Women. Civil society, in particular women’s organizations, play a vital role in
promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment, and strong and dynamic
relationships between UN Women and civil society partners in all parts of the world are
crucial in working towards the achievement these goals. As such, non-governmental
organization partners will have a strong voice in the priority-setting, policies and programs of
UN Women which, in turn, will provide support to women’s organizations and networks.

What will happen to the staff at DAW, INSTRAW, OSAGI and UNIFEM?

The UN’s achievements for women over the last decades have been, in large part, due to the
commitment and dedication of the staff of DAW, INSTRAW, OSAGI and UNIFEM. Every effort
will be made to ensure that all staff receives the necessary support during the transition to
UN Women. Commitments and obligations towards staff and other personnel embodied in
staff contracts will be honored.

?What is your knowledge about DR Congo Problems -6

Congo got its independence in 30June 1960 from Belgium Colonization. Mr. Lumumba the
Prime Minister in this period was the main actor of this independence. After Jean Desiré
Kabila was assassinated in 2000, his Son Joseph Kabila became the President became the
President of the Country in a hard time when Congo suffered from political problems with
neighbor countries and some rebellions leaving in the mountains those surrounding Congo
from the East Part. The President Kabila was re-elected on August 2006 and still problems
are surrounding this country especially those partisans of Jean Pierre Bemba and Etienne
.Tchesikidi whom are trying to resist the present Ruler's system

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