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Quiz 7: Vitamins & Hormones

Which is the leading cause of blindness in children

In the US, who is most likely to develop scurvy?
a) River blindness
a) A malnourished child.
b) Cataracts
b) A person who does not eat meat, fish, eggs,
c) Vitamin A deficiency
or dairy products (vegan).
d) Glaucoma
c) A long-time alcoholic.
e) Accidental eye injuries
d) A pregnant woman.
A disease characterized by sore and spongy gums, e) A person with the eating disorder anorexia
loose teeth, fragile, blood vessels, hemorrhage, nervosa.
swollen joints, bone changes, and fatigue.
Also known as the 'love hormone' because its
a) mouth ulcers levels generally increase with physical affection like
b) scurvy kissing, cuddling, and sex.
c) osteomalacia (Bones)
a) serotonin
d) rickets (Baby)
b) oxytocin
Vitamins are helpful for the health and life of the c) endorphin
body in the following respects, EXCEPT one. d) dopamine
a) Stimulate and give strength to digestive and This vitamin is required for the maintenance of
nervous system. normal connective tissues well as for wound
b) They build up the resistance of the body healing. It can also facilitate absorption of dietary
against diseases. nonheme iron from the intestine.
c) Prevent and cure various diseases
a) Vitamin A
caused by microorganisms.
b) Vitamin D
d) Help health protection.
c) Vitamin C
e) Help maintenance of proper health and
d) Vitamin E
normal growth.
f) Help the digestion and utilization of mineral What are vitamins?
salts and carbohydrates in the body.
a) Vitamins are required in large (small)
It is a fat-soluble antioxidant that can help protect quantities in the diet.
your body from oxidative stress. b) Vitamins are chemicals found in very
small amounts in many different foods.
a) Vitamin E
c) Vitamins are micronutrients that can
b) Vitamin A
(cannot) be synthesized by the body.
c) Vitamin D
d) Vitamins are (organic) inorganic
d) Vitamin K
components in food that are needed in very
As a dietary supplement, it is often used for the small amounts for growth and for
short-term treatment of insomnia. maintaining good health.
a) melatonin The time of day, season, where you live, your skin
b) Vitamin C color, and how often you use sunscreen can all
c) serotonin affect the amount of which vitamin your skin is able
d) melanin to make?
a) Vitamin C
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin A
d) Vitamin B12
Quiz 7: Vitamins & Hormones
Which of the following is NOT a type of hormone in
a) amino acid derivative
b) steroid
c) eicosanoid
d) enzyme
e) peptide
At one time, the disease rickets had all but
disappeared from the U.S. Now, rickets is making a
comeback. Which infants are most likely to get
a) white babies who are breastfed
b) black babies who are breastfed
-pigmentation reduces vitamin D production
in the skin.
c) any baby who is fed formula
d) Hispanic babies who are breastfed
Deficiency of this fat-soluble vitamin can lead to
increased blood clotting time.
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin K
c) Vitamin D
d) Vitamin E
They contain 4 times the vitamin C of citrus fruits.
They are more popular in Europe, where they are
used to make juice, jams, and jellies. The highest
levels of vitamin C are found in which food below?
a) parsley
b) broccoli
c) orange juice
d) black currants
e) grapefruit juice
For a healthy pregnancy and baby, which nutrient
can cause birth defects if the mother gets too little
of it before and early in pregnancy?
a) Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
b) Vitamin B6
c) Vitamin B2
d) Vitamin B12

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