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NSG 330: NCLEX Kaplan Med surg 2 Final Exam Predictor Test

Previous Final Exam Questions

1. You are assigned to the Emergency Department as triage RN. Your patient 54 yr-old male presents with
projectile hematemesis and a history of alcohol abuse. The RN suspects the hematemesis: bloody vomit is
a. Melena black, tarry stool
b. Esophageal varices
c. Epistaxis
d. Asterixis
2. The emergency department RN is assigned to a 24-yr. old male patient who was in a motor vehicle
accident (MVA). The patient uses inappropriate words (3) when asked what happened. He has normal
flexion (withdrawal) (4) and he opens his eyes spontaneously to sound (4). He has paralysis in the lower
extremities with complete, but temporary, loss of motor, sensory, reflex and autonomic function.
What is his Glascow Coma Scale rating?
a. Ten
b. Eleven
c. Twelve

er as
d. Eight

3. The MVA patient’s immediate response to the injury is

eH w
a. Paraparesis from spinal shock paraparesis = weakness
b. Paraparesis from neurogenic shock

rs e
c. Paraplegia from spinal shock paraplegia = paralysis
ou urc
d. Paraplegia from neurogenic shock
4. The nurse anticipates giving the following IV medication to the MVA patient to decrease spinal cord edema
a. Methylprednisolone corticosteroid

b. Furosemide loop diuretic

c. Baclofen muscle relaxant
aC s

d. Dopamine
vi y re

5. The MVA patient’s spinal x-rays show a low cervical fracture with an incomplete spinal cord injury. After
surgical stabilization, a halo fixator is established with four (4) screws inserted into the skull. The
interventions while in a halo fixation device include
ed d

a. Adjust the halo screws to maintain adequate traction PRN

ar stu

b. Check skin integrity under the halo jacket every shift and PRN
c. Keep special wrench needed to loosen halo jacket for CPR at bedside
d. Monitor signs and symptoms of infection at external pin sites every shift
e. Answers b, c, and d

6. The MVA patient is admitted to SICU the first 12 hours post spinal cord injury. His cardiac output is

dropping resulting in bradycardia of 48/min and BP 82/46 mm Hg. He has dependent edema of the lower
extremities which are cool to touch. His level of consciousness has declined, and his urinary output has
decreased to below 20 mL/hr. The nurse assesses the patient and determines he is experiencing the
following spinal trauma complication

a. Hypovolemic shock
b. Neurogenic shock
c. Septic shock
d. Anaphylactic shock
7. The following is anticipated for the MVA patient during this life-threatening emergency
a. Increased fluids to support circulatory volume

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b. Norepinephrine and dopamine intravenously
c. Diuretic intravenous therapy
d. Answers a and b
8. The nurse is admitting a patient into the Acute Physical Rehab unit. The patient's Injury is at T6 after a
MVA. She is progressing well in physical and occupational therapies. Resting in bed, she complains of a
sudden severe headache, blurred vision, and nausea. BP 220/110 mm Hg, HR 52/min. with flushed face,
restlessness, diaphoresis, piloerection (goosebumps) and lower extremity pallor. The suspects she is
a. Spinal shock
b. Neurogenic shock
c. Autonomic dysreflexia
d. Septic shock

Identify the priority intervention for this patient

a. Sit the patient up in bed

b. Call the Rapid Response Team

er as
c. Determine and mediate the cause

d. All of the above

eH w
9. Nursing education for this patient must include
a. Recognition of emergent signs and symptoms

rs e
b. Bladder and bowel programs
ou urc
c. Pain management
d. Wearing loose clothing
e. All of the above

11. A female, 50 yr. old non-smoker, presents to the Emergency Dept. with her husband. She was unable to
move her right arm and had slurred speech for 45 minutes at home. She states that she is fine now, but
aC s

the event scared her. Her history includes obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus-Type II, hyperlipidemia.
vi y re

Vitals at admission were BP 180/102 mm Hg, HR 110/min - irregular, fingerstick blood glucose 240 mg/dL.
Currently, she is having no difficulty speaking, and has full function of her right arm. Medications include:
Enteric coated aspirin, 1 daily, PO; Metoprolol 25 mg, 1 daily, PO, Metformin 500 mg, BID PO. The RN
ed d

anticipates a diagnosis of
ar stu

a. Ischemic stroke
b. Transient ischemic attack (Symptoms resolve <24hrs)
c. Cerebral infarction
d. Embolic stroke

12. Identify the following risk factors for this patient


a. Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperlipidemia, Obesity

b. Tachycardia, Obesity, Hyperlipidemia, Smoking (Non-Smoker)
c. Obesity, Tachycardia, Alcohol Intake (No Evidence), Hypertension
d. Hypertension, Oral Contraceptives (Stop at 50), Tachycardia, Obesity

13. Teaching for this patient will include

a. Blood pressure reduction with medication adjustment
b. Improved diabetic glucose management
c. Heart-healthy food choices
d. All of the above

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14. The patient is admitted to the Stroke Unit. 12 Lead ECG shows uncontrolled Atrial Fibrillation. Normal
Saline IV is started at 75 mL/hr. Orders: Cardiology, and nutrition consults; telemetry monitoring; Cardiac
Echocardiogram; bedrest. You have initiated the Diltiazem/Cardizem and Heparin drips. Her husband is at
her bedside and calls the nurse 2 hours later stating his wife is having trouble talking to him and
understanding what he is saying to her. You assess the patient who is speaking in incomprehensible words
in an abnormal flexion position with eyes opens to sound. She is unable to move her right arm or leg to
command. The RN suspects that she is experiencing
a. Embolic right cerebral stroke
b. Thrombotic right cerebral stroke
c. Embolic left cerebral stroke
d. Thrombotic left cerebral stroke left = in charge of right side of body
15. The patient’s speech states
a. Expressive aphasia
b. Receptive aphasia
c. Expressive and receptive aphasia

d. Expressive and receptive dysphasia

er as
16. The RN’s first response to her patient’s change of condition is to

a. Call the Stroke Team

eH w
b. Call the Code Blue Team no mention of pt oxygen declining
c. Initiate oxygen at 10 L/min non-rebreather mask no mention of a need for oxygen

rs e
d. Cardiovert Atrial Fibrillation to Sinus Rhythm
ou urc
17. Identify the priority nursing intervention(s)
a. Convert Atrial Fibrillation to NSR
b. Maintain an open airway

c. Initiate anticoagulation therapy

d. All of the above
aC s

18. Identify the highest priority diagnostic test to evaluate this patient
vi y re

a. CT of the brain
b. International Normalized Ratio (INR)
c. Prothrombin Time (PT)
ed d

d. Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)

ar stu

19. Brain imaging is done on this patient and is negative for hemorrhagic stroke. She is transferred to Neuro
ICU. Her anticoagulation international normalized ratio (INR) is 1.9 and baseline National Institutes of
Health Stroke Scale is greater than 25. BP is 198/110 mm Hg. The patient has the following medical
intervention options

a. Activase (TPA) infusion


b. Intra-arterial thrombolysis
c. Mechanical embolectomy
d. All of the above
e. Answers b and c

20. A 72-year-old male patient came to the Emergency Dept. intubated status post motor vehicle accident
(MVA). He is not responding to verbal commands(1); body position is extension (2); eyes open to deep
pain stimulation (2). Brain CT Scan shows bleeding into the space beneath the dura and above the
arachnoid. There is no skull fracture. The RN records the patient's Glascow Coma Scale as
a. Two
b. Nine

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c. Five
d. Seven
21. Traumatic Brain Injury to this patient is classified as
a. Mild
b. Moderate
c. Severe
d. Brain Herniation
22. The bleeding noted on the CT Scan indicates a(n)
a. Epidural hematoma
b. Subdural hematoma
c. Intracerebral hemorrhage
d. Brain contusion
23. The patient is admitted to the Neuro ICU status post supratentorial craniotomy for a malignant primary
brain tumor. His head of the bed is elevated 30°. He is extubated and on 6L/min oxygen using a simple
mask with saturation maintained above 93%. Identify postoperative nursing interventions

a. Monitor for increased intracranial pressure (ICP)

er as
b. Avoid extreme hip or neck flexion

c. Maintain midline, neutral head position

eH w
d. All of the above
24. Post-operative drugs routinely given for this surgery include

rs e
a. Antiepileptics, histamine blockers/proton pump inhibitors, glucocorticoids
ou urc
b. Anticoagulants, antibiotics, histamine blockers/pump inhibitors
c. Antiepileptics, anticoagulants, antibiotics, Ativan
d. Analgesics, anticoagulants, antiepileptics, glucocorticoids

25. The RN reports this sign immediately as increased cranial pressure (ICP)
a. Change in level of consciousness
aC s

b. Change in breathing pattern

vi y re

c. Change in cardiac rhythm

d. Answers b and c
26. An 83-yr. old female patient is brought to the Emergency Room by a caregiver who reports recent weight
ed d

loss of 24 lbs., increased confusion, altered sleep/wake pattern, and emesis x 2. History: alcoholic hepatitis
ar stu

(5 yrs.); hepatic encephalopathy. Vital Signs: BP 92/50 mm Hg; HR 110 with Sinus Tachycardia. The RN
expects the following assessment findings
a. Kussmaul breathing, cyanosis, vasodilation, hypoxemia
b. Jaundice, icterus, palmar erythema, asterixis

c. Spider angiomas, ecchymoses, petechiae, ascites


d. Answers b and c
27. The RN anticipates the following lab diagnostics to be ordered for this patient
a. Serum bilirubin, albumin, protein, creatinine
b. Prothrombin Time (PT), International Normalized Ratio (INR)

c. Complete Blood Count (CBC), Serum Liver Enzymes

d. All of the above
28. The RN identifies the following nursing priorities for this patient
a. Fall precautions
b. Bleeding precautions
c. Isolation precautions

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d. All of the above
e. Answers a and b
29. The labs come back as the RN expected
a. RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet counts are decreased
b. Serum bilirubin, protein, and albumin are decreased
c. Potassium, serum creatinine, and PT/INR are increased
d. All of the above

30. The ER Physician evaluates the patient and confirms she has 4 martinis/day (5 yr. history). He admits her to
the step-down unit. A nutrition consult is ordered. She states her belly is making it hard to breath.
Respirations 26/min; SPO2 92% on O2 @ 3L/min/cannula. Excessive ascetic fluid volume may cause
respiratory problems and
a. Hepatopulmonary syndrome
b. Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)
c. Primary biliary cirrhosis

d. Portal-systemic encephalopathy

er as
e. Answers a and b

31. ED Physician does the following to address her respiratory concerns

eH w
a. Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI)
b. Paracentesis

c. Thoracentesis
rs e
ou urc
d. Pericardiocentesis
32. The RN expects the following diet orders for this patient
a. Sodium intake restriction and vitamin supplements

b. High protein and high fat

c. Heart healthy and high cholesterol
aC s

d. Regular diet and vitamin supplements

vi y re

33. The physician orders the following medications

a. Opioids, lactulose, antibiotics, sedative
b. Beta-blocker, antibiotics, lactulose, diuretics
ed d

c. Barbiturates, opioids, antibiotics, diuretics

ar stu

d. Beta-blocker, antiemetics, antibiotics, sedative

34. The RN is teaching high-school seniors about the prevention of viral hepatitis. Five (5) major types of acute
viral hepatitis are reviewed for mode of transmission, manner of onset, signs and symptoms, and
incubation periods. Students are taught the following hepatitis viruses can be transmitted by blood




35. A 40-yr. old female presents to Emergency Dept. with chief complaint of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and
pain after eating a high fat or high-volume meal radiating to the right shoulder. She has lost 10 lbs.
unintentionally in 2 weeks and relates a positive familial history of cholelithiasis. Cholecystitis requires a
a. Ultrasonography (US) of the right upper quadrant
b. Abdominal x-ray
c. Hepatobiliary scan (HIDA scan)

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d. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
36. The patient is admitted to the Surgical Unit. Diagnostics confirm the need for gallbladder surgery. Surgeon
reviews operation, risks, benefits, and possible complications with the patient. The "gold standard"
surgical procedure for her is
a. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (lap chole)
b. Traditional open approach cholecystectomy
c. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
d. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES)
37. A 65 yrs. old male goes to the Emergency Dept. with complaints of intense, continuous, gnawing/burning
abdominal pain, and weight loss. Physical Exam: jaundice, abdominal tenderness, ascites; upper quadrant
abdominal palpable mass. He drinks six (6) twelve-ounce (12 oz.) cans of beer daily for five (5) years. The
RN knows that alcoholism is the primary risk factor for
a. Chronic calcifying pancreatitis
b. Chronic obstructive pancreatitis
c. Idiopathic chronic pancreatitis

d. Autoimmune pancreatitis

er as
38. Diagnostic assessment for this patient includes

a. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

eH w
b. Abdominal ultrasound
c. Serum amylase, lipase, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase

rs e
d. All of the above
ou urc
e. Answers b and c
39. He is admitted to step-down. He is NPO and an inserted nasogastric tube is connected to low, intermittent
suction. He is given an opioid analgesic. His oral temperature is 102.8°F; diagnostic work-up shows a

pancreatic abscess. The RN expects the following urgent medical intervention(s) to prevent sepsis from the
pancreatic abscess
aC s

a. Intravenous antibiotics
vi y re

b. Surgical incision and drainage

c. Pancreatectomy
d. Answers a and b
ed d

40. Patient/ Family education for self-management on pancreatic enzymes include

ar stu

a. Take with meals/snacks and a full glass of water

b. Take enzymes after antacid/H2 blockers
c. No chewing, crush (enteric coated), or mix in protein foods
d. All of the above

41. A 67-yr. old male presents with vague, constant, dull abdominal pain in the upper abdomen, fatigue, and

15 lb. wt. loss in two weeks. Medical History includes chronic pancreatitis (3 yrs.); Family history of Cancer;
smokes 1 cigarette pack/day. Elevated tumor markers and diagnostics confirm a large tumor on the head
of the pancreas. The RN knows pancreatic cancer is
a. Leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States

b. Difficult to diagnose early since hidden by other organs

c. %-year survival rates are high with good prognosis
d. Answers a and b
42. For this diagnosis the surgical option is
a. Partial pancreatectomy
b. Whipple procedure

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c. Partial gastrectomy
d. Choledochjejunostomy
43. An 88-yr. old male is admitted to ICU with influenza from the Skilled Nursing Facility. Nausea, vomiting,
and diarrhea reported during the last week with less than 400 mL/day dark amber urinary output. He was
medicated with NSAIDs to manage arthritic pain, malaise, and temperature elevations. Initial labs show
azotemia. History of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Anemia, Arthritis, Hypertension. Vital Signs: BP 140/90
mm Hg; HR 120/min; RR 26/min; Temp. 100.4°F; SPO2 90% on 4L O2/min/nasal prongs. The RN recognizes
the current medical presentation as
a. Acute kidney injury
b. Chronic kidney disease
c. Acute on chronic kidney disease
d. End stage renal disease
44. The influenza with severe dehydration has led to
a. Prerenal failure
b. Intrarenal/intrinsic failure

c. Postrenal failure

er as
d. Azotemia failure

45. Diagnostics for this patient include

eH w
a. Complete metabolic panel and blood count (CMP, CBC)
b. CT scan of abdomen with contrast

rs e
c. Kidney, ureters, bladder (KUB) x-ray
ou urc
d. All of the above
e. Answers a and c
46. The patient leaves ICU in End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) with an arteriovenous (AV) shunt for

intermittent hemodialysis access. He is transferred to Telemetry. The Telemetry RN assesses the patient
checking the AV shunt for
aC s

a. Bruit to auscultation
vi y re

b. Bruit to palpation
c. Thrill of palpation
d. Thrill to auscultation
ed d

e. Answers a and c
ar stu

47. His weight should be monitored

a. Weekly
b. Daily
c. Monthly

d. Every other day


48. Which of these medications will be ordered to treat anemia?

a. Neupogen/ filgrastim for cancer patients
b. Epoetin alfa/ Epogen
c. Oprelvekin/ Neumega avoided b/c of adverse effects

d. Ondansetron/ Zofran
49. The patient is returning to the skilled nursing facility. Discharge instructions include
a. Monitor weight daily. Report 1 kg increase to provider.
b. Follow dietary restrictions.
c. Balance client’s activity and rest.
d. All of the above

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50. The family is convening for a family conference. Discussion should include
a. Acute care rehospitalization criteria
b. Palliative care with treatment options
c. Long term hemodialysis implications and risks
d. All of the above

er as
eH w
rs e
ou urc
aC s
vi y re
ed d
ar stu

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Client has vomiting and diarrhea. ABG analysis results are ph 7.48 paco2 40mmhg, hcos 35, pa02 95,
sao2 98%. Which IV solution does nurse anticipate for client?

Normal saline 3%

Normal saline 0.9%

Dextrose 5% in water

Ringer solution

Client comes with difficultly breathing, runny nose, pulse of 100, sneezing and coughin. Diagnosis of
asthma is made. Which information is most important for nurse to obtain? Select all that apply

Any previous attacks like this

Exposure to known allergans

Family history of allergies

er as
Any symptoms while exercising

eH w
Past history of psychological problems

Current list of medications
rs e
ou urc
Client reports difficultly moving right arm. Numbness and tingling in arm. Clitn has difficulty speaking
and diagnosis of stroke is made. The nurse understands this is what type of stroke?

Double hemisphere stroke

aC s

Hemmorhagic stroke
vi y re

Left brain stroke

R right brain stroke

ed d

Nurse teaches client who had stapedectomy. Teaching is understood when which client request is made.
ar stu

Physical therapy for vertigo

Neck brace with padding


Diet sheet that lists high protein foods


Prescription for stool softener

Client diagnoses with pulmonary embolism. Which priority does nurse apply?

Give supportive care during healin

Cardiac monitoring

Prevent further embolism

Administer thrombolytic agents

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Client diagnoses with meniere disease. Client has sudden attack of vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and
sweating. Nurse provides which interventions? Select all that apply


D diet high in dosium and caffeine

Warm, moist environment

Dark quiet environment

Lorazepam and meclizine

IV lfuids and medications

Client has respiratory failure. Client becomes agitate, restless, and disoriented. Client has nasal flaring
and RR of 26. Most important client goal for nurse to activate?

Will have clear breath sounds in all lyng areas

er as
Will have pao2 of 90mmHg

eH w
Will have heart rate of at least 110 bpm

Will cough and deep breath 10 tims an hour
rs e
ou urc
Client in middle stage of Parkinson. Client no long able to work at job held for years and gave up hand
crafts. Client cries and says” this is to hard I cant do the things I want to do. I never thought I would be
like this.” Which is the most important goal for this client?

Will indicate reduced feeling of depression

aC s
vi y re

Will oibtain new job in preferred field of work

Will join Parkinson support group

ed d

Will maintain independence in activities of daily living

ar stu

Clikent diagnoses with bell palsy. Client is concerned because facial appearance has changed. Feelings of
fear and qanxiety are expressed to the nurse. Which is the best goal for this client?

Client will take meds as ordered


Client will state understanding of disease process


Client will share prognosis with spouse

Client will express decrease in fear and anxiety


Client has hypertension. Client says “I think I can stop taking my medication now. I don’t have those
headcahces anymore, so I am over this.” Which is the nurses best response?

Remember, you can have hyptertension and not have any symptoms

Don’t you remember, I told you the medication would needc to be taken for life

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We will see what your BP is. Maytbe you can stop. How about your diet?

Tell me thwat you remember from our conversation about hypertension

Client reports sharp burngin pain in lower gums and jaw. Client diagnoses with trigeminal neuralgia.
Eating and brushing teeth often trigger pain. Carbamazepine is prescribed. Nurse knows the medication
has the anticipated effects when the client makes which statement?

I have to have two new cavities filled in my back molars

I have regained the 10 punds lost before the treatment

I wish I could use my fan when the house gets hot

I miss seeing my friends at my bridge club every week

Client receives hearing aid because of decreased hearing in both ears. Nurse speak softly and high-
pitched to turn right and go up the stairs. The client turns left and goes down the stairs. Which

interpretation does the nurse make?

er as
Hearing aid needs volume adjustment

eH w
Different type of hearing aid is needed

rs e
Mental changes should be assessed
ou urc
Loud-speaking voice is needed

Client who is HIV positive receives a Mantoux test. Nurse identifies a 7mm induration at test site. Which

interpretation does nruse make?

aC s
vi y re

False positive, previous bacilli Calmette-guerin vaccine

Negative reaction, less than 10 mm

Negative ractio, less than 15 mm

ed d
ar stu

Posititve reaction, greater than 5 mm

Client diagnosed with liver cancer has partial hepatectomy. Client has anorexia, nauseam and vomiting
with weight loss prior to surgery. The nurse communicates which intervention to the client? Select all

Here is a sheet we wily se to track I and O and calories for the day

We will ask the dietitian to help you select foods that are low in protein and calories

We will help you plan your diet around foods you like

Let ys plan for 6 small meals each day to help with the nausea

Lets talk about how to decrease your fluid intake to 1000 ml per day

You can help us watch your skin to make sure it is not excoriated or sore

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Client is diagnosed with glaucoma. Client asks “why do I need to take these eye drops? They hurt my
eyes.” Which is the nurses best response?

Drops help preserve your vision. Maybe less painful medication can be found.

The eye care provider says you need to take them. I am sorry they hurt you

Lets talk to your eye care provider to see if there is a medication that is less irritating.

You will lose your vision if you don’t use the drops as prescibred.

Client diagnosed with stroke. Nurse observes while client eats lunch. Client coughs after many bites,
swallows solids very slowly, swallows liquids without difficulty. The client makes stranged movements
with tongue during eating. Which action does the nurse take next?

Asks client for favorite food choices

Encourages client to chew slowly

er as
Requests dietary consult

eH w
Rquests occupational therapy consult

Nurse teaches a class about circulatory disease. Which symptom of peripheral arterial disease does te
nurse include? Select all
rs e
ou urc
Pain in lower extremeties

Yellow toe nails


Numbness and tngling in toes

aC s
vi y re

Thin, shiny, skin on legs

Pale foot when leg is elevated

ed d

Chest pain and dyspnea

ar stu

Client diagnosed with inefetive endocarditis is discharged home on IV antibiotic therapy. The nurse
knows the client understands the discharge treatment plan when the client makes which statement?

When I get home, I can take off these compression stockings when I am walking

I can go back to my job next week and start back traveling


I will tell my dentist about this illness before havng my teeth cleaned

I can help care for my grandchildren whenthey are sick and stay home from school

Client undergoes brachytherapy. Which action is most important for the nurse to take?

Werar film badge dosimeter

Deliver all client care at one time

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Place client in neutropenic precautions

Provide meals using disposable dishes

Dlient is to receive 2 unites of blood. Client has an IV in the right forearm with D5W in normal saline that
is used to administer an antibiotic every 4 hours. Which does the nurse do first?

Insert a microdrip chamber into IV

Start a second IV with isotonic saline

Use a filtered tubing to administer the blood

Receive the first unit of blood from the blood bank

Client experiences a right-brain stroke. Which is the priorty intervention for the nruse when giving care?

Assess emotional status

Give range of motion exercises

er as
Keep client safe

eH w
Provide communication assistance

rs e
Client receives low-flow oxygen at 10 L/min at concentration of 50%. Which is the best oxygen
ou urc
administration for the nurse to chose.

Partial non rebreathing mask


Simple face mask

aC s
vi y re

Nasal cannula

Oxygen-conserving cannula

Client unresponsive after a closed-head injury. Glascow coma scle is 7. Nurse identifies the clients state
ed d

as which best description?

ar stu

Shows signs of visual and hearing impairment

Identified as comatose

Has subdural hematoma


Is alert with impaired motor function

Client receives information priord to having a PET scan done. Nurse recognizes further teaching is

needed when the client makes which statement?

I will need to drink lots of fluid after the test

I am glad I will be asleep during the test

I know I must lie still and only move when told to move

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The IV lines in my arms will give me glucose dye

Client is paraplegic because of spinal cord injury. Nurse identities nursing diagnosis “ineffective coping”
based on which client statemtn

How can I ever get a job now that I am in a wheelchair

How long will I need physical therapy before I am discharged

When can I start playing wheelchair basketball

What are my limitations? I don’t want to be held back

A client is discharged to home following a lung wedge resection for stage IIB lung cvancer. The nurse
provides information regaridn signs and symptoms to report if they occur. Which nursing statement is

If you have chest pain, make syre your spouse goes outside to smoke

er as
Watch for decreasing pain levels, and let the health care provider know

eH w
If you have difficulty breating or eating, call the health care providr

Please call the health care provider if you have hemoptysis

rs e
Client diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. Client says “I am tired all the time and don’t want to live
ou urc
anymore. If I stop taking my medicaitons, I can stop breathing.” Which is the nurses best response?

Place client on suicide watch


Teach client about new medication

aC s
vi y re

Give client information about myasthenia gravis group

Ask client about feelings of hopelessness

ed d

Client is diagnoses with immune thrombocytopenia purpura. Client receives corticosteroids. Nurse know
ar stu

the treatment is effections when which observation is made?

Bleeding is minimal after injection

Purpuric lesions fade to white


Platelet count is 175,000


Erythrocyte count is 5.1 million

A client with heart failure is to be weighed daily. Client asks why this is necessary. Which is the best

information for the nurse to give?

Determines the number of calories for the diet

Indication of the fluid status in the body

Shows activity affects activity tolerance

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Helps determine if the medication is working

Client diagnoses with flaccid neurogenic bladder due to spinal cord injury. Client has had severl urinary
tract infections. Bladder traiing program ahs been establish. Which documentation indicates the clients
bladder function is currently satisfactory?

Client has had no UTI in 3 days

Client verbalizes when to empty bladder

Client empties baldder completely every 2-3 hours

Client correctly demonstrates bladder emptying technique

Client diagnosed with COPD. Client has had asthma for 10 years, has smoked for 40 years, and has
frequent episodes of bronchitis. Nurse identiing a nursing diagnosis based on which most important
client problem?

Life-style that exacerbates COPD

er as
Problems with oxygen intake causing confusion

eH w
Low self esteem because of health status changes

rs e
Interest in seeking behavior changes
ou urc
Nurse teaches client diagnoses with venous thromboembolism in the right calf. The nurse knows the
cleitn understands the teaching when the client makes which statement?

I need to exorcise vigorously for at least 15 minutes twice a day

aC s
vi y re

I may continue to take my fish oil and saw palmetto

I may stop taking my anticoagulants when I no longer have pain

I need to limit the amount of ginger and garlic I eat

ed d
ar stu

Nurse plans care for the client with tuberculosis. Cloient says it is difficult to remember to take ehe
medications every day since they are not helping with the cough. The nurse adds which nursing
diagnosis to the clients care plan?

Activity intolerance related to cough and fatigue from disease


Ineffective breathing patterns related to disease process and coughing

Noncomplienace related to lack of understanding of management regime


Ineffective self-health management related to lack of motivation

Nruse suctions a clienets tracheostomy. Which nechnigue does the nurse use? Select all that apply

Suctions client every hour

Use sterile technique when suctioning

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Uses intermittent suctioning

Routintely instills sterile normal saline before suctioning

Rotates the catheter when withdrawing

Applies suction when inserting catheter

Client diagnoses with epilpsey. Client talks to the nurse about difficulties of managing the disorder.
Which is the most important goal for this client?

Will maintin seizure free status for 1 year

Will demonstrate methods of managing self during a seizure

Will describe ways to effectively manage the disease

Will meet requirements to get driving license again

Client with pancreatic cancer receives radiation as palliative care. The nurse knows the treatment is

er as
effective when they notice which observation?

eH w
Client requests less pain medication

Famiy says patient looks less ill
rs e
ou urc
Client requests special meal

Client sleeps 4 hours in afternoon


Client has sustainted injurty from industrial accident. Client says large metal beam cause the contusions
aC s

to the chest, arms, and legs. The client is heaving chest pain and dyspnea. Which addition symptom does
vi y re

the nurse anticipate? Select all that ap-ply

Elevated temperature
ed d

Increasing hypotention
ar stu

Frothy sputum

Tracheal deviation

Flushed face and arms


Cough with hemoptysis

Client with viral pneumonia is palce on 4 L of oxygen. The nruse enteres which nursing diagnosis in the
clients plan of care.

Ineffective breathing pattern related to inflammatory process

Excess fluid volume related to edema in lungs

Chromic pain related to inflammatory process and congestion

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Disturbed sleep pattern related to oxygen therapy

Client sustained spinal cord injury at c6 level. Client wear halo vest to stabilize the vertebrae folliwng
surrgey. Which is most important nursing action for client

Maintina adequate fluid volume

Maintina adequate respirations

Faciliatating bladder management

Facilitating adequate bowel function

Client diagnosed with sickle cell disease. The nurse teaches information for which most common


Kidney damage

er as
Leg ulcers

eH w

Client on chemotherapy has an absolute neutrophil count of 900 cells. Neutropenic precautions are
rs e
instituted. The client asks why the family needs to wear gowns, masks, and gloves when they visit. Which
ou urc
is the nruses best response?

This is to keep you from getting an infection


I know you want to touch and to be close to them but that is not possible
aC s
vi y re

You are very likely to become infefcted, and this keeps you away from their germs

You seem upset. Tell me what you know about your condition.
ed d
ar stu

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