Mai Phư C Tín - Vocabulary and Grammar Review Unit 3

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Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 3

Vocabulary Grammar
0 Find nine more words and phrases in the grid €) Complete these sentences using the correct form of
connected with transport and travel. You can find the adjective in brackets.
the remaining words horizontally. 1 Aeroplanes are one of the . s~.f!l-:st. . (safe) forms of
A I X F T B u F J 0 u R N E y transport.
2 Cars use less fuel because their engines are
T p p s T R A F F I c J A M p
becoming ......... (efficient). the most efficient
c X c 0 M M u T E R L A L v y 3 I have never travelled ........ further . (far) than Delhi.
T D E s T I N A T I 0 N J H T 4 Traffi c pollution is probably the .......... ... ..... (great)
problem facing the modern world.
w E K J w F w y
VN M 0 J R F
5 The hotest .... (hot) month of the year in Khartoum
L M E K M R u IY /0 ~ J p c J 0 is June.
M B D v w K g; / I /() J 0 z A J p 6 I think Saheh needs to see an optician because
worse .. (bad).
his driving is getting ................
p u B L I y /T 4. A N s p 0 R T
7 Overall, the .................
highest (high) number of commuters
X 0 A B IY Vs ~ Q B c J s G 0 B travel to work by car.
B Q M ;- / E ~ p A s s E N G E R 8 Atmospheric pollution was lower .... (low) two
T I VG ;f R M v B R R G H F s years ago than it is now.
B N/ VN ~ F F p E A K K H K A H 0 Complete the sentences below describing this
chart. Use words from the box in the correct form.
~ Vo ~ w
y F B p R A 0 D I F J
/c'/ /6 M v E H I c L E F J B E c cloudy cold dry hot sunny wet
H G D R u s H H 0 u R 0 K y p 40


6 Complete these sentences with the correct form of 30

cause or make.

1 I've just eaten some food which ht?,S...~(.l..d!l-. me ill. 15

cause many problems on

2 The cold weather .................. 10

the railways in recent weeks.

3 Traffic jamswere ..................
made people late for work and as
a result, they feel stressed.
make public
4 Recent increases in petrol prices ..................
transport more popular. 1 February is the . I~·Ptd!l-s.t. month, with an average
5 The bad condition of this road causes .. ...... .. ... .. .. three temperature of 10 degrees.
accidents this year. 2 August is the ...............
hotest month, when the average
6 According to the study, private transport daily temperature is 35 degrees.
............ 60% more pollution than public 3 October is the ....
wetest .. month, with 30 mm of
transport. rainfall per day.
4 August is the .. driest month, with less than
3 mm of rainfall per day.
5 July is the most
.. sunny
....... month, with 11 hours of
sunshine per day.
6 February is the most
cloudy month, with fewer than
five hours of sunshine per day.

(46) Vocabulary and grammar review llnit ~

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