General Introduction: Instructor: Dr. D. Krishna Sandilya

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General Introduction

Course: CHE202 – Transport Phenomena

4th Semester BTech (Chemical Engineering) ESO
IIT (ISM), Dhanbad

Winter Semester (2020 – 2021)

Instructor: Dr. D. Krishna Sandilya

General Introduction

Program: 4th Semester BTech (ESO)

Course Code: CHE202

Course Title: Transport Phenomena


Course Instructor: Dr. D. Krishna Sandilya

Lecture slots: Tuesday@9.00 AM;

Wednesday@9.00 AM; &
Thursday@9.00 AM
General Introduction

Course Objectives:
To provide basic unifying principles of the conservation of
momentum, energy and mass with emphasis on similarities and
differences amongst various transport mechanisms and to
apply them to solve problems encountered in engineering

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to correlate the phenomena of momentum,
heat, and mass transport and appreciate the similarities between
them and solve problems in these areas.
General Introduction
Bird, R. B., Stewart, W. E. and Lightfoot, E. N.
(2007). Transport Phenomena.2nd Ed. McGraw

1. Deen, W. M. (1998). Analysis of
Transport Phenomena. Oxford Univ.
2. Leal L.G. (2008). Advanced
Transport Phenomena: Fluid
Mechanics and Convective Transport
Processes. Cambridge Univ. Press.
General Introduction

Scheme of Evaluation

Item Weightage (%)

Mid Semester Exam 30
Class Test – 1 10
Class Test – 2 10
Attendance 05
End Semester Exam 45
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Chemical engineering creatively combines the three basic
physical sciences – chemistry, physics, and biology – along
with mathematics to address the world’s needs by creating
new technology and solving problems in existing technology.
The use of all three basic sciences and mathematics makes
chemical engineering extremely versatile, since nearly all
physical phenomena can be described by the combination of
these four sciences.
Because of this versatility, chemical engineers make valuable
contributions in a very broad spectrum of fields from food
processing to semiconductor fabrication and from energy
production to artificial-organ development.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?

Graphic representation of the versatile nature of chemical engineering providing a basis for
a broad spectrum of professional careers.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) has
suggested the following definition:
Chemical engineers use science and mathematics , especially
chemistry, biochemistry, applied mathematics and
engineering principles, to take laboratory or conceptual ideas
and turn them into value added products in a cost effective,
safe (including environmental) and cutting edge process.
From the development of smaller, faster computer chips to
innovations in recycling, treating disease, cleaning water, and
generating energy, the processes and products that chemical
engineers have helped create tough every aspect of our lives.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?

Chemical engineers discover,

develop, and implement creative
solutions to the world’s problems
and new ways to benefit
General Introduction
The Impact of Chemical Engineering
To what extent does chemical
engineering impact our lives?
The answer may surprise you, because
there is hardly a single moment of the
day when you are not in contact with,
surrounded by, or influenced by
products that are a result of chemical
General Introduction
The Impact of Chemical Engineering
The paper you are looking at

The pen you may be using to take notes

The ink that forms the letters

The clothes that you wear, including the fabric and the dye
that produce the designs

The materials of the walls of the room around you and the
paint on those walls were produced by chemical engineering.
General Introduction
The Impact of Chemical Engineering

The lunch you may have brought to school

The paper bag in which your lunch is carried

The sandwich bag and the bread of that sandwich

The fertilizer and pesticide that helped to grow the fruit

– all come from chemical engineering.

General Introduction
The Impact of Chemical Engineering

As you took your shower this morning, the soap, shampoo,

deodorant, aftershave or perfume, and hairspray you may
have used are all products of chemical engineering.

We have not even mentioned the medication you may have

taken to treat a medical problem or a headache.

We could go on and talk about the semiconductor

components in the cell phone or the laptop computer that
you used today.
General Introduction
The Impact of Chemical Engineering

The list is endless,

because we live in an age when
virtually all materials that contact
our lives are a result of
chemical engineering.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Material Balances describe how material

moves in and out of a process and help us
determine how much material is needed to
produce the desired products, as well as the
amount of specific materials leaving the
process, including both the desired products
and unwanted products such as pollutants
and byproducts.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Fluid Mechanics describe the

movement of fluids and help us design
systems to produce such movements
(e.g., pump-pipeline systems).
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Heat Transfer describes how heat

transfers and helps us design
systems(e.g., heat exchangers) to
produce heating or cooling of chemical
materials to sustain chemical reactions
and to recover energy from high-
temperature processes.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Mass Transfer describes how molecules

move relative to each other and helps us
design systems to produce the mixing or
separation of chemical species, using
such strategies as distillation,
evaporation, filtration, etc.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Reaction Engineering describes

how fast chemical reactions occur
and helps us design systems (e.g.,
reactors) to produce desired
quantities of material by reactions.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Process Control describes how the

outputs of complex systems respond to
changes in input conditions and helps us
design and optimize systems to hold
product quality within desired
specifications and to lower operating
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Materials describes how materials

respond to mechanical and chemical
stress and helps us select and fabricate
materials with unique properties for
desired products and processing
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Economics describes the variables

that affect the costs of chemical
processing equipment and helps
us predict the costs of various
design and operating options.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering
Understanding of these topics is used to
develop strategies and design the equipment
needed to create ne technology and improve
existing technology.

For example, some chemical engineers

develop or improve methods to fabricate tiny,
yet powerful, semiconductor devices and
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Other chemical engineers predict

the creation, movement, and loss
of environmental pollutants.
Still others search for new, more effective
ways to make vital pharmaceutical agents for
medical purposes.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Fundamental Topics of Chemical Engineering

Some chemical engineers design

entire chemical plants of varying
sizes and complexity.
Finally, chemical engineers are working hard
to address critical global problems such as
the need for clean and efficient sources of
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Professional Activities in Chemical Engineering
Process Development Research: These
chemical engineers develop and refine
methods to produce chemical product with
an existing market or to produce new

They do this with mathematical simulations,

laboratory experiments, and pilot – plant
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Professional Activities in Chemical Engineering

Technical Chemical Sales: Technical sales

representatives from a company work with
existing or potential purchasers of the
company’s product(s) to assess the needs of
those customers and to match the products
of their companies with those needs.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Professional Activities in Chemical Engineering

Process Engineering: Process engineers deal

with the operation of existing chemical
processes, including quality control,
environmental harmony, operations
management, troubleshooting, safety, and
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Professional Activities in Chemical Engineering

Plant Design and Construction: Design

engineers formulate the specifications of
equipment and plants to implement a desired
chemical process and direct the construction
and startup of those facilities.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Professional Activities in Chemical Engineering

Environmental Engineering: Environmental

engineers monitor the compliance of process
operations to environmental regulations and
implement measures and processes to
prevent violation of those standards or to
clean up hazardous waste.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Professional Activities in Chemical Engineering

Fundamental Research: Chemical engineers,

typically those with Ph.D. Degrees, work at
the frontier of science and technology to
understand the fundamental processes that
limit new technology and to invent new and
creative ways to overcome those limitations.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Professional Activities in Chemical Engineering

Finally, it is important to note that chemical

engineers work with people and must have effective
communication skills.

Their technical work is usually performed in teams

with their professional colleagues.

In such teams, chemical engineers must be able to

share technical information, convey relevant
reasoning, and influence important decisions.
General Introduction
What is Chemical Engineering?
Professional Activities in Chemical Engineering

Many also interact with nontechnical

personnel, ranging from business and
government representatives to the general
public, and it is vital that such engineers also
communicate effectively and improve
leadership in addressing the concerns of
various groups within our society.
General Introduction
Typical Chemical Process
General Introduction
Typical Chemical Process

Diagram of a manual laboratory scheme for producing C from A and B

General Introduction
Typical Chemical Process

Diagram of an automated industrial process for producing C from A and B

(based upon the manual laboratory scheme shown before but automated
using chemical engineering principles)
General Introduction

Aspects of Chemical Engineering

1) K. A. Solen, J. N. Harb, Introduction to Chemical
Engineering: Tools for Today and Tomorrow, Fifth Edition
(2011) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

2) Octave Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Third

Edition (1999) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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