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Task 6: Case Studies

Diana Marcela Obando Chamorro

Fernando José Recalde

Tania Isabel Rosero Villota

Course 518010A_954 English V

Group No. 518010_31


María Alejandra Mideros

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación ECEDU

Bachelor of Foreign Languages with Emphasis in English

November 2021
The activity consists of: Pre-Task: Watch a video.

Step 1: Watch the video “Case Study, Positive education” By ALL Australian Learning


Step 2: Once you have watched the video, please answer these questions:

If you had to face these situations, what would you do?

If you could have the chance to re-choose a solution, what kind would you choose?

If you were one of those students, would you face the situation in the same way?

If you could help somebody in the situations described in the case study what solution

would you choose and why?

What if one of your students have to suffer a similar situation, what would you do?

If you were allowed to do something related to your learning process again, what kind of

thing would you do differently?

Step 3: You have to create a case study that must solve about common problems that arise

in a school environment.

Step 4: Once you have created your case study you need to ask some questions oriented to

give a solution to the problematic you addressed through your case study, these questions

must include Conditionals Form (0, 1, 2 and 3).

Student Diana Marcela Obando Chamorro

Answers Step 2

If you had to face these situations, what would you do?

If I had to face those situations as a teacher, I would think of ways to create strategies that

would help and improve the situation the students were going through.

The best way to proceed in these situations from the pedagogy is with strategies that help

and contribute to the improvement of the process that the student carries and as mentioned

in the video, the idea is also to emphasize the construction of meanings, to lead in the

knowledge not only in the theoretical part but with a focus beyond what it contributes to his


I would take a teaching and evaluation with real update of these constructions, taking into

account the influence of motivational attributions, expectations, values, emotions, thus

generating an integral formation.

If you could have the opportunity to chance a solution again, what kind would you


The solution starts from the observation as human beings; we are unique and important

rational beings, I would opt for a human solution therefore each student has their own

learning style can not only focus on the theoretical part but also in practice, and of course in

reflection and there is also the social part with interaction and communication.
I would use methods and strategies in the educational environment with tools that do not

limit any of these factors. If I could choose a solution it would be to change the teaching

method also I would start by building a advancement project that connects students and

teachers to establish better communications and reinforce knowledge where doubts and

concerns arise that can affect the motivation of each person for the simple reason of not

feeling comfortable in their educational environment.

If you were one of those students, would you face the situation in the same way?

I can speak from my point of view that when the expected results are not achieved we tend

to get discouraged and many times to label our failures, defects and difficulties for this

achievement and sometimes the situations we go through greatly affect our motivation and


If you could help somebody in the situations described in the case study, what solution

would you choose and why?

If I could help someone in these cases, I would present characters as a reference that can

generate inspiration in the processes of life; Not everything can always be right, or within

reach, but if we focus on the good things, on our desires and goals and act with

commitment, the didactics as well as the video would be to present a wish tree and in each

corner an example of people who did achieve everything despite many difficulties in life.

What if one of your students had to suffer a similar situation? What would you do?

If one of my students is going through a difficult situation, the main thing is to observe,

then it would be to help in that situation, to change and enhance the strengths and virtues
through assertive communication, then with the development of a pedagogical strategy and

development of different techniques. I would develop a different pedagogical strategy for

each student with the purpose of facilitating understanding; so that they can solve their

unknowns and express their disagreements or differences that arise in the classroom inside

and outside of it.

If you were allowed to do something related to your learning process again, what kind

of things would you do differently?

If I were allowed to do something related to my learning process as a student; I would be


I could change in the face of collaborative work, being more empathetic, strengthening

interpersonal relationships, I would understand that things done with teamwork are better

and in case of failing I would be a motivating entity to obtain better results both on a

personal and intellectual level.

Answers Step 3: Case Study of Diana Marcela Obando Chamorro:

Case ‘the teacher Luciana’

In the Educational Institution Agropecuaria los Pastos; Professor Luciana works in the area

of English with the tenth grade, she is 50 years old, she is a very strict person, with a

masterful teaching methodology, and with few didactics in the classroom. For this reason,

the students of the course have lowered their grades and increasingly, there have been cases

of indiscipline and also due to low motivation among some students there have been
withdrawals, there has been no dialogue or assertive communication to specify an effective

solution and thus improve the grades or achieve a better teaching methodology.

The teacher does not show any expectation of change when teaching in her classroom and

on the other hand the students do not want to act under a good coexistence in the classroom,

they do not attend and do not show interest in achieving a change.

Consequently, there have been complaints, claims and requests by the students to change

the teacher and on the other hand the teacher has also reported the low interest and

commitment of the students, in their classes in that order there is no progress in building a

positive change in the two characters involved.

In relation to all the evidence, it has been decided to reach an agreement in which students,

together with their parents and teacher, commit themselves to carry out the academic

challenges in a satisfactory way and, on the other hand, the teacher to have didactic

strategies when teaching to generate extrinsic motivation and together with the students

reach the established objectives, thus leading an excellent school environment in

coexistence, participation, monitoring, help, interaction, respect, collaboration and


Step 4: Questions about the case.

1. If students study more, do they learn and pass the course?

2. If the teacher Luciana changes her teaching strategies, will the students be able to

improve their grades and school performance?

3. If they had had established commitments in the class before, would they have had a good

educational environment?

4. If teacher Luciana were not so strict, could the students have more motivation and

interest when it comes to learning?

5. If the teacher were younger, would you understand the students in their low interest in

the class?

6. If the teacher had showed understanding of her students' academic and social problems,

would the students have behaved better in the classroom?

7. If the students had not submitted complaints, would they have changed the educational


Answers to the questions by student Tania Isabel Rosero Villota.

1. If students study more, do they learn and pass the subject?

In this case, there is a flaw in the methodology applied by the teacher, who needs to update

her knowledge, in order to respond to the educational needs of the students and do activities

that are of their interest and in accordance with the ways of learning that they prefer and

generate better results, possibly if the teacher tries to change her attitude and hold more

participatory classes where she takes the students into account, they will feel the change

and they will commit to their learning because they will be interested in new activities.

2. If teacher Luciana changes her teaching strategies, will students be able to improve

their grades and school performance?

Surely if the teacher changes her strategies for more participatory ones, with topics of

interest to the students, she could generate pleasant environments in the classes, which will

allow a greater commitment of the students, finally improving their school performance.

3. If they had had established commitments in the class before, would they have had a

good educational environment?

The commitment of the teacher and the students is very important, if there is this

commitment there will also be a good disposition towards the teaching and learning

process, which would facilitate assertive dialogue. If there is that commitment on the part

of all, the students and the teacher will feel the positive change in the educational


4. If teacher Luciana were not so strict, could the students have more motivation and

interest when it comes to learning?

The deficiency is not related to the teacher being strict, if she were equally strict but used

different teaching strategies and allowed a good environment with her students, the students

would feel motivated and interested in learning.

5. If the teacher were younger, would you understand the students in their low

interest in the class?

I think that age is not a compelling reason in the context. There are young teachers who

also opt for this kind of strategies that do not ensure the achievement of learning objectives,

in this order of ideas, if the teacher is updated in the teaching methodologies and includes
the needs, characteristics and interests of her students to plan and propose classes, she

would understand why her previous classes weren't being interesting to her students.

6. If the teacher had shown understanding of her students' academic and social

problems, would the students have behaved better in the classroom?

It is very important that the teacher takes into account that her students are human beings

with problems, doubts, crises, etc. If she is more interested in meeting her students and

being a support for them, the teacher-student relationship will improve and with it the

environment within the classes will be much better as well. If students feel that the teacher

is a person with whom they can dialogue, they are very spontaneous and their behavior

towards her is more empathetic and respectful.

7. If the students had not submitted complaints, would they have changed the

educational environment?

Surely if the students had not expressed their ideas, the teacher would have continued with

her master classes, it is a need that they expressed in order to improve their learning

process, so despite everything that is exposed in the case, it is clear that students are

concerned about deficiencies in their learning. If this concern exists, then they will improve

their learning process when they see changes in methodologies.

Student Fernando José Recalde.

Answers Step 2

If you had to face these situations, what would you do?

I would face these types of situations in the most appropriate way possible which, I would

take advantage of to participate in the interest and motivation of helping students, so that

they can express themselves freely by sharing each of the difficulties that affect their

lifestyles and with this achieve progress. In the problem of discrimination that is created

within the educational field, to solve this problem, technological tools must be promoted

that help to change the lifestyle of students, in addition to ensuring that students can

connect with their emotions, find meaning in the life, improve their relationships with

others, achieve positive achievements and that they can realize their abilities and virtues

that arise or will emerge throughout their lives.

If you could have the opportunity to choose a solution again, which type would you


As I mentioned earlier, I would use as the first option to solve the emotional problems of

the students in that it would help to motivate them to participate in the different activities

that I would propose, in addition to the fact that with these tools I can perform different

exercises where the students can express themselves about what they think, suffer or enjoy

to have a broader perspective of what I should do as a teacher to form emotionally stable


If you were one of those students, would you face the situation in the same way?
If I had to face problems and emotional instability in my life, they would take into account

that there will always be challenges, problems, things that I will not be able to control or

assimilate, but a professional would always support me in helping me deal with my

problems in this way, improve my stability. . emotionally, in this way, I will be able to

advance in this aspect of my life so that it does not affect my studies or my life in general.

If you could help someone in the situations described in the case study, what solution

would you choose and why?

From my perspective, the best solution I could provide is my resilience, that is, helping the

student to overcome traumatic situations that emotionally affect their daily life and thus be

able to develop skills and virtues that help the student. To solve the different situations of

his life, and for this, he would use technological tools where the student expresses himself

emotionally because in this way he will be able to develop strategies and methods where he

can train a person who can easily overcome emotional difficulties. of any type of situations

that arise throughout his life.

What if one of your students had to suffer a similar situation? What would you do?

The first thing I would do would be to know more about the student and what affects him

emotionally since the first step would be to establish a good relationship with the student,

but beyond this is knowing how to understand him, know how to guide him and above all

know how to listen to him build on all those solutions that seem useless, in this way

teaching him to never give up for life is much more than dying, you always have to move

If you are allowed to do something related to your learning process again, what kinds

of things would you do differently?

Honestly, I would change my entire training process, since it was specifically focused only

on cognitively training the student, that is, my education is based only on the teaching of

knowledge, but not on problem solving, that is why I would change the perspective of the

current education so that you are also much more interested in the process of helping

students improve their emotional stability and life in general.

If students had not made complaints, would the educational environment have


I believe that students by not expressing the bullying situations they are going through,

their case would not have been made known, in this way, there would be no way to find

possible solutions for the students and there would be no changes within the educational

field. Faced with the problem of bullying, hence the importance of teachers being always

attentive to any type of behavior, emotional that students present, in this way a better life

cycle in general will be created.

Answers Step 3: Case Study of Student Fernando José Recalde.

Case at Vigotsky school.

At the Vigotsky school the children look happy and are very participative during class

sessions since as an English teacher I help them in their personal and cognitive growth

during the school year, but there is an isolated case of a girl named Tatiana whose parents

are in process. divorce, which has affected them deeply academically and emotionally, but
with my help and that of the institution we created an emotional boost program where our

children and youth can be heard without fear of being judged or rejected. Thanks to this

incredible program we have been able to help those children who, like Tatiana since

childhood, have had to endure tougher situations since childhood, but with the hope of

growing up in a better future and thus building better lives.

Step 4: Questions about the case.

1 If you were the teacher in question, what would you do?

2. If you were in Tatiana's place, what would you do?

3. Would you as a teacher propose to create programs to help students against


4. If your parents decided to divorce, how would this affect your lifestyle?

5. If teachers took more action against discrimination, would there be less harassment

within the educational field?

6. If students used more anti-bullying tech tools, wouldn't someone else need to help them?

7. If the teacher had not taken the initiative to create this program, would Tatiana have

decided to commit suicide?

Answers to the questions by student _____.

Student Tania Isabel Rosero Villota.

Answers Step 2

If you had to face these situations, what would you do?

It seems to me that today it is essential to recognize the importance of psychological

support in institutions, not only for students, but also for teachers to know how to handle

certain attitudes or behaviors of students.

In my opinion, as a teacher it is important to always show a receptive and attentive attitude

to students, listen to them and be aware of their behaviors and their emotions or feelings,

since all this is an essential part of their learning process, as teachers we cannot separate the

emotions or feelings of learning, because if the student does not feel well, it will be difficult

to obtain good results in his studies. It is also very useful to carry out activities such as

those seen in the video, where teachers support their classes with self-reflection or self-

knowledge activities, which allow them to express themselves and dialogue, giving them

the opportunity to strengthen their skills, be more assertive, positive in the face of life and

having tools to deal with problems.

In addition, the attitude shown by the teacher is an important point for the student to feel

good and create an atmosphere of trust in his classes.

If you could have the chance to re-choose a solution, what kind would you choose?
As teachers, it is very important to know the students, not only their learning needs, but

their way of thinking and feeling, their emotions are an important part of their being and are

a motivator or a barrier in their learning, so I would choose to use teaching strategies that

focus on the human being and that allow me to know and generate environments of trust in

the classes, in order to be able to identify and intervene in a timely manner any problem or

concern of the students.

If you were one of those students, would you face the situation in the same way?

I have been a student for more than half of my life, and I believe that it is essential that as

students we are also committed and willing to our learning process, in such a way that this

commitment allows us to be honest with our fears, needs, problems or difficulties, giving

the teacher the opportunity to intervene. The learning process requires a mutual

commitment of teachers and students.

If you could help somebody in the situations described in the case study what solution

would you choose and why?

I think that one of the best starting points in these cases is to work in a good teacher-student

relationship, many times the educational institution becomes an important environment

where the student learns and discovers many things about himself, and as teachers it would

be very good to be able to support that process as well. I also believe that students can be

given the tools to face certain situations and let them know that they have resources such as

psychological help that can also be useful.

Something that often happens is the excessive pressure on achievements, it is important to

put aside that pressure in the classes, creating learning environments where grades go to

second place and priority is given to reflection and knowledge.

What if one of your students have to suffer a similar situation, what would you do?

If one of my students goes through a similar situation, I think it is important to have support

resources, psychological help and strengthen the dialogue with the student, trying to know

the causes of his problems in order to establish intervention actions, as I said before, the

teacher-student relationship is essential, and it is not something that is generated from one

moment to another, it must be strengthened every day so that the student identifies this

environment as additional support.

As teachers we cannot remain oblivious to the situations that affect students, whether or not

they are related to education, because before the importance of the subject is the importance

of the well-being of the student.

If you were allowed to do something related to your learning process again, what kind

of thing would you do differently?

I would try to focus more on learning and give meaning and importance to knowledge, I

think that as students we were taught more to study for a grade and not for life, and this is a

big mistake that many times prevents real learning.

We go through college and university fighting for grades and in the end we realize that

learning is more important for real life, life in society and work life. I would focus on

practical learning, which allows me to apply what I have learned and strengthen my skills.
Answers Step 3: Case Study of Tania Isabel Rosero Villota.

Case at Nuevos Mundos school.

At the Nuevos Mundos educational institution located in Popayán, the English teacher is

characterized by being very friendly and maintaining a good relationship with his students.

But within his classes he feels very concern, because at the beginning of the scholar year

the students are motivated to learn, but as the year progresses, they show little interest in

the classes and finally the teacher must always leave support tasks for them, so that the

students do not miss the subject. His classes start out being very participatory, he tries to

use resources such as books, games in the classes or videos, but when he sees that his

students are unmotivated, the teacher just returns to the master classes being unmotivated as

well. The teacher wants to change this but does not know if the fault is in his strategy or in

the students, when meeting with them, they tell him that the videos he uses are very old and

about topics that no longer attract their attention and they propose to use the computer room

where they can access current and more interesting resources for them.

Step 4: Questions about the case.

1. If you were the teacher, what would you do?

2. If you were one of the students, what would you do?

3. Do you think that if the teacher changes and becomes stricter with the students, will they

study and commit to the class?

4. If the teacher uses participatory and active strategies at first, why can't he keep the

students motivated?

5. I If students become more involved and engaged in their learning, would the teacher's

strategies work?

6. If the teacher takes into account the proposals of his students, could he achieve his


7. If the teacher had chosen to listen to the students earlier, would he have managed to

avoid this problem?

Answers to the questions by student Diana Marcela Obando.

1. If you were the teacher, what would you do?

If I were a teacher, I would use project-based learning to develop the four English skills in

the classroom and also I would teach with an emphasis on current issues to keep students

interested and motivated.

2. If you were one of the students, what would you do?

If I were one of your students, I would make a suggestion about the methodology used in

the class and I would present some interactive videos to complement the topics taught in

the classroom and develop active feedback.

3. Do you think that if the teacher changes and becomes stricter with the students, will

they study and commit to the class?

If the teacher is very strict and does a master class, with pressure and demand; Students will

be affected by the radical change and students will lower their grades, due to pressure and

low interest, since there is no motivation to learn but an obligation to present results and on

the other hand it can also generate cases of dropping out of class.

4. If the teacher uses participatory and active strategies at first, why can't he keep the

students motivated?

It uses didactic strategies at the beginning of the school year, however it presents

ambiguous and tedious materials and for this reason students can lose interest and

motivation to learn in the classroom, it is also necessary to take into account the different

learning styles of each student when using a teaching strategy.

5. If students become more involved and engaged in their learning, would the

teacher's strategies work?

If students get more involved there would be greater commitment and of course the

students would obtain better results; Students can complement their learning by

contributing ideas to the class so that it does not become tedious or with assertive

communication establishing that it is necessary to change or improve.

6. If the teacher takes into account the proposals of his students, could he achieve his


If the teacher and his students meet and talk about the difficulties that exist in the

classroom, they could establish agreements and improve teaching and learning strategies

for better school performance and achievement of objectives.

7. If the teacher had chosen to listen to the students earlier, would he have managed to

avoid this problem?

If he had chosen to listen to his students, talk about the good and bad things in the class, it

would have been a better educational environment and they would have been achieved the

learning and teaching objectives.


Alexander L.G. (2017). Longman English Grammar practice for intermediate students. pp



British, C. (2019). Conditionals. [online] Learn English | British Council.


British, C. (2019). Conditionals First part. [online] Learn English | British Council.

British Council | LearnEnglish. (2011, August 3). First or second conditional? | Johnny

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British, C. (2019). Conditionals Second part. [online] Learn English | British Council.

British Council | LearnEnglish. (2011, August 3). Third conditional | Johnny Grammar |

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British Council | LearnEnglish. (2011, August 3). Mixed conditionals | Johnny Grammar |

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