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- Designed by: Dr.


- Academic year: 2021/2022

- Master Title: Computer Science (MBD & SIM)

- 1st year Master Students

- Semester: I

Lesson Plan Objectives

 To be familiar with different parts of a research project.

 To be able to write a preliminary research proposal.
 To be able to clearly differentiate statement of the problem from research questions.

Research Proposal


1-Statement of the Problem

2-The Rational of the Study (significance)

3- Objectives

4-Research Questions


6-Organization of the Study

Chapter I: Review of the Literature (theory-based).

Chapter II: Methodology (practice-based)

1-Research type: qualitative/quantitative

2-Research population

3-Instrumentation (questionnaire/Interview/Observation/Experimentation, etc.)

4-Data collection & classification

Chapter III: Data Analysis & Discussion (data-based)

*Conclusion (findings)

*Limitations of the Study (obstacles you have encountered during the research period, such
finding the right references)

*Recommendations (tips and what can be done in the future related to similar research topics)

*Bibliography (paper and online references)

*Webography (websites)

*Appendices (additional information or material used in the research project)


Homework Assignment:

Please, do the following:

1-Think about a researchable topic.

2-Make a team consisting of 5 members.

3-Write a research proposal where you practically apply the first 6 elements explained

and discussed today in class.

1-Short Introduction

2-Statement of the Problem

3-The Rationale of the Study (significance)

4- Objectives

5-Research Questions


NB: The homework assignment will be graded. Please, do your best. Thank you.

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