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I / You / We / They

I / You / We / They do

did DO
He / She / It He / She / It


I Supply the right form of the verb DO in these sentences.

1. Students should ____________ their homework regularly.

2. Mark always ____________ as he pleases.
3. You were not supposed ____________ that.
4. That young lady ____________ a very nice thing for me yesterday.
5. Please, try ___________ your best this time.
6. Scientists usually __________ some research before writing papers for journals.
7. __________ me a favour, will you?
8. Who __________ the weekend shopping in your family?
9. It sometimes __________ me good to have a walk before going to bed.
10. Sorry, I wasn’t able ___________ anything about it.
11. It’s not always easy ___________ things your way.
12. But Frank Sinatra ___________ it his way.
13. Before boarding the plane, you’ll need ___________ a few other things at the airport.
14. Who ___________ the cleaning last time?
15. That’s not fair. You never ____________ your chores.
16. Can’t you __________ something else, children?
17. Her best friend never __________ anything to help her when she’s in trouble.
18. When in Rome, __________ as the Romans do.
19. He really __________ me wrong when he said that in front of everybody else.
20. Ok, I agree __________ it for you this time, but don’t ask me that again.
21. Let’s __________ some exercises first.
22. I want you __________ something for me.
23. Oh no, you’ll never make me __________ something like that.
24. Daniel, you’re all in bruises! Who __________ this to you?
25. My brother is a strong man. He __________ 50 push-ups every morning.
26. I’m afraid we __________ very badly in our last game against Chelsea.
27. Mum, it’s not fair. Linda never __________ the housework.
28. Don’t drink that. It can __________ you harm.
29. Girls, who’ll __________ the washing-up today?
30. I can’t __________ without you.

II Provide short answers using the right form of the verb DO.
1. Do you take this man to be your husband? I __________. short forms:
2. Does she know what she’s done? Yes, she __________. don’t
3. Do they really have five children? No, they __________. doesn’t
4. Did you go to that club again? Sure I __________. didn’t
5. Does your mother know where you are? No, she __________.
6. Did you say something? Yes, I __________.
7. But I don’t know anything about it. Of course you __________. You never read the letter.
8. Did the children stay up till late? I think they __________. I heard them laughing.
9. Does anyone have any questions? Well, we __________. We’d like to know how to do the experiment.
10. Did it rain last night? It __________. All night long.

Nataša Janković / Učiteljski fakultet u Beogradu / 2013.





III Supply the missing form of the verb DO (positive or negative). Pay attention to the context.

1. __________ you know anyone who lives in Edinburgh?

2. What ___________ this word mean?
3. ___________ you call me last night?
4. That’s not true. I __________ order so much food. It must have been someone else.
5. Excuse me, ___________ this bus stop at Charing Cross?
6. __________ anyone ever help you do the chores?
7. We __________ invite Peter and Linda to the party, and they got angry with us.
8. ___________ the Browns go to the same hotel every summer?
9. Why ___________ you take an aspirin? It will help you.
10. Who ___________ this bag belong to?
11. ___________ it rain here every day?
12. Sally was going to make that reservation, but she ____________. She just forgot.
13. I’m going out. ___________ you want to come with me?
14. Andy, where __________ you put my glasses when I gave them to you?
15. What the school principal said ___________ make us happy at all. No one liked the idea.
16. Dad, how __________ you like my dress?
17. Please, __________ touch these papers. I need them right here till tomorrow.
18. If I __________ come back in ten minutes, start without me.
19. __________ you dare speak to me like that!
20. Where __________ you and your family usually go in winter?
21. ___________ you leave this glass here? I told you to clear the table an hour ago, didn’t I?
22. Where __________ your sister work? She’s a nurse, isn’t she?
23. You like rock music, __________ you?
24. But you don’t like rap music, ___________ you?
25. It got dark quite early last night, ___________ it?
26. __________ you love me, John? Of course I ___________ , Sandy.
27. Wait a minute. If I agree this time, it __________ mean I’ll always agree.
28. __________ wait for me guys, I’ll be late for sure.
29. __________ this essay have a title?
30. __________ you want to dance with me?
31. Our new teacher still __________ know all our names.
32. Your roommate comes from Poland, __________ he?
33. But he doesn’t speak good English yet, __________ he?
34. A line in Patrick Swayze’s song is: “She ___________ know what she’s done”.
35. __________ anyone know this song?
36. Well, if you __________, simply check it on the Internet.
37. __________ you know the title of the song?
38. Actually, it ___________ matter if you don’t.
39. And I ___________ want to tell you. Just type in the line I gave you.
40. So, how __________ you like the song?

Nataša Janković / Učiteljski fakultet u Beogradu / 2013.

Present • infinitive
(affirmative sentences)
• infinitive + -s
Past • - ed
• irregular verbs
Simple ` (II column)

IV Put the verbs in brackets in the right form of The Present Simple or Past Simple to complete these statements.

1. I usually ____________ (go) to the seaside with my friends.

2. My boyfriend sometimes ___________ (join) us.
3. We always ___________ (travel) by bus.
4. My boyfriend ___________ (like) travelling by bus.
5. Last year, we __________ (go) to Greece.
6. We __________ (travel) eleven hours.
7. When we finally ___________ (arrive) there, it ___________ (be) past noon.
8. And then it __________ (take) us half an hour to get to the rooms.
9. After that, we __________ (try) to find some friends of ours, but they ___________ (not be) there yet.
10. They __________ (leave) the beach just before we ___________ (get) there.
11. Some other guys __________ (tell) us that. They __________ (know) who we were looking for.
12. So, we __________ (decide) to have a swim first and then to call our friends.
13. Jason, I think this CD __________ (belong) to you. Am I right?
14. I think that your brother __________ (like) my sister.
15. The problem __________ (be) that my sister already __________ (have) a boyfriend.
16. Hm, I guess that he just ____________ (not be) lucky. That always __________ (happen) to him.
17. Oh look, there __________ (be) Collin over there. So, he ___________ (be) back from the States.
18. Oh yes. He ___________ (spend) a year at a college there, and he __________ (come) back about a week ago.
19. But he ___________ (say) he would stay at least two years there, didn’t he?
20. I __________ (think) you’re right. But he obviously ___________ (change) his mind.
21. When I was in Venice, I __________ (find) this lovely glass statue in a small shop.
And it ___________ (not be) cheap at all, but I ___________ (buy) it anyway.
22. Mom, Kate ___________ (fall) down and __________ (injure) her knee while we were playing outside.
23. Why am I not surprised? She always __________ (do) that when you go to that park.
24. Sarah and James ___________ (study) medicine. They ____________ (want) to become doctors one day.
25. Anyone who ___________ (study) medicine must be very patient. Their education ___________ (last) 6 years.
26. Thank goodness, our studies __________ (last) ‘only’ four years.
27. When Sarah ___________ (finish) her studies, she will travel around Europe. That’s what she __________ (say).
28. And James ___________ (want) to spend a few months having fun with his friends before he __________ (get) a job.
29. I’m not sure if my car __________ (have) the airbags. All modern cars __________ (have) them.
30. The famous English proverb __________ (say): “It never __________ (rain), but it ___________ (pour)”.

V Fill in the Past Tense form of these irregular verbs.

be buy write tell

do did bring go sell
have think know find
say teach come get
pay catch see choose
make sing hear lose
cut ring feel sleep
put take fall keep
Nataša Janković / Učiteljski fakultet u Beogradu / 2013.
VI Read each sequence of sentences to the end before putting the verbs in brackets in the right form.
Use The Present Simple or Past Simple Tense (affirmative sentences, negative sentences or questions).

1. Our bookstore __________ (sell) thousands of books every year. We __________ (be) so proud of our business.
2. Last year, we __________ (make) a profit of over 1 million pounds. It __________ (be) unbelievable.
3. __________________ (anybody / find) my glasses here last night? I __________ (leave) them on the table, I’m sure.
4. Mark __________ (say) this film is horrible and we shouldn’t watch it. When he ___________ (say) so, we should trust him.
5. Jane _____________ (not know) Peter’s e-mail address. And she __________ (want) to send him an invitation.
6. Whenever we ___________ (try) to ask our teacher something, she never ____________ (have) the time for us.
7. Who __________ (know) where my glasses are? I ___________ (need) them badly.
8. Look, I ___________ (get) this cute little watch for my last birthday. __________________ (you/like) it?
9. Where _________________ (you / go) with the kids yesterday? _______________ (be / you) at the ZOO?
10. Somebody ___________ (take) my coat by mistake two days ago, and now I still _________________ (not have) one.
11. Why _______________________ (your sister / always / cry) when she ____________ (get) a low mark at school?
12. The doctor ____________ (be) sure you will get better soon.
13. That man ____________ (play) the violin so beautifully. Everybody ____________ (say) so.
14. Hm, I ________________ (not think) so. There ____________ (be) much better musicians than him.
15. When Tim and I ____________ (go) to Egypt, it ____________ (be) one of our best holidays.
16. I thought you _____________ (not be) at home last night. So, I __________________ (not try) to call you.
17. Nobody __________ (know) where my glasses are. That’__________ (be) unbelievable.
18. If somebody ____________ (try) to open my mail, please don’t let them.
19. Oh look, mom! Here ____________ (be) your glasses. They ___________ (fall) off the table and you ____________ (not see)
them because of the colour of the carpet.
20. Thank you darling. I already ___________ (think) I’d have to go and buy a new pair.
21. But sun, if you _________________ (not know) a girl’s name, you can’t ask her out, can you?
22. _____________________ (it / really / matter) whether you know her name or not? All that ____________ (matter) is that
she ____________ (like) me, too. And when she ______________ (accept) the invitation, then I’ll ask her for her name.
23. Oh boy. Things _______________ (not be) like that in my time. We __________________ (not go) out with someone we
______________ (know) nothing about.
24. Where __________________ (this road / lead)? I just hope it _________________ (not take) us to the mountains. I’m sure
the beach ____________ (be) quite near here.
25. Who _____________ (do) the washing-up in your family? My parents always ______________ (expect) me to do it.
26. How much __________________ (it / cost) to go on a cruise? I believe it _____________ (cost) a lot.
27. Sorry Alice, I _______________ (not want) you to get up so early because of me yesterday. But I ____________ (lose) my
key last week, so I ______________ (must) wake you up.
28. It’s no problem, Kate. I ____________ (wake) up much before that anyway. I couldn’t sleep because of the heat.
29. Jennifer ___________________ (not plan) to take that exam first, but then she _______________ (decide) to try and she
____________ (be) lucky. The test ________________ (not be) difficult at all, so she ___________ (pass) it quite easily.
30. Oh great. I hope the same ______________ (happen) with my exam. I’m taking it in a few weeks.

VII Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. My mother didn’t be at your birthday party last year.

2. Nobody doesn’t know the answer to that question.
3. Who have some change for this coffee machine?
4. Does your brother likes books like this?
5. We didn’t saw that cartoon when we were younger.
6. I losed my wallet in that huge department store a few days ago.
7. Teachers learn students to a lot of things.
8. Some students doesn’t know how to download contents from the Internet.
9. Peter don’t have enough time for having fun with his friends.
10. I hope nobody have such problems in this group.
11. Do you knows how I can get to the airport?
12. One of my students were absent last time.
13. Some people thinks that
14. Did you heard what Michelle told us an hour ago?
15. I’m sure she didn’t really meant it.

Nataša Janković / Učiteljski fakultet u Beogradu / 2013.

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