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Safe Handling and Use of Specialty Gases

General Precautions and 4. Provide Personal Protection cialist. This specialist will provide you or
Require personnel to wear suitable other safety/technical personnel with
Emergency Assistance protective clothing, including gloves recommendations by phone, or if war-
A. General Precautions and face protection. Safety equipment, ranted, will immediately send a team to
Safety is a critical part of our business. such as self-contained breathing appa- your location.
We take every precaution to see that our ratus and fire extinguishers, should be
located near hazardous areas. C. Summoning Help
products are delivered to you safely. But
Personnel should be well informed of If you are faced with an emergency
safe delivery is only the beginning. As
the potential hazards of the gases with involving our gases, chemicals, or
our customer, you need to continue this
which they are working and should be equipment, Airgas can provide assis-
concern for safety in the handling, stor-
trained to carry out emergency plans tance. Call toll-free 1-800-949-7937.
age, and use of our products.
and first aid procedures.
The following are six general D. Primary Hazards
recommendations for you to follow: 5. Follow Regulations The following is an overview of the pri-
Follow all federal, state, and local mary hazards to be avoided when han-
1. Know and Understand regulations pertaining to the storage dling and storing compressed gases and
Product Properties and use of compressed gas cylinders. cryogenic liquids.
Know and understand the properties, Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
uses, and safety precautions before 1. Asphyxiation
Pamphlet P-1 provides excellent guid-
using any gas, gas mixture, or chemi- Simple asphyxiation is the primary
ance. Follow the National Fire
cal. Consult Airgas’ Material Safety hazard associated with inert gases.
Protection Association (NFPA) codes,
Data Sheets (MSDSs) for safety infor- Because inert gases are colorless and
especially for flammable products.
mation on the gases you will be odorless, they can escape into the
using. 6. When in Doubt, Contact Airgas atmosphere undetected and quickly
If you are unfamiliar with the hazards reduce the concentration of oxygen
2. Check Equipment associated with a particular gas or below the level necessary to support
Leak-test lines and equipment before unsure of the correct handling and life. The use of oxygen monitoring
they are used. Lines and equipment storage procedures, call Airgas’ equipment is strongly recommended
should be designed and maintained to Technical Information Center at for enclosed areas where inert gases
handle full cylinder pressure. 1-877-ASG-4-GAS. are being used. Exhaust streams
Materials of construction should be should be vented to a safe location.
compatible with the gases being B. Emergency Assistance
If oxygen concentrations fall below
used. Airgas gas systems are designed accord-
19.5%, self-contained breathing
ing to the highest safety standards. We
3. Develop Emergency Plans apparatus (SCBA) must be used.
provide our customers with information
Be aware of potential hazards and on the hazards and precautions associat- 2. Fire and Explosion
develop plans to cover all possible ed with the gases they are using. In Fire and explosion are the primary
emergencies. Use emergency drills to addition, Airgas has established an hazards associated with flammable
practice implementing these plans. emergency response program. Through gases, oxygen, and other oxidizing
Inform local hospitals, fire depart- this program, we can assist customers in gases. Flammable gases can be ignit-
ments, and other local emergency responding to emergencies by providing ed by static electricity or by a heat
response organizations of the gases in information both to our customers and to source, such as a flame or a hot
use, so that they too will be prepared their local emergency response groups. object. Oxygen and other oxidizing
in the event of an emergency.
To provide quick, efficient assistance, gases do not burn but will support
Airgas has organized teams of trained combustion of flammable materials.
technical personnel throughout the U.S. Increasing the concentration of an oxi-

Six primary teams and more than 20 dizer accelerates the rate of combus-
local teams are on call at all times. In the tion. Materials that are nonflammable
event of an emergency, our 24-hour, toll- under normal conditions may burn in
free emergency number will put you in an oxygen-enriched atmosphere.
touch with an emergency response spe-

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3. Chemical Burns A. Compressed Gas Cylinders • Always replace the cap securely—
Corrosive gases can chemically attack Compressed gas cylinders should be han- hand-tight only.
and eat away various materials, including dled only by persons familiar with the
• If you cannot remove the cap, con-
fire-resistant clothing. Some gases are hazards and who know proper handling
tact your supplier. Do not try to force
not corrosive in their pure form, but can techniques. All cylinder movement should
it open. You could accidentally open
become extremely destructive if a small be done with material handling equipment
the cylinder valve.
amount of moisture is added. Corrosive such as cylinder carts. Always secure the
gases can cause rapid destruction of skin cylinders when in storage or use. Safety 3. Cylinder Storage Precautions
tissue and mucous membranes. glasses, work gloves, and safety shoes The following precautions should be
with metatarsal guards should be worn. taken to prevent injuries caused by
4. Chemical Poisoning
Chemical poisoning is the primary asphyxiation, fire and explosion, high
1. Cylinder Handling Precautions
hazard with toxic gases and liquids. pressure, and improper handling of
The following precautions should be
Even in very small concentrations, brief cylinders:
taken to prevent injuries caused by
exposure to these gases can result in improper handling of cylinders: • Separate oxidizers, combustible
serious poisoning injuries. Symptoms materials, and flammable gas stor-
of exposure may be delayed. • Never subject cylinders to abnormal
age areas by at least 20 feet or by a
mechanical shocks which may
5. Cold Burns noncombustible wall of fire-resistant
cause damage to their valves or
Cryogenic liquids such as liquid argon, construction.
pressure relief devices.
nitrogen, and oxygen and certain lique- • Separate full and empty cylinders.
fied gases can cause cold burns and • Never drop, drag, or slide cylinders.
Arrange full cylinders so that old
freeze skin tissue. Cryogenic liquids can • Never lift a cylinder by the cap. stock is used first.
cause cold burns and tissue damage
because of their extremely low tempera- • Never use lifting magnets or slings • Always store cylinders in the upright
tures. Contact with liquefied compressed when cylinders must be transported position in their assigned area.
gases can cause cold burns because of by crane. Use a platform cage
• Cylinders should be secured in stor-
rapid evaporation of the liquid. or cradle.
6. High Pressure • Never use cylinders as rollers for
• Store only the amount of compressed
All compressed gases are potentially moving material or other equipment.
gas required for a specific application.
hazardous because of the high pressure • Never attempt to catch a falling
stored inside the cylinder. A sudden • The storage area should be dry,
release of pressure can cause injuries by cool, well ventilated, and preferably
propelling a cylinder or whipping a line. 2. Cylinder Cap Precautions fire-resistant.
Cylinder caps perform two functions. • Never store cylinders near radiators
7. Improper Handling of Cylinders
First, they protect the valve on the top or other heat sources.
Cylinders containing compressed gases
of the cylinder from damage if it is
and chemicals are heavy and awkward • Monitor the atmosphere in areas
knocked over. Second, if gas is acci-
to handle. Improper handling of cylin- where gases may be vented and
dentally released through the valve, the
ders could result in sprains, strains, collected.
cap will vent the gas out of both sides,
falls, bruises, and broken bones. Other
minimizing the likelihood that the • Restrict access to cylinder storage
hazards such as fire, explosion, chemi-
cylinder will topple. areas.
cal burns, poisoning, and cold burns
could occur if gases accidentally escape To prevent injuries caused by high pres- • Post suitable warning signs, e.g. “No
from the cylinder due to mishandling. sure and improper handling of cylinders, Smoking”.
take the following precautions:
Handling, Storage, • Store cylinders away from high-traffic
• Keep the valve protection cap on areas and emergency exits.
and Use of Gases until the cylinder is secured in place

and Cryogenic Liquids and ready for use. • Cylinders shall not, if possible, be
Special care must be taken in the handling stored in confined spaces or base-
• Never stick fingers or tools into the ments.
and storage of gases. Please review and
holes. You could inadvertently open
follow all of the recommendations in this • If storage is outdoors, protect
the valve.
section. Because cryogenic liquids present against weather extremes and damp
special hazards, they are listed separately. ground to prevent rusting.


• Consult the NFPA codes for specific pressure should be used. Open the • All cryogenic liquids exist at
instructions on the storage of cylinder valve slowly before adjusting very low temperatures. The com-
flammable gases. the pressure on a regulator. mon cryogenic liquids include argon
(–302°F), hydrogen (–423°F), nitrogen
4. Things to Keep Away from • Always open a cylinder valve slowly.
(–320°F), and oxygen (–297°F). Their
Cylinders • Cylinder valves should be closed and cold boil-off vapor rapidly freezes
Take the following precautions to pre- the pressure should be relieved from human tissue. Most metals become
vent injuries caused by high pressure, equipment connected to the cylinder stronger upon exposure to cold tem-
fire, and explosion: at the end of a workday or whenever peratures, but materials such as car-
• Never expose any part of a cylinder an extended idle period is anticipated. bon steel, plastics, and rubber become
to a temperature above 125°F. brittle or even fracture under stress at
• Use check valves or traps to prevent
these temperatures. Proper material
• Keep sparks or flames from coming backflow of water or other contami-
selection is important. Cold burns and
in contact with cylinders. nants into the cylinder. If backflow
frostbite caused by cryogenic liquids
occurs, mark the cylinder “contami-
• Never allow cylinders to come into can result in extensive tissue damage.
nated” and notify Airgas immediately.
contact with electrical apparatus • All cryogenic liquids produce
or circuits. • Never use oxygen as a substitute for
large volumes of gas when they
compressed air.
• Never strike an arc on a cylinder. vaporize. Liquid nitrogen will expand
• Use only oxygen-compatible threading 696 times as it vaporizes. The expan-
• Never heat cylinders to raise the compounds on systems for oxygen or sion ratio of argon is 847:1, hydrogen
pressure except when using an oxidizer service. is 850:1, and oxygen is 860:1. If these
approved system. liquids vaporize in a sealed container,
• Never refill a compressed gas cylin-
• Never permit smoking or open they can produce enormous pressures
der. Compressed gas cylinders may
flames in oxygen or flammable gas which could rupture the vessel. For this
be refilled only by qualified producers.
cylinder storage areas. reason, pressurized cryogenic contain-
• Never remove product identification ers are usually protected with multiple
• Never permit oil, grease, or other labels or change cylinder color. pressure relief devices. Primary protec-
combustible substances to come into tion is usually a pressure relief valve;
contact with oxygen or other oxidizing • If a cylinder valve is difficult to oper-
secondary protection is a frangible
gas cylinders, valves, and systems. ate, do not use. Contact Airgas. Do
not use wrenches on valves
5. Cylinder Use equipped with hand wheels. Before Vaporization of cryogenic liquids
The following precautions should be returning the cylinder to Airgas, tag (except oxygen) in an enclosed area
taken to prevent injuries caused by the cylinder identifying the problem. can cause asphyxiation. Vaporization of
asphyxiation, fire and explosion, liquid oxygen can produce an oxygen-
chemical burns, chemical poisoning, 6. Return of Cylinders rich atmosphere. Although oxygen is
cold burns, and high pressure: When returning an empty cylinder, not flammable, it is an oxidant and will
close the valve before shipment, leav- support and accelerate the combustion
• Never fill and ship a compressed ing at least 25 psig of residual pres- of other materials. Vaporization of liq-
gas cylinder without the consent of sure in the cylinder. Replace the valve uid hydrogen can form an extremely
the owner. This is a violation of fed- cap and any valve outlet caps or plugs flammable mixture with air.
eral law. originally shipped with the cylinder. If
repair is needed on a cylinder or its All systems for handling cryogenic
• Never return product to a cylinder.
valve, be sure to mark it and return it liquids must be suitably protected by
• Never introduce another material to Airgas. use of pressure relief devices.
into a cylinder.
B. Cryogenic Liquids
• Never attempt to mix gases in a
Many of the safety precautions observed

for compressed gases also apply to
• Use regulators and pressure relief cryogenic liquids. Two important proper-
devices when connecting cylinders to ties distinguish cryogenic liquids from
systems with lower pressure ratings. compressed gases. Both properties pre-
Only regulators approved for the spe- sent additional potential hazards:
cific gas and rated for the cylinder

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1. Handling Cryogenic Liquids 2. Protective Clothing Oxidizing gases, nonflammable toxic

Most cryogenic liquids are odorless, Face shields are recommended during gases, or nonflammable corrosive
colorless, and tasteless when vapor- transfer and handling of cryogenic gases may be involved in a fire.
ized. When cryogenic liquids are liquids. If severe spraying or splashing Develop procedures to eliminate or
exposed to the atmosphere, the cold could occur, safety glasses or chemical minimize the hazards associated with
boil-off gases condense the moisture in goggles will provide additional these products. Wear self-contained
the air, creating a highly visible fog. protection. breathing apparatus when fighting fires
involving toxic gases and gases that
Always handle these liquids carefully. Wear cryo gloves when handling objects
decompose when heated, producing
Because of their extremely low that come into contact with cryogenic
toxic fumes. Wear goggles with suit-
temperatures, they can produce liquids and vapor. Trousers should be
able respiratory protection and fully
cryogenic burns and frostbite. When worn on the outside of boots or work
protective clothing when fighting fires
spilled on a surface, they tend to cover shoes. Depending on the application, it
involving gases that are irritating or
it completely and, therefore, cool a may be advisable to wear special
corrosive to the eyes or skin, or gases
large area. The vapors from these liq- clothing.
that react to produce irritants or corro-
uids are also extremely cold and can
sives. Consider the physical and chem-
produce burns. Exposure which may be Emergency Action ical properties (specific gravity, solubili-
too brief to affect the skin of the face
A. Fire Extinguishing Methods ty, reactivity, etc.) of the particular gas
or hands may damage delicate tissues,
Before working with flammable or oxi- in relation to the firefighting measures
such as the eyes.
dizing materials, consult the appropri- to be used.
Boiling and splashing always occur ate safety literature (MSDSs, NFPA
when charging or filling a warm B. Handling of Leaking Cylinders
guidelines, etc.) to develop a fire pre-
container with cryogenic liquid or When the leaking product or the size of
vention and control plan. When working
when inserting objects into these liq- the leak constitutes a hazard, wear
with toxic or corrosive materials, or
uids. Perform these tasks slowly to self-contained breathing apparatus and
products which form toxic or corrosive
minimize boiling and splashing. Use protective clothing.
compounds in a fire, self-contained,
tongs to withdraw objects immersed in breathing equipment and other emer- Most leaks occur at the valve in the top
a cryogenic liquid. gency protective equipment should be of the cylinder. Areas that may be
Never touch uninsulated pipes or ves- available and personnel should be involved are:
sels containing cryogenic liquids. Flesh trained and skilled in their proper use.
• Valve threads
will stick to extremely cold materials. If an emergency should occur in which
Even nonmetallic materials are danger- • Pressure relief devices
a flammable or oxidizing gas is feeding
ous to touch at low temperatures. In the fire, stop the flow of gas—if it is • Valve stem
addition to the hazards of frostbite or possible without risk—before extin-
flesh sticking to cold materials, objects • Valve outlet
guishing the fire. If a flammable gas
that are soft and pliable at room tem- fire is extinguished before the gas flow If a leak develops, begin emergency
perature, such as rubber or plastic, is turned off, an explosive mixture of procedures and call Airgas
become hard and brittle and are bro- flammable gas and air may be formed. Emergency Response —
ken easily at these extremely low tem- Even with protective equipment, emer- 1-800-949-7937. Never attempt to
peratures. gency personnel should never enter an repair a leak at the valve threads or
area where flammable gases may have safety devices.
accumulated. If a fire must be extin-
guished before the gas supply can be
shut off, make sure there is adequate
ventilation to dissipate the gas. Cool
the cylinder(s) and the surrounding
area with water spray and eliminate

other sources of ignition. If you have a

controlled fire coming from a cylinder,
it is often desirable to let the fire burn
until the cylinder is empty.


1. Minimum Size Leaks C. First Aid Measures 4. Liquefied Gases

The following procedures are for leaks Some compressed gases are liquid
The following first aid instructions are
of minimum size, where action can be in the cylinder. When the liquid is
considered applicable for most incidents.
taken without serious exposure to per- released to atmospheric pressure,
Nevertheless, a study of the particular
sonnel: it vaporizes rapidly, absorbing large
product involved may indicate either addi-
quantities of heat from the surround-
• Flammables, Inerts, Oxidants tional or completely different first aid
ings. If the liquid comes in contact with
If a leak develops in a cylinder con- instructions. Consult the Material Safety
the body, it absorbs this heat from the
taining flammables, inerts, or oxi- Data Sheet (MSDS) for specific recom-
tissue, causing “burns.” In case of cold
dants, make sure there is adequate mendations.
injury, flush the affected area gently
ventilation to dissipate the gas.
1. Asphyxiants with tepid water (102°F–105°F).
Move the cylinder to an isolated
If a person is overcome by an asphyxi- Call a physician.
area (away from combustible mater-
ial if the leak involves flammable or ant, remove the victim to an uncontam- Frozen tissues are extremely vulnera-
oxidizing gases) and post signs that inated area. Keep the person warm and ble to additional injury and must be
describe the hazards and state quiet. If not breathing, administer artifi- handled carefully before and after
warnings. Contact Airgas. cial respiration or oxygen by resuscita- thawing. Never apply direct heat.
tor. If breathing is difficult, administer Frozen tissues should be gently thawed
• Corrosives oxygen. Call a physician. with tepid water (102°F–105°F).
Some corrosives are also oxidants
Cryogenic burns require medical atten-
or flammables, adding to the seri- 2. Irritants, Corrosives
tion. Frozen or thawed tissues should
ousness of the leak. If the product is Remove the victim to an uncontaminat-
be protected with a loose covering
corrosive, the leak may increase in ed area. If not breathing, administer
(sheet or dressing) while the patient is
size as the gas is released. Move artificial respiration or oxygen by
being transported.
the cylinder, wearing suitable per- resuscitator. If breathing is difficult,
sonal protective equipment, to an administer oxygen. If an irritating or 5. Cryogenic Liquids
isolated, well-ventilated area. Post corrosive gas comes in contact with When cryogenic liquids come into
signs that describe the hazards and the eyes, gently flush the eyes with contact with tissue, they produce
state warnings. Contact Airgas. large quantities of water for at least 15 damage similar to thermal burns and
minutes. Gently separate the lids to cause severe frostbite with extensive
• Toxics
promote thorough irrigation. If a corro- destruction of tissue. In case of
Follow the same procedure for toxic
sive gas comes in contact with the contact, flush affected areas with large
gases as for corrosive gases. Move
skin, flush the affected area with large volumes of tepid water (102°F–105°F).
the cylinder, wearing suitable per-
quantities of water for at least 15 min- Do not apply heat. Loosen any clothing
sonal protective equipment to a
utes, while removing contaminated that may restrict circulation. Apply a
ventilated gas cabinet, fume hood,
clothing and shoes. Call a physician. Do sterile protective dressing to the affect-
or to an isolated, well-vented area.
not apply ointments unless prescribed ed area. Call a physician.
Post signs that describe the hazards
by a physician.
and state warnings. Contact Airgas.
3. Toxics
2. Large or Uncontrollable Leaks
If a person inhales a toxic gas or if
Basic action for large or uncontrollable
inhalation is suspected, remove the vic-
leaks should include the following
tim to an uncontaminated area. If
breathing is difficult, administer oxygen.
• Evacuation of personnel If not breathing, provide artificial respi-
ration or oxygen by resuscitator. Call a
• Rescue of injured personnel by
physician. Keep the person warm and
crews equipped with adequate pro-
quiet. In the case of eye or skin contact,
tective clothing and breathing appa-
follow first aid procedures for irritants.

Exposed or potentially exposed persons
• Firefighting action should avoid exertion and may require
medical observation. Symptoms of
• Decontamination
exposure may be delayed.
• Contact Airgas

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