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Ayala Blvd., Ermita, Manila, 1000 Metro Manila

College of Engineering

Civil Engineering Department

Engineering Management (BES4-M)

Reaction Paper #7 : Motivating

Submitted by:

De Guzman, Lester S.


Submitted to:

Engr. Arnolfo G. Arcibal

Date of Submission:
18 November, 2021

Group 7’s presentation about Motivating is both entertaining and knowledgeable.

At the very first, the introductory part of their video was amusing. Using Valorant – an
online game as the theme of the report, the use of b-rolls and text-typing part of the
reporter was great in building up the story of their report. Motivation is a powerful energy
that drives and excites employees, which results in their maximum contribution. Setting
and completing goals, having clear expectations, receiving recognition and feedback, and
encouraging management all help to boost workplace motivation. It thrives in a pleasant
work atmosphere, which is why so many business owners are looking for innovative ways
to encourage their employees.

One of the topic that got my attention in the reporter’s presentation was the
‘Expentancy Theory’. It was new to me and it gets my interest. It talks about that the
employee’s motivation is an outcome of how much an individual wants a reward
(Valence), the assessment that the likelihood that the effort will lead to expected
performance (Expectancy) and the belief that the performance will lead to reward
(Instrumentality). In short, Valence is the significance associated by an individual about
the expected outcome. It is an expected and not the actual satisfaction that an employee
expects to receive after achieving the goals. Its advantages are: it is based on self-interest
individual who want to achieve maximum satisfaction and who wants to minimize
dissatisfaction, stresses upon the expectations and perception; what is real and actual is
immaterial, emphasizes on rewards or pay-offs, and focuses on psychological
extravagance where final objective of individual is to attain maximum pleasure and least

In conclusion, I enjoyed and liked how they convey their ideas and understandings
about their report regarding in Motivating. Even though Motivating was introduced to us
since high school, the reporters have done great in aligning it with Civil Engineering. It is
indeed a good insight for engineering students giving us a stepping stone before entering
the engineering industry. The visual presentation, both powerpoint and video recording
are commendable as it relates to the audience using a mordern theme design. The
presentation itself is also both informative and diverting with a thorough explanation into
the different topics of motivating in the set-up of organizations.

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