Exam in NCM 104 A

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Western Mindanao State University

College Of Nursing
Zamboanga City

NCM 104 A- Exam

NAME: ___________________________________ Yr and Sec: ____ Date: ______ Score: _______

Care of Individuals Across the Lifespan with Problems in Perception and Coordination

Multiple Choice: Write ONLY the CAPITAL LETTER of the Correct Answer on the Space Provided. Strictly NO

_______1. It is an episode which the patient experiences multiple seizure burst with no recovery time in
A. Epilepsy B. Seizure C. Convulsion D. Status Epilepticus

_______2. A 3- year old male child playing with toys and crayons on the floor just had a grand mal seizure. The
first action that the nurse should take is to:
A. Lift up the child and place him to the bed
B. Gentle restrain the child’s limbs
C. Remove all toys and crayons
D. Place the tongue blade on the mouth with clenched teeth

_______3. Which of the ff. clinical manifestations does the patient with a grand mal seizure would not
experience in the tonic phase?
A. Clenched teeth
B. Periods of apnea
C. Hyperventilation
D. Muscle contractions

_______4. It is characterized by one part of the body (e.g. twitching of the wrist and face) and may proceed
down the body or localizes at any point on the pathway.
A. Tonic- Clonic Seizure C. Psychomotor Seizure
B. Infantile Seizure D. Focal Motor Seizure

_______5. Which of the ff. statements made by the client with Epilepsy needs further health teaching?
A. “I will take my medications and not to miss anything”
B. “I will carry an I.D. tag”
C. “I will get adequate sleep and some relaxation techniques”
D. “I will take a swim at the pool alone”

_______6. Which of the ff. clinical manifestations is marked to a child with Absence Seizure?
A. Spread Eagle
B. Glassy stare or Daydreaming
C. Uttered peculiar, piercing cry
D. A sense of fullness rising from the abdomen to the thorax

_______7. The following are expected that the child is in the clonic phase of a grand mal seizure EXCEPT:
A. Arms are flexed and hands clenched
B. Bowel and Urine incontinence
C. Possible biting of the tongue or cheek
D. Rhythmic, jerking movements
_______8. A Nurse is caring to an 8 months female infant with a Massive Myoclonic Seizure. Which of the ff.
manifestations is expected in this condition?
A. Déjà vu feeling
B. Adducted and flexed extremities and Head drop
C. Temporary loss of consciousness
D. Visual and Auditory hallucinations

_______9. Which nursing intervention should the nurse implement for a client experiencing a tonic-clonic
A. Placing a tongue blade between the client’s clenched teeth
B. Elevating the client’s head at least 30 to 60 degrees
C. Protecting the extremities from contact with other objects
D. Firmly restrain the arms and legs alongside the body

_______10. The Primary GOAL of Management of a patient with Status Epilepticus is to:
A. Loose Constrictive Clothing
B. Provide Oxygenation
C. Stop the Seizure
D. Suction Secretions

_______11. The nurse is caring for a client in the ICU with an ICP monitoring system. While providing hygiene
measures for the client, the nurse observes that the reading is 18mmHg. The first action that the nurse should
take is to:
A. Raise the head of the bed to a 45 degree angle
B. Continue with the hygiene measures, the reading is within normal limits
C. Lower the head of the bed to a 10 degree angle
D. Cease stimulation of the client

_______12. A nurse is caring to a patient in the ICU with an ICP monitoring system through a subarachnoid
screw. The nurse understands that she cannot take which of the ff.?
A. Blood samples
B. Blood Pressure
C. Cerebral Spinal Fluid Samples
D. ABG analysis

_______13. As the nurse enters into a private room to a patient with an increased ICP, she observes that the
patient’s posture is different; with extended arms, adducted and pronated, while the feet are in plantar
flexion. The nurse is aware that the patient is in what posture?
A. Decorticate B. Flaccid C. Normal Posture D. Decerebrate

_______14. A 27y.o. client was admitted to ICU with an increase ICP due to Head Trauma. Upon further
assessing the patient, the nurse notices that the patient vomits in a projectile manner. The nurse understands
that vomiting was caused by:
A. Pressure stimulation of the Medulla
B. Tension of the cranial vessels
C. Pressure on the Motor Center
D. Damage of the Hypothalamus

_______15. Cushing’s Reflex is expected to a patient with an Increase Intracranial Pressure because of which
of the ff. response?
A. Increase BP, Unwidened Pulse Pressure, Bradycardia
B. Increase BP. Unwidened Pulse Pressure, Tachycardia
C. Increase BP, Widened Pulse Pressure, Tachycardia
D. Increase BP, Widened Pulse Pressure, Bradycardia

_______16. The nurse is taking cerebral perfusion pressure to a patient with an Increase Intracranial Pressure.
What could be the possible interpretation to the patient’s cerebral perfusion if the ICP reading is 21mmHg and
the Mean Arterial Pressure is 99mmHg?
A. CPP is in normal limits, but with increase in ICP
B. CPP is decrease, therefore may progress to possible brain tissue damage
C. CPP is in normal limits, but with normal ICP reading
D. CPP is increase, therefore may progress to cerebral hypertension
_______17. The Cushing’s Triad is a grave sign of ICP because it may:
A. Progress to a severe infection to the Brain
B. Increase glucose level leading into Diabetes Insipidus
C. Protrude the Brain, shifting from one compartment to another
D. Cause severe bleeding tendencies leading to shock

_______18. It is the ability of cerebral blood vessels to constrict or dilate to maintain stable cerebral blood
flow despite changes in systemic arterial blood pressure.
A. Ventriculostomy System
B. Autoregulation System
C. Epidural Transducer System
D. Oscillator Monitoring System

_______19. When monitoring a 40y.o. client for early signs of increase ICP, the nurse should be alert for which
of the following assessment data?
A. Elevated Temperature
B. Pupillary Changes
C. Difficulty arousing the Client
D. Decrease BP

_______20. The following are early Signs and Symptoms of Increase ICP in Infant EXCEPT:
A. Altered Level of Consciousness
B. Projectile Vomiting
C. Bulging Fontanels
D. Opisthotonic Position

SITUATION: You are assigned in the Medical Ward to take care of a 70 yead old patient with a diagnosis of
Parkinson’s Disease.

_______21. The following are complications of Parkinson’s Disease the patient could develop EXCEPT:
A. Pneumonia B.Aspiration C. Choking Tendencies D. None of the

_______22. Upon giving passive excercises, you observe that the patient’s right arm shows resistance and in
jerking increments when passively flexed. You understand clearly that this sign is refered to as:
A. Festination B. Pill Rolling C. Cog-wheeling D. Freezing Spells

_______23. The Drug of Choice for Parkinson’s Disease is:

A.Fluoxetine B.Levodopa C. Selegiline D. Diphenhydramine

_______24. You made a health teaching for this patient about her dietary intake . Which of the following diet
is included to this patient?
A. High protien, High Calorie, High Fiber Soft Diet
B. Low Protein, High Calorie, Low Fiber Soft Diet
C. Low Protein, High Calorie, High Fiber Soft Diet
D. High Protein, Low Calorie, High Fiber Soft Diet

_______25. You are going to administer Levodopa (Dopar) to this patient. Which of the following is avoided
when taking this drug?
A. Thiamine B. Riboflavin C. Pyridoxine D. Cyanocobalamin

“A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam”

Loki_009 ^_^!!!

God Bless!!!

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