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~The chronic disease ? CAUSE ISMIASM wn by L™”% Dr Rahmatullah ashraf ~ complete details about all the three miasm 03338897377 www.Dr Rahmatullahbhms .com Rahmatkhanyy49@gmail.com Dr Rahmat Ashraf Homeopathic academic blogs WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM soox By or naumatuian asurar WWW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COH PSORA MIASM BY DR RAHMATULLAH ASHRAF 03338897377 Abstract: The concept of Psora, on the light of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy. Keywords: Psora-infection-incubation & prodromal period-primary symptoms-latent stage-secondary manifestations-therapeutic aim-antipsoric medicines. sore = ey pe Introduction: How Psora Develop? WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM Book By pr nanwatuuian ASHRAF WWW.DR RAMMATULLAH BHMS .COM The development of Psoric miasm may we discuss about its mode of infection, internal development, primary manifestations, latent stage, and its secondary manifestations. As a mode of infection, there is afluid in the vesicles, which contain Psora miasm; when this fluid comes into contact with the skin the itch mite enter into the organism by contact mode of infection, this is found to exist universally in almost every-body under all circumstances. As internal development, once an entry is gained into the organism the miasm spread; for several days (6, 8, 10, 14 days from the date of contact), nothing is visible. Once they have developed fully in the organism, the local symptoms break-out as “Primary manifestations of Psora”. Primary manifestations of Psora: After passing an incubation period, the manifestation of the infection of Psora appear. + The fluid in the itch vesicles contains the Psoric miasm. + If that fluid comes in contact with our skin, the miasm gets an entry in the body. + The affected person will fell a bit chilly within 6, 8, 10, or 14 days from the date of contact. + He will feel heat in the body with feverish feeling in the evening and this will persist during the nightand towards the Jast part of the night sweating will begin. + Next morning, the itch vesicles will appear. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 1S MIASM took ey pn rammarcuian asnear ‘MWH.DR RANMATULLAR BINS COM + This spreads gradually on the skin all over the body, initially appearing on the infected area. + The patient under-goes severe itching and rubs and scratches he itch-vesicles until bleeding. + The rubbing and scratching, though temporarily. relives. is Sollowed by severe burning for a long time. + ‘Agaravation of the itching és felt late-evening to til! mid-night. + By scratching the vesicles containing the fluid comes out and spreads in the neighbourhood: which is also capable of infection other healthy persons. The appearance of vesicles may be said to be the primary manifestation of Psora. + These vesicles are associated with severe itching followed by burning. If these vesicles are not cured with suitable antipsoric medicines and ate suppressed by any means, then the topical symptoms disappear but the disease is driven inwards and may remain in dominant state which is then called the latent state of Psora. + Usually, these symptoms of suppression arise from application of some ointment + But, sometimes these vesicles may disappear from the surface even without application of any medicine + On the other hand the primary manifestation of syphilis or sycosis never disappears automatically. This latent Psoramay be converted _ into ‘Patent form’ again in future as aresult of mental shock, trauma, invasion of any acute disease or unhealthy WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 18 MIASM took py pn rammarcuian Asmar ‘MWH.DR RANMATULLAR BUNS COM environment ete. The ‘Patent form’may have various types of manifestations. + The particular type, which it will assume in an individual, depends upon that individual's inherited susceptibili environment, earlier diseases from which he has already suffered since birth and the mode of treatment adopted for those, palliation ot suppression of any previous ailment ete, + That is why we find numerous chronic diseases whose nomenclatures are not always known, With the exception of Syphilis and Sycosis, all other so- called chronic diseases arise from Psora. + Whatever nosological classification may be made from pathological point of view, we can never fully get rid of it without the help of antipsoric medicines ‘The inherited Psoric dyscrasia does, indeed, remain in this atent state or form, + Subsequently, itflares up in circumstances. + So, diseases like Cancer, Tuberculosis, Diabetes etc., may not generally develop in future if proper constitutional treatment can be rendered in infancy on the basis of symptoms of latent Psora; because in such eases, the persons concerned may be freed from Psora which is the basic cause of such diseases. Of course, there may be every possibility of subsequent attack of Psora and creation of favourable circumstances for flare-up of Psora again; yet there is no doubt that many incurable diseases can be averted, if the propensity of inherited Psora can be decreased or removed. wrious forms under favourable WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES I$ MIASM book By pr RANMATULLAH ASHRAF WWW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM + Truly say that there is no person wl ho is free from Psora. So long, Psora remain in the body, it will become more complicated and multiplied. + The more it will be brought out from the suppressed condition, the more its destructive power will be diminished. Let us discuss the symptom-syndrome of Psora in its various stages to recognizing them. Few symptoms of Latent Stage of Psora: Mental General Symptoms: Mentally alert, fearful, apprehensive, anxious and easily irritated. + Mentally and physically lethargic on trifling causes. Phy Physical General Symptoms: Thermal relation: Chilly and hyper-susceptible to cold. Aversion to cold; wants warmth both internally and externally. + Craving for sweets, sour, fried things and fat foods. Ravenous hunger, especially in the morning. + Sleep; during sleep twitching of muscles; sweat on head; restless during sleep. Aversion to bath; unclean and dirty habits. + Wants to lie down day and night which > his troubles. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 18 MIASM took py pn mammarcuian asnaar ‘MWH.DR RAFMATULLAR BINS COM + Better by natural discharges and secretions as sweating, urination, stool, menstrual flow etc. Characteristic Symptom: + Buming and sweating of palms and soles. + Periodical hot flushes felt in eyes, face, ears ete + Redness of mucous membranes of orifices as lips, nostrils, and soon + Gnashing of teeth during sleep and expulsion of round worms, + Periodical epistaxis + Frequent congestion in throat with accumulation of much phlegm Secondary manifestations of Psora: ‘The inherited Psoric dyscrasia does, indeed, remain in this latent state or form, Subsequently, it fares up in various forms under favourable cireumstances as ‘Seconds manifestations of Psora’. Few symptoms of Secondary Psora: Vertigo: Vertigo < when walkin; Head: Long standing headache like migraine etc., dandruff. Otorrhoea; noises in the cars. is and nasal polypus. Teeth: Intolerable pain in the teeth. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 1S MIASM took py pn rammarcuuan asnear ‘MWH.DR RATMATULLAR BINS COM ‘Abdomen: All symptoms of acidity and dyspepsia. Nausea, vomiting and hiccough. Pain in liver and stomach. Anus: Piles, anal fistula and rectal polypus. Urine: En Skin: Various skin diseases. Warts on face, arms and hands. Enysipelus. Male: Night pollution, seminal discharges with sexy dreams, Easy cjaculation. Impotency. Discharge of prostatic fluid during straining at stool and urination etc. Female: All types of menstrual disorder, infertility. Vaginal or uterine polypi. Leucorrhoe: Extremities: Various types of rheumatism; curvature of bones, osteitis, osteomyelitis etc. Suppuration and necrosis of bones like humerus, femur, patella, phalanges ete. Varicose veins of lower portion of the body. Uleers on thigh, ankle and foot. Diseases: Various types of encysted tumours. Various types of Carcinoma, Sarcoma ct, Various types of Mental diseases. Tuberculosis and Leprosy. Bronchial asthma. Enurresis. Diabetes mellitus etc. Stich numerous disease syndromes or disease states denote the symptoms of secondary Psora, Except syphilis and Sycosis manifestations, all other chronic diseases are nothing but various manifestations of Psora. It's enough to know that WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES I$ MIASM book By or RANMATULLAH ASHRAF WWW.DR RAHMATULLAH BUMS .COM Psora may cause all sort of chronic diseases. We needs to recognise it know it and ability to perceive Psora. Homoeopathic Management: Few Anti-psoric remedies: Abrotanum, Agaricus, Aloe, Alumina, Ambra, Ammon. carb., Antim. Crud., Apis, Argentum met., Argentum nit., Ars., Ars. Iod., Aurum met., Baryta carb., Baryta mur., Bell, Ben. acid, Berberis, Bufo, Cal. Carb., Cal. Ars., Cal. Phos., Carbo. Ani., Carbo. Veg., Cap., Clematis, Con., Crotalus h., Croton t., Kreo., Cuprum m., Digitalis, Dulc., Ferrum met., Ferrum phos., Fluoric acid, Graph., Hydrastis, Hepar sulph., Iodine, Kali. Bi., Kali. Carb., Lac. D., Lach., Led., Lyco., Mag. Carb., Mag. Mure., Mez., Muriatic acid, Nat. ars., Nat. carb., Nat. mure., Nat. sulph., Nit. Acid., Petro., Phos., Phos. Acid., Platina, Plumbum, Ruta, Psorinum, Pyrogen, Sarsaparilla, Sec. cor., Selenium, Sep., Sil, Stannum, Staph., Stramo., Sulph., Tellurium, Tarantula, Theridion, Thyroid., Tuberculinum, Zincum etc. All the Antisycotic and Antisyphilitic medicines are also Antipsoric; but not equal in strength; Sycosis and Syphilis cases must begin with a deep acting Antipsoric Sirst, followed by as per the necessity and the demand of the patient; that’s theapplied art of homoeopathic therapeutics. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM book sy on RAMMATULLAH ASHRAF WWW.DR RANMATULLAH BHMS .COM The Syphilitic MASM BY DR RAHMATURIAIAH ASHRAF Abstract: The concept of Syphilitic Miasm, on the light of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy. Keywords: Syphilis-infection-incubation & prodromal period-primary symptoms-latent stage-secondary manifestations-therapeutic aim-anti-syphilitic medicines. Introduction: WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 1S MIASM took ey pn rammarcuuan asnnar ‘MWH.DR RAMATULLAR BINS COM How Syphilis Develop? The development of Syphilitic miasm may we discuss about its mode of infection, internal development, primary manifestations, latent stage, and its secondary manifestations. The state of Syphilitic miasm may enter and developed into the organism assexually transmitted venereal disease by impure coition, when the acquire Syphilis has not been treated homocopathically; then the Syphilitic State may developed. There may be other sources as from ‘Uleer to ulcer’, from ‘Suppressed Psora’, from ‘Hereditary Psora’, from ‘Prolong suffering from Malaria’, and any stage it may infect the wife ‘from husband or vice-versa and the children through the parents by the way of in-heritance Syphilis. As internal development, once an entry is gained into the organism the miasm spread; for several days 12 to 15 days (50 to Go days if interrupted by any acute miasm, bad cold or by any drug ete.) from the date of contact, nothing is visible. Once they have developed fully in the organism, the local symptoms break-out as “Primary manifestations of Syphilis”. Syphilis: This disease is infected through contaminated sexual intercourse. After few daysup-to 21 days from the infection; WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 18 MIASM took ey pn rammarcuuan asnear ‘MWH.DR RAMATULLAR BINS COM + The first sign an ulcer (punched ulcer), round in shape and as a button in size with a grey or white coating on it, ie. hard ‘chancre’, appears in the genitalia. + Moreover, the sulcer has no burning or pain. + This called, “Primary Chancre”. + This primary chancre does not disappear spontaneously without the local application of some ointment ete. + But, this stage is very easy to cure with the homoeopathic remedies within a few week: If, the stage is suppressed, “Latent stage of Syphilis develops”. + Under favorable conditions this latent syphilis produces the secondary manifestations of syphilis. ‘There are three stages of syphilis, primary, secondary and tertiary stage mention in Surgery. + But, as-per homoeopathic philosophy the tertiary stage also include in the secondary stage, where, the nerves and the bones are affected. By the suppression of the primary symptoms, all the body tissues are affected. + For theallvetion of Syphilis, both the hyper-susceptibitity due to Psora and the Syphilitic miasm carried by the Spirochaeta, the Treponema pallidum must be present. Inhereditary Syphilis, no primary chanere are seen, Childs will manifested the symptoms of that stage only in which it has been inherited from the parents. + However, certain common symptoms like Hutchinson's teeth, Cleft patate and other developmental anomalies etc. are seen. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 18 MIASM Book By or RANMATULLAH ASHRAF WWW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM Let us discuss the symptom-syndrome of Syphilis in its various stages to recognizing them. Primary manifestations of Syphilis: The ‘Chancre’, the Syphilis ulcer in genitalia found suddenly without any prominent symptoms of the inflammation; having a tendency of destruction of the body tissues from the very onset. In hereditary Syphiliswe findcleft _ palate, perforation of bones, deformity of limbs or organs, blindness, deafness, dumbness, paralyses etc. are seen from the very beginning. The secondary stage of Syphilis may not necessarily result from the latent stage that Syphilis and Sycosis can be acquired or inherited from the patient or parents respectively at the stage they had been suffering from. + That’s why; in many cases of chronic diseases we find sudden ulceration or destruction of the body tissues as being the first manifestation of the disease. There we should remember the Syphilis is in the background. + Forexample in Duodenal ulcer, griping abdominal pain, hyperacidity, etc. are in starting and after prolong suffering melaena, haematemesis develops; if melaena, haematemesis or perforation that is ulceration or tissue destruction exhibited Jrom the very beginning, means the involvement of Syphilitic miasn. ‘Bubo’is another primary symptom of Syphilis with or without the ‘Chancre’. « If, the Chancre or Bubo are forcefully removed, Syphilis enter in to the system and remains latent. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 18 MIASM book By or RANMATULLAH ASHRAF aa RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM Under favourable conditions manifestations of Secondary Syphilis developed. During latent stage of Syphilis, the Life Force became weakened due to someacute diseases, or unhygienic factors etc. the Syphilis may flare-up and Secondary stage are noticed. During the latent stage patient may be invaded by Sycosis and subsequently in favourable circumstances Psora-Syphilis, Syco- Syphilis or Psora-Syco-Syphilis may be noticed. Until the proper treatment, disease becomes more and more turn in complex form. Dr. Hahnemann said that amongst the chronic diseases, Syphilis is the most easily curable; if complicated with Psora or Sycosis, it becomes difficult to cure or may incurable. The symptom of Syphilis in its various stages: 41s: Stage: 1. Chancre in Genitalia: With a tendency of destruction of the soft tissues from the very onset. 2. Bubo: Inflammation and swelling of a lymph node, often with pus, especially in armpit or groin. « After 6-weeks. 2u Stage: Feeble coming in weak patient and vigorous coming in strong patient. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 18 MIASM took py pn rammarcuian asnaar ‘MWH.DR RATMATULLAR BINS COM I. Roseola eruptions of the shin; that is multiple tubercular mass, viscous in character, but not true boils. 2. Mucous patches in throat. 3. Condylomata; that is genital warts. 4, Lymphadenopathy; that is swelling of lymph nodes. + After 2 t0 30 years. 3" Stage: 1. V.S. (Cardio Vascular System): Aortic incompetence. 2. Bones: Gummatous necrosis, especially of Tebia, 3. V.S. (Neuro Vascular System): Tabis dorsales, destruction of Posterior Column of Spinal cord. 4, Scalp: Mouth eaten boldness. = After long years Iritis: With or without development of 2~ or gestages of symptoms. Few symptoms of Latent Stage of Syphilis: Let me now discuss various stages of Syphilis for its casy identification. Mental General Symptoms: + Depression of mind and melancholia. + Weak perception and suspiciousness. + Suppressive, wants to conceal ever express his own suffering, + Fixed ideas + Introvert, wants to be alone, and does not like company hing; even does not want to WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 18 MIASM nook py pn rammarcuuan asnear ‘MOWH.DR RATMATULLAR BINS COM + Strong suicidal tendency, loathing of life; always seeks the opportunity for committing suicide. + Memory and retention power are Physical General Symptoms: + Aggravation / <: Sullecings are < at night; patient eagerly waiting for Sun rise. + Aggravation (<) / Amelioration (2): Leucorthoea or an abnormal discharges > sufferings, but natural excretions like stool, urine, sweal, menses ete, by cold. + Craving: Sour, sweet, chalk, lime, pencil, wine ete. + Aversion: Complete aversion to meat. + Sleep: Rolling of head from side to side during sleep. Characteristic Symptoms: + Head: Falling of hairs in bunches. Dandruff with thick yellow crusts + Ear: + Nos smell + Teeth: Crown of incisor teeth becomes crescentic. + Skin: Hard acne on face. Extremities: Spoon-shaped and paper-thin nails Secondary manifestations of Sy syphilis The inherited Syphilitic dyscrasia does, indeed, remain in this latent state or form. Subsequently, itflares up in various forms under favourable circumstances as ‘Secondary manifestations of Syphilis’. + Sofi tissue destruction of bones, periosteum, brain etc. rremely diminished. Zars and head are larger in comparison to his body. at or depressed nose, Diminution or loss of sense of WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM book By pr RAHMATULLAH ASHRAF WWW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM Complicated symptoms after 5 to 10 years with drugs: + Bi-parital headache. + Weak mind. + Gummatous formation. + Deep seated ulcer. + Broken down health. Congenital effects: + Foetus malformation, abortions take place. - After 8 to 10 years age of child, Hutchinson’s triad: Haziness of vision (Karatitis). + Deafness (8" CV Auditory damage). + Cup shaped teeth (Malformation of teeth). + Saddle nose. + Nightly bone pain. + Charcot’s joint; Jean Martin Charcot define the neuropathic, osteoarthropathic changes especially foot and ankle joints caused by loss of sensation, and a progressive condition of the musculoskeletal system which is characterized by joint dislocations, pathological fractures, and debilitating deformities. Cleft palate. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM poox by pk RAWMATULLAN ASHRAF ‘WWW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM book By on RANMATULLAH ASHRAF WHW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM Mind: Dis-balance of mind and Criminal insanity. Head: Occipital headache. Dandruff and falling of hairs in bunches. Eye: Cataract and Corneal ulcer. Nose: Necrosis of bones of the nose and other places. Abdomen: Degeneration of the liver cells. Skin: Syphilitic ulcers, syphilitic eruptions, gangrene. Aggravation (<) / Amelioration (>): Nocturnal < in all complaints. < At night and by heat. > By cold. Male: Azoosperma. Female: Recurrent abortions; still-born baby. Extremities: Aching pain in bones of limbs. Diseases: Various deformities and atrophy of various organs. Tabes dorsalis and G.P.1. Hypertension. Tuberculosis. Cancer. Pernicious anaemia. Stricture, sinus, fistula or ulcer and caries or destruction of body tissues and organs etc. Such numerous disease syndromes or disease states denote the symptoms of secondary Syphilis. Except syphilis and Sycosis manifestations, all other chronic diseases are nothing but various manifestations of Psora. It’s enough to know that Psora may cause all sort of chronic diseases. We needs to recognise it know it and ability to perceive Psora and its various permutation & combination with Syphilis. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM soox by or nauatuian asurar WWW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COH Homoeopathic Management: Treatment & Management of Syphilis Simple Syphilis (Early stage) Complicated Syphilis, si aca 1 may lea eyo cone tbat * Chancer becomes painless. Sorethrost mas + Bubobecomessuppurated. + Mucous patch become cheeked. + Sorethroat becomesrelief. * Patent feelmore comfortable. * Holdthe disorder andthe Symptons forlongbut save the patient symptoms gradually subside. {rem isi > Henk become restore > Health become restored. Heathen “* Few Anti-syphilitic remedie. Argentum met., Ars., Ars. Iod., Asafoetida, Aurum, Aurum met., Badiaga, Ben. acid, Causticum, Cal. iod., Cal. sulph., Carbo. Ani., Carbo. Veg., Cinnabaris, Clematis, Con., Corallium bubrum., Crotalus horridus, Fluoric acid, Guaiacum, Hepar sulph., Iodine,Kali. Ars., Kali. Bi., Kali. iod., Kali. Sulph., Lac. D., Lach., Led., Lyco., Mercurius, Mez.,Nat. sulph., Nit. Acid., Petro., Phos., Phos. Acid., Phytolacca, Psorinum, Pyrogen, Sarsaparilla, Staph., Sulph., Sulph. Iod., Syphilinum, Thuja, Tuberculinum etc. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM book By pr RanMaTULLAn ASHRAF WWW.DR RANMATULLAH BHMS .COM SYCOTIC MIASM BY DR RAHMATULLAH ASHRAF BHMS FHMC KMU Abstract: The concept of Sycotic Miasm on the light of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy. Keywords: Sycosis-infection-incubation & prodromal period-primary symptoms-latent stage-secondary manifestations-therapeutic aim-anti-sycosic medicines. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM book by pr RAHMATULLAH ASHRAF WHW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM ee No) tater ia Introduction: How Sycosis Develop? The development of Sycotic miasm may we discuss about itsmode of infection, internal development, primary manifestations, latent stage, and its secondary manifestations. The state of Sycotic miasm may enter and developed into the organism as sexually transmitted venereal disease by impure coition, when the acquire Gonorrhoea has not been treated homoeopathically; then the Sycoitic State may developed. There may be ofher sources of Sycosis as from ‘Suppressed gonorrhoea’, fiom Bed effect of vaccination’, ftom ‘Animals Poisoning or animal bite as snake or dog bite etc.’, from Bed effect of Dissecting wounds’, from ‘Prolong suffering from acute miasm like Smallpox, Chickenpox, Typhoid efc.’, and any stage it may WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES I$ MIASM Book By pr RANMATULLAH ASHRAF ‘WWW.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM infect the wife from husband or vice-versa and the children through the parenfs by the way of in-heritance Sycosis. As internal development, once an entry is gained into the organism the miasm spread; for several days 8 to 12 days from the date of contact, nothing is visible. Once they have developed fully in the organism, the local symptoms break-out as “Primary manifestations of Sycosis”. Sycosis: This disease is Infected through contaminated sexual intercourse. After few days up-to 8 fo 12 days from the infection; The fig-wart like growths with or without a greenish-yellow discharge from the urethra. + These growths never disappear spontaneously. If they are destroyed by surgical means, ointments, caustic substances or cauterization etc., the disease is directed inwards and remains dormant or latent for a considerable period. + Then under favourable circumstances, the symptoms of the secondary stage appear in due course of time. This disease also like Syphilis infects the sexual partner in the same stage which the infecting agent belongs to. + As a result, manifestations of the secondary or latent stage may appear directly without any primary manifestation in some individuals. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 18 MIASM took py pn rammarcuuan asnnar ‘MWH.DR RANMATULLAN BINS COM + Apart from the fig-wart like growth another prominent symptom of the disease is discharge of pus from the urethra, which is alled Sycatie gonorrhoea. + OF course, there may be discharge from urethra even without Sycosis and this is called acute gonorrhea. + The chief differences are in Sycatic gonorrhoea here is not much pain or difficulty in urination, + Acute gonorrhea may spontaneously. disappear in course of some time and no constitutional complications are created. + But, malireament may cause flaring up of latent Psora into the patent form resulting ito manifestations of secondary Psora which can be cured by antipsoric alone, + On the other hand, Syeotic gonorrhoea can never be cured without appropriate antisycotic treatment. may complicate with Psora or Syphilis and to be treat The sycotic fig-wart may be dry or soft like sponge; in the latter case, offensive or even easy bleeding may be noticed. + Inacquired sycosis, these fig-warls at first appear on glans penis or prepuce of the male genitalia or on the vulva of the female genitalia, + If forcibly removed, these may reappear in situ or on other parts of the body. + Ifagain removed forcibly from these places, they will be directed inwards and secondary symptoms will subsequently appear. Let us discuss the symptom-syndrome of Sycosis in its various stages to recognizing them. Primary manifestations of Sycosis: 1. Gleet: Yellowish urethral discharge. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES 1S MIASM took py pn rammarcuuan asnear HILDE RATWATOUAN BIDS COW pongy, dry, sof warts; first appears on glans penis in male and on vulva in female and then other parts of the body. Secondary symptoms: + Catarths of eye or nose. + Fibrinous changes. + Change in soft tissue in various organs like- uterus, kidney, liver, lung as pneumonia or acute + ‘Typhoid recovered slowly + Soreness of feet + Rheumatism aggravates. nally killed the patient Congenital symptoms: + Age lycar, marasmus * + Age Ito 2 years, tendency to consumption/phthisis. + Old appearance of face. + Anaemia, + Linterie stool (Diarrhoea with undigested food particles). + Every hot bring like cholera infantum. May with psorie or syphilitic symptoms predisposed Few symptoms of Latent Stage of Sycosis: Let me now discuss various stages of Sycosis for its identification, Mental General Symptom + Suspicious, restless mentality, jealous and eruel. + Loss of memory with regard to recent events, though the events of the long past are well remembered + Fixed ideas. WHY THE CHRONIC DISEASE THE CAUSES IS MIASM ook oy op nanwarcuan Asuear WEWH.DR RAHMATULLAH BHMS .COM Physical General Symptoms: + Amelioration (2) : > by un-natural discharges, which is green or greenish-yellow in colour. + Aggravation (<): Complaints aggravate humid atmosphere, + Amelioration (2): Walking or light exercise ameliorates. + Intolerance: To spices, wines and meat, which

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