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Name: Mounir Diab

# ID: 12090129

A Case Study of Facebook’s Simply Amazing Talent Management Practices

1- In light of the above case study, do you believe that they HR culture at
Facebook can be duplicated with Lebanese businesses? Why or why not.
The HRM which means the human resources management is important for three reasons. first it
can be a significant source of competitive advantage. Second, HRM is an important part of
organizational strategies. Finally, the way organizations treat their people has been found to
significantly impact organizational performance. The HR culture at Facebook cannot be
duplicated with Lebanese businesses because such a culture need several decades to be
implemented and it need more stable society and more innovative managers and leaders.

2- What is the organizational design that Facebook uses in your opinion? Does
it impact on employee morale? Please explain.
Organizations need to be lean, flexible, and innovative, they need to be more organic. So
managers are finding creative ways to structure and organize work. These contemporary designs
include team structures, matrix and project structures, boundaryless organization, and learning
organization. The organizational design that Facebook uses is the team structure and the
boundaryless organization. The team structure is one in which the entire organization is made up
of work teams that do the organization work. The boundaryless organization is an organization
whose design is not defined by, or limited to, the internal or external boundaries imposed by a
predefined structure. These designs will definitely affect the employee morale. In a team
structure, the employee will lead to better results and decisions because it will be a sum of all the
team work. Also, in boundaryless organization the employees will have more courage to take
innovative decisions.

3- Compare and contrast between the different methods of recruitment you

know vs. the ones listed above in “A focus on excellence in recruiting”.
The recruitment is locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants. There is many sources
for recruiting such as internet, company website, college recruiting, professional recruiting. Each
source of these has advantages and disadvantages. Internet advantages is reaching large numbers
of people; can get immediate feedback; disadvantages is generating many unqualified
employees. The employee referrals advantages is knowledge about the organization provided by
current employee; can generate strong candidates because a good referral reflects on the
recommender; disadvantages is that it may not increase the diversity and mix of employee.
Company web site advantages is wide distribution; can be targeted to specific groups;
disadvantages is generates many unqualified candidates. College recruiting advantages is large
centralized body of candidates and disadvantages is limited to entry-level positions. Professional
recruiting organizations advantages is good knowledge of industry challenges and requirements,
disadvantages is little commitment to specific organization.
4- Strategic HR management has a huge impact on HR practices. Please
define Strategic HR and highlight its importance.
Strengthening the employer-employee relationship is the strategic role of a human resources
manager. However, there's more than meets the eye to doing this. Human resources managers
formulate workforce strategy and determine the functional processes necessary to meet
organizational goals. Their job requires expertise as an HR generalist, which means they must be
familiar with every human resources discipline.Creating a work environment free from
unnecessary hazards is a strategic role of every human resources manager. Strategic development
for workplace safety entails risk management and mitigating potential losses from on-the-job
injuries and fatalities. Workers' compensation insurance is an area in which a strategic plan helps
lower company expense for insurance coverage. Reducing accidents through training employees
on the proper use of complex machinery and equipment is one of the functional tasks associated
with creating a safe work environment.
An employer's compensation and benefits structure partly determines the company's business
reputation and image. In addition, the decisions that human resources managers make regarding
pay scales and employee benefits can impact employee satisfaction, as well as the organization's
ability to recruit talented workers. Job evaluation, labor market conditions, workforce shortages
and budget constraints are factors that HR managers consider in a strategic plan for pay and
benefits. In addition, a strategy includes weighing an employer's choices between satisfying its
workforce and pleasing the company's stakeholders. 
Human resources managers' strategic role with respect to employee training and development
prepares the workforce for future positions within the company. Succession planning,
promotion-from-within policies and performance evaluation factor into the human resources
manager's role. Training and development motivate employees, and in some cases, improve
employee retention.
Employee recruitment and selection is as much a part of employee relations as it is a separate
discipline unto itself. Therefore, a human resources manager's strategic role is to combine
elements of employee relations into the employer's recruitment and selection strategy. Integrating
employee recognition programs into promotion-from-within policies is an effective form of
employee motivation that combines the employee relations and recruitment and selection areas
of human resources.
Some human resources managers believe that strengthening the employer-employee relationship
rests solely in the employee relations areas of the HR department. This isn't true. Nevertheless,
employee relations is such a large part of every discipline -- including salaries, benefits, safety,
training and employee development -- that sustaining an employee relations program is an
important element of human resources strategy. Implementing a workplace investigation process
and enforcing fair employment practices are two components of an employee relations program.
The strategic role of a human resources manager is to determine how to identify and resolve
workplace issues, as well as how best to attract a diverse pool of applicants through effective
recruitment and selection processes.

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