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AE 308: Control Theory

AE 775: System Modelling, Dynamics and Control

Lecture 2: System Modeling and Dynamics - I

Dr. Arnab Maity

Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076, India
Lecture 2: System Modeling and Dynamics - I 2 / 48

Big Picture - System Identification Problem

System identification problem
As a practising engineer, a model of the system is not always readily
The process of determining a mathematical model is called system
Relevant questions regarding the system identification are
How to model the system that we are trying to control?
What is relevant dynamics for the system?
What are mathematical equations that convert known inputs to mea-
sured outputs?
These can be answered in two ways as the following.
The first is referred as black box method. Imagine that you do not
know anything about the system.
One can subject the material in box to various inputs and measured
outputs, and infer what is in the box based on the relationship between
inputs and outputs.
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Big Picture - System Identification Problem

The second way is to perform through white box method.
Imagine you know all the components inside the box.
This is exactly similar to the Newton’s method or determining equations
of motion based on energy in the system.

Figure: Source - “The Fundamentals of Control Theory” by B. Douglas

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System Modeling

People did not know to model/ pre-

dict the dynamic behaviour of things.
Then, this happened.

Figure: Source - “Cartoon Tour

Of Control Theory” by S. M.

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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System Modeling

Science of math modeling was born

in 17th century.

Figure: Source - “Cartoon Tour

Of Control Theory” by S. M.

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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System Modeling

The art of analyzing physical sys-

tems through math models was
introduced in 18th centuries.
M : mass, V : Velocity, F : Force,
K: spring constant, B: damping

Figure: Source - “Cartoon Tour

Of Control Theory” by S. M.

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Basics of Modeling

Role of Modeling
In order to proceed with control design, we need to estimate the defi-
ciencies that exist in the Plant/Process.
Examine the behavior of the plant under operating conditions
Requires a methodology for generating relevant responses

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Basics of Modeling
What is a Model?

Model is a view of the

system that captures the
objectives to be satisfied
by the system.
Model represents an imi-
tation of reality, in terms
of those features that de-
scribe the operation of
any system.

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Types of Models

Most common, easy to understand

Useful for explaining concepts
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Types of Models

Drives the manufacturing process

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Types of Models

Design Data

Model is in the form of data points corresponding to system behavior.

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Types of Models


Provides overview of system process/components

Includes data/information flow

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Types of Models


Figure: Left image: Mechanical system, Right image: Electrical system

Brings equivalence between different disciplines

Helps in quick assessments of performance at low costs

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Types of Models

Newton’s second law:
F = M acm
Spring-mass-damper system:
d2 x dx
F (t) = m 2 + c + kx
dt dt
RLC circuit:
dV d2 I R dI I
= 2 + +
dt dt L dt LC

Tries to capture system features

in mathematical framework

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Types of Models


Provides full scale size feel

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Types of Models
Cut Section

Provides internal layout

Helps in re-engineering
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Types of Models
Scaled Test

Important aid in verifying designs

Concepts through less expensive lab level tests
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Choice of Model Type

In the context of control, models are generally mathematical or exper-

The choice depends on knowledge base and resources.
Mathematical model is used when
Valid solvable theory exists
Necessary computational resources exist
Experimental model is used when
Mathematical techniques are inadequate

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Comparison of Model Types

Mathematical Model
Easy to build
Less expensive
Less accurate
Experimental Model
More realistic
Difficult to synthesis
As a first step, the models employed for control analysis and design are
mathematical in nature.

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Mathematical Model

A control system may be composed of various components

Model must capture all the dynamics of these components.
In general, such models can be created from First Principles.

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Mathematical Model

First Principles
We can employ basic laws of
All of the components/ processes
Fluid dynamics
This method gives idealized be-
havior, and ignores non-essential
features (as certain assumptions
are made).
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model

First principle models are inaccurate.

Figure: Source - “Cartoon Tour Of Control Theory” by S. M. Joshi

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model

Mathematical models are inaccurate due to

Neglecting less essential parameters
Temperature effect on resistance
Higher-order terms of Cl in calculating Cd
Measurement errors
Mass cannot be measured accurately.
Theories based on assumptions
Assumption in Bernoulli’s theorem like - Fluid is incompressible, non-
viscous and steady.

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Mechanical System

Translational Motion
Linear Spring
The force acting on the spring is directly proportional to the displace-

f (t) = ky(t)

Linear Damper
The force acting on the damper is directly proportional to the velocity

f (t) = b

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Mechanical System

Two-mass system: Suspension model

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Mechanical System

Two-mass system: Suspension model (cont...)

Force balance provides

b(ẏ − ẋ) + ks (y − x) − kw (x − r) = m1 ẍ
−ks (y − x) − b(ẏ − ẋ) = m2 ÿ

Some rearrangement gives

b ks kw kw
ẍ + (ẋ − ẏ) + (x − y) + x= r
m1 m1 m1 m1
b ks
ÿ + (ẏ − ẋ) + (y − x) = 0
m2 m2

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Mechanical System

Rotational motion - Pendulum

The moment of inertia about
pivot point is
I = ml2

The equation of motion can be

obtained using torque balance
Tc − mgl sin θ = I θ̈

On rearranging
g Tc
θ̈ + sin θ =
l ml2

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Electrical System

Elements of electrical circuits:

v = Ri

i: current (Amperes), v: volt-

age (volts), R: resistor (ohms),
c: capacitor (Columbs), L: in-
ductance (Henries)
Figure: Source - “Cartoon Tour Of
Control Theory” by S. M. Joshi
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Electrical System

Input: f (force) & Output: x2

m1 ẍ1 = k1 x1 + k2 (x2 − x1 )
m2 ẍ2 = f + k2 (x1 − x2 )

Input: vin & Output: vc

vc = vin + ri
Figure: Source - “Cartoon Tour Of
Control Theory” by S. M. Joshi vc = vin + rc

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Electrical System

System is represented by block or

box which has inputs and out-
Systems can be connected to
each other in series to form a new
Figure: Source - “Cartoon Tour Of system.
Control Theory” by S. M. Joshi

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Electrical System

Electrical Circuit

v1 dv1 dv2 v2 diL

i3 = i1 = C1 i2 = C2 i4 = v1 − v2 = L
R1 dt dt R2 dt

v1 dv1 dv2 v2 diL

i(t) = + C1 + iL i L = C2 + v1 = L + v2
R1 dt dt R2 dt

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Fluid System

Water Tank 1

Assuming incompressible flow

ḣ = (win − wout )

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Fluid System

Water Tank 2

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Fluid System

Water Tank 2 (cont...)

Resistance of Liquid level system
change in level difference, m dH
R= 3
change in flow rate, m /sec dQ

The steady state flow rate (for turbulent flow) is given by


The resistance Rt for turbulent flow is

2H 2H
Rt = →Q=
Q Rt

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Fluid System

Water Tank 2 (cont...)
Capacitance of Liquid level system
change in liquid stored, m3 (qi − qo )dt
C= =
change in head, m dh
We see that,
Cdh = (qi − q0 )dt
From definition of resistance
q0 =
The differential equation for this system for a constant value of R
RC + h = Rqi
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Thermal System

Conductive or convective heat transfer coefficient

q = K∆θ

q = heat flow rate, kcal/sec
∆θ = temperature difference, 0 C
K = coefficient, kcal/sec 0 C
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Thermal System

The coefficient K is given by

K= , for conduciton
= HA, for convection

k = thermal conductivity, kcal/m sec 0 C
A = area normal to heat flow, m2
∆x = thickness of conductor, m
H = convection coefficient, kcal/m2 sec 0 C

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
Lecture 2: System Modeling and Dynamics - I 38 / 48

Mathematical Model - Thermal System

Assume that the temperature of the inflowing liquid is kept constant.

Let the heat input rate to the system (heat supplied by the heater) is
changed from Q0 to Q0 + qi .
The heat outflow rate then changes gradually to Q0 + qo .
The temperature of the outflow liquid also be changed from θ0 to θ0 +θ.
Hence, the change in temperature is θ and the change in output heat
flow rate is qo .
As per definition of the thermal resistance,
R= .

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
Lecture 2: System Modeling and Dynamics - I 39 / 48

Mathematical Model - Thermal System

Thermal resistance R is defined by

change in temperature difference,0 C ∆θ ∆θ

R= = =
change in heat flow rate, kcal/sec q K∆θ

R = 1/K
Thermal capacitance C is defined by

change in heat stored, kcal mc∆θ (qi − qo )dt

C= = =
change in temperature,0 C ∆θ dθ
C = mc
m = mass of substance considered, Kg
c = specific heat of substance, kcal/Kg 0 C
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - Thermal System

The heat balance equation for this system is

Cdθ = (qi − qo )dt.

R can be obtained as
R= .
Rearranging the equations gives

RC + θ = Rqi .

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
Lecture 2: System Modeling and Dynamics - I 41 / 48

Mathematical Model - State Space

State - Minimum set of variables, known as state variables, that fully

describe the system and its response to any given set of inputs

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
Lecture 2: System Modeling and Dynamics - I 42 / 48

Mathematical Model - State Space

State Space Representation Principles
1 Identify the states of the system such as

inductor current
capacitor voltage
dx1 dx2 dxn
2 Use physics to find dt , dt , . . . , dt
3 Organize as
= f (x, u)
where,  T
x= x1 x2 · · · xn is the state vector
u= u1 u2 · · · um is the control input vector
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - State Space

DC Motor

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - State Space

DC Motor (cont...)
The states are:
x1 = θ − motor angle
x1 = θ̇ − motor angular velocity
x3 = ia − armature current
Equations of motion:

x˙1 = = θ̇ = x2
x˙2 = = θ̈
Balancing the torque from the free body diagram:
J θ̈ = −bθ̇ + T
−bθ̇ = viscous drag on rotor
T = torque due to current = Kt ia
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - State Space

DC Motor (cont...)
So, the following can be written as
b Kt
θ̈ = − θ̇ + ia
b Kt
x˙2 = − x2 + x3
The power supplied to the motor is
P = ia e = T θ̇ = Kt ia θ̇ =⇒ e = Kt θ̇
Now we can find dia /dt using the Kirchhoff’s voltage law
dia 1
= (va − ia Ra − e)
dt L
= (va − ia Ra − Kt θ̇)
Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
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Mathematical Model - State Space

DC Motor (cont...)
kt Ra 1
x2 −
x˙3 = −+ va
The state space form is represented by
   
0 1 0  0
 
 
 b Kt   
ẋ = 0 − 0
 
x+   va
 
J J 

   
−Kt −Ra  1
 

0 − −

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
Lecture 2: System Modeling and Dynamics - I 47 / 48

References I

Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, and Abbas Emami-Naeini: “Feed-

back Control of Dynamic Systems”, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey, Seventh Edition, 2015.
Katsuhiko Ogata: “Modern Control Engineering”, Pearson Education,
Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Fifth Edition, 2010.
Brain Douglas: “The Fundamentals of Control Theory ”, 2019.
Farid Golnaraghi and Benjamin C. Kuo: “Automatic Control Systems”,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, Ninth Edition, 2010.
Karl Johan Åström and Richard M. Murray: “Feedback Systems - An
Introduction for Scientists and Engineers”, Princeton University Press,
Second Edition, 2019.
Norman S. Nise: “Control Systems Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New Jersey, Sixth Edition, 2011.

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775
Lecture 2: System Modeling and Dynamics - I 48 / 48

References II

S. M. Joshi: “Cartoon Tour of Control Theory: Part I - Classical Con-

trols”, 1990-2015.
Ashok Joshi: “System Modeling Dynamics and Control”, Lecture Notes,
IIT Bombay, Mumbai, 2019.

Dr. Arnab Maity (Aerospace Engg. Dept., IIT Bombay) AE 308 and AE 775

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