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In my view, there are many difficulties that people living in a foreign country

can experience. First, it's the language barrier. maybe you're trying to learn a
new language from scratch, or maybe they think they're fluent, but in reality
they can't understand the local accent. Next, it is cultural difference, culture
includes a lot of things like food, art, customs and many more. Each country has
its own culture, and they will be lonely if they can't live with that culture.
Besides, the time difference is also a challenge and they need time for the body
to get used to new time zone. Sometimes, it will be a hindrance for them to
connect with family, relatives or friends back home. Food is also a challenge.
The food is not appetizing, very few shops serving the food they used to eat in
their own country is what they will encounter. In Vietnam, there is a big
holiday, the Lunar New Year, the day when people who work and live in the
city will return to their hometown. And it's difficult for foreigners, they feel
strange and sad because the roads are deserted, there are very few essential
shops open, and many other inconveniences. It's an example of cultural
differences, one of the difficulties that people living in a foreign country can

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