Asepsah Putro: Eigh Teen

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lwo lhousand twtnhy-ont C1g May 2021) ltoed in

1odoy,ursdoy Ihe eighteen May he

o ytor

atarlo a Coogerofon careement hos bttn ianed belwten

ome AsepSahputro
12 O6 10WGA GII
atarta Selakarn
ddress Udii man streel 0o sG,

behale of a peson here in ofkr teferd o os he Fiust Yorhy

thq on ,

ame Azah Mnuah

394 GC A 12 44 i23
H. ANosuhon SPheel Uo, 03, Jakorto
ddreks lo osthe Second Vay
Cf 0 ptuon,here in 0fltr resared
chg Gn bthol
Chlbformeg ard
larhy The Secand arry Ore
o inUeSI in the Second
a Pergon uho tnltds
The Fisp Yarly (s
ed Chl hraukmaork
the Sicy
odes he Seond hrt
uth he Fclowing
heve by nd a Cacperahorn Qqreemnt
and The Second lauhy
The Ficst farhy
Athc le .

Vur pose Ard Cbjeehues o ch

heVarhs 0ute t Condue
0qeement tha
Of his Cayirahon
The purpose and dbfedue

rading buness Cooperahan

Arhcle 2

Obeel Of }he Aartemenh

lor Chi morkehq
te (orm Ci
captal manqmtn
is in

ccperahon cqreement
ne Ob jec f h s
Ptkcke 3

and Obloghons O the Varhes
oblod lo
The Figl lork s

A Vrouide founds of 2s.coo cooor buness manoqemen morkthrg

Bo reoulole he hinanung Of Chili Culhuahon Ond
a Second party
aanhg Oulhontq to

he Fis Porh hos Hhe na oco euery mont h

to 2.s h e total Cap tal,uich 1s K G7s
*Kecer ve 9rotiB shúring equivolent

oblod to
The Sond arh is
and oher Ueqelobles
AManoge he markehg of lomkoes rom 20 h lulq 2021 unkl his Gqrementxpires
to he First Vor hy everu 20h Slarkm
CaTsfer he yiokt shang

capBal O he Fiud lortyp 25 oco 0o at he end & his Oqremort

eun he olal

The Second lathy hos he tiah

AHos he au honty lo manaqe Gerokional Coss
tomato and ciher Veqeeble Cul huahon
AKeceue prokts krom he marogqement

Athicle S
funds pregared by he hg arhy
he Second Yarhy ter markeling 0nd Olher operahoral Cos
Aures are ssued accodinq ohe neecs of

Prot Shan ng
2, Of he chal cagital
hefrstparts qek a prog) shanng

Time eriod
his Coogerahon Oqreement (S Valid kor a perrod ok huo ueor s, Sharenq from une 2021 unhl June, 2023

tnd of areemenk
he Varhe Ooree holhs cooptrafon Pareement ends uhen
The Ferm his Cocperohon Horeemen) hos expired ond ull not be exlended Oa
AOne Of he parhes does not ulal Ony of ihe grovisions in he Orhcks and ovdgroph ofhs Copeahon
k Foroe Majer uhch makes tnsble Bo te- inpemnk hs Coopeet on Hopemen
Arkce 9
I the Gutre
in depuke arges in the mylem entahon
Of his Ccoperahon Horeement borh yarthg aqree to
esolue throuah deiber aton Ond Consensur

Prkele 10
This Rareement made in uo or@nol Copies ,each a which he the
Some Sound Gn paper with sugGCIent
Stamps and ha the Same leopl force afkr bing Siqned by the Par her

h Popeemint 1s eEfechue os of' he dobet

antly Stoned by he Yat hes.

Motlerr thot Ore not Cr hare not been rtqulat ed in thir Cooperahor Aareement wll be requlated loter by the
Vorhes bas ed on mulual

bandura May l0 20zi

The Firgt Yarhy The Second Varty

Ase? Sugkqutro Pazoh Pinvugok )

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