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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan



Class: MCS (4th Semester) Mid Term Session: 2019-2021

Subject: Artificial Intelligence Code: CSIT-21401
Time: 10 Minutes Total Marks: 05
Name:________________________________ Roll. No. ________

Q 1: Encircle correct option. (0.5x10=05)
1 The High level language ………… has now become the dominant AI programming .
a) Ada b) Lisp c) AI pro d) High AI
2 ………….. is an environment in which the search takes place.
a) Problem place b) problem instance c) problem space d) Non of  the above

3. What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of
problem solving?
a) Heuristic b) Critical c)Value based d)Analytical
4. What is Cybernetics?
a)  Study of communication between two machines
b) Study of communication between human and machine
c) Study of communication between two humans
d)  Study of Boolean values
5. What is the goal of artificial intelligence?
a) To solve real-world problems b) To solve artificial problems
c) To explain various sorts of intelligence d) To extract scientific causes
6. An algorithm is complete if
a) It terminates with a solution when one exists b) It starts with a solution
c) It does not terminate with a solution d) It has a loop
7. What is state space?
a) The whole problem b) Your Definition to a problem
c) Problem you design d) Representing your problem with variable and parameter
8. The process of removing detail from a given state representation is called______
a) Extraction b) Abstraction c) Information Retrieval d) Mining of data
 9. Which search method takes less memory?
a) Depth-First Search b) Breadth-First search
c) Linear Search d) Optimal search

10. Who is considered to be the "father" of artificial intelligence? 

a) Fisher Ada b) John McCarthy c) Allen Newell d) Alan Turing
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan


Class: MCS (4th Semester) Mid Term Session: 2019-2021

Subject: Artificial Intelligence Code: CSIT-21401
Time: 50 Minutes Total Marks: 15
Name:________________________________ Roll. No. ________


Q2: Answer the following short question. (2x4=08)

1. Define Strong and Weak AI.

Strong AI
Strong AI also called general AI or Full AI. A machines that act intelligently and they
have real conscious minds. Strong AI actually tries to recreate the functions of the
inside of the brain as opposed to simply emulating behavior. Strong AI can perform
a variety of functions, eventually teaching itself to solve for new problems
Weak AI
Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), also referred to as weak AI or narrow AI, is the
only type of artificial intelligence we have successfully realized to date. Narrow AI is
goal-oriented, designed to perform singular tasks - i.e. facial recognition, speech
recognition/voice assistants, driving a car, or searching the internet - and is very
intelligent at completing the specific task it is programmed to do. . Weak AI says that
machines can be made to act as if they are intelligent. That is Weak AI treats the
brain as a black box and just emulates its functionality.
Examples of weak AI include Facebook's newsfeed, Amazon's suggested
purchases and Apple's Siri, the iPhone technology that answers users' spoken
Explanation with example
The concept can be explained by an example. Consider you have a very intelligent
machine that does a lot of tasks with a lot of intelligence. On the other hand you
have very trivial specie e.g. a cat. If you throw both of them into a pool of water, the
cat will try to save her life and would swim out of the pool. The “intelligent” machine
would die out in the water without any effort to save itself. The cat had strong
Intelligence, the machine didn’t. If the machine has strong artificial intelligence, it
would have used its knowledge to counter for this totally new situation in its
environment. But the machine only knew what we taught it or in other wards only
knew what was programmed into it. It never had the inherent capability of
intelligence which would have helped it to deal with this new situation.

2. What is Prolog?
Prolog is a logic programming language. It has important role in artificial
intelligence. Unlike many other programming languages, Prolog is intended primarily as
a declarative programming language. In prolog, logic is expressed as relations (called as
Facts and Rules).

Prolog, which is short for programming logic, is a programming language used in creating artificial
intelligence. Prolog is classified as a logic programming language and relies on the user to specify the rules
and facts about a situation along with the end goal, otherwise known as a query. After the rules, facts, and
goal are stated, the program will then attempt to derive the solution by analyzing the relationship between
the three. This is in contrast to traditional programming languages, like C# and Visual Basic, which have a
program follow a sequence of commands dictated by the user.

3. list out any two limitations of Propositional Logic?

4. Define Existential quantifier with example?
Existential Quantifier
The Existential Quantifier is used at the places where only some part of the subject's
population is to be defined under the predicate. It can be used at all the places
where the following phrases are used: 'There exist', 'For some', 'For at least', etc.
The Existential Quantifier is represented by the symbol '∃'. To combine the
Existential quantifier with the predicate and the subject, the conjunction symbol, '^' is
∃x: Boy(x) ^ like(x,apple)
The above statement depicts that there exists a boy who likes apple. Or we can say
that there are some boys who like an apple.
Some boys play cricket.
In this question, the predicate is "play(x, y)," where x= boys, and y= game. Since
there are some boys so we will use ∃, and it will be represented as:
              ∃x boys(x) → play(x, cricket).

Some boys are intelligent.

∃x: boys(x) ∧ intelligent(x)

Q 3: Long Question. (7)

1. Define inference and explain three rules of inference in AI.
Rules of Inference in Artificial intelligence
In artificial intelligence, we need intelligent computers which can create
new logic from old logic or by evidence, so generating the conclusions
from evidence and facts is termed as Inference.
Inference rules are the templates for generating valid arguments.
Inference rules are applied to derive proofs in artificial intelligence, and
the proof is a sequence of the conclusion that leads to the desired goal.
In inference rules, the implication among all the connectives plays an
important role. Following are some terminologies related to inference

Types of Inference rules:

1. Modus Ponens:
The Modus Ponens rule is one of the most important rules of inference,
and it states that if P and P → Q is true, then we can infer that Q will be
true. It can be represented as:

Statement-1: "If I am sleepy then I go to bed" ==> P→ Q
Statement-2: "I am sleepy" ==> P
Conclusion: "I go to bed." ==> Q.
Hence, we can say that, if P→ Q is true and P is true then Q will be true.
2. Modus Tollens:
The Modus Tollens rule state that if P→ Q is true and ¬ Q is true, then ¬
P will also true. It can be represented as:

Statement-1: "If I am sleepy then I go to bed" ==> P→ Q

Statement-2: "I do not go to the bed."==> ~Q
Statement-3: Which infers that "I am not sleepy" => ~P
3. Hypothetical Syllogism:
The Hypothetical Syllogism rule state that if P→R is true whenever P→Q is
true, and Q→R is true. It can be represented as the following notation:
Statement-1: If you have my home key then you can unlock my
home. P→Q
Statement-2: If you can unlock my home then you can take my
money. Q→R
Conclusion: If you have my home key then you can take my
money. P→R
4. Disjunctive Syllogism:
The Disjunctive syllogism rule state that if P∨Q is true, and ¬P is true,
then Q will be true. It can be represented as:

Statement-1: Today is Sunday or Monday. ==>P∨Q
Statement-2: Today is not Sunday. ==> ¬P
Conclusion: Today is Monday. ==> Q
5. Addition:
The Addition rule is one the common inference rule, and it states that If P
is true, then P∨Q will be true.

Statement: I have a vanilla ice-cream. ==> P
Statement-2: I have Chocolate ice-cream.
Conclusion: I have vanilla or chocolate ice-cream. ==> (P∨Q)
6. Simplification:
The simplification rule state that if P∧ Q is true, then Q or P will also be
true. It can be represented as:

***********GOOD LUCK***********

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