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(The teacher will present the word)

Drug/s -Harmful substance

-Medicine that is use as aid/prevention for
-Use for diagnosing illness
-Can either be legal and/or illegal

Very Good!

b.2: Developmental Activity/ main

This time, I will divide the class
into 3 groups, each group will be given
picture, then, you are going to give your
ideas and insights about the picture
assigned to you and to be presented in Yes, sir!
the class.
Is the instruction clear?

(Students will present their ideas about the


(the teacher will give the assigned picture to

each group)

(The students’ ideas follow in the analysis


Picture 1, Group 2 1 group 2
Picture 2, Group 3 2 group 3

Picture 3, Group 1
Picture 3 group 1

Picture 1 group 2
Sir, the activity that we have done presents the
ideas regarding illegal drugs and how it can
c. Analysis
possibly be avoided.
Now. Based on your work, what did you

Sir, the activity a while ago was all about the

Very good! causes and effects of drugs in our lives
Some more?

That’s correct!
By means or through abusing, using and even
having it misused and in some ways it can
Do you think in what way does drugs could
result to death.
affect our lives?

So how can we avoid these illegal drugs or

Nice idea!
should I say this kind of habit?

Very good!

Some more?

Well said!

d. Abstraction
You all have bright and positive ideas
about these gateway drugs.

But first let’s define the so-called

“Gateway drugs”

What is gateway drugs?

Picture 3 group 1
Very good!

Some more?
might try, which can lead him to more
dangerous drugs such as marijuana and

Very well said!

Sir, because there are some substances that
Why drugs is very/become harmful may damage our body and it has psychological
when it is too much? effect when we become tolerated.

Nice answer!

Now what is the so-called “Drugs”?

Sir for me, by means of not even trying to take

this harmful drug and never ever try cigarette
That’s correct!
What is Psychoactive Drugs?

Don’t be influenced by those individuals who

uses illegal drugs and cigarette. Very good!

Let’s come now to another gateway drug the

“Cigarette” or cigarette smoking.
When we say cigarette smoking, what does it

Sir, gateway drugs are the ways which carry a

person to a harmful and dangerous situation
and wrong doing that can or may lead to death
and sever suffering.

That’s correct!
Some more?
Sir, gateway drugs such as cigarette and
alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug user
smoke can trigger for an attack or make your
condition worst.
Very good!

Why do you think people smoke?

What are their reasons of doing so?
Because they are already addicted to it, as
nicotine addiction from cigarette. Once a
smoker consumes a single cigarette, his body
crave more to try another as he become stress
and irritable, and that feeling would become his
driving force to try and smoke again and again.

Very well said!

When a smoker quits, he/she will likely to
experience “withdrawal symptoms” specially in
the first two weeks.

Some more ideas?

Sir, a drug is any substance which when taken
into the body alters the body’s function either
physically and/or Psychologically. Drugs may
be legal or illegal.

That’s correct!
Sir, psychoactive drug/s affect the control of
Some more reasons?
nervous system and alters the person’s mood,
thinking and behavior.

Nice answer!
Its because they become more tolerated with it,
and become part of their daily routine.
Sir, cigarette smoking is identified as a cause
of various cancers, cardiovascular diseases
and respiratory condition as well as low
Some more?
birthweight and other adverse health

Very good!

Sir, cigarette smoking causes most cases of Last one?

lung cancer. If you have asthma, tobacco
keep on smoking and it’s hard for them to
easily quit.

That’s corrects!

e. Application
(Using task cards)
With the same group a while ago, you
will be given task card for each group,
Smoking helps them relax, some people might
each task card contains instruction for
smoke because it feels like it helps them cope
the activity that you are going to do
with negative feelings and emotions, leaving
including the duration of the activity.
them with a heightened sense of wellbeing.
Am I clear?

(the teacher will give the task card to

each group)

Habit. Smoking can become engraved in a

Group 1 task:
person’s life it might be a reward after cleaning
or some might automatically have a cigarette
Make a simple poster that deals with the
with their coffee in the morning.
harmful effects of cigarette smoking, you
are going to present it in front of the class .
You have 5 mins. To do the task.

Group 2 task:

Present some reasons why people smoke .

Each group member will give insight about
the matter.
Stress reliever. Smoking might be a way to 5 mins. To do the activity.
manage stress, like the pressure at work;
troubles wit friends and family members or
financial worries.
Group 3 task:

Explain the word “SMOKING” in an

acrostic way, to be presented in the class.
Sir, weight management, some people might 5 mns. For the activity.
be worried about putting weight that’s why they
Job well done! (After the time given for preparation,
presentation will follow)
IV. Evaluation
Instruction: Get ¼ sheet of paper. Select
the letter of the best answer that
correspond to each statement. Any forms
of alteration will be considered incorrect.
1. Which of the following pertains to the
substances which when taken into the
body alters the function either
physically and/or psychologically?
a. Foods
b. Drugs
c. Exercise
d. None of the foregoing
2. What do we call the bundle of drugs
like cigarette and alcohol that a non-
drug user tries?
a. Drugs
b. Foods
c. Gateway drugs
d. Alcohol
3. An activity that may cause different
kinds of harmful diseases.
a. Jogging
b. Eating
c. Sleeping
d. Cigarette smoking
4. - 5. Give at least two reasons why
people engage in cigarette smoking.

V. Homework
In a ¼ sheet of paper. Complete the
1. I learned
2. I realized
Reference: Physical Education and Health,
Learner’s material 8 P. 361
B. Drugs

C. Gateway Drugs

D. Cigarette Smoking

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