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NMR Umaging of Pore Structures

in Limestones
James W. Gleeson, Donald E. Woessner, ● SPE, and Clif F. Jordan Jr.,* ● Mobil R&D Corp.

SW Jiqn
Summary. Nucleax-magnetic-resmrmrce 13$IvfR) imaging war used to examine pore structures and fiquid flow paths in rocks nonde-
structively. Various pore types were recognized in a spectrum of limestones, including growth-framework, moklic, vuggy, between-
pzrticle, and within-particle poro3ities. Pore connectivity was examined by fluid displacement and flow-weighted and 3D imaging.


NfviR signafs from hydrogen in liquid molecules can be used to (200-MHZ) magnetic field, 150-mm magnet bore, 60-mT/m mag-
obmin information about the location, displacement, and flow of netic field gradient strength, 6.5- to 17.O-nrs echo time, 80-ps hard
liquids in pore systems of rocks. The direct propordonafity of the 180” pulse length, O.1-mm resolution in the image plane and 0.3-mm
NMR signal frequency to the magnetic field strength is the basis resolution normal to that plane (slice thickness), md pixel dimen-
of NMR imaging. Tbe application of a magnetic field gradient across sions of 128x 128 to 512x512. The microinmges were obtained
a Iiquid-samrated rock resufts in a range of NMR frequencies along at the same field, but with 20&mT/m gmdient smength, 2. I- to 3.4-
the direaion of the gradient. A series of gradients properly oriented ms who time, 7-w hard 180° puke length, and O. OS-mm isotropic
in 3D space gives rise to a spatialfy dependent distribution of NMR 3D resolution. The resolution, data acquisition time, and other ex-
frequencies that cm be processed by computer to yield an image perimental parameters can be varied to fit the requirements of the
of the pore system of the rock, Liquid flow during the nreasure- investigation.
ment cam mod& the NMR signaf, 200tig flow-rate imaging, even Most rocks examined in this study are limestones cut into 25-
during steady-state flOW.
nmr-diameter cyfinders 25 to 38 mm Iong. The microinxwes were
Sever-al characte.titi= mzke NMR imaging useful for examining
of 4.5x4 .5-G samples. Aff the 2D ~ges presented ‘bre are
geologic core samples. Because it is nondestructive, valuable ma-
dices mthogcmaf to the cylinder axis and therefore are round in
terkd need not be destroyed and such multiple experiments as re@i-
cross $edion.
tive fluid flow through the core may be conducted with a singfe
The terms 2D and 3D imaging refer to generating and collecting
sample. fn addition, the solid rock matrix does not interfere with
NMR sigmfs, not to the sigmal display. The 2D spin-wap imaging
measurement of fluids in the pores. Such fluid properties as flow
method,20 usually with a hard 180” pulse, was used to obtain all
rote, diffuskm coet%cient, and chemical composition can be meas-
the 2D images. The 3D spin-warp imaging metb0d2 was used to
ured (e.g., oil can be distinguished from water). Finally, 3D NMR
obtain the 3D images.
imaging 1,2 can measure 3D pore structures accurately. fn cmlrast,
methods that build a 3D smwture from 2D sfia?s are subject to er’roxs Two methcds me available m dkplay 3D arrays of image &tz

from nonuniform, overlapping, or missing slices. The only other (sometimes called volume image data), regardless of thegenemtion

technique available that directfy provides 3D pore structures of a method (from 3D inragfmg or from a 3D rezonstmction of stacked
rock without these problems is 3D X-ray microtomography. 3.4 2D images). In one method, computed slices through a 3D array
A potential Imitation of NMR imaging is the difficuky in ob- are displayed tbe same way as 2D data. It is possible to “step
taining si@da Pmpofionaf to pOmsity when iron or clay is present through” a sequence of slices generated from a 3D array of image
in samples, causing the spin-s~n relaxation time (T2) of the data in movielike fashion.
saturating fluid to be short. This commonly is worse for sandstones III addition, 3D arrays of &ta can be displayed in a readetig
than for limestones. Using fast switching and sting gradiens in that re$embles a view of a pore cast with the added flexibility of
rhe spin-waIP imaging methods or using the projection reconstmc- deleting selecting pores. The method used hereto display 3D NMR
tion method 1.5 should overcome this limitation. image datz is simifar to that described by Herman et af.’1 A cube

The ediest geologic applications of NMR imzging were profiling is drawn at the coordinates of each volume element that contains
water distribution in rockzc and imaging bedding planes and clay more than 50% water. Cnbe faces thm woufd be bidden from Ore
seams in sandstones. 7.8 Fluid displacement, 9,10 flow rate, II-13 and viewer if the cube were opaque are not drawn. Visible faces are
relaxation rime 14 of geologic rock cores have been imaged. Of par- displayed with an intensity as if they reflected light diffusely from
ticular interest is rhe ability to distinguish oil from water in a point source oriented about 45” from the direction of the viewer
rocks. 1$19 Rwently, NMR imaging has been used for pore smuc- and as iftbey emilted light about 25 % as intense as the pint source.
tures in rocks. 5 This embles investigation of prwesses at the pore Views for selected mtition anglm of the zmnple sue generated. Var-
Ievel that uldmateIy control tie rnacmscopically observed phe- ious water sarurationr, lighting and viewing angfes, and light in-
nomena. tensities are pmsible. A computer program was written to define
fn this report, we first show several examples in which various a porous network by identifying adjacent voxels containing more
types of Peres in limestones ate recognized in NMR images of warer- than 50% water. This method 2UOWS further emmination of pore
saturated samples. Pore types are classified as the reservoir poten- structures by enabling selecting parts of a pore system to be dis-
tiaf of a rock is described and this cla.ssifbrion can help indicate
played. Advanced display programs can show part of the pm stmc-
the dfticulty of producing oil from the rock. Next, three methods
ture in a translucent, opaque, or tmnsparem appearance.
of using NMR imaging to examine pore connectivity are dcmcm-
srmted. Connectivity is an aspect of pore structure that stmngfy
influences fluid flow through xeservoir rock, it is difficult to study
by other means. Pores in rocks are cfassitied according to thek sizes, shapes, and
modes of formation. They often are classified while the geologic
Experlmerrtsl Details description of the area is generated amd cam help indicate tie
difficulty of producing oif from the rock. Choquette and Pray’sz
The inshurnent used is a Bnrker MSL-21N NMR spectrometer with
classification of FOre typer and Dunham’s~ classification of lime-
mini-imaging and microirnagjng accessories. The czpabilitier of the.
stones az mcdiied by Jordanw were used. Several examples of
mini-imagigg equipment and the imaging parameters are a 4.7-T
NMR imaging of pore types found in coarse-gmined limestones
Wow at Southwest Medlc,l Schcd from subsurface reservoirs and surface outcrops is discussed be-
- ‘NOW at Im,gr,ted Data Service,.
low. The quality of the NMR “mager alfows various pore types to
Gm+3ht T 9S3 ~.v.v at P.t,ol..m E@=ws be recognized in the inmges.

SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1993 123

Fig. 1 —NMR Image of a water-saturated limestone p[ug that show% (a) growth-framework porosity in a Holocene coral bound-
stone ( diameter), (b) between. parfic[e porosity in a peloid grainstone, and (c) between-particle and moldic porosity in
an ooid grainstone. Black is solid calcium carbonate and white is fluid-filled porosity.

Fig. 2—NMR image of a water-saturated limestone plug (25-mm diameter) that shows: (a) moldi$ porosity in a MoUu=an 9rain_
stone (lower right arrow Indicates a gastropod mold and upper left arrow Indicates a shell.fragment mold), (b) within-particle
porosity in a foraminiferal packstone, and (c) vuggy porosity in a foraminiferal packstom+

Fig. la shows growth-framework porosity (actually, growtb-

imrafmmework porosity) in a coral boundstone. This sample con-
sists of a 25-mm-diameter cylinder drilled from a Holocene coral
head mlkcted off tbe southeastern coast of Florida. Comllites meas-
uring about 4 mm across are shown clearly except to the lower right
of tbe image (dark mas), where porosity is occluded. Porosity
(white are+) was formed by the postmortem decay of the soft parts
SLICE 1 in the comllite of the coral and by the porous microstructure of
the material between the corallites (tie coenosteum).
Fig. lb shows between-particle or intergranular porosi~, the
NMR microimage of a subsurface peloid @stone from the Mid-
dle East. Peloids are nwriy-cylindrical pellet-shaped grains of ca-
lcium carbonate. fn this rock, the grains are slightly less than 1 mm
across. Pores between the peloids are curwd and exist as a result
of depositional grain packing. Some calcite cementation has ob-
literated porosity at the right of the image. The preservation of most
SUCE 2 of the porosity created at the time of peloid deposition is remzk-
able in that it is rare worldwide.
Fig. lC shows various stages in the porosity development of an
mid gminstone by use of NMR microimaging. ‘Ms sample is from
Fig. 3—NMR images of water displacement from pore types the Miami limestone forrmtion near the Coral Gables Watem+ay
[mm two sfices in a serpufid boundstone plug (25-mm di- in Florida. Between-particle porosity is indicated by cumed bright
%meter). The left images are of the water-saturated sample; regions around dark disks, as in Fig. lb.
the right images are the same slices after draining. Growth- In other regions of this Miami limestone, bowever, the com-
intra framework (Type W) and growth. interframework (Type
plementmy situation is obsewd, that k, pwrous disks m. surrounded
3) POrOSitY types are present water has been displaced from
by dark areas that represent moldic PerosiQ. Moldic porosity de-
most Type B pores, but not from Type W pores.
velops when a carbonate skeleton, deposited along with lime mud

124 SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1993

Fig. 4—NMR normal and flow.weighted images of water in a vuggy limestone plug (25-mm diameter): (a) normal image that
Indicates that several porous regions exist in this slice and (b) flow-weighted image that indicates that only one of the porous
regions conducts flow. The faster the flow, the brighter the image. The flow rate is 10 mum perpendicular to the slice. A tube
of stotionaty water is to the right of the plug for reference.

and other sediient, is preferentially dissolved,. leaving a mold of and involve uncertainty in estimating inherently 3D pqerdes from
its original form. Bright rings in the image represent ooids where 2D images.
only the outer layers have dissolved. NMR imaging provides three alternative means to investigate pore
NMR imaging in Fig. 2a clearly shows moldic porosity devel- comectivity. The tirst two am based on observing the flow or the
OF-+ in a mO~uscm srainsrone. This sample is from the Cretaceous resuks of fluid flow, which can cccur onfy through cwmected pores.
wlutestone member of the Fdwards group in central Texas, where In the fust type of experiment, the displacement of one fluid by
the rock is quamied as commercial building stones, The elongated another can be monitored repetitively, 9S10 demonstrating that the
shape of a moldic pore (upper left arrow) and the characteristic out- arias where fluids have been displaced are connected. This is pos-
line of a gastropod mold (fewer right mow) are indicated. Borb sible because NMR is nondestructive and can distinguish different
pores formed after the d~solution of a moflusc fragment. Moldic fluid types. For example, water can be distinguished from oil in
porosity apparently is not well-comected in this sample. This ob- at least three ways: by using heavy water, by using a water-soluble
servation can be tested further by one of the NMR methods dis- dopant, or by chemical shift imaging,
cussed beiow. In the second type of experiment, the connected pores that con-
Fig. 2b shows within-particle or intraparticlc porosity in a sam- duct flow in a mck can be defined during steady-state flow of even
ple of fomminifeml packstone collected from quarries in Cairo, a single fluid. This is possible bqsause the NMR signaf can be made
Egypt, from which building stones for the pyramids were cm. sensitive to the fluid-flow rate. 11-13 This method and the previous
Fmaminifera aIe large, smcer-shap@, simgle-celled organisms with method can be used even when the resolution is inadequate to ob-
carbonate skeletons. A photograph of this sample that shows a con-
serve the pore interconnections directly,
centration of nutmntiltes, a common Eocene foraminifer, appears
fn the third type of experiment, 3D NMR imagingl.2 can be per-
in Ref. 25. Porosity is shown in Fig. 2b as small, isolated occur-
formed to define the 3D pore structure of a rock completely when
rences that come8pond to empty chambers in foraminifera.
the resolution is adequate to observe pore interconnections. This
Ng. 2C shows vuggy porosity in an Eocene foraminifeml pack-
technique avoia% problems from nonmdfonn, overlapping, and miss-
stone from the Middle East. Vuggy pores are bigger than a few
ing slices inherent in 3D recomtNctions based on stacked 2D itn-
rniftkneters in diameter, are irregularly shapd, and Me” xe fmmed
ages, such as those from optical micmgzaphs or X-ray computetied
by dissolution. The distribution of such pores in this sample ap-
tomography scans. The 3D image data can be dmplayed, among
pears patchy in this 2D image. A more-detailed analysis of the con-
other, ways, in a rendering that resembles a view of a pore cast,
nectivity of pores in this rock is given later.
with the added flexibility of displaying only selected pores.
Although 3D imaging is discussed here primarly for its use. in
establishing pore connectivity, it afso can aid in classifying pore
Displacement Experiments
types. For example, in the vuggy limestone described above, 3D
imaging shows o“e of the vogs to be quite elongated so that it may A sample of sapdid boundstone was chosen for a displacement
be chitied better as chmnel porosity. Channel pmosi~ is dlffmdt, experiment because it had two readify distinguishable pore types
if not impossible, to identify in 2D images. that were connected differently. Seqxdid worms produce calcitied
tubes that enclose the soft body parts of the organism. Upon death,
NMR Determination of Pore Connectivity these tubes are susceptible to fossilization. They join irt colonies,
Estabfisbing,pme comecdviry in a rock is imponant because it deter- forming a boundstone fabric that is similar in gross form to a multi-

ties how well pores conduct fluid flow in hydrocarbon reservoirs. sb’and electrical cable, except that the “wires” are holfow tubes.
Connectivity has been studied by pore casts in which plastic resin NMR imaging portrays the tobes clemly (Fig. 3), allowing gTowih-
is injected into the pore system of a sample and oUowed to harden. intraframework porosity (’fype W in the tubes) to be. dktinguished
The rock then is dissolved slowly in acid, leaving a plastic repfica from Sroti-interfmmework porosity (me B between the tubes).
of the rock’s pore system. This, however, is a destructive type of A water-saturated, 25-mm-diameter cyfinder of this sample was
analysis, takes considerable time and effoti,26 ,27 and yields a prcd- allowed to drain by gravity. Fig. 3 shows NMR images of two cross
uct that is diftlmlt to manipulate and interpret quantitatively. sections made before and after d+!.age. Large pores between tubes
McCreesh et al, ‘s28 recent advances in petrogmphic image anal- drain in areas where the tubes are widely spaced, as in the center
ysis (PIA) provide another technique for examining pore connm- and right side of each slice viewed. W%ere tubes are clasely packed,
~ity. fo this tecboique, opticaf microscopic images of the pores however, pores between tubes do not drain. Ml pores in sezpulid
m thin-sections of the reck are analyzed to estimate pore shapes, worm tubes retain water and do not drain. Ffuids other than the
from which pore connectiviries and various properties are ioferred. air/water combination used here that give distinguishable NMR sig-
However, PIA studies are destmctive, labor- and time-intensive, nals could be used in similar displacement experiments.

SPE Formation Evduatim: June 1993 125


g. a-w Nrnn Images or waler-saluralea vuggy Itmesone PIUW rendering of the data to Simulate viewing the pors sfructu
the plug fmm various angles as the plug rotates about its axis.

Imaging Fluid Flow if the solid rock and an optional part of the pere structure were
Pore connectivity also has been examined by iiMR imaging that ~T~mt ad the reti Of the Pre stm.ture were opaque. Fig.
detects steady-state fluid flow instead of simply observing the change S show a rcndminz of the 3D data for the forandnifeml mackstone.
in fluid composition after a displacement baa occurred, 8s described Views are shown &r 30” increments of rotation of the ~ytidfi~

previously. A time-of-flight method similar to Kose et al. ‘s29 ~PIe. me Pm ~ e~n~ ~mpldely across the sample is shown
methcd w88 used to detect flow psxpmdiadar to a slice, as descrii in dark shades of gray; all other pore spaces appear in fight shade;
previonsfy. 13 This method involves 2D imaging with a pulae- of gray. Further examina tion of the pore structure is possible by
repetition rate that saturates stationary liquid and thereby emphas- making parts of the pore structure invisible or mmslucent.
izes fiquid that moves into the selected slice in the time between It maybe possible to calculate various rock propeties from 3D
pulses. Therefore, the method measures a flow-weighted porosity, NMR imaging data. Just as the characterimtion of pore stmcmre
or spin density, instead of actual flow rate. provided by 2D PJA technology has been usEd28 (in conjunction
The sample examined with flow-weighted imagjng was the vuggy with permeability data) to mkxlate formation factors and capillary
fomminifeml packstone with a normal NfvfR image 88 shown in pressure curves, m technology may provide 3D data to calcu-
Fig. 2C. The cylindrical sample was encased in heat-shrinkable late these parameters more accurately. By characterizing pore struc-

teflon with its axis parallel to a stationwy reference sample of water tures with statistical measurements of pore-size or pore-throat
in a gfass tube. The image in Fig. 4, obtained without flow, shows distribution, detaifs of the complete spatial distribution of porous

that several large porous regions are present at the slice position and sofid regions possibly could be ht. In principle, certain rock

in the sample. However, the image obtained with flow shows that properties could be calculated directly from the spatial dishiiution

most of the water flowing though this sample actually passes without simplifying assamptiom about the pore stmctme.
though only one of these porous regions. fn this expeiimemt, flOw-
ing water gave a signal 7. I times m intense as matiomuy water. Conclusions

Pore sh’uctures of coarse-gmined fimestone can be characterized

3D Imaging with NMR imaging. Imaging fluid flow and fluid diaplacermmt and

Pore comectivity also has been investigated by gathering and dis- 3D image collection and display 80 can b-e used to examine pore
playing NMR data in 3D. (Thus far, the image display has been comectivity. fmproving the resolution wif3 incre.aae the range of

2D. ) The 3D NMR imaging was used to obtain &ta again for the geologic $unpIea with Wre structures that can be characterized by
m imaging substantially. m imaging is expected to be a valu-
VW%y for~%er~ Pw~@ne in Fig. 2C. Computer data ana3ysis
to detine the porous networks in the sample indicatea that only one able technique for examining the pore structures of rocks and fluid
path extends completdy across the cylindrical sample. Thus, fluids flow and displacement in rocks at the pore level of investigation.

flow only through this one path, in agreement whhthe flow imaging
resufta. Acknowledgments

To visualize the pare comectivity, it is helpf!d to =nder the data We express appreciation to Mobii R&ll Corp. for permission to
in a 3D-liie view. This provides a view of the pore stmcmre as publish this work.

126 SPE Formation Bvatwtim, Jm. 1993


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SPE Formation Evaluation, June 1993 127


SPE 20493


Fig. 1-NMR Imagav of water.eefurefed Ilmeatorre plugs (2&-mm dlamater); blsck fe aolld oelclum oarberrate ●nd
white 18 fluld.filled pomslty. (a) Qrowth.fremowork poroslfy In a Holocane oorel boundafmre. (b) 26twoorr.
particle peroslfy In e pteollte gralnafone. (c) 2efween.particle porosity In ●n oold grelnatone; errow Irrdl.
aataa a slrrgle orystal of replacement anhydrfte.


Fig. 2-NMR Imekfea of water.aetumfed Ilmestone pluoa (2%mm dlemeter). (e) Moldlc porosity In e molluaoen grekr.
etone; lower rfatht arrow Indlcataa a gaetropod mold and uRPar Nff arrow Indleefea a shell.fmamww mold.
(b) Wlthlrr.particle pomalfy In a foremlnlfeiel paokefone. kj Vuggy pOI’Oalfv In a foramlrrlferai packetone.




Ffg. %NMR Imagaa of weter rflaplacomanf from pore fypaa In F@ 4-NMR nermel and flow.walghtad Imagaa of watar In a vuggy Ilmeatona plug ( dlametar).
aerpulld boundefona plug ( diameter). Growth. Th6 normal Image Indleatea ffrat eeveral poreua reglona exlal In thla 81106. TfW ffow.waltjhted
hItr8fIWm6WOrk (W) and oMWif14ntW’f~m6WO* (B) pe- Image Indleetea that only one of theee porouo reglena la oondueflng flow. The fester the ffow
roalfy types ore praaenfi wefar haa been d[apfacedfrom la, the brighter the Image le. A tube of afaflonev water Ie PN66nt at the fieht Of th6 Plufl for
moat E.typa peree, but net from the W4ypa pores. refererwe,
. .

SF’E “20493

9 15

Fig. 5-3D NMR Images of water.aaturatad

vuggy Ilmeatone PIUS randerlng ot the date to elmulete vlrrwlng the
ore etruoture of the plug from varloue engles ae the plug Ie rotating ebout Na exlm the flow peth IS shown
~ dark ehsdeeof Srey;allotherpora epaeeee~ shown In llShtShedeOof W.



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