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Pneumo - Lung
35. Ren - Kidney
ー Everybody should know the basic 36. Rhin - Nose
functioning of Human Body and its main parts 37. Spleno - Spleen
in order to express and explain their ailment to 38. Thyro - Thyroid Gland
the Doctor and at the same time one should be 39. Urethro - Urethra
able to understand the diagnosis expressed by 40. Vesico – Bladder
the Doctor in the medical terminology. For
easy recognition of the Compounded Words
used in the Medical Terminology for naming ー Here are the suffixes used in Medical
the disease, Suffixes are added to Prefixes. For terminology. Check out!
this hereunder giving you a few such prefixes SUFFIX - MEANINGS
for your ready reference and understanding. 1. -aemia : Blood
2. -algia : Pain
PREFIX - MEANINGS 3. -derm : skin
1. Adeno - Glandular 4. -dynia : pain
2. An - Not 5. -ectomy : removal
3. Anti - Against 6. -Itis : inflammation
4. Aorto - Aorta 7. -lithiasis : Presence of Stone
5. Artho - joint 8. -malacia : softening
6. Bleph - Eyelid 9. -oma : tumour
7. Broncho - Bronchi 10. -opia : eye
8. Cardio - Heart 11. -osis : Condition,excess
9. Cephal - Head 12. -otomy : incision of
10. Cerebro - Brain 13. -phobia : fear
11. Cervico - Cervix 14. -plasty : surgery
12. Cholecysto - Gall Bladder 15. -plegia : peralysis
13. Coli - Bowel 16. -ptosis : falling
14. Colpo - Vagina 17. -rhoea : excessive discharge
15. Entero - Intestine 18. -rhage : to burst forth
16. Gastro - Stomach 19. -rhythmia : rhythm.
17. Glosso - Tongue 20. -stasis : stoppage of movement
18. Haema - Blood 21. -sthenia : weakness
19. Hepa - Liver 22. -stomy : outlet
20. Hystero - Uterus 23. -tomy : removal
21. Laryngo - Larynx 24. -trophy : nourishment
22. Leuco - White 25. -uria : urine
23. Metro - Uterus
24. Myelo - Spinal cord
25. Myo - Muscle
26. Nephro - Kidney
27. Neuro - Nerve
28. Odonto - Tooth
29. Orchido - Testis
30. Osteo - Bone
31. Oto - Ear
32. Pharyngo - Pharynx
33. Pio - Pus

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