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CHEM-2400H-A: Analytical Chemistry (2021FA - Peterborough Campus)

CHEM-2400H-A: Analytical Chemistry

2021FA - Peterborough Campus

Instructor: Pourya Shahpoury
Email Address:
Phone Number: 705-748-1011 x7378
Office: CSB F114
Office Hours: Monday 2:00 pm-4:00 pm, or by appointment.

Meeting Times:

Monday: 12:00-12:50 pm
Tuesday: 6:00-7:50 pm
Laboratories and Tutorials:
Alternate Weekly
Please check your individual schedule. 


Academic Administrative Assistant: Ashley Maschke

Email Address:
Phone Number: 705-748-1011 x7505
Office: CSB D105


Analytical chemistry is a fundamental component of all chemical disciplines. Whether you are working in environmental
chemistry, food science, materials science, forensic science, biology, medicine, drug discovery, or any other chemical
science, analytical methods and instrumental will be critical.  
This course first focuses on traditional wet chemistry concepts such as chemical equilibria and acid-base chemistry. The
course will then focused on an introduction to instrumental analytical techniques which will prepare you for future courses
in analytical chemistry as well as providing a fundamental understanding of modern instrumentation methods.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, students will have developed:

1. An understanding of the theory and principles of analytical chemistry;

2. An understanding of the theory of aqueous equilibria and acid-base chemistry;
3. Introductory knowledge of modern analytical techniques such as spectroscopy and chromatography;
4. An understanding of sources of uncertainty in quantitative analysis; and,

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CHEM-2400H-A: Analytical Chemistry (2021FA - Peterborough Campus)

5. Practical analytical laboratory skills.


Textbook: Daniel C. Harris,  Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 10th Edition, Freeman, New York.


Assessments, Assignments and Tests:

Laboratories & Tutorials:

Laboratory Sessions: Based on their individual schedules, students will attend their laboratory sessions in ESC A206. For
each experiment, a procedure will be made available on Blackboard prior to the lab date. Each student must complete an
original report submission for their experimental data. There will be NO alternate or “make-up” laboratory sessions.
In order to perform experiments, students must be dressed in the proper attire: a lab coat and safety glasses are required,
open-toed shoes are forbidden, clothing should not expose large areas of the body (ex. shorts, tank tops, etc.) and should
not be loose, long hair should be pulled back, and no contact lenses should be worn in the laboratories. Please read the lab
safety guidelines posted to Blackboard prior to your first lab. 

Laboratory Reports: Laboratory reports will be due at 11:59 pm one week after the completion of the experiment. For
example, if your experiment took place on Wednesday morning, your final lab report will be due the following Wednesday at
11:59 pm (the day of your tutorial). Reports will be submitted electronically directly to Blackboard via the submission
dropbox. The laboratory reports represent 25% of your final grade.
CHEM 2400H has a strict laboratory lateness policy. You are allowed ONE late submission with a penalty of 25% for anything
up to 24 hours late and 100% thereafter. There are no exceptions to this rule without a valid medical excuse. In cases of
extenuating circumstances, students should contact their instructor and TA prior to the laboratory report due date to make
alternate arrangements.

Tutorials (Lab Skills): Tutorial sessions will run on a bi-weekly basis and will alternate with the laboratory experiments. Within
each tutorial, you will engage in a critique of laboratory skills commonly used by analytical chemists. Each laboratory skill will
be demonstrated via two videos, one highlighting the proper completion of the skill and one with deliberate errors included.
Using the videos provided for each skill, you will identify the video highlighting the proper technique and the one showing
improper technique. For each skills assignment, you will identify the errors present within the video highlighting the incorrect
technique, how they would affect the overall data analysis or safety of the laboratory experiment, and how you would work
to correct each error. Each set of skills videos will be directly relevant to the next in-person experiment.
Skills assignments will be due at 11:59 pm one week after the completion of the tutorial session. For example, if your tutorials
are on Wednesday morning, your final lab report will be due the following Wednesday at 11:59 pm (the day of your lab).
Assignments will be submitted electronically directly to Blackboard via the submission dropbox. A total of 5 laboratory
critiques will be completed, each worth 3% of your final grade. The CHEM 2400 laboratory lateness policy applies.

Laboratory and Tutorial Schedule: For students registered in ODD sections, you will begin your rotation in the first full week
of classes. For students registered in EVEN sections, you will begin your rotation in in the following week. It is your
responsibility to know whether you are scheduled to be in lab or tutorial each week and to be prepared for the experiment
you will be performing.
The full laboratory and tutorial schedules are provided below and can also be found on Blackboard.

Lab schedule

Lab Dates ODD Sections EVEN Sections

Sept. 15, 16, 17 Lab Skills – Pipetting N/A

Sept. 22, 23, 24 Lab – EDTA Titration Lab Skills – Pipetting

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CHEM-2400H-A: Analytical Chemistry (2021FA - Peterborough Campus)

Lab Dates ODD Sections EVEN Sections

Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 Lab Skills – Quantitative Transfer Lab – EDTA Titration

Oct. 6, 7, 8 Lab – Buffers Lab Skills – Quantitative Transfer

Oct. 13, 14, 15 Lab Skills – Serial Dilutions Lab – Buffers

Oct. 20, 21, 22 Lab – Spectroscopy Lab Skills – Serial Dilutions

Reading Week

Nov. 3, 4, 5 Lab Skills – Burettes Lab – Spectroscopy

Nov. 10, 11, 12 Lab – Chromatography Lab Skills – Burettes

Nov. 17, 18, 19 Lab Skills – Analytical Masses Lab – Chromatography

Nov. 24, 25, 26 Lab – Cyclic Voltammetry Lab Skills – Analytical Masses

Dec. 1, 2, 3 N/A Lab – Cyclic Voltammetry

Tutorial rooms by Section:

F01/F02               OCA 204
F03/F04               SC W2
F05/F06               SC W3
F07/F08               OCA 204
F09/F10               SC W1
F11                      OCA 206

Course Assignments:
CHEM 2400H has a strict assignment lateness policy. All assignments will be subject to a late penalty of 10% per day up to 5
days. After this, late assignments will no longer be accepted. There are no exceptions to this rule without valid medical
excuse. In cases of extenuating circumstances, students should contact their instructor prior to the assignment due date to
make alternate arrangements.

1) Calibrations Analysis in Excel: This assignment is designed to familiarize students with the use of Excel for the analysis of
analytical data. Specifically, students will work towards the construction of a calibration curve for the determination of an
unknown concentration and the subsequent statistical analysis to determine the uncertainty associated with the unknown
concentration. The Calibrations Analysis assignment will be due on October 4th @ 11:59 pm and represents 6% of your final

2) Achieve Assignments: CHEM 2400 is naturally split into three main course content sections: an introduction to analytical
chemistry, classical analysis techniques, and modern instrumental methods. At the conclusion of each section of the course,
you will complete an assignment via the MacMillan Achieve learning platform designed to test your overall understanding of
the material. These will consist mostly of worked problems and application questions pertaining to the applicable topic.
Assignments will be submitted electronically through the Achieve Learning platform. The assignments represent 24% of your
final grade. The Achieve Assignment due dates are as follows:
Achieve Assignment #1 (Introduction to Analytical Chemistry):                   September 27th @ 11:59 pm
Achieve Assignment #2 (Classical Analysis Methods):                                November 22nd @ 11:59 pm
Achieve Assignment #3 (Modern Instrumental Methods):                            December 7th @ 11:59 pm

Midterm Test: The midterm will take place in class on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. The midterm will be 2 hours in length

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and worth 10% of your final grade. Information about the midterm exam format will be discussed in class.

Final Exam: The final examination will take place during the regularly scheduled examination period. Examinations will run
between 8:00 am on Friday, December 10th and 10:00 pm on Thursday, December 23rd. The final examination will be 3
hours in length and worth 20% of your final grade. Information about the final exam format will be discussed within the class.


Laboratory Reports
• 25% total
• Five reports worth 5% each
• Due at 11:59 pm, one week after the completion of the experiment. 

Lab Skills Assignments

• 15% total
• Five assignments worth 3% each
• Due at 11:59 pm one week after the completion of the tutorial session

Excel Tutorial and Calibrations Assignment

• 6% total
• Due by 11:59 pm the day of your Excel tutorial. 


• 24% total
• Three assignments worth 8% each. 
• Due by 11:59 pm the following Saturday. 

Midterm Exam

• 10%
• In-Class
• Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Final Exam

• 20%
• As scheduled by the Registrar during the final examination period; between 8:00 am Friday, December 10th and
10:00 pm Thursday, December 23rd.

Drop Dates
The final date to withdraw from this course without academic penalty is November 9th, 2021. After this date, students will
remain registered in the course and will receive a final grade.

Grade Total by Withdrawal Date:

Through lab reports, the Excel assignment, assignments, and the midterm examination, students will receive 51% of their
total grade before the drop date of the course. 


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Lecture schedule

Text Chapter
Week Dates Module (Weekly) Topic

1 Sept. 13/14 The Analytical Process 0,1

Experimental Error 3
2 Sept. 20/21
Statistics in Analytical Chemistry 4

3 Sept. 27/28 Quality Assurance and Calibration Methods 5

Chemical Equilibria Review

4 Oct. 4/5 Review of Acids and Bases 6, 8
Systematic Treatment of Acid-Base Equilibria

Acid-Base Systems
5 Oct. 11/12* 9, 10

6 Oct. 18/19 Acid-Base Titrations 7, 11

Reading Week

7 Nov. 1/2 Solubility Equilibria 6, 7

8 Nov. 8/9
Analytical Spectroscopy 18, 19
9 Nov. 15/16

10 Nov. 22/23
Analytical Chromatography 23, 24, 25
11 Nov. 29/30

12 Dec. 6/7 Assignment Completion

Course Guidelines:

Required Course Resources

1. A laboratory coat and safety glasses are required for all laboratory experiments; you are not permitted entry to the
laboratory room without them. If you do not have appropriate safety attire for labs you will not be permitted to perform
experiments at the scheduled time; no rescheduling will be possible.
2. Textbook: MacMillan Achieve with e-text for Daniel C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 10th Edition, Freeman, New
ISBN: 9781319256081
All students are required to have an Achieve Learning licence for assessments within this course. Achieve access will remain
active for either 1 or 2 terms, depending on the version selected. However, you will retain access to your e-text for a period
of four years. Currently, the Achieve learning platform is not utilized within any other Trent Chemistry courses so the 1-term
access code is all you would need.
3. Learning Management System (Blackboard): This course will heavily rely on the Blackboard learning management system
for distribution of course materials, assignments, grades, course announcements, and other course related information. All
major course announcements will be made through the Blackboard system, at which point they are equivalent to being
announced “in-class”. You are expected to review the Blackboard site frequently.

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CHEM-2400H-A: Analytical Chemistry (2021FA - Peterborough Campus)

Departmental Policies:

Completion of Course Work

The Department of Chemistry considers that completion of all components of a course is necessary for a student to be given
credit in that course.  Therefore, it is the policy of the Department that a student must complete, and hand in if applicable, all
material associated with each component of the course.  This applies equally to work that is handed in or completed too late
to earn any marks in the course, in conjunction with the policy of the course instructor on lateness.
Students who fail to meet this requirement for reasons that would make it reasonable to assign an ”incomplete” mark for the
course should consult the instructor well before on which final marks are due for the course in question.  In the absence of
an incomplete standing being assigned, the student will receive a mark of “0” and an “F” grade in the course.

Lab Exemption for Repeating Students

Students who are repeating a course may be eligible for exemption from the laboratory component of the course under
certain conditions.  Students must request the exemption from their instructor within the first week of class.  If a laboratory
exemption is approved, the student's laboratory grade from their previous course attempt will be used to calculate their
laboratory grade.  Please consult with your instructor and see the Laboratory Information Page on the Chemistry
Department webpage for details.

Deferred Exam Policy

Students who are unable to write their final exam during its designated time period must contact their instructor in advance
to request permission to write a deferred exam. The instructor will consider student requests in light of existing university
policy and either approve or deny the request. If the instructor denies the deferred exam request, students must write their
exam at the regularly scheduled time or request aegrotat standing, should their situation meet that standing’s requirements
as stipulated in the Academic Calendar.
If the student’s request for a deferred exam is approved, the student must present themselves to write the exam on the
departmental deferred exam day, typically the inclement weather day of the exam period or on an alternative date provided
by the instructor. 

Chemistry Department Laboratory Course Fee

Each course offered by the Chemistry Department which has an in-person laboratory component has a laboratory course
fee of $3.50 per semester.  This fee will be automatically charged to student accounts for each student enrolled in the

Chemistry COVID-19 Pandemic Response

All in-person course components are subject to change due to evolving provincial and university regulations.

University Policies:

Academic Integrity

Academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism and cheating, is an extremely serious academic offence and carries
penalties varying from failure on an assignment to expulsion from the University.  Definitions, penalties, and procedures for
dealing with plagiarism and cheating are set out in Trent University’s Academic Integrity Policy. You have a responsibility to
educate yourself – unfamiliarity with the policy is not an excuse. You are strongly encouraged to visit Trent’s Academic
Integrity website to learn more: 

Access to Instruction

It is Trent University's intent to create an inclusive learning environment. If a student has a disability and documentation from
a regulated health care practitioner and feels that they may need accommodations to succeed in a course, the student

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CHEM-2400H-A: Analytical Chemistry (2021FA - Peterborough Campus)

should contact the Student Accessibility Services Office (SAS) at the respective campus as soon as possible. 

Sharing and Distribution of Course Content

Students in this class should be aware that classroom activities (lecture, seminars, labs, etc.) may be recorded for teaching
and learning purposes. Any students with concerns about being recorded in a classroom context should speak with their
professor. If a student shares or distributes course content in any way that breaches copyright legislation, privacy legislation,
and/or this policy, the student will be subject to disciplinary actions under the Student Charter of Rights and Responsibilities
or the relevant Academic Integrity Policy, at a minimum, and may be subject to legal consequences that are outside of the
responsibility of the university. More details on sharing of course content are described in the policy found

Student Absenteeism, Missed Tests and Examinations

Students are responsible for completing all course requirements, including attending classes and meeting assignment
deadlines as specified on their syllabus. 

Adjustments and deferrals to dates for participation, assignment submissions, tests, midterms and final examinations are not
automatic. It is the student’s responsibility to email their instructor immediately if they are unable to fulfill academic

Courses delivered remotely may involve student participation in scheduled (synchronous) classes via web-based platforms,
such as Zoom. Students unable to participate (i.e., by video and/or audio) should email their instructors to request alternative
arrangements for participation in these scheduled (synchronous) classes.

Students are required to be available for all tests, midterms and exams that are listed in their course syllabus and scheduled
by their instructor or the Office of the Registrar. Depending on their program, the instructor or the chair/director may decide
on alternative arrangements for exams and tests. Normally a doctor’s note or supporting documentation is not required;
however, when a student’s success in the course or program is in jeopardy as determined by the instructor or chair/director,
documentation may be requested.

Specific SAS accommodations can be implemented for students registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS), but it is
the responsibility of the student to make these arrangements in advance as per SAS guidelines, and to discuss
accommodations of due dates with their instructors.

Students can notify the Office of the Registrar of their wish to observe cultural or religious holidays during scheduled
examination periods by the deadline set in the Academic Calendar. Personal travel plans are not acceptable reasons for
missing tests or exams.


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