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Crap Writing Tool

This page is designed to start you writing.

1. Set up somewhere where there aren’t distractions. Turn off your email and phone.
2. Set aside a specific amount of time eg 30 minutes.
3. Choose a topic eg something you need to write about as part of your thesis/paper or
anything at all (even not being able to write).
4. Write quickly, don’t check spellings, don’t re-read, don’t stop.
5. Turn off your inner critic. Do not evaluate as you write. If you can’t do this, turn the
page over.
6. The blank bit below is where you write!

Turbocharge Your Writing 57

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What you might be thinking

Thoughts What’s accurate

I can’t do this. I could have a go and see.

I can’t think of anything. I can write about anything.

It’ll be stupid. Maybe, but no-one has to look at it.

I feel stupid. Yes. And?

This is a waste of time. It’s better than doing nothing at all.

I should be really writing not doing This is to help me get writing.

this crap! And do I have a better plan?

Now add your own.


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