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Chapter 6

2D Elements

*slides are prepared in collaboration with Dr. S. Triantafyllou, Assistant

Professor at the University of Nottingham

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Today’s Lecture Contents

Extending to higher Dimensions

• Continuum Elements
– Plane Stress
– Plane Strain

• Structural Elements
– Plate Elements

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FE Classification

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2D vs. 3D Formulations
Three-dimensional elasticity problems are very difficult to solve. Thus we
will first develop governing equations for two-dimensional problems,
and will explore two basic theories:

- Plane Strain
- Plane Stress

Since all real elastic structures are three-dimensional, theories set forth
here will be approximate models. The nature and accuracy of the
approximation will depend on problem and loading geometry
The basic theories of plane strain and plane stress represent the fundamental
plane problem in elasticity. While these two theories apply to significantly
different types of two-dimensional bodies, their formulations yield very
similar field equations.

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Plane Strain
Consider an infinitely long cylindrical (prismatic) body as shown. If the body
forces and tractions on lateral boundaries are independent of the z-coordinate
and have no z-component, then the deformation field can be taken in the
reduced form


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Examples of Plane Strain



Long Cylinders Semi-Infinite Regions Under

Under Uniform Loading Uniform Loadings

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Plane Strain Equations

Strains vs. Stresses Strain Displacement Relations

σ x = λ (ex + e y ) + 2µex , σ y = λ (ex + e y ) + 2µe y ∂u ∂v 1  ∂u ∂v 

ex = , ey = , exy =  + 
σ z = λ (ex + e y ) = ν (σ x + σ y ) ∂x ∂y 2  ∂y ∂x 
τ xy = 2 µexy , τ xz = τ yz = 0 ez = e yz = exz = 0

Equilibrium Equations Strain Compatibility

∂σ x ∂τ xy ∂ 2 ex ∂ e y
∂ 2 exy
+ + Fx = 0 + 2 =2
∂x ∂y ∂y 2 ∂x ∂x∂y
∂τ xy ∂σ y
+ + Fy = 0
∂x ∂y

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Plane Stress
Consider a where one dimension, eg. along z, is small in comparison to the
other dimensions in the problem. Since the region is thin in the z-direction,
there can be little variation in the stress components
σ z , τ xz , τ yzthrough the thickness, and thus they will be approximately zero
throughout the entire domain. Finally, since the region is thin in the z-
direction it can be argued that the other non-zero stresses will have little
variation with z. Under these assumptions, the stress field can be taken as

σ x = σ x ( x, y ) 2h
σ y = σ y ( x, y )
τ xy = τ xy ( x, y )
σ z = τ xz = τ yz = 0

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Examples of Plane Stress Problems

Thin Plate With

Central Hole

Circular Plate Under

Edge Loadings
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Plane Stress Equations

Strains vs. Stresses Strain Displacement Relations
ex =
1 1
(σ x − νσ y ) , e y = (σ y − νσ x ) ∂u ∂v ∂w 1  ∂u ∂v 
E E ex = , ey = , ez = , exy =  + 
∂x ∂y ∂z 2  ∂y ∂x 
ν ν
e z = − (σ x + σ y ) = − (e x + e y ) 1  ∂v ∂w  1  ∂u ∂w 
E 1− ν e yz =  +  = 0 , exz =  + =0
2  ∂z ∂y  2  ∂z ∂x 
1+ ν
exy = τ xy , exz = e yz = 0

Equilibrium Equations Strain Compatibility

∂ 2 ex ∂ e y ∂ 2 e xy
∂σ x ∂τ xy + =2
+ + Fx = 0
∂x ∂y ∂y 2
∂x 2
∂τ xy ∂σ y
+ + Fy = 0
∂x ∂y

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Plane Stress/ Strain Elasticity

 Plane Strain
Stress Tensor

Strain Tensor

Constitutive Matrix

Premise 1:
Premise 2: Loads are applied only within the plane
Premise 3: The applied loads are independent of z
Premise 4: No load is applied on the boundary surfaces normal to the
Premise 5: The edge surfaces are rigid

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Plane Stress/ Strain Elasticity

 Plane Stress
Stress Tensor

Strain Tensor

Constitutive Matrix

Premise 1:
Premise 2: Loads are applied only within the plane
Premise 3: The applied loads are independent of
Premise 4: No load is applied on the boundary surfaces normal to the

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What are the types of Finite Elements used

in plane stress/strain formulations?

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The CST Element

Constant Strain Triangle 3
The Constant Strain Triangle
element is historically the first
finite element ever used in
engineering practice (Argyris,
1960, Turner, 1956) for the
1 2 evaluation of stress distribution
in wing panels.

We number the nodes in counter-clockwise order. In

this way, the normal vector to the 123 surface will
point towards the positive z axis and the resulting
area of the triangle will be a positive quantity.
 Plane Element
i. The displacement field varies within the x-y plane

 Constant strain field

i. The strain does not vary within the element
 Elastic Material Behaviour
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The CST Element

Remember that the deformation is the first

derivative of the displacement field Compatibility equations in
the 2D plane

The displacement field has to be a

linear function of

Therefore if we ask for the

strain field to be constant

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The CST Element

1 2

Therefore, the following “candidate” displacement field approximation is


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The CST Element

Therefore the shape functions of the CST element are readily derived as

where the shape function matrix assumes the following form


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CST Shape Functions

and if we plot these shape functions over the surface of the element:

1 3


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The Q4 Element

 The CST element is fairly accurate within zones of small variation of

stresses. However a fine mesh is required in every other case in
order for FEA to converge to an accurate solution.

 As already discussed during the Galerkin lectures, the FEA solution

is refined either by increasing the number of finite elements or by
increasing the order of the interpolating (test) functions used in the
FE formulation. Thus, there is a trade-off between required mesh-
size and interpolation complexity for the same degree of accuracy.

 Based on that rationale, the Quadrilateral 4-node (Q4) finite element

was introduced in an effort to effectively model the stress variations
of plane elasticity problems.

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The Q4 Element
 Formulation Assumptions

4 3

1 2

 Plane Element
i. The displacement field varies only within the x-y plane

 Elastic Material Behaviour

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The Q4 Element
 Formulation Assumptions

4 3

1 2

We number the nodes in counter-clockwise order. In

this way, the normal vector to the 1234 surface will
point towards the positive axis and the resulting
area of the triangle will be a positive quantity.
 Plane Element
i. The displacement field varies only within the x-y plane

 Elastic Material Behaviour

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The Q4 Element
 Formulation Assumptions

4 3

1 2

The following bilinear “candidate” displacement field approximation is considered:

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The Q4 Element

4 3
The formulation is indifferent to the
coordinate system.

So why not make things easier?

1 2
The following bilinear “candidate” displacement field approximation is considered:

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The Q4 Element
The arbitrary nodal displacement values are introduced at the r.h.s. of the
interpolation equation:

Exactly the same procedure as in the CST element!

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The Q4 Element
Following the standard procedure, the arbitrary nodal displacement values are
introduced at the r.h.s. of the interpolation equation:

Therefore the Shape Function Matrix is derived form the following:

Shape Functions

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The Q4 Element

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The Q4 Element
The compatibility relations are again expressed in matrix form

and therefore by substituting the interpolation equation into the r.h.s.

where now

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Q4 Stiffness Matrix
The stiffness matrix is derived as

and given that the element is rectangular

/2 /2

x = −a / 2 /2

and if the thickness is constant

/2 /2

x = −a / 2 /2

The evaluation of the stiffness matrix can be performed analytically.

Integration involves only linear expressions of and

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Consistent nodal force vector

Consider the case of distributed loading along the element’s 12 side

External Work due to

4 3 surface tractions

Equivalent nodal vector

due to a traction load

1 2 In this case

For example, the component along the 12 side is

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Consistent nodal force vector

Consider the case of distributed loading along the element’s 12 side

External Work due to

4 3 surface tractions

Equivalent nodal vector

due to a traction load

1 2 In this case

In matrix form

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Consistent nodal force vector

Consider the case of distributed loading along the element’s 12 side

External Work due to

4 3 surface tractions

Equivalent nodal vector

due to a traction load

1 2 In this case

Consistent Load Vector

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Taxonomy of Finite Elements

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The Euler/Bernoulli beam theory


 Uniaxial Element But what happens if

i. The longitudinal direction is sufficiently larger than the two dimensions are
other two sufficiently larger
 Prismatic Element that the third one?
i. The cross-section of the element does not change along the
element’s length
 Euler/ Bernoulli assumption
i. Upon deformation, plane sections remain plane AND
perpendicular to the beam axis
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The plate problem

• The slab thickness is sufficiently
smaller that the two leading

• Consequently, the three

dimensional problem is reduced
to a two-dimensional one and
the plate problem is examined at
the mid-surface.

• If the thickness of the slab is

then the mid-surface is located at
a distance from each lateral

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The plate problem

Two possible loading states

Case 1: Loads applied within the plane Case 2: Loads applied

perpendicular to the mid-surface

Plane stress (or

membrane) problem

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The plate problem

Two possible loading states

Case 1: Loads applied within the plane Case 2: Loads applied

perpendicular to the mid-surface

Plane stress (or

membrane) problem

i. Plate theory is only concerned with the response of the body due to bending loads

ii. The combined response under membrane and bending conditions of plane (or curved)
surfaces is treated under the framework of shell theory
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Plate Theories

thick thin very thin

L/t 5-10 5-100 >100

transverese no transverse
characteristics shear shear
deformations deformations

Plate theory Kirchhoff Von Karman

Beam Theory Timoshenko Euler, Bernoulli

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

• The plate is thin in the sense that the thickness
is small compared to the leading dimensions,
but not so thin that the lateral deflection
becomes comparable to .

• The plate thickness is either uniform or varies

slowly so that three-dimensional stress effects
are ignored. Gustav Robert Kirchhoff

• The plate is symmetric in fabrication about the


• Applied transverse loads are distributed over

plate surface areas of dimension or greater.

• The support conditions are such that no

significant extension of the mid-surface
develops. Augustus Edward Hough Love

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory


From (i), since is very small, the variation of

with respect to z can be neglected. Therefore:

Additionally, the following kinematic assumption is

Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
“Planes perpendicular to the mid-surface will
remain plane and perpendicular to the deformed

This is the two-dimensional

equivalent of the Euler-
Bernoulli kinematic
assumption for beams!!
Augustus Edward Hough Love

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Remember in the one-dimensional beam problem...

Point A displacement
(that’s because the section remains plane)

(that’s because the plane remains

perpendicular to the neutral axis)

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Similarly in the two-dimensional plate problem – Bending with respect to axis

Positive rotation with

respect to results in
positive displacements

Point A displacement
(that’s because the section remains plane)

(that’s because the plane remains

perpendicular to the neutral axis)

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Similarly in the two-dimensional plate problem – Bending with respect to axis

Positive rotation with

respect to results in
negative displacements

Point A horizontaldisplacement
(that’s because the section remains plane)

(that’s because the plane remains

perpendicular to the neutral axis)

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Compatibility Relations (Strain-Displacement)

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Stress-strain relations (Considering elastic isotropic material)


1st Remark
The constitutive relation results when we substitute the zero deformation terms
(derived in the previous slide) to the three-dimensional elastic stress-strain
relations. The derived relation is identical to the plane-strain case. Thus,
according to the Kirchhoff-Love assumptions, every infinitesimal particle within
the plate is in a plane-strain condition

2nd Remark
An immediate consequence is that the shear stress components and vanish

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Stress-strain relations (Considering elastic isotropic material)


Substituting for the strain components with respect to the displacement

As expected, all the stress

components are linear functions of

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Stress Resultants

Since the normal stress distribution is not uniform

they give rise to a moment vector (created from the
couple of tension and compression forces.

Since the shear stress distribution is not uniform

they also give rise to a moment vector (created
from the couple of tension and compression forces.

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Stress Resultants

However, are not the only stress-resultants. For these moments to

be in equilibrium, a pair of shear forces must exist. Considering an infinitesimal
mid-surface element the positive moments are defined as:

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Stress Resultants
Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

If a distributed load is applied onto the element, equilibrium with respect to the
vertical axis z results in:

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Stress Resultants
Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Similarly, the following equations are derived, considering moment equilibrium

with respect to axes

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Differential Form with respect to

Substituting the stress-displacement relations (I) into the definition of the moment
components the following relations are derived

the bending rigidity of the plate

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

Square simply supported plate subject to uniform distributed loading

bending in both directions

pay attention to the way the

corner regions deform….

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

This is the effect of the twisting moment
and this is why specifications make
sure that an additional amount of
reinforcement is provided for
corner areas of slabs

bending in both directions

darker areas denote larger

values of twisting moments

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Kirchhoff-Love Plate Theory

The Kirchhoff-Love plate theory
• extends the Euler/Bernoulli beam assumptions to the two-dimensional
• Based on that, every significant measure of rotation, force, moment is
evaluated with respect to the vertical deflection


The main kinematic assumption is that “Plane surfaces remain plane and
perpendicular to the mid-surface of the plate”.

General Remarks

The Kirchhoff-Love theory predicts a zero distribution of shear stresses

along the z direction. Thus, it can only be applied in problems where the
variation of such stresses is expected to be small and their mean value
does not deviate from 0. Such can be considered the case of thin plates.

Method of Finite Elements I


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