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Final Radio Script

(Opening theme)

Jake Briggs (Jacob Briggs): Good morning listeners, welcome to Panache FM. This is Jacob

James Vivian: And James Vivian, howdy.

Jacob Briggs: and this is the 11am news bulletin.


A twenty-one year old female has been jailed for 2 years after an attack involving a stiletto
on a young mother leaving the mother scarred for life. Jessica Lamming downed 6 alco-pops
before attacking Charlotte Pilkings outside the OFS club on George Street in the early hours
of May 8th this year. Lamming, who was training to be a nurse, became tearful in court and
the judge was quoted as “being regretful of ruining her career prospects”. Despite the drink
Lamming was understood to be sober when she unleashed the attack which left Miss Pilkings
requiring 25 external stitches and 24 internal stitches in a deep facial wound.

James Vivian: A 16 year teenager has been stabbed multiple times in the butt; two men
jumped out of a silver Aston Martin outside blackbird leys community centre around 8:15pm
on Wednesday and attacked him as he walked home. The motive behind the attack is
understood to be involved with drugs, any information should be reported to Thames Valley
Police on 08458 505505, that’s 08458 505505.

Jacob Briggs: Oxford City Council have made plans to close Temple Cowley Pools and fund
the construction of a new pool in Blackbird Leys, a campaign to save the pool has been set
up and a protest arranged on the 28 th March. For more information please visit

Jacob Briggs: On a lighter note James went to the home of an elderly resident in Didcot
earlier this week.

James Vivian: It was really quite something.

(Pre-recorded Interview)

Waiting upstairs is Dorothy Holmes on the morning of her 110 th birthday, we first met her
after her 109th birthday, she was so sick of getting the same card from the queen each year
she wrote to us. And you can guess what happened then.

James Vivian: What didn’t you like about them?

Dorothy Holmes: Her dress, yellow, everyone the same, every year

James Vivian: Got a bit fed up with it?

Dorothy Holmes: Yeah

James Vivian: Happy 110th birthday from her majesty

Dorothy Holmes: thank you

(Sound of card opening)

Dorothy Holmes: ow look, look, it’s blue

James Vivian: it’s blue

Dorothy Holmes: that’s lovely. Oh yes that’ll do. That’ll do.

James Vivian: You prefer that one?

Dorothy Holmes: Yes

James Vivian: Fabulous

(Back to present in studio)

Jacob Briggs: Guaranteed smiles there. Now in national news; the exact figures for the MPs
expenses claims have been revealed. For full details visit

Prince Harry has been found to be visiting dominatrix prostitutes during his relationship with
Chelsy Davy, he was said to have been pictured leaving a well known brothel on the outskirts
of Grimsby. His chauffeur has said that the allegations are true; however Prince Harry’s
spokesman has refused to comment.

Now over to Adam Webster for all the latest sport news – Sponsored by Hartwells, Oxford

(Brief Jingle)

Adam Webster: Thanks Jacob. Afternoon listeners.

Oxford have signed Barnsley striker Onome Sodje on loan. The U’s will play premier league
highfliers Sunderland in the FA Cup if they beat fellow non-leaguers Barrow in the away
replay following yesterdays one all draw.

Oxford University saw their final fixture before the Nomura Varsity Match cancelled due to a
waterlogged pitch.

Wigan have agreed to refund all fans after their 9-1 home hammering at the hands of Spurs
at the weekend. In which Jermaine Defoe grabbed the headlines by scoring five goals.

In rugby union Jonny Wilkinson will win his first cap for 18 months while Steve Thompson
also returns to the England side to face Australia. He said he “hopes to add some experience
to a young England side”
Jacob Briggs: I heard Tiger Woods might be returning to golf pretty soon after his recent
affair scandal settled in the dust and he finished his time in a sex addict clinic, what do you
think about that then?

Adam Webster: It’s a definite for me, after all that publicity you’d think Tiger would want to
keep it quiet for a while until he gains a bit more of a respected status, however it’s been
reported that his manager has said “expect to see tiger in early 2010”. Maybe golf is about
to be resurrected to reclaim its title of the UK’s favourite sport.

Jake Briggs: Well I’m not so sure about that but I’d genuinely have to agree about his
comeback. We asked the people of Oxford what they thought about the whole Tiger Woods
scandal. Let’s hear what they said.

(Vox Pop) Yes/ no.

Adam Webster: There you have it, now to Mrs Wang with the local weather brought to you
by Johnson’s Build base

(Brief Jingle)

Mrs Wang (Aaron Burton): Hallo, welcome to the weather song (start twinkle, twinkle little
star instrumental) Monday rainy, windy too, Tuesday damp yet beautiful. Wednesdays
sunny but still real cold, Thursday same as Wednesday. On Friday sun and rain tooooo.
Sponsored by Simon’s Fish and Chips and, over to traffic with James.

(Brief Jingle)

James Vivian: There is temporary traffic lights and electricity work at the junction between
Reading Road and Wantage Road in Harwell, Didcot.

On the A40 there are narrow lanes and a speed restriction to 30 mph on Wolvercote Viaduct
both ways between Wolvercote Roundabout and Cassington, in Wolvercote, Oxford. Thanks
to Jeff from Wolvercote.

for that one.

A415 Oxfordshire Resurfacing work and restrictions on High Street at Bridge Street, in
Abingdon. That’s all from traffic today. Thanks to everyone for ringing in and remember if
you have traffic news from the county, please do give Panache a dial on 01865 86500 or
drop us a text on 07513883838

Jacob Briggs: Thanks James and to all the guys. That’s all from us here in the newsroom. I’ll
leave you in the hands of Music guru Elliot Vanderhyde who will be playing non-stop
tunes for the next 1 hour and a quarter.

(Closing Jingle)

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