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Week 8

The eighth week of my internship started out where it left off last week. Every day except

for Tuesday I was able to help train the students that were interested in basketball tryouts that

were coming up. Each day we focused on drill skills, layups, free throws, and dribbling. Each

day I could tell that the students were developing these skills well. It felt accomplishing because

I was able to teach things that I have learned well enough to teach others, and it seemed to be

working. I feel as though this cemented the fact that I would like to pursue the coaching track

post-graduation. Tuesday, we were able to go to the weight room and track. Most students ran

the mile while the older students were able to work on the weights. Most of the students that use

the weights know how to do so properly, but some require a little attention in order to ensure that

they do not hurt themselves. Wednesday and Thursday, I was also able to have coaches’

meetings with Coach Dennis again. We talked about what else we could do to further the

student’s skills that were wanting to try out for basketball. This past Thursday my 12:30 class

was cancelled so I was able to stay longer in the day and the students that do not normally see me

on Tuesdays and Thursdays were intrigued as to why I was their rather than in class. It was cool

to see that they are interested in what I do outside of coaching them and ready to tell me not to

skip class.
Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, October 4 7:30am 2:30pm 7.00

Tuesday, October 5 7:30am 12:00pm 4.50

Wednesday, October 6 7:30am 2:30pm 7.00

Thursday, October 7 7:30am 2:30pm 7.00

Friday, October 8 7:30am 2:30pm 7.00

OUT OF OFFICE: Wednesday, 2:30pm Wednesday, 4:00pm 3.00

Coaches Meetings Thursday, 2:30pm Thursday, 4:00pm

Total Weekly Hours: 35.50

Total Hours to Date: 244.50

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