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Week 11

Our eleventh week was nice for me as I recovered from my previous week of doctor visits and

time spent in the hospital. Monday, we decided to get ahold of our team sport for the week which

was volleyball. The students always seem to enjoy this activity so we chose to go with this one

because we knew what was to come in days that followed. Tuesday through Thursday we

focused on our Cadet exercises in preparation for our Cadet tests the following week. These tests

are much like that of the Presidential Fitness tests or the Pacer test. Students will go through

exercises such as their mile times, pull-ups, push-ups, long reach, and multiple jump tests in

order to see where they rank in middle school student rankings across the nation. Friday, as

always, we had our free day Friday. I was able to step back onto the court and play basketball

with some of the students who had asked for me to participate the previous week, and I felt good

while I was participating. On Tuesday and Thursday this week I was able to go back to GMC

after my class (which I had not realized was cancelled Tuesday) in order to log some more hours,

but also get ahead and on top of what to expect next week out my students. I also made plans

with Coach Courson to finish my data collection for my final project and I am looking forward to

seeing what these results bring.

Day Time In Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, October 25 7:30am 2:30pm 7.00

Tuesday, October 26 7:30am 12:00pm 4.50

Wednesday, October 27 7:30am 2:30pm 7.00
Thursday, October 28 7:30am 12:00pm 4.50
Friday, October 29 7:30am 2:30pm 7.00

OUT OF OFFICE: Tuesday 2:00pm Tuesday 3:30pm 3.00

Coaches Meetings Thursday 2:00pm Thursday 3:30pm

Total Weekly Hours: 33.00

Total Hours to Date: 307.50

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