Aieee Papers

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c c


        !" #

#$# A solution containing 2.675 g of CoCl3.6NH3 (molar mass = 267.5 g mol-1) is passed through a cation exchanger.
The chloride ions obtained in solution were treated with excess of AgNO3 to give 4.78 g of AgCl (molar mass = 143.5
g mol ). The formula of the complex is (Atomic mass of Ag = 108 u)

1. [Co(NH3)6]Cl3
2. [CoCl2(NH3)4]Cl
3. [CoCl3(NH3)3]
4. [CoCl(NH3)5]Cl2


Number of moles of the complex

Number of moles of AgCl formed

Number of moles of AgCl formed = 3 × Number of moles of the complex
The formula of the complex is [Co(NH3)6]Cl3

% $

-4 3 3
#&# If 10 dm of water is introduced into 1.0 dm flask at 300 K, how many moles of water are in the vapour phase
when equilibrium is established? (Given: Vapour pressure of H2O at 300 K is 3170 Pa ; R = 8.314 JK-1 mol-1)

1. 5.56 × 10-3mol
2. 1.53 × 10 mol
3. 4.46 × 10 mol
4. 1.27 × 10 mol


-4 3 3
The volume occupied by water molecules in vapour phase is (1 ± 10 ) dm , that is approximately 1 dm .

#'#The time for half life period of a certain reaction A Products is 1 hsour. When the initial concentration of the
reactant µA¶, is 2.0 mol L , how much time does it take for its concentration to come from 0.50 to 0.25 mol L-1 if it is a

zero order reaction?

1. 4h
2. 0.5 h
3. 0.25 h
4. 1h


% '

#(# The standard enthalpy of formation of NH3 is ± 46.0 kJ mol . If the enthalpy of formation of H2 from its atoms is
-1 -1
± 436 kJ mol and that of N2 is ± 712 kJ mol , the average bond enthalpy of N±H bond in NH3 is

1. ± 964 kJ mol-1
2. + 352 kJ mol
3. + 1056 kJ mol-1
4. ± 1102 kJ mol


#)# If sodium sulphate is considered to be completely dissociated into cations and anions in aqueous solution, the
change in freezing point of water (kf = 1.86 K kgmol-1), when 0.01 mol of sodium sulphate is dissolved in 1 kg of
water, is (Kf = 1.86 K kg mol )

1. 0.0372 K
2. 0.0558 K
3. 0.0744 K
4. 0.0186 K


% &

#*#In the chemical reactions,

The compounds µA¶ and µB¶ respectively are

1. nitrobenzene and fluorobenzene.

2. phenol and benzene.
3. benzene diazonium chloride and fluorobenzene.
4. nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene.


#+# The energy required to break one mole of Cl±Cl bonds in Cl3 is 242 kJ mol . The longest wavelength of light

capable of breaking a single Cl±Cl bond is

1. 594 nm
2. 640 nm
3. 700 nm
4. 494 nm

% (

#,# Which one of the following has an optical isomer?

1. [Zn(en)(NH3)2]
2. [Co(en)3]
3. [Co(H2O)4(en)]3+
4. [Zn(en)4]2+ (en = ethylenediamine)


Square planar complexes of Zn cannot show optical isomerism. So, options (1) and (4) are ruled out.

will have two planes of symmetry, so it is optically inactive. Thus optically active compound is

as it has no plane of symmetry.

#-# The main product of the following reaction is.






Trans isomer is more stable than cis isomer, so it is formed as the major product.

% $

#$.# The edge length of a face centred cubic cell of an ionic substance is 508 pm. If the radius of the cation is 110
pm, the radius of the anion is.

1. 288 pm
2. 398 pm
3. 618 pm
4. 144 pm


(a) If it is a NaCl type lattice,

(b)Ifit is ZnS typelattice,

#$$# Solubility product of silver bromide is . The quantity of potassium bromide (molar mass taken as
120 g mol ) to be added to 1 litre of 0.05 M solution of silver nitrate to start the precipitation of AgBr is.



% &

2 -11 2+
#$&# At 25°C, the solubility product of Mg(OH) is 1.0 × 10 . At which pH, will Mg ions start precipitating in the
form of Mg(OH)2from a solution of 0.001 M Mg2+ ions?

1. 9
2. 10
3. 11
4. 8

#$'# Out of the following, the alkene that exhibits optical isomerism is

1. 3-methyl-2-pentene
2. 4-methyl-1-pentene
3. 3-methyl-1-pentene
4. 2-methyl-2-pentene

 .: Only 3-methyl-1-pentene has a chiral carbon atom, responsible for its optical rotation.

% '

#$(# The correct order of values with negative sign for the four successive elements Cr, Mn, Fe and Co is.

1. Mn > Cr > Fe > Co

2. Cr > Fe > Mn > Co
3. Fe > Mn > Cr > Co
4. Cr > Mn > Fe > Co o


The value of for given metal ions are}

The correct order of values without considering negative sign would be .

#$)# For a particular reversible reaction at temperature T, were found to be both +ve. If Te is the
temperature at equilibrium, the reaction would be spontaneous when .


% &

#$*#Biuret test is O given by

(1) carbohydrates
(2) polypeptides
(3) urea
(4) proteins


Polypeptides, proteins and urea have (peptide) linkage while carbohydrates have glycosidic linkages.
So, test of carbohydrates should be different from that of other three. Biuret test produces violet colour on addition of
dilute CuSO4 to alkaline solution of a compound containing peptide linkage.

% $

#$+#The polymer containing strong intermolcular forces e.g. hydrogen boding, is

1. teflon
2. nylon 6,6
3. polystyrene
4. natural rubber


Nylon 6,6 has amide linkages capable of forming hydrogen bonding.

% &

#$,#The correct order of increasing basicity of the given conjugate bases (R = CH3) is
4. sss


The order of acidity among

The order of basicity of their conjugate bases is.

% (

#$-# Three reactions involving are given below:




In which of the above does act as an acid?

1. (ii) only
2. (i) and (ii)
3. (iii) only
4. (i) only


Only in (ii) reaction is giving a proton, so it is acting as an acid.

% $

#&.# On mixing, heptane and octane form an ideal solution. At 373 K, the vapour pressures of the two liquid
components (heptane and octane) are 105 kPa and 45 kPa respectively. Vapour pressure of the solution obtained by
mixing 25.0 g of heptane and 35 g of octane will be (molar mass of heptane = 100 g mol- 1 and of octane = 114 g mol-

1. 72.0 kPa
2. 36.1 kPa
3. 96.2 kPa
4. 144.5 kPa


#&$# The correct sequence which shows decreasing order of the ionic radii of the elements is



are isolectronic species having 10 electrons each. Cation having positive

charge is smallest in size and the anion with high negative charge is largest in size.

% (

#&&# Percentages of free space in cubic close packed structure and in body centered packed structure are

1. 30% and 26%

2. 26% and 32%
3. 32% and 48%
4. 48% and 26%


Packing efficiency of CCP and BCC structures are 74% and 68% respectively, so the % of free space in CCP and
BCC are 26% and 32% respectively.
% &

#&'# In aqueous solution the ionization constants for carbonic acid are

Select the correct statement for a saturated 0.034 M solution of the carbonic acid.

1. The concentration of is 0.034 M.

2. The concentration of is greater than that of

3. The concentrations of and are approximately equal.

4. The concentration of is double that of .


The concentration cannot be 0.034 as H2CO3 and are weak acids. dissociates very little in

second step, such that . Concentration of

% '

#&(# The Gibbs energy for the decomposition of Al2O3 at 500°C is as follows:

The potential difference needed for electrolytic reduction of Al2O3 at 500°C is at least.

1. 4.5 V
2. 3.0 V
3. 2.5 V
4. 5.0 V

% '

#&)# Consider the following bromides:

The correct order of SN1 reactivity is.

1. B>C>A
2. B>A>C
3. C>B>A
4. A>B>C


More stable the carbocation, more is the rate of SN1 reaction. Thus, the order of SN1 reactivity is (B) > (C) > (A)
% $

-18 -1 2+
#&*# Ionisation energy of He+ is 19.6 × 10 Jatom . The energy of the first stationary state (n = 1) of Li is.



% &

#&+# From amongst the following alcohols the one that would react fastest with conc. HCl and anhydrous ZnCl2, is

1. 2-Butanol
2. 2-Methylpropan-2-ol
3. 2-Methylpropanol
4. 1-Butanol


2-Methylpropan-2-ol reacts fastest with HCl and anhydrous ZnCl2 as it proceeds through the formation of stable
tertiary carbocation.

% &
#&,# 29.5 mg of an organic compound containing nitrogen was digested according to Kjeldahl¶s method and the
evolved ammonia was absorbed in 20 mL of 0.1 M HCl solution. The excess of the acid required 15 mL of 0.1 M
NaOH solution for complete neutralization. The percentage of nitrogen in the compound is

1. 59.0
2. 47.4
3. 23.7
4. 29.5


Mass of organic compound

Initial moles of HCl taken

Moles of NaOH reacted with excess of HCl

Moles of excess of HCl

Moles of HCl that reacted with

Moles of NH3 absorbed

Moles of N in NH3

Mass of N in organic compound

% '

#&-# Consider the reaction:

The rate equation for this reaction is s

Rate = k[Cl2] [H2S]
Which of these mechanisms is/are consistent with this rate equation?



1. (B) only
2. Both (A) and (B)
3. Neither (A) nor (B)
4. (A) only

  According to mechanism (A) the rate law expression is

% (

#'.#One mole of a symmetrical alkene on ozonolysis gives two moles of an aldehyde having a molecular mass of
44 u. The alkene is.

1. propene
2. 1-butene
3. 2-butene
4. ethene


Molecular mass of CH3CHO is 44 u.


#$# A rectangular loop has a sliding connector PQ of length l and resistance and it is moving with a speed v

as shown. The set-up is placed in a uniform magnetic field going into the and I are 




induced across and the equivalent circuit becomes as shown in the figure


#&# A particles is moving with velocity , where K is a constant. The general equation for its path is



% (

Directions: Questions number 33-34 contain Statement-1 and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the
statements, choose the one that best describes t the two statements.
#'#     /$ Two particles moving in the same direction do not lose all their energy in a completely inelastic

    /& Principle of conservation of momentum holds true for all kinds of collisions.

1. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is the correct explanation of Statement-1

2. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is not the correct explanation of Statement-1.
3. Statement ±1 is false, Statement- 2 is true
4. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is false


By conservation of momentum, magnitude of momentum can not become zero.

So kinetic energy can not be lost completely

% $

#(#     /$ When ultraviolet light is incident on a photocell, its stopping potential is V0 and the maximum
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is Kmax. When the ultraviolet light is replaced by X-rays, both V0 and Kmax

    /& Photoelectrons are emitted with speeds ranging from zero to a maximum value because of the
range of frequencies present in the incident light.

1. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is the correct explanation of Statement-1.

2. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is not the correct explanation of Statement-1.
3. Statement ±1 is false, Statement- 2 is true
4. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is false


#&# A particles is moving with velocity , where K is a constant. The general equation for its path is



% (

Directions: Questions number 33-34 contain Statement-1 and Statement-2. Of the four choices given after the
statements, choose the one that best describes t the two statements.

#'#     /$ Two particles moving in the same direction do not lose all their energy in a completely inelastic

    /& Principle of conservation of momentum holds true for all kinds of collisions.

1. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is the correct explanation of Statement-1

2. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is not the correct explanation of Statement-1.
3. Statement ±1 is false, Statement- 2 is true
4. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is false


By conservation of momentum, magnitude of momentum can not become zero.

So kinetic energy can not be lost completely

% $

#(#     /$ When ultraviolet light is incident on a photocell, its stopping potential is V0 and the maximum
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is Kmax. When the ultraviolet light is replaced by X-rays, both V0 and Kmax

    /& Photoelectrons are emitted with speeds ranging from zero to a maximum value because of the
range of frequencies present in the incident light.

1. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is the correct explanation of Statement-1.

2. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is not the correct explanation of Statement-1.
3. Statement ±1 is false, Statement- 2 is true
4. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is false


#+# In the circuit shown, the key K is closed at t = 0. The current through the battery is





At time t = 0 equivalent circuit becomes

At time t =

% &

#,# Two long parallel wires are at a distance 2d apart. They carry steady equal currents flowing out of the plane of
the paper as shown. The variation of the magnetic field B along the line XX¶ is given by






As the direction and magnitude of current is same in both the wires B is zero at mid of line joining wire 1 and 2
Just right of wire 1, B > 0
Just left of wire 1, B < 0
Just right of wire 2, B > 0
Just left of wire 2, B < 0
% $

#-#Two fixed frictionless inclined planes making an angle 30º and 60º with the vertical are shown in the figure. Two
blocks A and B are placed on the two planes. What is the relative vertical acceleration of A with respect to B?

1. in horizontal direction

2. in vertical direction
3. Zero

4. in vertical direction


The required relative acceleration,

% (

#$.# The figure shows the position-time (x ± t) graph of one-dimensional motion of a body of mass 0.4 kg. The

magnitude of each impulse is

1. 0.4 Ns
2. 0.8 Ns
3. 1.6 Ns
4. 0.2 Ns


The velocity-time (v-t) curve of body will be, Impulse = 0.4 x [1 ± (±1)] = 0.8 Ns

% &

#$$# The combination of gates shown below yields

1. OR gate
2. NOT gate
3. XOR gate
4. NAND gate


% $

#$&# A radioactive nucleus (initial mass number A and atomic number Z) emits 3- particles and 2 positrons. The
ratio of number of neutrons to that of protons in the final nucleus will be






Number of protons = Z ± 8

Number of neutrons = A ± 12 ± (Z ± 8) = A ± Z ± 4


% &

#$'# A thin semi-circular ring of radius r has a positive charge q distributed uniformly over it. The net field at the
centre O is





Electric field intensity due to uniformly charged circular arc subtending angle at its centre is

% '

#$(# The speed of daughter nuclei is





As the energy released

% &

#$)# A diatomic ideal gas is used in a Carnot engine as the working substance. If during the adiabatic expansion
part of the cycle the volume of the gas increases from V to 32 V, the efficiency of the engine is

1. 0.5
2. 0.75
3. 0.99
4. 0.25


% &

#$*# If a source of power 4 kW produces photons/second, the radiation belongs to a part of the spectrum

1. X-rays
2. ultraviolet rays
3. microwaves
4. -rays


% $

#$+# The respective number of significant figures for the numbers 23.023, 0.0003 and are

1. 5, 1, 2
2. 5, 1, 5
3. 5, 5, 2
4. 4, 4, 2
% $

#$,#A small particle of mass m is projected at an angle with the x-axis with an initial velocity in the x-y plane
as shown in the figure. At a time






The position vector and velocity vector of projectile at any time t is given as


Angular momentum of the particle about origin

% '
#$-# The equation of a wave on a string of linear mass density 0‡04kg is given by

The tension in the string is

1. 4.0 N
2. 12.5 N
3. 0.5 N
4. 6.25 N


% (

#$,#A small particle of mass m is projected at an angle with the x-axis with an initial velocity in the x-y plane
as shown in the figure. At a time





The position vector and velocity vector of projectile at any time t is given as


Angular momentum of the particle about origin

% '

#$-# The equation of a wave on a string of linear mass density 0‡04kg is given by

The tension in the string is

1. 4.0 N
2. 12.5 N
3. 0.5 N
4. 6.25 N


% (

#&$#Two identical charged spheres are suspended by strings of equal lengths. The strings make an angle of 30º
with each other. When suspended in a liquid of density 0‡8 g , the angle remains the same. If density of the
material of the sphere is 1‡6 g , the dielectric constant of the liquid is

1. 4
2. 3
3. 2
4. 1


In air,
% '

#&&#Two conductors have the same resistance at 0 ºC but their temperature coefficients of resistance are

. The respective temperature coefficients of their series and parallel combinations are nearly





% (

#&'# A point P moves in counter-clockwise direction on a circular path as shown in the figure. The movement of µP¶
is such that it sweeps out a length , where s is in metres and t is in seconds. The radius of the path is 20
m. The acceleration of µP¶ when is nearly

1. 13
2. 12
3. 7‡2
4. 14


% (

Directions: Questions number 40-41 are based on the following paragraph.

A nucleus of mass M + m is at rest and decays into two daughter nuclei of equal mass each. Speed of light is

#&(# The binding energy per nucleon for the parent nucleus is E1 and that for the daughter nuclei is E2. Then

1. E2 = 2E1
2. E1 > E2
3. E2 > E1
4. E1 = 2E2


Since, mass of daughter nuclei < Mass of parent nucleus

energy is released B.E

per nucleon for products is greater than B.E. per nucleon for the parent nucleus

% '
#&)# For a particle in uniform circular motion, the acceleration at a point on the circle of radius R is
(Here is measured from the x-axis)







% '

Directions: Questions number 56 ± 58 are based on the following paragraph. An intially parallel cylindrical beam

travels in a medium of refractive index where and are positive constants and I is the
intensity of the light beam. The intensity of the beam is decreasing with increasing radius

#&*#As the beam enters the medium, it will

1. diverge
2. converge
3. diverge near the axis and converge near the periphery
4. travel as a cylindrical beam


! 0 11 

% &

#&+# The initial shape of the wavefront of the beam is

1. convex
2. concave
3. convex near the axis and concave near the periphery
4. planar

% (

#&,#The speed of light in the medium is

1. minimum on the axis of the beam

2. the same everywhere in the beam
3. directly proportional to the intensity I
4. maximum on the axis of the beam


Refractive index is maximum at axis. Therefore speed of light at axis will be minimum.

% $

#&-# In a series LCR circuit and the voltage and the frequency of the main supply is 220 V and 50 Hz
respectively. On taking out the capacitance from the circuit the current lags behind the voltage by 30º. On taking out
the inductor from the circuit the current leads the voltage by 30º. The power dissipated in the LCR circuit is

1. 305 W
2. 210 W
3. Zero W
4. 242 W

% (

#'.# Let there be a spherically symmetric charge distribution with charge density varying as

upto and for where r is the distance from the origin.

The electric field at a distance from the origin is given by






% &


#$# R be a differentiable function with f(0)=-1and f¶(0)=1,Let g(x)=


1. ±4
2. 0
3. ±2
4. 4


% $

#&# There are two urns. Urn A has 3 distinct red balls and urn B has 9 distinct blue balls. From each urn two balls
are taken out at random and then transferred to the other. The number of ways in which this can be done is.

1. 36
2. 66
3. 108
4. 3


Total number of ways

% (

#'# An urn contains nine balls of which three are red, four are blue and two are green. Three balls are drawn at
random without replacement from the urn. The probability that the three balls have different colours is.





Required probability=

% $

#(# For two data sets, each of size 5, the variances are given to be 4 and 5 and the corresponding means are given
to be 2 and 4, respectively. The variance of the combined data set is





% $

#). Let be a continuous function defined by . .

Statement-1: , for some . .

Statement-2: for all .

1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
3. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.


% (

#*# For a regular polygon, let r and R be the radii of the inscribed and the circumscribed circles. A false statement
among the following is.

1. There is a regular polygon with

2. There is a regular polygon with

3. There is a regular polygon with

4. There is a regular polygon with


If O is centre of polygon and AB is one of the side, then by figure:


% &

#+. If two tangents drawn from a point P to the parabola are at right angles, then the locus of p is.

1. 2x +1=0
2. x = -1
3. 2x +1=0
4. x=1


Locus of point P is directrix of parabola i.e., x=-1

% &

#,# If the vectors and are mutually orthogonal ,


1. (2,-3)
2. (-2,3)
3. (3,-2)
4. (-3,2)


% !

#-# Consider the following relations:

R = {(x, y) | x, y are real numbers and x=wy for some rational number w };


1. neither R nor S is an equivalence relation

2. S is an equivalence relation but R is not an equivalence relation
3. R and S both are equivalence relations
4. R is an equivalence relation but S is not an equivalence relation


R is not equivalence but

S in equivalence

% &

#$.# be defined by . If f has a local minimum at x = -1 ,

then a possible value of k is.

1. 0

3. -1
4. 1


% '

#$$# The number of 3 X 3 non-singular matrices, with four entries as 1 and all other entries as 0, is

1. 5
2. 6
3. at least 7
4. less than 4


are 6 non-singular matrices because 6 blanks will be filled by 5 zeros and 1 one.

Similarly, are 6 non-singular matrices.

So, required cases are more than 7.

% '

2 !   Questions number 12 to 16 are Assertion-Reason type questions. Each of these questions
contains two statements:
Statement-1 : %    and
Statement-2 :   .
Each of these questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which is the correct answer.
You have to select the Answer.

#$&# Four numbers are chosen at random (without replacement) from the set {1, 2, 3, ««,20}.

Statement-1: The probability that the chosen numbers when arranged in some order will form an AP is.
Statement-2: If the four chosen numbers form an AP, then the set of all possible values of common difference


1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
3. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.


Required probability =
Statement -2 is false because common difference can also be 6.

% &
#$'# Statement-1: The point is the mirror image of the point
in the plane .
Statement-2: The plane bisects the line segment joining and

1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
3. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
4. > Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.


Statement I and II both are true but statement II is not the correct explanation.
Plane is not just bisector but it is perpendicular bisector of AB.

% $

#$(. Let



1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
3. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

% &

$)# Let A be a 2 x 2 matrix with non-zero entries and let A2 =1 , where I is 2 x2 identity matrix. Define Tr=(A) sum

of diagonal elements of A and = determinant of matrix A.

Statement-1: = Tr(A) =0

Statement-2: =

1. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
3. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1


% &

#$*# Solution of the differential equation is.

1. ysecx = ten x + c
2. ytanx=secx + c
3. tanx = (secx +c)y
4. secx =(tanx +c )y

#$+# The area bounded by the curves






Required area =

% (


1. ±1
2. 1
3. 2
4. 2


% &

$-. The number of complex numbers z such that equals.

1. 1
2. 2
4. 0


Only one solution and that is circumcentre of triangle formed by (1, 0), (0, 1) and (±1, 0).

% $

#&.# A line AB in three-dimensional space makes angles 45° and 120° with the positive x-axis and the
positive y-axis respectively. If AB makes an acute angle with the positive z-axis, then equals



% &

#&$#Let and let , where Then






#&&# A person is to count 4500 currency notes. Let denote the number of notes he counts in the minute.

If and are in an AP with common difference ±2, then the time taken by him to
count all notes is.

1. 34 minutes
2. 125 minutes
3. 135 minutes
4. 24 minutes


% $

#&'# Let be a positive increasing function with

3. 3
4. 1


% (

#&(# Let be a function defined on R such that




% $

#&)# The line L given by passes through the point . The line K is parallel to L and has

the equation . Then the distance between L and K is





> As L is passing through

% '

#&*# Let S be a non-empty subset of R. Consider the following statement:

P : There is a rational number such that .
Which of the following statements is the negation of the statement P?

1. There is no rational number such that .

2. Every rational number satisfies .
3. and is not rational.
4. There is a rational number such that .

  % &

#&+# Consider the system of linear equations:

The system has.

1. exactly 3 solutions
2. a unique solution
3. no solution
4. infinite number of solutions


Clearly (iii) and (iv) are parallel planes. No solution.

% '
#&,# Let






#&-# The equation of the tangent to the curve that is parallel to the x-axis, is.

1. Y =1
2. Y =2
3. Y =3
4. Y =0


#'.# The circle intersects the line at two distinct points if.


Centre of circle (2, 4) and radius is 5.

% $


#$#Arrange the carbanions , in order of their decreasing







% (

#&#In Cannizzaro reaction given below

1. the deprotonation of PhCH2OH

2. the attack of at the carboxyl group

3. the transfer of hydride of the carbonyl group

4. the abstraction of proton from the carboxylic group

 #Cannizzaro reaction involves hydride transfer as the rate limiting step.

% '

#'#Two liquids X and Y form an ideal solution. At 300 K, vapour pressure of the solution containing 1 mol of X and
3 mol of Y is 550 mmHg. At the same temperature, if 1 mol of Y is further added to this solution, vapour pressure of
the solution increases by 10 mmHg. Vapour pressure (in mmHg) of X and Y in their pure states will be, respectively:

1. 500 and 600

2. 200 and 300

3. 300 and 400

4. 400 and 600


% (

#(#In a fuel cell, methanol is used as fuel and oxygen gas is used as an oxidizer. The reaction is

; At 298 K standard Gibb¶s energies of formation for

CH3OH(˜), H2O(˜) and CO2(g) are ±166.2, ±237.2 and ±394.4 kJ mol respectively. If standard enthalpy of
combustion of methanol is ±726 kJ mol±1, efficiency of the fuel cell will be

1. 97%
2. 80%

3. 87%

4. 90%


% $

#(#In a fuel cell, methanol is used as fuel and oxygen gas is used as an oxidizer. The reaction is

; At 298 K standard Gibb¶s energies of formation for

CH3OH(˜), H2O(˜) and CO2(g) are ±166.2, ±237.2 and ±394.4 kJ mol respectively. If standard enthalpy of
combustion of methanol is ±726 kJ mol±1, efficiency of the fuel cell will be

1. 97%

2. 80%

3. 87%

4. 90%


% $

#)# On the basis of the following thermochemical


1. -343.52 kJ

2. -22.88 kJ

3. -228.88 kJ

4. +228.88 kJ
#*# The half life period of a first order chemical reaction is 6.93 minutes. The time required for the completion of
99% of the chemical reaction will be (log 2 = 0.301):

1. 460.6 minutes

2. 230.3 minutes

3. 23.03 minutes

4. 46.06 minutes


% (

#+# Copper crystallises in fcc with a unit cell length of 361 pm. What is the radius of copper atom?

1. 181 pm

2. 108 pm

3. 127 pm

4. 157 pm


% '

#,#Given The value of standard electrode potential for the


1. -0.270 V

2. ±0.072 V

3. (3) 0.385 V

4. (4) 0.770 V

% (

#-#In which of the following arrangements, the sequence is O strictly according to the property written against it?

1. B < C < O < N; increasing first ionization enthalpy

2. CO2 < SiO2 < SnO2 < PbO2: increasing oxidising power

3. HF < HC˜< HBr < HI: increasing acid strength

4. NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3: increasing basic strength

 #On moving down the group, the basic tendency of hydrides of group 15 decreases.

% (

#$.#Knowing that the chemistry of lanthanoids (Ln) is dominated by its +3 oxidation state, which of the following
statements is uO ?

1. Ln (III) hydroxides are mainly basic in character.

2. Because of the large size of the Ln (III) ions the bonding in its compounds is predominantly ionic in

3. The ionic sizes of Ln (III) decrease in general with increasing atomic number.

4. Ln (III) compounds are generally colourless.

% (

#$$#The set representing the  order of ionic radius is:

 #On moving down the group, the ionic radius increases. In case of isoelectronic ions, more the charge on the
ion, smaller will be its size.

% '

#$&#Buna±N synthetic rubber is a copolymer of:





 #Buna±N is a copolymer of buta±1,3±diene and acrylonitrile.

% (

#$&#Buna±N synthetic rubber is a copolymer of:





 #Buna±N is a copolymer of buta±1,3±diene and acrylonitrile.

% (

#$'#Which of the following statements is uO regarding physiosorption?

1. Enthalpy of adsorption is low and positive.

2. It occurs because of Van der Waal¶s forces.

3. More easily liquefiable gases are adsorbed readily.

4. Under high pressure it results into multi molecular layer on adsorbent surface.

 # for adsorption is negative. Adsorption is a spontaneous process, so is negative and in case of
adsorption is also negative.

% $

#$(#The number of stereoisomers possible for a compound of the molecular

formula Me is:

1. 6

2. 3

3. 2

4. 4


Isomer 1: cis d ; Isomer 2: cis ˜; Isomer 3: trans d ; Isomer 4: trans ˜

% (

#$)#The two functional groups present in a typical carbohydrate are:

1. ±OH and ±CHO

2. ±OH and ±COOH

3. ±CHO and ±COOH


 #Carbohydrate is a polyhydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone or any compound which give these on
hydrolysis. group includes aldehydic as well as ketonic group.

Answer (
#$*#Calculate the wavelength (in nanometer) associated with a proton moving


1. 14.0 nm

2. 0.032 nm

3. 0.40 nm

4. 2.5 nm


% '

#$+#The bond dissociation energy of B±F in BF3 is 646 kJ mol±1 whereas that of C±F in CF4 is 515 kJ mol±1. The
correct reason for higher B±F bond dissociation energy as compared to that of C±F is

1. lower degree of interaction between B and F in BF3than that between C and F in CF4.

2. smaller size of B atoms as compared to that of C atom.

3. stronger bond between B and F in BF3 as compared to that between C and F in CF4

4. significant interaction between B and F in BF3 whereas there is no possibility of such

interaction between C and F in CF4 .

 Boron in BF3 has a vacant p±orbital, allowing back bonding while carbon in CF4 has no vacant
orbital, so no back bonding is feasible. Thus, B±F bond is stronger than CF4.

% (

#$,#The major product obtained on interaction of phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide is:

1. phthalic acid

2. benzoic acid

3. salicylaldehyde

4. salicylic acid

% (

#$-#Solid Ba(NO3)2 is gradually dissolved in solution. At what concentration of Ba will

a precipitate begin to form?




  Concentration of Ba needed to precipitate

% '

#&.#Which one of the following reactions of xenon compounds is O feasible?





  XeF6 reacts violently with water and gets hydrolysed to give highly explosive XeO3.

; Reaction (2) is reverse of this, so it is not feasible.

% &

#&$#The IUPAC name of neopentane is:

1. 2,2±dimethylbutane
2. 2±methylbutane

3. 2,2-dimethylpropane

4. 2±methylpropane


% '

#&&#In context with the transition elements, which of the following statements is uO ?

1. Once the ã configuration is exceeded, the tendency to involve all the 3ãelectrons in bonding decreases.

2. In addition to the normal oxidation states, the zero oxidation state is also shown by these elements in

3. In the highest oxidation states, the transition metal show basic character and form cationic complexes.

4. In the highest oxidation states of the first five transition elements (Sc to Mn), all the 4and 3d electrons are
used for bonding.

 #In highest oxidation state, the transition metal will form complexes which will have large degree of covalent
character, which shows the acidic behaviour.

% '

#&'#Which of the following pairs represents linkage isomers?

1. [PtC˜2(NH3)4]Br2 and [PtBr2(NH3)4]C˜2

2. [Cu(NH3)4][PtC˜4] and [Pt(NH3)4] [CuC˜4]

3. [Pd(PPh3)2(NCS)2] and [Pd(PPh3)2(SCN)2]

4. [Co(NH3)5NO3]SO4 and [Co(NH3)5SO4]NO3

 Linkage isomerism is shown by ambidentate ligands. (SCN± and NCS± are ambidentate groups).

% '
#&(#In an atom, an electron is moving with a speed of 600 m/s with an accuracy of 0.005%. Certainity with which
the position of the electron can be located







% (

#&)#Which of the following on heating with aqueous KOH, produces acetaldehyde?

1. CH3CHC˜2

2. CH3COC˜

3. CH3CH2C˜

4. CH2C˜CH2C˜


% $

#&*#A liquid was mixed with ethanol and a drop of concentrated H2SO4 was added. A compound with a fruity smell
was formed. The liquid was:


2. CH3OH

4. CH3COCHb3

Ethyl acetate (ester) has fruity smell.

% $

#&+#Using MO theory predict which of the following species has the shortest bond length?


 The bond order of , , and is 1, 3, 2.5 and 1.5 respectively. Since, has highest bond
order, so it has shortest bond length.

% &

#&,#A binary liquid solution is prepared by mixing n-heptane and ethanol. Which one of the following statements
is  regarding the behaviour of the solution?

1. n±heptane shows +ve deviation while ethanol shows ±ve deviation from Raoult¶s Law.

2. The solution formed is an ideal solution.

3. The solution is non-ideal, showing +ve deviation from Raoult¶s law.

4. The solution is non-ideal, showing ±ve deviation from Raoult¶s Law.

 When n±heptane is added to ethanol, the H-bonding interaction between ethanol molecules is loosened, so
weaker interaction among molecules leads to higher vapour pressure. Thus, it forms a non-ideal solution with positive
deviation from Raoult¶s law.

% '

#&-#The alkene that exhibits geometrical isomerism is:

1. 2±methyl±2±butene

2. propene

3. 2±methyl propene

4. 2±butene
 Terminal alkenes never show geometrical isomerism and non±terminal alkene with 2 different groups attached
to each atom having restricted rotation is capable of showing geometrical isomerism.

% (

#'.#Which of the following has an optical isomer?





  Square planar complexes can not show optical isomerism. So, option (2) and (3) are ruled out. Compound in

option (4) i.e. has a plane of symmetry, so it is also optically inactive.

% $


#$#Three sound waves of equal amplitudes have frequencies (V± 1), V, (V+ 1). They  to give beats. The
number of beats produced per second will be:

1. 1

2. 4

3. 3

4. 2

 Variation of intensity due to superposition of waves having frequencies V-1 & Vand V& V+ 1 is as shown
Variation of intensity due to superposition of waves having frequencies V± 1 and V+ 1 is as shown

Resultant of (a) and (b) be as shown So number of beats/s = 2

% (

#&#The height at which the acceleration due to gravity becomes (where g = the acceleration due to gravity on
the surface of the earth) in terms of R, the radius of the earth is:


2. 2R


4. R/2


% &

#'#One kg of a diatomic gas is at a pressure of The density of the gas is 4 kg/m . What is the
energy of the gas due to its thermal motion?





uu Oa OO

  Oã  ã O ˜˜  O

Two moles of helium gas are taken over the cycle ABCDA, as shown in the P-T diagram.

#(#Assuming the gas to be ideal the work done on the gas in taking it from A to B is:

1. 500 R

2. 200 R

3. 300 R

4. 400 R


#)#The work done on the gas in taking it from D to A is:

1. + 690 R

2. ± 414 R

3. + 414 R

4. ± 690 R

#*#The net work done on the gas in the cycle ABCDA is:

1. 1904 R

2. Zero

3. 276 R

4. 1076 R


#+#An inductor of inductance L = 400 mH and resistors of resistances and are connected to
a battery of emf 12V as shown in the figure. The internal resistance of the battery is negligible. The switch S is closed
at t = 0. The potential drop across L as a function of time is:






% $
#,#A mixture of light, consisting of wavelength 590 nm and an unknown wavelength, illuminates Young¶s double slit
and gives rise to two overlapping interference patterns on the screen. The central maximum of both lights coincide.
Further, it is observed that the third bright fringe of known light coincides with the 4th bright fringe of the unknown
light. From this data, the wavelength of the unknown light is:

1. 776.8 O

2. 393.4 O

3. 885.0 O

4. 442.5 O


% (

#-#A charge Q is placed at each of the opposite corners of a square. A charge q is placed at each of the other two
corners. If the net electric force on Q is zero, then Q/q equals:



3. -1

4. 1


% &
#$.#In an optics experiment, with the position of the object fixed, a student varies the position of a convex lens and
for each position, the screen is adjusted to get a clear image of the object. A graph between the object distance and
the image distance V, from the lens, is plotted using the same scale for the two axes. A straight line passing through
the origin and making an angle of 450 with the x-axis meets the experimental curve at . The coordinates of will be

1. (4f, 4f)

2. (2f, 2f)


4. (f, f)


% &

#$$#A thin uniform rod of length ˜and mass

is swinging freely about a horizontal axis passing through its end. Its
maximum angular speed is . Its centre of mass rises to a maximum height of :





% $

#$&# be the charge density distribution for a solid sphere of radius R and total charge Q.
For a point µp¶ inside the sphere at distance r1 from the centre of the sphere, the magnitude of electric field is:

2. 0




% (

#$'#The logic circuit shown below has the input waveforms µA¶ and µB¶ as shown. Pick out the correct output

Output is




% &

#$(#If (, Vand denote the displacement, the velocity and the acceleration of particle executing simple harmonic
motion of time period , then, which of the following does O change with time?

1. aT/v

3. aT/x


% '

#$)# A -Ojunction (D) shown in the figure can act as a rectifier. An alternating current source (V) is connected in
the circuit. The current (I) in the resistor (R) can be shown by




 #Current will flow when diode is forward biased.

% (

#$*#A motor cycle starts from rest and accelerates along a straight path at 2 m/s . At the starting point of the motor
cycle there is a stationary electric siren. How far has the motor cycle gone when the driver hears the frequency of the
siren at 94% of its value when the motor cycle was at rest? (Speed of sound = 330 ms )

1. 196 m

2. 49 m

3. 98 m

4. 147 m


% '

#$+#Two points P and Q are maintained at the potentials of 10V and ± 4V, respectively. The work done in moving
100 electrons from P to Q is :




% $

#$,#In an experiment the angles are required to be measured using an instrument. 29 divisions of the main scale
exactly coincide with the 30 divisions of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the main scale is half-a- degree (=
0.50), then the least count of the instrument is:

1. half degree

2. one minute

3. half minute

4. one degree


% &

#$-#The surface of a metal is illuminated with the light of 400 O

. The kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectrons
was found to be 1.68 eV. The work function of the metal is: (hc = 1240 eV.nm)

1. 1.68 eV

2. 3.09 eV

3. 1.41 eV

4. 1.51 eV

% '

#&.#A particle has an initial velocity of and an acceleration of . Its speed after 10 s is:

1. 8.5 units

2. 10 units


4. 7 units


% '

#&$#A long metallic bar is carrying heat from one of its ends to the other end under steady-state. The variation of
temperature along the length (of the bar from its hot end is best described by which of the following figures?





% '

#&&#Consider a rubber ball freely falling from a height = 4.9

onto a horizontal elastic plate. Assume that the
duration of collision is negligible and the collision with the plate is totally elastic. Then the velocity as a function of
time and the height as a function of time will be




 #Slope of velocity-time graph will remain constant except during collision where it will not be defined. Also
variation of height with time will be parabolic.

% (

#&'#A transparent solid cylindrical rod has a refractive index of . It is surrounded by air. A light ray is incident
at the mid point of one end of the rod as shown in the figure. The incident angle for which the light ray grazes
along the wall of the rod is :





c  ! ! ! $

  O O O

O   VO
O  O

#&(#    3$: For a charged particle moving from point P to point Q, the net work done by an electrostatic field
on the particle is independent of the path connecting point P to point Q.

    3&: The net work done by a conservative force on an object moving along a closed loop is zero.

1. Statement ±1 is false, Statement- 2 is true

2. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is false

3. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is the correct explanation for Statement-1

4. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is not the correct explanation for Statement-1

% '

#&(#The transition from the state O= 4 to O= 3 in hydrogen like atom results in ultraviolet radiation. Infrared
radiation will be obtained in the transition from:





  Energy of I ± R radiation < energy of U ± V radiation

% $

  O O O

O   VO
O  O

#&*#    3$: The temperature dependence of resistance is usually given as . The

resistance of a wire changes from 100 to 150 when its temperature is increased from 270C to 2270C. This

implies that

    3&: is valid only when the change in the temperature T is small

and .

1. Statement ±1 is false, Statement- 2 is true

2. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is false

3. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is the correct explanation for Statement-1

4. Statement ±1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is not the correct explanation for Statement-1

% $

#&+#Two wires are made of the same material and have the same volume. However wire 1 has cross-sectional area
A and wire 2 has cross-sectional area 3A. If the length of wire 1 increases by (on applying force F, how much
force is needed to stretch wire 2 by the same amount?

1. 9F
2. F
3. 4F
4. 6F


% $

uu O OO

Oã  ã O ˜˜  O

A current loop ABCD is held fixed on the plane of the paper as shown in the figure. The arcs BC (radius = b) and DA
(radius =a) of the loop are joined by two straight wires AB and CD. A steady current I is flowing in the loop. Angle
made by AB and CD at the origin O is 300. Another straight thin wire with steady current I1 flowing out of the plane of
the paper is kept at the origin.
#&,#The magnitude of the magnetic field (B) due to the loop ABCD at the origin (O) is:

2. Zero




% '

#&-#Due to the presence of the current I1 at the origin :

1. The magnitude of the net force on the loop is given by

2. The forces on AB and DC are zero

3. The forces on AD and BC are zero

4. The magnitude of the net force on the loop is given by

 #Due to current I1, force on DA and BC will be zero

% '
#'.#The above is a plot of binding energy per nucleon Eb, against the nuclear mass M; A, B, C, D, E, F correspond
to different nuclei. Consider four reactions:





Where is the energy released? In which reactions is positive?

1. (ii) and (iii)

2. (i) and (iv)

3. (i) and (iii)

4. (ii) and (iv)

% &


#$#If the roots of the equation bx + cx + a = 0 If the roots of the equation be imaginary, then for all real values of (,
the expression is

1. less than ±4

2. greater than 4

3. less than 4

4. greater than ±4


% (

#&#For real (, let , f (x) x + 5x + 1 then

1. is neither one-one nor onto 

2. is one-one but not onto 

3. is onto but not one-one

4. is one-one and onto 


% (

#'#Let a, b, c be such that

4then the value of n is

1. any integer

2. zero

3. any even integer

4. any odd integer

 The given equation can be written as

% (

#(#The lines p (p2 + 1) x ± y + q = 0and (p2 + 1) x+ (p2 + 1) y + 2q = 0 are perpendicular to a common line for

1. more than two values of p

2. no value of p

3. exactly one value of p

4. exactly two values of p


% '

#)#In a binomial distribution , if the probability of at least one success is greater than or equal

to , then Ois greater than





% &

#*#The differential equation which represents the family of curves , where and
are arbitrary constants, is






% $

#+#If the mean deviation of the numbers 1, 1 + d, 1 + 2d,««. ««, 1 + 100d from their mean is 255, then the ãis
equal to

1. 20.2

2. 10.0

3. 20.0

4. 10.1


% (

#,#Let A and B denote the statements

1. both ïand !are false

2. ïis true and !is false

3. ïis false and !is true

4. both ïand !are true


% (


1. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.

2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

3. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is  a correct explanation for Statement-1.

4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.

 #Since, nothing has been stated about statements and we need to consider them as two independent
statements i.e. they can be simultaneously true as well as false. Now, this can also be seen through the truth table:

P Q ~q





% (

However if we consider µ¶ and µ¶ as two statements which may be dependent on each other then the equivalence
becomes meaningless. Nothing can be said about tautology in general.


Let A be a matrix

Statement 1: adj (adj A) = A.

Statement 2:

1. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.

2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

3. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is  a correct explanation for Statement-1.

4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.

% '

#$$#    /$The variance of first Oeven natural numbers is .

    /&The sum of first Onatural numbers is and the sum of squares of first Onatural numbers


1. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.

2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

3. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is  a correct explanation for Statement-1.

4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.


% $


    /&is a bijection.

1. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.

2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

3. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is  a correct explanation for Statement-1.

4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.


% '

#$'#Let f (x) = x |x| and g (x) = sinx.

    /$is differentiable at (= 0 and its derivative is continuous at that point.

    /&is twice differentiable at (= 0.

1. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.

2. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

3. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is  a correct explanation for Statement-1.

4. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.


% (
4 3 2
#$(#Given p(x) = x + ax + bx + cx + d such that x = 0 is the only real root of p` (x) = 0. If p(-1) < p(1), then in the
interval [-1, 1]

1. neither p (-1)is the minimum nor p(1)is the maximum of p

2. p (-1)is the minimum and p(1) is the maximum of p

3. p (-1) is not minimum but p(1) is the maximum of p

4. p (-1) is the minimum but p(1) is not the maximum of p


% '

#$)#The shortest distance between the line y ± x = 1 and curve x = y is





% &

#$*#The area of the region bounded by the parabola (y - 2)2 = x - 1, the tangent to the parabola at the point (2, 3)
and the (-axis is

1. 12

2. 3

3. 6

4. 9

% (

#$+#The sum to infinity of the series

1. 6

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4

% '

#$,#The ellipse x2 + 4y2 = 4 is inscribed in a rectangle aligned with the coordinate axes, which in turn is inscribed in
another ellipse that passes through the point (4, 0). Then the equation of the ellipse is

2 2
1. 4x + 64y = 48

2. x2 + 16y2 = 16

2 2
3. x + 12y = 16

4. 4x2 + 48y2 = 48


% '

#$-#The projections of a vector on the three coordinate axis are 6, ±3, 2 respectively. The direction cosines of the
vector are

2. 6, -3, 2



 #Direction ratios are: 6, ±3, 2

Direction cosines are:

% (

#&.#From 6 different novels and 3 different dictionaries, 4 novels and 1 dictionary are to be selected and arranged
in a row on a shelf so that the dictionary is always in the middle. Then the number of such arrangements is

1. at least 1000

2. less than 500

3. at least 500 but less than 750

4. at least 750 but less than 1000


% $

#&$# are non-coplanar vectors and are real numbers, then the


1. all values of (p, q)

2. exactly one value of (p, q)

3. exactly two values of (p, q)

4. more than two but not all values of (p, q)


% &


1. (-5, 5)

2. (6, -17)

3. (-6, 7)

4. (5, -15)


% '




4. 2


% '

#&(#The remainder left out when is divided by 9 is

1. 8

2. 0

3. 2

4. 7


% '

#&)#If ï!and "are three sets such that


2. A=B

3. A=C

4. B=C

% (

#&*# denotes the greatest integer function, is equal to



3. 1

4. -1


% $

2 2 2 2 2
#&+#If and are the points of intersection of the circles x + y + 3x - 7y + 2p ± 5 = 0 and x + y + 2x + 2y ± p =
0 , then there is a circle passing through and (1, 1) for

1. exactly one value of 

2. all values of 

3. all except one value of 

4. all except two values of 


% &

#&,#Three distinct points ï, !and "are given in the 2-dimensional coordinate plane such that the ratio of the

distance of any one of them from the point (1, 0)to the distance from the point (-1, 0) is equal to . Then the
circumcentre of the triangle ï!"is at the point


2. (0, 0)




% '

#&-#One ticket is selected at random from 50 tickets numbered 00, 01, 02, ««., 49. Then the probability that the
sum of the digits on the selected ticket is 8, given that the product of these digits is zero, equals





% &

#'.#Let be an implicit function of x defined x2x ± 2xx cot y ± 1 = 0. Then y`(1) equals

1. -log2

2. -1

3. 1

4. log2


% &



#$#Which one of the following is the correct statement?

i. Chlorides of both beryllium and aluminium have bridged chloride structures in solid phase.
ii. B2H6.2NH3 is known as 'inorganic benzene'.
iii. Boric acid is a protonic acid.
iv. Beryllium exhibits coordination number of six.

  Becl2 and Alcl3 both have bridged structure in solid phase.

B3N3 H6 is known as inorganic benzene.
Boric acid is Lewis acid.
Beryllium exhibits coordination number of 4




#'# The correct decreasing order of priority for the functional groups of organic compounds in the IUPAC system of
nomenclature is

  The correct decreasing order of priority for the functional group of organic compounds in the IUPAC system of
nomenclature is:

#(# The pKa of a weak acid, HA is 4.80. The pKb of a weak base, BOH, is 4.78. The pH of an aqueous solution of
the corresponding salt, BA, will be

i. 7.01
ii. 9.22
iii. 9.58
iv. 4.79


#)#The hydrocarbon which can react with sodium in liquid ammonia is



i. -0.339 V
ii. -0.26 V
iii. 0.26 V
iv. 0.339 V


#+#Amount of oxalic acid present in a solution can be determined by its titration with KMnO4solution in the
presence of H2SO4. The titration gives unsatisfactory result when carried out in the presence of HCl, because HCl

i. reduces permanganate to Mn .
ii. oxidises oxalic acid to carbon dioxide and water.
iii. gets oxidised by oxalic acid to chlorine.
iv. furnishes H ions in addition to those from oxalic acid.

  KMnO4can oxidise HCl along with oxalic acid into Cl2 and itself gets reduced to Mn .

#,#Among the following substituted silanes the one which will give rise to cross linked silicone polymer on
hydrolysis is

i. R2SiCl2
ii. R3SiCl
iii. R4Si
iv. RSiCl3

Correct answer is (4)

#-#Oxidising power of chlorine in aqueous solution can be determined by the parameters indicated below:

The energy involved in the conversion of

i. ±850 kJ mol±1
ii. +120 kJ mol
iii. +152 kJ mol±1
iv. ±610 kJ mol

#$.#Which of the following factors is of no significance for roasting sulphide ores to the oxides and not subjecting
the sulphide ores to carbon reduction directly?

i. Metal sulphides are less stable than the corresponding oxides.

ii. CO2is more volatile than CS2.
iii. Metal sulphides are thermodynamically more stable than CS2.
iv. CO2is thermodynamically more stable than CS2.


Hence, CO2 is more stable than CS2 while Ms are more stable than MO.

#$$# Four species are listed below:



Which one of the following is the correct sequence of their acid strength?

(1) (i) < (iii) < (ii) < (iv) (2) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii) (3) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i) (4) (ii) < (iii) < (i) < (iv)

  The increasing order of acidic strength is

#$&# Which one of the following constitutes a group of the isoelectronic species?

  Isoelectronic species have same number of electrons

#$'#Phenol, when it first reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid and then with concentrated nitric acid, gives

i. p-nitrophenol
ii. nitrobenzene
iii. 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene
iv. o-nitrophenol


As, temperature is not mentioned, 0- mitrophenol is the only stable product.

6 -1
#$(# The ionization enthalpy of hydrogen atom is 1.312 × 10 J mol . The energy required to excite the electron in
the atom from n = 1 to n = 2 is


#$)# The organic chloro compound, which shows complete stereochemical inversion during a SN2 reaction, is

i. (CH3)2CHCl
ii. CH3Cl
iii. (C2H5)2CHCl
iv. (CH3)3CCl

  Primary halides show inversion during SN2 reaction more than secondary while secondary show more than

#$*# Toluene is nitrated and the resulting product is reduced with tin and hydrochloric acid. The product so obtained
is diazotized and then heated with cuprous bromide. The reaction mixture so formed contains

i. mixture of o-; and p-bromoanilines

ii. mixture of o- and m-bromotoluenes
iii. mixture of o- and p-bromotoluenes
iv. mixture of o- and p-dibromobenzenes


#$+# In the following sequence of reactions, the alkene affords the compound 'B'
The compound B is

ii. CH3CHO
iii. CH3CH2CHO
iv. CH3COCH3


Correct answer is (2)

#$,# Which one of the following pairs of species have the same bond order?


 The species which have the same number of total electrons will have the same bond order.
- +
CN and NO each have 14 electrons and they will have same bond order.

#$-# At 80 C, the vapour pressure of pure liquid 'A' is 520 mm Hg and that of pure liquid 'B' is 1000 mm Hg. If a
mixture solution of 'A' and 'B' boils at 80 C and 1 atm pressure, the amount of 'A' in the mixture is (1 atm = 760 mm

i. 48 mol percent
ii. 50 mol percent
iii. 52 mol percent
iv. 34 mol percent

#&.# For a reaction , rate of disappearance of 'A' is related to the rate of appearance of 'B' by the






#&$# The equilibrium constants for the reactions respectively are

in the ratio of 1 : 9. If the degree of dissociation of X and Z be equal then the ratio of total pressures at these equilibria

i. 1:3
ii. 1:9
iii. 1 : 36
iv. 1:1

#&&# In context with the industrial preparation of hydrogen from water gas (CO + H2), which of the following is the
correct statement?

i. H2 is removed through occlusion with Pd.

ii. CO is oxidised to CO2 with steam in the presence of a catalyst followed by absorption of CO2in alkali.
iii. CO and H2are fractionally separated using differences in their densities.
iv. CO is removed by absorption in aqueous Cu2Cl2solution.


#&'# In which of the following octahedral complexes of Co (atomic number 27), will the magnitude of be the




  Magnitude of will be heighest with the strongest ligand. In the given context CN is the strongest ligand and
would lead to a greater seperatin between t2g and cg orbitals.

#&(# The coordination number and the oxidation state of the element 'E' in the complex
(where (en) is ethylene diamine) are, respectively,

i. 4 and 3
ii. 6 and 3
iii. 6 and 2
iv. 4 and 2

  Ethyldiamine and oxalateion are both bidentate legends. Co-ordination number of E in the complex.

#&)# Identify the wrong statement in the following:

i. Ozone layer does not permit infrared radiation from the sun to reach the earth.
ii. Acid rain is mostly because of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur.
iii. Chlorofluorocarbons are responsible for ozone layer depletion.
iv. Greenhouse effect is responsible for global warming.

  Ozone layer does not permit the ultraviolet radiation from the sum to the earth.

#&*# Larger number of oxidation states are exhibited by the actinoids than those by lanthanoids, the main reason

i. more energy difference between 5f and 6d than between 4f and 5d orbitals.

ii. more reactive nature of the actinoids than the lanthanoids.
iii. 4f orbitals more diffused than the 5f orbitals.
iv. lesser energy difference between 5f and 6d than between 4f and 5d orbitals.
  The energy difference between 5 f and 6d is very less than that between 4f and 5d orbitals. Therefore, in
actinoids, the electron can be removed from 5f and 6d both. So, they exhibit more number of oridation state.

#&+# In a compound, atoms of element Y form ccp lattice and those of element X occupy 2/3 of tetrahedral voids.
The formula of the compound will be

i. X2Y
ii. X3Y4
iii. X4Y3
iv. X2Y3


#&,# Gold numbers of protective colloids (A), (B), (C) and (D) are 0.50, 0.01, 0.10 and 0.005, respectively. The
correct order of their protective powers is

i. (A) < (C) < (B) < (D)

ii. (B) < (D) < (A) < (C)
iii. (D) < (A) < (C) < (B)
iv. (C) < (B) < (D) < (A)

  If the gold number of a protective coil is less then its protective power is good.

0.005 < 0.01 < 0.10 < 0.50

or, (A) < (C) < (B) < (D)

#&-# The vapour pressure of water at 200C is 17.5 mm Hg. If 18 g of glucose (C6H12O6) is added to 178.2 g of
water at 200C, the vapour pressure of the resulting solution will be
i. 16.500 mm Hg
ii. 17.325 mm Hg
iii. 17.675 mm Hg
iv. 15.750 mm Hg


#'.# Bakelite is obtained from phenol by reacting with

ii. HCHO
iii. (CH2OH)2
iv. CH3CHO


#'$# The absolute configuration of is

i. R, S
ii. S, R
iii. S, S
iv. R, R

  The absolute configuration is

#'&# For the following three reactions a, b, c, equilibrium constants are given:




Which of the following relations is correct?





#''# Standard entropy of X2, Y2 and XY3 are 60, 40 and 50 JK-1mol-1, respectively. For the

reaction, , to be at equilibrium, the temperature will be

i. 750 K
ii. 1000 K
iii. 1250 K
iv. 500 K


#'(# The electrophile, attacks the benzene ring to generate the intermediate complex. Of the following,
which complex is of lowest energy?





  complex formed by the attack of electrophile on benzene is the more stable than that formed by the attack
of electrophile on nitrobenzene at any one of the three given positions.
#')# Glucose are

i. anomers
ii. enantiomers
iii. conformers
iv. epimers



#$# This question contains Statement-1 and Statement -2. Of the four choices given after the statements, choose
the one that best describes the two statements.

    /$ Energy is released when heavy nuclei undergo fission or light nuclei undergo fusion. and

    /&For heavy nuclei, binding energy per nucleon increases with increasing Z while for light nuclei it
decreases with increasing Z.

i. Statement - 1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1
ii. Statement - 1 is true, Statement- 2 is false
iii. Statement - 1 is false, Statement- 2 is true
iv. Statement - 1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1

  Correct answer is (2)

#&# This question contains Statement-1 and Statement -2. Of the four choices given after the statements, choose
the one that best describes the two statements.

    /$ For a mass M kept at the centre of a cube of side Äaö the flux of gravitational field passing through its
sides is and

    /&If the direction of a field due to a point source is radial and its dependence on the distance 'r' from the

source is given as , its flux through a closed surface depends only on the strength of the source enclosed by the
surface and not on the size or shape of the surface.

i. Statement - 1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1
ii. Statement - 1 is true, Statement- 2 is false
iii. Statement - 1 is false, Statement- 2 is true
iv. Statement - 1 is true, Statement- 2 is true; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1


#'# Two full turns of the circular scale of a screw gauge cover a distance of 1 mm on its main scale. The total
number of divisions on circular scale is 50. Further, it is found that screw gauge has a zero error of - 0.03mm. While
measuring the diameter of a thin wire, a student notes the main scale reading of 3mm and the number of circular
scale divisions in line with the main scale as 35. The diameter of wire is

i. 3.67 mm
ii. 3.38 mm
iii. 3.32 mm
iv. 3.73 mm


#(# An insulated container of gas has two chambers separated by an insulating partition. One of the chambers has
volume V1 and contains ideal gas at pressure P1 and temperature T1. The other chamber has volume V2 and contains
ideal gas at pressure P2 and temperature T2. If the partition is removed without doing any work on the gas, the final
equilibrium temperature of the gas in the container will be





#)# A student measures the focal length of a convex lens by putting an object pin at a distance 'u' from the lens and
measuring the distance'v' of the image pin. The graph between''u' and 'v' plotted by the student should look likes.





Consider a block of conducting material of resistivity 'p' shown in the figure. Current 'I' enters at 'A' and leaves
from 'D'. We apply superposition principal to find voltage ''developed between 'B' and 'C'. The calculation is
done in the following steps:'

i. Take current 'I' entering from 'A' and assume it to spread over a hemispherical surface in the block.
ii. Calculate field E(r) at distance 'r' from A by using Ohm's law E = 'j' where 'j' is the
current per unit area at 'r'.
iii. From the-r' dependence of E(r), obtain the potential V(r) at 'r'.
iv. Repeat (i), (ii) and (iii) for current 'I' leaving 'D' and superpose results for'A' and 'D'.

#*# measured between B and C is





#+# For current entering at A, the electric field at a distance 'r' from A is





  Correct answer is (1)

#,# Consider a uniform square plate of side 'a' and mass 'm'. The moment of inertia of this plate about an axis
perpendicular to its plane and passing through one of its corners is





#-# An experiment is performed to find the refractive index of glass using a travelling microscope. In this experiment
distances are measured by

i. a meter scale provided on the microscope

ii. a screw gauge provided on the microscope
iii. a vernier scale provided on the microscope
iv. a standard laboratory scale.

  Correct answer is (3)

#$.# A horizontal overhead powerline is at a height of 4m from the ground and carries a current of 100 A from east

to west. The magnetic field directly below it on the ground is


#$$#The speed of sound in oxygen (O2) at a certain temperature is 460 ms . The speed of sound in helium (He) at
the same temperature will be (assume both gases to be ideal)

i. 650 ms-1
ii. 330 ms
iii. 460 ms-1
iv. 500 ms


#$&#A 5V battery with internal resistance and a 2V battery with internal resistance are connected to
a resistor as shown in the figure. The current in the resistor is

i. 0.03 A P2 to P1
ii. 0.27 A P1 to P2
iii. 0.27 A P2 to P1
iv. 0.03 A P1 to P2


#$'# A body of mass m = 3.513 kg is moving along the x-axis with a speed of 5.00 ms . The magnitude of its
momentum is recorded as

i. 17.56 kg ms-1
ii. 17.57 kg ms
iii. 17. 6 kg ms
iv. 17.565 kg ms


#$(# A working transistor with its three legs marked P, Q and R is tested using a multimeter. No conduction is found
between P and Q. By connecting the common (negative) terminal of the multimeter to R and the other (positive)
terminal to P or Q, some resistance is seen on the multimeter. Which of the following is true for the transistor?

i. It is a pnp transistor with R as emitter

ii. It is an npn transistor with R as collector
iii. It is an npn transistor with R as base
iv. It is a pnp transistor with R as collector

 Correct answer is (3)

#$)# A block of mass 0.50 kg is moving with a speed of 2.00 ms on a smooth surface. It strikes another mass of
1.00 kg and then they move together as a single body. The energy loss during the collision is

i. 0.67 J
ii. 0.34 J
iii. 0.16 J
iv. 1.00 J


#$*# A wave travelling along the x-axis is described by the equation If the
wavelength and the time period of the wave are 0.08 m and 2.0 s, respectively, then in appropriate units




#$+# Two coaxial solenoids are made by winding thin insulated wire over a pipe of cross sectional area A = 10
cm 2 and length = 20 cm. If one of the solenoids has 300 turns and the other 400 turns, their mutual inductance




#$,# A capillary tube (A) is dipped in water. Another identical tube (B) is dipped in a soap-water solution. Which of
the following shows the relative nature of the liquid columns in the two tubes?




  Surface tension of water is more than soap solution.

Correct choice: (1)

#$-# A jar is filled with two non-mixing liquids 1 and 2 having densities , respectively. A solid ball,

made of a material of density , is dropped in the jar. It comes to equilibrium in the position shown in the figure.

Which of the following is true for ?



#&.# Suppose an electron is attracted towards the origin by a force where 'k' is a constant and 'r is
the distance of the electron from the origin. By applying Bohr model to this system, the radius of the nth orbital of the
electron is found to be 'rn' and the kinetic energy of the electron to be 'Tn'. Then which of the following is true?




2 !  Questions No. 21, 22 and 23 are based on the following paragraph.

Wave property of electrons implies that they will show diffraction effects. Davisson and Germer demonstrated this by
diffracting electrons from crystals. The law governing the diffraction from a crystal is obtained by requiring that
electron waves reflected from the planes of atoms in a crystal interfere constructively (see figure).

#&$# Electrons accelerated by potential V are diffracted from a crystal.

i. 500 V
ii. 1000 V
iii. 2000 V
iv. 50 V

#&&# If a strong diffraction peak is observed when electrons are incident at an angle 'i' from the normal to the crystal

planes with distance 'd' between them (see figure), de Broglie wavelength of electrons can be calculated by the
relationship (n is an integer)


#&'# In an experiment, electrons are made to pass through a narrow slit of width 'd' comparable to their de Broglie
wavelength. They are detected on a screen at a distance 'D' from the slit (see figure). Which of the following graphs
can be expected to represent the number of electrons 'N' detected as a function of the detector position 'y' (y = 0
corresponds to the middle of the slit)?





  After diffraction the electron beam will spread.

Correct answer (2)

#&(# In the circuit shown, A and B represent two inputs and C represents the output. The circuit represents
i. NAND gate
ii. OR gate
iii. NOR gate
iv. AND gate

  Correct answer (2)

#&)# A thin spherical shell of radius R has charge Q spread uniformly over its surface. Which of the following graphs
most closely represents the electric field E(r) produced by the shell in the range , where r is the distance
from the centre of the shell?





 In this case, electric field inside the shell is zero and is inversely proportional to r2, where r is the distance of a
point outside the shell.

Correct answer (3)

#&*# A body is at rest at x = 0. At t = 0, it starts moving in the positive x-direction with a constant acceleration. At the
same instant another body passes through x = 0 moving in the positive x direction with a constant speed. The
position of the first body is given by x1(t) after time t and that of the second body by x2(t) after the same time interval.
Which of the following graphs correctly describes (x1 -x2) as a function of time t?





#&+# Relative permittivity and permeability of a material are respectively. Which of the following values
of these quantifies are allowed for a diamagnetic material?



#&,# A planet in a distant solar system is 10 times more massive than the earth and its radius is 10 times smaller.
Given that the escape velocity from the earth is 11 km s , the escape velocity from the surface of the planet would be

i. 110 km s
ii. 0.11 km s-1
iii. 1.1 km s
iv. 11 km s


#&-# A thin rod of length 'L' is lying along the x-axis with its ends at x = 0 and x = L. Its linear density (mass/length)

varies with x where 'n' can be zero or any positive number. If the position xCMof the centre of mass of
the rod is plotted against 'n', which of the following graphs best approximates the dependence of xCM on n?




#'.# The dimension of magnetic field in M, L, T and C (Coulomb) is given as

-1 -1
i. MT C
ii. MT-2C-1
-1 -1
iii. MLT C
2 -2
iv. MT C


#'$# A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a capacitance of 9 pF. The separation between its
plates is 'd'. The space between the plates is now filled with two dielectrics. One of the dielectric has dielectric

constant K1 = 3 and thickness while the other one has dielectric constant .
Capacitance of the capacitor is now.

i. 40.5 pF
ii. 20.25 pF
iii. 1.8 pF
iv. 45 pF

#'&# An athlete in the olympic games covers a distance of 100m in 10s. His kinetic energy can be estimated to be in
the range.

i. 20,000 J - 50,000 J
ii. 2,000 J - 5,000 J
iii. 200 J - 500 J



#''# A spherical solid ball of volume V is made of a material of density . It is falling through a liquid
of density. Assume that the liquid applies a viscous force on the ball that is proportional to the square of its

speed . The terminal speed of the ball is.





#'(# Shown in the figure is a meter-bridge set up with null deflection in the galvanometer. The value of the unknown
resistor R is



#')# While measuring the speed of sound by performing a resonance column experiment, a student gets the first
resonance condition at a column length of 18 cm during winter. Repeating the same experiment during summer, she
measures the column length to be x cm for the second resonance. Then

i. 54 > x > 36
ii. 36 > x > 18
iii. 18 > x
iv. x > 54


#$. The mean of the numbers a, b, 8, 5, 10 is 6 and the variance is 6.80 . Then which one of the following gives
possible values a and b?

i. a = 1, b = 6
ii. a = 3, b = 4
iii. a = 0, b = 7
iv. a = 5, b = 2

Possible values of a and b is given by (2)

#&# The vector lies in the plane of the vectors and bisects
the angle between . Then which one of the following gives possible values of




iii. 0


 # The sign of are opposite. Hence they are parallel but directions are opposite.
Therefore angle between
#(# The line passing through the points (5, 1, a) and (3, b, 1) crosses the yz-plane at the


i. a = 6, b = 4
ii. a = 8, b = 2
iii. a = 2, b = 8
iv. a = 4, b = 6

 # Equation of line through (5, 1, a) and (3, b, 1) is

#)#If the straight lines intersect at a point, then the

integer k is equal to

i. 2
ii. 2
iii. 5
iv. 5

 #As the given lines intersect

#*#The differential of the family of circles with fixed radius 5 units and centre on the line y = 2 is





 #The required equation of circle is

#+# Let a, b, c be any real numbers. Suppose that there are real numbers x, y, z not all zero such


i. 0
ii. 1
iii. 2
iv. -1

#,# Let A be a square matrix all of whose entries are integers. Then which one of the following is true?


 # The obvious answer is (1).

#-# The quadratic equations and have one root in common. The other
roots of the first and second equations are integers in the ratio 4 : 3. Then the common root is

i. 3
ii. 2
iii. 1
iv. 4

#$.#How many different words can be formed by jumbling the letters in the word MISSISSIPPI in which no two S
are adjacent?


 # =   

These letters can be arranged by

The remaining 8 gaps can be filled by 4 S by







#$&#The area of the plane region bounded by the curve





Area of the region BCA










5 6



7   7  

7 7 7   
Corredt answer is (4)







 Questions number 16 to 20 are Assertion-Reason type questions. Each of the following questions contains two
statements: Statement-I (Assertion) and Statement-2 (Reason). Each question also has four alternative choices, only
one of which is the correct answer. Choose the correct answer.

#$*#Let A be a 2 × 2 matrix with real entries. Let I be the 2 × 2 identity matrix.

Denote by tr(A), the sum of diagonal entries of A.
Assume that A2 = I
i. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
ii. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false
iii. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
iv. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1


#$+# Let p be the statement 'x is an irrational number´, q be the statement ³y is a transcendental number´, and r be
the statement ³x is a rational number iff y is a transcendental number´.

Statement-1: r is equivalent to either q or p.

i. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
ii. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
iii. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
iv. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

 # P : x is an irrational number
~ p : x is rational number
q : y is a transcendental number
r : x is a rational number iff y is a transcendental number

5 6 85 86
6 5
  7 7 7  7 

 7 7     7

7   7    7

7 7   7 7 7 

We see that s, and r are not equivalent

Also s2 and r are not equivalent

#$,. In a shop there are five types of ice-creams available. A child buys six ice-creams.

Statement-1: The number of different ways the child can buy the six ice-creams is .

Statement-2: The number of different ways the child can buy the six ice-creams is equal to the number of different
ways of arranging 6 A's and 4 B's in a row.

i. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
ii. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
iii. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
iv. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.

 #The number of different ways the child can buy the b ice-creams

t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 = 6

= 6 + 5 - 1C5-1 = 10C4

i. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is  a correct explanation for Statement-1.
ii. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
iii. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
iv. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.



i. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1.
ii. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false.
iii. Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true.
iv. Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.






#&&#Let R be the real line. Consider the following subsets of the plane

Which one of the following is true?

i. S is an equivalence relation on R but T is not

ii. T is an equivalence relation on R but S is not
iii. Neither S nor T is an equivalence relation on R
iv. Both S and T are equivalence relations on R








#&(# AB is a vertical pole with B at the ground level and A at the top. A man finds that the angle of elevation of the
point A from a certain point C on the ground is 60 He moves away from the pole along the line BC to a point D such
that CD = 7 m. From D the angle of elevation of the point A is 45 0. Then the height of the pole is.






 % 91 1:%! !   ! ;  


CBSE Guess > AIEEE > AIEEE Papers > 2008 > Mathematics

% &..,%<% c


#&)#A die is thrown. Let A be the event that the number obtained is greater than

3. Let B be the event that the number obtained is less than 5. Then

i. 1


iv. 0

#&*# It is given that the events A and B are such that






#&+# A focus of an ellipse is at the origin. The directrix is the line x = 4 and the eccentricity is . Then the length of
the semi-major axis is






#&,# A parabola has the origin as its focus and the line x = 2 as the directrix. Then the vertex of the parabola is at

i. (0, 1)
ii. (2, 0)
iii. (0, 2)
iv. (1, 0)

#&-#The point diametrically opposite to the point P(1, 0) on the circle

i. (- 3, - 4)
ii. ( 3, 4)
iii. (3, - 4)
iv. (- 3, 4)


#'.#The perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining p (1, 4), and Q (k, 3), has y-intercept ±4. Then a
possible value of k is

i. -2
ii. -4
iii. 1
iv. 2


#'$#The first two terms of a geometric progression add up to 12. The sum of the third and the fourth terms is 48. If
the terms of the geometric progression are alternately positive and negative, then the first term is

i. 12
ii. 4
iii. -4
iv. - 12


c  ! ! ! (
#'&# Suppose the cubic x - px + qhas three distinct real roots where p > 0 and q > 0. Then which one of the
following holds?






c  ! ! ! '

#''# How many real solutions does the equation

i. 3
ii. 5
iii. 7
iv. 1



i. f is differentiable at x = 0 but not at x = 1

ii. f is differentiable at x = 1 but not at x = 0
iii. f is neither differentiable at x = 0 nor at x = 1
iv. f is differentiable at x = 0 and at x = 1


#')#The solution of the differential equation satisfying the condition y (1) = 1 is

ii. y = x In x +x
iii. y = In x +x



#$# The energies of activation for forward and reverse reactions

for respectively. The presence of a catalyst lowers

the activation energy of both (forward and reverse) reactions by 100 kJ mol . The enthalpy change of the
reaction in the presence of catalyst will be (in kJ mol )

a. 300
b. 120
c. 280
d. 20

  Enthalpy change of a reaction is not affected by the presence of a catalyst as it lowers the activation energy of

the forward and reverse reaction by the same amount .

None of the options given is correct but option (4) can be treated as correct in terms of magnitude. Correct choice: (4)

#&# The cell, , was allowed to be completely discharged at

298 K. The relative concentration of ZnocellE

a. antilog (24.08)
b. 37.3


Correct choice: (3)

#'# The pKa of a weak acid (HA) is 4.5. The pOH of an aqueous buffered solution of HA in which 50% of the acid is
ionized is

a. 4.5
b. 2.5
c. 9.5
d. 7.0

  If the given weak acid is 50% ionized, then its conjugate base will have the concentration same as that of weak

Correct choice: (3)

#(# Consider the reaction, When concentration of B alone was doubled, the halfílife did
not change. When the concentration of A alone was doubled, the rate increased by two times. The unit of rate
constant for this reaction is

b. no unit

  The reaction would be first order with respect to A and first order with respect to B. The overall order of the
reaction is 2.

Correct choice: (1)

#)#. Identify the incorrect statement among the following:

a. díBlock elements show irregular and erratic chemical properties among themselves .
b. La and Lu have partially filled d orbitals and no other partially filled orbitals.
c. The chemistry of various lanthanoids is very similar.
d. 4f and 5f orbitals are equally shielded.

  4f orbital electrons are shielded more than 5f orbital electrons.

Correct choice: (4)

#*# Which one of the following has a square planar geometry?





(Atomic numbers: Co = 27, Ni = 28, Fe = 26, Pt = 78)

  Platinum(+II) only forms square planar complex. Correct choice: (4)

#+# Which of the following molecules is expected to rotate the plane of plane í polarised light?




 Compound (1) does not have any plane of symmetry as well as centre of symmetry so it rotates the plane of
planeípolarised light. Compound (2), (3) and (4) have a plane of symmetry, so they all are optically inactive.
Correct choice: (1)

#,# The secondary structure of protein refers to:

a. helical backbone.
b. hydrophobic interactions.
c. sequence of amino acids.
d. fixed configuration of the polypeptide backbone.

  Secondary structure of a protein refers to the fixed configuration of the polypeptide skeleton. helix
structure results only when intramolecular Híbonds are formed between of one amino acid residue and
NíH of fourth amino acid residue in polypeptide chain. pleated structure is formed when intermolecular
Híbond is formed between of one polypeptide chain with NíH of the other chain. Correct choice: (4)

#-# Which of the following reactions will yield 2,2ídibromopropane?



Correct choice: (1)

#$.# In the chemical reaction, the

compounds (A) and (B) are respectively:

  This is carbylamine reaction. Correct
choice: (4)

#$$# The reaction of toluene with Cl2 in presence of FeCl3 gives predominantly:

a. benzoyl chloride
b. benzyl chloride
c. oí and píchlorotoluene
d. míchlorotoluene


The reaction proceeds by electrophilic substitution mechanism.

Correct choice: (3 )

#$&# Presence of a nitro group in a benzene ring

a. activates the ring towards electrophilic substitution.

b. renders the ring basic.
c. deactivates the ring towards nucleophilic substitution.
d. deactivates the ring towards electrophilic substitution.

  íNO2 group in benzene ring shows íI and íR effect, which deactivates the ring towards electrophilic substitution
but activates it towards nucleophilic substitution. Correct choice: (4)

#$'# In which of the following ionization processes, the bond order has increased and the magnetic behaviour has


Correct choice: (2)

#$(# The actinoids exhibit more number of oxidation states in general than the lanthanoids. This is because

a. the 5f orbitals are more buried than the 4f orbitals.

b. there is a similarity between 4f and 5f orbitals in their angular part of the wave function.
c. the actinoids are more reactive than the lanthanoids.
d. the 5f orbitals extend further from the nucleus than the 4f orbitals.

  The actinoids exhibit more number of oxidation states than lanthanoids because they can loose more number of
electrons as the 5f orbital electrons are held less strongly than the 4f orbital electrons. Correct choice: (4)

#$)# Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in an empty container at . The fraction of the total
pressure exerted by oxygen is





  Let the mass of methane and oxygen be x g each.

Correct choice: (3)

#$*# . A 5.25% solution of a substance is isotonic with a 1.5% solution of urea (molar mass = 60 g mol ) in the
same solvent. If the densities of both the solutions are assumed to be equal to 1.0 g cm±3, molar mass of the
substance will be
a. 90.0 g mol
b. 115.0 g mol±1
c. 105.0 g mol±1
d. 210.0 g mol±1

  Since the two solutions are isotonic, their concentrations will be

same. Correct choice: (4)

#$+# Assuming that water vapour is an ideal gas, the internal energy change when 1 mol of water is
vapourised at 1 bar pressure and 100 C,(Given: Molar enthalpy of vapourisation of water at 1 bar and 373 K = 41 kJ
molí1 and R = 8.3 J molí1Kí1) will be:

a. 4.100 kJ molí1
b. 3.7904 kJ molí1
c. 37.904 kJ molí1
d. 41.00 kJ molí1


Correct choice: (3)

#$,# In a saturated solution of the sparingly soluble strong electrolyte AgIO3(Molecular mass = 283) the equilibrium

which sets in is If the solubility product constant K spof AgIO3 at a given

temperature is, what is the mass of AgIO3contained in 100 ml of its saturated solution?

a. 28.3 × 10 g
b. 2.83 × 10±3 g
c. 1.0 × 10±7 g
d. 1.0 × 10 g


If µs¶ is the solubility of AglO3 in a saturated solution, then

Correct choice: (2)

#$-# A radioactive element gets spilled over the floor of a room. Its half±life period is 30 days. If the initial activity is
ten times the permissible value, after how many days will it be safe to enter the room?

a. 1000 days
b. 300 days
c. 10 days
d. 100 days

  Let the permissible activity limit of the radioactive element be x, then the initial activity would be 10 x.

Correct choice: (4)

#&.# Which one of the following conformations of cyclohexane is chiral?

a. Twist boat
b. Rigid
c. Chair
d. Boat

 Twist boat conformation of cyclohexane is chiral because it has neither plane of symmetry nor centre of
symmetry. Correct choice: (1)

#&$#Which of the following is the correct order of decreasing SN2 reactivity?

a. RCH2X > R3CX > R2CHX

b. RCH2X > R2CHX > R3CX
c. R3CX > R2CHX > RCH2X
d. R2CHX > R3CX > RCH2X
(X = a halogen)

  The reactivity of a compound towards SN2 reaction decreases as the crowding at the C±atom containing leaving
group increases. Correct choice: (2)

#&&# In a following sequence of reactions,

a. butanal
b. n±butyl alcohol
c. n±propyl alcohol
d. propanal


Correct choice: (3)

#&'# Which of the following sets of quantum numbers represents the highest energy of an atom?





  An orbital having higher value of (n + l) has higher energy. Out of the four options given, the value of (n + l) is
highest if n = 3 and l = 2. Correct choice: (2)

#&(# Which of the following hydrogen bonds is the strongest?

a. O±H.«N
b. F±H.«F
c. O±H.«O
d. O±H.«F

 Greater the difference in electronegativity of H±atom and the other electronegative atom with which H is
covalently bonded, stronger is the hydrogen bond. Highest electronegativity difference exists in HF molecule. Correct
choice: (2)

#&)# In the reaction,

a. 6 L HCl(aq) is consumed for every 3 L H2(g) produced.

b. 33.6 L H2(g) is produced regardless of temperature and pressure for every mole Al that reacts.
c. 67.2 L H2(g) at STP is produced for every mole Al that reacts.
d. 11.2 L H2(g) at STP is produced for every mole HCl(aq) consumed.

  Given that,
For each mole of Al reacted, 1.5 mol of H2 is formed; and for each mole of HCl(aq) consumed, 0.5 mol or 11.2 L of
H2 at STP is formed. Correct choice: (4)

#&*# Regular use of which of the following fertilizers increases the acidity of soil?

a. Potassium nitrate
b. Urea
c. Superphosphate of lime
d. Ammonium sulphate

  Ammonium sulphate is a salt of weak base and strong acid. Its aqueous solution is acidic due to hydrolysis of
ammonium ion. It will increase the acidity of soil. Correct choice: (4)

#&+# Identify the correct statement regarding a spontaneous process:

a. For a spontaneous process in an isolated system, the change in entropy is positive.

b. Endothermic processes are never spontaneous.
c. Exothermic processes are always spontaneous.
d. Lowering of energy in the reaction process is the only criterion for spontaneity.

  For a process to be spontaneous in an isolated system, the change in entropy is positive. Correct choice: (1)

#&,# Which of the following nuclear reactions will generate an isotope?

a. neutron particle emission

b. positron emission
c. particle emission
d. particle emission

  In a nuclear reaction, an isotope cannot be generated by the emission of positron , particle or

particle because it will change the atomic number of the parent nuclei. An isotope can be generated when the nuclei

of an element are bombarded with slow neutrons e.g., . Formation of isotope by

neutron particle emission is a hypothetical process. Correct choice: (1)

#&-# The equivalent conductances of two strong electrolytes at infinite dilution in H2O (where ions move freely
through a solution) at 250C are given

What additional information/quantity one needs to calculate of an aqueous solution of acetic acid?

c. (C) The limiting equivalent conducted of



Correct choice: (1)

#'.# Which one of the following is the strongest base in aqueous solution?

a. Trimethylamine
b. Aniline
c. Dimethylamine
d. Methylamine

  Aliphatic amines are more basic than aromatic amines and among aliphatic amines, the order of basicity in

aqueous solution is Correct choice: (3)

#'$#The compound formed as a result of oxidation of ethyl benzene by KMnO4 is

a. benzophenone
b. acetophenone
c. benzoic acid
d. benzyl alcohol


Correct choice: (3)

#'&# The IUPAC name of is

a. 1,1±diethyl±2,2±dimethylpentane
b. 4,4±dimethyl±5,5±diethylpentane
c. 5,5±diethyl±4,4±dimethylpentane
d. 3±ethyl±4,4±dimethylheptane

IUPAC name of the given compound is: 3±ethyl±4,4±dimethyl heptane.

Correct choice: (4)

#''#Which of the following species exhibits the diamagnetic behaviour?

d. NO

  , and NO are paramagnetic due to the presence of 2, 1 and 1 unpaired electrons respectively.
will have no unpaired electron and is diamagnetic in nature. Correct choice: (1)

#'(# The stability of dihalides of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb increases steadily in the sequence

a. GeX2 << SiX2 << SnX2 << PbX2

b. SiX2 << GeX2 << PbX2 << SnX2
c. SiX2 << GeX2 << SnX2 << PbX2
d. PbX2 << SnX2 << GeX2 << SiX2

  The stability of the lower oxidation state increases down the group in group 14. SiX2 << GeX2 << SnX2<<
PbX2 Correct choice: (3)

#')# Identify the incorrect statement among the following:

a. Ozone reacts with SO2 to give SO3.

b. Silicon reacts with NaOH(aq) in the presence of air to give Na2SiO3 and H2O.
c. Cl2 reacts with excess of NH3 to give N2 and HCl.
d. Br2 reacts with hot and strong NaOH solution to give NaBr, NaBrO4 and H2O.

  O3 + SO2 SO3 + O2
Si + 2NaOH + O2 Na2SiO3 + H2O
3Cl2 + 2NH3 N2 + 6HCl
3Br2 + 6NaOH 5NaBr + NaBrO3 + 3H2O Correct choice: (4)

#'*# The charge/size ratio of a cation determines its polarizing power. Which one of the following sequences
+ 2+ 2+ 2+
represents the increasing order of the polarizing power of the cationic species, K , Ca , Mg , Be ?


  Greater the charge/size ratio of a cation, size but charge of all those ions is same. Thus, polarising power of

these ions is in the order: K+ has a 1 unit charge less than that of Ca2+ and its size
2+ + 2+
is larger than that of Ca , thus polarising power of K is less than that of Ca . So, the correct order

Correct choice: (3)

#'+# The density (in g mL±1) of a 3.60 M sulphuric acid solution that is 29%
H2SO4 (Molar mass = 98 g mol ) by mass will be

a. .64
b. 1.88
c. 1.22
d. 1.45

  Let the mass of solution be x g.

Correct choice: (3)

±5 ±10
#',# The first and second dissociation constants of an acid H2A are 1.0 × 10 and 5.0 × 10 respectively. The
overall dissociation constant of the acid will be

a. 5.0 × 10
b. 5.0 × 10
c. 5.0 × 10
d. 0.2 × 105


Correct choice: (3)

#'-# A mixture of ethyl alcohol and propyl alcohol as vapour pressure of 290 mm at 300 K. The vapour pressure of
propyl alcohol is 200 mm. If the mole fraction of ethyl alcohol is 0.6, its vapour pressure (in mm) at the same
temperature will be

a. 350
b. 300
c. 700
d. 360


Correct choice: (1)

#(.# In conversion of lime±stone to lime,

The values of and are +179.1 kJ mol and 160.2 J/K respectively at 298 K and 1 bar. Assuming
that and do not change with temperature, temperature above which conversion of limestone to lime will
be spontaneous is

a. 1008 K
b. 1200 K
c. 845 K
d. 1118 K

  The decomposition of CaCO3 to CaO and CO2 would become spontaneous
when would be ±ve. But limiting condition can be arrived at when would become


Correct choice: (4)

#$# The displacement of an object attached to a spring and executing simple harmonic motion is given by

metres. The time at which the maximum speed first occurs is

a. 0.5 s
b. 0.75 s
c. 0.125 s
d. 0.25 s

Correct choice: (1)

#&# In an a.c. circuit the voltage applied is . The resulting current in the circuit is

. The power consumption in the circuit is given by

b. P = zero



 # Correct choice: (2)

#'# An electric charge is placed at the origin (0, 0) of X ± Y co-ordinate system. Two points A and B are

situated at and (2, 0) respectively. The potential difference between the points A and B will be

a. 9 volt
b. zero
c. 2 volt
d. 4.5 volt


Correct choice: (2)

#(# A battery is used to charge a parallel plate capacitor till the potential difference between the plates becomes
equal to the electromotive force of the battery. The ratio of the energy stored in the capacitor and the work done by
the battery will be

a. 1
b. 2



 Work done by battery

Energy stored in capacitor

Correct choice: (4)

#)# An ideal coil of 10 H is connected in series with a resistance of and a battery of 5V. 2 seconds after the
connection is made, the current flowing in amperes in the circuit is

a. (1 - e)
b. e

Correct choice: (4)

#*# A long straight wire of radius a carries a steady current i. The current is uniformly distributed across its cross

section. The ratio of the magnetic field at and 2a is

b. 4
c. 1


Correct choice: (3)

#+# A current I flows along the length of an infinitely long, straight, thin walled pipe. Then

a. the magnetic field is zero only on the axis of the pipe

b. the magnetic field is different at different points inside the pipe
c. the magnetic field at any point inside the pipe is zero
d. the magnetic field at all points inside the pipe is the same, but not zer

 Magnetic field inside the infinitely long pipe is zero at all points. Correct choice: (3)

#,# If is the mass of an oxygen isotope , are the masses of a proton and a neutron
respectively, the nuclear binding energy of the isotope is





  Nuclear binding energy

Correct choice: (2)

#-# In gamma ray emission from a nucleus

a. both the neutron number and the proton number change

b. there is no change in the proton number and the neutron number
c. only the neutron number changes
d. only the proton number changes

  Gamma ray is electromagnetic radiation which does not involve any change in proton number or neutron number
Correct choice: (2)

#$.# If in p-n junction diode, a square input signal of 10 V is applied as shown. Then the output signal across
will be




  Diode is forward biased in first half cycle and amplitude of signal is

Correct choice: (4)

#$$# Photon of frequency v has a momentum associated with it. If c is the velocity of light, the momentum is

a. v/c
b. hvc

d. hv/c
  Correct choice: (4)

#$&# The velocity of a particle is . If its position is x = 0 at t = 0, then its displacement after unit
time ( t = 1) is


  , Correct choice: (2)

#$'# For the given uniform square lamina ABCD, whose centre is O,




Correct choice: (3)

#$(# A point mass oscillates along the x-axis according to the law . If the acceleration

of the particle is written as ,






Correct choice: (4)

#$)# Charges are placed on the vertices of a square as shown. Let be the electric field and V the potential at the
centre. If the charges on A and B are interchanged with those on D and C respectively, then

a. remains unchanged, V changes

b. Both and V change

c. and V remain unchanged

d. changes , V remain unchanged

  In initial case, is along (1) whereas in final case is along (2). Potential at centre remains same.

Correct choice: (4)

#$*# The half-life period of a radio-active element X is same as the mean life time of another radio-active element Y.
Initially they have the same number of atoms. Then

a. X will decay faster than Y

b. Y will decay faster than X
c. X and Y have same decay rate initially
d. X and Y decay at same rate always

  , Y will decay faster than X

Correct choice: (2)

#$+# A Carnot engine, having an efficiency of as heat engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work
done on the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower temperature is

a. 99 J
b. 90 J
c. 1J
d. 100 J


If same carnot engine is used as refrigerator then

Correct choice: (2)

#$,# Carbon, silicon and germanium have four valence electrons each. At room temperature which one of the
following statements is most appropriate?
a. the number of free conduction electrons is significant in C but small in Si and Ge.
b. the number of free conduction electrons is negligibly small in all the three.
c. the number of free electrons for conduction is significant in all the three.
d. the number of free electrons for conduction is significant only in Si and Ge but small in C.

  Correct choice: (4)

#$-# A charged particle with charge q enters a region of constant, uniform and mutually orthogonal fields and

with a velocity perpendicular to both and , and comes out without any change in magnitude or direction

of .






Magnitude of and direction of should be such that net force on charge particle be zero. should be in

the direction perpendicular to plane of and and coming out of plane. So direction of is in the direction


Correct choice: (1)

#&.# The potential at a point x (measured in ) due to some charges situated on the x-axis is given

by . The electric field is given by

a. 5/3 and in the ±ve x direction

b. 5/3 and in the +ve x direction
c. 10/9 and in the ±ve x direction
d. 10/9 and in the +ve x direction

Correct choice: (4)

#&$# Which of the following transitions in hydrogen atoms emit photons of highest frequency?

a. n = 2 to n = 6
b. n = 6 to n = 2
c. n = 2 to n = 1
d. n = 1 to n = 2


So photons of highest frequency will be emitted for n = 2 to n = 1

Correct choice: (3)

#&&# A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a spring (massless) of spring constant k. The
blocks are kept on a smooth horizontal plane. Initially the blocks are at rest and the spring is unstretched. Then a
constant force F starts acting on the block of mass M to pull it. Find the force on the block of mass m





  In the question the state of spring is not mentioned. We are assuming acceleration of both blocks to be same.
Correct choice: (3)

#&'# Two lenses of power ±15 D and +5D are in contact with each other. The focal length of the combination is

a. ± 20 cm
b. ± 10 cm
c. + 20 cm
d. + 10 cm


Correct choice: (2)

#&(# One end of a thermally insulated rod is kept at a temperature and the other at . The rod is composed of

two sections of lengths and and thermal conductivities and respectively. The temperature at the
interface of the sections is



Correct choice: (3)

#&)# A sound absorber attenuates the sound level by 20 dB. The intensity decreases by a factor of

a. 1000
b. 10000
c. 10
d. 100

Correct choice: (4)

#&*# If denote the specific heats of nitrogen per unit mass at constant pressure and constant volume
respectively, then





  are molar specific heat capacitates. For unit mass if specific heat

capacities are

Correct choice: (1

 % 91 1:%! !   ! ;  


CBSE Guess > AIEEE > AIEEE Papers > 2007 > Physics

% &..+!


#&+# A charged particle moves through a magnetic field perpendicular to its

direction. Then

a. the momentum changes but the kinetic energy is constant

b. both momentum and kinetic energy of the particle are not constant
c. both, momentum and kinetic energy of the particle are constant
d. kinetic energy changes but the momentum is constant

  Magnetic force can not do any work, so kinetic energy remains constant.
Since initial velocity is perpendicular to magnetic field, hence momentum will
change. Correct choice: (1)

#&,# Two identical conducting wires AOB and COD are placed at right angles to

each other. The wire AOB carries an electric current and COD carries a

current . The magnetic field on a point lying at a distance d from O, in a direction

perpendicular to the plane of the wires AOB and COD, will be given by





 Magnetic field due to AB and CD are respectively and are

in mutually perpendicular direction .

Correct choice: (2)

#&-# The resistance of a wire is 5 ohm at and 6 ohm at . The

resistance of the wire at will be

a. 2 ohm
b. 1 ohm
c. 4 ohm
d. 3 ohm


Correct choice: (3)

#'.# A parallel plate condenser with a dielectric of dielectric constant K between the plates has a capacity C and is
charged to a potential V volts. The dielectric slab is slowly removed from between the plates and then reinserted. The
net work done by the system in this process is

d. zero

 No change in the energy of the system. Hence, not net work done by the system is zero. Correct choice: (4)

#'$# If are the accelerations due to gravity on the surfaces of the earth and the moon respectively
and if Millikan¶s oil drop experiment could be performed on the two surfaces, one will find the


a. 1
b. 0


  Correct choice: (1)

#'&# A circular disc of radius R is removed from a bigger circular disc of radius 2R such that the circumferences of

the discs coincide. The centre of mass of the new disc is from the centre of the bigger disc. The value of is




  If mass of circular disc is M, then mass of removed disc is . Let centre of mass of remaining disc is at a
distance x from centre, then

[In question x is given out to be . If we take that, then no choice is correct we believe in place of , it should
be ] Correct choice: (1)

#''# A round uniform body of radius R, mass M and moment of inertia I rolls down (without slipping) an inclined
plane making an angle with the horizontal. Then its acceleration is





Correct choice: (1)

#'(# Angular momentum of the particle rotating with a central force is constant due to

a. constant force
b. constant linear momentum
c. zero torque
d. constant torque

  Central force is directed towards a point, therefore torque of the central force is zero. Correct choice: (3)

#')# s A 2 kg block slides on a horizontal floor with a speed of 4 m/s. It strikes a uncompressed spring, and
compresses it till the block is motionless. The kinetic friction force is 15 N and spring constant is 10,000 N/m. The
spring compresses by

a. 5.5 cm
b. 2.5 cm
c. 11.0 cm
d. 8.5 cm


Correct choice: (1)

#'*# A particle is projected at to the horizontal with a kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the highest point

a. K
b. Zero
c. K/4
d. K/2


Correct choice: (3)

#'+# In Young¶s double slit experiment the intensity at a point where the path difference is being the

wavelength of the light used) is I. If denotes the maximum intensity, is equal to





  Let intensity of light from individual slits is

Correct choice: (4)

#',#Two springs, of force constants k1 and k2, are connected to a mass m as shown. The frequency of oscillation
of the mass is f. If both k1 and k2 are made four times their original values, the frequency of oscillation becomes

a. f/2
b. f/4
c. 4f
d. 2f

  Correct choice: (4)

#'-# When a system is taken from state i to state f along the path iaf, it is found that Q = 50 cal and W = 20 cal.
Along the path ibf Q = 36 cal. W along the path ibf is

a. 6 cal
b. 16 cal
c. 66 cal
d. 14 cal

Sol: Correct choice: (1)

#(.# A particle of mass m executes simple harmonic motion with amplitude a and frequency v. The average kinetic
energy during its motion from the position of equilibrium to the end is




Correct choice: (1)


#$# In a geometric progression consisting of positive terms, each term equals the sum of the next two terms. Then
the common ratio of this progression equals




  Let geometric progression is a, ar, ar2,««««.;(a, r > 0)

Correct choice: (4)

#&# If sin then a value of x is.

a. 1
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5


Correct choice: (2)

#'# In the binomial expansion of





orrect choice: (4)

#(# The set S : = {1, 2, 3, ««, 12} is to be partitioned into three sets A, B, C of equal size.
Thus, The number of ways to partition S is





  12 different objects are to be divided into 3 groups of equal size, which are named as set A, B and

C. Correct choice: (3)

#)#The largest interval lying in for which the function






Correct choice: (4)

#*# A body weighing 13 kg is suspended by two strings 5 m and 12 m long, their other ends being fastened to the
extremities of a rod 13 m long. If the rod be so held that the body hangs immediately below the middle point. The
tensions in the strings are

a. 12 kg and 13 kg
b. 5 kg and 5 kg
c. 5kg and 12 kg
d. 5 kg and 13 kg

So tension in the strings are 5 kg and 12 kg. Correct choice: (3)

#+# A pair of fair dice is thrown independently three times. The probability of getting a score of exactly 9 twice is





  Probability of getting sum of nine in a single throw

Probability of getting sum nine exactly two times out of three draws .

orrect choice: (4)

#,#Consider a family of circles which are passing through the point (- 1, 1) and are tangent to x-axis. If (h, k), are
the co-ordinates of the centre of the circles, then the set of values of k is given by the interval





  Centre of circle is (h, k) and x-axis is tangent. Radius of the family of circle
Also circle passes through

Correct choice: (2)

#-# Let L be the line of intersection of the planes 2x + 3y +z = 1 and x + 3y +2z = 2. If L makes an angle with the
positive x-axis, then equals

c. 1



Correct choice: (1)

#$.# The differential equation of all circles passing through the origin and having their centres on the x-axis is





 Equation of family of circles passing through origin and having their centres on x-axis is

Correct choice: (3)

#$$# If p and q are positive real numbers such that then the maximum value of (p + q) is
a. 2




Correct choice: (4)

#$&# A tower stands at the centre of a circular park. A and B are two points on the boundary of the park such
that subtends an angle of 60 at the foot of the tower, and the angle of elevation of the top of the tower
from A or B is 30 . The height of the tower is






Correct choice: (3)

#$'# The sum of the series


c. 0



Correct choice: (2)

#$(#The normal to a curve at P(x, y) meets the x-axis at G. If the distance of G from the origin is twice the abscissa
of P, then the curve is a

a. ellipse
b. parabola
c. circle
d. hyperbola


Correct choice: (1, 4)


a. 4
b. 10
c. 6
d. 0

Correct choice: (3)

#$*# The resultant of two forces P N and 3 N is a force of 7 N. If the direction of 3 N force were reversed, the

resultant would be . The value of P is

a. 5N
b. 6N
c. 3N
d. 4N


Correct choice: (1)

#$+# Two aeroplanes I and II bomb a target in succession. The probabilities of I and II scoring a hit correctly are 0.3
and 0.2, respectively. The second plane will bomb only if the first misses the target. The probability that the target is
hit by the second plane is

a. 0.06
b. 0.14
c. 0.2
d. 0.7

No choice is correct


a. divisible by neither x nor y

b. divisible by both x and y
c. divisible by x but not y
d. divisible by y but not x


Correct choice: (2)

#$-#For the hyperbola which of the following remains constant when Į varies?

a. Eccentricity
b. Directrix
c. Abscissae of vertices
d. Abscissae of foci

Correct choice: (4)

#&.# If a line makes an angle of with the positive directions of each of x-axis and y-axis, then the angle that the
line makes with the positive direction of the z-axis is






Correct choice: (4)

#&$# A value of C for which the conclusion of Mean Value Theorem holds for the function on the
interval [1, 3] is



Correct choice: (1)

#&&#The function is an increasing function in






Correct choice: (2)


b. 1

d. 5

Correct choice: (3)






Correct choice: (2)

#&)# If are unit vectors and ș is the acute angle between them, then is a unit vector for

a. Exactly two values of

b. More than two values of
c. No value of
d. Exactly one value of


Correct choice: (4)

#&*# A particle just clears a wall of height b at a distance a and strikes the ground at a distance c from the point of
projection. The angle of projection is





Correct choice: (3)

#&+# The average marks of boys in a class is 52 and that of girls is 42. The average marks of boys and girls
combined is 50. The percentage of boys in the class is

a. 40
b. 20
c. 80
d. 60

 Let there are x boys and y girls in the class. So, total marks are
52 x + 42 y and according to second condition total marks = (x + y) 50
So percentage of boys is 80.

Correct choice: (3)

#&,#The equation of a tangent to the parabola The point on this line from which the other
tangent to the parabola is perpendicular to the given tangent is

a. (- 1, 1)
b. (0, 2)
c. (2, 4)
d. (- 2, 0)
  Point of intersection of two perpendicular tangents to the parabola lies on directrix of the parabola. Equation of
directrix is x + 2 = 0
So point is (- 2, 0) Correct choice: (4)

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#&-# If (2, 3, 5) is one end of a diameter of the

sphere then the coordinates of the

other end of the diameter are

a. (4, 9, - 3)
b. (4, - 3, 3)
c. (4, 3, 5)
d. (4, 3, - 3)

  Centre (3, 6, 1)
Let other end


Correct choice: (1)


a. 0
b. 1
c. ±4

d. ±2

Correct choice: (4)

#'$# Let A (h, k), B (1, 1) and C (2, 1) be the vertices of a right angled triangle with
AC as its hypotenuse. If the area of the triangle is 1, then the set of values which µk¶
can take is given by



Correct choice: (3)

#'&# be three points. The

equation of the bisector of the angle PQR is





Correct choice: (1)

#''# If one of the lines of is a bisector of the angle between the lines xy = 0,
then m is

b. ±2
c. 1
d. 2


Correct choice: (3)


b. 0
c. 1
d. 2

Correct choice: (1)

#')# Then which of the following

is true?

b. f (x) is not differentiable at x = 1.
c. f (x) is differentiable everywhere
d. f (x) is not differentiable at x = 0.


Correct choice: (3)

#'*# can be made continuous at x = 0 by

defining f (0) as

a. 2
b. ±1
c. 0
d. 1


Correct choice: (4)

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Correct choice: (1)

#',# The area enclosed between the curves

b. 1



Correct choice: (3)

#'-#If the difference between the roots of the

equation then the set of possible values of a


a. (- 3, 3)



Correct choice: (1)

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