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Trials of Xibalba

An adventure designed for a group of four to five 4th-level characters.

In eons past, civilisations long lost to the sands of time worshipped the infernal gods of the Underdark. Amongst
these places of worship is Xibalba, or the “Place of Fear”, a subterranean temple built into a cave system deep
beneath the earth. Here in the underground temple, the would-be champions of the ancients brave the trials of
Xibalba in order to gain the favour of their infernal deities. Now thousand of years later, the rediscovery of these
lost proving grounds, awakens a slumbering darkness within Xibalba, beckoning anyone worthy or foolish
enough to brave the depths of darkness…

Written by Andy Tan (@world.maker)

Art by Héctor Hugo Moreno (@wellofenoryn)

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Trials of Xibalba 1
Foreword 3
Synopsis 3
Background 3
Roadmap for this dungeon 3
Notes for the Game Master 3
An Interesting Proposition 4
Area 1: The Descend 5
Cenote Entrance 5
Area 2: A Tribute of Blood 5
Area 3: Crystalline Pool 6
Area 4: The Crumbling Stelae 6
Drowned Tunnels 6
Area 5: The Crystal Sepulchre 6
Area 6: Chamber of the Damned 7
Area 7: Throat of the Beast 7
Area 8: The Whorl 8
The Hall of Trial 8
Area 9: The Great Cycle 8
The Six Houses of Xibalba 9
Area 10: The House of Razors 9
Area 11: The House of Bats 10
Area 12: The House of Fire 10
Area 13: The House of Cold 11
Area 14: The House of Jaguars 11
Area 15: The House of Darkness 12
The Final Test 13
Area 16: The Bounded Gate 13
Area A: Bed of the Fallen 13
Area B: The Furnace 13
Area C: Twin Champions 13
Area D: The Light of Xibalba 14
Aftermath 15
Appendix A: Maps 16
Appendix B: Monsters 18
Acknowledgements 22
Art Credits 22

Trials of Xibalba 2
Trials of Xibalba Background
• Over the course of her adventuring, the famed
Foreword Elven explorer Rinah Goldeyes discovers the
site of Xibalba.
• The theme and setting is based on cenotes, or • Xibalba is a long-lost ancient proving
limestone sinkholes found in the Yucatan grounds used by the would-be champions of
Peninsula in Mexico. These cenotes are an ancient civilisation to curry favour from the
thought to be entrances to the underworld by Gods of the Underdark.
the ancient Maya.
• The last team of adventurers hired by Rinah
• Xibalba is a legendary subterranean realm in disappeared into the depths of the caverns
Maya legends where the “Death Gods” reside. and hasn’t been heard from since. It has been
In the Popol Vuh, the Maya Hero Twins 3 days since their journey into Xibalba.
braved the trials of the 6 Houses of Xibalba.
• She hires the party to rescue the first team of
• The recurring theme of crystals and calcified adventurers, and to bring any information
remains are based on the Crystal Maiden or treasure gleamed from the expedition
found in the Cave of the Crystal Sepulchre in back to her.
Roadmap for this dungeon
1. Get information from Rinah
• The adventure begins when famed explorer
and adventurer, Rinah Goldeyes contacts 2. Clear the Cenote Entrance
the party and hire them for an expedition to 3. Find your way into the Hall of Trial
scout out a recently unearthed ruin in the
jungles. 4. Obtain the 6 Keys of Xibalba

• The players venture into the caverns below 5. Unlock the Final Test
through a well deep in the jungles. 6. Survive the onslaught of Choq’-Came
• As the players proceed, they find that the 7. Return to the surface
flooded floors of the tunnels glow with an
unnatural crystalline light. Finding clues Notes for the Game Master
from various inscriptions written in Infernal,
the players discovers the true purpose of It is recommended for the game master to read
Xibalba. through this module at least once and visualise
the process before running the game.
• Braving the flooded halls of Xibalba and
staving off the hordes of the damned, the Boxed text such as these are meant to be read to the
players best the Six Houses of Trials, players, you may choose to do so or add your own
obtaining the necessary Keys needed to help embellishment as necessary, or ditch it completely.
them in their escape.
• Their quest culminates with a showdown Sidebars such a these provide supplementary but pivotal
information that are for your eyes only. These information may
against the last of the Stelaes, guardians set be provided to the players as well at your own discretion.
up by the gods of the Underdark to test the
faithful. And, most importantly, have fun with this

Trials of Xibalba 3
An Interesting Proposition What Rinah Knows
Through conversation with Rinah Goldeyes, the players can
learn some details on Xibalba and the current predicament.
The party may begin in any settlement with a • Xibalba is an ancient temple dedicated to an ancient deity or
large enough forest or jungle nearby to house an deities that has since been lost to time.
ancient ruin. • The temple was thought to be a myth until recently, when
Rinah and a few cartographers managed to crack a code found
After the players finish any preparations or on a secret map.
activities that they wish to perform in town. • Poring through ancient texts, she believes that the temple
Read the boxed text when the players are ready: houses a sizeable hoard of treasure ranging from magical items
to gold ingots.
• Her initial adventurer party consists of 4 members:
After a night’s rest, you awaken to a commotion
• Alletol Towerhand - a 4th-level Human Paladin
coming from outside of the tavern. Wearily you • Bagda Oakheart - a 5th-level Gnome Wizard
gather your gear and belongings to have a look at • Father Dethius - a 4th-level Elf Cleric
what is happening outside. • Ruth “Quickfingers” - a 4th-level Halfling Rogue
• Bagda Oakheart is a long time associate of Rinah’s, she is
Standing in the middle of the streets is an elven described as cautious and meticulous in her exploration work,
and she acts as the de-facto leader of the first group.
woman in her early thirties addressing a small crowd
• The absence of her reporting in is described as uncharacteristic
that has gathered before her. Dark brown hair flows
over her ornately woven hide armor. A black cat is
perched regally on her shoulders, surveying the You may also omit or embellish any additional
townsfolk while she addresses them. details or circumstances you feel appropriate to
draw the players in onto this venture.
• The elven woman is Rinah Goldeyes, a
Rinah has arranged to meet the players at the
famed elven explorer of some repute.
edge of town in four hours time. Players may
• She come to town in an attempt to find take this time to finish any preparations that they
adventurers to help her out. might need to do in town. Read the boxed text
• Rinah explains that she have recently when preparations are ready:
decoded a secret map detailing the At the agreed upon timing, you rendezvous with
location of an ancient subterranean temple
Rinah at the edge of town. The elven explorer is
known as Xibalba.
decked out with a heavy looking backpack filled with
• She has already sent her team of explorers into what you assume is supplies. The heavy weight of her
the ruin, however it has been 3 days since backpack does not seem to slow her down as she trots
they departed into Xibalba and they have yet down the road with ease, her black cat perched on
to return or contact her via a Sending spell as her shoulders as always, in silent vigilance.
per their agreement.
• She now hopes to enlist the aid of the party to Your journey takes you deep into the forests north of
venture into Xibalba after the her first group town. The thick foliage and overgrowth ever
of adventurers, to bring them back alive or obscuring your view ahead, in a few instances, you
dead. were almost separated from Rinah as you tried to
• For this, she is willing to pay each party keep pace with the veteran explorer.
member a sum of 250 GP and half of the
The trek through the forests should be rather
treasures found over the course of the
uneventful as Rinah deftly guides the party
through the hidden trails of the forest.

Trials of Xibalba 4
On the third night of travel read this out as the and 40 hit points, destroying the statue reveals
players are finishing their long rest: a shard of Blue Crystal encased within

The nights you spend in the deep forest is one of • The crystal has a faint-trace of magic to it but
otherwise have no other discernible properties,
isolation and pure darkness. For the past few nights
it is worth 20 GP
you hear distant sounds of beasts strange and
unknown, their baleful cries echoing through the • A rope ladder left by the previous adventuring
dense woodlands. party dangles from the edge. The party can
use this rope to lower themselves into the well.
However, your nights spent camping under the
• Rinah Goldeyes has set up camp and will elect
wooded boughs of the forest passes by without
to stay on the surface as a lookout while the
incident. At daybreak you continue with your trek, party venture below.
following Rinah’s lead.
Cenote Entrance
At around mid-day your party arrives at a medium
sized grove, a statue of some unknown deity stands As the players make their descend, read this:
watch over a well located in the middle of the
clearing. Descending via the rope ladder, you find yourselves
in a large cavern. The incessant sounds of water
Area 1: The Descend dripping punctuates the silence, reverberating into
the distant gloom. As you adjust your eyes to the
A 10 foot tall Statue and an 8 feet wide and 40 darkness, you see that the cavern is half flooded with
feet deep Well adorns the otherwise sparse
waist deep waters. A strange glow seems to be
emitting beneath the icy cold waters in the cavern.
• A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check on
the grove and its surroundings will reveal that Area 2: A Tribute of Blood
there are traces of a settlement or civilisation
of sorts here in ages past. A stone altar lies in this area, an on it a
ceremonial stone knife. A set of worn stairs
• The Well goes down 40 feet into a cavern. lead into the pool of water in Area 3
• A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check • Anyone who understands Infernal can read
made on the statue will uncover inscriptions the inscription carved upon the altar:
written in infernal. Anyone who can
understand Infernal can read the following “A toll of blood must be shed, a tribute for the Lords
message: of Xibalba.”

“Here lies the abyss, and within, the Six Great • Each player must use the ceremonial stone
Houses of Xibalba. Venture forth if you would gain knife to cut their hand and offer up 1d4 hit
the favour of the Gods, the worthy shall rise again points worth of blood in order to gain safe
while the fallen shall forever dwell within these passage.
hallowed halls."
• As the players offer up their blood on the altar,
the stone seems to drink in the blood, leaving
• A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom
nothing behind but the cold, spotless stone
(Religion) check on the statue will reveal that it
surface of the altar.
is some sort of infernal being from the abyss.
• Not doing so will cause the Crumbling
• The Statue is immune to all damage from non-
Stelae in Area 4 to rise and attack them.
magical sources. The Statue has an AC of 10

Trials of Xibalba 5
Area 3: Crystalline Pool Drowned Tunnels
A pool of waist-deep water floods the chamber.
As the party transitions from Area 3 to here,
The crystals spread over the flooded cave floor
read the following out to them:
crunch and crack with each step the party takes.
• A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) or The air in this area is stagnant, untouched by
Wisdom (Survival) check made on the area sunlight or moon beams for thousand of years. All
reveals a flooded tunnel that can be dived around you, you hear a low hum reverberating
under, leading to the Drowned Tunnels. though the cavern.
• The watery areas of 3 and 4 are considered
The crystals beneath the waist high waters glow with
difficult terrain.
unearthly beauty and intensity, lighting up the gloom
Area 4: The Crumbling Stelae in a dim throbbing light.
A crumbling stone statue adorns this area. The
• The way ahead is split into 3 tunnels, each
statue is halfway submerged in the icy crystalline
leading north-west, north and north-east
• Anyone entering this area without offering up
Sidebar: Treacherous Grounds
their blood in Area 2 or is carrying a Blue
• The flooded areas in this section are treated as difficult terrain,
Crystal will activate the statue, causing it to as the waters reach up to 3 feet high and the floors under
attack them as the Crumbling Stelae. them are littered with sharp crystalline shards.
• For every 20 feet travelled by the party, there is a 20%
chance of taking 1d4 piercing damage from the crystals
littering the floors.
• The crystals embedded in the cavern floor also act as a light
source providing vision up to 60 feet.

Area 5: The Crystal Sepulchre

The north-eastern passage leads into a small
alcove. A skeleton fused to crystals lay broken on
the ground.
• A player performing a DC 15 Intelligence
(Nature) check on the crystalline growths will
discover that they are actually masses of
calcified bones warped into crystals.
• A player making a DC 10 Investigation
(Intelligence) check on the crystallised skeleton
The Crumbling Stelae will reveal that the skeleton was involved in
combat not too long ago.
• The Crumbling Stelae will concentrate its attacks on anyone • The player investigating the crystallised
in possession of the Blue Crystal, followed by anyone who skeleton must then make a Dexterity saving
did not offer up their blood at the altar in Area 2.
throw against a DC of 15 or be grappled by
• The Crumbling Stelae will also attempt to block the flooded
tunnel entrance(Area 3) while attacking the players. the skeleton, as it suddenly jerks to life.
• The Stelae will stop attacking if the Blue Crystal in their • In either case, roll initiative to keep track of
possession is destroyed or ALL players have offered up their
the turn order as the players react.
blood at the altar.

Trials of Xibalba 6
• A player grappled by the crystallised skeleton Combat
takes 3(1d4) piercing damage at the start of • The 5 Crystal Bones concentrate their attacks on one
their turn and the crystallised skeleton’s turn. random player.
• The Crystal Bones continues to attack a player even if they are
• The crystallised skeleton has 1 hit points, has unconscious, they will only stop when either them or the player
an AC of 10 when on the ground, and an AC that they are currently engaged with is dead.

of 15 when successfully grappling onto a Aftermath

player. • Searching the Crystal Bones after the battle will yield 1d6 GP
worth of Crystal Quartz per body.
Area 6: Chamber of the Damned
The northern passage opens up into a large • A cursory search of the stone platforms after
chamber containing large stalagmites and two the battle will unearth a hidden cache of
rock platforms connected by a rotting wooden ancient gold coins worth 300 GP.
Area 7: Throat of the Beast
In the flooded gloom you hear a distant clatter of
The north-western passage turns into a long
bones against rock. Soon the sounds surround you.
winding corridor that seems to lead deeper into
You look around in confusion as five crystallised
the caves. A current can be felt flowing in a
skeletons appear from the darkness, their eyes ghostly northward direction into the depths of the caves.
points of crystalline lights that pierces through the
dimly lit chamber. The waters slosh as the undead Sidebar: Sweeping Currents
• An increasingly strong current sweeps through this passage,
horrors slowly approach you, seemingly drawn to the flowing northwards into the gloom.
life force that you are exuding. • For every round in combat, all players must succeed on a DC
10 constitution check or they are swept 5 feet towards the
• As the players enter this chamber, 5 Crystal direction of Area 8.

Bones breaks off from their crystalline prisons • Fused to the floor, walls and ceiling are a
(marked as CB in the maps) and advance on myriad of fallen challengers from ages past,
the party. now all doomed to Xibalba as Crystal Bones.
• For every crystal chunk/stalagmite (marked
with an X on the map) the party passes by, roll
a d10, on rolls of 8 or higher, a group of 3
Crystal Bones burst forth.
• Crystal Bones spawn within 5 feet of a
crystal. If a creature is in the space when a
Crystal Bones is spawned, they are pushed 5
feet back and must make a dexterity
saving throw against a DC of 10 or take
1d4 bludgeoning damage.
• The Crystal Bones continues to attack a player even if they are
unconscious, they will only stop when either them or the player
that they are currently engaged with is dead.
• Searching the Crystal Bones after the battle will yield 1d6 GP
worth of Crystal Quartz per body.
Crystal Bones

Trials of Xibalba 7
Area 8: The Whorl
Reaching the end of the tunnel, the party finds
themselves barely clinging on for purchase as the
increasingly strong current threatens to sweep
them under.
• The tunnel ends in a large opening where the
waters in area 7 rapidly flows into. The
downward flowing current will prevent players
travelling to the area ahead from returning.
• Players who wish to be able to return to the
drowned tunnels or the cenote entrance need
to find a way to assist them to swim against the Sidebar: Submerged Hall
current to return to this area. (e.g tying a long • The Hall of Trial is fully submerged and you can swim
rope to a stalagmite or by using a spell like underwater as long as you can hold your breath (see
Water Walk) “Drowning” below). You can swim at half your speed. Roll
initiative to keep track of the time spent underwater.
The Hall of Trial Drowning
• After 1+(con bonus) minutes of holding your breath
Entering this area, read this to the players: underwater you fall unconscious, your hit points fall to 0, and
you begin making your death saving throws. This continues
Following the undercurrents, you find yourself in a until you die or unless you are saved in some way.

large chamber fully submerged in dark icy waters, a Light Sources

stark contrast to the crystal lit tunnels above. • The central hall is shrouded in pitch black darkness, the only
light is the 15 feet light coming from the entrances to the six
houses of Xibalba. Except for the House of Darkness (Area 15)
You count in the distance, all around you, six plumes
of faint light shining from above, and below them
sets of stairs leading upwards.
Area 9: The Great Cycle
• This is a central area leading to the six houses Located in the middle of the great chamber is a
of Xibalba. strange mosaic/contraption of unknown
• Area 16 is a raised stone dais, an purpose.
impenetrable field closes off the area. To enter • The mosaic/contraption requires a light
Area 16, the party needs to possess the Six source or Darkvision to be properly examined.
Keys of Xibalba.
• An Intelligence (History) check against a DC
• Each Key is held in the six respective houses of 20 made on the mosaic/contraption will
where they are guarded behind a trial or a reveal that it is an ancient system known as
NPC. The Great Cycle, used by civilisations
ancient and forgotten to track days and predict
• For every minute the players spend in this area,
the future.
roll a d10, on rolls of 8 or higher, a Crystal
Bones spawn within 10 feet of a player. • An epitaph in Infernal is carved around the
circumference of The Great Cycle.
• Where the Crystal Bones spawn is up to the
DM’s discretion. • Anyone who can read Infernal can spend 1
minute to read the epitaph:

Trials of Xibalba 8
“Here lies the Six Great Houses of Xibalba. Surfacing into the room, you hear a low buzz that slowly
escalate into a loud whirling sound that pierces the silence.
Flames burn bright in the abyss, Before you, the room is filled with spinning blades, several
anvils with swords dot the sides of the room. About 20 feet
the sons of Camazotz sings in the silent mists. from the entrance, you can see a fresh corpse, bisected in
half from waist down.
Blades and anvils ring for blood,
Side Bar: Whirling Blades
a lone light burns all who tread in the dark. • Roll initiative for the players to keep track of their time and
turn order.
Unseen and untouched a shadow prowls the boughs, • A player ending their turn within 5 feet of a whirling blade
must succeed on a DC 15 dexterity saving throw or take
a chilling frost descends to test all mortal vows. 1d10 slashing damage.

Through the purging flames of Xibalba will you rise

Area A, B, C, E & F: False Keys
anew, a champion of the Gods. Forged and tested in
• Sword lies atop these anvils, making a DC 15
the fiery crucible of battle.
Wisdom (Insight) check will notice that these
swords are “unnatural”.
• Anyone not proficient in Infernal can spend
3 minutes to attempt at decoding the • Casting “Detect Magic” will reveal that all
epitaph. If they do so, they must pass a DC 13 swords, including the real sword are magical in
Intelligence (Investigation) check. nature.
• A diagram carved on The Great Cycle depicts • Touching these false keys will cause them to
six objects locked behind six houses. Any animate and attack as Flying Swords.
Intelligence (Investigation) check against a DC
of 10 will reveal the fact that the party need to
• The Flying Swords will prioritise their attacks on the player
find the six keys to proceed forward to the who first lay their hands on it.
“Final Test” and to gain the “Blessings of the
Gods”. (Area 16) Area F: Bisected Corpse
The Six Houses of Xibalba • An Intelligence (Investigation) check of DC 10
made on the corpse will reveal that it is
• The Six Houses can be challenged and cleared Alletol Towerhand, the Human Paladin part
in any order of the player’s choosing. of the adventuring party that entered Xibalba
• All areas in this section with the exception of
Area 15 are fully lit. • Searching the corpse will yield a “+1
Longsword” and 25 GP. The armor and
A Word to the Game Master shield are damaged beyond repair.
To clarify any confusion and to guide them, you may wish to
provide the players a chance to discern their purpose in each of
those rooms by doing a relevant ability check (e.g. Investigation Area D: The Key of Razors
or Insight) and divulge to them the appropriate amount of • Removing the sword from the anvil will cause
information based on those rolls. it to reform into “The Key of Razors” a
Area 10: The House of Razors small key shaped object.

The goal of this room is for players to find the • Removing the Key from the anvil will also
real Key from out of 6 swords, with 5 of them cause the Whirling Blades in the room to grind
being false and hostile Flying Swords. to a halt. And all Flying Swords active or
otherwise will also become permanently
When the party is ready, read this to them: inanimate.

Trials of Xibalba 9
Area 11: The House of Bats • Further inspection of the corpse will reveal it
to be the Halfling Rogue, Ruth
The goal of this room is to retrieve the Key of “Quickfingers”, one of the members of the
Bats from the chest at the end of the room (Area first adventuring party.
A), while avoiding the multiple swarms of
magical bats flying overhead. • Searching the corpse will yield a “+1
Dagger”, a “Dagger of Venom”, a “Scale
When the party is ready, read this to them: Armor” and 40 GP.
As you enter the chamber, a collective of sharp shrieking
sounds echos through the cavernous room as the air above
you stirs with the flapping of a hundred wing beats.

You’re barely able to duck as a swarm of bats swoop down

from above, intent on attacking your heads.

Side Bar: Children of Camazotz

• Roll initiative for the players to keep track of their time and
turn order.
• Players start in this room crouched, and they only can move
up to 1/4 of their speed.
• At the end of their turns, players need to succeed on a DC 10
dexterity saving throw or take 1d12 slashing damage.
• Standing up in this room while the swarm of bats are present
will cause the player to automatically take 1d12 slashing
damage at the end of their turns.
• The bats are invulnerable to all forms of damage. Let Avatar of Camazotz
the players know this when they attack the swarm of bats.
• Attacking the bats more than 3 times will cause them to
Area 12: The House of Fire
disperse and reform into an Avatar of Camazotz.
The goal of this room is to defeat the Fire
Combat: Avatar of Camazotz Elemental that guards the Key of Fire (Area
• While the Avatar of Camazotz is active, the rules of A).
“Sidebar: Children of Camazotz” do not apply.
• The Avatar of Camazotz will make attacks until defeated When the party is ready, read this to them:
or the key is retrieved from the chest (Area A), in which case
it reverts back to flocks of bats and drop dead. Entering the chamber, the air shifts and the temperature
slowly increases to that of a searing heat. Magma flows
Area A: The Winged Reliquary from a giant shard of crystallised fire that sits at the end of
the room.
• Contained within the reliquary is the Key of
Bats. As if sensing your intrusion into the chamber, the shard of
• The reliquary can be opened with a DC 15 fire glows to a bright hot red and a large barely humanoid
figure wreathed in flames emerge from its molten depths.
Dexterity check with a set of Thieves Tools.
• Alternatively, the reliquary can be broken into A roar akin to the sound of boiling rocks escapes the
by doing enough damage to it. The mouth of the creature as it slowly shambles towards you.
Reliquary has an AC of 5 and 20 Hit
Points. Area A: Eye of Fire
• The heat generated by the Eye of Fire (The
• After reclaiming the Key, the party finds a
crystallised fire marked as Area A), is magical
beheaded corpse near the vicinity of the
in nature.

Trials of Xibalba 10
• The Eye of Fire is invulnerable to all forms of Combat
damage as long as the Fire Elemental is active. • The Ice Elemental will use its lair action at initiative count 20
(losing all ties) to activate the Breath of Ice. When activated, all
• Defeating the Fire Elemental will cause all players must succeed on a DC 15 constitution saving throw or
the flames and molten lava that is present in suffer 5 (1d6+2) cold damage and its hit point maximum is
reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This
the room to be absorbed back into the Eye of reduction lasts until the target finishes a short rest. The target is
Fire. frozen solid and dies if this effect reduces its hit point
maximum to 0.
• The Shard of Fire then transforms into the
Key of Fire.
Combat Area 14: The House of Jaguars
• The Fire Elemental will use its lair action at initiative count 20 The goal of this room is to retrieve the key at the
(losing all ties) to activate the Eye of Fire. When activated, all
players must succeed on a DC 15 constitution saving throw or stone altar in the chamber either by sneaking
take 5 (1d6+2) fire damage and half as much on a successful past or defeating the two Displacer Beasts
prowling the wooded confines of the room.
When the party is ready, read this to them:
Area 13: The House of Cold You are shocked at what greet your eyes, a verdant
The goal of this room is to defeat the Ice expanse of trees and flowers lay before you. An
Elemental that guards the Key of Cold (Area impossibility you think to yourself.
A). Before you can sink any further into your thoughts and
When the party is ready, read this to them: marvel at the ephemeral greenery of this room, something
moved under the wooded boughs in the distance…
A cold frigid wind blows from a strange altar at the back
of the room, chilling all that is in its presence. Frozen
water and ice fill almost every corner of the chamber.
Area A: Soul of the Forest
• The two Displacer Beasts (Marked DB) will
All the while as you are observing the room, the attempt to stealth as soon as the players enter
temperature in the room continues to drop and as snow the room. They have a +5 bonus to their
begins to fall. stealth roll due to the foliage of the room.
As the harsh cold intensifies, it all culminates as cloud of • Roll initiative for the players as soon as they
white powdery snow ascends from the center of the altar, are ready, to track the passage of time.
slowly it reforms and materialises into a twisted humanoid
caricature that floats towards you. • Take note of the player’s marching order.
• A player making an Intelligence (Investigation)
Area A: Breath of Ice check of any DC on the surrounding area will
• Defeating the Ice Elemental causes the frost be able to see the Key of Jaguars hovering
and cold winds to stop and the Breath of Ice above the stone altar (marked as Area A).
(The altar marked as Area A) to shatter, • A corpse torn to shreds, lay on the stone altar.
revealing the Key of Cold.
• A cursory Intelligence (Investigation) check
• The cold produced by the Breath of Ice (The reveals it to be Father Dethius, the Elven
altar marked as Area A), is magical in nature. Cleric accompanying the first party.
• The Breath of Ice is invulnerable to all forms • His body contains a “+1 Mace” and 13 GP
of damage as long as the Ice Elemental is

Trials of Xibalba 11
Combat • Ending your turn on a square will
• The two Displacer Beasts will attempt to sneak up and reveal if the key is on that square. If a
attack the players in the lead and the rear in a pincer player ends their turn on the square containing
the Key, they may use their reaction to
• It is possible to distract/hold off the two beasts while a player
retrieves the Key of Jaguars from the Altar. Doing so however retrieve the Key.
will enrage the 2 Displacer Beasts giving them advantage for
their next 3 attacks. • Retrieving the Key will cause the Heart of
• The Displacer Beasts will not pursue anyone past this room. Darkness to disappear, however any remaining
Will-O’-Wisps will still continue to engage in
Area 15: The House of Darkness combat.
The goal of this room is to find the Key of Combat
Darkness hidden on a random square in the • The Heart of Darkness (the sphere of light marked area A)
room, while evading the Will-O-’Wisp that are starts off with a Will-O’-Wisp that spawns within 10 feet of
spawning from the giant ball of light in the it.
room. • At the end of every round, a new Will-O’-Wisp appears within
10 feet of the Heart of Darkness.
As more Will-O-’Wisp appears, the room is • The Will-O’-Wisps sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius with
slowly lit by their “Variable Illumination” their Variable Illumination trait.
• The Will-O’-Wisps will attack the player nearest to them.
trait. Therefore, this creates a situation where
allowing multiple Will-O-’Wisps to spawn affords
the players with more light sources, but run the The Fate of Bagda Oakheart
risk of being overwhelmed by enemies. • After the darkness in the room has been
dispelled, the players find a severely weakened
When the party is ready, read this to them:
Bagda Oakheart, the leader of the
An impermeable darkness covers the room, with only a expedition lying in the corner of the room.
large fluctuating sphere of light providing weak She is on her final death saving throw.
• Roll initiative for Bagda, she has a +2 to her
Eerily silent and still, a lone metallic glint shines for a split initiative roll.
second before being engulf by the dark. As the light • If saved and brought to consciousness by the
fluctuate, a lone orb splits from the sphere and begins
party, Bagda will answer their questions to the
floating towards you…
best of her abilities.

Area A: Heart of Darkness • She will also elect to stay in this room to
• The darkness is magical in nature and dress her wounds, and implore the party
cannot be dispelled. to find a way out for them and her party.

• Roll initiative for the players as soon as they What Bagda Knows
are ready, to track the passage of time. • She was hired by Rinah to scout out the dungeon and retrieve
whatever that was of historical value for her.
• You may plant the Key of Darkness in any • They are colleagues in the same Explorer’s Guild
square you deem appropriate. • She got separated from her party when they were attacked in
the Hall of Trials by several Crystal Bones.
• The metallic glint is the spot where the Key • She managed to escape to this room before getting lost in the
of Darkness is located. darkness while coming under attack by the Will-O’-Wisps.
• She have no knowledge on the current whereabouts of her
• A player making a Wisdom (Perception) check party.
against a DC of 18 can roughly pinpoint the • The exit for the dungeon is located past Area 16, and it
requires all 6 keys to proceed forward.
location of the metallic glint up, accurate up to
20 feet. (The accuracy is determined by how • She is carrying a “Wand of Magic
high their roll is) Missiles” and 67 GP.

Trials of Xibalba 12
The Final Test Combat
• The Crystal Bones continues to attack a player even if they are
unconscious, they will only stop when either them or the player
With the Six Keys in tow, the arcane barrier in that they are currently engaged with is dead.
Area 16 is dispelled, allowing passage forward Aftermath
into the final area of the dungeon. • Searching the Crystal Bones after the battle will yield 1d6 GP
worth of Crystal Quartz per body.
Area 16: The Bounded Gate
In this section, the party traverses through “The
Furnace”, an area filled with fire-breathing Area B: The Furnace
statues of long-forgotten beings. At the end of • Jets of flames shoot forth from stone statues set
the area lies the Light of Xibalba, a large into alcoves on either side of the hall.
crystalline structure, that acts as the final
gateway and challenge to this dungeon. • The flames have a range of 25-feet, leaving
only a 5-feet wide path in the middle of the
By presenting the Six Keys into the Light of hall as a safe zone from the fire.
Xibalba, it activates and reforms into Choq’-
Came, The Living Crystal. An ancient • Anything ending their turn within the flames
Stelae left by the Gods of Xibalba, to serve as a must roll a DC 13 dexterity saving throw and
final test of strength for their would-be 1d12 fire damage, or half as much on a
champions. successful save.
When the party is ready to approach Area 16, Area C: Twin Champions
read this to them: • Seated on elaborate thrones are a set of 2
With the six keys in your possession, you dive headlong skeletons decked in kingly robes and
back into the cold and dark waters of the Hall of Trial. As jewellery. The skeleton on the right is missing
you swim towards the once inaccessible stone dais north of its’s skull.
the hall, the six keys that are in your possession begins to
glow in tandem with the arcane runes at the end of the • Their bodies can be looted for 500 GP worth
hall. of jewellery.
• A epitaph in Infernal is carved into the
This glow intensifies to a blinding white light that
momentarily illuminate the once dark waters around you, ground in between the two thrones.
for a moment you all collectively shield your eyes from the • This can be read by anyone proficient in
intensity of the light. As the light slowly dissipates, you Infernal or by spending 3 minutes
observe a slight, gentle light streaming down into the dark
decoding the epitaph and by doing an
waters from an opening in the ceiling at the end of the
Intelligence (Investigation) check against a DC
of 18.
Area A: Bed of the Fallen “Here lies the twins who dared deceive the Gods of
• This area is caked in crystalline dust that a DC Xibalba. Let their fates be an example to all who
15 Intelligence (Nature) check will reveal to be would make a fool of the Gods.
calcified remains of of creatures.
Wings of a Bat, Sword of the Mighty, Eye of the
• This area can be used as a zone for Short/ Fire, Breath of Ice, Soul of the Forests, and a Heart
Long Rests. of Darkness, present them all to the Light of Xibalba
• For every 4 hours spent in this area, there is a and be judged of your worthiness.
10% chance of 4 Crystal Bones spawning from
the surrounding crystals. One way or another, your journey ends here…”

Trials of Xibalba 13
Area D: The Light of Xibalba
• A large crystal is housed at the end of the
chamber, numerous inert Crystal Bones is
fused to the structure.
• The crystal is magical in nature.
• The crystal is invulnerable to all forms of
damage when dormant.
• In the center of the structure is 6 Keyholes.
Inserting the Six Keys of Xibalba will cause
the crystal to shift and slowly reform into
Choq’-Came, The Living Crystal.
• When the players are ready, read this to them:

As you insert the six keys into the crystal, the

chamber begins to shake slightly before slowly Choq’-Came, the Living Crystal
increasing into an earth shaking tremor. Dust begins
to fall from the ceilings and you barely manage to The Trove of Champions
steady yourself. Before you, the large crystal begins to • Besting Choq’-Came, the party finds a secret
crack and reform, taking on a more humanoid shape door behind where the Living crystal once lay.
with each passing second. • Inside, they find a cache of Gold Bars and
ancient coins worth 5000 GP.
• When the players roll initiative, read this to
them: • An Emerald Tablet of seeming importance
lie amongst the treasure horde.
As it steadies itself from its awakening, the crystalline • At the end of the chamber is an arch with a
brute scans the room, it spots you and the myriad of veil like field within its confines.
corpses fused to its body begins to writhe, as they
• The arch will take the players back to the stone
collectively let out a soul shattering scream of pain
platform overseeing the Crumbling Stelae
before lunging towards you! 
in Area 2 of the Cenote Entrance.
Combat • Travel by this arch is one-way only.
• Choq’-Came will use its Fire Breath attack on his first round
of combat. It repeats this attack whenever possible.
• As the players leave the Trove of Champions,
• Whenever possible, Choq’-Came will use its Arcane Nullifier
they all feel an unsettling feeling of some
Legendary Action to cast Counter Spell. higher power watching over their actions. The
• At half health or lower, Choq’-Came will attempt to move Gods of Xibalba have granted them
between the plumes of fire in Area B and heal with his Fire each a boon.
Absorption trait.
• Whenever possible, it will spread out its two Slam attacks on
two separate players.
• Crystal Bones spawned from its Armor of the Damned trait
have half Hit Points.

Trials of Xibalba 14
Aftermath The Boon of Xibalba
• What dark powers have the infernal gods of
With the party besting the dungeons of Xibalba, xibalba gifted the party with?
what comes next? • The DM is encourage to think of effects that
may weave seamlessly into their overarching
The Bargain with Rinah Goldeyes campaign that may provide the players with
• Rinah waits at the exact same spot as you left both positive and negative effects in the long
her. run.
• Will the party keep their word with Rinah and
give her half of the loot or will they bargain Future Plot Hooks
with her? • Rinah may contact the party again as she finds
more ancient ruins.
• With enough persuasion, Rinah may
accede to the party’s request and let • The party may want to find out more about
them keep the full amount of loot. the lost civilisation that revered the Gods of
• This is made easier if Bagda Oakheart
was saved by the party. • The Emerald Tablet may be a source of great
knowledge or perhaps a key to cracking some
• What about the Emerald Tablet and its
sort of ancient code.

• The tablet seems to be an ancient
artefact of some importance.
• Rinah is very interested in having the
tablet and is willing to let the party keep
3/4 of the treasure if they would give
the tablet to her.
• The worth of the tablet is unknown.

Trials of Xibalba 15
Appendix A: Maps

The Cenote Entrance & Drowned Tunnels

High-Res versions of this map is available for free on

Trials of Xibalba 16
Hall of Trial, The Six Houses of Xibalba & The Final Test

Trials of Xibalba 17
Appendix B: Monsters

Trials of Xibalba 18
Trials of Xibalba 19
Trials of Xibalba 20

Trials of Xibalba 21
Special thanks to my patron(s) on Patreon: @youresocooldylan.
Thank you, for the wonderful Dungeon Painter Studios Software.
Appreciation to the Encounter+ Application for enabling the authors to create the monster stat blocks
used in this module.
You can find more Dungeons & Dragons 5e content and future dungeon modules on on

Art Credits
Héctor Hugo Moreno or @wellofenoryn on Instagram.

Trials of Xibalba 22

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