Final Test Module Ii Listen To The Conversations. Now Look at The Pictures. Then Listen Again and Choose The Correct Picture

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Part I
Listen to the conversations. Now look at the pictures. Then listen again and choose
the correct picture.

(Top Notch 1, Track 9)


____ 1. Conversation 2
a. b. c.

____ 2. Conversation 3
a. b. c.
____ 3. Conversation 4
a. b. c.

____ 4. Conversation 5
a. b. c.
Part II
Complete each sentence with the comparative form of the adjective. Use than if

Example: This jacket is more expensive than (expensive) any of the others.

5. These pants are too small. I need _________________________ (big) pants.

6. Sherry is so nice. She’s _________________________ (nice) any other girl I know.

7. These shoes hurt my feet. I need _________________________ (comfortable) shoes.

Part III
Make a sentence by putting the words and phrases in the correct order.

Example: him / them / for / they / are / buying

They are buying them for him .

8. wants / for / a / present / his / mother / he


9. received / from / she / it / him

Part IV
Choose the correct word or words to complete each sentence.

Example: It’s cold today, so Paul is wearing _________________________

([a sweatshirt] / shorts / a T-shirt).

10. People usually wear ________________________ (pajamas / jeans / a windbreaker) to

go to bed.

11. It’s so warm today that I’m surprised you’re wearing ________________________ (a polo
shirt / shorts / a cardigan).

12. I keep my legs warm when I wear a skirt by wearing ________________________ (shoes
/ tights / jeans).
Part V
Read the article. Then choose True or False.

Example: In parts of Asia, short-sleeved shirts are often worn in offices.

[a. True]
b. False

____ 13. People are becoming more conservative about office attire.
a. True
b. False

____ 14. People who work with computers often dress in less conservative clothes.
a. True
b. False
Part VI
Choose the correct word in each sentence.

Example: We _____________________ ([should] / could) be at the station at least half

an hour before the train leaves.

15. You _____________________ (should / could) fasten your seatbelt when the pilot tells
you to.

16. They _____________________ (should / could) go on an earlier flight if they wanted to.
Part VII
Match each definition to the words. Not all words will be used.

Example: _j_ You need this to be sure you will have a room to stay in.

a. the gate
b. an agent
c. a passenger
d. a rental car
e. a limousine
f. a boarding pass
g. a one-way ticket
h. a round-trip ticket
i. an overbooked flight
j. a hotel reservation

____ 17. You need this to get on an airplane.

____ 18. This person rides in a taxi.

____ 19. This person works for the airline.

____ 20. This is a flight with too many people.

Complete the conversation with the correct word or words.

Example: The weather ________is going to be________ (going to be / is going to be /

are going to be) beautiful tomorrow.

21. A: I ___________________________________ (needing / ’m going to need / going to

need) a plane reservation for a trip to Mexico City.

I ___________________________________ (travel / traveling / ’m traveling) with my

wife and daughter.

B: Okay. When ___________________________________ (are you leaving / you

leaving / you leave)?

22. A: We ___________________________________ (’re leave / leaving / ’re going to

leave) on July 22nd.

B: ___________________________________ (You going to / Are you going to / You

be going to) need a rental car?

23. A: No, thanks. A limo ___________________________________ (going to pick / is

picking / picks) us up.

B: ___________________________________ (We’re not going to drive / We not

going to drive / We not driving).
Part IX
Read the article. Then choose True, False, or No information for each statement.

Example: Many people on cruise ships became sick.

[a. True] b. False c. No information

____ 24. The Norwalk virus is found only on cruise ships.

a. True b. False c. No information
Writing Test

Read each statement. Write advice for each person. Use should or could and the
words in parentheses. (MARK: 10 POINTS)

Example: “I need to exercise.” (go running / use the gym / try swimming)

You could go running every morning. You could use the gym. You could
try swimming.

25. “My train leaves at 3:00. Ann said she’d give me a ride, but it’s 2:00, and she’s not here.”
(call Ann / take a taxi / change plans)


26. “Tom wants to go from Barcelona to Madrid, but he doesn’t have a car.” (take a train /
rental car / find out about a bus)

Part X
Listen to the conversations. Now read the questions. Then listen again and choose
the correct answers.

(Top Notch 1, Track 11)

Example: How much is the Vision 720?

a. 500 euros
b. 679 euros
[c. 949 euros]

____ 27. Conversation A

How much does the man plan to spend?

a. about 500 euros
b. less than 1000 euros
c. more than 1000 euros

____ 28. Conversation B

How does she pay for it?

a. with cash
b. with check
c. with a credit card
Part XI
Complete the sentences with the superlative forms of the adjectives provided.

Example: A: Which dress do you like?

B: I like them all, but the blue one is the prettiest (pretty).

29. A: Which of the digital cameras is the ____________________ (cheap)?

B: The Honshu B100 is. It’s the ____________________ (expensive) of all of them.

30. A: This rug is too small. Do you have a larger one in the same color?

B: No, this is the ____________________ (big) one we have.

Part XII
Complete each sentence with too or enough and an adjective from the box. You will
not use all the adjectives.

big cold fast heavy slow nice light small

expensive quiet

Example: Jeff is too slow to ever beat me in a race.

31. You’re not driving ____________________. We’re going to be late!

32. You should get a cheaper shirt. That one is ____________________.

33. These shoes are ____________________. I need a bigger size.

34. It’s a warm day today. The weather is ____________________ for us to wear shorts!

35. Your suitcase is ____________________. You won’t be able to carry it!

Read the sentences. Choose True or False.

Example: Cash is paper money or coins.

[a. True]
b. False

____ 36. If you paid too much for something, you got a bad deal.
a. True
b. False

____ 37. When you ask a salesperson for a lower price, you are bargaining.
a. True
b. False

____ 38. If you take something back to the store, it is because you are happy with it.
a. True
b. False

____ 39. In the United States, pesos are one example of foreign currency.
a. True
b. False
Part XIV
Read a story about John Croft. Then choose the correct phrase to complete each

Example: The company John Croft worked for was _____.

[a. large]
b. friendly
c. hard to work for

____ 40. Traffic was the worst from ____.

a. 3:00 to 11:30
b. 8:00 to 10:00
c. 4:30 until about 6:00

____ 41. Most customers tipped John ____.

a. 15% or 20%
b. $200
c. 10%

____ 42. People dressed differently in the evenings because they were going out to ____.
a. work
b. have fun

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