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I’d like to talk to you about the harmful effects of smoking.

Smoking has many harmful


 To start with the harmful effects of smoking on your health.

 Smoking can cause lung cancer, mouth, ...
 Formation of wrinkles and aging
 Cause cardiovascular diseases
 Destroy, cause lung damage
 Causing yellow staining teeth
 Causing bad breath
 Blinding
 The second effect is Effects of smoking on people around. Especially for
children and pregnant women, smoking causes serious harmful:
 Children are at high risk of pneumonia, cancer, asthma, ...
 Pregnant women are at risk of diseases that easily lead to premature
birth, the fetus may carry lung diseases, asthma and possibly heart
disease, …
 Another effect is smoking causes a part of environmental pollution
 To the air, smoke releases thousands of harmful chemicals into the
air, causing the smell uncomfortable to everyone around.
 Forests are destroyed to get wood to dry tobacco, in addition, wood
is also used to build kilns, make cigarette paper and tobacco
 Cigarette butts and wrappers after use generate a large amount of
 The final effect is the harmful effects of smoking on students when they use
 Affect psychological well-being and reduce academic performance
 Neglecting to study, not being able to control themselves.
 Effect to physical and brain development.

In conclusion, because of these effect, every year a lot of people die, the environment is
polluted and many other serious consequences. I hope in the future, tobacco should be
banned because of the terrible harm it create.

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